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Out & About in NYC

NYC serves as an extension of our campus with community members taking advantage of all our city has to offer.

Dalton Represents at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Led by Director of Facilities and Balloon

Captain Mike Mezo, intrepid faculty and staff members served as balloon handlers for the Pillsbury Doughboy float at this year’s Macy’s Day Parade. Great Job team!

A Colorful Afternoon

Organized by the PA’s Community Service Committee, Dalton students and families teamed up with Publicolor to paint the outside of PS 194 to beautify the school with fun splashes of color.

All Aboard!

First graders in Goodman House took a ride on the Staten Island Ferry as part of their transportation unit. They took in the impressive views from the fleet’s newest ferry — with its huge capacity of 3,600 people!

High School History Students Explore NYC’s Food Systems

Students taking the elective “You Are What You Eat: A Critical Investigation Into Food Production, Consumption, and Justice” class and several members of the History Capstone Program explored aspects of NYC’s complex and wonderful food systems. At the Union Square Greenmarket they shopped for ingredients to prepare in Dalton’s Teaching Kitchen. Then they learned about the evolution of a unique food culture and its culinary and cultural significance at the NY Historical Society’s exhibition, “I’ll Have What She’s Having: The Jewish Deli.”