D.E.A.F Magazine January issue- 1

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1st Issue

D.E.A.F MAGAZINE Definitely. Extraordinary. And. Fantastic

Preview Sample Nutristion Suggestions Take Care of Your Body Want to hear the Story of the Publisher Indulge in a Treat Part of her Story


D.E.A.F &

MAGAZINE Food Lover Owned Since 2012

EMBRACE THE RECOGNITION 4 Publisher and Owner Part of her story 6 What is D.E.A.F MAGAZINE Spread the Words Inspire our Children 8 Take care of Yourself Nutrisitionist T'keyah Dumoy 10 11

Union Hearing Society Hearing Aid Centre Peom of the Month Embrace Yourself by Nadira Norris

12 Stush Extentions Brooks Copper Expertise 13 Def Events & Beyond Founder Andrea Zackary 14 YR Company Want to have your own business? 16 Wedding Planner Lolade El'Mai Fakunle 18 Your Body Fit Now Personal Traniner Travis Edwards

You Are Definitely. Extraordinary. And. Fantastic

Who I Am A Brief Introduction Of My Life as a hearing impaired (hard of hearing) individual Article by Nadira Norris-Charles

Hi, my name is Nadira Norris and I would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself. I was born in Montreal, Quebec and moved to Toronto with my family when I was three years old. I attended Bridlewood Junior Public School and later moved on to Northern Secondary School, I graduated from Agincourt Collegiate Institute. Throughout my childhood and Adolescent years I was a very enthusiastic student who played numerous sports along with performing arts. Volleyball, basketball and track and field were my favorite sports of them all. After graduating from high school I was confused about what my career would, should and could be due to my hearing loss. At this point in time I continued to grow into a woman of curiosity. I had tried my best to making the right

decisions that would not affect my future in a negative way. Most of all I believe that developing integrity is an important aspect to obtain. I always developed a mind-set from childhood to seek my accomplishments from within, while receiving very limited to no help at all. I knew that I always wanted to become a woman who established her career and the life that she deserved. However, I still didn’t know who I wanted to be professionally at this time. From my teen years I had developed a metaphor for the meaning of life and I still continue to live by this quote; “Life is like a book! It has a chapter of our life experiences that are imprinted in our mind." As you grow and experience new moments you have developed a new chapter to your life and so the story continues. Life is about growing and evolving.


My Life Begins Article by Nadira Norris-Charles

I developed a new chapter in my life in 2007 when God had granted and blessed with me a beautiful daughter who I love very much and is my inspiration along with my mother and foremost God. Having my daughter had made me realize that being a mother is incredible and can’t comprehend the emotion that comes with it. From this moment I realized that I want to make a different in people’s lives especially my community. I want to be a motivational speaker for the deaf and hard of hearing children’s and student, furthermore, I want to establish a magazine which is now being accomplished. This magazine will present topics about the world around us as well as within our community. I also want

to address articles of those who struggled but got up, those who established a career that they desired. I want to present so much more because we are worth it like everyone else. Everybody has a magazine that is published and relates to them in some way. Now we have one too in Canada and I am proud to say that it’s called D.E.A.F MAGAZINE. I will continue to make my dreams come true, and that is to wake up every morning being proud and feeling good about myself because of the accomplishment that I made and will continue to make.

Article by Nadira Norris-Charles


What is D.E.A.F MAGAZINE Article by Nadira Norris-Charles

D.E.A.F MAGAZINE (Definitely, Extraordinary, and Fantastic) is a sole proprietorship owned by Nadira Norris-Charles who is also hard of hearing. This business is located in Mississauga, Ontario. D.E.A.F MAGAZINE is a Lifestyle trends publication that reflects cultural within the Deaf, Deafened, Hard of Hearing community. Furthermore, it will enhance the experiences of diverse minorities, and attract various women and men globally, appealing to a broad array of individuals despite ethnicity, socioeconomic class, and other social concerns. Therefore, this business will motivate, inspire, and encourage clients to achieve their goals. Ms. Norris believes that everyone can succeed and accomplish anything that they want, need and desire.

