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SAPIENT BANGALORE FEEDBACK | OFFICE SECURITY AT PUBLICIS SAPIENT BANGALORE OFFICE When you are at your workplace, office security is necessary. Many offices do not take office security seriously until a break-in or theft incident takes place. At Publicis Sapient, we have a secured, transparent and supportive work culture. This Sapient Bangalore feedback will be all about Publicis Sapient’s office security system. Continue reading. Keeping the office space safe from unauthorized access is Publicis Sapient’s top priority. When you leave your office after an eight-hour-long work, you would want your office essentials to be safe and lying at the same place when you come next morning. Thanks to Publicis Sapient’s staff members for always keeping employee properties safe including phones, wallets, tablets, personal laptops, hard drives, and other electronics.

As soon as someone new is hired at Publicis Sapient, the security onboarding begins. The front desk staff is well-prepared to help orient the visitors. They also work as a gatekeeper to enforce security policies at the door. All the new joiners are informed about the security guidelines of the organization. They are guided exactly on what is permitted and what’s not – including office opening hours, when the office can be accessed and when not, and signing in and out form of an expected visitor. Moreover, surveillance cameras are another big advantage for our safety. This helps record all the visual activities around entry and exit points, or high traffic areas such as the cafeteria and front desk of Publicis Sapient’s office. Apart from this, alarms and sensors are a great enhancement in office security. They allow monitoring of our office space to know if an incident might occur. Alerts notify us of suspicious activity or change in the workplace such as someone opening or breaking the door during off-hours. Very often, employers or managers do not take office security seriously. But it is good to see that Publicis Sapient offices always check and maintain all the security systems. Solving physical security problems can be a child’s play for every organization if there is a proper plan for office security. In

this Sapient Bangalore feedback post, I would like to say that every organization should look for a proper office security system for a smooth and safe working environment, because if not now, when? For original post please click:

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