Cooper Young LampLighter May 2012

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INSIDE: 100 years in Cooper-Young Family marks centennial with Felix Street party // page 14

NEWSBRIEFS Pups play it safe during dog days of May European auto repair shop opens on Cooper Midtown Motor Werks held a grand opening April 5, complete with aerial acrobats, a band and


Throughout Cooper-Young, we have something special in common: a great love for animals. As I walk through the neighborhood, I find that

beer, for its new space at 795 S. Cooper St. just

most times, I know a pet's name before I ever

south of the trestle.

know the owner. Our “kids” greet each other on

Owner Shane Herbers signed a lease earlier this year on the garage and parking lot, in a space formerly occupied by Comm-Trans/Sully Corp. The shop will focus on servicing European luxury brands including Mercedes, BMW and Range Rover. Herbers told The Commercial Appeal he grew up in Cooper-Young and that he loved showing off his neighborhood to customers. The shop will offer loaner bikes that customers can use to explore the neighborhood while they wait. The shop's phone number is 726-0006.

Furniture finish store hosting grand opening Me & Mrs. Jones, a Cooper Street studio that offers furniture and classes on painted furniture

the street and we make introductions but often forget to introduce ourselves. As the years have gone by, I now know most of my neighbors and their pets by name. This works out especially well if one of their furry family members happens to take a stroll outside its own backyard. May is National Pet Awareness month and every year, we take some time to introduce new ideas and information to our residents to help keep their pets happy and safe. There are so many options out there to help keep track and even locate your loved ones in the event they go missing. I have had so many conversations with our residents — some after it was already too late — who said that they had always meant to have their pets microchipped or Lucy and Moxie play tug-of war April 22 at the dog park off Hollywood Avenue. // Photo by Daniel Scruggs.

added to the CYCA pet registry. While the Dog Day at the Dog Park events

finishes, will host a grand opening party from

have generated some enthusiasm and renewed

6-9 p.m. May 10. The studio will host muffins,

inspiration toward taking these steps, there are

mimosas and chalk paint demonstration from 9

still many residents out there who need to have

a.m. To noon May 11 and a pimento cheese

their pets microchipped. Almost all local

enabling you to keep a constant eye on where

evaluations are:

veterinarians are able to provide microchipping

your pet is at all times. For around $100-$200


services. Hollywood Feed also works with

and a monthly monitoring fee, you are able to

at 889 S. Cooper St. For more information call

different doctors several times a year to offer this

see in real time the exact location of your pet.

494-8786 or visit

service at a discount. There are a few different

sandwich party from 11 a.m. To 2 p.m. May 12. The studio is open and offering classes now

Recently Consumer Reports ranked the top

Personally, I don’t think I would ever own a pet without having insurance. Luckily, I have never had to fork out thousands of dollars in vet

options and you will want to ask specific

three on the market. They are TAGG (www.

bills and I am hopeful that with pet insurance, I

questions on your next visit to the vet., RoamEO GPS collars (www.

never will. There are hundreds of different plans, and Garmin (www.sites.garmin.

many different companies and discounts for

residents could submit a photo, along with

com ). Several other residents have already

multiple pet households. You would be

Midtown Massage & Bodywork at 885 S.

important contact and pet info that would be vital

purchased one of these nifty gadgets and it is a

surprised how many human insurance compa-

Cooper St., this month. Rodriguez hopes to

if their pet were ever lost. This way residents

wonderful peace of mind to know you can see

nies actually underwrite pet insurance plans.

officially open May 28.

could become familiar with all of our local

what’s going on at all times. (See June Hurt’s

Some car insurance plans even offer extended

animals and recognize them if they were found. If

article for a review of one of these products.)

coverage to your pet while they are riding.

Midtown Massage opening on Cooper Larrie Ann Rodriguez, B.S., L.M.T., will open

For information call 596-3838, or visit www.

The CYCA pet registry was designed so that

This brings me to another very important or

you would like to submit your pet’s photo and

Something else that has sparked a lot of

midtownmassage.The shop's phone number is

information, you can send it to info@coopery-

questions is pet insurance. Who offers it, what

point. After taking Evie (my 3-year-old Akita) to


do they cover, what don’t they cover, how much

the vet, I was given a wellness survey to

is it and is it really worth it? Two of the best

complete. It was basically a breakdown of how

websites I have found that offer independent

well I took care of her, what extra things I would

Another great option for dogs is GPS tracking collars. These are collars that contain a GPS chip NEWS BRIEFS CONTINUED ON PAGE 7


MAY 2012

MAY 2012 LampLighter 1

STAR RUNNERS Local road race crew gets neighbors to join their pack, getting them off the couch and training for the CooperYoung 4K and more.


YARD OF THE MONTH The Whitworth family takes their Young Avenue yard the extra mile with piles of azaleas and crape myrtles to claim 2012's first YOM recognition.



INSIDE ROCK THE DOCS 2011 might have been the year of the documentary. Film fanatic Matt Martin scans the best of reality cinema and shares his top picks.

LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Those who know me well,

they’re old … I mean, really old. They are both going blind, and

know that I love dogs more

one has pretty bad arthritis and is almost completely deaf. All they

than most people. I really

do is sleep all day. They’re not going anywhere, silly mother.

love my dogs in particular,

Less than two hours later, Lucky Dog (the 14-year-old, arthritic,

because they love me

almost-blind, deaf dog) went missing after I accidentally locked

unconditionally, occasionally

her out on the front porch. For the next 20 minutes, I was a

bring me gifts of dead

hysterical, sobbing mess, frantically yelling and searching up and

things, and never talk back

down the street.

or ask for money. Losing either of them for even a few

Cue the panic attack. “Why am I yelling? She can’t hear me! My can’t get out, or she was hit by a car, or kidnapped, or maybe a

that we send out every week from the CYCA.

dingo ate my baby!” Wait a minute … never mind. She’s sniffing a

So I’m talking to my mother one night on the phone about this GPS pet why I hadn’t ordered them for my dogs yet. In my best condescending, “I’m

STAFF&VOLUNTEERS FOUNDER Janet Stewart EDITOR David Royer LAYOUT ARTIST Jennifer Freeman WEBMASTER Patrick Miller BUSINESS MANAGER Chris McHaney DISTRIBUTION Rich Bullington AD MANAGER Kristan Huntley CONTRIBUTORS: Sydney Ashby, Ben Boleware, April Boleware, Tamara Cook, Mandy Grisham, Emily Holmes, June Hurt, Kristan Huntley, Aaron James, Kandra Kolehmainen, Matt Martin, Renee Massey, D. Jackson Maxwell, David Royer, Daniel Scruggs, Toby Sells

precious baby has fallen into a sinkhole that she didn’t see and she

minutes is unthinkable, and it hurts my heart to see all the lost dog postings

tracker that I saw on TV while watching “Hoarders,” when she asked me

MAY 2012

bush in my neighbor’s yard less than a block away. Lesson learned. Mom is still always right. Hello, Pet Tracker people? Two please. If you need some extra cash to buy that pet tracker, you will

a big girl now and know everything” tone, I explained that my dogs have

have your chance to sell your old stuff at the CY Yard Sale on May

collars with tags with current contact info, they are both micro-chipped, and

12. See you all there! - June Hurt

DEADLINES FOR THE MARCH LAMPLIGHTER ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS: May 15 ADVERTISING COPY: May 21 DISTRIBUTION BEGINNING: June 1 Please send all articles and submissions to For advertising rate sheet, or to submit ads electronically, please email

EVENTS General Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 6-7:30 p.m. CYCA office, 2298 Young Ave. Board elections and presentation on pet safety. CY Community Yard Sale Saturday, May 12th, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Art Auction Meeting Tuesday, May 15, 6-7:00 p.m. CYCA office, 2298 Young Ave.

DISTRIBUTION 901-726-4635 | Cooper-Young Community Association Kristan Huntley, Community Director 901-272-2922 |

It's your neighbors, online, all the time.

Communications Meeting Thursday, May 25, 7 p.m. CYCA office, 2298 Young Ave.

Safety Committee Meeting Monday, May 28, 7 p.m. CYCA office, 2298 Young Ave.

AD SALES 901-517-3618 |

Keep current on Cooper-Young events, news and neighborhood notices.

CYCA Board Meeting Tuesday, May 15, 7 p.m. CYCA office, 2298 Young Ave.

Beautification Meeting Monday, May 28, 6 p.m. CYCA office, 2298 Young Ave.