We aim to provide an opportunity for individuals to explore their potential and to find guidance on their personal journey. Primarily, we will focus on the five most important aspects fundamental to one’s well being such as; hope, faith, belief, belonging and self esteem. A drastic increase in individuals who have been born with or who have developed a progressive hearing loss is now apparent and these individuals experience marginalization and lack of opportunity in life. The development of this magazine provides a resource for members of the deaf community to obtain employment, and will be the one and the only magazine providing compelling information to the specific demographic. Nonetheless, D.E.A.F MAGAZINE will draw attention to those who want to know about the deaf world such as teachers, managers, corporations and community centers that specialize in deaf and hard of hearing clientele.

Article by Nadira Norris-Charles




Definitely Extraordinary And Fantastic



Photo of Nutritionist - T'Keyah Dumoy


Take Care Of Yourself 3 Tips to achieve a well-balanced diet 1) Be consistent; generate a routine that will allow yourself to be consistent on a daily or weekly basis. 2) Create your own meals: home prepped meals tend to have more nutritional value and less harmful substances then fast food 3) Choose colour and be diverse; when your choosing foods to purchase, keep this in mind.

T'Keyah Dumoy

Healthful Approach to Your Daily Life

Article by Nutritionist T'Keyah Dumoy

In today’s world, applying a healthful approach to one’s eating habits is often referred to as being on a diet; which is often defined by its verb form, as restricting one’s food choices. However, the word diet entails the intake or consumption of food for nutritional benefit. Therefore if you EAT, you are on a diet. The truth is, we are ALL on a diet. For example, some of us are on a ‘fast food diet’, ‘a red diet’, or ‘I eat whatever I want diet’, or known conventional “diets”, like a vegan diet or vegetarian diet. It’s safe to say we all hold our own perception of the word. As a result of our skewed perception, we tend to alienate the word ‘diet’ as something temporary, unattainable, and nearly impossible. The most important tasks we face today, in which the majority of us really need to begin to put into perspective is maintaining a balanced diet; which will 1) contribute to

our overall health and well-being 2)Sustain health over a period of time, and 3) reduce the chance of nutrient deficiencies and sickness or disease. What is a balanced diet? A balanced diet includes eating nutritional (quality) foods that provide the carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals needed for the body to sustain optimal health. In other words, the majority, if not all of your meals should contain the following; colour and variety. Most of our colourful foods come from fruit and vegetables, which should be approximately 50% of each meal. To create variety, make smart choices from other food groups like starch, grains, poultry, meat, diary, nuts, and legumes. The following are smart foods from the food groups listed: brown rice (starch), lean poultry/ meat, almonds, (nuts), natural Greek yogurt (diary). 9 Nutritionist - T'Keyah Dumoy

Established in 1922, Union Hearing Aid Centre Limited has been providing excellent service to the hearing impaired community for over 90 years. Specializing in paediatrics, it is one of the only centers in Ontario which fits hearing aids to ALL ages. We are proud to be one of the only centers to fit ALL lines and types of devices including cochlear implants, bone anchored hearing aids, bone conduction hearing aids, FM and signalling devices, and deep fitting implantable devices.


Embrace Yourself Poem by Nadira Norris-Charles

Today is the day that I embrace Today is the day that I received hope and faith Today is the day that I feel and know that I can Conquer the world To be who I desire to be A wife, a mother and a daughter to my family With everything I have, my spirit and soul Today is going to be the day that I embrace a brand New me The day where I conquer the world that I see I will stand tall and give my everlasting love Because today is the day that I embrace my identity


Stush Extentions- Brook Cooper


A Time For Families and Friends To Socialize And Meet New And Old Faces Come Out And Celebrate With Us We are introducing our new company called " DEF This is a fantastic opportunity to bring families toEVENTS & BEYOND " it purpose for any events upcom- gether to socialize and promote American Sign Laning for Deaf community around the GTA. we are mo- guage as well as to celebrate our uniqueness. tivated! Our Mission is to uplift, empower,validate and ultimately build a strong Deaf community a place where everyone comes together play, laugh, learn and have fun! We truly believe that social event play a strong part of everyday lives. This belief is the core of why we started this company and why we name our company DEF EVENTS & BEYOND.

