SPN News: October 2014

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THE NUMBERS TELL a grim story. Detroit’s population at its peak in 1950 was 1.8 million people, and today it hovers around 688,000. The wake of mismanagement ripples across every abandoned building, closed school, and unsafe neighborhood. Detroit’s fate haunts every large municipality in the country, and big-government Progressives and limited-government advocates wage a fierce battle over how to save other cities on the brink. This battle of ideas played out in Detroit in July when a broad network of Progressive grassroots activists and organizational leaders flocked to Netroots Nation, the Left’s biggest conference. Leading Progressive activists hosted rallies and “social justice tours” of the city. Vice President Biden and Democratic hopefuls flew in to speak with city officials. At the same time, leaders from state think tanks, including the Mackinac Center, Illinois Policy Institute, California Policy Center, and Texas Public Policy Foundation, joined the Manhattan Institute, State

Budget Solutions, and activists across the free-market network in Detroit. They hit the ground to tell behind-the-scenes stories of the entrepreneurs who are rebuilding the iconic city. They visited community activists, artists, social entrepreneurs, tech start-up whiz kids, private security forces, and neighborhood revitalization leaders. Time after time, the same message resonated: Detroit is on the rise. It is a city of doers. We aren’t waiting for government to rush in and save us. Meet a few of these “doers” who are helping transform Detroit with their innovative ideas.

Amy Peterson

Amy Peter son, a so cial e n t r e p r e n e u r, e m p l o y s disadvantaged women at her company, Rebel Nell. These women create jewelry out of layers of graffiti fallen from the city scape. The company’s goal is “to help these women continued on page 7

1655 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 360, Arlington, VA 22209 703-243-1655 Fax: 703-740-0314 info@SPN.org www.SPN.org @statepolicy

123453474586578101928361234551065180273540918763450987345098483635353728018276340912873401827634098217359874059876653434243231213110 54647382920201918283746564748392920010101928775657473765656474837382836564673638227928374656574839302000101010192834746565769876345 95876293874695872639467456785367854367985423967845697245697546794532679542369623876498576293847695827369487659287364598726398476592 82376459827364598237465982376459283765928376459283764564356783456789345698239845982736459823764598273645987346923459876239847659283 598237465928374657474574576 71834658493027346123792140127346123842095679787352441537384859585625415273849504987625478902937262546389 274799098765456745674567456777745634523453463457645756856786758567i95837462378641293858765987613450987602346912344321111818000109818 21873474656783210019283746326454320238796309587340101928361234551065180273540918763450987345098483635353728018276340912873401827634 87665343424323121311019181019283747554647382920201918283746564748392920010101928775657473765656474837382836564673638227928374656574 19283474656576987634598732465982376495876293874695872639467456785367854367985423967845697245697546794532679542369623876498576293847 28736459872639847659283746598237649582376459827364598237465982376459283765928376459283764564356783456789345698239845982736459823764 923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465928374657474574576 71834658493027346123792140127346123842095679787352441537384859585625 62547890293726254638950857389382327327495837462378641293858765987613450987602346912344321111818000109818276746564648390218734746567 2645432023879630958734010192836123455106518027354091876345098734509848363535372801827634091287340182763409821739182730487156203987198170923847059823740598237452345234523455987405987665343424323121311019181019283747554647382920201918283746564748392920010101928775 83738283656467363822792837465657483930200010101019283474656576987634598732465982376495876293874695872639467456785367854367985423967 79453267954236962387649857629384769582736948765928736459872639847659283746598237649582376459827364598237465982376459283765928376459 456789345698239845982736459823764598273645987346923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465928374657474574576 71834658493027346123 84202345098762309465029387450982703948752956797873524415373848595856254152738495049876254789029372625463895085738938232732749583746 59876134509876023469123443211118180001098182767465646483902187347465678321001928374632645432023879630958734010192836123455106518027 73450984836353537280182763409128734018276340982173598740598766534342432312131101918101928374755464738292020191828374656474839292001 37656564748373828365646736382279283746565748393020001010101928347465657698763459873246598237649587629387469587263946745678536785436 72456975467945326795423696238764985762938476958273694876592873645987263984765928374659823764934556708567746534724536541323142431582 23746598237645928376592837645928376456435678345678934569823984598273645982376459827364598734692345987623984765928376498576293874659 7474574576 7183465849302734612379214012734612384209567978735244153738485958562541527384950498762547890293726254638950857389382327327 29385876598761345098760234691234432111181800010981827674656464839021873474656783210019283746326454320238796309587340101928361234551 76345098734509848363535372801827634091287340182763409821735987405987665343424323121311015678957653452354132513452918101928374755464 BY MEREDITH TURNEY can now have the assurance that this 37465647483929200101019287756574737656564748373828365646736382279283746565748393020001010101928347465657698763459873246598237649587 94651341235134251345345174567853678543679854239678456972456975467945326795423696238764985762938476958273694876592873645987263984765 95823764598273645982374659823764592837659283764592837645643567834567893456982398459827364598237645982736459873469234598762398476592 46598237465928374657474574576 718346584930273461237921401273461238420956797873524415373848595856254152738495049134513451345134518762 IN THE POLICY world, numbers are messaging will resonate with the most 63895085738938232732749583746237864129385876598761345098760234691234432111181800010981827674656464839021873474656783210019283746326 58734010192836123455106518027354091876345098734509848363535372801827634091287340182763409821735987405987665343424323121311019181019 92020191828374656474839292001010192877565747376565647483738283656467363822792837465657345345645674658756786785676785678548393020001 important. Ask any policy analyst, receptive target audiences. 65769876345987324659823764958762938746958726394674567853678543679854239678456972456975467945326795423696238764985762938476958273694 26398476592837465982376495823764598273645982374659823764592837659283764592837645643567834567867856785678567856785678567859345698239 7645982736459873469234598762398476592837649857629387465982374659283746576785474574576 7183465849302734612379214012734612384209567978 95856254152738495049876254789029372625463895085738938232732749583746237864129385876598761345098760234691234432111181800010981827674 and he or she will tell you that certain 47465678321001928374632645432023879630958734010192836123455106518027354091876345098734509848363535372801827634091287340182763409821 One of the most helpful aspects of polling 34342432312131101918101928374755464738292020191828374656474839292001010192877565747376565647483738283656467363822792837465657483930 47465657698763459873246598237649587629387469587263946745678536785436798542396784569724569754679453267954236962387649857629384769582 numbers reveal the health of a pension 78536948765928736459872639847659283746598237649582376459827364598237465982376459283765928376459283764564356783456789345698239845982 is prioritizing policy reforms. For example, 273645987346923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465928374657474574576 71834658493027346123792140127346123842095679787352441537 27384950498762547890293726254638950857389382327327495837462378641293858765987613450987602346912344321111818000109818276746564648390 system or state budget. Numbers are 10019283746326454320238796309587340101928361234551065180273540918763450987345098483635353728018276340912873401827634098217359874059 Heart+Mind Strategies discovered that 21311019181019283747554647382920201918283746564748392920010101928775657473765656474837367856785678567856788283656467363822792837465 10101928347465657698763459873246598237649587629387469587263946745678536785436798542396784569724569754679453267954236962387649857629 equally important to development. An 76592873645987263984765928374659823764958237645982736459823746598237645928376592837645928376456435678345678934569823984598273645982 while Americans care about important 73469234598762398476592837649857629387465982374653452345234523451321234234645756786789780879678567845673546234511234234634575686786 67343049876543212345678987654456789303337363672658237645182738764192837649156876152736547125348173264012340129384127340918236408123 76412038476012936593847518726538746512736459182376481273649821736498726468723659834764884848484585859686869696696698928374657474574 organization’s budget, with all its numbers 027346123792140127346123842095679787352441537384859585625415273849504987625478902937262546389508573893823273274958374623786412938587 issues like pension reform, the highest 02346912344321111818000109818276746564648390218734746567832100192837463264543202387963095873401019283612345510651802735409187634509 53728018276340912873401827634098217359874059876653434243231213110191810192837475546473829202019182837465647483929200101019287756574 in black or red, reveals whether staff are 82836564673638227928374656574839302000101010192834746565769876345987324659823764958762938746958726394674567853678543679854239678456 priority is government spending and debt. 32679542369623876498576293847695827369487659287364598726398476592837465982376495823764598273645982374659823764592837659283764592837 89345698239845982736459823764598273645987346923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465928374657474574576 718346584930273461237921 raising the funds sufficient to keep its 95679787352441537384859585625415273849504987625478902937262546389508573893823273274958374623786412938587659876134509876023469123443 Thus, educating the public on spending 18276746564648390218734746567832100192837463264543202387963095873401019283612345510651802735409187634509873450984836353537280182763 34098217359874059876653434243231213110191810192837475546473829202019182837465647483929200101019287756574737656564748373828365646736 work going. 74839302000101010192834746565769876345987324659823764958762938746958726394674567853678543679854239678456972456975467945326795423696 issues will be a much easier messaging 47695827369487659287364598726398476592837465982376495823764598273645982374659823764592837659283764592837645643567834567893456982398 645982 59872639847659283746598237649582376459827364598237465982376459283765928376459283764564356783456789345698239845982736459823764 923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465928374657474574576 71834658493027346123792140127346123842095679787352441537384859585625 45134513451345187625478902937262546389508573893823273274958374623786412938587659876134509876023469123443211118180001098182767465646 67832100192837463264543202387963095873401019283612345510651802735409187634509873450984836353537280182763409128734018276340982173598 The art of communication appears to effort since it is top-of-mind for so many. 43231213110191810192837475546473829202019182837465647483929200101019287756574737656564748373828365646736382279283746565734534564567 67856785483930200010101019283474656576987634598732465982376495876293874695872639467456785367854367985423967845697245697546794532679 57629384769582736948765928736459872639847659283746598237649582376459827364598237465982376459283765928376459283764564356783456786785 consist mostly of words, but numbers Educating the public about pension reform 718346584930 56785678593456982398459827364598237645982736459873469234598762398476592837649857629387465982374659283746576785474574576 27346123842095679787352441537384859585625415273849504987625478902937262546389508573893823273274958374623786412938587659876134509876 11818000109818276746564648390218734746567832100192837463264543202387963095873401019283612345510651802735409187634509873450984836353 matter in communications, too. And could be a much heavier lift since it will 12873401827634098217359874059876653434243231213110191810192837475546473829202019182837465647483929200101019287756574737656564748373 27928374656574839302000101010192834746565769876345987324659823764958762938746958726394674567853678543679854239678456972456975467945 the 76498576293847695827567856785678567853694876592873645987263984765928374659823764958237645982736459823746598237645928376592837645928 not just for measuring impact, like the require more resources to inform 6789345698239845982736459823764598273645987346923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465928374657474574576 7183465849302734612379 20956797873524415373848595856254152738495049876254789029372625463895085738938232732749583746237864129385876598761345098760234691234 98182767465646483902187347465678321001928374632645432023879630958734010192836123455106518027354091876345098734509848363535372801827 76340982173598740598766534342432312131101918101928374755464738292020191828374656474839292001010192877565747376565647483736785678567 amount of Facebook fans, or email list public about an issue lower in priority 64673638227928374656574839302000101010192834746565769876345987324659823764958762938746958726394674567853678543679854239678456972456 42369623876498576293847695827369487659287364598726398476592837465982376495823764598273645982374659823764592837659283764592837645643 98239845982736459823764598273645987346923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465345234523452345132123423464575678678978087967856 members. Numbers matter a great deal for them. 12342346345756867867897897890876956734304987654321234567898765445678930333736367265823764518273876419283764915687615273654712534817 41273409182364081237649238754912837641203847601293659384751872653874651273645918237648127364982173649872646872365983476488484848458 6698928374657474574576 7183465849302734612379214012734612384209567978735244153738485958562541527384950498762547890293726254638950857 in determining whether an organization’s 83746237864129385876598761345098760234691234432111181800010981827674656464839021873474656783210019283746326454320238796309587340101 This doesn’t mean organizations should 18027354091876345098734509848363535372801827634091287340182763409821735987405987665343424323121311019181019283747554647382920201918 92001010192877565747376565647483738283656467363822792837465657483930200010101019283474656576987634598732465982376495876293874695872 goals match the priorities of the very 85436798542396784569724569754679453267954236962387649857629384769582736948765928736459872639847659283746598237649582376459827364598 ignore the heavy lifts. It means organizations 28376592837645928376456435678345678934569823984598273645982376459827364598734692345987623984765928376498576293874659823746592837465 465849302734612379214012734612384209567978735244153738485958562541527384950498762547890293726254638950857389382327327495837462378641 people they are trying to help with their 45098760234691234432111181800010981827674656464839021873474656783210019283746326454320238796309587340101928361234551065180273540918 48363535372801827634091287340182763409821735987405987665343424323121311019181019283747554647382920201918283746564748392920010101928 can structure their communications talent 47483738283656467363822792837465657483930200010101019283474656576987634598732465982376495876293874695872639467456785367854367985423 54679453267954236962387649857629384769582736948765928736459872639847659283746598237649582376459827364598237465982376459283765928376 policy reforms. For many increasingly 7834567893456982398459827364598237645982 7183465849302734612379214012734612384209567978735244153738485958562541527384950498762547890 and budgets accordingly and set realistic 85738938232732749583746237864129385876598761345098760234691234432111181800010981827674656464839021873474656783210019283746326454320 10192836123455106518027354091876345098734509848363535372801827634091287340182763409821735987405987665343424323121311019181019283747 sophisticated think tanks, these kinds of 91828374656474839292001010192877565747376565647483738283656467363822792837465657483930200010101019283474656576987634598732465982376 measurement goals. 87263946745678536785436798542396784569724569754679453267954236962387649857629384769582736948765928736459872639847659283746598237649 59823746598237645928376592837645928376456435678345678934569823984598273645982376459827364598734692345987623984765928376498576293874 numbers are discovered through polling. 4657474574576 7183465849302734612379214012734612384209567978735244153738485958562541527384950498762547890293726254638950857389382327 64129385876598761345098760234691234432111181800010981827674656464839021873474656783210019283746326454320238796309587746464637897263 76049872039874029837409182341234134010192836123455106518027354091876345098734509848363535372801827634091287340182763409821735987405 12131101918101928374755464738292020191828374656474839292001010192877565747376565647483738283656467363822792837465657483930200010101 Polling can also be a check on whether a 98763459873246598237649587629387469587263946745678536785436798542396784569724569754679453267954236962387649857629384769582736948765 84765928374659823764952356234523452345234523482376459827364598237465982376459283765928376459283764564356783456789345698239845982736 Polling is standard practice in political 645987346923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465928374657474574576 think71834658493027346123792140127346123842095679787352441537384 tank has become too insular. If an 84950498762547890293726254638950857389382327327495837462378641293858765987613450987602346912344321111818000109818276746564648390218 192837463264543202387963095873402345234523452345234r23412345347458657810192836123455106518027354091876345098734509848363535372801827 campaigns. It’s called “market research” 76340982173598740598766534342432312131101918101928374755464738292020191828374656474839292001010192877565747376565647483738283656467 organization is trying to communicate 65748393020001010101928347465657698763459873246598237649587629387469587263946745678536785436798542396784569724569754679453267954236 38476958273694876592873645987263984765928374659823764958237645982736459823746598237645928376592837645928376456435678345678934569823 in the private sector. This type of polling 3764598273645987346923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465928374657474574576 7183465849302734612379214012734612384209567978735 with the public using policy jargon, or if its 5625415273849504987625478902937262546389508573893823273274799098765456745674567456777745634523453463457645756856786758567i9583746237 76134509876023469123443211118180001098182767465646483902187347465678321001928374632645432023879630958734010192836123455106518027354 is used to determine whether a campaign 50984836353537280182763409128734018276340982173598740598766534342432312131101918101928374755464738292020191828374656474839292001010 staff assume the public is more educated 56564748373828365646736382279283746565748393020001010101928347465657698763459873246598237649587629387469587263946745678536785436798 56975467945326795423696238764985762938476958273694876592873645987263984765928374659823764958237645982736459823746598237645928376592 message or a product will resonate with 4356783456789345698239845982736459823764598273645987346923459876239847659283764985762938746598237465928374657474574576 7183465849302 73461238420956797873524415373848595856254152738495049876254789029372625463895085738938232732749583746237864129385876598761345098760 than it truly is about a complex policy 18180001098182767465646483902187347465678321001928374632645432023879630958734010192836123455106518027354091876345098734509848363535 2873401827634098217391827304871562039871-3945874309857049817092384705982374059823745234523452345598740598766534342432312131101918101928target audiences. Before investing precious 02019182837465647483929200101019287756574737656564748373828365646736382279283746565748393020001010101928347465657698763459873246598 issue, polling or focus groups reveal areas 46958726394674567853678543679854239678456972456975467945326795423696238764985762938476958273694876592873645987263984765928374659823 73645982374659823764592837659283764592837645643567834567893456982398459827364598237645982736459873469234598762398476592837649857629 resources in promoting a policy or product, 28374657474574576 718346584930273461237921401273461238420234509876230946502938745098270394875295679787352441537384859585625415273849 of messaging weakness.