CONTENT 901-210-4391 |



Cooper-Young Business Association Tamara Cook, Executive Director 901-276-7222 |

Interesting in advertising in the LampLighter? The Lamplighter serves the Cooper-Young area, an eclectic neighborhood and historic district in Midtown known for its mix of shops, bars, restaurants, and strong sense of community. 4,000 issues are hand-delivered to every home in the Cooper-Young neighborhood as well as many Midtown businesses. CY residents pride themselves on supporting local business. Don’t miss this opportunity to reach this highlydesireable and diverse demographic. Call Kristan today at 901.517.3618 or email her at

The LampLighter is published by the CYCA. The opinions and information presented here are those of the staff and volunteers of the LampLighter and do not necessarily reflect the entire Cooper-Young community. The LampLighter assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. However, we commit ourselves to providing current and accurate information. 2


MAY 2012

CYCA BOARD OFFICERS President June Hurt Vice-President April Boleware Secretary Andy Ashby Treasurer Kevin Ritz CYCA COMMITTEE HEADS Beautification Demetrius Boyland Beer Fest Andy Ashby Block Clubs April Boleware Building Debbie Sowell Code Awareness Amanda Ball Communications Patrick Miller Festival 4-Miler Richard Coletta, Michael Ham, Chris McHaney, Libby Flynt Finance Jason Word Safety Sarah Frierson Membership Renee Massey At-Large Board Members

Jason Word, Mark Morrison


Great deals coming to Cooper-Young ANNUAL YARD SALE SET FOR MAY 12 BY KRISTAN HUNTLEY

It's time for the annual Cooper-Young Community Yard Sale, Saturday, May 12, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Yard sales are a great way to sort out those items you no longer use and gain some more closet space in your already small closet by decluttering (that is, unless you then go visit all the other CY yard sales and end up with more stuff than you originally had which is usually what happens to me…)

Plus, yard sales are a means of recycling since you aren’t throwing unwanted items away — just giving them a new home and perhaps getting some cash in the process! The Cooper-Young Community Association’s role This year’s Cooper-Young Community Yard Sale is continuing the grassroots feel. The CYCA will help get the word out about the event by way of the Commercial Appeal, Craigslist, Facebook, and if time and weather permits, signage. There is no fee for participating in the yard sale, though if you like the event, we encourage you to purchase a membership to support the CYCA’s work. This year there will not be an official listing of households participating, so there is no deadline by which you must decide to have a yard sale. How do I get the word out about my yard sale? CY Online Classifieds: The CYCA is again making the online classifieds at freely available for your use and we will be directing potential yard sale buyers to this area of our website. Feeling daunted about posting online? Don’t be! It’s quite simple and will help your yard sale stand out when you have something special. A short online tutorial is available at to help. Signs: You are welcome to make your own signs to really add pizzazz to your yard sale. Please just remember to take them down afterward. Ads: Craigslist ads are always free, so you can post your individual yard sale there as well.

Our purpose is to form an association of residents and interested parties to work together to make our diverse and historic community a more desirable and safer place to live, worship, work, and play.

( The best form of advertisement is always word of mouth, though, so remember to tell your friends and colleagues and encourage them to attend! You can download our yard sale flyer from for posting. If you are new to the world of yard sales, here are some helpful hints to keep you sane and safe: •

This is a RAIN OR SHINE EVENT. If it rains, it is up to your discretion if you still wish to have your yard sale.

Yard sale shoppers like to find a price easily. Use stickers or, for a bunch of items like books or stuffed animals, place them in a box labeled with a price (I.e. $1 per item).

Remember to leave room for bargaining when you set your price. Yard sale shoppers like to haggle.

You will be up early the day of the yard sale, so remember to get change beforehand so you can sleep in a bit longer.

Be honest. If an item doesn’t work, be truthful and reflect that in the price.

Instead of having your yard sale alone, invite a friend to share your yard. You increase safety and can alternate refilling each other’s coffee. The buddy system is great for swimming and works for yard sales too!

Keep your money on you at all times. A money belt or fanny pack works well.

Close your front door, shades, and garage door so that the contents of your house are not

Enclosed is a check for my membership in the Cooper-Young Community Association New

Renewing (Memberships are from 1-1-2012 to 12-31-2012)

Household – $20

Trestle Tender – $50

Senior 55 and older – $5

Name ________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ Zip _____________ Phone ___________________________ Email ________________________________________ Yes, I want to hear about volunteer opportunities! Enclosed is my gift of $____________________ in honor or/in memory of:

visible to yard sale shoppers. •

Decline the use of your restroom unless you know the individual. If you have questions, email or call the CYCA offices at 272-2922. Best

wishes for a prosperous yard sale! - Kristan Huntley

_________________________________________________________ Enclosed is my gift of $___________________ for the General Operating Fund Mail this form with payment to: CYCA Membership, 2298 Young Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104 You can also join online at The CYCA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

MAY 2012




Feed your soul with member discounts at art auction, MCA classes BY RENEE MASSEY

For those of you who missed the announcement, the fabulously fun Art for Art’s Sake Auction was

According to the MCA website, Saturday School has been offered for 75 years, often attended by

moved from April to June this year. Mark your schedule now to be at the auction on June 23 so you

students whose parents or grandparents attended in their youth. Cecilia Palazola, MCA’s director of

won’t miss this opportunity to bid on inspired local art, support local artists, and fund the maintenance

community education, said they are busily preparing now for scheduled activities for the summer.

of public art in your neighborhood.

Aspiring artists aged 5-18 years old can register now for Summer Art Camp, and even tiny artists of

What is better than a night of art and neighbors? A night with art and neighbors and a discount is better! Members of the Cooper-Young Community Association receive a special discount of $5 off

only 4 and 5 years old can participate in Summer Art Camp, Junior. “Children can explore a number of artistic interests, from drawing to painting, or even sculpture or

tickets purchased for the auction. And since the auction is next month, you have plenty of time to

metalsmithing,” Palazola said. For more serious high school artists who are considering studying

renew or initiate your membership and secure your discount.

college-level art, MCA offers Summer Academy, and the school offers adult classes year-round. When asked why MCA chose to be a sponsor for your community association, Dr. Ron Jones, president of Memphis College of Art, said, “Being a sponsor for the Cooper-Young Community Association demonstrates the role we want to play in the community by being a good neighbor. The Cooper-Young neighborhood and the Memphis College of Art have a lot in common in that we are both long-standing pillars of Midtown Memphis. By offering this sponsorship, Memphis College of Art is investing in the people of the Cooper-Young community. We want to see fellow Memphians and Memphis institutions succeed — if one of us does well, we all do well.” No doubt our urban community of artists and art lovers will see the natural fit in the partnership between Cooper-Young and Memphis College of Art. To get more information about Summer Art Camp, Saturday School, or any of the other public programs offered by Memphis College of Art, visit their website at, click on the About Public Programs link, then click on Community Education.

Children show off their puppets in a recent Saturday School class at Memphis College of Art. In addition to being an institution of art and design higher education, Memphis College of Art provides several community education programs for all ages throughout the year.

The Cooper-Young Community Association is thrilled that Memphis College of Art has joined us in our mission to make Cooper-Young a safer and more desirable place to live, worship, work, and play. You can

While we are discussing art and membership discounts, I am delighted to remind CYCA members

support the exceptional things happening in Cooper-Young, too, by joining the CYCA. It’s easy! Visit us

that Midtown’s very own Memphis College of Art is one of our generous membership sponsors. MCA

online at, fill out the membership form in this paper, stop by our office at 2298

offers members a 10 percent discount on tuition for Summer Art Camp and Saturday School classes. If

Young Ave., or call our community director at 272-CYCA (2922). Your donation supports our mission

you thought a prestigious art school like Memphis College of Art only offered classes for artistically

and provides access to discounts like the ones highlighted here. Life is good in Cooper-Young!

gifted college students, you will be excited to hear that the school has several offerings for the public — both adults and youth. JOINING IS EASY! Visit us online at, fill out the membership form in this paper, stop by the community office at 2298 Young Ave., or call our community director at 272-2922.

Love one another. It’s that simple.

True Story:

Calling all Block Captains As I am sure you are aware from last month’s Lamp-

First Congregational Church

Lighter, June Hurt put out a challenge to all of you guys to get your block clubs going!

He’s Jewish. She’s Catholic. In Sunday School, their daughter learn that God loves all of them.

It is time to get those barbecue grills lit, the drinks flowing and the neighbors over to meet and greet. We have new welcome packets at the office for pick up if you have new residents in your area. Stop by and grab a few to have them on hand to drop off to your new residents. They contain great info on community awareness, Community Emergency Response Training Phone 901.278.6786 1000 South Cooper Memphis, TN 38104 Sunday worship 10:30am

(CERT) and even local restaurant menus. Also, it has been decided based on feedback from most of you that we will have the National Night Out on the actual day this year. Please mark your calendars for Aug. 7. This will help in getting donations for the event as well as help get all of the neighbors involved since children will be out of school. As usual, pop tabs will be collected at the CYCA festival booth in September, so get going on



MAY 2012

collecting those tabs. June prides herself on beating everyone each year, so lets have a new champion in 2012! If you don’t have a block captain in your area and would like to sign up or throw a party to generate some interest, please contact: for more info. - April Boleware


Bringing May flowers

Jason Whitworth (right) has lived on Young Avenue since 1997 with his wife, Amber (center) and children Autumn and Graham.

