April 5, 2013

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Volume 130 | Issue 44

Friday April 5, 2013

THEDAKOTASTUDENT Reaching the students, faculty and staff of the University of North Dakota since 1888 | www.dakotastudent.com

Students give mixed emotions about advisors [KEISUKE YOSHIMURA] THEDAKOTASTUDENT

SCHEDULES Students meet with their departments to lift academic holds for registration. Kaitlin Bezdicek THEDAKOTASTUDENT

Academic advisor Amy Sand (left) helps aviation student James Payne during a meeting for course scheduling.

May is fast approaching and UND students are already planning their fall semester class schedules. But course registration can never be completed without the biannual advisement appointment and many students have mixed reviews regarding their department advisors at UND. UND Law School student Laney Herauf credits receiving her fast track undergraduate degree in

Political Science to her adviser, Dr. Dana Harsell. During an advisement meeting, Herauf mentioned graduating a semester early and Harsell helped create a plan to meet all major requirements and complete an internship for academic credit without the burden of taking summer classes. “Dr. Harsell really went above and beyond to help me succeed,” Herauf said. “I honestly do not believe I would have been able to graduate early if it wasn’t for the advisement and assistance I got.” Not only was she pleased with her advising experience, Herauf found the entire department to be supportive. “The professors in that department all became advisers to me in one way or another,” she said. “Be-

fore I started law school, I would go to Dr. Brian Urlacher with some job hunting questions and he was always very helpful.” Herauf isn’t alone in her positivity. She added that numerous political science students have had great experiences — especially with Harsell. “He genuinely cares about his students and their future success,” Herauf said. Now in her graduate studies, Herauf occasionally visits with Harsell and knows he will always be a resource should she have questions or concerns. Another recent UND graduate, Nick Schmitz, had a comparable experience with the advising



UND cheers on Profile of a Killer and off the court debuts in Grand Forks HIGH KICK Cheer and dance teams practice long hours to prepare for home games. Jaye Millspaugh THEDAKOTASTUDENT

Although it can be a massive time commitment, being a member of UND's cheerleading and dance teams has been a worthwhile experience for many students. UND has two cheerleading teams: one cheers at football and basketball games and the other cheers at hockey games. The dance team performs during football and basketball, with the addition of some members dancing in competitions.

“I love being able to work with a group of girls who share my love for dance,” former dance team captain Alexandra Wald said. “We work very hard to make it the best we can.” Wald has been involved with dance since she was 3 years old. She is in her senior year at UND and will be graduating in May with a degree in communication sciences and disorders. During dance season, which takes place from August until March each year, a typical week consists of Tuesday and Thursday practices from 6 to 9 p.m., on top of school and homework. Many members also have part-time jobs and are involved in other student organizations such as Greek life. Because Wald was also one of

CHEER page





Christianson: Energy drinks page 3 Ochs: Student Success

page 4


A new movie is premiering at River Cinema today featuring an allMinnesotan cast in an all-Minnesotan setting. “Profile of a Killer” has been making its way around the country, appearing in theatres and picking up steam. The film centers around a building relationship between a FBI profiler and a young serial killer. But perhaps the most interesting aspect about this film is that its associate producer graduated from UND only two years ago. It was her sister who pushed Haley Reid into producing the film alongside debuting director, Caspian Tredwell-Owen. The movie will run today though the end of next week at River Cinema 15. For more information, turn to page 8.

Becker: UND’s greatness page 5 Terri Hughes visits UND page 7

Ballet company to perform Golf team places 15th page 11 page 8 Men’s hockey says bye page 10

Baseball splits with NDSU page 10


Tuesday April 5, 2013

DATEBOOK TODAY, APRIL 5, 2013 LECTURE Physics and Astrophysics Colloquium, 4 to 5 p.m., Witmer 211. Andrew Frey of University of Winnipeg, “Not-So-Dark Matter.” Refreshments provided.





from Dr. Douglas Munski during his undergraduate work in the Geography department. Schmitz went so far to say, “He’s the reason I went to UND.” As a high school student, Schmitz called up the department to inquire about UND’s geography program. His call was directed to Munski and he set Schmitz up with a personal tour. The tour sealed the deal, “I was committed right then,” he said.

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LECTURE “Outer Space in the Great Plains: Resources for Aliens,” 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Clifford Hall 210. SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 2013 EVENT Spring Book Sale, 1 to 4 p.m., Grand Forks Public Library. CONCERT Spring StringFest and Honor Orchestra Festival Concert, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., Hilton Garden Inn. The Department of Music and Dr. Alejandro Drago. Cost: $6 adults, $3 students and seniors, $12 family pass.


News Editor Christen Furlong > christen.furlong@my.und.edu

EVENT Snapshots from Armageddon, 9:30 to 11 p.m., Fire Hall Theatre. Cost: $8. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2013 EVENT Spin for Kids Fundraiser, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Altru Rehabilitation Center. Funds raised will be disbursed to qualifying families. Cost: $75 per rider.


HIGH 34 | LOW 28

During his time as an undergrad, Schmitz met with Munski several times but didn’t necessarily schedule appointments. “I would just stop in his office and visit,” Schmitz said. “His door was always open.” Munski guided Schmitz to keep on track with graduation. And now, being in law school, Schmitz says they keep in touch on occasion. “He’s a good adviser on life too — not just school,” Schmitz said. “He really puts the students first.” Not all students share the experience of Herauf and Schmitz. In the

> The Dakota Student reserves the copyright privilege for all stories written and published by the staff. Permission must be given by the Editor to reprint any article, cartoon, photograph or part thereof. > The Dakota Student is a student-operated newspaper published by the Student Communication Funding Committee and the University of North Dakota. > Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of UND, Student Government, the Student Communication Funding Committees, or the administration, faculty, staff or student body of UND.



