Master of Landscape Architecture Thesis: Paradise Lost

Page 238


The park landscape exists on the mezzanine level, which runs the length of the site, and represents the second testing ground as a remediating platform of ecologies layered directly over the previous programmatic parking platform. The walking platform is layered with a waterproofing layer, precast concrete channels to direct the water into the wetland, and then capped with timber decking. Areas are strategically left exposed to witness the layered programmes and previous identities on site. The wetland is constructed from precast concrete form work that mediates height and the channelling of water, with a waterproofing layer on top, engineered soils, and gabions with specifically catered planting types.

The meandering wetland filters and acts as the organisational spine of the landscape through rhythmically aligned overflow channels. These channels mediate the flow of the water and redirect water to a lower channel in large rain events and 20 year floods. Thus the water becomes the spatial definer of this changing landscape.

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Original concrete parking platform Pre-cast concrete channels Timber deck platform Enclosed water cistern Visible water cisterns Water tower and pedestrian circulation Walkway support structures

238 Figure 7.18. Schematic section of AREA III - the park landscape highlighting the design components Figure 7.19. (Opposite page) Axonometric diagram of the park landscape as a layering of function informing the rhythmic design

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Elevated walkway Built-in seating Cut out in layered landscape Wetland Wetland overflow channel Disused Kumutoto culvert

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