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photographed location in the ozarks she did these and just gave them to us so we displayed them in the hallway here if you've never been to have this brain it's just about 33 32 miles from here maybe working true the railroad came through mountain view right right here and in fact where that tree is is where the railroad was and and almost every year I will find spikes railroad spikes high spikes that come up out of the ground so it's kind of a reminder of what used to be here that building right there was the warehouse that to belong to the to the lumber company and they have a doc came right out to the railroad to the to the tracks so that building was a was a warehouse and we just transformed it into into classrooms we're standing in the middle of what has become known and mountain views of what park it's a little unusual right behind me here and here's the original jail it's actually a replacement of the original jail and out to you and one time it was across highway 17 it was unmoved but this this little building actually sits on SVU property now so we now we now own a home jail currently it is unoccupied but this part it's become a part in it is maintained by the mountain view garden the we're standing in room nine of founders hall founders Hall is named so names such based on the three founders of the school here the three people that were influential in starting SVU here in Mountain View Ron Hall Joe Duncan and Wayne wood and their names appear on a plaque out there in the entry way of the building this building is part of the former city of Mountain View maintenance area this is was actually the city maintenance farm building whatever you want to call it the concrete walls are still still remaining you can see right here we kept those we simply replace the roof and turn this into from a maintenance shed into full class rooms including a science lab so that's founders all you this is the library in the Myrtle glass Learning Center it has all around 10,000 items in it plus few periodicals newspapers a small vertical file collection we have a special room that is used a lot by the education students called a curriculum lamb choose of your study we also have these nice computers here that you can use the databases that you subscribe to a better library I also look on the internet for information we're back where we started our part or just invite you to to give give us a call or better yet you can check us on the on our website that is now on the SPO website our advisors are available all during the summer they're here most of the time sometimes just takes a phone call to get them to come in the elder um locally our schedules are here in lobby a phone call no problem at all we do appreciate your taking the tour with us and we will be glad to see you interest state university of New York study abroad.

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