Numbers Tell a Story

organizations and companies will often turn to pollsters or market researchers to help them refine their communications to ensure their messaging will hit the right target audience. A growing number of think tanks are beginning to engage in polling to understand the public’s awareness of key policy reforms and the level of communication required to educate them.

In 2012, State Policy Network engaged Heart+Mind Strategies to conduct nationwide market research and help the network better understand what messaging will move the public on a variety of policy issues, including education, public pensions, taxation, and healthcare. With access to this research, think tanks

While it is a significant investment, polling is an invaluable tool for think tanks. As the network becomes more experienced in using such tools, organizations can expect more efficient resource allocation and a better return on investment in marketing and communications. The numbers don’t lie, and the network’s mounting policy achievements prove think tanks are using polling-informed messages with impressive results.


SPN News reports on issues of importance to state-focused, market-oriented, nonprofit public policy research organizations. Drawing from current updates and events from within the industry, the publication provides timely information on the most pressing issues facing public policy state think tank executives. State Policy Network publishes SPN News six times a year. Individual copies can be ordered from the State Policy Network offices at 703-243-1655. All images used in this issue are owned by their respective copyright holders. All rights reserved.


State Policy Network is the capacity building service organization for America’s free market, state-focused think tank community. We advance a free society by providing leadership development, management training and networking opportunities for think tank professionals and by promoting strategic partnerships among market-oriented organizations.

STATE POLICY NETWORK™ Tracie Sharp, President and CEO Alexis Baker, Donor Relations Manager Teresa Brown, Director of Strategic Operations Rebecca Bruchhauser, Director of Donor Relations Jennifer Butler, Vice President of External Relations Todd Davidson, Policy Specialist Daniel Erspamer, Vice President for Strategic Partnerships Rebecca Feldman, Manager of Foundation Relations Brad Gruber, Director of Operations Lynn Harsh, Vice President of Strategy Spencer Hughes, Development Associate Betsy Johnson, Office Manager Rachel Kopec, Coalitions Coordinator Sharon Milhollin, Executive Assistant Kristina Mitten Sanders, Development Specialist Daniel Montgomery,* Graphic Designer Kathleen O’Hearn, Director of Coalitions Rebecca Painter, Donor Relations Manager Rebecca Phillips, Communications Manager Michelle Poehlmann,* Administrative Assistant Betsy Thraves, Executive Assistant Meredith Turney, Director of Strategic Communications Maura Weber, Donor Relations Assistant Nicole Williams, Senior Communications Advisor (Consultant) Tony Woodlief, Executive Vice President *Independent contractor

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thomas A. Roe, Founding Chairman (1927–2000) Gaylord K. Swim (1948–2005) Theodore D. Abram............American Institute for Full Employment Whitney L. Ball...........................................................Donors Trust Carl Helstrom (Chairman).................................The JM Foundation John W. Jackson.................................... Adolph Coors Foundation Adam Meyerson...................................... Philanthropy Roundtable

Meredith Turney is director of strategic communications with SPN. Write her at turney@spn.org.

Tracie J. Sharp (President)............................ State Policy Network Stanford D. Swim.......................................... The GFC Foundation Bridgett G. Wagner.................................. The Heritage Foundation Thomas Willcox....................................... Thomas Roe Foundation 1655 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 360, Arlington, VA 22209 Phone: 703-243-1655 Fax: 703-740-0314 info@SPN.org SPN.org twitter.com/statepolicy facebook.com/statepolicy



Want to “Think Big”? Consider Your Fundraising Culture BY BEN CASE

THE CHECK ARRIVED in the mail, unexpected, and truth be told, no one even asked for it. It just showed up. You, the CEO, are elated, of course. The gift is the largest in your history, and the staff feel validated that someone would think so highly of the nonprofit’s work. Board members want to know more about the person making the gift. You tell them, “I really don’t know much about the donor. He came to one of our events a while ago, and he receives our direct mail. He’s made gifts of a far lesser amount. We had no idea they had this kind of wealth.”

other words, your nonprofit is not maximizing investments, relationships, and opportunities to create a culture for long-term success toward an ambitious, shared vision. Many nonprofits believe they have moved into “thinking big” when they reach “Stage Two: Major Gifts Fundraising Program,” which has the following elements of success: • Someone is responsible for the major gifts effort. • At least one person has learned major giving. • There is a budget for the major gifts department.

To o o f t e n , t h i s s c e n a r i o encapsulates a nonprofit’s major gifts fundraising effort. I call this type of major gifts activity “Stage One: Major Gifts FundReceiving.” Of course, these nonprofits wish for more major gifts, but they don’t proactively pursue prospects who could make such gifts. Instead, they exhibit the following characteristics:

• There are activities for major gift prospects and donors.

• No one is responsible for major gifts.

• When a major gift is received, it is greeted with surprise.

But what if you want to go to the next level where thinking big is not just a goal but an active culture within your nonprofit? You already have an ambitious vision to achieve your mission. The need for your work is far greater than your current fundraising meets. How can you maximize the dollars received and the potential within your prospect and donor pool?

If these attributes describe your major gifts effort, then your nonprofit is not thinking big. In

Nonprofits that truly want to think big must develop to “Stage Three: Major Gifts Culture.”

• No one has learned about major gifts. • There is no budget for major gifts. • There is no proactive effort or goal for major gifts.

• There is a major gifts department goal. Building a “major gifts fundraising program” is great progress toward thinking big. It is both the result of and results in more gifts, more dollars, and happier, more engaged donors.

In this culture, events, direct mail, and other fundraising for the operating budget are critical. They not only raise operating dollars and communicate your nonprofit’s message, but they also help you identify major gifts prospects whom you contact personally. Your current major gift donors regularly help you identify, cultivate, steward, and even solicit major gift prospects. Staff members and leaders—even those with no daily fundraising responsibilities—provide useful information on prospects and visit them with you to share their expertise. This orchestrated effort arises from a culture where:

A few years ago I visited a new CEO who was actively engaged in fundraising but was not pursuing any major gifts. She was leading the nonprofit with a “major gifts fund-receiving” culture. She said someone advised her that the nonprofit was “not ready for major giving.”

• Responsibilities for major gifts are shared.

If not now, when? Building a major gifts culture is about more than dollars. It’s about deciding what kind of organization you want to be. Will you be defined by apprehension or by vision?

• Many learn major giving. • Budget support for major giving is shared. • Major gifts fundraising is integrated into all fundraising. • The major gifts goal is shared. • Donors maximize their support of your nonprofit. Nonprofits with a major gifts culture truly stretch their limits to achieve their missions and visions. Can this be said of your nonprofit?

Learn more about building a major gifts fundraising program at “ThinkBIG: Building Impact through Giving,” a two-day seminar featuring Ben Case and Kristen Short.

“Too bad,” I said. “You realize you are leaving a lot of money on the table, not maximizing either the gifts from your donors or your nonprofit’s mission, and you are not building strong relationships with potential major gift donors.” She replied, “I know, but we will get to it someday.”

Ben Case, president of Case Consulting Services, assists nonprofits in raising money by advising on strategic planning, fundraising, and communications. Throughout his 35 years as an advancement and senior management leader, he has helped fuel growth and enhance the reputations of nonprofits, including 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) institutions. Write to him at ben@caseconsultingservices.com.

November 20-21, 2014 Washington D.C.

For more information and to register, go to ThinkBigMajorGifts.com or call 703-865-8718.


John Williammee

John Williammee’s Frontier for Freedom John Williammee loved being a subcontractor for NASA during the heady days of the Apollo program. He had a photo badge and could walk anywhere he pleased on the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral. His NASA buddies were often regaled with stories of John’s adventures climbing the most dangerous mountains and making ski jumps down triple black-diamond runs. So now, they wanted to make a true “NASA” man of John. They took John to NASA’s vertical assembly building for rockets like the Apollo Saturn V that took astronauts to the moon. After a long elevator ride to the top of what is the largest single-story building in the world, John was taken to the suspension bridge between the building and the Saturn V rocket. Then, his NASA buddies goaded John to become a “NASA man” by walking across the suspension bridge. John opted not to take the walk, 360 feet above ground. He had no interest in finding out how it felt to become a true “NASA man.” But what he did find there has affected his personal and professional life ever since. “What I found at NASA,” John said, “is that 10 percent of the people working there are doing 90 percent of the work. I just felt so sorry for the 10 percent of the people (my friends) who were the working brains for the other 90 percent who were shuffling papers, going on coffee breaks and just walking around.” “That was the point I decided two things: First, I would never operate any of my businesses with a headquarters, and second, I would never allow my businesses to be managed with a one-size-fits-all mentality. What a poor way to run a business!” John went on to launch a number of successful businesses and remained true to his word. Unfortunately, even following his own advice, John faced one threat that seemed only to grow bigger. “For 25 years, I have written out a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis. Without fail, the number

John Williammee celebrates his fifth ascent of the Mount of the Holy Cross, one of Colorado’s famous 14ers (a term describing the 58 peaks that exceed 14,000 feet).

one threat to my business year after year has been the federal government.”

