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Alums Meet Dalton’s New Head of School José M. De Jesús In Person & Virtually

All-Alumni Reception with Head of School José M. De Jesús

Alumni from the 1950s-2000s gathered for drinks, food, and conversation on the 14th floor of Big Dalton for the All Alumni Reception with José M. De Jesús, Dalton’s new Head of School in early November.

It was an exciting opportunity for alums to meet José and to check out the renovated 14th floor with its Teaching Kitchen and Green House — along with classrooms with the best New York City views in the school!

Alumni Council President Joe Franken ’03 introduced José. To give alumni a sense of his daily activities, José shared a typical “day in the life.” This schedule included reading to 3rd graders, meeting graduates of the Prep for Prep program, working with the library team, and much more.

Another Dalton School Alumni Council Senior Committee Adventure: Curator-led tour of Black is Beautiful: The Photography of Kwame Brathwaite at The New-York Historical Society

The Senior Alumni Committee visit to the New-York Historical Society in late October provided a fascinating look at Harlem in the ’50s and ’60s through the extraordinary lens of Kwame Brathwaite, an influential activist for Civil Rights. The exhibit was entitled Black Is Beautiful: The Photography of Kwame Brathwaite

Our tour guide, Curator Marilyn Kushner, a scholar and a historian, talked about the enormous changes that emerged in Harlem, the influence of Brathwaite, his family, and a small circle of talented friends. Brathwaite’s son Kwame S. Brathwaite graduated from Dalton in 1992. Following the tour, we had a relaxing and enjoyable lunch at Storico Restaurant.

José shared his goals for the year — including a deep dive into the Dalton Plan’s past, present, and future — so that the school can execute the plan at the highest possible level. He shared an inspiring story of a young alum who credits “Lab” as the secret sauce to her success. He said he’s excited to work closely with our new Chief of Equity and Belonging Johára Tucker so that all students feel they belong and can be their fullest selves. José also explained that our new Director of Wellness Jenna Sumner is consolidating counseling, nursing, and learning support in one office to help us better anticipate and respond to student health needs.

José reiterated the importance of reconnecting as a broader community in common purpose. He urged Alumni to get involved — their engagement is key, and their presence matters.

Alumni Meet New Head of School José M. De Jesús at Zoom Gathering

Close to 40 alumni from across the country — California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia — joined the All Alumni Zoom to hear from José M. De Jesús, Dalton’s new Head of School on Tuesday, November 29.

Vice President of the Alumni Council Wynter Lastarria ’11, a Dalton HS English teacher, welcomed Alumni and introduced José, who shared his background and gave school updates. A former History teacher, José talked about how much he enjoys engaging with community members, especially having labs with students. José also spoke about the importance of Alumni connection and engagement with their alma mater

José provided an overview of his institutional priorities, including the important work being done at Dalton around DEI.

At the close of his remarks, José answered a range of questions — including what it feels like to be the first Head of School from the Prep for Prep program.

Dalton Hosts a BIPOC Affinity Gathering in Washington, DC

Dalton’s Chief of Equity and Belonging Johára Tucker hosted a gathering in Washington, DC in early January to connect with BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Dalton Alumni in the area.

Alumni from the Classes of 1978 to 2018, who all live in the Washington, DC area, gathered at a local restaurant. Johára said that she enjoyed hearing everyone’s stories, and commented that among attendees there was lots of great energy, connections, and momentum to get further involved with Dalton.

Dalton is hosting BIPOC Regional Events across the country to help the school achieve its goal of having every community member feel like they belong and ensure that all voices are heard. Creating these affinity spaces provides an opportunity for BIPOC alumni to connect, engage, and deepen connections, which, in turn, strengthens our entire school community.

Head of School José M. De Jesús Hosts D.C. Area Alums Regional Gathering

The room was abuzz as an enthusiastic group of Alumni from the Classes of 1973 to 2018 joined Head of School José M. De Jesús, Head of School Emerita Ellen C. Stein, and Chief of Equity and Belonging Johára Tucker at Mission Navy Yard in Washington, DC on Monday, January 9.

Following Ellen’s welcome, José shared school updates, described enjoyable interactions with students, and talked about the essential role that alumni play in the school’s vitality. Along with the opportunity to meet José, Alumni were thrilled to discover so many other Daltonians living in the area — some even in the same field and the same employer. It was a wonderful way to kick off this year’s Alumni regional gatherings.

Chief Advancement Officer L.J. Mitchell, Director of Alumni Relations Samantha Koss and Associate Director of Alumni Relations Debbie Freeman also attended the gathering and provided administrative support.