DACA Prospectus 11-16

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Welcome to our Academy where everyone is valued

Thank you for your interest in Darwen Aldridge Community Academy. I am very pleased to be able to introduce you to what I believe is the most exciting new development in education provision in the borough of Blackburn with Darwen. The Academy opened on 1 September 2008. It is an independent, non fee-paying school jointly funded by our sponsor, The Aldridge Foundation, and the Department for Education. We were the first Aldridge Academy in what is now a national family of academies. The main aim of the Academy is to provide the highest quality of education for students in the main school from Year 7 to Year 11 and in the new Sixth Form. In our first five years, we have seen year-onyear improvements in levels of student attainment and have been recognised by the DfE as one of the most improved schools in the country. In January 2013, Ofsted visited the academy and under the new inspection framework graded the academy as a good school in every respect, including a good Sixth Form. The inspectors highlighted a number of outstanding features. The next stage of our development with Ofsted is simple and clear: to move from good to outstanding.


Transforming opportunities for young people

However, the Academy is more than a successful new type of school. The Academy also offers facilities and learning opportunities for engaging with the wider community, including the local business community. In September 2010, the Academy relocated to our new facilities in Darwen town centre. In September 2013, the Academy established a new partner Studio School, the Darwen Aldridge Enterprise Studio, initially offering specialist professional education and training for 14-19 year olds wishing to work in the business administration and digital and creative media employment sectors. I hope that this prospectus provides you with a taste of the opportunities the Academy offers. If you would like to hear more about our plans, we will be holding briefing events for prospective parents through the year. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions about the Academy.

Brendan Loughran

Principal, Darwen Aldridge Community Academy

I am delighted that you are interested in securing a place for your child at Darwen Aldridge Community Academy. The Academy combines a fresh approach to teaching and learning with first class educational facilities. I chose to become sponsor because I am fully committed to supporting young people and improving educational achievement and this is reflected in the work of my foundation. Although academy sponsors come from a wide range of backgrounds, they all bring a record of success in other fields, which they can apply in partnership with experienced educationalists and school managers. This provides the Academy with a refreshing and innovative approach to management and governance. For me, the defining feature of an academy is its specialism, which the sponsor is able to choose. I have chosen to focus on entrepreneurship to inspire students to have the confidence to take advantage of opportunities and to raise aspirations. Embedding

entrepreneurship across all aspects of the curriculum will allow students to naturally progress towards shaping their own futures. This will encourage them to develop a sense of responsibility for all aspects of their lives post school - be that work, sport and the arts, relationships with family or the community. Success for me is about creating a positive environment where every student can realise their true potential. I take an active and on-going interest in the future development of the Academy. Above all it is about benefiting the Darwen community and unlocking the talent of its young people.

Sir Rod Aldridge, OBE Chairman of the Aldridge Foundation, sponsors of the Academy

“ ...this wonderful, innovative place. The Darwen Aldridge Community Academy is ground-breaking. I am grateful to Brendan Loughran and Rod Aldridge for showing Catherine and me just how unique it is. I am convinced the Academy will transform the lives of families in Darwen and, through its example, countless others elsewhere.“ HRH Prince William of Wales, April 2011

“ We would like to thank everyone who has helped our son through his time at the Academy and especially throughout the Sixth Form. Many of the staff have worked in their own time to help him through the exams for which we are especially grateful. We are very proud of his achievements and glad that he is part of the Academy.� Parent 2013


Darwen Creates

Darwen Aldridge Community Academy specialises in entrepreneurship. This means that we use entrepreneurship to continually drive up standards of attainment, to promote positive attitudes to lifelong learning and use it as a theme through which we engage with others. Through entrepreneurship we promote an attitude in all who attend the Academy that revolves around a positive approach, a determination to succeed and to achieve the highest standards in any and every area of learning and life.

The Darwen Creates project supports young people to realise their potential and successfully start their own business. The project aims to bridge the gap between business and education by providing the knowledge and skills that young people need. We also aim to motivate and inspire them through exposure to successful entrepreneurs and businesses. The facilities at DACA include the Entrepreneurship Bridge. This consists of 11 office pods which come equipped with furniture, computer, phone and internet, all free to use for young people. Our commitment to them makes it that much easier for their business to get off the ground.

Darwen Aldridge Community Academy encourages its students, staff and members of the local community to develop a passion for learning as well as an entrepreneurial spirit. In addition, we seek to create, develop and maintain an education that focuses emphatically on providing opportunities for success. Our mission is best expressed in our motto:

Realise Your Potential! Since opening the Academy has worked as a catalyst for regeneration and its range and scale of projects demonstrate how committed it is to having a long term positive impact on the community it serves. We don’t expect every student to start a business, but we do want to develop entrepreneurial instincts in our students and we believe that the attributes of an entrepreneur can encourage a positive, professional and productive mindset.

Darwen Creates is unique in that it offers a creative and supportive environment as well as the opportunity to link in with a wide range of businesses from a variety of industries. This cohesive structure provides continuous opportunity for knowledge transfer and mentoring. We enable successful business people to give something back and encourage a new generation of entrepreneurs to emerge.





being prepared to see a task through to the best of your ability

Aspects of Entrepreneurship

What our sponsorship brings

We recognise that there are many aspects of entrepreneurship and the following framework of seven themes is continually reinforced with students in their learning.