School of Engineering and Mines, a student requesting anonymity said his adviser is “no real help of any sort.”

“I would just stop in (Munski’s) office and visit. His door was always open.” Nick Schmitz geography student

Engineering students are required to meet with their adviser once per semester. “He looks at the classes I am planning on signing up for and initials the

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> The Dakota Student is published every Tuesday and Friday during the academic year except during holidays, vacation breaks and exam periods. Subscriptions are $25 per year. > The Dakota Student is printed at Morgan Printing in Grafton, N.D., on FFC Certified paper using soy-based inks. > The Dakota Student welcomes feedback regarding articles and photographs, and prints corrections for articles containing factual errors.

sheet,” he said about the meetings. “In my case, I do need help figuring out what to take each semester.” In the College of Business and Public Administration, students meet with full-time advisers rather than being assigned a faculty member like other departments. Junior Accounting student Emily Scholz said she goes to advisement appointments after reading through the course catalog and creating a rough plan of her schedule. “I know what classes I want to take and I see what they suggest,” she said. “Then I compare the two.” Her adviser has suggested classes that would be better to take closer to graduation, which has helped Scholz’s future planning. Because the business advisers have a general understanding of all the majors in the college, Scholz

goes to faculty for specific questions. Another business student questioned this process, wondering why her business adviser isn’t a professor. She said she would prefer someone who knew her field instead of “general direction.” As students draw nearer to fall registration, some will meet with their adored adviser, others will get a simple sign-off on their holds while others will completely omit the process. But one thing always remains the same: Students will do what is necessary to continue their education and reach forward to graduation.

Kaitlin Bezdicek is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at kaitlin.bezdicek @my.und.edu




the dancers on the competition team, she was required to attend a third practice every Sunday evening. According to the UND Athletics website, the dance team usually maintains about 12 to 20 members — all of whom are female. Of those members, nearly three-fourths also dance in competitions throughout the year, while the rest only perform at home games. The dance team has traveled to away games in the past, but did not do so this year because it needed more time to prepare for competition. Wald and her team have danced in South Dakota and Texas in previous years. Most routines performed at games are considered “fan dances,” which means they are performed on the sidelines during timeouts as a way to pump up the fans. The team often performs a longer routine during halftime and dance with the cheer team to UND’s fight song, “Stand Up and Cheer,” at the beginning of every game. The routines performed during halftime are often similar to or the same ones performed in com-

petitions. The dance team travels to about six competitions every year, including the Universal Dance Association's national competition in Orlando, Fla. Due to the intensity of these competitions, tryouts for UND’s dance team are very competitive and current dancers hoping to return the following year are not guaranteed a spot on the team. “A lot of returners don't make it,” Wald said. Tryouts are coming up very soon — on the weekend of April 12. They are especially nerve-wracking for the younger dancers such as freshman Angie Wokasch. Once tryouts are over and the results are posted, the first practice begins the next morning so the new team can get to know each other. Outside of dance-related events, they end up spending a lot of time hanging out together. “We were lucky last year because the team got along very well and many of us are best friends,” Wokasch said. “When you’re with the same people that much, it makes it easy to bond.” This positive atmosphere is very similar on UND’s cheerleading teams.


The compitition dance team at the Universal Dance Association’s national competition in Orlando, Fla. Photo submitted.

“The cheer team is like a family,” football and basketball cheerleader Nicole Gourneau said. “We all love and support each other with very minimal drama. I have made so many friendships that will last a lifetime.” According to hockey cheerleader Kaylar Neumann, the worst she’s ever seen is typical morning tiredness but the coaches are great at getting everyone motivated. Hockey cheer practices take place three times a week. There are two morning practices on the ice from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. and one practice on dry land from 7 to 8 p.m. “Dry land practice is where we need the most work,” Neumann said. “We’re more like figure skaters

than cheerleaders.” Neumann had never been a cheerleader before coming to UND, but she’s been figure skating for 16 years. She’s a junior majoring in communication and just finished her second year on the hockey cheer team. Hockey season is Neumann’s busiest time of the year because on top of cheer, Neumann also interns as a news reporter at Studio One and is a member of Alpha Phi sorority. During hockey season, the cheer team arrives two hours early to every home game to practice on the ice and go over their land routines. It never travels to away games except during the postseason, as it did recently with the Pride of the North band for the Final Five tournament.

“We look forward to traveling for postseason every year; although some of the opposing teams can be scary, especially in the Cities where there are a lot of Gopher fans,” Neumann said. The hockey cheer team is all-female but the football and basketball cheer team has a few male members. “I love being a part of something that's so great on our campus and that I get to keep doing what I love, which is figure skating,” said Neumann. “I’m so glad I don't have to give it up yet.”

Jaye Millspaugh is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at jaye.millspaugh.2 @my.und.edu


Friday April 5, 2013


HOPE Those without homes in N.D. can find help and support through personal stories and community efforts.

A variety of energy drinks can be found in the convenience stores and vending machines across campus. While such drinks can provide students with a boost, they also carry dangerous side effects. Photo by Keisuke Yoshimura.

Energy drinks’ shocking truth BOOST Heavily caffienated beverages can pose health risks.


