Medical Insurance with an existing condition?

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Medical Insurance with an existing condition? My mother is working two jobs, one of which she continues to work at because of the medical insurance. My mother is ready to slow her life down and give up her job that is providing med insurance. My mother is diabetic, and it is improbable she can be accepted for regular insurance with her condition. How can she get what she wants; stay covered permanently, and leave the job where she is getting coverage now? She lives in California. Related

Automobile insurance sites? Hey, I've been trying to find a website that gives out free automobile insurance quotes. I found a ton, but they all ask for personal information like telephone numbers and addresses. Are there any sites that will just give you what you're looking for: a fast insurance quote without having to give out all your personal info?" How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.? I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old. Can i buy car insurance in another state? I live in PA, but im currently staying in Iowa for another month. Just bought a car here with a temperary plate, and i was wondering if i can buy insurance here so i can drive this car around for a month, then ship it over and register it over there. Thanks!" Health insurance info? I'm trying find my boyfriend affordable health insurance that also covers his want/need for counseling. We live in Georgia and I need some advice since I'm still currently considered a dependent for the time being. Thanks! What kind of car insurance do I need? All I want is liability, but what does the state of California require as their bare minimum? Do I need uninsured motorist bodily injury limits and property damage limit? I drive a 1993 Jeep Cherokee." Can I drive other cars with no insurance? I do not have insurance on my vehicle. Can i drive my girlfriends car that has full coverage and not be breaking the law nor risk her car not being covered if i have a accident? I am in FLORIDA

Can a dying person get life insurance? I found out recently that my terminally ill father-in-law has no life insurance, or only a tiny policy. How can we pay for a funeral?" How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance? How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance? Tips for cheaper car insurance. Please?!? Im a 15 years old male, looking to buy a car. I've talked to my dad about insurance and he said I need to gget a car that is going to be cheap on insurance. He told me not to smoke. And get a 4 door car. And a car that isn't red or yellow or orange. Any other tips you can give me, to keep in mind, while im shopping for a car? Thanks" How much would I pay for car insurance? Im 19 and I was just wondering what would be a good estimate for how much I would pay for car insurance on like a normal sedan. Long-term care vs. long-term disability insurance? At age 36 in a blue-collar job (i.e. chance of disability over 90 days less than 10%), I'm thinking it may make more sense to get long-term care insurance rather than long-term disability. I bring in 30% of our household income. If I become disabled, I count for very little of our total spend (obviously food, but I wouldn't be doing much in the way of leisure / entertainment), but the added costs of caring for me would be too much for our budget to bear. I also think it would be very hard to qualify for disability for class 1 (a desk job sitting in front of a computer all day). It seems like it would be easier to qualify for two functions of daily living. I know they technically cover two different scenarios, but isn't there a lot of overlap here in terms of when you would actually get a pay out? Just trying to understand. Thx in advance for your input!" Is Progressive a good insurance company? Is Progressive a good insurance company? Car bill of sale/insurance? Im 18 with no licence Im actually in the process of trying to get my licence well my question Is can a family member Put me under there car insurance so i can Register my car since the Bill of sale Is under my name? Im not planning on driving the car until i have my licence How can i get cheap insurance? I'am going to be 17 soon and i going to buy a car so i was wondering what car should i buy or what shoul i do to get cheap insurance, because at the moment it's cost about 3.500 and that just too expensive... help please"