Working together with our sponsor, The Aldridge Foundation, the Academy is able to offer a number of exciting and fun packages that can enhance your child’s learning experiences. We have two partner Aldridge Academies in Brighton, and further Aldridge Academies in Portland, Newhaven, The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and Media City in Salford.



Problem solving


Risk taking

Social conscience

continually looking for innovation and original ideas

identifying problems in advance and finding the solutions to them

calculating risk and evaluating how much risk to take

the ability to work with and lead others

putting your heart and soul into something you believe in

seeking ways to give something back to the community

In addition, the Foundation has helped us to broker relationships with a number of national partners. All partners work to support the improvements that we demand of ourselves. The country’s first Entrepreneurship Career Academy is based in our Sixth Form and sees students receiving inspirational guru lectures and paid internships. We are looking forward to more programmes and partnerships to be developed with the Foundation in the coming years.

“ I went to a good school in Blackburn, but we didn’t have the facilities that you’ve got here. These are magnificent, absolutely magnificent, it feels like you are going to one of the coolest universities…” Wayne Hemingway MBE, Entrepreneur and Designer


“ The curriculum meets students’ needs well.”

The Academy curriculum offers a wide range of learning opportunities in and out of the classroom. Our aim is to provide a truly personalised education for every student in the Academy. Students in the Academy follow the National Curriculum. The main difference noticed by students is how the curriculum is structured, with learning often taking place in longer lessons or learning sessions. lt would not be uncommon for a student’s timetabled day to consist of just two extended learning sessions. Longer learning sessions are broken up by a morning break (breakfast) and an afternoon break (lunch) and students have the opportunity and dedicated space for recreational activity at these times.



“ This is a wonderful resource you have here. I hope you get a lot of use out of it and also a lot of pleasure, because reading and pleasure go hand in hand.” Anthony Horowitz, Author

Structure of the Academy Day Session 1 (includes breakfast)

8.45 - 11.45

Progress tutorial / assembly

11.45 - 12.05

Session 2 (includes lunch)

12.05 - 15.15

Session 3*

15.15 - 16.30

* All students will be encouraged to participate in session three on two occasions per week.

We plan regular assessment and learners are supported to progress in each subject area at the rate that stretches and challenges them. One of our principles is that students take assessments ‘when ready’, rather than the traditional expectation of students being assessed when the exam system determines. The Academy specialism of entrepreneurship is taught as a discrete subject and as a theme underpinning every area of the curriculum. As you would expect, there is also a focus on developing students’ literacy, numeracy, oracy and memory skills enabling them to become confident and independent learners.

Key Stage 3: Years 7 and 8 We offer an accelerated Key Stage 3 across Years 7 and 8 where students study English, Maths, Science, lT, Humanities, Design Technology, Creative and Performing Arts, French, Physical Education, RE and PSHCE. These subjects provide the knowledge and skills necessary to study these subjects further through Key Stage 4 and beyond. Students are presented with awards acknowledging their endeavour and success during a celebration assembly. At the end of Year 8, students make informed choices for their studies at Key Stage 4.

Key Stage 4: Years 9, 10 and 11 We expect all students to gain at least 8 A* - C grades at GCSE, BTEC or equivalent. To help them achieve this, we offer an extended Key Stage 4, which provides students the opportunity to gain a breadth of experience in their chosen options. All students study the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, and PE. The Academy offers a number of pathways specifically designed to meet the needs of all our students. They can choose to study from an extensive range of academic and vocational qualifications, carefully chosen to support progression into Key Stage 5.

The Academy curriculum... something for everyone

The flexibility of the curriculum means that some students have the opportunity in Year 11 to undertake an additional GCSE or BTEC in a concentrated period of study. Some students begin AS level courses in Year 11. All students have the flexibility to undertake the English Baccalaureate combination of study and we believe this is a pathway that should be available if a student wishes to pursue it. An excellent range of additional activities gives students opportunities to develop skills and confidence in a wide range of cultural, sporting and entrepreneurial activities.

09 “ Literacy and numeracy skills are developed well overall so that students are well-prepared for the next stage of education or training.” OFSTED 2013

“ Students study for GCSE from Year 9 helping to increase commitment to their studies. A good balance of academic and vocational courses is encouraged.” OFSTED 2013

“ Before Sam came to Darwen Aldridge he was not challenged academically or encouraged to achieve to the best of his ability. For me Darwen Aldridge Community Academy was the starting point for Sam’s successful academic journey.” Parent, 2013


Pastoral Care for students

In order to ensure the welfare of students and to support them to progress academically in the Academy, we recognise that there needs to be in place the highest levels of care and attention. All teaching staff naturally offer high levels of pastoral care and they all have responsibility as form tutors. Form periods offer regular contact and support for students’ progress through a daily tutor period. Teaching staff are assisted in their pastoral role by the Academy’s Student Services team which includes an Education Welfare Officer, an Attendance Officer and Learning Mentors. A variety of other partner agencies contribute towards providing a complete package of support. We are determined that our young people feel supported, safe and happy in a quality learning environment, enabling them to achieve the highest standards.