John finally felt like something good was happening—something that didn’t reinvent

It just so happens that the federal government is the ultimate example of 10 percent of the people doing 90 percent of the work, with an unwieldy “headquarters” and a “one-size-fits-all” mentality. John summarizes by saying, “What a poor way to run the country.”

the wheel for every fight; something that

The uncertainty of what the government will do next and the unintended consequences of decisions coming of out Washington are always on John’s mind. “Just look at Congress,” John said. “Congress is full of lawyers making decisions for business people. You can’t make decisions about the front lines if you aren’t on the front lines and you have never even seen the front lines.”

build to make national impact—it is what has

didn’t rely on whims of powerful politicians;

something that didn’t put freedom one step

forward only to take ten steps back the next week.

As he looks ahead, John believes the

momentum in the states must continue to fueled so much opportunity to win.

“D.C. is a lost cause,” John said. “I’ve come to see that the only hope left for our country

is found in the states. The states must lead the way. They are the hope!”

Through John’s partnership with State

Policy Network, he is invested in a strategy

John wants the federal government off his SWOT analysis. But he knows the problems in Washington, D.C., are so massive and complex that fighting there isn’t going to change anything. For years John wasn’t quite sure what he could do about it.

that is getting results.

That all changed when John got his hands on a copy of State Policy Network’s newsletter and began to see that a revolution was already underway at the state level. He read stories about how momentum from collective bargaining reform in Wisconsin helped spark a win for Right to Work in Michigan, and he was exposed to a strategy that led North Carolina to secure comprehensive tax reform.

states is the answer. That’s why I support


“There is no hope for Washington, D.C. But when I see significant wins coming out

of states like Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina—well, that’s where it becomes

obvious that direct competition from the State Policy Network.”

John has come a long way since his NASA experience in the 1970s. He may not have

become a true “NASA man,” but the 360foot suspension bridge changed him into

someone even more crucial to America’s future: a passionate freedom fighter.

Identifying and Retaining Talent: No Magic Hat Required BY CLAIRE KITTLE DIXON

Eliminate Glass Ceilings: If you have a high-quality employee who doesn’t have room for growth in her current role, talk with her about shifting into a new role with more responsibility. Hint: if you have a long– time director level employee who isn’t going anywhere, pay close attention to the talent you have working under this person. Those will often be the first employees to start looking because they perceive a glass ceiling.

IN MY WORK at Talent Market, free-market nonprofit leaders turn to me for help with their biggest constraint to success: talent. They come with such great anticipation; I worry they think I have a magic hat from which I pull talent. But, of course, finding and keeping talent isn’t magic at all. Overcoming the talent challenge simply requires understanding why liberty-lovers make job moves in the first place. In my experience, there are four common reasons people jump ship—all of which can be addressed and overcome by organizations. Organizational Instability: Employees get jittery when they sense organizational instability or an unhealthy culture. They will seek employment elsewhere if they believe the situation is beyond repair. Face Trouble Head-On: If your organization is in financial trouble, employees will figure it out. Face the issue head-on, communicate honestly with staff, and take action immediately to right the ship. Sweeping the issue under the rug will only make matters worse, and distrust will grow if employees feel that management isn’t being forthright. Examine and Repair Culture: If your organization regularly experiences high turnover, examine your culture and take action to correct it. Likewise, if one department has trouble retaining talent, investigate why and make necessar y corrections. Remember that people talk; culture issues that create high turnover now will eventually make it very difficult to attract talent to your organization. Feeling Undervalued: Psychology 101 tells us everyone wants to feel valued; therefore, it’s no surprise that I frequently hear from individuals pursuing other opportunities

simply because they don’t feel appreciated— financially and otherwise. Regular Raises/Performance Bonuses: Giving top performers regular raises and bonuses goes a long way to keep them happy. Remember the keyword regular—if your organization puts a freeze on raises/bonuses for a year or two, you can bet your magic wand that staff members will get restless. If money is tight, even a small raise and/or bonus might be enough to keep your best employees smiling. Give Kudos in Other Ways: Remember that feeling appreciated isn’t solely a product of financial reward. Recognition and praise also signal an employee is valued. Finally, employees are more likely to feel valued if they believe their work is aligned with the organization’s vision and they are actively contributing to its mission. Limited Growth Potential: Time and time again, I see talented individuals leave good jobs because they don’t feel their skills are being fully utilized or they don’t see room for growth. Plan for Growth: Work with top performers to develop a plan for growth. Consider new responsibilities, expanded roles, training, and mentoring. Think critically about how you can keep them challenged while simultaneously bringing more value to your organization. SPN NEWS 5 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014

Geography: Geography was a major talent constraint decades ago, but it doesn’t have to be today. Consider Hiring Virtual Employees: Virtual hiring expands your talent pool exponentially. Case in point: I can’t recall the last time we had difficultly filling a virtual role. On the other hand, we have had a devil of a time with several on-site roles over the the course of the last year. Let Your Best Employees Roam: If one of your top performers needs to move across the country to be closer to the in-laws, that doesn’t have to mean the end of your working relationship. Technology and travel can make remote work just as efficient—if not more efficient—than the old-fashioned way. Attracting and retaining talent isn’t magic; it just requires time and attention. Organizations with stable, healthy cultures that continuously reward and challenge employees will find and retain talent—no magic hat required. Claire Kittle Dixon is the executive director of Talent Market, a nonprofit that provides free consulting and recruiting services to free-market organizations. She can be reached at claire@talentmarket.org.


IN A CATHEDRAL, some stones have high and grand placement while others are invisible in the foundation. But the mortar runs in all the joints, from the lowest to the highest stone. If you could measure all that mortar and see it as a single mass, you might find that the measure of the mortar is more than the measure of any one of the single stones. It is the glue that holds the structure together. Such is the significance of an Executive Vice President. And, for the first time in ten years, SPN will recognize this important role by presenting the Overton Award to an outstanding COO or EVP—an individual who not only helps create the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic direction, but who also oversees its day-to-day implementation. I welcomed this news with great enthusiasm because Joe Overton, the namesake of this award, was my best friend and #2 staff member for many of the years I served as president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. After Joe died at the age of 43 in a small plane crash in June 2003, SPN’s Tracie Sharp and I discussed a way to honor his memory, as well as his service to the liberty movement in America and abroad. We didn’t want to name an unrelated place or project after him; we wanted to honor and encourage what he was best known for. Since his college days, Joe believed that liberty and character were mutually dependent. He felt an irresistible calling to work for the advancement of both. He reached the zenith of his contributions as senior vice president at the Mackinac Center, whose staff he joined in January 1992. As a consummate administrator, he taught us the importance of continuous improvement, which he practiced 24/7. I heard him say many times, “You cannot impart what you don’t possess.” Joe’s sterling character set a standard for every staffer in both our professional and personal lives. He said what he meant and meant what he said, always. Accordingly, I came to place unqualified trust in him. He brought a strong business sense

Joseph P. Overton

Photo courtesy of Mackinac Center for Public Policy

Recognizing the Indispensable

and improved our operations by creating an operating practices manual, regular job performance reviews, and a meaningful budget that kept every department on track. When I was out selling the organization to donors and audiences, I could leave the day-to-day worries in his hands with utmost confidence. Joe was a dreamer, as well as a doer. He created what is now widely known as the “Overton Window”—a teaching tool that gets people to understand the importance of putting ideas ahead of political action. A visionary, he could see ten years down the road and most of the steps we would have to take to get there. To a CEO, having such a person at your side is worth a fortune by any measure. A superb man or woman who occupies that #2 position—whether it’s called EVP, COO or something else—is often an unsung hero, an indispensable player for whom public recognition just doesn’t happen often enough. That’s why the Overton Award is so special. It is given to the person in the organization who helps shape and fulfill the organization’s mission every day. This person assists the CEO in guiding staff and evaluating progress. He or she oversees the budget and revenue, helping raise funds as necessary. An excellent EVP is mindful of an institute’s comparative advantage, the lay of the land, and meeting the needs of the organization’s customers and target audiences. Never underestimate what a good second-in-command can accomplish. For many years, I was privileged to have one who taught me that in spades. The recipient of this year’s Overton Award can be proud of both the work that earned the honor and the man for whom it is named. Lawrence W. “Larry” Reed is president emeritus of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Michigan and, since September 2008, has been president of the Foundation for Economic Education, now headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. He also served on the SPN board from its founding until 2008. Write him at lreed@fee.org.



Coming to Annual Meeting? Learn more about the impact of community outreach in Detroit at the breakout session, “Community Change Agents: Coalition Case Study from Detroit,” on Wednesday, September 24, and look for our Detroit photo exhibit and video. www.spnam.org/agenda.

move from a life of dependence to one of self-reliance, overcoming barriers to employment through the fruits of their own labor.” In Tech Town—a shared work space for start-ups and dreamers in downtown Detroit—entrepreneur Mike Moceri runs Manulith, a growing 3D printing business he started in his college dorm. He now employs five people, and he often guides visitors through 3D printing tutorials and conversations about what the future of this new innovation could bring. Mike Moceri

Brittany Sanders, serves as a fellow of Challenge Detroit, an organization that attracts and cultivates young professionals in Detroit. They aim to build up the work force with talented and committed Detroiters who have an eye to the future. Brittany and other community leaders spoke on a panel hosted by State Budget Solutions and Manhattan Institute. They discussed the ways citizens and entrepreneurs in the private sector have engaged to rebuild Detroit and give the city a solid foundation for the future. Karen Johnson Moore works for Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation, a nonprofit that comes alongside citizens in northwest Detroit to improve the conditions of their communities. In a city littered with neighborhoods of blighted or vacant homes, Grandmont Rosedale homes have beautifully manicured lawns, charming parks, and new playgrounds. Karen and her colleagues teach local homeowners how to rebuild and maintain the neighborhoods so the communities can remain safe, vibrant, and beautiful.

Brittany Sanders

Private enterprise also helps individuals protect themselves. The Threat Management Center, a private bodyguard academy and a self-defense school, trains individuals to protect themselves and their families in a city where car-jackings, break-ins, homicides, and arsons are frequent and the police force is underfunded.

Karen Johnson Moore

These everyday heroes understand that empowering local citizens through freedom and opportunity is key to building thriving, prosperous communities. Their appreciation of local solutions echoes that of several state think tanks who are increasingly engaging in local policy. By addressing urgent local reforms, these state think tanks have found they can directly improve people’s lives more quickly than they could at the state or federal levels. Their efforts help shape an environment where freedom and entrepreneurship can flourish and even percolate up from the local level.

Dawn Meling, director of marketing and outreach at Commonwealth Foundation, said their work made her think about how the efforts of the Commonwealth Foundation—and the freedom movement—can inspire and equip people to transform communities through their own initiative and innovation instead of depending on government. “One of the most powerful quotes that sticks with me is from the leader of Neighbors Building Brightmoor, Riet Schumack,” Dawn recalled. “[She] said, ‘We’re here to work with our neighbors to improve our community, but we will not work for them.’ ” For Riet and her fellow citizens, Detroit is not a lost cause but a lesson learned: no matter the good intentions of government or nonprofits, the real lasting change must come from those in the community. Rachel Kopec is Coalitions Manager for State Policy Network. Write her at kopec@spn.org. Photography by Joel Sorrell.

Holly Carter is Director of Federalism in Action at State Budget Solutions. Write her at holly@statebudgetsolutions.org.






and religious K–12 schools about the recently enacted Education Tax Credits.

With Advance Arkansas Institute’s new app, users have quick facts about the state legislature at their fingertips.

Corporations can donate up to $5 million in taxes to these schools and reduce their In July, Alabama Policy Institute (API) hosted a prison system reform panel discussion featuring State Senator Cam Ward, head of the state prison system reform taskforce; Dr. John Sloan, professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and

state taxes by a percentage. Alaska is the only state with this type of program. At APF’s annual Friedman Legacy Day,

a district map,

Senator Mike Dunleavy was honored

a personal

with APF’s Education Superman award


for championing education reform for

webpage, and

all Alaskan children. As part of APF’s

14 different ratings on legislative performance. For each of those ratings, the app also displays comparative rankings, so that users can see how one legislator compares to others. It also lists the awards that several legislators received for their comparatively superior performance in the previous legislative session. In next year’s session, the app will provide users with real-time updates on legislative developments.