One of the unexpected side benefits of the Cooper-Young 4-Miler is that it sometimes entices participants to become permanent residents of the neighborhood. Jason Whitworth saw the house at

In early spring, the first thing you’ll notice is the row of pink azaleas that line the front yard.

2083 Young Ave. for sale when running the race and decided to purchase it in September 1997. Since then, he and his family have filled the yard with beautiful plants, trees, shrubs and vines.

In early spring, the first thing you’ll notice is the row of pink azaleas that line the front yard. Two crape myrtles anchor either side of the yard and Jason’s stepdaughter, Autumn Rose, planted the the critters away. And finally, Jason and his wife, Amber, planted the grapevine trellis in the side yard.

Dr. Allison Stiles, FAAP • Rela Miller, FNP

Although too young now, you may see Jason’s son, Graham, cutting the yard in the next few years

Intelligent Medicine and Compassionate Care for the Entire Family

colorful pansies at the base of the trees. There are marigolds in the planters that will (they hope!) keep

while Francis the dog stands watch. Jason says that he likes living in Cooper-Young because he’s able to get to know his neighbors and enjoy the strong sense of community our neighborhood cultivates.

Located in the

He also enjoys people watching during the CY Festival each year. Midtown Nursery for sponsoring it again this year. Stop by and pick up a few things and—who knows?—your yard may be next! - Sydney Ashby

Photography by Amber Tillmans

Congratulate Jason and his family for being named May’s Yard of the Month. And thanks to

Methodist University Medical Arts Building Free parking in the attached parking garage. (Garage entrance on Linden Ave.)

Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

1325 Eastmoreland Ave. • Suite 585 (901)276-0249 • MAY 2012



Fill out the coupon in the LampLighter, stop by the office, or



Thank you to our new CYCA members and donors

at Household memberships only $20!

Household and Seniors: Barbara Cook, Barbara Norton, Bill Ware, Carmen Dickerson, Edward & Roberta Burson, Jenna Vondran, Laura Baker & Jesse Williams, Kerry Vaughan, M. Janelle Loar, Margie Smith, Nancy Wiers & Laura Harris, O. Wintersteen, Rik & Jan


Anderson, Sheila Doherty, Steven Jones Photography, Tim L. Curry & Kathy M. Ladner, William & Loyce Scott; Trestle Tenders: Beth Hallderson, Brad & Sarah Gilmer, Carl J. Schwerin, Larrie Rodriguez, Ronnie G. Smith, Sarah Frierson; Special Donations: Doris Porter


(Barksdale Mural), Eclectic Eye & Central Gardens Association (McLean Mural), Carmen Dickerson (General Operating Fund), M. Janelle Loar (LampLighter Donation).

AM Photography - $25 off a session fee and $100 off a wedding package when you show your CYCA membership card

Benefactors keep LampLighter delivered to your door

Art for Art’s Sake Auction - $5 discount on ticket purchase

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to the following people who have shown their support of the LampLighter by contributing financially toward our operating costs

Black Lodge Video - One free video rental per month Burke’s Books - 10% discount with any purchase all year (excludes text books, previously discounted or sale items) Cafe Ole - Buy one entrée get second entrée of equal or lesser value at ½ price Calming Influence - 5% off with membership card all year (excludes gift certificates)

Chip Armstrong • Mavis Estes • Beverly Greene - in memoriam • Chris and Jill Kauker • Terry & Cynthia Lawrence • Mark Morrison & Leslie Thompson • Kathryn & Ted Schurch •

Camy’s Food Delivery - Get a free dessert with any specialty pizza purchase

Glenn Althoff & Mike Parnell • Jenni, Andrew, Elena, & Cora Pappas • Emily & Steve Bishop

Cooper-Young Regional Beerfest - $5 discount on ticket purchase

• Gertrude Moeller • Monte Morgan • Chris McHaney & Debbie Sowell • Robin Marvel - In

• Frank & Sue Guarino • David Huey • June & Justin Hurt • Tura & Archie Wolfe • Chip Sneed Honor • Blair and Brandy DeWeese • Doris Porter • Ronnie G. Smith • Betty Slack

Hollywood Feed: Union Ave. - 5% discount every time you show your CYCA membership card

If you love reading the LampLighter, please join us so that we can maintain the quality and frequency of the paper. Go to and click on the Membership tab to learn how

InBalance Fitness - 10% off group classes (excludes personal training and specialty classes) June Hurt, Notary Public - Free services to current members Maury Ballenger, Massage - 10% discount on massage services Memphis College of Art - 10% discount on Summer Art Camp and Saturday School tuition Mr. Scruff’s Pet Care - 15% off purchase of the TLC Visit Package (incl. 24 TLC Visits) Otherlands Coffee Bar -1 free cup of coffee or coffee drink up to $3 value Outback Steakhouse - Free appetizer with the purchase of an entrée up to $7.29 Painted Planet - 25% jewelry discount every time you show your card. Not valid on previously discounted or sale items Pickle IT Computer Service - Free backup of all your personal files on a DVD or flash drive with any repair service, call 496-0755 Playhouse on the Square - Buy 1 get 1 ticket free up to four tickets for Thursday or Sunday shows Skunx Pizza Cafe - 10% discount each time membership card is presented Soulfish - 1 complimentary Lunch or Dinner Entrée when a 2nd of equal or greater value is purchased - Up to $7 Stash- The Midtown Yarn Shop - 15% discount with membership card, excluding sale and consignment items Stone Soup Cafe - Buy one menu item and get a second item of equal or less value 1/2 off, one time only Sweet Grass & Next Door - 10% off a single entree every time you show your card The Nail & Skin Bar - 10% discount off a Spa Pedicure every time you show your membership card Young Avenue Deli - Enjoy 30% off any one entree



MAY 2012

you can become a recognized LampLighter Benefactor.


NEWSBRIEFS Free coffee tasting at Stone Soup May 19 Stone Soup Cafe & Market, 933 S. Cooper St., will host a free coffee tasting featuring local roasters J Brooks during breakfast and lunch, from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 19. There will be door prizes and representatives will be on hand to answer questions. Come by and try different roasts and find your favorites.

Levitt Shell concert series to begin May 17 The Levitt Shell in Overton Park has announced the 2012 lineup for its annual series of free concerts. The series begins May 17 with New Orleans second-line brass band The Stooges and ends July 1 with Millington-based Navy Band Mid-South. Concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, or 6 p.m. for Sunday shows. All concerts are free. Visit for a complete schedule, with a desription of each performer's music and links to YouTube videos.

Gershwin tunes on tap at Lindenwood concert series Lindenwood Christian Church, 2400 Union Ave. at East Parkway, will present the final concert of the Music at Lindenwood season at 4 p.m. May 6 in the sanctuary. The program is titled “'S Wonderful – the Music of Gershwin and Friends” and will feature singer-pianist Chris Nemec with the nationally recognized Gary Beard Chorale as they perform some of George Gershwin’s favorite tunes: “I Got Rhythm,” “'S Wonderful,” “Embraceable You,” “Summertime” and many more. Included will be a few selections by friends of Gershwin — Harold Arlen (“Over the Rainbow”), Irving Berlin (“Blue Skies”) and Rodgers & Hart (“With a Song in My Heart”) — all in a concert benefiting the Church Health Center. Tickets are $10 (general admission) and $50 for Golden Circle (reserved seats, post-concert reception, and more.) Call 458-1652, or go to

New organizer joins Mid-South Peace and Justice Center Melissa Miller-Monie has joined Mid-South Peace and Justice as the organizer for Community Police Reconciliation, a project that will create a dialogue to find community driven solutions to heal the gap between law enforcement and Latino, African-American, youth, and gay and lesbian community members. Miller-Monie is a native Memphian who attended Treadwell High and is trained as a paralegal. She started her own nonprofit outreach organization known as S.O.L.I.D.s Inc. (Scope Of Life Illuminates Destiny), a ministry working with the people, for the people of our communities.