Every college student needs a kick start every once in a while. Late nights are taxing on both the body and spirit, so having a little help occasionally is not a bad thing. Help can come in the form of caffeine, exercise or even a shower to help stay alert. This search for energy has led to the creation of energy drinks. Energy drinks are one of the worst things you can consume. The amount of sugar, caffeine and other chemicals in energy drinks is downright scary. There is a disturbing trend with energy drinks, causing users to end up in the emergency room. According to WebMD, in 2008 there were more than 16,000 visits to the emergency room caused by the ingestion of energy drinks. Of those visits, 66 percent were caused by consuming energy drinks alone without any other additives like alcohol. This trend has continued at an alarming rate. In 2011, the number of ER visits had jumped to over 20,000. An average serving of an energy drink contains about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. The problem with this is the growing size of the containers that energy drinks come in and misleading labeling. Early energy drinks usually topped out at about eight ounces. You can still find those small eight

ounce cans of Red Bull in stores. Relatively recently, Monster has come out with a 32 ounce can. For a comparison, an 8 ounce can of Red Bull contains about the same amount of caffeine as an 8 ounce cup of coffee … with seven tablespoons of sugar and a host of other exotic sounding ingredients. Now imagine what 32 ounces of Monster contains. The marketing campaigns of energy drinks claim that the added ingredients help to improve the body’s function. In fact, those ingredients have no lasting nutritional value whatsoever. Take a 16 ounce can of Full Throttle. That can contains 3000mg of caffeine alone, not including other ingredients. Other drinks claim to avoid caffeine altogether, despite the fact that they include herbs like Guarana and Taurine. Both of these herbs contain an enormous amount of caffeine, but instead of being labeled as caffeine, energy drinks get by calling them herbs. The combination of ingredients found in energy drinks can be extremely dangerous. My cousin ended up in the emergency room after consuming a Monster Energy drink because the concoction of ingredients in the drink reacted with medication he was taking. Do energy drinks work? Short term, an energy drink can increase alertness and energy levels. The enormous amount of caffeine and other additives like vitamin B12 will cause an energy rush that typically lasts from a half hour to around two hours. However, in the long term, energy drinks are a waste of time. Once the short term effects wear off, the user is usually left feeling exhausted and unfocused. After a

longer period of regular ingestion, the effects of an energy drink do not last as long and can eventually stop making any difference at all. Other side effects of energy drinks include nausea, headaches, a fast heart rate, high blood pressure, dehydration and even sterilization. One benefit coffee has over energy drinks is the lack of carbonation and acid. Everyone has heard the lectures about the damage acidic foods and beverages can cause to human teeth. By drinking coffee instead of carbonated drinks like energy drinks or soda, you can prevent costly dental work. Like all things, the dangers posed by energy drinks decrease significantly with moderation. However, whenever I need a boost, I turn to coffee. Yes, coffee has caffeine in it, though without the strange additives and sugar that energy drinks contain. The long term effects of herbs like Gaurana and Taurine are not fully understood by scientists leaving health professionals skeptical. There is even a push to get energy drinks classified as beverages to reduce the regulations on ingredients that they contain. In the future, we will more than likely see the increase in the number, size and toxicity of energy drinks that attempt to convince a gullible population of the drinks’ mythical benefits. Next time, think about what you are putting in your body. Try not to poison yourself with exotic sounding ingredients just because you need a buzz. Adam Christianson is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. He can be reached at adam.christianson@ my.und.edu

For many, homelessness is a distant problem — associated with big cities and distant lands. For others, the problem hits much closer to, well, home. Wednesday, Terri “Detroit” Hughes came to the Era Bell Multicultural Center, bringing with her a message of homelessness to an area that, for the most part, is unaware of the problem. Hughes spent much of her life homeless and plagued with a sense of homelessness. As Hughes pointed out, what most people don’t know is that there is a distinction between being homeless and experiencing homelessness. This distinction is critical to understanding the issue in the area. Homelessness is a feeling — a sense of being. It is possible to feel homeless even when housing is available. Just because the streets of Grand Forks aren’t lined with individuals shivering in the cold while others are safely at home does not mean that there are not homeless individuals in our community, living and interacting with us everyday. They are the individuals who sleep on a new couch every night. Who make a bed in the backseat of their car. Who long for a sense of belonging. Because, while any shelter can protect one from the cold, only a home can provide true warmth. It is this warmth that the 972 homeless individuals in North Dakota are in desperate need of, according to the North Dakota Homeless Coalition. Those 972 are members of our community — pieces of our lives. Individuals just like us. There are 972 individuals without a place to call “home” in our state. And of those 972, 189 are younger than 18. They are younger than the majority of those in college, yet they face problems and struggles that most of us on campus could not even imagine. Luckily, speakers like Hughes bring a ray of hope to a seemingly impossible situation. Hughes is living, breathing, undeniable proof that homelessness can be overcome and, that no matter how grim one’s situation may be, there is only so far to fall before you once again must rise. And there is help. If there’s anything that can be said for Grand Forks, it’s that we are a community — a community that sticks together and looks out for its own. And there is help. Grand Forks offers area resources such as the Community Violence Intervention Center and the Northlands Rescue Mission. There are enough people who care and who want to help that anyone in need can find success if only they are determined enough to refuse to fail. Homeless does not mean hopeless.

Editorial Board Christen Furlong Editor-in-Chief Carrie Sandstrom Opinion Editor Editorial Policy The Dakota Student is dedicated to the free exchange of ideas. Opinion columns and letters to the editor will not be edited for content reasons, except in cases of criminal or civil liability. The Dakota Student reserves the right to edit or reject columns or letters for various reasons. The ideas expressed in columns and letters reflect the views of the writer and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the staff of the Dakota Student.

Letter Policy The Dakota Student encourages readers to express their opinions on the editorial pages. Letters to the editor are published based on merit, general interest, timeliness and content. All letters must be limited to 250 words. > Letters may be mailed to 2901 University Ave., Stop 8385, Grand Forks, N.D. 58202-8385 or dropped off at room 8, Memorial Union. > Letters must be typed and must include the author’s name, major or profession and telephone number. > All letters will be edited to fit the allocated space. Writer may be limited to one letter per month.



