Maximising the potential of transport infrastructure and its integration with the city

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Maximising the Potential of Transport Infrastructure and its Integration with the City David Lock Associates August 2015

David Klingberg, CEO, David Lock Associates Australia

͞ /d/ ^ Z d, 'Z d ^d Z d/KE^ K& ,hD E/dz͟ Daniel Libeskind Architect/Urban Designer

͞ ĂǀŝĚ >ŽĐŬ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐ ŝƐ ĂŶ international town planning and urban design firm with a drive to imagine the people and ƉůĂĐĞƐ ŽĨ ƚŽŵŽƌƌŽǁ͟ David Lock Associates

David Lock Associates / ITP

Specialist International Planning, Urban Design and Transport Planning Consultancy

Masterplanning Strategic Planning Statutory Planning Landscape Design Transport Planning High Quality Plans and Graphics

Tech Precinct WA ʹ Curtin University and Tech Park WA Integrating New Town Centre and Transport Infrastructure

David Lock Associates / ITP

David Lock Associates / ITP

Dynamic team of highly experienced leaders and problem solvers Deliverers of large scale urban extensions, new towns, urban regeneration and development implementation

David Lock Associates / ITP


The importance of integrated land use and transport planning Transforming your city through integrated land use and transport planning -­‐ from theory to reality Delivering Transit Oriented Development ʹ The Need for Comprehensive Planning Delivering Transit Oriented Development ʹ TOD Standards Case Studies -­‐ Masterplanning to maximise the effectiveness of new and existing transport infrastructure

David Lock Associates / ITP

The Importance of Creating Great Well Connected and Integrated Cities and Towns

Comfort and Amenity Connection and Interaction Community building Attraction Increased economic $$$ value Economic, social and environmental sustainability

David Lock Associates / ITP

Global Issues and Challenges ʹ we can find solutions!

A rapid rate of urbanisation The need for multidisciplinary planning The need for a coherent and easily understood vision The need to ensure we are not missing opportunities in existing urban areas The need to arrest and improve unsustainable development patterns

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning

One of the first tools a government can use to begin to direct development into a specific corridor is a comprehensive plan. Comprehensive plans indicate that a city is using its planning powers to focus growth into strategic corridors that are currently served by surface mass transit or where there are plans to do so in the future. A comprehensive plan is often the first step in creating a vision for transit-­‐oriented development in a city. David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning

If a municipality is developing a mass transit line with the intention of reurbanizing an area, the mass transit line is most likely to be effective if it is grounded in a well-­‐ considered development plan for the city. Sometimes a comprehensive plan alone can have an impact on the location of developer investments even if it is not particularly enforced with changes in zoning.

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning

Such a plan may signal to developers that the municipality is likely to encourage development in a certain area, and hence where developers are likely to encounter a generally more favorable regulatory and fiscal environment. If a comprehensive plan is enforced with zoning changes and implemented in a coordinated manner across multiple municipal agencies and other municipalities in the region, it will be even more effective.

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning ʹ from theory to reality

Peter Calthorpe: The Next American Metropolis 1993

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning ʹ from theory to reality

Peter Calthorpe: The Next American Metropolis 1993

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ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning ʹ from theory to reality Portland Oregon: Land Use, Transportation, Air Quality Connection (LUTRAQ)

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning ʹ from theory to reality

Sacramento County General Plan Update

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning -­‐ Cleveland HealthLine (USA) an economic multiplier The project leveraged $5.8 billion in transit-­‐oriented development

The project generated $114.54 in economic development for every dollar spent on the bus corridor.

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning ʹ economic multipliers

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ The need for comprehensive planning ʹ economic multipliers The analysis revealed no case in which one mode of transit Ͷ BRT, LRT, or streetcar Ͷ was more instrumental in stimulating development than another. In fact, under comparable conditions (similar land potential, similar levels of government TOD support), the type of the transit investment did not make any difference in the level of TOD impact.