New show opening at Gallery Fifty Six Gallery Fifty Six will present a two-person show for the month of May. Memphis artist Emery Franklin and Louisville artist Joyce Garner will share the main gallery for an exciting show of their new work. Emery Franklin is a graduate of Booker T. Washington High School in Memphis. He has been featured on WKNO’s Tennessee Crossroads television series, the National Civil Rights Museum and the Vesta Home Show in the past few years. Joyce Garner is a native Kentuckian. Her earliest influences were American pop culture (television, comics, and coloring books), fairy tales, children’s novels and Appalachian craft traditions. She describes her work as "A world of my own making." Garner has had 14 solo exhibitions since 1991. Gallery Fifty Six will have an opening reception from 5-8 p.m. May 4. The exhibition will run until May 25. Gallery Fifty Six is located at 2256 Central Ave. Call 276-1251 for information. NEWS BRIEFS CONTINUED ON PAGE 8

MAY 2012



NEWSBRIEFS BRIEFS Memphis roller derby team takes state title Memphis Roller Derby is the newest Tennessee state derby champion after defeating No. 12 Knoxville 94-83 in a thrilling point-for-point bout March 31.

"I wanted to help raise money because I have an adopted cat of my own and feel very strongly about the adoption of pets from organizations such as The House of Mews instead of purchasing from a breeder," Vasicek said.

Memphis, formerly ranked No. 16 in the South Central Region of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, will improve its regional ranking with the victory.

Neighborhood's Night Out party set for May 3

“Winning the state championship is always a big goal for us,” said Emily “Hitsy Bitsy” Evans, player

This month's Cooper-Young First Thursday Night Out, with live

and spokeswoman. “Knoxville is an important in-state and regional rival for us, so this championship

music and special deals on art, gifts, food and drink, will be May 3,

is a really important win.”

from 5-9 p.m.

The tournament, which rotates to one of six Tennessee derby cities annually, was hosted by

Cooper-Young is the largest historic district in Memphis, known for

Memphis this year. A victory earns the winning team the state championship crown, as well as an

its eclectic mix of restaurants, retail shops, antique venues, art galleries

improved ranking on the national scale. Other competing teams included: Dunlap Darkside (Dunlap),

and bars. Every first Thursday of the month, the independent business

Little City Roller Girls (Johnson City) and Scenic City Roller Derby (Chattanooga).

owners of these swanky shops stay open late to serve up discounts on

The next step for MRD will be to continue their season playing in WFTDA-sanctioned bouts. If

everything from watermelon and wings to body piercings and clothes at FLAX. Joining us this month

they continue to improve their ranking, they will have a chance to play in the regional tournament,

are artists from all over the Memphis area that will be selling their wares on the sidewalk in between

featuring the top 10 teams in the region. At the end of the season, the top three teams from each

businesses at the corner of Cooper and Young.

region will compete for the national championship.

Blogger's tast treats benefit House of Mews A two-day online bake sale run by a Memphis food blogger on April 11 and 12 raised $1,000 for the Cooper Street cat rescue House of Mews. Erin Vasicek, a University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center graduate student who runs the

Jim Brock, a singer-songwriter born and raised in Memphis, will perform his southern rock music at the First Thursday Night Out from 6 to 9 p.m. Carrying an acoustic guitar and a harmonica holder to every show, Jim's raspy voice captures the essence of folk, country and rock music from traditional hymns to rock classics. Interested in art, music, antiques or books? Stop by ArtJAMn (gift certificate giveaway), Burke's Book Store (sidewalk sale), David Perry Smith Gallery (new paintings), Painted Planet (jewelry

blog, organized the bake sale and donated all profits to House of Mews, which

discounts), Underground Art (piercings 2 for 1), Toad Hall Antiques (Mother's Day gift discounts) or

is i9n the midst of a food drive. The sale was supported by a promo on

Goner Records (records for less) to enjoy discounts on purchases.

Food bloggers from around the country donated more than 20 items to the bake sale. The highest bid was for dog treats, which fetched $75.

Come get a sneak peek of our newest shop, Midtown Massage Studio, opening May 28 at 885 S. Cooper St. Get in on refreshments and a coupon for $5 off your first massage. Beer discounts are being offered at Imagine Vegan as well as free spinach dip with purchase. Scott Grimes will be the live entertainment at Sweet Grass Next Door along with a wine tasting with pairings from the Wine Market. There's a party going on at Midtown Motor Werks with aerial demonstrations, live band and free beverages. It's Ladies Night Out with Felicia at The Polish Bottle. If dining and drinks are calling you, try something new at Young Avenue Deli (trivia night), Soul Fish (child entrée free with purchase), Do Sushi (special roll pricing), Cortona (wine tasting), Central BBQ (nachos discount), Jasmine (10 percent off), Mulan Bistro (Mulan roll half-price), Tsunami (patio time) or the Beauty Shop (discounts on bar drinks). Free live music for the May 3 celebration can be found at Celtic Crossing (Jason Evans & Tony Boyd), Café Ole (Jazz and Laffs), and Java Cabana (open mic night) to name a few. For a complete listing of all activities this month, go to

ARTISTS WELCOME TO SHOW/SELL AT CY NIGHT OUT EVENT All artists are welcome to setup a table on the sidewalk at our monthly First Thursday Night Out events. This is our fourth year of the popular Night Out event that brings hundreds of patrons to the streets and shops of Cooper-Young. Businesses throughout the neighborhood offer discounts and live music on this night with the retail shops staying open later than usual. Artists are welcome to setup a table or area around the gazebo area to show and sell their art, jewelry, paintings, scuptures, pottery, etc. There is no fee for setup at this event. The hours are from 5 to 9 p.m. each first Thursday of the month. You do not have to be a resident of Cooper-Young to be involved in this event. For more information, please contact Tamara at 276-7222.

Grace-St. Luke’s to hold chamber music festival Luna Nova Music is preparing its seventh Belvedere Chamber Music Festival, which will be held June 20-23 at Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church It will produce a preview concert at 7:30 p.m. May 10 at the Beethoven Club , 263 S. McLean, to showcase some of the performers and some of the music that will be performed this summer. The program will include songs by Aaron Copland, wind ensemble music by Darius Milhaud, and new works by Chenoweth, Rosza, and Hodkinson. Luna Nova performers in this concert are: Nobuko Igarashi (clarinet), Daniel Gilbert (violin), Adam Bowles (piano), Esther Gray Lemus (soprano), and David Carlisle (marimba). Admission is free and concert will be followed by a reception. Check www. for information.



MAY 2012

Canterucci art show opening at CYCA Self-described outsider artist Nick Canterucci will show his paintings in an exhibit called Polaris this month at the Cooper-Young Community Association office, 2298 Young Ave. An artists reception will open the show from 6-9 p.m. May 4. The art will be on display through May 31. Canterucci is a self-taught artist who began making art in the late 1950s in Michigan and he has studied and worked with many artists within the Ann Arbor and Memphis art scenes, according to his bio. He has been a fixture at many CooperYoung art invitationals and did a successful show with Karen Bottle-Capps in 2006. In late 2010, Canterucci released his first solo show in 30 years, Bellatrix, at Odessa Gallery and in 2011 he was named the poster artist for the 24th annual Cooper-Young Festival. Polaris is his fifth solo effort. It “continues the artistic evolution of Canterucci's unique outsider art, paying homage to artists such as Howard Finster, Philip Guston and Jennifer Koney, with nods to '50s pop culture with Impressionist overtones,” his bio states. “Polaris offers vibrant colors via a whimsical, almost capricious feel to each and every one of the pieces on exhibit.” Canterucci plans another exhibit, this one of failed ideas and outtakes, in late 2012. His show “Kookest ereclist” in early 2013 will deal with avant-garde paintings and more. Find him on Facebook under the name William S. Paley.

The Blue Monkey and John Floyd will present a screening of archival footage shot by Nick Canterucci of legendary Memphis bands playing the Antenna, Barrister's, the Void and other Memphis clubs. The footage features the Oblivians, 68 Comeback, Panther Burns, Reatards and more. It will be featured in an upcoming documentary of the Antenna Club.The free showing will start at 8 p.m. May 1 at the Blue Monkey, 2012 Madison Ave.

Theatre Memphis to present Noises Off Noises Off will be presented on Theatre Memphis’s Lohrey Stage April 27-May 13. The plot spotlights a crew of B-list actors who rehearse a British bedroom farce to tour small towns across Britain. The director of this motley crew must battle egos, incompetence, and backstage romance to mount an increasingly chaotic play. Seen first in rehearsal, next from backstage, and lastly in a disastrous performance, this “play within a play” creates some truly hilarious moments. Director Ann Marie Hall has assembled a veteran cast which includes Kim Justis, Tony Isbell, Brain Everson, Melissa Walker Moore, Chelsea Robinson, Michael Bechard, Lauren K. Rachel, Christopher Tracy and Barry Fuller. Shows are at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 9 and Thursdays; 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays with matinees on Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $23 for adults, $15 for students with a valid ID and $10 for children under 12. Call 682-8323 to purchase tickets or go online to A pay what you can night will be open to the public for the final preview performance, Thursday, April 26 with curtain at 7:30 p.m.

