The Future Lab / Evaluation

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ECO? Czech Design Toward Sustainability? Sustainability and environmentally responsible lifestyle are resonating more and more globally. Almost no reasonable authority disputes the fact that it is essential to start behaving in an environmentally friendly way. Yet, particularly in the Czech Republic, the involvement of design in solving environmental problems is only just starting to gain prominence, and there are not many companies or individuals involved in the issue on a long-term basis. However, it is design and its possibilities that can provide the ideal starting platform for setting up new consumption habits. A well-thought-out product morphology, cleverly chosen materials and a conscious approach to production (including the incorporation of new technologies) are essential attributes that can help set up new rules. Unfortunately, companies often exploit ecology and sustainability, particularly in their marketing strategies, and they use greenwashing, too. How can we distinguish between the companies’ pure intentions and their awareness of the need for change, and those that are just cleverly making use of what is currently in fashion? Hardly. The Czech Centres’ exhibition does not aim to vet companies and designers – in fact, a consistently critical look might narrow down our selection even more. By providing examples of individual solutions and ideas, the project strives to prove that even seemingly partial realizations can represent a major breakthrough in production and design in the future. For this reason, we were looking for Czech companies as well as individuals whose specific ideas show how skilfully design can be used to create new consumption habits. In this context, we do not see design as an aesthetic effect in itself, but rather as a purely functional tool that offers a combination of practical and visually perfect qualities. Veronika Pařízková Curator

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