Top 6 Historical Fiction Books to Buy Online

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Top 6 Historical Fiction Books to Buy Online

Imagine it's a weekend, and you are chilling on your cozy sofa with a good fictional novel in your hand. Sounds great, isn't it? Then get ready to have a similar feeling this weekend by getting your hands on the best historical fictional novel. Well, history is escapable, which is probably why we are so drawn by it! If you are planning to buy books online and are unable to decide which historical fiction could be a great read, go through this article. We have conducted in-depth research and curated this list just for history enthusiasts. Let's get started with no#1!

Stone Blind (Author: Natalie Haynes)

Greek Mythology is filled with astonishments and amusements, and if you find pleasure in mythology fiction, Stone Blind is a matchless read! The story is based on the famous Greek Mythology character Medusa, who is well-known for having writhing snakes on her head and turning anyone into stone by gazing into their eyes.

Don't you want to know what happened to her after receiving those notorious powers? Did she manage to control her powers and escape from the life of darkness and curse? To quest all your curiosities, give this book a thorough read.

The Maiden (Author: Kate Foster)

Infused with historical elements and suspense, The Maiden by Kate Foster is one of the best historical fiction books online you can ever come across. This thrilling historical murder mystery is based on a real-life incident of the seventeenth century that took place in Edinburgh.

The story basically revolves around Christina, a newly married, respected, and wealthy lady who is accused of murdering her own husband, Forrester. Did she really risk all her wealth and respect to kill Forrester? Who could be the actual murderer? To solve this mystery puzzle, place your order today!

The Last of Sevens (Author: Steven Hartov)

Are you planning to buy books online that redirect you to the time of World War II? Then, you must add The Last of Sevens to your cart! The novel begins with a heart-beating scenario when a lone soldier, outfitted in German uniform, comes across a British military camp in a desert of North Africa.

He was the only individual who survived that undercover operation whose goal was to penetrate the Nazi base to exploit their secret information. Being a German Jew, he joined the troops of the British military against the Germans just to seek revenge for his family's

death. It's a spellbinding, lyrical novel about vengeance, forgiveness, love, and hope: a perfect read for a Saturday night!

To Kill a Mockingbird (Author: Harper Lee)

Packed with compassion, drama, and historical elements, To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the best-selling historical fiction books online! It can take you to the origins of human behaviors, including experience, innocence, love, hatred, cruelty, humor, and pathos. What else can you ask for?

The story is set in a small town in Alabama, illustrating the childhood story of Jem Finch and Scout, whose father, Atticus, stood by a Black man falsely accused of molestation. Due to this reason, Finch and Scout are constantly being mocked by their classmates. Despite receiving threats and hatred, Atticus still stood against racism, which shows his bravery and never-give-up attitude.

Lavinia (Author: Ursula K. Le Guin)

Have you read Ursula K. Le Guin before? Then you are probably aware that she mainly pens down fantasy novels. But Lavinia highlights her proficiency in historical fiction. The novel retells the story of the Trojan War when Troy fell, and Rome was founded. As the plot progresses, the daughter of a local King, Lavinia's free and peaceful life, is depicted until suitors come to seek her hand.

Her mother wants her to marry a wealthy and ambitious suitor. However, the sacred voices of springs and trees foretell that she would be the reason behind a bitter war, and she needs to witness her husband's untimely death.

Around the World with Historical Fiction and Folktales (Author: Zarian Beth Bartleson)

If you have kids at home and you love reading historical fiction to them, make sure to add this to your car while you buy books online. It's not a novel but a collection of nearly 800 historical fiction stories and folklore best suited for KG students to standard 8. Featuring quality literature, this book is an ideal pick to broaden the knowledge and love of children for the world's history and culture.

Final Words

Whether you want to gain insight into ancient civilizations, life during and after the war, or the story of a significant character, historical novels serve you with all! Hopefully, you have found your read from the above list. If you are looking for something different and unique not stated in the list, you can explore online stores like Booksmart to buy books online

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