Alabama Policy Institute has leveraged social media to dispell misinformation about climate change.

chairman of the Department of Justice Sciences; and Katherine Robertson, API’s senior policy counsel and an appointed member of the taskforce. The late July release of Dr. John Hill’s Alabama’s Environment 2014: Six Critical Indicators served to boost exposure for API, too. Social media images dismantled environmental misinformation and highlighted the publication while the state media group coordinated to heighten awareness and dialogue. Board members and staffers Cameron Smith, Caleb Crosby, Katherine Robertson,

transparency-in-government initiative, they distributed the Municipality of Anchorage payroll listing to more than 100,000 households in early August. This information highlighted the very high public employee cost to Anchorage citizens. These citizens could then determine if they are getting value for their taxes or if some of the city services should be contracted out. alaskapolicyforum.org


Carol Alexander, Dr. John Hill, Tara Howard, The Advance Arkansas Institute rolled observers of the Arkansas legislature to follow developments there at the touch of a button. For each one of Arkansas’s 135 legislators, app users can look up The Alaska Policy Forum (APF) has been busy spreading the word to private

the Arkansas Policy Foundation, is sending a letter to state Department of Human Services Director John Selig, asking him to provide “an estimate of the long-term unfunded liabilities created by the expansion of Medicaid” in last year’s legislative session. “Unfunded liabilities,” the letter explains, “represent the fiscal cost of future commitments.” It also notes that the Policy Foundation, “a the unfunded liabilities of ARKids First

out its Smartphone app, which enables


A group of Arkansas legislators, citing

think tank founded in 1995, has estimated

and Sherri Bartels will kick off API’s 25th year in September! alabamapolicy.org


(by name or zip code) nearly 100 votes

at $3.5 billion. The Foundation relied on enrollment, federal reimbursement, and average annual cost data. ARKids is only part of Arkansas’s Medicaid program.” These legislators heroically opposed Medicaid expansion under ObamaCare in 2013 and 2014. Their

on different bills during the previous

letter concludes, “We believe that

legislative session, the text of those bills,

transparency of the long-term unfunded




liabilities created by Medicaid expansion

10,000 visitors per day. Thanks to the

in Delaware’s arrangement to charge

would serve the public interest.”

website, California’s citizens finally get an

electricity customers a surcharge as a


opportunity to see where their tax dollars really go. californiapolicycenter.org


means of enticing Bloom Energy to build a natural gas fuel cell manufacturing facility in Delaware. CRI has supported lawsuits that uncover the false environmental benefit claims and underestimation of the cost to Delawareans. Both lawsuits are proceeding. In the next legislative session, CRI plans

In September, the Pacific Research

to help re-introduce House Bill 353, which

Institute (PRI) and the Atlas Network will host Building up a Movement to Tear

On August 1, Jon Caldara and Mike Krause

Down the Berlin Walls of Today, featuring

of the Independence Institute submitted

keynote speaker Garry Kasparov, a 2014

more than 127,000 signatures to the

Atlas Templeton Leadership Fellow. The event will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, reflect on the spirit that dismantled the Berlin Wall, and consider how we get it back. PRI has published some studies over the summer: Not As Good As You Think: Illinois, an education study by Lance Izumi, and The Economics of Pharmaceutical

Colorado Secretary of State’s office. These signatures were in support of Proposition 124, which, if passed, will make school board meetings and negotiations open to the public. This will be another huge step towards transparency in Colorado. i2i.org


would have established Education Savings Accouts (ESAs) had it not been tabled.

Delaware’s leading magazine, Delaware Today, recently published an article

endorsing the concept of ESAs as a way to improve Delaware’s education system. The article extolled Tall Oaks Classical School, a poorly-funded private school with a large low-income student body, for achieving the second highest SAT scores in Delaware. It also recognized how ESAs would help schools like Tall Oaks perform even better. caesarrodney.org

Pricing, Wayne Winegarden’s examination of the market forces influencing the often-dramatic price differences in pharmaceutical drugs before and after

FLORIDA Yankee Institute has released its annual

their patents expire. Both studies are on

compilation of Taxes Too Small to Keep

our website. Two additional studies will

(with collection costs in excess of revenues

publish this fall: The 50 State Index of

raised) in conjunction with its annual List of

Energy Regulation and Short-Circuited, 2nd edition, an updated education study. pacificresearch.org

Lasts, detailing Connecticut’s public policy failures. A publication on pension reform is slated for August. As a litigant in a previous

Hundreds of top Florida high school delegates participated in two James Madison Institute events: Girls State Women in Government panel discussion and Boys State Political

state lawsuit opposing forced unionization of home health care workers and day care providers, Yankee participated in a press The California Policy Center is exposing excessive state and local government worker pay, benefits, and pensions via TransparentCalifornia.com—a website launched in February 2014 in partnership with the Nevada Policy Research Institute. Nearly four million pay and pension records have been uploaded, revealing that state and local workers collect

conference, along with state legislators and the suit’s original plaintiff, following the Harris v. Quinn decision. Yankee has also welcomed a new policy director, Suzanne Bates. Bates and Carol Liebau, Yankee president, hosted a meeting for female legislators to discuss effective ways to present messages about freedom and opportunity to women. yankeeinstitute.org

average pay and benefit packages that are twice that of the citizens they serve.


Hundreds of top high school students particpate in JMI’s “Women in Government” panel at the Florida State Capitol.

Football civics game. Later in the summer, a

In just five months, a half-million unique

diverse gathering of attendees at the popular

visitors have perused this shocking

Madison Movie Night film series viewed

pay and pension data. The website has

three films highlighting the theme “Celebrate

already risen to a U.S. Alexa ranking of

Caesar Rodney Institute (CRI) has been

29,103, currently averaging well over

working to expose the green washing SPN NEWS 9 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014

Freedom.” At Honor Flight, we partnered with a local Honor Flight organization and several



veterans to have them tell their stories about

Scafidi and included the release of a

First Amendment concerns in a formal

how important it was for them to visit the

key poll (http://bit.ly/1pqJyW0) showing

letter to Boise State University about its

memorial to their service in Washington, D.C.

Georgians’ preference for school choice has

handling of an event sponsored by the

no partisan boundaries. On July 29, as the

Young Americans for Liberty (YAL). YAL

EPA held hearings in Atlanta on its Clean

brought a speaker, Dick Heller, to the

Power Plan, Foundation president Kelly

campus in May to discuss his successful

McCutchen addressed a rally and joined

lawsuit challenging a gun registration law

Guests enjoyed food truck fare and stories from the Tallahassee Food Truck Association while learning about regulations affecting the industry at our showing of the documentary Dog Days. Remembering that the fight for freedom comes in many forms, the audience at The Singing Revolution was very moved by the film’s portrayal of Estonians’ efforts to gain their independence. jamesmadison.org

Americans for Prosperity in announcing the formation of the Georgia Energy Freedom Alliance. Foundation vice-president Benita Dodd testified at the EPA hearing (www. georgiapolicy.org/?p=13873). The Fifth Annual Georgia Legislative Policy Forum, sponsored by the Foundation and the Conservative Policy Institute, will take place

With two conflicting rulings on ObamaCare subsidies, state and federal exchanges

on Sept. 19 and focus on education, taxes, and health care. georgiapolicy.org

under the ACA face an uncertain future.

In July, the Foundation for Government


Accountability released a shocking report:

in Washington, D.C., and to express his support for Second Amendment gun rights. YAL says it was charged an additional $465 for security purposes, information about the event was removed from BSU websites, and literature was denied approval. CDoL asked BSU to refund the money and commit to changing its policies. BSU has refunded the money but has failed to acknowledge its policies disrespect the First Amendment. Thus, CDoL will look at all options to assure the policies are reversed. idahofreedom.org

Who is on the ObamaCare Chopping Block. Research shows the certain impact ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion will have on the neediest in our society. The winners of ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion are able-bodied, working-age adults. Almost all recipients (82%) have no children to support; nearly half of them (45%) do not work; and many (53%) have a record of run-ins with the criminal justice system. The losers are the very people Medicaid was created to protect: low-income kids, poor moms, the elderly, the blind, and the disabled. Contrary to the media spin, there is nothing fair or compassionate about ObamaCare (www.uncoverobamacare.com). thefga.org

ILLINOIS This summer, the Grassroot Institute of

Hawaii broke the news that the Department of the Interior is considering a rule that would create a government-to-government relationship between the U.S. and the Native Hawaiian community. Grassroot is a long-time opponent of the Akaka Bill and other federal efforts to create a Native Hawaiian tribe, and it has been a leader in opposing the state effort to organize a race-based Native Hawaiian government. In June, the Department of the Interior held a series of hearings on the issue, and Grassroot submitted both written and oral comments highlighting the

The Illinois Policy Institute is crafting powerful videos to tell stories of “the little guy”—ordinary citizens who don’t have money or political connections but aspire to start a business, get an education, or simply pursue their version of the American dream. The Institute’s latest video, Coffee Run, features a young entrepreneur with an innovative idea who, because of excessive red tape, chose to move her business out of Illinois. The video shows state politicians the real-life effects their bad policies have

unconstitutionality of the plan and criticizing


the federal government’s involvement in the issue. Grassroot also continues to expand its influence as the state’s foremost advocate for the free market. President/ CEO Keli’i Akina has made multiple media appearances and hosts a weekly current affairs program. grassrootinstitute.org

The Georgia Public Policy Foundation’s 2014 Guide to the Issues covers policy


proposals for transportation, health care, education, and tax reform and is accessible online at http://bit.ly/XggcA3. The Foundation’s 2014 Friedman Legacy

Idaho Freedom Foundation’s Center for

Day event featured keynote speaker Ben

Defense of Liberty (CDoL) has expressed SPN NEWS 10 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014

At his latest video shoot, Institute videographer Charlie Fritschner takes a break from filming at the Jacksonville, Ill., home day care to snap some goofy pictures of the kids.



each day, and thousands of people have

have their place in the market. Geothermal

seen it. The Institute’s next project gives

energy has not received the same attention

voice to day-care workers who were forced

and focus over the past 20 years for a

to pay into a government union because

variety of reasons. In her new policy study,

they care for low-income children whose

Geothermal Energy: Important Potential

families receive a small state subsidy

in the U.S. and Iowa, Public Interest

for day care. The Institute’s powerful

Institute Research Analyst Deborah D.

storytelling initiative allows them to share

Thornton highlights why this should change.

stories of everyday Illinoisans with viewers

Geothermal energy, states Thornton,

across the state and country.

whether a commercial or industrial


electricity generation and resale facility, or individual homeowner system, deserves our


In Congress, July 4, 1776, mous declaration of the thirteen United States of America:


attention. To read this and other Institute studies, visit www.LimitedGovernment.org/ publications.html. limitedgovernment.org

A young Milton Friedman fan celebrates school choice with the Bluegrass Institute in Louisville.

Vol. 24, No. 4, Fall 2013

n in the course of human events, it becomes A FUTURE THAT WORKS The fall journal features a critical analysis of essary for one people to dissolve the political Our mission is to marshal the best thought on h have connected them withGov. another,Mike and Pence’s new preschool program governmental, economic and educational mong the powers of the earth, the separate issues at the state and municipal levels. We by Indiana Policy Review Foundation’s tation to which the Laws of Nature and seek to accomplish this in ways that: God entitle them, a decentHang respect to La. the A •survey ofofthe recent Exalt the truths the Declaration of literature on mankind requires that they should declare Independence, especially as they apply to the the We topic that ofthe program will not hich impel them to the separation. hold predicts interrelated freedoms religion, property speech.in Hoosier children the virtue to be self-evident, that all men createdto and beareable instill they are endowed by their Creator with • Emphasize the primacy of the individual in the sole age-appropriate goal public concerns. lienable rights, that amongof theseself-control, are life, addressing the pursuit of happiness. That secure • Recognize that equality ofof opportunity is preschool. thatto justifies the expense public governments are instituted among men, sacrificed in pursuit of equality of results. The foundation encourages research and discussion on the “Such programs are carelessly and eir just powers from the consent of the widest range of Indiana public-policy issues. Although the philoand economic prejudices inherent in its mission might That whenever any form ofconfusingly government sophical prompt disagreement, the foundation strives to avoid political or conceptualized,” Ms. La writes. social bias in its work. Those who believe they detect such bias tructive of these ends, it is the right of the are asked to provide details of a factual nature so that errors may be corrected. are often poor-quality reproductions ter or to abolish it, and to “They institute new t, laying its foundation on such principles BOARD OF DIRECTORS of small-scale, successful experiments but S. Quilhot zing its powers in such form, as to them shall Charles Byron S. Lamm T. Craig Ladwig cannot ikely to effect their safety and happiness.guarantee significant returns on indeed, will dictate that governments children’s education.” Most importantly, the hed should not be changed for light and MEMBERSHIPS Only active members and registered media are given interior publichath nature such plans predisposes the uses: and accordingly all experience access toof the archive at www.inpolicy.org. The active membership can be defined as those members who have donated $50 or to the foundation within the past year. It is the staff’s prefert mankind are more disposed to suffer, more ence to consult these active members when selecting issues for program to politicization, thereby further discussions in their regions. It is also the staff’s preference to are sufferable, than to right themselves by panel contact active members when seminars and events are scheduled in their regions. In any case, the foundation makes available its he forms to which they areharming accustomed. children and wasting resources. work and publications as resources permit. Memberships are The Indiana Policy Review Foundation is a nonprofit a long train of abuses and usurpations, tax-exempt. Indiana corporation, established in January of 1989 and recognized underissue, Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal RevenueAtty. Service Also in the fall Indiana Gen. Greg Its officers and staff can be reached at: PO Box 5166, Fort variably the same object evinces a design Code. Wayne, IN, 46895; director@inpolicy.org or under the “contact us” tab at www.inpolicy.org. The foundation is free of outside control em under absolute despotism, it is theirdetails Zoeller his plan for a “soft repeal” of by any individual, organization or group. It exists solely to conduct distribute research on Indiana issues. Nothing written here is heir duty, to throw off such government, and to be construed as reflecting the views of the Indiana Policy Review Foundation or as an attempt or hinder the passage of thesecurity. 17th Amendment, ato aidreform designed to ide new guards for their future any bill before the legislature or to further any political campaign. Donna Volmerding, Copy Editor Lisa Barnum, Graphic Designer

make the U.S. Senate more accountable to the states. inpolicy.org



that while public charter schools may not solve all of the Bluegrass State’s education troubles, “parents of children trapped in schools that don’t meet their learning needs”

