Above and Beyond Annual Report 2020

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Why We Exist


To offer the most innovative sustainable, evidence-based and evidence-informed addiction recovery services to everyone, including those who are unable to pay for them, while providing housing and employment assistance.

Who We Are We are a neurobiologically connected team of compassionate and competent healers, each one of us a scholar in addiction, who gather as one in defiance of the savage scourge of addiction that is undermining our families, our communities, and the strength of our great nation. Boundless dedication and endless empathy are our defining characteristics, and we have no hesitation in dispensing evidential factbased advice when lives are at stake. We’re compliant to our protocols but we live on the cutting edge of developing new ways to improve that which has already advanced beyond any model we’ve encountered. We never give up on anyone. We’ve yet to turn anyone away. We never diminish our beliefs in ourselves, our work, and our patients.

What We Do We accept patients who've chronically relapsed, who have nowhere else to turn, and we heal them of themselves. We give them access to whom they intend to be and help them regain their birthrights of being responsible navigators of their own destinies. We work very hard but we have an extraordinary amount of fun which radiates through our smiles, our laughter, and by our deliberate presence in whatever moment we’re in. We love the “here and now”. We follow our unique protocol designs to recognize and dissipate trauma so that no traumatic residue can create any level of compassion fatigue. We work to keep our wellbeing balanced so that we can give from our own abundance.

Based on the consistent experiential and empirical evidence produced in our outcomes, we now know that the uncovering of life purpose and meaning, coupled with self-love development, produces sustainable recovery when it is administered with competence and compassion. Our next step is to verify our ability to transfer our culture and results to a second location before we roll our unique and precious Clinical Protocol out nationwide! Keep your eyes on us! Dan Hostetler, Executive Director

We heal ourselves through healing others.

How We Do It We wear our work and our lives like loose garments. We have a felt sense of empathic hyperawareness of what’s happening around us so that we show up properly and behave appropriately, to help our clients and each other become better versions of who we aspire to be. We also read, research, study, and experiment without inhibition and are not influenced by the illusion of fear or failure. We embrace uncertainty. We believe deeply in the increased power of running towards the light versus running from the darkness. We learn from others by attending classes, seminars, worshops, and inviting in outside speakers. We insist on keeping our sharp edge by stimulating the departure of ignorance. 2 | Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center

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Above and Beyond: Snapshot of Who We Serve Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center completed a total of 1,390 patient intakes during the period of January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019. The majority of patients served were male and under the age of 40. More than 90% of clients are from Chicagoland, with the largest concentration of patients coming from: Austin, Humboldt Park, East Garfield Park, West Garfield Park, and North Lawndale. Following intake, individuals are assessed for needs, assigned therapists, and they work together to create a treatment plan, which they walk out with the same day they walk in (no appointments

are required). The patients treatment plan serves as a guide as to the number and types of groups and other supportive services a patient should attend. Just over two thirds of patients served matriculate from screening to attend at least one group. Of those who matriculate to group, just over 30% of patients complete their Treatment plan and move towards program graduation. We have averaged a steady 26% successful graduation rate since we opened our doors in January 2016.






























ALUMNI FOLLOW-UP COMPLETE 129 131 122 98 114 1,417 140






Percentage of Patients Reporting Sobriety at Time of 3-Year Follow-Up

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Of the clients who completed | 3 During the four year period January 1, 2016- December 31, 2019,2020 | Annual Report follow-up Above and Beyond Discharged a total of 4,465 individuals. Of those interviews, discharged, a total of 270 were contacted for follow-up. As the two the majority 12/7/2020 7:43:58 AM (66%) were charts above indicate, while the number of individuals contacted for only follow-up has decreased over the years, the percent of individuals