UND Center succeeds Love for spring,

180 UND tutoring center goes above and beyond to provide service. Mary Ochs


A little while ago, I wrote about my disappointment in the quality of tutoring I received from the Student Success Center and its tutors. After that article was published, the staff of the Student Success Center contacted me in the hopes that they could make my experiences better. With just that email, my viewpoint began to change. It was so refreshing to realize how invested the staff at the Success Center are in their jobs. They truly have a passion for assisting students. I would like to thank them outwardly for their care and persistence to make the tutoring center at UND a better environment. I was slightly taken aback by their response to my previous article. I’ll be honest: I haven’t experienced many organizations, personnel or even businesses that would be as dedicated as the Student Success Center. It was inspiring to see they actually cared about students’ success, as opposed to simply putting on a front. This may come as a shock to those who have continually had positive experiences in the tutoring center. I, however, wasn’t as fortunate my first time around. Luckily, my viewpoint has done a 180. I decided to meet with the staff of the Success Center. They asked me more details about my experience with the tutor, and for more feedback about the situation. I was clear with my intentions. I did not want to cause a big fuss, and I was not trying to put anyone’s job in jeopardy. Essentially, I

hoped the tutors would be more willing and engaged with their students. Don’t get me wrong, I understand not all tutors in the Success Center are of equal status. I have heard multiple stories of some pretty amazing folks who give of their time and talents to help others in different subjects. I applaud tutors immensely, as I don’t think I could ever understand a subject matter well enough to teach another student. The staff of the Success Center thanked me for voicing my opinion. They know how valuable feedback can be, and they reassured me that the success of the tutoring center was their top priority. I was very comforted by that. It seems too often that voicing opinions or giving feedback is construed in a negative manner. Tempers can flare and lines can be crossed. However, the staff of the Success Center saw this as an area in which they could grow and tend to the needs of students, which I found to be extremely rewarding. It is not everyday someone takes my opinion or suggestion to make a change for the better. Knowing that the Success Center staff was eager and willing to initiate a response means so much. As I sat there in the meeting, my mind began to wander. Several questions ran through my head. Were they going to be angry with me for voicing my disappointment? Are they going to reprimand any tutors for this? What is their opinion of me as a person because of this? No one has to tell me twice that I over think things — I know I do. In this situation, I most certainly did. The women who met with me to discuss my column were some of the most caring and understanding ladies I have met in my travels here at UND. Their attitudes were sincere and they were proud of their jobs. How often

do you come across an employee who is truly proud of what they do? Someone who doesn’t dread going to work everyday, someone who gets more out of their job than a paycheck. I could tell that these staff members really believed in the mission of the Success Center. They told me of all the other Student Success Center options on campus — everything from the Native American culture assistance to the English writing center on campus. They truly wanted me to know that there was staff at UND who would bend over backward to assist students. That was the single most comforting conversation I had been a part of since coming to this school. Before I left, they asked if I had any more questions. I didn’t, but I made sure to thank them for the help they had given me. They said if I had any problems, any questions or any concerns to come back to them for their help. If they didn’t have the answer, they said, they would point me in the direction of someone who would. As a freshman who still has some ins and outs of the school to master, this was great to hear. I wanted to write this issue’s column as a shout out to them for going above and beyond the call. They could have ignored my opinion on my experience; brushed it off and said that it was only one view, unimportant and lacking impact. Instead, they took control and strived to make changes. They care about the voice of students. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Consider me a Student Success Center fan. Mary Ochs is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at mary.ochs@ my.und.edu

Students seek advice CLASSES Advisers can help ease the class registration process. Sam gaspardo


It’s getting to be that time of the year again — time to plan the next semester of classes. Some plan their classes according to the guidelines they were given, some take a random stab at assembling a schedule without class before noon and others meet with their academic adviser to plan things out. I am among the latter group. Although meeting with my advisor is now a necessity, it hasn’t always been. When I started at UND, I had a completely different major. My adviser at the time did not require meetings, but I still made it a point to talk with him and get his opinion. For me, it was important to know I was staying on the right track for my major, plus there was the added perk of being able to have classes recommended to me and get-

ting to know someone already in the field. Even if it isn’t required to meet with your adviser, I recommend you do. An adviser is someone who is there to help guide you through your college career — something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Since I have changed my major a couple of times, I have worked with a few different advisers and each has been helpful. Many advisers will help students pick out their classes and help them keep on track with their major. They will help students look at the different options and give them recommendations for classes to take based on their interests/what they are planning to do with their major. Personally, I have found this very helpful because, when it comes time to picking classes, there are so many I get lost. Another helpful perk of talking to your adviser is getting to know someone who has already majored in your field. Right now, I am a pre-communication major and, during my first meeting with my adviser, I learned many different things one can do with the major. This helped me figure out what part of communication I wanted to put an emphasis on. Once I figured that out, my adviser was able

to help me find classes I would like and give me an outline of classes I should be taking. As well as helping students pick classes and figure out their major, an advisor is someone who is there to help you when you are struggling with classes. Like professors, it is important to talk to them and get help when you need it. One of the most important reasons to meet with your adviser is to make a connection with someone who will be able to give you recommendations in the future. They will also be able to help you with things such as getting a job and getting into graduate school. These things are important to each student at UND, since it’s the reason we chose to come to school. If you talk with your adviser on a regular basis, they will be able and more willing to help you with these tasks. So, between randomly selecting classes and signing up for the same schedule your roommate had last semester, maybe take some time and chat with your adviser. You might just get some helpful advice. Sam Gaspardo is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at samantha.gaspardo@ my.und.edu

sports and staches PLUS Some things about UND really are exceptional. Brandon Becker THEDAKOTASTUDENT

It’s easy to be negative and find fault in things. I’ve done it many times in this space, which is why I wanted to change my tune this week and highlight some of the good things about UND. There’s a lot to love about the school we attend. Let’s take a look at why it’s pretty flipping fantastic to be a student at UND.