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Standards ʹ Eight Principles Eight Principles of Urban Development for Transport in Urban Life Develop neighbourhoods that promote walking [WALK] Prioritise non-­‐motorised transport networks [CYCLE] Create dense networks of streets and paths [CONNECT] Locate development near high ʹ quality public transport [TRANSIT]

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Standards ʹ Eight Principles Eight Principles of Urban Development for Transport in Urban Life Plan for mixed use [MIX] Optimise density and transit capacity [DENSIFY] Create regions with short commutes [COMPACT] Increase mobility by regulating parking and road use [SHIFT]

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Standards ʹ Principles, Objectives and Metrics

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Standards ʹ Principles, Objectives and Metrics TOD Metrics ITDP have developed have developed a standard scoring system which distributes 100 points across 21 metrics The allocation of these points approximately reflects the level of impact of each metric in creating a transit oriented development The scoring system provides a method to quantitatively measure the extent to which a given project leverages land use and design to support the use of transit, cycling and walking to minimise car use

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Metrics

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Metrics

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Standards

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Standards

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Metrics

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Metrics

David Lock Associates / ITP

ĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ dK ͛Ɛ ʹ TOD Metrics

David Lock Associates / ITP


Global ʹ Regional Spatial Planning

David Lock Associates / ITP

Global ʹ Regional Spatial Planning

David Lock Associates / ITP

Wuhan Masterplan, China

Conceptual master plan for a spectacular site characterised by lush mountains and huge lakes

A plan that integrates land use planning and transport

Part of a high tech development area ʹ one of only two designated by the government

Area covers more than 800 sq km

Will provide development land for more than 2 million people

Will provide a wide range of industrial and service businesses over the next 30 years

Fundamental to the development was an Integrated Transport Plan

David Lock Associates / ITP

David Lock Associates / ITP

David Lock Associates / ITP

Guiyang Masterplan, China

278 ha master plan Aims to establish an important eco leisure and tourism destination anchored by a central business district with low carbon eco neighbourhoods Served by Bus Rapid Transport and other sustainable transport modes Target population 450,000 residents

David Lock Associates / ITP

David Lock Associates / ITP

David Lock Associates / ITP

David Lock Associates / ITP

David Lock Associates / ITP

Growth Area Planning ʹ Melbourne North Growth Corridor

WůĂŶŶŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ DĞůďŽƵƌŶĞ͛Ɛ Northern expansion ʹ Lockerbie Development

Connecting Growth Areas

Focusing new growth around transit corridors

New centres of activity focused around train stations

Providing a Vision for Northern Melbourne

David Lock Associates / ITP

Perth Growth Corridor ʹ Alkimos Eglinton District and Local Structure Plans

District and Local Structure Plans for a coastal site experiencing exponential population growth

The Plans guide the development of a community that promotes carbon-­‐neutral living

David Lock Associates / ITP

Alkimos Eglinton ʹ Local Structure Plan

David Lock Associates / ITP

Transit Oriented Development -­‐ Eglinton District Centre

Transit Oriented Development with a wide range of District Centre land uses Focused on creating distinctive public places along the main street

David Lock Associates / ITP

Transit Oriented Development -­‐ Eglinton District Centre

David Lock Associates / ITP

Transit Oriented Development ʹ Reading Station Hill

TOD can result in significant changes to the city form and spaces 132,000 sqm new floorspace Office, apartments, ground floor retail, f & b, restaurants, outlets, MRT stop Buildings up to 33 storeys David Lock Associates / ITP

Transit Oriented Development ʹ Reading Station Hill

David Lock Associates / ITP

Transit Oriented Development ʹ Reading Station Hill

David Lock Associates / ITP

Brisbane South East Busway -­‐ Connecting major land uses

Planning regulation related to higher densities around stations and encouraging high activity based land uses at stations

David Lock Associates / ITP

Brisbane South East Busway -­‐ Connecting major land uses

Mater Hill Hospital

David Lock Associates / ITP

Cleaveland HealthLine (USA) The project leveraged $5.8 billion in transit-­‐oriented development

The project generated $114.54 in economic development for every dollar spent on the bus corridor.

David Lock Associates / ITP

David Lock Associates / ITP

HCMC Green Transport Development Project (BRT) -­‐ Project name: HCMC Green Transport Development Project -­‐ h /͛Ɛ ƌŽůĞ͗ Project Owner and Project management -­‐ Place of Project: Vo Van Kiet ʹ Mai Chi Tho Highway Corridor (VVK_MCTH) of Ho Chi Minh city + Start of route: An Lac Turnaround + End of route: Cat Lai ʹ HaNoi Interchange -­‐ Total length: 23.5 km -­‐ Total project cost: approximately 156 million USD -­‐ The Donor: World Bank -­‐ Current Status: Feasibility Study, Procurement of Detail Design. David Lock Associates / ITP