Will my insurance cover the wreck & my car? My boyfriend was driving my car and he's not under my insurance plan only me and my mom are and someone thought we were riding their *** so they slammed on the breaks and we slid right into their car and he rolled down his window and laughed and cussed us out then drove away. and my car is totaled. will i have to pay all repairs? or will the insurance cover it even though someone else was driving my car? (i know if the insurance pays i will have to still pay a deductible) I am looking for affordable car insurance? husband has restricted licence. neither of us have had tickets or accidents. Health Insurance for part timers? Does anyone have any recommendations for affordable health insurance? My fiance and I work part time and places that don't provide us with health insurance. I'll be off my parent's in December and he hasn't been to the dentist in 10 years. We think he has about 8 cavaties and his wisdom teeth are coming in and pushing the rest of his teeth together. I don't know if we can pick up insurance for a year, get his teeth taken care of, then drop it if it's too expensive. But I feel like we need to do something! So if you have any suggestions for good health insurance companies, I'd really appreciate it!" How much (on average) would private health insurance be per month for a family of three? male 40 y.o., female 36 y.o., and child." I have question about car insurance? so i literally bought my car insurance 2 days ago and i just got into a accident .... i have full coverage and a guy ran his red light and hit me and just left... will my insurance company think that i was just telling a lie or will they help me...i have progressive... 'occasional driver' Car insurance? Hi, I'm 18 and I'll be heading off to college in the fall and so won't be home very often. However when I am home I'd like to be insured on my dads car. I don't see the point in having to pay the same price for car insurance as someone who drives almost daily, so I wanted to know if there was a type of car insurance for the 'occasional' driver. I'll only be home on vacations, and even then I won't be driving all the time, but I really need a car insurance for when I do drive, mostly summers." Car Insurance for Salvaged Vehicle? Does anyone know if I can buy full coverage insurance for a salvaged vehicle?

What factors go into car insurance policy fees? Im going to be a brand new driver? Im 22 yr old female. I don't have the car yet but I am taking a drivers education course and was wondering how much the insurance would be( estimated). what would be the cheapest big name company right now? Lowest insurance rates? Hi!!! I would like your opinions on the lowest car insurance rates. I am currently with an insurance company that has not lowered my rate and I have been accident free for more than 5 years. So I am going to switch carriers and wanted to hear your opinions on where I should try.. Thanks in advance How much is Car Insurance for a 16 year old? I'm 16 year old guy, I have a 2004 Pontiac Grand AM sedan, I get good grades in school, about how much would it cost monthly?" "Car insurance quote when being out of the country for 4 years, lost no claims bonus?" anyone got experience of trying to get reasonable car insurance - with full no claims in this country and new zealand, im being penalised for being out of the country and being treated as new driver, anyone got any answers or any insurance companies i could try who would be sympathetic" Medical Insurance with an existing condition? My mother is working two jobs, one of which she continues to work at because of the medical insurance. My mother is ready to slow her life down and give up her job that is providing med insurance. My mother is diabetic, and it is improbable she can be accepted for regular insurance with her condition. How can she get what she wants; stay covered permanently, and leave the job where she is getting coverage now? She lives in California. I got pulled over in my parents car and the insurance wasn't in the vehicle? Ok I moved out of my parents home a couple months ago and they let me borrow their car for a little while just in case of an emergency, well I asked them if I could drive to see my girlfriend and they said yes so I drive and I get pulled over for speeding and I give the officer my license, registration but my dad forgot to leave the insurance in the car! So I get a huge fine for speeding and having no proof of insurance! And I asked my dad if I was under the insurance and he said no because I don't own a car and I don't live with them so what would be the point? So what I'm trying to ask is will I be able to get the no insurance fine waived even though I'm not under the insurance my parents were just letting my borrow the car?" Is universal life the best for a 25 yr old? will the premium go up as I get older.When can I see a substantial savings account when I am about 55.What a good reputable company.What r the drawback.I know term goes up every year.Thanks in advance

