Ny Mission 22

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Marshall, K. and Keough, L., eds. 2004 Mind, Heart and Soul in the Fight Against Poverty. Washington DC: The World Bank.

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Pew Forum 2010 2004 Tyndale, W. 2000 WHO 2007

Voices of the Poor: Can Anyone Hear Us? Washington: World Bank. “As an atheist I truly believe Africa needs God”. The Times, p 17, Dec 27. Pew Forum. Tolerance and tension: Islam and Christianity in SubSaharan Africa. Washington, DC.: The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, Sider R. and Unrah H.

“Typology of Religious Characteristics of Social Service and Educational Organisations and Programs”. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 33; 109

“Faith and Economics in Development: A bridge across the chasm?” Development in Practice. Volume 10, No 1, February, Oxford: Oxfam. Towards primary health care: Renewing partnerships with faith-based communities and services. Geneva, Report of a WHO consultation with faith-based organizations (FBOs) 17–18th December.)

Ver Beek, K. 2000 “Spirituality: a development taboo”. Development in Practice. Volume 10, No 1, February, Oxford: Oxfam.

Dr. Rick James has 25 years’ experience working in Africa, Latin America and Europe as a consultant on management and organisational change with NGOs and churches. He has a PhD in Leadership Development and OD in African NGOs from CASS Business School, London. He has published over 50 articles and his books include: Creating Space for Grace; Inspiring Change and Demystifying Organisation Development.


Ny Mission nr. 22

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