Uncaged Book Reviews

Page 53

A U T H O RS A N D T H E I R P E TS Pets and companions come in many shapes and sizes. From furry to feathered to hairy and scaley - there is a place for all of them. Authors have a special relationship with their pets - whether they remind them to get up and take a break or they inspire their writing. Meet the critters that share their love and devotion to Uncaged Feature Authors.

MICHELLE FOX & Comet & Goober My current co-writers are Comet and Goober. Comet is a black lab and we’re pretty sure she was a master thief in a past life. She steals all the things. Constantly. Goober is our chocolate lab rescue and he has gorgeous gold, lion eyes. Whenever I’m writing, they are right there, bumping my elbow with their cold noses, insisting I give up on this author thing and devote my life to belly rubs, but so far, I’ve been able to resist. Issue 38 | September 2019 |


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