Dante Vitoria: How to Ace Your Way to the Top

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Dante Vitoria: How to Ace Your Way to the Top

With constant fluctuations in the American job market, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain financial stability. With an unemployment increase of 4% in the United States, landing a job can seem an impossible task. However, for those fortunate enough to receive an interview, there are necessary preparations to help a candidate obtain a call back. According to Dante Michael Anthony Vitoria Founder, and CEO of the Vitoria Group, many individuals miss promising opportunities due to a lack of professionalism. Candidates often fail to perform the necessary research and as a result, lack the foundational knowledge to excel in the initial meeting. A job interview is a prime opportunity to make a lasting first impression on potential employers and a way to showcase one’s unique skill set and individual qualifications. Dante Vitoria recommends the following to consider when interviewing for a job:

Radiate Confidence

Confidence is fundamental to success as it is a means to convince an interviewer that an individual is a top candidate for the position. Displaying high levels of energy and enthusiasm will demonstrate a passion for their area of expertise and the potential to add value to the company. Dante Vitoria recommends finding creative ways to highlight one’s personal strengths and avoiding phrases such as “I will work hard” as employers will assume this is the case. Nonverbal communications such as direct eye contact and a firm handshake will also help an individual come across as a strong candidate.

Highlight a Cultural Fit

An interview is about fostering a connection with a potential employer and building rapport through various communication techniques. Other individuals interviewing for the job are likely to possess a similar skill set, so it is imperative to take the opportunity to set themselves apart from other candidates. Asking open-ended questions which pertain to company policies will exhibit a high level of interest and individuals can use this as an opportunity to demonstrate that their long-term career objectives align with the expectations of the company. Ultimately, building immediate rapport lays the foundation for future interaction.

Perform Necessary Research

Having a comprehensive knowledge of the job qualifications and the industry is essential to a successful interview. Likewise, taking the time to prepare meaningful answers to common interview questions will lay the foundation for productive communication. Dante states that individuals should avoid asking the interviewer ‘how you did’ as it displays a sense of insecurity. Instead, interviewees should let their knowledge of the company and unique abilities speak for themselves.

Know Your Value

Dante Vitoria strongly recommends individuals avoid negotiating down at the risk of de-valuing oneself. Offering to work for a lesser salary gives the impression that an individual has been unsuccessful in their career and their work isnotofquality. Instead, individuals should aimto establishthemselves as sought after, and worthy of a competitive salary.

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