Pastoral partnership Parents are encouraged to be fully involved in their child’s education and the parental partnership with the Academy is central to establishing a successful working relationship. A ‘Home-Academy Agreement’ outlines the commitment of the

Academy to its provision of education for the students. The agreement also states the expectation of support from parents. The Academy reports regularly to parents on their child’s progress and provides regular mail drops and newsletters. Parents are encouraged to contact the Academy immediately if they have any concerns about any aspect of their child’s education and the Academy contacts parents as soon as possible should either a particular commendable action or difficulty arise.

Academy uniform It is important to us that through the appearance of our students and staff, we send out the strong message that we are proud of our Academy and that we are always ready and equipped to achieve our best. The specialism chosen for the Academy is entrepreneurship and in many ways our environment, including the new facilities and uniform reflect a business-like approach. Students were consulted about the sort of uniform that they would like and were involved in its design. They wanted something distinct that combined elements of traditional uniform with a contemporary business look.

“ Thank you so much for your generous welcome today. It was great to work with you and your staff. Your students certainly do you all much credit.� D r Elizabeth Sidwell, CBE, Schools Commissioner for England, 2013

“ An excellent range of additional activities gives students opportunities to develop skills and confidence in a wide range of cultural, sporting and entrepreneurial activities.� OFSTED 2013

Also known as “Session Three”, these activities give our students a choice of opportunities which complement and extend their education. From performing arts clubs to international club, STEM Club to Young Chamber, sporting activities to homework groups, the list is wide-ranging.

For some of our students, volunteering can be a route to employment, or a chance to try something new which is a fantastic way to gain knowledge and new experiences. These sporting, musical, performing, cultural, academic, business and community activities form an integral part of the timetable and enrich students’ experiences of life at the academy.

Field trips, visits and residential visits are planned as a regular feature of the students’ education at the Academy. We offer a wide range of volunteering opportunities for students to make a difference to the lives of others. They are designed to give something back to the local community or even other countries. Activities are planned to help the environment and to develop students’ confidence and self-esteem.

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“ The induction days were brilliant. I can’t wait to start in September.” Year 7

Year 6 Student

If your child is currently in Year 6 at primary school, you should apply for a place in the Academy now. The Academy has its own Admissions Body for admissions to the Academy. Parents are asked to use and follow the guidelines in the Blackburn with Darwen information booklet ‘Secondary School Admissions’. This booklet gives further detail on the Academy and the process of application.


Admission information

Arrangements for the transfer from Primary School Transferring from primary to secondary is exciting and most students are ready to take the next step but for some students the anticipation causes them concern. We understand that every child is different and their needs during the transition will be varied. We are committed to understanding and meeting the needs of all transferring students and we have a pastoral team who meet with primary teachers, parents and students. When we gather this information we place your child into the appropriate tutor group and teaching group. Tutor groups are mixed ability and most curriculum areas are set by ability. To meet the needs of all the students for an effective transition we hold a three day induction programme in the summer term. During these days your child meets their tutor and tutor group, gets to know key staff and samples the wide variety of curriculum we have to offer. To enable working together as partners, parents are invited to an information evening on the first induction day and there is a Year 7 ‘Settling In’ evening during the first term.

The Academy offers places for up to 240 Year 7 students each September. If it is the case that the Academy receives more applications than places available, the Blackburn with Darwen ‘oversubscription criteria’ will be used to determine places. This is the same process that applies to Community Schools.

Sixth Form The Sixth Form is a friendly, caring, exciting and vibrant place to study. We currently cater for approximately 200 students in Years 12 and 13, and offer 30+ A Level and applied learning courses taught by experienced staff in state of the art facilities. All Sixth Formers benefit from our personalised environment, excellent teacher-student ratios, close links with local universities and wide range of academic and enrichment activities. As well as being the best performing state-funded Post 16 provider in Blackburn with Darwen, our Sixth Formers routinely achieve some of the best results in the North West. On average 75% of Leavers progress onto university, including those in the UK’s Top 10, and are recognised by employers and university admissions tutors for their academic prowess and impressive personal qualities.

European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Education Commitment Marque (2013)

Enterprising Britain 2012 Winner Judges’ Special Award

IAA Best Practice Awards 2011/2012 Innovative Academy of the Year

IAA Best Practice Awards 2012/2013

IAA Award for Innovative and Effective Governance IAA Award for Partnerships with the Wider Community

SSAT, Top 20% nationally 2013

Awarded to the top 20% of schools and academies nationally marking outstanding continuous improvement in the percentage of students achieving 5+ A* - C GCSEs including English and mathematics between 2009 - 2012.


“ This is a good school.”


We can be found in the centre of Darwen at:

Darwen Aldridge Community Academy Sudell Rd Darwen Lancashire BB3 3HD t: 01254 819500 f: 01254 819501 e: info@daca.uk.com You can visit us at any time at:

www.daca.uk.com To arrange an appointment to visit the school please call 01254 819500 or email us at info@daca.uk.com We look forward to seeing you

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