MAY 2012 LampLighter 9

A user's review of Tagg: The Pet Tracker BY JUNE HURT

Anyone who receives the safety alerts from the CYCA, or regularly visits our Facebook page, should notice that we spend a lot of time looking for our residents' lost pets. For the most part, it’s the sneaky canines that decide to slither under fences or wriggle through unknown loose boards, sometimes snagging and losing their collars on the fence during their escape. Microchips definitely help if you are fortunate enough for a kind neighbor to take in your pet to the local vet for scanning, but there are now options available for those of us who want something more. I recently purchased GPS trackers for both my dogs called Tagg – The Pet Tracker through www. This is the first system I have found that I would consider “affordable,” and the cost is much lower compared to what I would pay to get either of my lost dogs back home safe. I purchased a First Pet Master Kit for $99.95, which included one Tagg tracker, docking station, collar clip assembly and power kit. This also includes one month of free monitoring service. After 30 days, you are charged $7.95 per month for services. Because I have a second dog, I also purchased an Add-A-Pet Tracker Kit for $89.95, and after 30 days, 95 cents is added to the monthly monitoring services for every additional tracker. Shipping was $9.95, and the package arrived in a couple of days. The trackers weigh next to nothing. I thought initially that they were a tad cumbersome on the collar, but the dogs didn’t seem to even notice them. The website states that they are intended for animals more than 10 pounds, so cats and dogs that can hide in your purse are out of luck with this system. It took a couple of hours to charge each of the trackers before I was ready to set up the system at home. Home setup begins with plugging in the docking station in the right location, which is described in the instructions. Then you just go to the website, set up an account, register each tracker, setup a “home” zone, enter your notification preferences, and you’re done! I did have to go through the steps a couple of times when registering one of the trackers, but the whole process took under 30 minutes. I was hoping that these things would notify me the second one of the dogs left my property, but there is a minimum zone size to deal with, so I had to settle for a home zone that included the houses on each side of my property. Not too big of a deal. I chose to receive my alerts via email and text message in case either system is ever down. Since I also own an iPhone, I was able to download the Tagg Mobile App. I love that at any moment I could locate either of my dogs through the application, which shows their location in Google Earth. I believe that the mobile app is available in other mobile platforms like Android, and you can also track your pet through the website. The battery life of the trackers is about 30 days if they don’t leave the home zone. They somehow stay in “battery saving” mode until one of them sneaks out of the zone, and at that time the location services ping that tracker like crazy until you tell it to stop or the battery dies in a few hours. The alerts start coming in within a couple of minutes, and they give you an approximate location, like “Gracie is within 15 yards of 2298 Young.” That is the time to act, because you have to find your pet before the battery dies. You can also hit a button and switch the tracker to “trip mode” for 15 minute increments if you take your dog for a walk or something, which saves the battery and turns off alerts. However, if you lose your pet while the trackers are in “trip mode,” you can still track their location through the mobile app or website. Overall, I have been very pleased with the system. The first week, I told everyone who would listen to me about it. I would whip out my phone, open the app, hit locate, and show them an aerial of my street and house showing that my elderly dogs are asleep at home, which is where they are 99.9 percent of the time. For a chronic worrier, like me, it is incredibly satisfying to check it every day from work, just because I can. It even tells me if one of the trackers come off their collar, like if some sneaky-type criminal gets the bright idea to kidnap one of my pups and removes the tracker to escape detection. That was what I thought had happened one day when I got the “Lucky’s tracker detached from collar. Last known location near HOME docking station” alert. After flying home at the speed of light, I discovered Lucky asleep on the bed with her tracker still on her collar. Angrily, I tore through the instruction manual until I discovered that if you didn’t snap the tracker on perfectly, it could lose connection and trigger an alert. I would recommend the Tagg Pet Tracking System to anyone who loves their pet. The $8.90 monthly monitoring fee is well worth the price for a little peace of mind, and eventually, when one of my dogs passes on, I can use the Tagg tracker on my next dog.

10 LampLighter

MAY 2012

[COVER STORY CONTINUED] need to give her in order to compensate for any type of lifestyle issues and suggestions of ways to improve things to extend her life. One of the questions asked if she wore a seat belt while she was riding in the car and whether I allow her head to hang out of the window. Now, I know. Back in the old days, dogs rode in the back of pickup trucks and really seemed to be living the life. Most of the time, we let them hang out in the back seat and stick their head out of the window. Now


imagine you are traveling down the street at roughly 35 mph and someone slams into the back of your car. I am sure you can imagine your own discomfort, but try to imagine what just happened to your pet. It is most likely that their head got caught in the window it was hanging out of or they went right through the windshield. The first time I ever realized what kind of an impact an accident would have on Evie was when I stopped suddenly and she bumped her nose on the back of my headrest. My imagination ran away with me right then and my next purchase was for a dog seat belt. The other part of this is having your dog hang its whole head out of the window. Yes, I know they love it, but what happens if something flies into their eyes, or again you have an accident and they are cut with glass?

e Ad Spac s tar ting ! $35 at only

My apologies for being so graphic, but it really is an important step in pet safety. I have seen so many instances in our neighborhood of dogs hanging out the back of Jeeps, car windows and even standing up in the front seats of convertibles. No one wants to take away the fun our pets have while riding in the car, but safety must come first. Another very serious part of safety falls to yard security. Each month, the office receives several emails and phone calls regarding lost pets. In many instances, they have escaped from their own yards. Now that summer is on its way, it is a good time to walk the backyard, check out the fence and any potential escape routes your pup could use to wander the neighborhood. It is important to note that being a responsible pet owner not only means protecting your pets, but protecting your neighbors as well. Having a secured backyard for your dogs is not only responsible, it’s the law. In the event that your pet were to escape and actually hurt someone it could not only cost thousands of dollars in fines and court costs, but even the life of your dog depending on the severity of the situation.

The LampLighter serves the Cooper-Young area, an eclectic neighborhood and historic district in Midtown known for its mix of shops, bars, restaurants, and strong sense of community. 4,000 issues are hand-delivered to every home in the Cooper-Young neighborhood as well as many Midtown businesses. CY residents pride themselves on supporting local business. Don’t miss this opportunity to reach this highly-desireable and diverse demographic.

Something else that goes along with backyards is mosquitoes. Because mosquitoes carry heartworm larvae that can infect your pets it is important to take precautions to prevent insect bites. This year, pest control companies are saying we will have a worse problem with them because we had such a mild winter. To help protect your pets, make sure you are diligent with heartworm and flea control medications.

Call Kristan today

901.517.3618 •

Mark them on your calendar and make sure you re-apply every 30 days. When you apply flea treatments, wait 48 hours before giving pets a bath or submerging them in water to ensure effectiveness. If you have indoor-only cats but an indoor/outdoor dog, the cats need to be protected as well. Have your yard sprayed all summer for mosquitoes. Jameson Pest Control offers these treatments for your yard all summer to help combat the issue. They have developed a way to microencapsulate the insecticide to make it last 28-30 days. The cost is $35-$50 depending on the size of your yard. Jameson is offering half off your first mosquito treatment when you mention this story in the LampLighter. Reach them at 452-1505. May is a great time to really brush up on all the things that are available to our pets. Remember, they are members of our family and deserve all of the attention they can get when it comes to safety.

MAY 2012

LampLighter 11


Peabody parents seek donations for playground shade BY MANDY GRISHAM

When you’re a resident of Cooper-Young and an involved parent at Peabody Elementary, there’s no better email in your inbox than the one containing this message: “Congratulations! KaBOOM! and the Dr. Pepper/Snapple Group would like to formally congratulate Cooper Young-Peabody Elementary School on receiving a Let’s Play Improvement Grant for a shade structure in the amount of $25,000! Your community’s application and ability to impact even more children demonstrate the type of motivation and high potential for success that we look for in our grantees. We thank you for working to provide quality, fun and safe outdoor play opportunities for the children in your community.” In 2008, Cooper-Young partnered with Peabody in applying for a KaBoom! grant that we were awarded. The four-year-old play structure has been the stage for many grade school recess games and community gatherings. Numerous “spruce days” have brought parents, children and community members out to freshen up the space, pull some weeds, paint the benches and add murals. One request many parents have made over the years was for additional shade. During the Memphis heat, this newer playground had not been utilized because the sun is too intense. When we found out about the shade grant and learned it was only available to KaBoom! alumni, we knew we had to apply. The grant is part of the Let’s Play initiative introduced in November 2010, a $15 million, three-year commitment from Dr. Pepper/Snapple Group to KaBOOM!, the national nonprofit that is

Rep. G.A. Hardaway joins Principal Jones and Beta Club students in their planting party.

saving play by ensuring there is a great place to play within walking distance of every child.

installing the structure this summer. The new shade that will be installed over the playground will

Together through Let’s Play, Dr. Pepper/Snapple Group and KaBOOM! will build or fix 2,000

decrease the temperature of the play area by 20 degrees and reduce UV rays by 90 percent. As a

playgrounds by the end of 2013, benefiting an estimated 5 million children across North America.

result, it will give us many more months of playtime to the school and neighborhood children.

