The NEW Church

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Two Questions in One health I have discovered this simple threefold truth of all healthy churches—a healthy church cares for its members, ministers to the needs of the world and glorifies God. This is The NEW Church.

Q2. How new is what we do? Change is the only constant in life. In fact, the only things not constantly in a state of flux are inanimate objects and dead creatures. Don’t let your church be either! Healthy change is called growth. A long-term pattern of growth is the process of maturity. To reach maturity in any ministry area, ask yourself, “What do I do well?” Or, as a ministry group, ask, “What do we do well?” Spend some time being really honest about your ministry. How are you most effective? Who is your ministry touching? When was it at its peak? Once you have discovered what you do best, focus in on that one area and ask, “How can we do it better?” Then go for gold! Be creative and try something new! This is opposite to NCD’s foundational principle. NCD teaches that you should work on your weakest area so you can retain more people in your church programs. I have seen that work—on a corporate level. But on the personal ministry level we have been called and commissioned to work within our spiritual giftedness. Glorify God through growth and maturity. God has put a new heart within you. Find the passion of your heart and set it on fire! 9 Been blessed? Bless the author!

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