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OAESP Association Update

Glen Abshere, OAESP Executive Director


OAESP membership had tremendous growth last year! It is time to renew your membership for the 2022-2023 school year. Join online today at www. ccosa.org/membership. Our goal this year is to grow CCOSA membership to more than 3,000. Encourage your colleagues and administrator friends to join CCOSA today!

OAESP Leadership Conference

The OAESP Executive Committee approved changes to the OAESP Conference. The conference will be held November 9-10, 2022 at the Embassy Suites OKC Downtown/ Medical Center. Information about the conference including keynote speaker, registration and hotel reservations will be released in August. The reason for the change in date is to avoid any weather disruptions. The format is also changing from a 1 day conference to a day and a half. This will allow for some breakout sessions. RFPs for breakout sessions will be released in late August/early September. Please mark your calendars now to join us for the OAESP Leadership Conference.

New Principals Academy

The New Principals Academy is designed to promote an interactive discussion on topics essential for participants to develop understanding and knowledge of the leadership role at the school level. The purpose is to provide guidance to steer an early career principal or assistant principal through the initial period of adjustment as a beginning administrator and set the foundation for a long and rewarding career as a school administrator. The academy meets four times in the fall semester and once in the spring for an advocacy experience.

OAESP Presidential Election

The OAESP Presidential candidates for this year will be Tara Burnett, Woodward Public Schools and Angela Wade, Fairland Public Schools. Both candidates will speak at the OAESP Leadership Conference. The election will take place after the conference.


TeleLEAD is preparing the beginning of our 3rd year. TeleLEAD returns on September 7th. TeleLEAD meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. We are in need of case studies to present. If you have a case study for consideration, please get in touch with me. FERPA and privacy are guaranteed.

Principal Coaching and Mentoring: Supporting and Sustaining School Leaders

This training is designed for individuals that supervise principals or individuals that mentor other principals. This training will give participants tools to use when mentoring other leaders to provide thoughtful guidance. This cohort meets three times in the Fall semester.

Oklahoma Principal Leadership Institute

The Oklahoma Principal Leadership Institute is brand new this year. This year long 7-day training is designed for principals and assistant principals that are beyond the first year of service. This cohort takes a deep dive into essential skills of school leaders to be effective leaders. The application period for this Institute is now closed for this year. The application period of the next cohort will open in April 2023. ■

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