The Causes Of Corruption Of The Text Of The Holy Gospels

Page 250

Chapter XII. Conclusion. The Traditional Text has now been traced, from the earliest years of Christianity of which any record of the New Testament remains, to the period when it was enshrined in a large number of carefully-written manuscripts in main accord with one another. Proof has been given from the writings of the early Fathers, that the idea that the Traditional Text arose in the middle of the fourth century is a mere hallucination, prompted by only a partial acquaintance with those writings. And witness to the existence and predominance of that form of Text has been found in the Peshitto Version and in the best of the Latin Versions, which themselves also have been followed back to the beginning of the second century or the end of the first. We have also discovered the truth, that the settlement of the Text, though mainly made in the fourth century, was not finally accomplished till the eighth century at the earliest; and that the later Uncials, not the oldest, together with the cursives express, not singly, not in small batches or companies, but in their main agreement, the decisions which had grown up in the Church. In so doing, attention has been paid to all the existing evidence: none has been omitted. Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus, has been the underlying principle. The foundations of the building have been laid as deeply and as broadly as our power would allow. No other course would be in consonance with scientific procedure. The seven notes of truth have been made as comprehensive as possible. Antiquity, number, variety, weight, continuity, context, and internal evidence, include all points of view and all methods of examination which are really sound. The characters of the Vatican, Sinaitic, and Bezan manuscripts have been shewn to be


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Articles inside

Appendix VIII. New Editions Of The Peshitto-Syriac And The Harkleian-Syriac Versions

pages 338-339

Appendix VII. The Last Twelve Verses Of St. Mark's Gospel

pages 329-337

Appendix VI. The Peshitto And Curetonian

pages 322-328

Appendix IV. St. Mark i. 1

pages 309-316

Appendix III. The Rich Young Man

pages 287-308

Appendix V. The Sceptical Character Of B And

pages 317-321

Appendix II. Læø¬—Vinegar

pages 280-286

Appendix I. Honeycomb— ¿x ºµª wø £wø

pages 266-279

Chapter XII. Conclusion

pages 250-265

Chapter XI. The Later Uncials And The Cursives

pages 223-249

Chapter IX. The Old Uncials. The Influence Of Origen

pages 184-197

Chapter VIII. Alexandria and Caesarea

pages 172-183

Chapter VI. The Antiquity Of The Traditional Text. II. Witness of the Early Syriac Versions

pages 146-157

Chapter IV. The Vatican And Sinaitic Manuscripts

pages 83-104

Chapter VII. The Antiquity Of The Traditional Text. III. Witness of the Western or Syrio-Low-Latin Text

pages 158-171

Chapter II. Principles

pages 35-54

Chapter III. The Seven Notes Of Truth

pages 55-82

Chapter I. Preliminary Grounds

pages 21-34


pages 8-15


pages 16-20
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