This summer brought a glut of stories in national outlets about Kansas’ income tax cuts ruining state finances, education funding, and, along the way, sinking the political prospects of the incumbent governor who signed them into law. Paul Krugman, the New York Times editorial board, MSNBC, and others have all derided Kansas’ lower tax burden. After leading the charge to see the tax cuts enacted,

Kansas Policy Institute (KPI) is taking up the defense for leaving more money in the pockets of taxpayers. KPI’s analysis was featured in London’s Daily Telegraph and

deserve the options that quality charter school legislation would provide. Lewis has advocated for public charter schools throughout the Bluegrass Institute’s Free to Learn debate series, including the third and final installment, which is a fully written, readable debate released online. According to Lewis, the fact that 42 other states and the District of Columbia now have charterschool laws offers the commonwealth’s policymakers an ideal opportunity to create stellar legislation. bipps.org


has influenced coverage at the national level stateside, as well. An analysis that isn’t timed or tied to the election cycle allows KPI to make the case, in a variety of formats, for the larger idea of lower taxes, lower spending, and more private sector job growth. kansaspolicy.org

Pelican Institute www.pelicaninstitute.org

The Pelican Institute continues to provide market-based solutions to Louisiana’s most challenging policy questions. Projects underway include reports on reforming Louisiana’s tax code, addressing


nation-leading incarceration rate without

energy generation and use question.

compromising public safety. Recent articles

Building a varied and strong portfolio of

have also highlighted the growing burden

energy sources is a wise economic and conservation decision for Iowa, separate

environmental challenges with freemarket policies, and reducing the state’s

There is not one single answer to the

of Louisiana’s underfunded defined benefit

from all the hype and politicking of the

During the Bluegrass Institute’s Free to

pension funds. The Institute hosted a

global warming lobby. Coal, oil, nuclear,

Learn debate series, University of Kentucky

reception honoring the late Milton Friedman

hydro, wind, and solar energy sources all

education professor Wayne Lewis said

in New Orleans on July 31. The reception



was held in New Orleans, an appropriate



school choice. Follow us on Facebook,


Twitter and at www.ThePelicanPost.org.




coverage of unions. Anne Schieber received honorable mention in “general news” for her

city to celebrate Friedman’s legacy of POLICY RESEARCH

Pioneer Institute stopped the agency that oversees the Boston convention center from adding a $110 million hidden public subsidy

series on municipalities threatening to raise people’s taxes if they denied assessors access to their home. Her series led to the introduction of two bills in the legislature to end the practice. mackinac.org

and skirting state bidding laws through legislation expanding the center. While


Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and other state leaders were attending the BIO The Maine Heritage Policy Center (MHPC) hosted Media Research President Brent Bozell for its 12th annual Freedom & Opportunity Luncheon. MHPC presented DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew with the 2014 Freedom & Opportunity award, presented each year by MHPC to the Maine citizen who best demonstrates a core commitment to the principles of freedom and opportunity. MHPC recognized Mayhew for her key role in successfully reforming Maine’s welfare programs, including the restoration of work requirements for food stamp recipients and the unprecedented containment of Medicaid spending growth. On July 31, MHPC participated in the annual Friedman Legacy Day with “Choosing Success: Empowering Parents to Advocate for Greater Educational Opportunities,” which included presentations from

International Convention, Pioneer issued a report showing that, at its halfway point, a $1 billion publicly-funded life science initiative had only resulted in 571 new life science jobs. The Governor had predicted the initiative would create 250,000 jobs. The report garnered widespread media coverage and raised questions about the state’s economic development strategy. In education, Oklahoma, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Louisiana have all taken steps to withdraw from Common Core as a result of pressure from grassroots groups drawing on Pioneer research. In June, Pioneer announced the winner and runners-up of its annual Better Government Competition. The awards ceremony will be in September, featuring Boston’s newly elected mayor. pioneerinstitute.org


virtual charter school. mainepolicy.org


has been collecting outside “consulting” income from labor unions throughout his tenure with the state. Commissioner Josh Tilsen was appointed by Governor Mark Dayton to head the state Bureau of Mediation Services, an agency charged with administering union elections and resolving labor disputes. The Foundation released records proving that Tilsen has been moonlighting as a labor arbitrator and consultant in Iowa. Tilsen collected much of his consulting income directly from labor unions, all while acting as an “impartial” referee of Minnesota labor disputes. In response to the Foundation’s research, Governor Dayton’s office lashed out at the Foundation and insisted that Tilsen’s outside income was similar to that of previous commissioners—a administration officials. Meanwhile,

State Board of Education, and State Maine Connections Academy—Maine’s first

recently revealed that a state commissioner

claim vigorously disputed by previous

Heidi Sampson, member of the Maine Representative Amy Volk, Board Chair of

The Freedom Foundation of Minnesota

While several news services and reporters affiliated with the liberty movement nationwide are being shunned by old-line media and denied press credentials,

Tilsen is preparing to oversee the union election for the state’s 26,000 home health workers—the largest in Minnesota’s history. freedomfoundationofminnesota.com

Mackinac Center’s Michigan Capitol Confidential is being recognized for its in-depth and breaking news coverage.

The Calvert Institute has commissioned a study of distance learning in Maryland public schools and the obstacles to its use, which will be published in October. The study will explore why, ten years after use of distance learning was first authorized in Maryland public schools, barely a thousand students out of a million are accorded its benefits. calvertinstitute.org

CapCon recently won four awards from the Detroit chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Jarrett Skorup won second place in the “consumer/watchdog” category for stories about corporate welfare and asset forfeiture, while Jack Spencer took third in the same category for his coverage of legislators trying to define

The Center of the American Experiment’s founder and president Mitch Pearlstein released a new book, Broken Bonds:

What Family Fragmentation Means for

America’s Future. In the words of Michael Novak, Pearlstein is “brilliant in weaving this great conversation together” with forty

the term “journalist.” Tom Gantert won

of “America’s extraordinarily wise and

third place in “feature reporting” for his

experienced thinkers on these subjects,”





resources, the Platte Institute called for the district to go back to the drawing board and find ways to cut costs and seek private funding to alleviate the impact on taxpayers.

Ever hear of the four corners in basketball? In his latest book, Mitch Pearlstein interviews 40 of America’s top thinkers on what the U.S. will come to if current rates of family fragmentation continue.

That’s the offense the Show-Me Institute (SMI) adopted to argue against a proposed transportation sales tax in Missouri. Within

Show-Me Institute’s David Stokes appears on KMOX to explain how a proposed transportation sales tax would hurt Missouri.

marriage and fatherhood now available.” Jeb Bush observed, “[Pearlstein’s] ability to distill data and strong and diverse opinions from leading thinkers sets him apart as

“Pearlstein is the guy I’d choose six days a week and twice on Sunday to write an important book on America’s most urgent problem: family fragmentation. And who, thank goodness, has written such a book.” americanexperiment.org

gain traction, winning the endorsements of the state’s largest newspaper, the Omaha World-Herald, and the President platteinstitute.org

this the best book on the cultural role of

the subject.” David Blankenhorn stated,

helped the Platte Institute’s proposal

of the Omaha Public School Board.

and Pearlstein’s “unique method makes

one of the most engaging educators on

Public dissatisfaction with the price tag

just one week in July, SMI’s policy analysts


In July, the Nevada Policy Research Institute (NPRI) released a study on how a business tax on the ballot would kill 3,610

appeared on key talk radio shows in Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbia, Jefferson City, Springfield, and Cape Girardeau...basically the “four corners” of Missouri and then some. In addition, SMI analysts offered expert opinion on two major television newscasts and had several op-eds published in major newspapers in St. Louis,


Springfield, Columbia, and Cape Girardeau. How about that for a full-court press? In personnel news, David Stokes, previously our Director of Local Government Policy,

The Mississippi Center for Public Policy (MCPP) released a report titled Vital

has taken over as Director of Development. showmeinstitute.org

Signs: The Mississippi Index of Leading Cultural Indicators, which shows how state


government has grown in size and cost

business owners to explore the reasons why the share of GDP produced by black-owned businesses is the same today as it was in the 1960s. The goal is

The Platte Institute reignited the education reform discussion in Nebraska at the local level when the Omaha Public Schools, the largest district in the state, recently proposed the costliest bond measure in state history. The district planned to

to move more people to the free-market

finance $682 million in bonds entirely with

system by encouraging entrepreneurship

tax increases: a $112 levy per $100,000

and eliminating unnecessary barriers to

of value in homes or business properties.

market-driven small business development,

Nebraska already has one of the highest

especially in areas where government

property tax burdens in the nation. Using

dependency is prevalent. mspolicy.org

study, we set up 3,610 dominoes spelling out “Question 3 kills jobs,” with each domino voters approve the tax increase. The press

and almost every other social measure also begun meeting with African-American

jobs. Not content to just put out another

representing a job that would be lost if

since 1960 while educational achievement have stagnated or worsened. MCPP has

NPRI President Andy Matthews poses among 3,610 toppled dominoes, which represent the number of jobs that a proposed business margin tax would eliminate.

its community, social, and traditional media SPN NEWS 13 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014

conference earned NPRI its biggest day of in-state media ever. Six television stations aired footage, and, on its front page of the Nevada section, the state’s largest paper put a picture of NPRI President Andy Matthews standing among the fallen dominoes. A hat tip to the Independence Institute for inspiring the domino idea. Since the tax was to improve education, NPRI published a study on 33 ways to improve Nevada education without spending more, providing solutions that are working in other states. npri.org



The Common Sense Institute of New

Jersey (CSI•NJ ) has joined the fray over the $40 billion public employee pension


the weekly call-in show on Albuquerque’s

proposed “reverse logrolling” for state

NPR station to debate two liberal

budget negotiations, urged lawmakers

panelists on the impact of the recent

to scrap a new electronic cigarette tax,

Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision.

documented years of academic research


and ranked North Carolina cities and


plan deficit. Beginning with its January

continued its focus on this very pressing issue. And with the latest revenue shortfall, the state’s fiscal ills continue to stifle its economic recovery, which has been meager compared to surrounding states and the nation as a whole. Adding further insult, the major credit rating agencies have continued to lower New Jersey’s status to the point that only Illinois is rated worse. As a result, CSI•NJ has put forth concrete proposals to shift from existing defined benefit to defined contribution plans immediately, with current employees transitioning to a 50/50 approach and new employees to a 100% plan, in order to mitigate present and future deficits. csinj.org

The Empire Center for Public Policy’s 2014 edition of What They Make, a

well-received and brought record traffic to EmpireCenter.org and the Center’s government transparency website, SeeThroughNY.net. Meanwhile, with New York slated to receive a $3.3 billion court settlement, the Center took the lead in arguing that the funds should be dedicated to the state’s crumbling and underfunded infrastructure rather than temporarily offsetting recurring costs. Since then, the Center’s arguments have been echoed by editorial boards and elected officials throughout the state. sharing services—a guide for local officials looking to save taxpayer money through

municipal tool for protecting important

Mexico recently to meet with policymakers and the media and educate them on the

government services and taxpayers’ wallets. empirecenter.org


need for states, Western ones in particular,

President Paul Gessing and Graham spoke on numerous panel discussions and media interviews. Successes included the New Mexico Association of Counties’ formal endorsement of lands transfer legislation. The effort was cited as a case “For Inspiration” by Federalism in Action. RGF consistently tracks the New Mexico economy, and its report on on the

The Civitas Institute has launched a campaign to remind teachers they can give themselves an average $450 annual pay raise by resigning from their union, the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE). The message will also target other school staff in the NCAE and will appear on billboards and on a new website, NCTeacherFreedom.com. Civitas has also been a leader in opposing the Common Core State Standards. In July, those efforts bore fruit when Republican Gov. Pat McCrory signed a new law ordering the State Board of Education to rewrite the Common Core standards with input from a new 11-member advisory commission. In August, Civitas unveiled two new polls, one surveying NC registered voters’ views on national issues and another questioning unaffiliated voters on their views. Our national issues poll found that in a head-to-head matchup in the U.S. Senate race, NC House Speaker Thom Tillis had pulled ahead of incumbent Kay Hagan, 45–43 percent. nccivitas.org

to restore certain federal lands to state

control. Rio Grande Foundation (RGF)

state representative. johnlocke.org

government payrolls in New York, was

reignited the conversation on this important

Government in the West visited New

six-figure tax debt of a leading Democratic

compilation, analysis, and ranking of local

intermunicipal agreements. The report

Carl Graham of the Coalition for Self

JLF’s Carolina Journal newspaper exposed the famous Parton singing family and the