The Wellness Center When it comes to workout facilities, it doesn’t get much better than the Wellness Center. Not only is it ridiculously nice, but there are so many things you can do there. Whether it’s rock climbing, playing roller hockey, basketball, lifting weights or attending one of the many classes that are offered, there’s bound to be something for everyone. And you can’t mention the Wellness Center without talking about its intramural program. It’s extensive, well-organized from my experiences and there are a variety of sports to choose from. Considering students used to have to work out at the Hyslop, we are quite spoiled with what we have right now. If you aren’t taking advantage of the Wellness Center, you are doing college at UND wrong.

UND hockey You don’t even have to be a hockey fan to enjoy UND hockey. The atmosphere at games is well worth it, and the Ralph Englestad Arena is a masterpiece. Sitting in the REA student section is hands down one of the best experiences you can have at UND. There is never a dull moment as there are usually a few people who have had too much to drink who are willing to yell things a sober, right-minded person wouldn’t. And of course the game itself provides a bit of entertainment as well. Even if UND is getting its butt kicked, you can count on the student section to make the game entertaining. If you get into hockey, you will meet plenty of new people at the games and its an easy way to figure out your weekend plans. Tickets also are affordable, and considering what it costs for a non-student to get in the game, it’s a bargain to see one of the top team’s in the country.

Professors Frank White and Douglas Munski If you go to UND from start to finish and don’t take a class from one of these two, then you are robbing yourself. Both professors are unique and passionate about what they are doing. Munski resides in the geography department, White in sociol-

ogy. Each elicit great responses from students and are highly recommended. The phrase “kill with kindness” describes Munski to a tee, as he frequently hands out candy to students and is an overall great guy. He makes a dull topic exciting. White is incredibly energetic and passionate when lecturing, along with having a great mustache. I took Drugs and Society from him, and it was one of the best classes I’ve taken. The subject matter was interesting, but it was the way White taught it that made it a different experience. There are a lot of great professors on campus, but these are two that are universally agreed upon as, well, being awesome.

Campus during spring/ fall

Grand Forks isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing place in the world and it smells pretty awful at times, but campus is gorgeous during the fall and spring months and even on some winter days. The changing colors of the campus’ plentiful trees make the

The days when the air isn’t filled with winter chill are less numerous than many would like, but on those days, the beauty of campus makes the cold months almost seem worth it. Brandon Becker staff writer place look like a postcard. The days when the air isn’t filled with winter chill are less numerous than many would like, but on those days, the beauty of campus makes the cold months almost seem worth it. There’s also a different vibe on campus when it isn’t winter. When it’s winter, everyone just wants to get where they are going because it is freaking cold out. When it is warmer, the bikes and rollerblades come out, people walk around and enjoy the warmth. During winter, everything is indoors and it really sucks the life out of campus and makes it a place I’d rather not be. That changes once I can walk out of my apartment without feeling like the cold has vice gripped my neck and is suffocating the life out of me. Thankfully, we are entering the spring stage and campus will once again be a place I don’t totally hate being at. Enjoy this place while you’re here because one day you’ll be pining for it — I know I will. Brandon Becker is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. He can be reached at brandon.becker2@ my.und.edu


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Friday April 5, 2013


Wisdom from the street Terri Hughes speaks about lessons she learned during her time in Los Angeles’ Skid Row The Era Bell Thompson Multicultural Center hosted activist Terri “Detroit” Hughes Wednesday in a conversation about her journey from being a homeless woman addicted to drugs to a motivational speaker and feature in recent films. Students, faculty and members of the community attended the event, which was co-sponsored by UND Housing’s Tunnel of Oppression, the Dean of Students Office and the University of Minnesota, Crookston’s Multicultural and International club. “When I was 16, I tried to go to a mental hospital because I felt no connection (with the world). I was depressed and had an eating disorder,” Hughes said. “They wouldn’t accept me.” Hughes went on to get a job, finish school and get married. She had three daughters when her husband divorced her. It wasn’t until her father passed away that, at the age of 44, she developed a crack cocaine addiction on Skid Row, an area in Los Angeles with a reputation for its homeless population.

Homelessness Multicultural Center Director Malika Carter invited Hughes to come raise awareness of the social ills that affect others. “Although changing, low socioeconomic status has too often been a part of the experience of people of color,” Carter said. “As we celebrate Asian-Pacific American Heritage

Story by Sarah Erickson

Terri “Detroit” Hughes (right) poses for a photo at the Era Bell Multicultural with her sister Lorna Hollowell. Photo by Cole Britton.

Month with this event, I hope that attendees understand that homelessness does not have a singular identity.”

The problem wasn’t Skid Row. The problem was me. Terri Hughes Formerly homeless

Hughes noted there is a difference between homelessness and being homeless that many people overlook. While being homeless is lacking a home, homelessness is a state of mind. Hughes broke down homelessness into having complications in three areas: spiritual, mental and physical.

“(Homelessness) has nothing to do with having a roof over your head, it’s the other stuff,” Hughes said. Hughes felt homeless even when she had housing. She remembered all the years of feeling despaired, emotionally drained and angry. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder and depression, she said she didn’t recover until she made the decision to seek out help. “The problem wasn’t Skid Row,” Hughes said. “The problem was me.” Of the estimated 11,000 people living on Skid Row, two-thirds of them have mental illnesses, drug addictions or both. Most of them live on the streets by choice.