INTRODUCTION Message from the Founder

Bryan Cressey Visionary Founder

2020 was an incredible year for Above and Beyond. In addition to the continuous rise in the number of patients served, we've continued to expand our programming. This year we recognized the addition of an emergency and supportive housing program, an enhanced job readiness program, and the significant expansion of our community healing garden in partnership with Northwestern University. The ongoing growth and enhancement is a testament to the commitment and work of Above and Beyond's tremendous staff, as well as the incredible power of word-of-mouth referrals. Our reputation for being an effective and inclusive recovery center is plainly evident in our patient intake numbers. While Above and Beyond continues to serve patients across the Chicagoland area, the majority come from Chicago's West Side communities. In 2019, walk-ins, friends and family referrals accounted for more new patients than any other referral source. The work we've done at Above and Beyond represents a paradigm shift in the recovery model. For far too long the recovery world has failed to offer equitable treatment to patients of all backgrounds. Historically, only those with private insurance or the ability to "self-pay" have been able to access robust treatment centers with holistic approaches to addiction recovery, while those with financial challenges have been relegated to impersonal dingy and dirty centers. Central to the values we uphold at Above and Beyond is the principle that restoring basic human dignity is central to lasting recovery. We provide patients with a deeply personal and healing environment. Our commitment to equity demands that we provide every person in need of addiction treatment with access to a state-of-the-art facility and therapeutic services to provide our patients with the tools and selfconfidence needed to thrive. I am deeply proud of the work we've accomplished in just four short years, and look forward to the new challenges and successes that await us in the coming decade. Bryan Cressey, Visionary Founder

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Past, Present, and Future The Past

The Present

The conceptualizing and actualizing of our one-of-a-kind healing clinical protocol had gestated in the heart of our founder, Bryan Cressey, for many years. It is because of his determination to construct a one-of-a-kind 501C3 nonprofit offering a diverse selection of addiction healing and recovery programs that Above and Beyond was first able to open its doors in 2016. Because of this one man's dream we now offer some of the top evidence-based addiction treatment programs available anywhere in the world to those who need it the most but may not be able to pay.

We support our patients in rediscovering their purpose in life, while teaching them how to set realistic achievable goals. Our interactive construction of individualized treatment plans meet our vunerable populations exactly where they are. We know this because we measure it, though satisfaction indexes that they compile, and though benchmarking and dashboard protocols that you'll only see at Above and Beyond.

In the four short years since the Center opened its doors as Chicago's only walk-in behavioral treatment center, we continue to see rising numbers in intakes - serving nearly 1,400 clients in 2019 alone! The massive scaling of competent staff has attracted a virtual army of Master's Level Mental Health therapists who are drawn to us from eight of Chicago's most recognized institutions: Loyola, DePaul , Adler, Chicago School of Professional Psychology, University of Illinois in Chicago, Adler, Northwestern, and the Chicago School of Modern Art.

Our collection of available treatment modalities is second to none in the world, as numerous endorsements from prominent national authors and industry watchdogs testify. This colorful pallet of scientifically validated therapies allows our counselors to piece together treatment plans, hand-in-hand with our patients, that match their needs like missing puzzle pieces which they've been searching for their entire lives. We offer a warm, welcoming, and supportive environment to our patients. We smile, listen to each other with deliberate interest, and come to care about each other. Laughter punctuates our groups, and speakers are allowed to finish without distracting cross talk.

Proposed second location on Chicago's South Side as designed and rendered by Helmut Jahn

The Future Always evolving to meet the shape-shifting shadow of addiction, we introduce new techniques constantly, like Brain spotting, Body-Talk and Heart Math. Our support modalities will always offer strong, authentic self-help groups like: AA, SMART Recovery, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Men or Women for Sobriety, Recovery Dharma, LifeRing and WRAP, but we are developing a revolutionary new Medication Assisted Recovery (formerly MAT) program that will not only offer a clean, organic, and stable body chemistry within a year and a half, but will also introduce them to real opportunities for meaningful employment, safe and balanced housing, and a sustainable lifestyle connected to support and community. Nobody is doing this like we do but we need your help to continue!

Because all of our processes, protocols, and administrative procedures are documented, benchmarked, and proven, we are able to transport them easily. Therefore, we are scouting out a second location which we expect will be on the south side of Chicago in a neighborhood that needs us! We are always looking for talent, funding, and volunteerism to support our growing efforts; Joining us in one of these three capacities will not only guarantee you the most rewarding work you've ever participated in, but it will also help us deal addiction a death blow by eradicating it instead of abating it. The abstinence model that America has fastened itself to for the last 40 years has not worked, and we need your contribution in helping to offer our proven protocols to the greater public, across America and the world!