In another recent conversation the people from KaBoom! said they have “loved hearing about all that has transpired at the playspace since the build (in 2008). It’s incredibly inspiring to know of all the relationships built, connections made, and care given to and use made of the play-

But before the installation happens, the PTA will be hard at work soliciting donations for the $10,000 we have to contribute! How can you help? For a $100 donation, your family, organization or business will receive a personalized brick that will be laid in the patio next to the playground showing your support.

ground.” The PTA of Peabody had eight members collaborating on the grant application and all of the necessary decisions that needed to be made. We chose a vendor from Missouri who will be

Bricks are 4 inches by 8 inches and the engraving can be up to 63 letters, 21 letters per line. Bricks’R’Us has set up a personalized website for our donations:

We’ve continued to receive more amazing news about our outdoor play area. Last month, GrowMemphis awarded a grant to Peabody parents Emily Holmes and Kalki Winter for a school garden. Also, Memphis City Schools resodded the entire field at the request of persistent parents and Chili Cook-Off attendees. And, a wonderful, anonymous donor has contributed $10,000 for a brand new basketball court to be installed in the play space. It’s a great time to be a Peabody Eagle!

Peabody students grow a garden BY E MILY A . H O L ME S

Kids love to play in the dirt, and on a beautiful Friday afternoon in April, Peabody Beta Club students broke ground on their brand new school garden. You may have noticed the five new raised beds behind the school that were installed by volunteers in mid-March. These beds, the compost to fill them and the kid-friendly tools to water and tend them were all paid for by a generous grant awarded by local nonprofit GrowMemphis. GrowMemphis supports community and school gardens in order to build neighborhood food systems that “eliminate hunger, promote health, and further social justice.” This mission was a perfect fit for the Peabody Beta Club students, who wanted a service project that would be both fun and beneficial to the school. Parents at Peabody are excited for their kids to have the opportunity to learn first-hand how plants grow, where food comes from, and how to grow their own food. In line with the mission of

Peabody parent and CY resident Kalki Winter helps students plant tomatoes

GrowMemphis, the garden will be 100 percent organic. Students celebrated their new garden by planting summer vegetables and herbs: basil, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, squash, and cucumbers, all donated by GrowMemphis. Along with representatives from MCS Nutrition Services, GrowMemphis, Urban Farms, and E Scape Land-

Dodd was most excited to learn about all “the tools used for gardening and the different kinds of plants you can grow.” The garden will be maintained over the summer by volunteer Peabody parents. When the

scapes, State Rep. G. A. Hardaway joined Principal Kongsouly Jones and her students in the

school year starts up again in August, teachers will have the opportunity to integrate the garden

planting party and reminisced about growing up gardening with his family. But fifth grader Bria

into the curriculum for lessons in math, science, art, reading, and of course, nutrition.

12 LampLighter

MAY 2012


Getting an Early Start on School BY D. JACKSON MAXWELL

Summer is nearly here and believe it or not, it is not too early to start thinking about the next school year. It seems that every year school begins earlier. Memphis City Schools registration for the 2012-2013 is on July 31 with the students back in class on Monday, Aug. 6. I seem to remember when I was a kid that school ended around Memorial Day and did not start until after Labor Day — nearly three months. Today, kids are lucky to get two months of summer vacation. Anyway, now that I got you thinking about the next school year I would like to tell you about one of those hidden treasures found in the heart of downtown. The educational treasure I am talking about is Downtown Elementary Optional School. Next year, Downtown Elementary will celebrate its 10th year of offering a high quality education opportunity to about 650 students. The Social Studies Optional Program takes full advantage of the school’s location. Students are regularly treated to field explorations of downtown Memphis that include Mud Island Museum, National Civil Rights Museum, Sun Studios, Center for Southern Folklore, and the list goes on. Downtown Elementary has pre-kindergarten through 5th grade. As a bonus, in addition to the three regular pre-kindergarten classes Downtown Elementary offers two CLUE (gifted) pre-kindergartens. Every child is exposed to weekly support classes like library, music, computer, art and physical education that help round out the educational process. The school offers in-house before and after care programs. Further, the Fogelman YMCA across the street from the school provides additional childcare opportunities for those who desire it. Downtown Elementary also provides a wide variety of extracurricular after school activities that cater student interests such as ballet, art, soccer, Spanish, Mad Science, piano and taekwondo. As for the teachers at Downtown Elementary, all are No Child Left Behind highly qualified. More than 60 percent of our teachers have advanced degrees. As research has shown, there is a direct correlation between student academic performance and the education level attained by their teachers. The Downtown Elementary School’s administration has always stressed ongoing professional development for its faculty. As a result, there are currently nine National Board Certified Teachers plus five additional candidates. National Board Certification is universally recognized as the highest level of educational accomplishment. Once again, studies have repeatedly proven that students who have National Board Certified teachers consistently score higher academically than their peers. Finally, in 20 years of teaching in the elementary environment I have been asked on numerous occasions how many male teachers do you have? There is apparently a desire by many parents to have a male classroom influence early in the education process. I am happy to report that Downtown has, for an elementary school, a large portion of male teachers. Currently, we have five male classroom teachers plus five other males in supporting roles from the librarian to the building engineer to an art teacher. In the end, while there are a number of good choices to begin a child’s educational career, you would do yourself a disservice to not include Downtown Elementary School among the schools you visit. Just drop by the office, sign in and a tour will be arranged for you. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to call (416-8400). At Downtown Elementary School as our motto says, “We rise above the rest!” Dr. D. Jackson Maxwell is a National Board Certified Teacher and freelance writer. If you have any questions or comments, please contact him at:

MAY 2012

LampLighter 13

EDUCATION NLS students admire the candelabra created from lighting candles for their loved ones as part of the Dia de los Muertos celebration.


These are a few of my favorite things BY KANDRA KOLEHMAINEN

Oh yes, it's that time of year again — spring is in the air and spring fever is in the schools! With birds chirping, sun beckoning, and summering long-distance calling, it's hard for most children to sit inside and concentrate on short stories and algebra. Actually, it's hard for most most adults as well — and I am no exception. Luckily, with this being my last article of this school year, and can sit back and reflect on the amazing things we have done this year. When I mentioned this idea to my co-teacher, Kellen Hayes, he jokingly suggested I set the article to the tune of “My Favorite Things.” Although I do love raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, and realize the fun and excitement they could bring to the school, kittens and roses were not a part of our year. But here area few of not only my favorite things, but the favorite things of my co-teachers and our students as well.

moveable dragon which danced with fluidity and personality.

Favorite thing number 1: Our garden. Each year we have an overarching theme, and this year

Favorite thing number 4 comes directly from these celebrations. If you asked the children, many

it was, and continues to be the garden. The students were so excited to learn all that they could

of them would tell you that their favorite part of these celebrations was the cooking (and of course,

about growing food and flowers. (Perhaps their interest was really in playing with dirt and water,

the eating). Our very generous friend, Chef Erik Waldkirch (who owns Maximillian's Catering and

but we teachers take what we can get).

manages the kitchen and cooks for First Baptist Church) headed up the cooking for both of our

They designed, planned, weeded, researched, planted, watered, built and problem solved with

celebrations. We were all thrilled when he offered to teach a weekly cooking class to our elementary

great enthusiasm and excitement. One of the most interesting and unexpected garden projects

school. The children were beyond excited! For the past few months (with the assistance of our very

was the construction of two giant spider webs. Split into two groups, the children stretched the

dedicated parents), they have chopped vegetables, made tamales, grilled fish, baked brownies,

webs from the concrete wall to the wood fence that enclose parallel sides of our garden. Made of

rolled sushi, pan roasted chapati, (among many other dishes) and have enjoyed every single

red yarn and silver thread, the webs spanned overhead, creating a contrasting, open air canopy.

moment. (Of course we have also thoroughly enjoyed the delicious lunches that followed!)