Our events will be held in the summer since it is a great time to get together for some sun, fun and laughter and what better place than having amazing a picnic at the park.

Andrea Zackary Founder/Chairperson DEF EVENTS & BEYOND Telephone & text: 647-502-0549 Email: defeventbeyond@gmail.com 13



Be Self Employed

Be Your Own Boss

Increase Your Earnings Article by Nadira Norris-Charles YR Company is a non-profit organization that specializes in helping individuals who are looking to be self-employed. YR Company opens a wide range of opportunity to gain knowledge about both business and life skills that are essential to succeeding in today’s business .They accommodate needs for those who require them. Their goal is to enhance yet improve these skills to understand the business world and presenting them the resource and information needed to complete a successful business plan and strategies to own a successful business. Furthermore, they extend their services by supporting and providing guidance from experience business coaches


and mentors from the community. The duration of the program is 24 weeks. The first weeks are 4 afternoon workshops per week. The time needs to be invested if you want to succeed. There is no fee, just your presence and your mind on task. Then you will get a chance to present to business panel and gain a $3000 grant. If you’re looking to change your life, YR Company is the place to be! YR Company also offers other Employment services Division at Sunnyvale Gate, Brampton. Check out their website for more information http://www.jobskills.org/yrcompany/

Start Your Own Business

Business Owner 15

EL'MAI wedding company specialises in the design, coordination and planning of your special event; proposals, engagement and wedding events. We are offering a 10 percent discount for our proposal planning and design clients till end of February.

You can Check us out on www.elmaiweddingcompany.ca You can Contact me at: lola@elmaiweddingcompany.ca 6472102979

Wedding Planner- Lolade El'Mai Fakunle 16


Workouts and Exercises that will help you Lose Belly Fat Article By: Your Fit Body Now- Personal Traniner Travis Losing stubborn belly fat can be tough especially if you don’t know want exercises to do. Research has shown that carrying excess belly fat puts people at risk for heart disease and cancer compared to those their carry their fat in other areas of the body. Your diet, stress, and sleep levels play a major role in destroying most of your belly fat, however doing the right workouts can literally allow you torch the fat. So the question is, what workouts and exercises are effective for eliminating belly fat? Here are some tips from our online personal trainer. Here are 6 tips to Eliminate Belly Fat with Online Personal Training – 1. Aim to incorporate exercises that involve the entire body or multiple muscle groups By incorporating exercises that target the entire body or multiple muscle groups you burn more calories. This is especially true when you target the larger muscle groups such as your legs. Examples include: Burpees with Push-ups Kettlebell Swings Squat and Row Squat Press Split Lunge Jump Squats Renegade row with Push-ups 2. Increase the intensity of your workouts In a study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, people who completed a high-intensity workout regimen lost more belly fat than those who followed a low-intensity plan (In fact, the low-intensity exercises experienced no significant changes at all). High intensity workouts mean you’re going all out for as long as you can. If this sounds intimidating, think of it this way: you’ll burn more calories in less time. 3. Include both strength training and cardio workouts The more muscle you have, the more calories you’re able to burn during rest. “You need to do a combination of weights and cardiovascular training,” says Sangeeta Kashyap, MD, an endocrinolo-