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Redefining Recovery Above and Beyond begins by assisting our patients in rediscovering themselves so they know who they’re running towards, no longer running away from who they’ve temporarily become. We view recovery as an intrinsic process, one that emanates from who we can help to wake up inside of each person who walks in our door, instead of an extrinsic process where rules and rigid protocols define how a person behaves. The latter may work temporarily but is unsustainable and has become one of the most persistent perpetrators of relapse. Above and Beyond’s patients learn to sprint towards the light of their own recovered lifestyles instead of running, in fear, from their own darknesses. We’ve found that harsh self-condemnation usually

wins, eventually, if it operates unopposed because it wears our patients down. In contrast, the light regenerates and illuminates each unique, self-defined path towards sustainable purpose, meaning, and life satisfaction. Put simply, Above and Beyond is not fear and guilt based, but instead, has built its protocol on hope, compassion, acceptance, and positive psychology. We inspire, motivate, and attract instead of inflicting guilt, fear, and exclusion. We walk with our patients as they become the empowered guides of their own journeys through the enlightenment they receive through designing their own individual paths and treatment plans, with support from our wide array of proprietary programs, techniques, and self-help groups.


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Our Programs and Services ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY curbs cravings and helps to ease withdrawal symptoms during detox episodes from substance abuse while increasing peace and tranquility. Many of our patients receive instant relief from their chronic disturbances by compulsions that they have difficulty controlling. ALONELINESS ALLEVIATION is a Campaign to End Our Patient’s Loneliness via process group. Our patients are the lonely, but they soon realize that they are not alone in their loneliness. Our purpose is to achieve a state of balance between solitude and loving community and to realize and accept the reality that, "We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we mitigate this crippling reality by caring for one another."

experienced childhood or early adulthood trauma and don’t know what it is, where it is, or what to do about it. HARMONY, HOPE AND HEALING offers transformation through music. It is one of the favorite groups, along with Recovery Choir, and the participants give full, exuberant participation as they temporarily leave the stress of their addictions and life problems by pounding on drums, working tambourines, and singing their hearts out in harmony with each other in ways that they could not through the spoken word.

ART THERAPY is a form of therapy that uses free-form expression and creative process to improve a person's physical, mental and emotional well-being. It’s a fun way for our patients to achieve improved mental health and stability that would not otherwise be available to them. BEHAVIORAL CHRISTIANITY is a secular journey into the behaviors of Jesus of Nazareth and, through a combined use of Psychological Modeling and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (both evidence-based), we help our patients guide themselves towards the achievement of their goals. Holy Text is specifically not utilized in this method, only behaviors as documented by historians. COMING OF AGE’s purpose is to engage our aging patients with a focused subject matter forum on “aging in the context of addiction.” This gives participants a space to not only process just aging but aging while also experiencing a life of addiction. This group challenges the common belief that the future holds inevitable decline and works to redefine later life as an opportunity for sober and successful aging. DYING TO LIVE helps suture up the psychological holes left in the lives of our patients who have lost friends and family due to overdose, suicide, or depleting health issues. Using evidence-based Death Anxiety therapies alongside Terror Management Theory (TMT), our patients gather in group to “talk through” the fear, resentment, and grief that many of them have never been able to talk about, to anyone, before. E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique) or "tapping" is a two-part process. The most urgent issue is typically the physical craving, which is one major relapse initiator that E.F.T. resolves. Tapping provides surprisingly fast relief for cravings, which allows our patients to lower their use/intake of the addicting substance or activity amazingly quickly. Tapping also gives addicts a healthy replacement for their addiction. END IT! TRANSGENERATIONAL TRAUMA addresses the problematic fact that most of our patients come from broken homes with only one parent and very questionable role models which have, in turn, influenced their lives very negatively. End It! is a substance abuse support program specifically tailored for those who have

HOPE is the essence of which Above and Beyond was created, and currently runs on. Because we so strongly believe Hope's fundamental role in starting any process of accomplishment, especially recovery, we have constructed a therapeutic curriculum that enhances all of the other programs, groups, and the very effectiveness of our counseling. IMPROV THERAPY tackles our patient’s lack of confidence in themselves and teaches them how to handle the unexpected in humorous and entertaining ways. In this intimate group it's ok to

