Dimitri Hadzi: The Roman Years 1951-1975

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Di m i tri Hadzi The Roman Years 1951-75

Di m i tri Hadzi The Roman Years 1951-75


right: S.P.Q.R., 1959, bronze, ed. I/IV, 41 x 13 x 7 inches previous pages: Dimitri Hadzi with Frank Monaco on via Conciliazione, Rome at 5 a.m., 1953

right: Scudi IV, 1959-61, bronze, ed. IV/IV, 72 x 40 x 28 inches above: Hadzi working on large Scudi, in his studio, via Eleonora Pimentel, Rome, 1960’s

right: Centaur and Lapith, 1955, bronze, ed. IV/V, 31 x 38 x 21 inches above: Henry Moore in Hadzi studio, American Academy, Rome, c. 1953

left: Castor II, 1970 bronze, ed. of VII, 14 x 5 x 4 inches right: Aeolus II, 1972, bronze, ed. III/VII, 23 x 9 x 9 inches

left: Lincoln Center Study, 1964, bronze, ed. VI/VI, 19 x 11 x 8 inches right: Gaea, 1960s, bronze, 16 x 9 x 5 inches

right: Elmo V, 1962, bronze, ed. IV/IV, 75 x 41 x 27 inches, installed at The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution above: American Pavilion, Venice Biennale, 1962 (showing Elmo V in foreground, Thermopylae II and Scudi IV in background

right: Elmo II, 1959, bronze, ed. IV/IV, 30 x 24 x 21 inches above: Hadzi working on Elmo II, in the studio and garden on via Eleonora Pimentel, Rome, 1960’s

Pollux III, 1970, bronze, ed. of IV, 31 x 16 x 7 inches

Scudi III, 1961, bronze, ed. IV/VI, 15 x 7 x 5 inches

Marathon, 1961, bronze, ed. I/II, 15


x 8 x 5 inches

right: Untitled, 1960s, bronze, ed. I/VII, 24 x 11 x 4 inches above: Hadzi working on wax model

right: Thermopylae I, 1961, bronze, ed. of VI, 16 x 14 x 6 inches; above: Hadzi holding Thermopylae

Scudi I, 1958, bronze, ed. II/IV, 28 1/4 x 16 x 8 1/2 inches

right: Elmo III, 1962, bronze, ed. III/IV, 76 x 21 x 7 inches above: Hadzi with Elmo III

left: Fountain Study, 1963, bronze, ed. VII/VII, 25 x 5 x 5 inches right: Thera, 1964, bronze, ed.. III/VI, 22 x 9 x 6 inches

left: Pylos, 1969-71, bronze, ed. VII/VII, 19 x 4 x 2 inches right: Karnak Grouping, 1960s, bronze, var. I/XII, 16 1/2 x 5 x 3 inches

right: Gallileo II, 1965, bronze, ed. of III, 63 x 43 x 26 inches above: Hadzi with Gallileo II

right: Missa Solemnis IV, 1974-75, bronze, ed. II/III, 98 x 43 x 22 inches above: Hadzi working on Missa Solemnis IV, at Bonvicini Fonderia, Verona

Orientale, 1959, bronze, ed. IV/IV, 23 x 14 x 9 1/2 inches

Minoan Spring, 1967, bronze, 13 x 7 x 5 inches

Floating Helmets Variation, 1963, bronze, ed. VI/VI, 34 x 15 x 8 inches

Published in conjunction with the exhibition Dimitri Hadzi The Roman Years 1951-75 Danese, New York April 23 - May 28, 2010

Photography Credits Susan Byrne pp. 5, 10ab, 11ab, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 31, 34, 35, 37 Dimitri Hadzi p. 12, 13 Frank Monaco p. 6 Catalogue Š 2010 Danese, New York Works of art Š 1951-75 Dimitri Hadzi

D A N E S E 535 W 24 St NYC NY 10011

T 212.223.2227 . www.DANESE.COM

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