Should kids protest against very high insurance costs by driving illegally? Should kids protest against very high insurance costs by driving illegally? What do you think would be the insurance costs for a vehicle in NJ? Age 18 Cars looking into (Under 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr base or higher) 2009 BMW 750Li 2009-or higher What would you think would be the average cost per year? Car Insurance in India? Hi, I have bought a new car Ritz and along with that, the dealer has provided me Insurance from royal sundaram. I heard that insurance companies pays only fifty percent of repair more" How does health insurance work in the USA? I wanna visit but I keep hearing crazy stories of how going to a hospital makes you bankrupt :/ About how much will my car insurance be? 1. have had my license for 3 years now 2. never had insurance before, because I never needed to drive (until now) I guess that I can be considered a new driver ??? 3. BRAND NEW Honda Civic//4 doors 4. I am in college right now. 5. in California ABOUT how much will my insurance be, (FULL insurance), for 6 months, or a year?" Why are some people's health insurance rates going up? I've heard a lot of stories about people's insurance rates doubling or tripling. My wife's insurance just went up. What's going on? I thought Obamacare was supposed to make insurance more affordable? I got a speeding ticket yesterday does my insurance go up? Im a first time driver and have only been driving 9 months and i was caught speeding, yeah i know its silly but it was down a steep hill i was doing 40 in a 30 and there was a police man in his car catching everyone. I was just wondering if by me having 3 points now will my insurance go up and how much by roughly. Im paying 1200 third party f+t on a fiesta at the moment Thanks" "Need a license, insurance, and car...?" I need all three of these. What is the proper order to get them in? I thought you need insurance to get a license, and a license to get a car. But don't you need the car to get it insured? And can you get insurance without a driver license number? I'm confused any advice would be appreciated."

What happens if you can't afford the affordable health insurance? What happens if you can't afford the affordable health insurance? Health Insurance Problem? I am a part time student and i have a part time job that i am trying to turn into a full time job in the near future however I am afraid that when i turn twenty-one at the end of this week i will be dropped from my parents Insurance and be left high and dry. Can i stay on my parent's insurance if i am only a part time student, and if not any suggestions for what to do would be greatly appreciated thank you." Where can i find my proof of insurance? Earlier today i went to DMV for my behind the wheel test but they're asking for my proof of insurance but i dont know where can i find it. do i need to ask for a copy of proof of insurance to my insurance company? How much can I expect to pay for cobra insurance? I was recently offered a job that pays much more than my current job. The downfall is the employer is small and does not currently offer an employee insurance plans. I'm 30 years old and I've never had any major health issues. I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law. But what will i expect to pay. Currently as an employee I pay 26.35 per each pay period (2 week pay periods) for medical insurance and 9.53 a pay period for dental. In summary i pay roughly 71 dollars a month to cover myself only (no dependents). the company i work for has 7000 employees worldwide. probably 2-3000 u.s. employees. How much can I expect to pay for cobra? How much would teen car insurance be monthly? I just got a job and I'm looking to buy a car around December... The car will be worth 1200-1500... I'm 16 years old and haven't had any accidents. Around how much would my car insurance be a month?:) thank you! I had no car insurance.....? and my husband was in an accident.. His fault, he rear-ended her. We payed he deductible, and now her insurance company is trying to come after us for the damages. Can they do this? I thought that was why they paid for insurance. If I would have had insurance, they would have only paid her deductible. I also got a signed statement from the other vehicle owner accepting the money for the deductible and settlement." How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22? i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How

long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks Is it bad not to have health insurance? Is it bad not to have health insurance? Is it legal for the State to randomly demand proof of insurance? Here's the deal. I got a letter from the Ohio BMV saying that I have been randomly chosen to prove I have insurance on one of my vehicles. I do have insurance, have always had insurance, (at least for the last 25 years or so) As I got to thinking about it, it started bugging me because it seems that this violates my 4th, and possibly my 5th, and potentially my 6th amendment rights. The letter kindly apologizes for any inconvenience, then states that if I do not comply, my license will be suspended. I begrudgingly intend to comply, just to avoid any hassle, but before I do (I have 3 weeks) I was hoping someone could explain to me how this can be legal. I can kind of understand having to prove compliance during a traffic stop, but randomly??? Through the mail??? The audacity of these people is troubling. Game on." What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car? What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car? Can you make commission selling insurance if you do not have a brokers license in MA? I would like to know if someone can tell me whether or not you can be paid commission and acting as a producer in Massachusetts if you do not have a brokers license. I was under the impression that the only way to make commission was to have these credentials. Is this just an agency by agency thing or a law? Is a 1994 Eagle Talon Esi good for a teen Insurance and Saftey wise? Hi I am look at an 1994 Eagle Talon and I thinking about buying it. But is it a good car for a teen just for a daily driver? How about the insurance rates will it be high? Average motorcycle insurance? how much is average motorcycle insurance in Louisiana, if 23 years old bike with 500cc have never crash or get ticket pretty good credit bike use only for leisure and to college help me y'all" Car insurance situation.....? one of our cars', 93 Toyota Tercel just got totalled out in a fender bender that was caused by another driver. since we only have collision insurance with AmFam on it, the other woman's company made the pay out to us (~$2K) and let us keep the car. we decided to fix the car up mechanically, and give it a bit of a face lift on the mangled front side fender, but didnt really put too much money into it. so the question is.... as