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be yourself and say stupid and ridiculous things without any fear of shame or judgement . . . in fact, failure is celebrated! Our IOP and OP groups are wonderful platforms to not only share best practices for overcoming addiction and unwanted compulsions, but also for creating friends and. It’s almost magical and it’s almost impossible to be in group and not be changed for the better. On a technical level, we offer level I and level II Illinois State SUPR (Substance Use Prevention and Relapse) licensed outpatient groups.

this group is to teach participants that they are worthy of being loved, by themselves and by others, and how to uncover this love for every occasion use. Then, we instruct on how to store it for those times when our patients are plagued by darkness and do not feel that they are worthy of life or of the attention, especially love, from others. LOGOTHERAPY (Life, Purpose and Meaning) is based on the life work of Viktor Frankl, which he describes in his critically acclaimed book Man's Search for Meaning and the other 39 books he published regarding the importance and process of uncovering one’s purpose and meaning in life. We help our patients to uncover, each one of them, their own reason for being alive which helps them, in turn, to hold onto their recovery. MANWHOLE is for those men who are experiencing problems with Traditional Masculine Identity (TMI) which is commonly called “Toxic Masculinity”. We have many male patients who are deeply constrained by dysfunctional expressions of manhood who we teach to behave positively in the four areas of Community, Contribution, Commitment, and Collaboration. It is very popular with a very narrow group of patients that needs what it teaches! MEN for SOBRIETY is a self-help program for men with problems of addiction. It is the first and only genderspecific self-help program for men and its precepts take into account the very special problems that men have in recovery - the need for feelings of self-value and self-worth, and the need to expatiate feelings of guilt and humiliation along with the guilt and humiliation that they themselves have wrought on others. MIND, BODY and SOUL uses principles of mindfulness, creative self-expression and verbal processing as a way to facilitate deeper understanding of self and integration between body, mind and spirit. Participants in this group are invited to experience a sense of freedom as they listen to the wisdom of their bodies and engage in a communal experience of music and movement. MINDFULNESS RELAPSE PREVENTION is a cognitivebehavioral approach to relapse with the goal of identifying and preventing high-risk situations by cultivating constant awareness of individual triggers and habitual reactions. We change our patients relationship with discomfort by helping them to develop compassionate and nonjudgmental approach towards themselves and their experiences.

JOB READINESS is a six-week curriculum which covers topics such as the participant’s skill set and work history, financial literacy, the participant’s personal goals and steps to achieve them. The six-week curriculum does not have a specific order, participants may join at any time. At each session, participants will be provided with handouts that combine to form a solid plan of how to become employed in a sustainable job that pays a living wage. LEARNING to LOVE YOURSELF obliterates one of the most powerful drivers of substance abuse: self-hatred! The purpose of

MOVE acknowledges the importance of physical, communal exercise in recovery and provides patients with the ability to decrease physical stress while processing external factors of their addiction. Facilitated by a three-time America Ninja Warrior contestant, Marcelino Riley, this group focuses on introducing movement as a therapeutic tool while also instilling a sense of community and group support for the participants in their recovery. MUSIC AND YOUR BRAIN was introduced by The Chicago School of Professional Psychology’s own Dr. Sandra Siegel and focuses on how music affects the brain influencing how we think, feel and behave. 2020 | Annual Report | 9

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Haribus rep On rem exp volorit omn

Our Programs and Services cont'd A combination of psychoeducation, experiential and process techniques are used to help patients explore how music influences thoughts, feelings, and behavior. It is the goal of the group to help participants experience musical mindfulness while also identifying new coping skills based around music.

retraumatized when they are forced to sit in a room full of what they see as predators. Here they can process issues that are distinctly non-male in a nurturing and supportive environment that celebrates the need for building feelings of self-value and self-worth, and the need to shed their inappropriate feelings of guilt and causation.