The Center also issued a report about


counties based on tax-and-fee burdens. a second development scandal involving

2014 release of Making Pension Reform a Reality in New Jersey, CSI•NJ has

findings on effective education policies,

North Carolina offered the nation a case


study of the economic impact linked to ending extended federal unemployment benefits. Benefits ended six months earlier in North Carolina than in the rest of the

country. John Locke Foundation (JLF) president John Hood documented good

The Buckeye Institute released a major

news from that North Carolina case study

new study on local government revenue and

for Wall Street Journal readers. State

spending, which has received significant

legislators voted to create a new Common

media and policymaker attention across

in the state generated significant media

Core study commission, based on JLF’s

Ohio. The report, authored by Buckeye’s

coverage. Gessing also participated on

recommendation. JLF researchers also

statehouse liaison and policy analyst Greg

rapid collapse of workforce participation




R. Lawson, highlights the long-term benefits

one month, our extensive campaign increased

of reducing government spending at the state

favorable recognition of paycheck protection

and local levels. It is available on Buckeye’s website and has been widely distributed through social media and marketed to state and local government officials. buckeyeinstitute.org

from 10 percent to 14 percent among select voters in the critical suburban Philadelphia area. At the same time, favorable name recognition for Commonwealth Foundation increased from five percent to 14 percent in those counties. We also welcomed two new


teammates: Steven Roth joined us in May 2014 as our new director of entrepreneur engagement, and James Paul joined us in July as a senior policy analyst focusing on educa-

Cascade Policy Institute founder Steve Buckstein was appointed by Oregon’s Secretary of State to help produce an

tion policy. commonwealthfoundation.org


economy,” providing media appearances and commentaries in favor of legalizing such services as Uber and Airbnb in Portland. In August, Cascade published an extensive report entitled The Advantages of User Fees Over Taxes by Randall Pozdena. Cascade also published several op-eds and commentaries on right-to-work during National Employee Freedom Week. Outreach included radio interviews and speaking presentations at events in the Portland

from Columbia, SC, Jessi and her husband Josh now make their home in Greenville. She is a graduate of Furman University and

mailers, newspaper ads, and very powerful

corruption charges, marking the first time in

against the Speaker. According to one of the state’s highest ranking justice officials, that ruling was a direct result of the hearing’s overflow attendance. scpolicycouncil.org

brings an extensive professional background in communications, non-profit fundraising, Palmetto Policy Forum welcomes a new development director, Jessi Blake.


The Beacon Center of Tennessee had a great summer and is excited about building on that momentum. Beacon CEO Justin Owen was cited nationally in outlets such as the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal in response to the UAW trying to unionize at the

grant making, and event planning to the table.

our hallmark school choice catalog for South

of paycheck protection. We used targeted

the AG to impanel a grand jury on possible

the Supreme Court, which ruled unanimously

the Forum’s organizational growth. Originally

an updated edition of Empower Students,

of Pennsylvanians about the importance

a law enforcement investigation, persuaded

development director, an exciting “next step” in

Welcome, Jessi! The Forum recently released

and its allies educated hundreds of thousands

Bobby Harrell. Our analysis, combined with

approved it, and the case went all the way to


June 2014, Commonwealth Foundation

state’s most powerful politician, House Speaker

investigated until the House Ethics Committee

Martin from Pacific Legal Foundation.

public outreach, and earned media blitz in

launched a grand jury investigation of the

Policy Forum as our first full-time

Picnic on property rights, featuring Christina

Thanks to an unprecedented public relations,

SCPC’s analysis, the state’s attorney general

In October, Jessica Blake will join Palmetto

metro area. Cascade also hosted a Policy


(SCPC) was right in the middle of it. Utilizing

conduct. The Speaker argued he couldn’t be

that could saddle Oregon taxpayers with

been a prominent advocate for the “sharing

history—and South Carolina Policy Council

powerful legislative leaders had to explain his

an upcoming November election measure

costly higher education costs. Cascade has

the most widely covered cases in recent state

a generation that one of South Carolina’s all-

objective voters pamphlet statement for

$100 million or more of debt to subsidize

In July, the state Supreme Court heard one of

Carolina parents. With a new introduction from U.S. Senator Tim Scott and a first-ever Spanish edition, this online resource will provide a simple tool to help parents navigate South Carolina’s current education options and introduce them to exciting choice innovations from around the country. Our goal is a

TV ads featuring real teachers in favor of

high-quality, customized education for every

paycheck protection. Polling has shown that in

Palmetto State student! palmettopolicy.org SPN NEWS 15 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014

VW plant in Chattanooga. Additionally, Beacon successfully launched two new video series: one that focuses on the impact ObamaCare has had on Tennesseans and another that illustrates the most striking examples of government waste from our 2014 Pork Report. In July, Beacon welcomed two new senior fellows, Jonathan Butcher from the Goldwater Institute and Patrick Gleason from Americans for Tax Reform. Lastly, Beacon published a new study analyzing the fiscal impact vouchers would have on local school districts and addressing criticisms that vouchers drain resources from public schools. beacontn.org



crisis, and education reform. As always, we


will offer free-market solutions. ethanallen.org


On Thursday, July 31, the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute (TCCRI) celebrated economic freedom by gathering more than 200 people, including dozens of state lawmakers and private sector stakeholders, for a dinner at a craft brewery in Dallas,

Happy first birthday to Sutherland Institute’s Coalition for Self-Government in the West!


politically risky for Republicans. So Mike

and the Texas Legislature took action to

Task Force continues to explore that issue among others, such as significant tax reduction and reform, occupational licensing, and state regulations. At

Sutherland Institute’s Coalition for Self-Government in the West just celebrated its first birthday of promoting federalism and self-government in the Western states. The Coalition, in partnership with local leaders and state free-market think tanks, is

the dinner, TCCRI also honored State

promoting reduced dependence on federal

Representative Phil King for his service

dollars and more control over federal lands

to Texas, for his leadership as a long-time

and resources by asking a simple question:

TCCRI Board Member, and for his coming

“Why not govern ourselves?” The Coalition’s

chairmanship of the American Legislative

state-based groups provide education and

Exchange Council. txccri.org

policy ideas to fight back against outside values and political priorities. They also assist with policies—like Idaho’s new Financial Ready Executive Order—that

The Texas Public Policy Foundation and the the Conservative Texas Budget coalition released the Conservative Texas Budget, calling for limits on the state budget that would leave more money in the hands of Texas families. Op-eds by Foundation analysts supporting the Conservative Texas Budget ran in the Texas Tribune, Austin American-Statesman, Houston Chronicle, and Dallas Morning News. The Foundation also released Fossil Fuels: The Moral

return budget and land stewardship decisions to the states’ control. The Coalition is broadening the reach of this message with

Institute … met with [Virginia House Speaker Bill Howell] and advised him to explore alternatives to adding more Medicaid beneficiaries. … Mr. Howell and four other Republicans spent the day with Mr. Thompson and a group of healthpolicy experts to discuss ideas such as increasing the number of free clinics and auditing Medicaid to weed out those who are ineligible or already have health insurance.” The Institute sponsored its annual celebration of Milton Friedman’s birthday by meeting with the state’s 17 tax credit education choice scholarship foundations. The meeting’s focus was to make school choice work in Virginia with an emphasis on scholarship fundraising. thomasjeffersoninst.org

publications like The Wall Street Journal, National Review, and The Hill to show how urbanites harm themselves when they inflict their priorities on the rural production economy. sutherlandinstitute.org


The Virginia Institute for Public

Policy has filed suit against the City of Chesapeake and Henrico County, asking the respective courts to require those jurisdictions to produce documents requested under FOIA.

of the Armstrong Center for Energy & the

The Institute alleges that some city

Environment. She argues that fossil fuels out of subsistence poverty. Center for

Thompson of the Thomas Jefferson

regular commentary and analysis in national

Case, a paper by Kathleen White, director

are responsible for lifting western civilization

Thomas Jefferson Institute’s role in the Barnes noted: “…merely saying no is

easing state restrictions on craft brewers,

The 2014 TCCRI Economic Freedom

wrote in The Wall Street Journal about

state’s battle over Medicaid expansion.

Texas. In 2013, TCCRI recommended

improve the market for craft beer in Texas.

Fox News commentator Fred Barnes

As citizens become more interested in policy in conjunction with the November

Higher Education Director Dr. Thomas

elections, the Ethan Allen Institute will

Lindsay discussed the University of Texas

partner with American Majority-Vermont

controversy in the context of the broader

to put on a series of issue briefs, covering

higher education crisis in a number of news

jobs and the economy, Vermont’s plans for

outlets. texaspolicy.com

single-payer health care, the property tax SPN NEWS 16 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014

and county attorneys in Virginia have been engaged in a conspiracy and are colluding with each other to discredit the professional reputation of property appraisers who typically represent private property owners in court. The Institute is being represented by The Free Market Environmental Law Clinic


where Chris Horner serves as senior



clinical attorney. “It is not a legitimate function of government at any level to

The latest publication from the Acton

try to conceal the fact that it has used taxpayer money to persecute private citizens who have taken some action the government deems against its interests,” said Institute president John Taylor in a recent television interview. virginiainstitute.org


Institute is a collection of essays paying As the decade-long persecution of Tom

DeLay continues in Texas, Wyoming Liberty Group attorneys Ben Barr and Stephen

Klein filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals urging the court to uphold the ruling of the lower appellate court that the case against DeLay was without merit—both in terms of criminal law and in terms of First Amendment speech rights—and end the case once and for all.

In June, Washington Policy Center (WPC) held its annual Education Breakfast events, drawing over 600 attendees statewide. The events introduced the leaders of all eight of the first charter schools approved to open in Washington state. This summer

The case exemplifies the inevitable result of campaign finance laws that empower bureaucrats and prosecutors to criminalize

tribute to the work of Michael Novak. Theologian & Philosopher of Liberty: Essays of Evaluation & Criticism, edited by Samuel Gregg, features sixteen essays by prominent contemporary thinkers. These essays are written in honor of Novak’s life and demonstrate a concern for human freedom and dignity. Some essays are critical, and Novak responds to these, offering an in-depth background into some of the intellectual concerns of his life. It is available as a softcover or an eBook. acton.org

politics: partisan witch hunts. Wyoming Liberty Group’s Legal Center is also busy challenging Wyoming campaign finance laws that unconstitutionally burden minor party and independent candidates, as well as contributors of all political stripes. We are confident free speech will win the day in all of these cases! wyliberty.org


Fifty years after the War on Poverty began, millions of Americans are still living in poverty and government efforts to expand opportunity show mixed results at best. American Enterprise Institute (AEI) is addressing this crisis with a series of new products that outline ideas and solutions from America’s top thinkers and practitioners. Please visit www.thepursuitofhappiness.com to watch

Young professionals get plugged in to important policy issues in Washington state at Washington Policy Center’s Young Professionals Summer Social.

videos from Arthur Brooks, Robert Doar, and Megan McArdle on formulating a The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law’s

kicked off WPC’s biennial Small Business

work on health care freedom in Ohio is

conservative social-justice agenda. We encourage you to share these videos with your friends and colleagues and let us know

Forums throughout the state. WPC gathers

paying dividends for employers in the wake

policy experts and state business leaders

of the D.C. Circuit Court’s decision that

to discuss key issues facing businesses in

ObamaCare’s employer tax (and the health

Washington state. In August, WPC Young

insurance subsidies that it funds to mask

Professionals held its summer social

the full cost of ObamaCare) may only be

event, connecting legislators and young

imposed in states that, unlike Ohio, set up

professionals, including WPC’s UW club

state-based ObamaCare exchanges. In

members, in a fun, casual setting to network

American Legislative Exchange Council

2011, the 1851 Center spearheaded a

and hear from WPC’s policy experts.

(ALEC) recently completed a successful

constitutional amendment prohibiting health

41st Annual Meeting in Dallas, where the

insurance mandates and taxes and further

board welcomed the new CEO, Lisa B.

prohibiting the state from establishing

Nelson. Annual Meeting speeches by Carly

a state-based ObamaCare exchange.