The teamwork exhibited to construct these webs was as amazing as the webs themselves. It would seem obvious that the web was spurred by the garden project, but actually it was

Favorite thing number 5: Guest teachers and their interesting classes. Along with our film class and cooking class, we have been truly blessed with a diverse and talented group of guest

inspired by favorite thing number 2: our film, Spiders Attack! I'd love to give away the details,

teachers. Noelia-Garcia Carmona, a teacher and dancer with the New Ballet Ensemble (as well as a

but this article will be published before the film's premier, and we wouldn't want to diminish the

mom at the elementary school) has been teaching movement to both the preschool and elemen-

worldwide excitement. (Okay, make that school wide excitement.)

tary school. Her unique approach has engaged the children in imaginary ball passing, movement

What started as an offhanded remark by a student (“Wouldn't it be fun to make a movie?”)

mirroring, making shapes touching only one body part and spelling their names using their body

became a serendipitous reality when Eszter Sziksz, one of our preschool moms (who teaches art

as moving letters. In addition, she choreographed the Dragon and Fan Dance for the Chinese New

at CBU, U of M, and MCA, and is also a filmmaker) offered to teach a film class to our school.

Year Celebration bringing traditional Chinese dance to our school.

Eszter brought film basics to the school and mentored the children in the process as well as

We had the same caliber of talent in our music class. Judith Pfeiffer, a touring concert pianist,

techniques of making a film. All aspects of the film were chosen by the students: they voted on a

CBU Music Appreciation teacher, piano teacher (and elementary school mom) has taught music

plot, characters, and mediums, have written and rehearsed a script, created sets and costumes,

and piano this year at the elementary school. The children have not only learned about rhythm,

and have begun filming. Who know what awaits us in the dark world of “Spiders Attack!”

note values, measures and beats, but have also written and performed their own winter themed

Favorite thing number 3: Cultural Celebrations. In line with our amazingly diverse staff representing the United States, England, Hungary, Spain, Germany and Brazil (I think we could stage our own Olympics), this year we chose to honor important cultural celebrations of both

songs. They are now transcribing them, and will have their own original songs to take home this year. Favorite thing number 6: The committed parents of NLS. From offering to teach classes and

Mexico and China. Last fall we celebrated El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead), a day that

give educational presentations, to donating materials, time and money, to the constant faith in

honors all who have passed on. The week consisted of cooking, traditional skeleton face

their educational choices, our parents have helped to make the NLS a creative, interesting, and

painting, sewing rag dolls, and matchbox shrine making.

unique educational experience. With their belief in Reggio, together we are able to let the children

As amazing as all of these projects were, one activity was moving beyond words. All of the children and teachers had written a few sentences about a person or animal who had passed on.

follow their own paths to become great thinkers and great people. And last but not least, favorite thing number 7: The dedication of our staff. From the infant

One by one we all (including the teachers and parents who attended) read our words and lit a

toddler house to the preschool to the elementary school, I am constantly amazed at the commit-

candle in honor of our loved one. In the end, we turned off the lights and marveled at our large

ment, energy and love that our entire staff puts into this school. We are all inspired by our

candelabra. I can honestly say, it was one of the most proud moments I have had as a teacher,

director, Dalila Early and our co-director (and director of education) Val Bowen and their undying

being both proud of our students and of our school.

commitment to providing our children the best education possible. As a Reggio teacher, mean-

In January we celebrated Chinese New Year with many wonderful projects. The children wrote

ingful collaboration is a necessity, and our teachers tirelessly work together to raise the bar of

poetic couplets and researched many aspects of the new year, which they read for our guests at

excellence in education. I speak for all of the teachers when I say that our co-teachers are

our Chinese New Year performance. The celebration also included the traditional dragon dance,

instrumental in our success, and their support, ideas and friendship continually make us better

a fan dance, and a short play about Nian, the Chinese lion, all performed by the students. They

teachers. We definitely couldn't do this without each other.

also cooked a traditional meal for themselves and their parents, as well as parents who attended from our preschool and infant toddler house. The most fantastic part of this celebration: the Chinese dragon itself. The construction, decoration, papier mache, sewing and body framing were all done by the children with the assistance of our atelierista (art teacher), Karen Carlson. With her unique ability to bring out the highest artistic quality that lies in each child, the children constructed an intricate, life-like

14 LampLighter

MAY 2012

As I found that this article almost wrote itself, maybe spring fever didn't hamper me after all, or maybe it was just that this year has been full of so many meaningful, exciting and interesting things, that the words came easily. Either way, I guess next year we won't be needing those raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens after all. The Natural Learning School is located at 1992 Nelson Ave. Find out more at

S TA R R U N N E R S B O R N F R O M 4 - M I L E R E F F O R T

Running buddies hit CY streets BY TOBY SELLS

Star and Keith Ritchey (front and center) and their running group, Star Runners. Photo by Toby Sells

You’ve seen us. We’re the runners out pounding the Cooper-Young pavement in the morning or after work on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Now, we are not those shirtless guys who blow by the Young Avenue Deli patio faster than you can say “another beer, please.” We are Star Runners, a group born and raised in Cooper-Young, formed three years ago by running coach Star Ritchey and her husband, Keith, who live on Elzey with Georgia, their beloved bulldog. Star Ritchey, a full-time certified running coach and personal trainer, was never the “athletic girl” growing up. The journey to her now-active lifestyle began 11 years ago on a whim with drinking buddies on the start line of the Cooper-Young 4-Miler. “We just said, ‘let’s do it,’ and we walked and ran it and there were a bunch of people we knew on the Café Ole patio who were cheering for us,” Ritchey said. “After the run, you would have thought we ran a hundred miles we were so excited.” She was hooked. Star and her buddies started training for a half marathon that next week. But her full-on dedication to the training lifestyle would come years later as would her shift from medical counselor to full-time personal trainer and coach. Star and Keith moved to Elzey about three years ago and Star was training clients at CooperYoung's InBalance Fitness gym when she organized her first Couch to 4-Miler training group. “There are all these people who think they can’t run but they can,” Star said. “It’s just a matter of knowing how to do it and having someone to do it with.” The first Couch to 4-Miler group attracted 22 people, a mix of those who couldn’t run 60 seconds to more-seasoned runners who needed some accountability in their training. Nelson Avenue neighbor Matt Lyles joined Star Runners last year to train for a half marathon, a "lofty goal considering I had never run more than a few miles." "The group is a great set of accountability partners and they're great friends, too," said Lyles. "It's fun to have Star and others always encouraging me and for me to encourage them as well. I can't see myself running on my own anymore." Star Runners is a supportive group, not a competitive group. Star's runners finish the 4-Miler in the front, middle and the back of the pack. No two runners are the same but the support for a good effort (even on a terrible run) is equal. “Those that can already run are pretty supportive of those that are scared of it and those who are scared of it look to the others as inspiration,” Star said. “Not everyone has to have certain look or the right build to be a runner. We try to have fun with it and I think it brings out people who are a little afraid to break out of that comfort zone inside on the couch.” The 2011 Couch To 4-Miler training group swelled to 99. In that time, Star has helped her runners ready for 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons and marathons in Memphis, Nashville, New Orleans and beyond. She also led a 12-runner team through a 200-mile, round-the-clock Ragnar relay race from Chattanooga to Nashville and now is training 30 people for the Memphis In May Triathlon this month. No matter the level of the challenge or the skill of the athlete, runners are supported and those who continually run with Star Runners have become close. “You can hire a coach who can write you a training plan, but that’s not what Star Runners is,” Star said. “It’s much more personal than that. It very much has a family feel to it.” Couch To 4-Miler training will begin in mid-July. Contact Star Ritchey at for more information or visit Star Runners online at, or