we continue to drive the car, and G*d Forbid, anything similar should happen again, when we are not at fault and there's no bodily damage, just car damage, would we be able to get the other insurance company to pay for the car repairs? or will they say, well, you already had it totalled out once, we're not gotta give you $ to fix a car that not worth much... or how does this work? anyone have any experience with this? anyone here an insurance adjuster? thanks in advance" Will my insurance? well my insurance pay for i iud. Medical Insurance with an existing condition? My mother is working two jobs, one of which she continues to work at because of the medical insurance. My mother is ready to slow her life down and give up her job that is providing med insurance. My mother is diabetic, and it is improbable she can be accepted for regular insurance with her condition. How can she get what she wants; stay covered permanently, and leave the job where she is getting coverage now? She lives in California. Long term car insurance abroad? I need to leave UK for 3-4 months and I need car insurance for my car. Currently I have Elephant insurance but they only offer 30 consecutive days for driving abroad but I need longer than that. Is there other company which can insure for longer than 90 days? Or what do you usually do? Can I insure car with local insurance companies if I have UK registration? Thank you If my insurance pays off what i owe on my car would it be on my name? or would if be on my car agency name? i was hit by a 73 male no insurance and well all i have now is for my insurance to cover it and to fix my car is about $7,500 and its a total loss so my mom was told and estimate of what the car might be worth is between 5,000 and 6,000 i have and 2004 Hyundai Elentra. I still owe the agency a year of payment so is the check going to be under my name or the agency. im hoping under my name this way im able to buy a car- cash and keep paying my agency what i owe. bc it sucks to still pay off money even if the 6,000 for the agency and i still have to pay monthly if its not enough to cover the whole amount i owe. HELP" Reducing Car insurance?!? Hi, I am just curious because I know someone who does this but situation is a little different. His parents are split up so he has a car at his mother's house (where he would HAVE to be registered as primary driver) but he lives at his father's house so he only pays occasional driver's insurance even though the car is always with him. (both the father and mother have licenses however are not insured under the car in question) I am just asking if it were possible for me to do that with my grandmother for example. If I get a car registered under her name, but since I don't live with her can I pay as an occasional driver? She does not have a license. If it helps I live in Ontario, Canada. Thank you" About how much would my auto insurance be? (First-time driver)?

I'm budgeting getting a car and insurance and I don't know how much it would be. It will be my first time driving/having a car or license. So no record of anything, but I'd be a newbie. It'll be in the state of Pennsylvania and it will probably be a pre-owned small car." Can i get insurance on my name...but my boyfriends car? Registration is coming up, for my boyfriends car. He has a DUI on his record, so he's unable to drive as it is, I'm the one who drives his car. I was wondering if I could get my insurance to cover his car since I'm the one who drives it even though I'm not the registered owner. And would DMV (in california) acknowledge it?" Why does the political left compare obamacare to car insurance? car insurance is to cover the other guy, people often have liability only which give no personal coverage whatsoever!!! ca" How to ask an insurance agent about quotes? I'm 17 and I live alone with my boyfriend who doesn't know much about these things either. (My point is I don't have parents to teach me these sorts of things) I know this sounds really stupid but when I call insurance companies do I just say hi I was wondering if you could give me a quote like I feel so awkward ): how should I approach it when I call them? I don't even know how insurance worksssss, help" Health Insurance for individuals in the Seattle are? Fifty year old healthy couple looking for some good but AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently have Regence Blue Cross and just got hit with a 30% increase. Ouch!! Hardly use it, more" Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL? Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL? I was recently hired at trajan insurance as a financial professional. They want me to pay $580 to get my insurance license before I even start. The company sells insurance and other financial options to consumers. They werent clear on my pay scale either. The office is located in Tampa, Fl.. Does anyone know anything about this? Please help in anyway you can. thank you" My 31 year old son is moving back in for a while can I put him on my car insurance so he's covered driving ? I have state farm insurance I just want him to be covered if he's driving one of my cars in case he has a wreck First car very expensive insurance? Hi, Ive passed my test about 2 months ago. Ive checked few price comparesing websites for inurance and they all tell me prices around 2000 per annue!!! My friends

