Dar life March 2018 Editon

Page 39

7KH HYHQW VWDUWHG ZLWK 6D¿ Theatre who performed an improvised traditional music (drumming and dance), blending their unique and lively shows with acrobatics in order to create an exciting mix of traditional Tanzanian Music and artistic creativity. Musically the group plays a variety of danceable and energetic tunes by using traditional percussive instruments as well as other contemporary ones which includes snare drums, &RQJD ÀXWHV DQG WRPV The dancers were young girls and boys, aged between twelve to twenty years. Most of the members started performing at a very young age, usually from 7-8 years. Until 2015 the oldest member of the group is the leader and artistic director who is aged 35. Although he is famously known as Pendapenda, his birth name is Ramadhani Maneno. He is the one in charge of all the trainings and directions RI WKH JURXS¶V SHUIRUPDQFHV DV he is equipped with extensive experience in acting, dancing and playing traditional instruments since his childhood. Furthermore, the stage was also graced by Segere Original whose music has been so pervasive that a new genre was named after them. Their 2001 hit song ‘Young VWDU 6HJHUH¶ OHQW LW¶V QDPH WR both the style and also the band. Segere is especially noteworthy

March 2018 Dar Life I 39

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