10 Best Toys & Gifts for 4 Year Old Girls in 2018 -- Educational & Fun

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10 Best Toys & Gifts for 4 Year Old Girls in 2018 -- Educational & Fun

Are you looking for the perfect gift for a 4 year old girl? It can be tough to know precisely what gifts and toys are right for her. We know you want to give her something that's not inexpensive, and just fun, but also good for her development. Luckily, Smart Parenting Blog has completed the research and gathered the 10 best toys for 4 year old women which are both educational and fun. They've given us a preview of their list. If you're short on time, scroll down to the list preview. Otherwise, read on to learn that factored into the Smart Parenting ranks.

4-Year-Old Developmental Milestones Welcome to the year of "why?" It could help you stockpile patience to know that this is an normal, and important developmental milestone. Her curiosity and shows she's building a vocabulary of more than 1,000 words and using thought. At an explosive pace, the language skills of your girl are developing at 4. She'll have the ability to make up stories and goofy words, rhyme, and sing silly songs. You'll probably also notice that she is able to pronounce most sounds correctly -- but perhaps not too much s, w, and r sounds -- follow simple, unrelated instructions, and ask you the meaning of unfamiliar words. And try not to laugh at the utter cuteness when she vehemently argues with you even though her argument is totally illogical! It's an important skill that as she develops, she is learning and will enable her to question and reason. Your 4-year-old woman will now, sometime before her 5th birthday, be able to understand abstract ideas such as bigger, less, later, ago, and soon and understand the difference between real and make believe. She can think in logical steps, focus on a task for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, and see the consequences of an action. And those gross motor skills that she's working on? While boys may pull ahead in this area, she can still throw and bounce a ball, jump over objects and climb playground ladders, pedal and steer a tricycle or bike, do somersaults and log rolls, and skip and trot. With a little encouragement and opportunity -- even though she really enjoys puzzles or faking or painting -- she outdo them, and maybe even could break even with these boys! The part of this year will watch her hit her social and emotional milestones. Bear in mind that she'll begin telling lies that are small to get out of trouble, even though she knows it's wrong, and do or say things she should see what your response will be. And grab a Kleenex because you'll need it when she cooperates shares, strives to be useful, and takes turns with others -particularly when she plays exactly the exact imaginary games over and over and discovers an imaginary friend. Most importantly, enjoy your belly laughs as she laughs herself silly and tells silly jokes! Bear in mind, however, that all kids are different. They do it in their own time and on their own terms while your 4-year-old girl should eventually hit on all these milestones. They all have abilities and different interests that will manifest at different times. Sit back and relax and enjoy the process knowing that you have given her the best chance at developing in a healthy manner by choosing the best toys for her development and joy. Continue reading and select your favorites to buy your 4 year old girl. And don't forget to jump in and join her fun!

Best Educational Toys & Gifts for 4 Year Old Girls Preview 1. Flybar My First Foam Pogo Jumper Watch as she listen as she giggles relentlessly at the noise, and masters fundamental skills like hand-eye coordination, balance, and strength the foam makes each time she lands on it. What better way to promote a physical lifestyle as allowing old the freedom of fun? Among the most highly rated toys of the year, this $17 jumper is a take on the pogo stick you enjoyed -- even if you never did master it. Remember trying to beat your best count before you fell over? This junior version made with a soft durable foam base, strong stretchy bungee"spring," and soft comfortable foam grip handles is terrific for any surface and will give her the skills and confidence to one day graduate to the large Pogo stick -- or merely to keep enjoying physical activity. Purchase for $16.99 on Amazon

2. Fisher-Price Little People Surprise & Sounds Home Your girl still loves to mimic what she sees, and now she loves to play pretend because she knows the difference between real and make believe. Now she can play out situations -- by herself or with her imaginary friend(s) -- with this $45 fold-up home that includes mom, dad, and daughter characters and interactive additions such as the push-in alarm clock that pops the daughter out of bed as it rings and the bluebird you slip to find the kitty pop up in the window on one side -- and what the weather's like on the other! Fun phrases, the lights, and 4 songs will hold her attention for hours. Younger kids love this 5-star toy too, and so do older children -- even mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa! No one ever gets tired of the alarm clock which pushes the characters out of bed or the flushing toilet! Buy for $34.99 on Amazon

3. Fisher-Price Barbie Tough Trike The age of 4 is the best age for her to enjoy learning how to ride a bike like this. Your 4-year-old woman will delight at the freedom and speed as she rides this up and down the sidewalk or driveway she finds while kids begin to ride bikes that are bigger and lose their hands of the ability it takes to ride on one like this! She can enhance those steering and pedalling abilities plus her activity level as you breathe easy knowing you just spent $30! Buy for $29.99 on Amazon

4. Squigz by Fat Brain Toys Simple name! She will be fascinated by this attractive set of balls that are suction-cup ! Squigz will help her develop her creativity, fine motor skills, interaction, and experimentation anywhere: a table, floor, bathtub, wall, window, anyplace that has a flat surface. And these suckers (literally!) Defy gravity while leaving no trace that they were there. She can make any shape or animal she can think up, and if she's done, she will laugh and laugh at the pop! Noise they make as she takes them apart. At $28 for the starter set, you may end up losing some time creating too! Buy for $24.95 on Amazon

5. Melissa & Doug Sweet Hearts and Butterfly Friends Bead Set of 2 -- 250+ Wooden Beads Youpatterning'll definitely be getting bang for your buck with this toy that will encourage her stringing, and designing skills, develop her fine motor skills, cognitive skills, and social abilities. Stringing beads requires a pincer grasp, which she will need to learn before moving on to being able to achieve the grip she'll be growing so that she can learn how to write using a pen and crayon that is thinner. The 250 beads and can make endless combinations of bracelets that she'll love to proudly display and 5 strings are just the perfect size for her hands. And when she tires of this kit, Melissa & Doug have more rope bead sets, little and big! Purchase for $17.19 on Amazon If you enjoyed the preview and want to see more, check out the full list of the best toys for 4 year old girls on the Smart Parenting Blog. If you think any toys that are excellent were missed, please let us know.

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