telling me its impossible it would be that high even as first time driver! I also passed Pass Plus which should give me additional discount. I dont understand I thought it might be postcode fault but its not. every postcode I checked its the same. any ideas? car im trying to insurance quote for is 2005 diesel clio. which is group 2-3. I also checked few other cars and its the same. which website is the best to check for quote? thank you guys!" "Car insurance, what to do?" So my predicament is this. I am a 19 year old going to college. I am a full-time student(12-14units) I really need car insurance, because I have a car and a license, but my problem is. I don't possess the money to pay for the insurance, and I live in a town where finding a job is impossible. I have about, 500 dollars saved up, but not sure how long that will last me. I live in American canyon California, I am 19, and my GPA is 3.6." Insurance on car? My dad said insurance on the car I want will be $700 a month.(I'm 18 and its for full coverage) Is that the price I pay if the car is insured under my name? I know if my dad insured the car under his name the price for insurance would drastically drop. My question is would I still be able to drive the car if its insured under my dads name and still be part of the whole insurance thing. You guys, the reason I sold my old car is becouse I wanted this newer car I've wited 3 months so far and I'm planning to pay for the car myself. But insurance is going to kill me. If you can also tell me about some good insurance companies out there that are cheap(we have something century rite now). When I heared how much it would cost I almost cried." Universal Health Insurance? I am conservative but I go agree that we need universal health insurance. But I haven't studied too much in depth on it. In your eyes (both liberal and conservatives answer please) are the pros and cons of unversalizing healthcare? How would universal health care work for people with diseases like diabetes, cancer, AIDS? What about people who have not been diagnosed with diseases, and tend to only see a doctor when they are sick? What about preventive care (aka mammogram for women, prostate check for men)? What are experimental medical procedures and experimental medications? What about fertility clinics for women who cannot become pregnant? What about anything else I forgot? And please, no arguing, this is just opinions." Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers? Who gives cheap car insurance for young drivers? Estimated Insurance cost for 1990 trans am? Im turning 16 soon and am close to getting my license. Im planning on driving my dads 90 trans am w/ a 5.7 liter engine and automatic trans. Problem is, he thinks insurance is gonna cost a **** load. Does anyone know on average what the insurance price would be. The car will go under my dads name, ill just be an added driver. Plus, another car available for me to get 70 240z w/ a 6 cyl engine and 5-speed

trans. Which one will have a cheaper insurance rate?" Costs of insurance for Young people 16? Could you write how much do/did you pay/paid for your insurance now/before?? Also could you add you car engine etc.. "Car accident, and what should happen with my insurance?" We were in a car accident, but the other car was at fault. Both cars have insurance that covers someone in the family, but not themselves. Would we get any compensation from either our insurance or theirs? Or, will neither get anything out of it because we didn't have insurance under our names?" Should I be put on my moms car insurance? should I be put under my mothers insurance, or should i take care of my car insurance my self? Im 18" What Insurance Company has Accident forgiveness? I need a company that wont be so expensive. I had a bad accident and need a different insurance company, any good ones? Im in Florida btw" Where do you get your insurance or financial information from? (e.g. friends, family, websites..) Be specific. What are some ways to make it more convenient for people to get their information? Thanks!" How can I tell if my chiropractor is under my insurance? How can I tell if the chiropractor I have been going to accepts my insurance. I'm switching insurances on November 1st, so I need to know if they accept my new insurance. If they don't, I want to see what my other options are." Cheaper Car Insurance For Teenage Drivers? Can you help. I priced car insurance for my 16 year old son, and my premium will almost triple. I know all of you will post that he should just get a job, and that is fine, but I want him to save money for college, not to make an insurer rich. OK?" Anybody could give me a estimated how much money do a 18 years olds would pay for a car insurance a full cover? Anybody could give me a estimated how much money do a 18 years olds would pay for a car insurance a full cover? He is going to buy a 2007 Dodge Durango SLT He will fianced the car on his name! The car is for my son. We live in the states of Florida ! If you guys can give me some information about a cheaper insurance Thanks!

Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses? I've recently bought a summer house in Tavira, Portugal, which my family and I would like to insure because we won't use it constantly. Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?" Medical Insurance with an existing condition? My mother is working two jobs, one of which she continues to work at because of the medical insurance. My mother is ready to slow her life down and give up her job that is providing med insurance. My mother is diabetic, and it is improbable she can be accepted for regular insurance with her condition. How can she get what she wants; stay covered permanently, and leave the job where she is getting coverage now? She lives in California. Does Home Owners Insurance Decrease with Property Value? As we all know the property values continue to plummet. If my property value has depreciated a significant amount will my Home Owners Insurance be less due to the decreased value? Logically I say yes but I am a new homeowner and am unsure. What are teenage driving insurance rates for girls? whats the cheapest in illionois? do i have to have insurance while driving w/ a permit?? Auto insurance for a teenager in a mustang? I'm a female, 16, turning 17 in June. I have over a 3.6 GPA. I was rear ended about a month ago (not my fault) and I found a few mustangs (2003-2007). Anyway, I was wondering about how much insurance would be. Serious answers please?" Which company offers good whole life insurance? I am sick of term life insurance and the company I am with now is abysmal. I would appreciate any help. I have a wife and two daughters, it's about them, not me...." Anyone have Healthy families insurance in California? I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have a high deductible kaiser insurance plan. I have a feeling I will end up paying 4500 (my out of pocket max) to give birth. Anyway, I recently found out I qualify for Healthy families insurance for me and the baby, so I applied and waiting to hear back. Just wondering if anyone has their own insurance in addition to healthy families? I wasn't sure if I could have double coverage to get help with the deductible... It's too late for me to change my plan because open enrollment at my work has already passed" Can you get an insurance quote if you don't have car yet? My dad is helping me buy a new car. And he is up my a s s trying to get me to figure out how much insurance will cost. How am I supposed to get an insurance quote

without a vin though? Medical insurance questions? I've been considering on going to a psychologist, however I do not want my parents to find out. I still live with them and I am going to be 22 soon. I am still under their insurance. I have the means to go out on my own and I can pay the copay on my own. I am not sure how it works when you use insurance. Will my parents be able to find out through my insurance? (For example, will insurance alert them in any way?)" Why is mandatory health insurance a bad thing? Like every month I hate paying that stupid car insurance bill, and I never get in a wreck, etc. But man if I did, I sure would be glad I had it. So do people just not want to be out of any money and wish to take their chances if you will? And how much will insurance cost on average?" How much would car insurance be for me? I finished driving school I average a 3.4 GPA I will drive a owned 07 Chevy impala Parents have good driving record. I'm 15 years old I live in Texas How much would car insurance be for me? It doesn't have to be exact i just want to get an idea of how much. Thank You How much will my insurance go up for my first DWI-drugs conviction (read for more info/details)? I am wondering how much my insurance will go up by a percent amount? I am a 25 year old guy with a dwi conviction on the way. I didn't hurt or kill the other driver. I did have to repair the other car, but my rates didn't go up for that. I don't have any other points against me. My lawyer just keeps saying substantially, but that is it." Car insurance spouse dui? how can i get affordable car insurance after my spouse has DUI ? What if he choses to never get a license again? Do I have to kick him out so I can afford car insurance? I have a great driving record. HELP !!!!!! How much do you pay for car insurance a year? i am about to take my second practical driving test so i am hoping to be buying my first car soon . I don't know anything about car insurance so i would like to get an idea how it works and what i will have to pay can anyone help me with because i need all the help i can get (not knowing a lot about cars ) Would abortion be commonplace and covered by insurance if men got pregnant? I think it would be.

