Common app hoax press release

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F O R I M M E D I A T E R E L E ASE June 3, 2013 Contact: Daniel Vargas Communications Director The Common Application, Inc. (Office) 202.430.6048 Common A pplication, Inc. apologizes, bans discrimination against undocumented students across the country N E W O R L E A NS ¹ The Common Application, Inc. issued a formal apology to the undocumented American community for years of discrimination and announced that it is taking the necessary steps to end discrimination against undocumented students, impacting over 400 private colleges. The announcement was made at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE) in New Orleans on Thursday, May 30, 2013. The Common Application, Inc. announced two changes to the upcoming version of the Common App, the college application used by high school students across the country. The 2013-2014 version of the Common App (CA4) will become available Aug. 1, 2013 and will include these changes: 1. ³8QGRFXPHQWHG $PHULFDQ´ ZLOO EH DGGHG DV DQ RSWLRQ LQ WKH GHPRJUDSKLFV SRUWLRQ 2. ³8QGRFXPHQWHG VWDWXV´ ZLOO EH DGGHG WR 7KH &RPPRQ $SSOLFDWLRQ ,QF œV QRQdiscrimination clause, which legally binds the 527 member institutions who accept the application (2013-2014). ³7KH &RPPRn Application, Inc. annually revises our Common App, but never have our changes KDG VXFK DQ LPSDFW LQ FUHDWLQJ RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU DQ HQWLUH FRPPXQLW\ ´ VDLG 5RE .LOOLRQ H[HFXWLYH director of The Common Application, Inc. According to a study by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities as many as 95 percent of undocumented youth never attend college. Many undocumented youth do not realize the impact of their status until they are in high school and considering applying for college. ³3ULYDWH colleges inaccurately have been labeling undocumented students as international students which guarantees a separate and unequal admissions process. Until now, this discrimination has EHHQ SHUPLWWHG DQG IDFLOLWDWHG E\ 7KH &RPPRQ $SSOLFDWLRQ ,QF ´ VDLG .Lllion. Changes to the application will allow undocumented Americans to self-identify, whereas previously it was unclear to these applicants if they could even use the Common App. Previously, they were IRUFHG WR LGHQWLI\ DV ³RWKHU ´ ###

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