OVERCOMING PROCRASTINATION makes true the claim that all of us are a great deal more capable than we ever realize. The vast majority of us seldom achieve our potential, because we are not as disciplined as we need to be to make our talents blossom. We help our patients to realize what they are really capable of, by teaching them how to put their noses to the grindstone, working against boredom, teaching them that it's actually harder to take the long easy way in life rather than the short hard way, and in this realization we help to make their talents shine as they have never shone before.

W.R.A.P. (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is a structured, individual, written framework which our patients develop an effective approach to overcoming distressing symptoms of problematic mental health, and harmful Substance Abuse behaviors. It is an evidence-based tool, endorsed and sponsored by the IDHS, which has expanded to national and international popularity because of its ease of use and proven results. Developed by Mary Ellen Copeland and taught by a certified WRAP Facilitator, this program is a core pillar of our recovery recommendations.

RAGE REDUCTION challenges anger and rage compulsions before they can get a grip and drive our behavior. REBT techniques are employed to march back our psychological dark instigators of chaos before any words are uttered or any regrettable actions are taken. Because those around us, including family and society in general, endlessly provide rage and anger stimuli we equip our patients with easy-to-use reframing and REBT tools that allow them to inventory their beliefs and wide array of choices before reacting. REBT is an intense two-and-a-half hour, twice-a-week session, where participants learn the Rational Emotive Behavior Theory of emotional disturbance and change by one of the leading REBT practitioners in the world, Terry London. Strategies for identifying and challenging patients' dysfunctional beliefs and constructing more adaptive beliefs, emotions and behavior are always a primary focus of the group, and the results are nothing less than staggering. In SPIRITUALITY we bond. We think and pray with our hearts without the divisive need to define who or what we are appealing to, or worshipping. The culture and rules of conduct revolve around evidence based psychological pylons that bring our groups together in a nurturing and loving community that helps us all follow the Golden Rule as our primary focus.

YOGA THERAPY at Above and Beyond is unique because it brings certified trauma yoga instruction to the people who likely need it the most. Our program involves simple breathing exercises, mindful meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, all aimed at relieving stress and calming the mind and body. YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS provides participants with psychoeducation on the neuroscience and mechanisms of certain drugs. Main substances covered in this group are alcohol, cannabis, MDMA, cocaine (powder/crack), heroin/opiates, and PCP. One of the most important questions to ask oneself in recovery is “Why did I use this drug�? The answer(s) can foster insights which are instrumental in tailoring behavioral substitutes for what our brains were seeking. We offer SELF-HELP PROCESS GROUPS which are open to the public, which include: ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, SMART Recovery, SMART Recovery FAMILY and FRIENDS, ADULT CHILDREN of ALCOHOLICS, RECOVERY DHARMA, LIFERING, WOMEN for SOBRIETY, MEN for SOBRIETY, and WRAP. Since every one of these groups produces unacceptably high failure rates, we have found that having appropriate alternatives to guide fallout patients into is a unique best practice that works.

TRAUMA GROUP and THERAPY accesses the root cause and/or effect of why most of our patient populations abuse substances and brings about homeostatic, healing processing. We follow a safety-seeking approach (seekingsafety.org) and offer five hours of group every week. Our trauma groups are wildly popular, uniquely interactive and offer tangible, real relief. WOMEN for SOBRIETY gives protected sanctuary to females who become

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The Above and Beyond Staff and Board

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Our Deep Connections to our Community and Referral Partners Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center has worked diligently to forge strong relationships with community-based resources, agencies and organizations that offer services which we do not provide at this time. Our model is unique, and our partners recognize the value of our programs and services, and they overwhelminglyh support our mission to help Chicago's most disadvantaged to become clean, sober and self-sufficient. We are proud to have active linkage agreements with over 100 professional organizations in Chicagoland that we share with our patients when they have graduated. This means that while our patients are in active treatment with us, they receive the most clinically advanced therapies available anywhere, but when they have shown enough progress to proceed beyond our walls, we will make certain that the best-of-the-best treatments and connections will continue through our partners! Our graduates are energetically encouraged to continue to attend groups while their reintegration takes place. 2nd Opportunity L3C (R) A Safe Haven (TF, H-Trans) Access Health Center (TF ) Access to Care (MAT) AHF Wellness (TF) Alexian Brothers (H-Trans, MH) ALSO (R) American Works, Inc. (E-Assit, E-Train) Ashunti Residential Management System, (H-Trans) Associates in Behavioral Health Care (TF) Austin Clinic (Hos) Bobby E. Wright Comprehensive Behavioral Health Center (MH) Breakthrough Urban Ministries (H-Trans)