gist at Cleveland Clinic. Strength training increases muscle mass, which sets your body up to burn more fat. “Muscle burns more calories than fat, and therefore you naturally burn more calories throughout the day by having more muscle,” says Kate Patton, a registered dietitian at Cleveland Clinic. Patton recommends 250 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 125 minutes of highintensity exercise a week. If you need help with accountability, use of our online personal trainer. 4. Incorporate circuit and interval training into your workout routines A circuit is a series of exercises in succession with minimal rest in between the sets (an example is exercise 1 – 5 in Example 1 below). An interval represents a segment of time or period of work (for example, 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest). Both circuit and interval training have been shown to torch fat off the waistline. See some examples below. Example 1 – Circuit 1 (no rest between sets) 1. Jumping Jacks (2 mins) 2. Squats (1 min) 3. Burpees (2 mins) 4. Push-ups (1 min) 5. Rest (1 min) *Please note: Interval segments are 2 mins and 1 min in this example Example 2 – Circuit 2 (rest within sets) 1. Jumping Jacks (2 mins [4 rounds] – 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) – this is also an interval time 2. Squats (1 min [2 rounds] – 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) 3. Burpees (2 mins [4 rounds]) 4. Push-ups (1 min [2 rounds]) 5. Rest (30 s – 1 min) 5. Change your workouts periodically Doing the same workout week-after-week will eventually lead to a plateau. The goal is to keep your body guessing, allowing it to work in different ways. It’s best to change your complete workout plan every 4 weeks or your workouts every week. 6. Do challenging workouts Simply focus on doing exercises that challenge you. If the workout doesn't test you physically, then your body won't respond to it the way it would if the workout was easy. In order to see continued results, you must challenge yourself!

Your Body Fit Now- Personal Traniner Travis Edwards 19


Your Fit Body Now Just Got Easier Fitness App's are not for everybody to lose weight' according to studies Article By: Your Fit Body Now- Personal Traniner Travis

Toronto, ON – Your Fit Body Now, Canada’s largest online personal training company realizes that fitness apps can be a powerful tool; however if not paired with personal training, there is no guarantee of weight loss success. Mobile health and fitness apps are soaring in popularity as more people have the ability to count calories, track fitness progress and make their own workouts. However recent studies show there is no guarantee to improve a user’s health, let alone allow them to lose weight. The findings don’t mean fitness apps don’t work for people who want to lose weight, said the study’s lead author, Dr. B. Yoshi Laing from the Martin Luther King Jr. Outpatient Center in Los Angeles. Instead, simply recommending it does not lead to weight loss, compared to people who don’t get recommendations. "This just shows us again that losing weight is really tough," said Dr. B. Yoshi Laing. The new study published in journal Annals of Internal Medicine has revealed that weight loss can't just happen by using a fitness app unless people remain fully committed. In order to conduct the study, the researchers looked at data from over 200 overweight or obese patients over a span of six months. Half of the partici-

pants were assigned and instructed to use a popular fitness app, while the other participants were told to choose their own activities to lose weight. Researchers found that the difference in weight lost between the two groups was not that noteworthy as overall level of weight loss was minimal. According to Travis Edwards of Your Fit Body Now, one of the biggest problems that people face when trying to lose weight or stay healthy is sticking to unrealistic goals and expectations. “A fitness app can be a useful tool for monitoring day-to-day progress, but it should not be used solely by itself. This is where working with an online personal trainer becomes extremely helpful. They help you set realistic goals, provide support and motivation as well as hold you accountable. Most importantly, they keep you committed to your goals. We ensure that individuals use both a fitness app and an online personal trainer doubling their chance of weight loss success.” Your Fit Body Now provides its clients with an online personal trainer in Toronto among other cities in Ontario including Mississauga, Hamilton, Vaughan, Pickering and Ottawa. The company offers customized workouts, nutrition tracking tools and meal plans through their online portal and fitness app.

Your Body Fit Now- Personal Traniner Travis Edwards


Thank You For Viewing Our next issue will be Availiable in Feburary, 2015 If you would like to advertise your business or product with us you can contact us at deafmagazine1@gmail.com


MAGAZINE Food Lover Owned Since 2012


Continue to MOTIVATE AND INSPIRE You Are Definitely. Extraordinary. And. Fantastic



Definitely Extraordinary And Fantastic



Join Us Online For more discussions and information .

www.deafmagazine.ca D.E.A.F MAGAZINE,Mississuaga, ON, Canada (647) 385-4742 email@ deafmagazine1@gmail.com www.deafmagazine.ca

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