Fiorina, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich,

In 2012, 1851 successfully convinced

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt

policymakers that the Ohio Constitution

and others are available at the ALEC

forbids the establishment of such an

YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/

exchange. ohioconstitution.org

user/AmericanLegislative. ALEC released a

WPC has recommended allowing remote testimony in Washington state, providing all Washingtonians the chance to participate in the legislative process. WPC has provided research and testimony on this issue, and it will likely be addressed in the 2015

legislative session. washingtonpolicy.org


what you think by filling out our survey. aei.org



groundbreaking study comparing state tax

trademark STAMP program, BHI found

code favoritism, The Unseen Costs of Tax

that the measure, if passed, could result

Cronyism: Favoritism and Foregone Growth.

in the loss of 3,610 private sector jobs

The report offers suggestions and model policy at http://www.alec.org/publications/ taxcarveouts/. Be on the lookout for the Education Report Card, coming soon. alec.org

Starting in September, Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) experts will give talks in Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco as part of a 10-month speaking tour on a variety of topics, including environmentalism, cronyism, Social Security, and ObamaCare. ARI fellow Don Watkins’s just published his new book,

New America’s Future Foundation (AFF) chapters are launching in Boston, Indianapolis, Houston, and Kansas City. If you are interested in an AFF chapter in your city that can complement your think tank’s work, please contact Kathryn Shelton at kathryn@americasfuture.org. Senator Mike

RooseveltCare: How Social Security is Sabotaging the Land of Self-Reliance, which challenges the status quo on this

campaign, which is aimed at educating young people about the welfare state and how to end it. aynrand.org

Want to learn more about The Bastiat Society? Are you an existing chapter leader who would like to collaborate more with

together.” AFF chapters help build those

other Bastiat Society leaders? You are in luck! Registration for our first Director Summit is now open. Join us this November in New York City—immediately following the Atlas Network’s Liberty Forum and Freedom Dinner—where we will discuss best

for being on Wall Street Journal’s recent list of 125 most memorable op-eds. Shelton’s 1988 op-ed was titled “Confronting the Soviet Financial Offensive.” Do you want

practices, how to grow your chapter, what resources the Bastiat Society has to offer,


level. beaconhill.org


Capital Research Center has great new studies on state issues. August releases

reports on Tom Steyer’s plan to spend $100 million in campaign cash to elect leftists across America. July’s Labor Watch by Richard Berman reports on the teachers unions’ defeat in California’s Vergara decision and documents outrages with teacher tenure laws in numerous other states. June’s Green Watch explains how the National Center for Science Education is forcing global warming propaganda on your state’s schoolchildren. capitalresearch.org

join us! Registration: www.bastiatsociety. org/events. bastiatsociety.org

Recently, the Cato Institute hosted Cato University in San Diego, Calif. Together with Cato scholars and staff, liberty-minded attendees had the opportunity to explore the history and philosophy of liberty.

Liberty Forum and Freedom Dinner 2014,

New York City. Register on our website.

curbing excessive spending at the state

to defend capitalism, and we invite you to

international freedom event of the year,

the InterContinental Times Square Hotel,

anyone interested in promoting tax cuts and

society of principled wealth creators ready

today? If so, join Atlas Network for the

the fall of the Berlin Wall, Nov. 12–13 at

Policy. The response is a must-read for

and why ideas are so important. We are a

to help tear down the Berlin Walls of

where we’ll commemorate 25 years since

liberal Institute on Taxation and Economic

the nation, and Foundation Watch, which

of government in building this society

of Atlas Network’s Sound Money Project,

“critique” of the STAMP program by the

hinder immigration law enforcement across

society, made up of close-knit communities,

Judy Shelton, senior fellow and co-director

disseminated a 14-page response to a

the deadly results of activist groups that

a dynamic economy and a thriving civil

Atlas Network is proud to congratulate Dr.

million. Over the summer the Institute also

include Organization Trends, which exposes

the real alternative to big government—is

communities. americasfuture.org

year and decrease investment by $7.1

cornerstone of Don’s “End the Debt Draft”

Washington, D.C. He said “The real goal—

there’s much work to be done outside

disposable income by $240 million a

key welfare program. The book is the

Lee was featured at a Leadership Dinner in

strong families, and heroic citizens. So

in 2015. It would also reduce Nevadans’

Additionally, on September 17th, 2014, In July, the Nevada Policy Research Institute released a study conducted by The Beacon Hill Institute, which examines

Cato will host its annual Constitution Day symposium in conjunction with the release of the 13th Annual Cato Supreme Court

the economic effects of a proposed two

Review. For information, please contact

percent business margin tax. Applying its

Heather Curry (hcurry@cato.org). cato.org




ObamaCare lawsuits, Halbig and King, find legal briefs and other updates at cei.org/ obamacare. On a lighter note, check out The Center for Competitive Politics (CCP) sued the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on behalf of a Florida couple who wish to challenge federal contribution limit laws that favor incumbents and discriminate against challengers. CCP also sued the FEC for its failure to disclose a document despite a FOIA request filed previously by the Center. The Center filed

our 30th anniversary, 1980s-themed video starring Lawson Bader (@libertynkilts), Fred L. Smith, Jr. (@fredlsmithjr), and other familiar faces: http://bit.ly/1lebNDl. Give us

information is available at FEE.org/bigideas. Finally, we welcome Eric Kohn as our new Marketing Director, Ian Ostaszewski as Social Media Manager, and Robert Ramsey as Website Curator. fee.org

a shout out on Facebook (facebook.com/ CompetitiveEnterpriseInstitute) and Twitter (@ceidotorg). Sign up for CEI’s newsletters, CEI Today and Cooler Heads Digest by emailing chall@cei.org. cei.org

an ethics complaint against nine senators

Join Governor Jeb Bush and his

Foundation for Excellence in Education this November at the top education summit in the country. Since 2008, governors, state

who urged the IRS to stifle the free speech

superintendents, senators, policymakers,

rights of named conservative groups. CCP

world leaders, parents, and teachers have

Chairman Bradley A. Smith testified before

gathered annually to explore the issues

a U.S. Senate Committee on the dangers of compulsory disclosure mandated in the

The David Horowitz Freedom Center

Disclose Act of 2014.

combats the efforts of the radical left and


the ideas that underpin a free society. More

its Islamist allies to destroy American values and disarm this country as it attempts to defend itself in a time of terror. The Freedom Center has an ambitious

facing education in the 21st century. Attendees leave the National Summit armed with the knowledge and networks to advance bold education reforms that empower all students to succeed in their states. excelined.org

publishing program and a family of websites that channel crucial ideas into our national Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) is hosting their 20th anniversary celebration, “Obamacare: Making Repeal a Reality,” on September 11. The event will feature Fox News all-star and author, Stephen Hayes. For more info: bit.ly/ cchfdinner2014. In September, Twila Brase, CCHF president, will receive the Freedom of Informed Choice Award at the Emord & Associates’ Sacred Fire of Liberty Gala in Maryland. She will also speak at the 71st Annual Meeting for AAPS on “Rescuing

political dialogue. We also stage important public education events, such as this year’s 20th annual Restoration Weekend, to be held November 13–16 at The Breakers resort in Palm Beach, Florida. Confirmed speakers to date include David Horowitz, Ben Shapiro, Monica Crowley, Steven Moore, and many others. For registration and program details, please contact Michael Finch at (818) 849-3470 ext. 212 or email at mfinch@horowitzfreedomcenter.org. horowitzfreedomcenter.org

Patient Care from Failed Policy & Flawed

$85 million libel lawsuit that GreenTech Automotive—a company founded by now-VA Governor Terry McAuliffe—had filed against the journalism non-profit. In addition to this legal victory, Franklin recently hosted a Detroit blogger conference in conjunction with SPN, State Budget Solutions, and a coalition of allies. In the coming months, the Center looks forward to the continued expansion of the Watchdog.org news and the Franklin Center Journalism

activities, sign up for the weekly CCHF cchfreedom.org

victory as a Mississippi judge threw out an

network, the blogger fellowship program,

Science.” For more CCHF news and Health Freedom eNews on our website.

In July, the Franklin Center won a major

Internship Program. franklincenterhq.org In August, the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) hosted our Communicating Liberty Summit for 40 alumni to develop messaging for new audiences. Nominations for the Leonard

Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)

E. Read Distinguished Alumni Award

released a major three-part report on how

open on September 1st. On August 23rd,

Big Labor has negatively impacted state

we said goodbye to our original home in

budgets, economies, and wages. States are

Irvington, NY, with a farewell speech by

ranked in each report, which can be seen

President Lawrence W. Reed. Watch our

The Private Cost of Public Queues for

at http://bit.ly/UM92BW. On CEI’s duo of

online events series, Big Ideas Live!, on

Medically Necessary Care: 2014 Edition


As ObamaCare edges the U.S. ever closer to nationalized, rationed health care, the news is not good north of the border,

according to a new Fraser Institute study.



best known and most influential think tanks

(http://tinyurl.com/lh2dy6e) calculates the

in the country. Author, internet entrepreneur,

average value of time lost for each of the

and Tea Party hero Michelle Malkin will

estimated 928,120 patients waiting for surgery in Canada. When calculations include hours outside the work week— evenings and weekends, excluding eight hours of sleep per night—the estimated cost of waiting equals $3,681 per patient. For more Fraser Institute research, sign up for Fraser Insight at insight@fraserinstitute.org. fraserinstitute.org

Does school choice help or hurt state budgets, public school finances, and taxpayer earnings? In August, The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice released its fiscal review of school voucher programs from 1990 to 2011 to answer that

be the keynote speaker at Heartland’s 30th Anniversary Benefit Dinner. Former Rep. Joe Walsh will serve as master of ceremonies and help Heartland present its Liberty Prize to legendary conservative journalist M. Stanton Evans. heartland.org

question, which, when left unanswered, has proved costly for many states trying to increase school choice. To download and/or request a copy of that report, visit edchoice. org/research. Also, interested in learning more about how to promote that report and

The Free State Foundation (FSF) President Randolph May announced two staff updates. Michael Horney joined the Free State Foundation as a Research Associate after receiving a Master of

raise awareness for school choice in your state? Contact The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice’s State Programs and Government Relations team at edchoice.org/ StateTeam. edchoice.org

Arts in Economics from George Mason

series, Life, Liberty, and the Protection of Intellectual Property: Understanding IP in Light of Jeffersonian Principles. freestatefoundation.org

The Galen Institute has submitted amicus briefs in the two major court challenges to the ACA involving the Obama Administration’s illegal allocation of subsidies through

tive event, bringing together teachers,

and others tackle the important factors that

and to pass them on to the next generation. Explore the online content and download your copy at http://index.heritage.org/culture/. heritage.org

the American people look to conservatives to offer alternative policy solutions. We

their plans, benefits, and doctors. In a truly

Will Not Conform was a nationwide, interac-

education, to the culture, Heritage scholars

ment. Whatever the courts ultimately decide,

solutions allowing people freedom to choose

Beck to make Common Core history. We

From tax burden to the rise of regulation, to

exchanges established by the federal govern-

are working with legislators at all levels on

On July 22, FreedomWorks joined Glenn

opportunity in America are on the right track.

society to enjoy the blessings of liberty today

months, FSF has submitted three papers to

paper in its ongoing Intellectual Property

determine whether important indicators of

the factors that shape our capacity as a

FSF as a Senior Fellow. In the past few

July, FSF published the seventh scholarly

tracks key social and economic indicators to

that hinder it. Expert commentary explores

Fellow and Adjunct Senior Fellow, rejoined

for updating the Communications Act. In

Index of Culture and Opportunity, which

make economic growth possible—and those

University. Seth Cooper, former Research

Congress with extensive recommendations

The Heritage Foundation released its 2014

competitive system, plans and providers would have incentives to compete on quality and value, and there would be a solid safety net for those in need. galen.org

In June and July, The Independent Institute proudly commenced an expanded series of our annual Challenge of Liberty Summer Seminars for Students. Top Institute scholars, such as Robert Higgs, Benjamin Powell, and Anthony Gregory, delivered inspiring lectures that profoundly impacted students. Outstanding

administrators, and parents from across the

representatives of their generation,

political spectrum to stop Common Core.