Community Responsibility Despite her hardships, Hughes

has overcome many barriers to become an advocate for issues such as poverty, homelessness, mental illness and drug addiction. She travels the country to spread awareness among individuals of all ages and walks of life who are unaware of what societies such as Skid Row are like. In addition to advocacy, Hughes is a consultant, peer mentor, actress and writer who has given presentations at organizations such as PBS, the Black Caucus and the Los Angeles Police Department. Her story has been featured in several films including the 2009 drama “The Soloist,” starring Jamie Foxx, Robert Downey, Jr. and Catherine Keener, and the 2010 documentary “Lost Angels.” Her goal is to motivate and inspire people to seek opportunities for involvement in their own communities. “I didn’t stand on the street corner asking for money,” Hughes said. “Homelessness doesn’t mean you’re poor.” In fact, she noted most people on Skid Row even have good credit scores. As members of a community, she challenged the attendees to address homelessness as a team and get to the root of the problem. Instead of asking why someone ended up homeless, Hughes recommended asking how to find a solution. More often than not, people have preexisting issues in their lives before ending up living out on the streets. “It’s your own people under bridges,” Hughes said. “You all are responsible for those people. Remember it’s someone’s son, daughter, mother, child.” Sarah Erickson is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at sarah.e.erickson@my.und.edu


Friday April 5, 2013

Locally produced film premiering Friday PORTRAIT TredwellOwen’s thriller co-produced by UND alumna showing at Empire. JORDAN RODGERS THEDAKOTASTUDENT

Having the opportunity to produce a film is something that many people dream of. For Haley Reid, a 2011 UND graduate, that opportunity was presented when her sister Jasmine Reid asked her to be the associate producer for the film, “Profile of a Killer.” Locally shot and cast in Minnesota, “Profile” was written by Caspian Tredwell-Owen, who has worked with actors such as Angelina Jolie, Ewan McGregor and Tom Cruise. “He is a big time writer in LA but this is his directorial debut,” Haley Reid said about the project. This will be the fifth film directed by her sister. “Profile” is a psychological thriller “about the relationship that develops between a fledgling serial killer and the FBI profiler brought in to catch him,” publicist Bridget Cronin said in an April press release. “Profile” was originally supposed to take a year to film but due to last year’s dry winter, filming was put on hold another year

because the crew needed snow. The one-year deadline eventually turned into three years, including post-production. The film, which premiered in Minneapolis in March, is an independent film making its way across North America. Since it’s premiere, “Profile” has been picked up by theatres in South Dakota, New York, New Mexico and Montana. It will be shown at River Cinema 15 starting April 5 and will run through the week. The film has been “driven by local support,” according to Reid. Since submissions for different film festivals have passed, Reid said they’re hoping to submit it to next year’s festivals. “Independent films being in big theatres pick up slowly, which is kind of what’s happening now,” Reid said. “Any viewers that can go or bring friends will help the process so it can eventually become a big time movie.” Local support is key in the progression of getting “Profile of a Killer” heard of and known throughout the area. Various interviews, including one on WDAZ, will precede the film’s premiere. “When they go on the air is up to them,” Reid said. Jordan Rodgers is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at jordan.rodgers @my.und.edu

Johnson’s Barn Dance

Johnson’s Barn Dance

From left: director Caspian Tredwell-Owen, producers Jasmine Reid, Haley Reid, Tony Fritz. Photo submitted.

Ballet company performance nears DANCE Local troupe composed of mostly UND students will have second show April 13. Cole britton


The Empire Arts Center will host the North Dakota Ballet Company and Academy’s sec-

ond show of the year, April 13. The company, comprised mostly of UND students, including junior Nicole Mahanna, will show skills in several different types of dance besides ballet. “The first half will be ballet, a little more classical,” Mahanna said. “The second half is called



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Friday April 5, 2013

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT COST: $7.00 for 50 words or less per issue. DEADLINE: Classifieds for Tuesday’s paper are due on Friday at noon. Classifieds for Friday’s paper are due Wednesday at noon. FORMAT: No classified ads will be taken over the phone. They can be dropped off at room 8 in the basement of the Memorial Union. PAYMENT: Payment must be paid in full with cash, check or mailed with payment before a classified will run. Contact the Dakota Student office at 701-777-2678 with questions.

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Rhythm and Blues. It’s more jazz and contemporary and we do a little bit of taps too.” Dancers are evenly distributed from freshman to senior, including a few dancers from outside of UND. Mahanna found herself with the company through academy member and 2011 UND graduate Leigha Wallin. “I’ve been dancing since I was young at a studio in the cities,” she said. “When I came to UND I was going to do a dance minor, and I met Laura Dvorak through the business program. She actually runs the North Dakota Ballet Company.” The academy’s first show in January featured primarily ballet. The upcoming performance will be much more diverse, and, as such, will require a different method of preparation than a single style of dance would. “Some girls have done the choreography ourselves, otherwise we take technique class twice a week, and then we run our choreography separately,” Mahanna said. According to Mahanna, next week’s performance will be much more appealing, as her favorite style of dance is jazz. “It’s a little bit less structured, more free and a little more powerful,” she said. “Although everything is athletic, you just let yourself go more.” Cole Britton is the features editor of The Dakota Student. He can be reached at cole.britton @my.und.edu

THEDAKOTASTUDENT The DS is currently hiring section editors. To apply, go online to Student Employment or pick up an application at room 8, Memorial Union. DAKOTASTUDENT.COM

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Hockey season comes to a bitter close LOSS North Dakota falls to Yale 4-1 after leading 1-0 through the first three periods. Elizabeth Erickson THEDAKOTASTUDENT