Diamond in the Making Outreach Emma's (H-Trans)

Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (R)

End z End (H-Temp)

Malcom's House (H-Trans)

Southside Center of Hope (H-Recov-hm)

Esperanza Clinic (MAT, MH, Hos, TF)

Markham Court (Ct)

Southwood Interventions (D)

Facing Forward to End Homelessness (H-Trans)

McHenry (Ct) Mercy Housing (H-Perm)

Sunshine Enterprise (R-Voca Train)

Family Rescue (H-Temp, H-Perm, R) First Lutheran Church of the Trinity (R-Cloth)

NAMI Chicago (R) National Able Network (E-Assit, E-Train) New Age Service (MAT)

Franciscan Outreach Day Center (H-Temp)

New Life Covenant/Chicago Dream Center (R-Cloth)

Franciscan Outreach Shelter (H-Temp)

New Vision (D, MAT) North Side Housing (H-Temp)

Gateway (TF)

Northwestern (D, Hos)

Gerard's House

Norwegian (D, Hos)

Goldie's Place (E-Assit, E-Train, R-Dental)

On-point 360 Degrees

South Shore Hospital (Hos)

Streamwood Behavioral Center (MH) Stroger Hospital of Cook County (MH) Symphony West (H-Recov-hm, E-Temp) TASC (Re-Entry) The Boulevard (H-Trans) The Herbert Ballard Foundation (H-Trans) Thoreck (H-Trans) Thresholds (TF)

Grace House (H-Trans)

Palos Community Hospital (MH)

Greater West Town Project, (E-Assit, E-Train)

PCC Community Wellness Center, (MAT)

Greenbax Health Solutions (MAT)

Phoenix Recovery Home (H-Rec-Hm)

Catholic Charities (R-Cloth, MH)

Hamdard Healthcare Center (TF)

Pilsen Wellness Center (MAT, MH)

CBB Tranquility Dev. Home NFP (H-Trans)

Hands of Hope for You (H-ReHm)

Positive Pathways of Chicago (E-Assit, E-Train)

Yana House (R-Youth)

Chicago Behavioral Hospital (Hos, MH)

Harmony, Hope & Healing (R-Music)

Primo Center for Women (H)

YMCA -EE&C (R-Child_C)

Chicago Furniture Bank (R-Fur)

Hartgrove Hospital (MH) Haymarket (D, H-Trans)

Bridgeview Court (Ct) Campaign for a Drug Free West Side (E-Assit, E-Train) Cara (E-Assit, E-Train) Care For Real (R-Cloth)

Chicago Lakeshore Hospital (D, MH)

Haymarket Center (D, TF, MH)

Chicago Recovering Communities Coalition (R-Cloth/, R-Edu, R-Voca Train)

Heartland Alliance (TF )

Chicago Recovery Alliance (TF)

Illinois Institute of Tech. (R-Edu)

College of DuPage (R-Edu) Concerned Citizens (R) Cook County Court (Ct) Curitas Central Intake (TF)

L & D House of Recovery NFP (R-Homeless)

Provena Mercy Medical Center (MH) Provena St. Joseph Hospital (MH) Revive Center for Housing and Healing (TF) Revolution Workshop (E-Assit, E-Train)

UI-Mile Square Health Center (MAT) Veteran's Administration (Vet) Westside Health Authority (R) Westside Justice Center (R-Legal) Will County Court (Ct) Youth Outreach Services

LEGEND CT – Court D – Detox E – Employment Gov – Government

Illinois Joining Forces (Vet) Inspiration Kitchen (E-Assit, E-Train)

River Edge Hospital (MH)

H – Housing

Roseland Hospital (Hos)

Hos – Hospital

Illinois Legal Aid (R-Legal)

RUSH (Hos) Safer Foundation (H-Trans)

MAT – Medically Assisted Treatment MH – Mental Health

Daughter of Destiny Outreach (E-Assit, TF, R)