Challenge of Liberty attendees eagerly

Taking place in over 700 theatres, Ameri-

incorporate these lessons into their school

cans came together to discuss strategies to defeat the education scheme. Activists helped create an Action Plan for all Ameri-

The Heartland Institute is celebrating 30 years of defending free enterprise,

and professional careers—turning ideas into powerful impact. We are truly delighted

individual liberty, and limited government

to have worked with our supporters to

with a gala event September 12 at The

provide students with this life-changing

Core. It contains background information,

Cotillion in Palatine, Illinois. Heartland

experience. Visit independent.org/students

grassroots training, alternative options,

began in 1984 as a one-man shop in

to learn more, and consider sponsoring

and more. View the Action Plan at www.

donated office space with an annual budget

or recommending a student you know!

of $27,000. Today, Heartland is among the


cans to use in the fight against Common

commoncorefails.com. freedomworks.org




which recognizes the best conservative

official reports claim. Since demand for

book published in 2013. ISI’s blue ribbon

instructors largely determines state funding

selection committee chose the finalists No scholars, no research, no change. That’s why the Institute for Humane Studies has developed Find Scholars, a program designed to connect liberty organizations to the experts who can help them achieve their goals. The Find team is working with over fifty statewide policy groups, student groups, and media outlets to connect them to scholars who can write, speak, provide quotes, testify, and advise organizations on key policy issues. For example, we continue to recommend scholars to conduct research

from more than eighty nominated books. The finalists are Mary Eberstadt’s How the West Really Lost God, Samuel Gregg’s Becoming Europe, Daniel Hannan’s Inventing Freedom, Arthur Herman’s The

Award lecture on October 2 in Wilmington, Delaware. For more information, contact Jed Donahue at (302) 524-6165 or jdonahue@isi.org. isi.org

inexpensive fossil fuels, Congress should drop wind support, says a new Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) paper. When “dueling rulings” were issued regarding ObamaCare subsidies, IPI’s Merrill Matthews appeared on Fox News’s Special Report explaining the Halbig decision’s impact on states and why the Supremes

In September, The Jesse Helms Center began its sixth year conducting the BB&T sponsored program,“The Moral Foundations of Free Enterprise.” Led by

as BB&T Scholars. BB&T Scholars pursue assigned research and participate in specialized seminars while receiving scholarship aid. The program also features a regular lecture series that recently hosted property rights activist Ben Freeth and the Heritage Foundation’s Dr. Kim Holmes. jessehelmscenter.org

challenges the Obama administration’s delay of the “employer mandate” provisions of ObamaCare. judicialwatch.org

Liberty Foundation of America (LFA) is expanding its Strategic Liberty Summit program. Over the last year, LFA has hosted policy experts, political strategists, private sector CEOs, foundation leaders, pollsters, and other key players at these summits. Over the course of an intensive day, the group builds upon extensive read-ahead

swans that could alter the existing paradigm. In August, The John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy released a new report entitled, Faculty Teaching

Jay Schalin, examines how many courses

Henry and Anne Paolucci Book Award,

on behalf of Kawa Orthodontics, which

the political landscape, and potential black

authored by Director of Policy Analysis

(ISI) announced the finalists for the

October 2014 in Judicial Watch’s lawsuit

material by diving deeply on the economy,

Loads in the UNC System. The report,

The Intercollegiate Studies Institute

court granted oral argument scheduled for

course and seven students were selected

Internet Tax Freedom Act on July 15 was

15 years. ipi.org

Congress and the media. In July, an appeals

students completed Dr. Frank’s upper level

House’s passage of a clean Permanent

experts have pressed policymakers on for

Emmett Sullivan ordered the agency to submit

of our capitalist system. Last semester 21

could agree with the D.C. Circuit. The

a great victory for consumers, a move IPI

against conservative organizations, Judge

This victory earned JW widespread praise in

University students the foundational truths

energy. Given the growing availability of

lawsuit related to the IRS attack campaign

other computer records they reportedly “lost.”

Peter Frank, this program teaches Wingate

billions into expensive, unreliable wind

On July 10, 2014, in a Judicial Watch (JW)

happened to Lois Lerner’s emails and any

Helms Center Free Enterprise Fellow, Dr.

Taxpayers and states have poured

of tenure-track professors. popecenter.org

a written declaration under oath about what

aid numerous other organizations. At

help you advance liberty. theihs.org

by graduate students or adjuncts instead

prize will deliver ISI’s Paolucci Book

write op-eds for the Franklin Center, and

stop by our table to discover how we can

mean that undergraduates are often taught

Great Debate. The winner of the $5,000

make introductions for academics to

advantage of our coffee sponsorship and

for North Carolina taxpayers. They also

Cave and the Light, and Yuval Levin’s The

studies for the Platte Institute in Nebraska,

SPN’s annual conference, be sure to take

to UNC, low teaching loads are expensive

UNC faculty members teach and whether faculty teaching loads have changed over time. Schalin’s work reveals that faculty across the UNC system teach less than SPN NEWS 21 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014

These summits allow us to identify future big issues and potential hot spots across the country. Now with a new state-based focus, we will work alongside our partners to host state-based discussions to keep the free-market movement on the offensive. If you are interested in bringing a Strategic Liberty Summit to your state, please contact Matt Mayer at Matt@libertyfound.org. libertyfound.org



Policy Podcast. Last, but not least, Dr.

core programs and added new projects. In

Thomas Stratmann and Jake Russ explored

June, NRI traveled to London as a sponsor

Certificate of Need laws’ impact on patients. mercatus.org

of and exclusive US media partner for the Centre for Policy Studies’ Margaret Thatcher Conference on Liberty. The conference, which featured senior fellow John O’Sullivan

The Lucy Burns Institute is proud to

and adjunct fellow Jonah Goldberg,

announce the publication of the Personal Gain

commemorated the 40th anniversary of the

Index, a four-part measurement that illustrates the extent to which members of the U.S. Congress have prospered during their tenure as public servants. Part one of the study, released in July, found that while the net worth of average Americans is decreasing, members of Congress are becoming exponentially richer. Who knew? lucyburns.org

think tank co-founded by Thatcher, who was The Moving Picture Institute (MPI) is

the honorary chair of NRI Summits held from

proud to announce the release of its parody

1991–1997. In September, NRI will launch

YouTube video, “Bitcoin Girl.” Based on

its third Regional Fellows program chapter in

Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl” and starring

Dallas, TX. nrinstitute.org

MPI’s Naomi Brockwell, the video takes a humorous look at the benefits of innovative digital currencies. In its first two weeks, the video received dozens of media hits and tens of thousands of views. In early October, MPI will honor its filmmaker fellows at the Tribeca Film Center in NYC. Visit our

Boston is the first stop for the Manhattan Institute’s Project FDA, a series of public conversations about the reforms needed to advance innovation and create an effective and affordable health care system for the

website, MovingPictureInstitute.org, to learn about MPI films, grants, and more. Contact rob@thempi.org to arrange screenings and recommend filmmakers for fellowships and internships. thempi.org

for the discovery and development of new medicines and delivery to patients. manhattan-institute.org

limiting union bosses’ power to force workers into union dues payments. In a class-action suit filed for several Illinois homecare providers by Foundation staff attorneys, the Court ruled that individuals who indirectly

This victory renders unconstitutional similar

will bring together key policymakers, patient

and explore how to create a better paradigm

attorneys have won another landmark ruling

clientele cannot be forced to pay union fees.

America’s cradles of biomedical innovation,

experts to assess roadblocks to bioinnovation

National Right to Work Foundation

receive state subsidies based on their

21st century. The events, to be held in

advocates, leading academics, and industry

In their 17th trip to the U.S. Supreme Court,

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) will host former Rep. Allen West on September 17, author Roger Stone on September 18, and former Rep. Ron Paul on October 31 in Dallas, Texas. We are

homecare unionization schemes attempted in at least 18 other states, freeing roughly 500,000 providers from forced union dues nationwide and costing government union bosses up to $80 million annually. nrtw.org

also cosponsoring a Second Amendment debate on the evening of September 17. See www.ncpa.org/events for more details. The NCPA has also produced a five-booklet

Summer days were anything but lazy for Mercatus Center scholars. Dr. Robert Graboyes shared state healthcare reform opportunities with legislators at the Thomas Jefferson Institute’s Medicaid Roundtable and the American Legislative Exchange Council Annual Meeting. Dr. Eric Scorsone described municipal fiscal emergency laws and factors

series on ObamaCare, answering questions for employees, employers, low-income Americans, those on Medicare, and the young. All five booklets are free with a $25 donation, or they can be purchased in bulk for distribution. Please see https://secure. ncpa.org/obamacare/ for more information. ncpa.org

National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF) has released its BillTally report on the 113th Congress’ first session, finding a total net agenda that would add $1.09 trillion to the federal budget if passed. NTUF’s study also reveals the fiscal agendas for members of Congress and fiscally-related caucuses— the most expensive individual agenda was $1.46 trillion (Raul Grijalva, D-AZ), and the

that influence their adoption. Dr. Matthew

biggest cut agenda would have slashed $317

Mitchell and Christopher Koopman published

billion from the budget (Rand Paul, R-KY). Read the full report to review Congress’ fiscal

an overview of regulations restraining craft brewing. Mitchell also explained ways

Over the last year, the National Review

policymakers can free ridesharing and

Institute (NRI) completed a significant

taxi companies on our State and Local

reboot that revitalized and expanded its SPN NEWS 22 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014

agenda and find out if your representative or delegation wanted to save or spend. ntu.org/ntuf



are in Colorado. Looking to improve your

proactive approach to recruitment, evaluating

online reputation? Check out our new Guide

candidates against the competencies and skills

to Online Reputation Management by visiting Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) Principal Attorney Timothy Sandefur was interviewed at

SparkFreedom.org/library. sparkfreedom.org

FreedomFest 2014 in Las Vegas for a segment

Obama’s abuse of executive powers and the Constitution. PLF attorneys have filed a direct challenge to San Francisco’s new ordinance that requires clients Dan and Maria Levin and other rental property owners to fork over vast sums of money to tenants if the owners want to use their property as they wish. Kate Pomeroy, formerly communications director for Concerned Veterans of America, has joined PLF’s Washington, D.C., Center as media director. pacificlegal.org

report, download the infographic, and watch the event at www.edexcellence.net.

In June, State Budget Solutions (SBS) sponsored an event in Indianapolis on Indiana’s competitiveness. Guest speakers included Mercatus Center’s Maurice McTigue and SBS President Bob Williams. A joint op-ed appeared in the Indy Star prior to the event. State legislators, state officials, and individuals from the business community attended. In July, SBS partnered with the Manhattan Institute to host two panels in downtown Detroit. Panelists included members of the media, local government officials, business leaders, community activists, and SPN leaders. The panels garnered national media attention, including the Detroit News, Washington Examiner, NPR, Huffington Post, and Red

Reason-Rupe Polling Director Emily Ekins

continually evaluating hiring efforts. Read the


on John Stossel’s show on the Fox Business Network. Sandefur discussed President

demonstrated by successful principals, and

State. statebudgetsolutions.org

takes an in-depth look at millennials in a new

Following its amicus support of the plaintiffs in McCutcheon v. FEC, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) successfully

challenged Wisconsin’s limits on the aggregate amount of lawful campaign contributions that can be made by one individual. In Young v. Vocke, Wisconsin became the first state to cease enforcing its aggregate limits. On the policy front, WILL is pleased to announce that Marty Lueken will be its new Education Research Director. Marty recently received his Ph.D in Education Policy from the University of Arkansas. This marks a new chapter for WILL as it moves into comprehensive, timely research to advance educational choice. will-law.org

study and survey by Reason Foundation of 2,000 young Americans. While 18–29 year olds agree that government should guarantee every citizen health insurance, a college education, and a living wage, two thirds of them think that government is inefficient, wasteful, favors special interests, and abuses their powers. Save the date! Reason’s annual Reason Media Awards, featuring the Lanny Friedlander Prize, Reason Video Prize, and Bastiat Prize for Journalism, will be held on Monday, November

The Tax Foundation’s new book, Iowa Illustrated: A Visual Guide to Taxes & the Economy, provides reporters, legislators, and taxpayers with an in-depth look at the make-up of Iowa’s tax code and its growing economy. Download a free copy at taxfoundation.org/slideshow/iowa-illustrated. taxfoundation.org

10, at The University Club in New York City.

Young America’s Foundation (YAF) continues to serve as the largest youth organization in the conservative movement through our broad reach to high school and college students. Our programs help to provide students with the resources necessary to enhance their activism and combat the Left at their schools. In addition to our premier conferences, we have begun offering new programs such as our

Details at reason.org and reason.com.

free online “Free Enterprise 101” classes. YAF


will host its Great Beginnings conference at the Are school districts recruiting and selecting the best possible candidates for the

State Accountability in the Transition to Common Core

principalship? According to a new Thomas

Spark Freedom helped six groups align

B. Fordham Institute study, Lacking Leaders:

their teams around a marketing strategy and

The Challenges of Principal Recruitment,

rollout plan this summer so that they can

Selection, and Placement, principal-hiring

by Victoria Sears gain ground for freedom. We look forward

practices continue to fall short of what is (Updated: May 2014) December 2013

to sharing their stories and discussing how

needed, causing many needy schools to lose

we can help your organization at the SPN

out on great leaders. The report highlights

Many states across the nation are well underway with implementation is now ramping up across the nation, seven key recommendations, including paying Annual Meeting in September. Don’t miss the challenging work of implementing the Common many critical components of existing accountability the Spark Freedom Experience while you great leaders what they’re taking a Core State Standards (CCSS). But what does a thoughtful systems (such as how to calculate growth asworth, students transition from existing to new standards look like? And transition to new exams and what to do about growthwhat are the implications for accountability systems in the based accountability and evaluation systems for teachers, NEWSremain 23 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 interim? After all, high-quality accountability policies must schools, and/orSPN districts) to be determined. be linked to reliable measures of outcomes, such as student For example, an official in Colorado stated that many

Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, CA, this September 26–27 for high school students looking to learn more about the conservative movement and further their activism. For

college students, YAF will host its Time For

Choosing conference from October 24–25 at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, CA. This special conference will commemorate the 50th anniversary of Reagan’s timeless “Time for Choosing” speech. For more information visit our website. yaf.org


SEPTEMBER 23-26, 2014



R E G I S T E R T O D AY ! Registration closes: September 13

Hotel reservations: SPN’s room block and host hotel are sold out. The conference


is located downtown near many other accommodation options. Please visit www.spnam.org for information about other accommodations within walking distance of Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.