They sat in the locker room for hours after the game — unwilling and unable to take their jerseys off for the last time. For the seniors that felt their countless hours of dedication to a program suddenly come to a halt, and for the rest of the team, a 4-1 loss to Yale last Saturday marked the end of their season. Feelings of disappointment could not be shaken with the ultimate goal close in sight. “We began the year with a very sharp focus, and we came out two steps short of that,” UND coach Dave Hakstol said. “So that’s the reality, and I think that’s our feeling from the time we walked off the ice Saturday night to this day. “There’s an awful lot of things to be proud of. The guys in our room, how strong and tight of a team this became — I’m really proud, and that’s purely a credit to the guys in the locker room.” The six seniors that left their mark on the program didn’t get to hold up the national championship trophy. Instead, they will

be remembered for other accomplishments. “These guys mean an awful lot to the program,” Hakstol said. “They should be proud of everything that they’ve done and all the success that they’ve had here and what they’ve done to help build our program as we move toward the future as we’ve gone through a very, very challenging year here. These guys have been very important toward moving us towards the future. For that and many other reasons, I’m really thankful for these guys. I’m very proud of their efforts.” Standout seniors Danny Kristo and Corban Knight found themselves among the top ten candidates for the Hobey Baker award — given to the top NCAA Division I men’s ice hockey player — yet fell short of making the list of the top three. But the duo’s successes throughout the season, and those of the entire senior class, can be traced back to their earlier years with the program. “They had a tremendous year,” Hakstol said. “They didn’t just show up this year and become good seniors — they’ve had great careers. They’ve worked very hard and developed their games and they’ve worked really hard to grow up as people here and become good leaders, and those are some of the things that really stand out for me. It’s

North Dakota junior goalie Clarke Saunders (33) held Yale scoreless through two and a half periods last Friday in Grand Rapids, Mich., boasting 35 saves on the night. Photo courtesy of UNDsports.com.

not the individual goals or plays in the ice, it’s the overall body of work that they’ve brought to our program.”

Regional tournament

The top 16 teams in the nation were divided into four different regionals in hopes of

punching a ticket to the Frozen Four. When North Dakota was put on the national stage in Grand Rapids, Mich., its loyal fan base supported from afar with 5,122 people following UND’s live chat online. Despite those numbers, a

mere 1,918 fans were there to watch the West Regional championship in which Yale succeeded in clinching a spot at the Frozen Four over the Green and White.

PUCK page


North Dakota splits with in-state rival NDSU PITCHING UND pitchers combine for an impressive 4.00 ERA against the Bison. David Butz


While most students celebrated their four-day Easter weekend, the UND men’s baseball team made the short trip south to Minneapolis to resume its season against instate rival North Dakota State at the Metrodome. The Green and White split the four game series with the Bison, dropping the first double header before winning the second to continue their 2013 campaign at 9-9-1. On Friday, at Mall of America Field in Minneapolis, the Bison took the doubleheader from UND, winning 1-0 and 9-2 to jump ahead in the series right away. In the opening game, NDSU spoiled an incredible pitching performance by Alex Twenge with a dramatic walk-off home run

while also riding a fine pitching outing by Bison John Straka, who went on to pitch a seveninning shutout. “It was a great game by Twenge and Straka in game one,” UND coach Jeff Dodson said on the loss. “We couldn't push across runs.” Twenge threw a gem for North Dakota, pitching 6 scoreless innings and striking out three batters before surrendering the game-winning dinger in the bottom of the seventh to NDSU’s Tim Colwell. Offensively, North Dakota could not produce, going just six for 25 as a team while NDSU’s Straka picked up 10 strikeouts against the Green and White. Shortstop Kris Kwak picked up the only multi-hit performance for North Dakota as he went 2-3 at the plate in the first game, while Taylor Peterson, Zack Trygstad, Jeff Campbell and Jacob Threlkeld accounted for UND’s other four hits in the game. In Friday’s second game, North Dakota State jumped ahead yet again, getting to UND starter Andrew Thome early to

score in the first three frames of play. Thome threw five innings against the Bison, allowing seven earned runs and 10 hits as NDSU piled on nine runs in the game. North Dakota State split pitching duties between five different pitchers who combined to allow just three UND runs over a nine-inning game. Tyler Follis and Ryan Reese both provided North Dakota’s only offensive sparks on the night as Follis went 3-5 in the designated hitter role, while Reese added two hits of his own in four at bats. Together, the combo accounted for five of UND’s nine hits in the game. North Dakota’s only production came off of the bats of Campbell, Trygstad and Threlkeld as each swatted an RBI apiece. Saturday, the Green and White struck back against the Bison by taking the day’s doubleheader with two big offensive games. North Dakota won the first game 8-2 before coming from behind late in the eighth inning to take the second game

UND holds a 7-5 record against non-conference opponents, (S. Oregon is in the NAIA) since the DI transition.

BALL page


[KEISUKE YOSHIMURA] THEDAKOTASTUDENT The bitter tundra of Kraft Memorial Field in Grand Forks will be the site for UND baseball’s first home game in the 2013 season. The Green and White will take on Utah Valley at 1 p.m. April 19.






“The pinnacle of our season should be played in a great atmosphere,” Hakstol said. “I think the players that are involved in the national tournament deserve that. I think it’s something in a fair amount of discussion over the years but with no action. We have to fix things. We’re not doing this the right way at the regional level.” But week after week, supporters of UND hockey made the trek to Ralph Engelstad Arena and followed the team throughout the season to the Final Five tournament in St. Paul and UND’s first ever outdoor game in Omaha, Neb. “It means everything,” Knight said. “It’s almost ridiculous how many fans there are when you go anywhere. They’re always there wearing green and everything, and its unbelievable having that support and it really helps us.”