Institute for Nonviolence (R) Lakeview Pantry (R-Cloth)

Salvation -Freedom Center (H-Trans)

DCFS (Gov)

Linden Oaks Hospital (MH)

Sister House (-Trans)

TF – Treatment Facility

Deborah's Place, (H-Trans)

Literacy Chicago (R-Edu)

St. Anthony Hospital (Hos)

Department of Transportation (Gov)

Loretto Hospital (D, Hos, MH, MAT)

St. Leonard's Ministries

VET – Veteran

St. Pius (R-Cloth)

R – Resources

MD – Medical Stabilization

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Statement of Financial Position

Our Fiscal Policy

Above and Beyond is deeply proud of its fiscal accuracy in reporting, transparency in all transactions and their accounting, adherence to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and overall integration of oversight, compliance, and statistics with operations. Conceptualized and built by an evolving team of CPA’s, attorneys, and licensed fiscal agents, our Fiscal Administration Policy is “compliance driven” and expressed in our 109 page Fiscal Administration Policy, which is current, detailed, comprehensive, and available to any inquiring party. In addition to our annual fiscal audit, which is conducted by a respected, objective, qualified, and thorough third party, the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), Office of Contract Administration, recently conducted an on-site review of the fiscal and administrative policies, procedures, and records of Above & Beyond Family Recovery Center. A broad range of management oversight and control areas were reviewed, and the review was closed with a conclusion of “satisfactory”, which is their highest, and only, conclusive rating.

Breakdown of Expenses by Category

It should be noted that Above and Beyond has learned how to successfully bill third parties for reimbursement of services rendered, under our own power, in less than three years and that these reimbursements now cover almost a third of all operational expenditures. In addition, grant writing has yielded even more than this which, with the help of our generous donors, is fulfilling our self-imposed mandate of becoming fiscally self-sufficient.


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Above and Beyond envelops patients in a harmonious, holistic, healing environment. Clean, beautiful, and positive surroundings serve to reenforce concepts related to the importance of hygiene, dignity and self-respect. Patients are treated with deep empathy and guided in our easyto-use processes of uncovering their Purpose and Meaning in life (Logotherapy). Once our patients know why they're alive, they discard self-harmful thoughts and behaviors. They stop thinking about throwing away what they now want to keep. They begin to walk toward the light instead of constantly running from the dark.

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Patient Testimonials Antonio Fox

John Tilly

Mr. Fox (left) was one of our original patients. He came to us with rage, opioid, and street life addictions which got him shot, paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair for several years. But a "can do" additude that he attributes to having found within himself at Above and Beyond brought him back onto his feet, miraculously, and he is pictured with his mentor and Board Member, Herman Russell. He's clean, happy, and self-sufficient.

John has transformed himself completely because of his personal program of recovery at Above and Beyond. He credits seeing men and women go through transformations that were nearly impossible and thinking, "if they can do it, I can do it." This became his mantra as his supportive community buoyed him up and floated him back into his family and a sustainable, fulfilling life.

Philip Golf

Bonnie Kimpling

James Hicks James describes his experience at AnB as being continuously surrounded by love and respect. He is convinced that it was the staff at AnB that kept him committed and coming back to the program. "They are such great optimists," he says. But it's not just the staff, James also credits his peers with helping to create the supportive environment that he needed to become the best version of himself that he's ever known.

Philip was amazed the first time he walked into AnB by how different and unique it was compared to any place he'd seen before. He describes how the staff supported him through his challenges. In utilizing the services of AnB, Philip describes feeling a true sense of being at home and an appreciation not only for the staff, but also for the many new "wise friendships" he's made.

"Above and Beyond' is exactly how I would describe my experience of being here." Bonnie said she could feel the love the moment she walked through the door. Beyond the warmth of the staff, it's also the depth of services that kept Bonnie coming back. "AnB takes a realistic approach to addiction" and because of her superior attitude, Bachelors in Psychology, and CADC Licensing, she now works as a counselor at AnB.

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2942 W. Lake Street Chicago, Illinois 60612 773-940-2960 www.anb.today info@anb.today

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Annual Report 12-2020_v2.indd 16

12/7/2020 7:44:05 AM

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