Look Book - Graduation Show 2010

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Danmarks Designskole Copenhagen Fashion week

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Anne-Louise Sommer - Principal The Danish Design School Take a moment to enjoy a special occasion for a new batch of designers on their way out into the world. Seven out of more than seventy-five newly graduated designers from The Danish Design School stand ready to show their talent on the catwalk. Ready for Copenhagen Fashion Week SS 2011 and ready to carry on the great tradition of Danish fashion making its mark on the international fashion scene. At the moment we are publishing the latest fashion research as well as critical studies on education and business in the realm of fashion. We are shaping graduate students who will strengthen Danish fashion as brand, as concept and as material in the years to come. We would like to extend a warm welcome both to the industry and the public. Let us now celebrate and explore the currents that flow through this new generation. As you will see, they show us how a dreamlike, thought provoking and material consciousness can merge with an understanding of economic, social and environmental challenges. Let us welcome the new generation of fashion designers and celebrate them!

Ann Merete Ohrt - Center of Fashiondesign The Danish Design School Seven new and innovative designers are excited to present their dĂŠbut graduate collection. Working together, this contemporary group have merged both their natural talents and knowledge together to create this impressive and original range. Throughout their studies these new designers have had valuable and rewarding experiences within the fashion industry both nationally and internationally. During their five years of study, they have developed a strong theoretical and practical foundation which has allowed each of them to flourish and develop their own individual style. Their influences for this final project have ranged from; David Lynch to the wrapped buildings of the design team Cristo and Jean-Claude, as well as annotated 3D illustrations of how to present the female form inspired by the Renaissance. We hope that you enjoy this significant and exciting dĂŠbut.

Tine Winther Rysgaard

Bachelors Nadja Düring Friis NAFRI@student.dkds.dk


Sandra Møller Svendsen SASVE1@student.dkds.dk

Project Platypus

Mia Shil Aalund Kirkegaard MIKIR@student.dkds.dk

Lost Empire

Tine Winther Rysgaard TIRYS@student.dkds.dk

The Worms at Heaven’s Gate

Marie Franciska Hjermov

Bachelors Nhallely Gustafsson MAGUS@student.dkds.dk


Stefan Autzen STAUT@student.dkds.dk

Accessible Nordic Glamour

Marie Franciska Hjermov MAHJE1@student.dkds.dk

Men of Bogs and Mounds

Sascha Mai Poulsen SAPOU@student.dkds.dk


Graduates Liza Frederika Ă…slund Dreamt for lightyears in the belly of a mountain

Anne BirkjĂŚr Bitsch Adieau

Yasamin Zafar Mohtashemi Rites of Passage

Mette Maegaad Kristiansen Mutasous

Trine Elmkvist Piece by Piece

Annakarin Lundgren I like to remember things my own way

Caroline Wilckenschildt Fossum The fall of virtue

Liza Frederika Åslund Dreamt for lightyears in the belly of a mountain For my MA Graduate collection I was inspired by a dream I had during a period of fasting. I dreamt that I was strolling down a street in a deserted city much like Copenhagen. Not a person was in sight, it was right at dawn and all the curtains were hanging outside the windows. As I strolled down the pavement all the sheer curtains kept brushing up against my face and they smelled faintly of old men’s perfume. I entered a house and in the lobby there was a huge bathtub with a large chandelier hanging over it. The chandelier was all covered in wax and there was a small set of stairs leading down to the bathtub, which were also drenched in stiffened wax. In a connected room with black and white checkered floor was a bowl of Anthon Bergh’s marzipan eggs, the chocolate ones covered with a hard pastel coating. Only these ones were broken and larger than they would normally be. I ate one of them and it started growing in my mouth ending up with me vomiting melted chocolate in a never-ending stream. Contact lisaaslund@gmail.com

Anne BirkkjĂŚr Bitsch Adieu Based on my personal interpretation of an old French movie, I have worked on a line of clothing that reflects the mood and development in the movie. The concept has been to create a new visual context based on my analysis and interpretations of the movie. This has been the platform for the further work on my line of clothing. My focus in this project has been to work with different textile experiments, colours and silhouettes in order to express the essence of the deeper layers and meanings in the story. Each outfit has its own unique expression and shape, which relates to my personal visual and written material. This binds each outfit together and forms a whole and interrelated line of clothing.