Spacing forward

The season is over, but preparations for the next are already in full swing. New leaders and opportunities will accompany the move to a newly formed hockey league — the NCHC — that UND will claim as its new home. The time to bid farewell to the league that North Dakota took home 15 regular season championships from and 10 tournament championships is bittersweet. Yet, the change offers great possibilities and new opponents. “We’re saying goodbye to the WCHA — the only conference home we’ve ever known and it’s been a great home for us,” Hakstol said. “There’s definitely some sadness that comes with that, but then you turn the page and look forward to the NCHC and the high level of competition.” The conclusion of its final season in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association awarded North Dakota no championships, but instead offered an excellent ride for the entire team, as well as the fans. “I want to thank our captains and senior leadership this year,” Hakstol said. “They had a great determination and a ton of hard work, and they’ve done an awful lot for this program. “I look at their situations, the fact that they’ve played their last game, and it’s probably the toughest thing to accept and not preparing for a game next Thursday in Pittsburgh. Those guys, along with thanking our fans for an unbelievable year of support and what they’ve meant to us.” While the success of the team may fluctuate, it is the fans’ support from home in the Ralph or their journeys to watch the team hundreds of miles away that remains unchanging. “It’s been a tremendous feeling,” Kristo said. “I just want to thank them for everything that they’ve done.”

Elizabeth Erickson is the web editor of The Dakota Student. She can be reached at elizabeth.e.erickson@my.und.edu

Softball takes UND women’s one from Bears golf travels south RUNS North Dakota struggles to move runners across the plate during the series. Mariah Holland THEDAKOTASTUDENT

The UND softball team traveled to Greeley, Colo., Friday and Saturday to take on the UNC Bears and was able to salvage one win from the series. After an 8-0 loss in the first game Friday, the team faced an uphill battle. The next game was another loss (5-2) but the team was finally able to move a couple of runners across the plate. UND took the third game in a 6-4 win over the Bears. After giving up three runs through the first three innings Saturday, while not scoring one of its own,


Love to Write? The Dakota Student is hiring writers! Come pick up an application at our office in the basement of the Memorial Union.


a third loss in the series looked imminent. However, a late rally in the sixth and seventh innings brought five runs across the board to put UND on top. North Dakota rode the rally off of home runs smacked by junior right fielder Amanda Johnson and senior third baseman Brittany Baker. The conference season is just getting underway for the softball team and it is clear that it will take some time for the team to get used to the new competition. This is going to be a factor all season as it continues to make adjustments. The fourth game of the weekend series scheduled for Monday was cancelled because of inclement weather. “I don’t think it really affected them much other than it was a boring day to do nothing,” UND coach Eric Oakley said. The team is anticipating being able to host its home opener. The majority of the team’s April schedule will be played at home with the first home game at the Apollo Sports Complex in Grand Forks at 2 p.m. Friday, April 12 against Southern Utah. Mariah Holland is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. She can be reached at mariah.holland @my.und.edu

SCORE North Dakota takes 15th in Houston Baptist Husky Invitational in Houston, Texas. Elizabeth Erickson THEDAKOTASTUDENT

The North Dakota women’s golf team traveled to Riverbend Golf Club Monday and Tuesday to compete in the Houston Baptist Husky Invitational in Houston, Texas, posting a 15th place finish. Senior Robin Hutchinson shot UND’s lowest score Monday with an 85 (+13), carrying over her efforts from the Bucknell Bison Challenge with a score of 82 (+10), while freshman Abbie Mozzetti’s 86 (+14) marked the best finish for UND. At a tie for 34th place, Mozzetti had a 54hole total of 242 (+26). Sophomore Amanda Fairweather cracked 265 (+49), while sophomore Mikayla Kromy and senior Megan


Grozdanich followed close behind with scores of 271 (+55) and 285 (+69) respectively. Posting 300 for the second consecutive round, Sam Houston State carried the tournament and took home the team title after opening the tournament with a 322. Lamar (113) led the 15-team field after 36 strokes, but the Bearcats rallied back to take second with a 911. Central Arkansas claimed third place with a 932 while Houston Baptist and Oklahoma City University battled to end in a fourth place tie at 939. Although UND didn’t claim any medal honors — it was Julia Roth of Central Arkansas who took first with a three-round total of 220 (+6). North Dakota’s next action will take place at Oak Hills Country Club in Omaha, Neb., April 15-16 at the Creighton Classic before taking part in the Big Sky Conference Tournament April 21-23 in Chandler, Ariz. Elizabeth Erickson is the web editor of The Dakota Student. She can be reached at elizabeth.e.erickson@my.und.edu


Friday month x, 20xx


Congratulations to Danny Kristo on being named College Hockey News Player of the Year! DAKOTASTUDENT.COM




from NDSU as well. UND rode what coach Dodson called “an amazing pitching performance” by starter Tyler Ruemmele. Ruemmele went the distance for the Green and White, pitching all seven innings while allowing just six hits and two earned runs while striking out three batters. Offensively, North Dakota picked up 11 hits as a team, coasting off of multi-hit performances by Ryan Reese, Patrick Vandoorne and Threlkeld. Threlkeld also went on to pick up two of the team’s five RBIs to lead the team in that category. In the series finale, NDSU started strong offensively yet again. However, UND was able to answer back. The Bison put up three runs through the first three innings and took North Dakota starter Trent Egan out of the game. Reid Jungling came out of the bullpen in relief for the Green and White in the third and did so in big fashion — holding the Bison to just one run through five innings of relief work. UND’s rally came in the eighth inning after trailing the Bison 4-2. The inning was kicked off by North Dakota’s Zack Trygstad, who singled to center field for his fourth hit of the contest. The floodgates opened from there and UND picked up multi-hit performances from Trygstad, Follis and Sam Alt, while Threlkeld led the team yet again with three RBIs. North Dakota would go on to score five unanswered runs in the inning to etch the final tally at 7-4 to wrap up the series. North Dakota will resume its season Friday, April 5, in Houston, Texas, against Houston Baptist for a four-game series. David Butz is a staff writer for The Dakota Student. He can be reached at david.butz @my.und.edu

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