Faith in Britain

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Oostlander, Arie, 'Politics Based on Christian Consciousness', Efforts to Define a Christian Democratic Doctrine, European People's Party, Brussels, 1989. Owen, David, Face the Future, Oxford University Press, 1981. Papini, Robert, Tradition und Aktualitat Christlich-Demokratischen Denkens, Vol I, Geistige und Historische Grundlagen Christlich-Demokratischer Politik, Verlag Ernst Knoth, Melle, West Germany, 1988. Parry, J.J., Democracy and Religion, Cambridge University Press, 1986. Patterson, Ben, Bethell, Lord, and Turner, Amadee, QC, An Introduction to Modern Conservatism, European Democratic Group, Strasbourg, 1990. Philippines, Bishops of, 'What is Happening to our Beautiful Land?', Manila, January 29th, 1988. Pilgrim Trust, Men Without Work, 1938. Purcell, E.S., Life and Letters of Ambrose Phillips de Lisle, London, 1900. Ratushinskaya, Irina, No, I'm Not Afraid, Bloodaxe, 1986. Reeves, Donald (ed), The Church and the State, Hodder and Stoughton, 1984. Schaeffer, Francis and Koop, Everett, Whatever Happened to the Human Race?, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1980. Schluter, Dr Michael, Consumerism and the Family, Jubilee Centre, Cambridge, 1990. Schluter, Dr Michael, Family Charter, Family Base, Jubilee Centre, Cambridge, 1987. Schluter, Dr Michael, The Old Testament Ban on Interest: Its Relevance for the Reform of Britain's Industrial Structure in the 1980s, Jubilee Centre, Cambridge, 1986. Schumacher Lecture, The, November 5th, 1989. Schuman, Robert, Heart of Europe, EPP Publications. Sessions 1985-86, Radioactive Waste, HMSO, 1986. Siddiqi, N.M., Banking Without Interest, Islamic Foundation, Leicester, 1983.

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