Contact anne_bitsch@hotmail.com

Yasamin Zafar Mohtashemi Rites of Passage The Iban Indians used to be amongst the headhunters in Borneo’s rainforest. They inhabit a world of mysterious Gods, legendary heroes, omens delivered by birds, dreams and customs, rituals and taboos. “Rites of Passage� is a series of textile garments that interpret the spirit world and rites of passage of the Iban Indians. The rites of passage are meant to ensure survival through maintaining a good relationship to the spirits. I have experimented with mixing textile techniques such as knitting, printing, grading, shaping and tufting. A development from set to set based on the rites of passage and a development within the individual set is underlined in the series. Apart from an aesthetic experience my aim for this project has been to convey to the viewer a clear sense of the moods that I have come to connect with the spirit world and central life transitions Iban Indians after analysis and interpretation. Contact yasamin.zafar@gmail.com

Mette Maegaad Kristiansen Mutasious When I started my research, my thoughts were surrounding the concept of beauty. What makes something beautiful and why? I feel that there is profound beauty in imperfection. Imperfection to me means unique and that is certainly something to aspire to. I wanted to combine these two contradictory universes of perfection and imperfection in order to create a collection that on first impression, should be experienced as desirable and only at second glance reveal that there might be a darker side to it. Statement I would like say that I make clothes with the female in focus. If I can make a woman feel, just that little bit more sexy and stylish than she did in the morning, standing naked in front of the mirror. Then I have achieved what I set out to do.

Contact mette_kristiansen@hotmail.com

Trine Elmkvist Piece by Piece “Piece by Piece� is a project that challenges the ways in which knitting is used in the process of creating clothing. The principles of collage are the underlying theme of the project and therefore the pieces of clothing are built from several different element types in varying materials, structures and colours. The project has been carried out with great dedication to an experimental working method.

Contact t_elmkvist@yahoo.com

Annakarin Lundgren I like to remember things my own way In this project I have embraced my skills for working intuitively. When doing so it is the subconscious that rules. The collection is based on a specific mood and feeling of a film which does not yet exist. You have no control and it is just like a dream, totally defenseless by abstraction. Right now I am making a fashion or short film based on the collection and the abstract story that has evolved during this process. Peaceful, deserted, dry, art deco, slow, cubism, futurism and Russian constructivist art movements, architecture and big machines, massive and feminine. A woman who believes she has a past from the Kolmanskope desert. Reading a script from an unproduced film I became inspired by how you interpret things in your own way when there are no pictures. I don’t think that it’s always the best thing when people can easily read and understand what you have done or tried to express. Fashion easily repeats itself and I would rather see that people become curious than educated and understood. Contact aklundgren@hotmail.com

Caroline Wilckenschildt Fossum The fall of virtue Through this project I have wished to illustrate how women’s strengths and weaknesses have been connected to sin and shame historicly. For this purpose it has been interesting to delve into the sombre time of the renaissance where the catholic view of woman reigned. I have chosen to call my project “Fall from Grace” as a reference to the Fall of Man and I have worked with querying this topic: Where the feminine values once virtues turned into sins by Christianity? Just think if it were opposite. Think if the traits we consider to be woman’s weakness or sinfulness were in fact her virtues? The project consists of 8 female characters interpreted through a series of garments and creating an atmospheric visual tale. The collection finds itself in the tension field between fashion, costume and art.

Contact wilkenschildt@gmail.com

Special thanks to Show coordinators:

Marie Brandt Overbye Jenny Stefanec Regina Tirsgaard Jessen Nina Kristine Jensen Benjamin Isak Schlifer Monrad. modeshow@dkds.dk


Tomas Barfod



Sara Dybris Mcquaid saradybrismcquaid@mac.com


Mette Maltha mette_maltha@hotmail.com

styleinstituto styleinstituto styleinstituto Filmmaker: styleinstituto

Gustav Lindholm


And thanks to all of our sponsors and the people who have helped during the process and during the show.

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