Car insurance for a 16 year old in ny? Hey guys I just got a 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE how much will it be to get insurance and who would take a 16 year old? Insurance on a car? How much?? How much would it be to insure a car in UK, do I have to see a site? Eg, Ferrari, BMW, how much?" Insurance price on 2001 Eclipse? Im a 17 year old driver, so instantly high lol, but its an automatic 2 door eclipse but only 4 cylinder and automatic transmission. What would you think the insurance be and how would that compare to lets say... a honda civic" "In california, im 16 and i will have my permit hopefully soon. am i automatically insured when i have permit? so i live with my mom and our roommate. my mom doesnt drive. my dad drives and so does our roommate. my dad will sign allowing me to have a permit but i want to drive with just my moms roommate which i live with too. is it possible that i can just get my dad to sign for me to have my permit and then i can just drive with my roomate that i live with? or would i have to only drive with my dad since he is the one signing? and also am i automatically insured under my roomates insurance with a permit and then i need to get insurance once i get my license? or do i need to have insurance for myself while i have my permit as well? Is it legal for auto insurance companies to adjust rates based on where you live? I live in California, and I thought it was now illegal to charge more or less based on where you live. Does anyone know the laws regarding this?" Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates? Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates? Any lawyers or insurance agents out there? I won a long fought Small claims case. The lady I sued has insurance, business insurance, not car related. 8 months ago her insurance company denied the claim. I went to Small Claims and won. Doesn't the insurance company now have to pay me if I send them a copy of the final judgment? I also won on her appeal, so its final. Thank you." Ho much for my car insurance? How do I add to moms plan? I am turning 16 and need to know about the cost of car insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate 2,000 a year??? here is some info: *16 years old * Male *Live in Tampa * Sedan few years old * Good grades * Summer Job *Student *car fully paid

*has alarm ant ABS Also my mom cannot add me to hers because she gets a special insurance from her company and you have to be 21 to be added to her plan. So I would have to do my own? I thought legally you have to be 18 to have your own insurance. So does she cancel her company insurance and do different company and then add me under her? Sorry if this doesn't really make sense I am confused." Insurance on mustang? I am 16 years old- male and i am thinking about purchasing a 2002 black mustang( convertible) and i have already spoke to the man selling and all i have to do is go pick it up so i was wondering what would be the cheapest way to go on car insurance. My parents have state farm, and if have my own insurance i would only be paying for liability. Does anyone know how much that would cost monthly or whats the cheapest way to do this?" Car Insurance? What's the cheapest car insurance company out there for people with 1 years no claim? Do I need condo insurance in Florida? As of Jan 1st 2009, our HOA requires us to show proof of insurance. I believe it is statue Section 718.111 (11). Anyways, I really don't have the money for condo insurance right now. I have read online that the HOA can purchase this insurance for me and then assess me for the balance. I recently moved to Port St Lucie, Fl where everyone is unemployed and foreclosures are so common. Anyways, can they place a lien if I do not provide them with proof of the insurance or will they just lay off for awhile? I appreciate any feedback right now as I am so worried. Thanks." Insurance Cost For A Million Dollar Car? What is the estimated cost for car insurance for a car that costs a million dollars? Please, no sarcastic answers, it's for my project. It doesn't have to be the exact amount, just an estimate, thanks. :)" Medical Insurance with an existing condition? My mother is working two jobs, one of which she continues to work at because of the medical insurance. My mother is ready to slow her life down and give up her job that is providing med insurance. My mother is diabetic, and it is improbable she can be accepted for regular insurance with her condition. How can she get what she wants; stay covered permanently, and leave the job where she is getting coverage now? She lives in California.

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