BRT Route

ϰ ͚ƚLJƉŝĐĂů͛ ƐƚĂƚŝŽŶƐ ƐĞůĞĐƚĞĚ ĨŽƌ investigation

David Lock Associates / ITP

Vo Van Kiet Blvd

David Lock Associates / ITP

Inhospitable Pedestrian Environment

David Lock Associates / ITP

Inhospitable Pedestrian Environment

David Lock Associates / ITP

Alongside an Underutilised Canal

David Lock Associates / ITP

Significant Development Projects Already Underway

David Lock Associates / ITP

Eclectic Built Form

David Lock Associates / ITP

Active Streetscapes

David Lock Associates / ITP

Cholon Station Site Analysis

David Lock Associates / ITP

Two Day Workshop

David Lock Associates / ITP

Stakeholders Provided Insight Into:

Land Use Potential; Built Form Potential; Movement Potential; Open Space Potential; Environmental Potential; Community Development Potential; and Economic Development Potential.

David Lock Associates / ITP

Outcomes for Stakeholders

A developed awareness of environmental, urban design and planning issues associated with the development and delivery of HCMC BRT. ĚĞǀĞůŽƉĞĚ ƵŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐ ŽĨ Zd͛Ɛ ƌĞůĂƚŝŽŶƐŚŝƉ ƚŽ ŐŽŽĚ urban outcomes, environmental enhancement and transport and land use planning. An understanding of the stakeholders role in delivering a high quality BRT in Ho Chi Minh City

David Lock Associates / ITP

Outcomes for the Study Team

To understand at a local and corridor wide level the potential for change around BRT stations with respect to Land Use, Built Form, Movement, Open Space, Environment, Community and Economics. To understand in some detail what level of change is desired and achievable. To steer future design of the BRT corridor and set a context for further BRT development in the city.

David Lock Associates / ITP


To encourage patronage, ensure that the identity/branding and design of the proposed BRT Stations are well defined, distinctive, visible and easily recognisable by users

David Lock Associates / ITP


To establish high quality pedestrian connectivity

David Lock Associates / ITP


To encourage a mix of housing [apartments and houses] office spaces, commercial, retail and services [medium to high quality]

David Lock Associates / ITP


To encourage uses which promote local level activity and community interaction

David Lock Associates / ITP


To be responsive to the local vernacular of each station precinct

David Lock Associates / ITP


To establish a network of high quality, safe, attractive and comfortable public spaces and places

David Lock Associates / ITP


To better integrate with the water

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An Lac Station Framework Plan

David Lock Associates / ITP

Cholon Station Framework Plan

David Lock Associates / ITP


ĞǀŝƐĞ Ă ͚ƐƚĂƚŝŽŶ ďůƵĞƉƌŝŶƚ͕͛ ƚŽ ĞŶƐƵƌĞ ƚŚĂƚ Ă ĐŽŶƐŝƐƚĞŶĐLJ ŽĨ ƐƵƉƉŽƌƚ services/amenity are provided at each station and/or in the immediate station surrounds; Identify a hierarchy of pedestrian connectivity routes within defined precincts around the stations; Devise a strategy which enables the improvement of amenity/widening of footpaths;

David Lock Associates / ITP


Devise a precinct based design code to guide the built form of proposed development; Establish a rigorous plan for community engagement; and Explore opportunities to encourage the use of recreational water craft [such as kayaking] and boating competitions.

David Lock Associates / ITP


Lesson 1: Ownership of stakeholders is key to success Lesson 2: International best practice must meet local conditions and have the full support of local residents Lesson 3: Use a systematic and integrated approach

David Lock Associates / ITP

Value and Benefits to the City

Benefit 1: New approach and methodology for project management Benefit 2: Developing and applying objectives, strategies and guidelines to the HCMC BRT project Benefit 3: A systematic and integrated approach to the Human Oriented and Sustainable Development

David Lock Associates / ITP

Why Pursue Transit Oriented Development?

Increase Economic Vitality Create Community Reduce Environmental Impacts Mitigate Climate Change through Low Carbon Travel Reduce Reliance and Use of Private Car Increase Health and Well Being of All People

David Lock Associates / ITP


THANK YOU DAVID LOCK ASSOCIATES Level 2 / 166 Albert Road South Melbourne Victoria 3205

t: +61 3 9682 8568

ITP 50 North Thirteenth St Milton Keynes MK93BP

t: 01908 259 718 f: 01908 605 747

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