MAY 2012 LampLighter 15

Family marks 100 years in Cooper-Young BY AARON JAMES


This year marks my family's 100th anniversary in Cooper-Young, and I am celebrating by throwing a block party at 2028 and 2029 Felix, from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 12. There will be food, live music, refreshments, and you're all invited! But now, let me tell our tale: It all started when my maternal Great Uncle Vernon Ingram and

his new bride, Louise Snowden, built 1839 Walker in 1912. When Vernon’s parents and younger siblings rode a wagon up from north Mississippi for a visit in 1918, he convinced them to quit the family farm and move to the big city. On Feb. 21, 1922, Vernon’s younger brother Prentice married Louise Thomas at the home of Rev. Utley at 1981 Young. They eventually decided to call CY home too, and bought 1882 Manila in 1937. Grandma Ingram's family had come from farms in north Memphis at what is now Dunlap and Jackson (a portion of which was called Thomastown Road in the 1880s), as well as south Memphis, where the Levi Road and community still bears their name. My maternal grandparents were successful business owners, with Ingram’s Food Store on South Main, but unfortunately were not as successful at making babies and finally decided to adopt. Little did they know that the Tennessee Children’s Home, operated by the infamous Georgia Tann, was a literal black market baby factory. But the girl who would grow to be my mother, Gloria Ingram (Hollingsworth), certainly received nothing but love in her new home. The following decade brought my dad and his family to the neighborhood. Born in Calhoun County, Miss., my paternal grandmother Nettie Lee Anglin (Moore) worked as a Rosie the Riveter during World War II. When she and my step-grandfather Mitchell bought 2029 Felix in 1946, she decided it was time to move her 13-year-old son Jack Hollingsworth to Memphis. Jack and Gloria both attended Temple Baptist Church on Cooper, where they met and fell in love. The young couple were married in 1953 and welcomed their first child, Jack Jr., in 1954, making their home in the east half of what was then a duplex at 2087-89 Felix. In 1956, my maternal great-grandmother Ethel and her new husband Wallace Williams moved next door to Papa and Grandma Ingram, at 1878 Manila. By the time I came along in 1963 we lived on North Graham, but found our way back to the family compound in December of 1975, buying the house across from Grandma Moore at 2028 Felix. A few of my favorite memories include building a tree house from lumber scavenged from the house that was torn down where the Peabody playground is now. Walking to Fairview meant cutting through Harwood Arms, a gun shop where Celtic Crossing is now. And I still remember the day my dad finally let me get my hair cut in fly backs, which I did at Akins, back when it was still a beauty shop. This event, which would become my first step on the road to independence, was only made possible by the intervention of my new stepmother, Alice Wheaton (Hollingsworth).

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(bottom left) Aaron James' maternal grandparents, Louise and James Ingram, with his siblings (Carol, Don, and Jack Jr.) and Jack, stand in the front yard of 1882 Manila, circa 1966. (top) Aaron James' parents Jack and Gloria Hollingsworth, with his oldest brother Jack Jr., standing in the front yard of 2029 Felix circa 1954. (below) Aaron James' maternal grandmother Louise Thomas Ingram, on her wedding day, standing in the back yard of the preacher's house at 1981 Young in 1922. Aaron James' maternal great-grandmother Ethel Thomas (Williams), holding his mother Gloria Ingram (Hollingsworth), on the front porch of 1882 Manila circa 1937.

When I was 16, I delivered the Press-Scimitar throughout the neighborhood and bagged groceries at Baker Brothers. In high school, my girlfriend's mother bought us season passes to Libertyland each year, and I bought parts for my 1968 Ford LTD at what would later become Young Avenue Deli. After a couple of half-hearted years at Memphis State, the girl I was dating at the time said she would only marry me if I got a real job. The one thing I had known I was good at since 8th grade shop class was drafting, so I looked through the want ads and called every architect on the list. It was this serendipitous act that led to my working on the Boatmen's bank on the corner of Cooper and Young in 1990. After I solved the drive-through dilemma by suggesting an angled canopy, my boss decided to give me a shot at designing the whole project. He and I spent an afternoon walking around the neighborhood and Overton Square, picking out the details that would add flourish to what has proven to be a rather timeless design, if I do say so myself. Ultimately however, the significance of deep family roots was overshadowed by wanderlust, and I spent the next couple of decades using my profession as both the excuse and the means to travel the eastern half of the country, racking up 25 years, 25 firms, and 25 addresses. I was living and working in Manhattan in 2008, when my sister called on Easter Sunday to tell me our parents had been in an auto accident. Twenty-four hours later, I found myself once again living in Cooper-Young. But the years have been kind to the old girl. What was built as a blue-collar neighborhood — maintaining this character through both my father’s and my childhoods — has gentrified into the cool part of town. This year I will start a serious restoration of the house my dad grew up in, while maintaining my Midtown abode in the house my mom grew up in (which my own daughter and granddaughter briefly called home before moving to Austin.) Having experienced so many locales over the years, I can say without a doubt, that Cooper-Young is the quintessential American neighborhood, and I

Aaron James' paternal grandmother Nettie Lee Moore holding his oldest brother Jack Jr. in front of 2029 Felix circa 1955.



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2011: The year in documentaries BY MAT T MARTIN

The last decade of cinema can truly be seen as a documentary "renaissance." Although documen-

West of Memphis, from Academy Award nominated director Amy Berg (Deliver Us From Evil),

taries and reality movies have been made since the dawn of film, never before has a combination of

chronicles the legal manuevering and desperate attempts to get an unjust sentence destroyed and to

financial support and audience interest allowed for a literal flood of smart, well-made documentaries

free three innocent men. Together, these two amazing films not only lay bare the difficulties and

to be made.

inadequacies of the judicial system, but shed light on the darkest corners of American Southern

The documentary film has been on the upswing since the late 1960s, when cheaper, smaller cameras allowed amateurs and insiders to film the world around us like never before, creating some the

gothic. 2) Tabloid: From multiple award winning filmmaker Errol Morris, who's responsible for some of the

best documentaries (Salesman, Nanook of the North) and concert films (Gimme Shelter, Don't Look

best documentaries of all time (The Thin Blue Line, A Brief History of Time, The Fog of War, Standard

Back, Woodstock) of all time. And starting with the onset of cable television in the 1980s, reality

Operating Procedure) comes a playful, ripped-from-the-headlines tale of sex, religious obsessions,

programming finally had a way into people's homes, causing another spike in documentary production.

media frenzy, and a quiet weekend getaway — or was it? You'll never know who is lying here — and

But it was the financial windfalls of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 and later Al Gore's global warming doc An Inconvenient Truth (each grossing more than $100 million) that made the documen-

it's so much fun, you won't care. Morries presents the story of Joyce McKinney, a former Miss Wyoming, who in 1977 was arrested

tary big business. Since then, and with the rise of the Internet, more documentary films have been

and publicly scandalized for supposedly kidnapping her on-again, off-again Mormon boyfriend,

made in the last 20 years than in the 80 years of cinema leading up to it.

taking him to a remote cabin, keeping him chained and confined, and raping him repeatedly. At least,

So, and as always, the question becomes: With so much out, what should I watch? The answer, fellow film fanatics: As much as possible. With the widespread praise of the award-winning, Memphis-centered football doc Undefeated leading the way (which is one of the best sports documentaries since Hoop Dreams. See it.), a string of incredible docs were released last year. Lose yourself in any of these reality masterpieces from 2011 and cinematically confront the beauty and horror of our world. 1) Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory and West of Memphis: Two seperate documentaries, both about the infamous "West Memphis Three" murder case, were among the most seen and praised of the

that was his story when he sheepishly returned to his Mormon fold after that weekend. According to Joyce, he came willingly and they had spent an ideal, romantic weekend together. But before anyone could get at the truth, the media fanned the whole mess into growing fires of sensation, turning the story into a circus of religious cults and depravity. Was it all a misunderstanding? Is Joyce a sweet, misjudged, high society belle hopelessly in love, or a dangerous sociopath? Or is her claim of brain-washing and cult behavior among the Mormons true? Dive into the sleaze and find out. 3) Cave of Forgotten Dreams: Brilliant German filmmaker and longtime bizarre eccentric Werner

year. Revolving around the 1993 murders of three young boys, and the subsequent suspicious

Herzog, responsible for dozens of legendary films (Aguirre: Wrath of God, Fitzcarraldo, Heart of Glass)

conviction of three "outsider" Arkansas teenagers for the crime, Bruce Sinofsky and Joe Berlinger's

and documentaries (Grizzly Man, Encounters at the End of the World) was granted exclusive

Paradise Lost films for HBO (Part 1 in 1996 and Part 2 in 2000) are now considered among the finest

permission to enter and film, for the first time ever, the oldest art on Earth.

true-crime documentaries of all time. More than merely "covering" the story, the filmmakers soon

In 1994, a group of scientists discovered a cave in southern France that has remained preserved

found twists, lies, and revelations spilling out right before the camera. One of the rare documentaries

and untouched for more than 32,000 years. Knowing the historical significance of such a find, the

that started to influence the subjects it tries to document, as victims, suspects and possible killers

French government allowed a small, select number of archaeologists and paleontologists to view the

each use the camera to tell their version of the truth — and giving glimpses of what might have

cave, then sealed it off from everyone. Fifteen years later, Herzog and his team got special permission


from the French to re-enter the cave in limited access, in order to be the first to film the cave drawings

In August 2011, after almost two decades of questionable incarceration, the state of Arkansas freed Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelly, and Jason Baldwin. Many people, including leading legal experts and

and etchings there, the oldest known examples of the arts of our ancient ancestors. Watch with your mouth open, as Herzog spelunks into the fragile, deep caverns searching for

the West Memphis Three themselves, have credited the films for pushing the case back into court for

answers about the history of art and the bridge between lost history and current civilization.

reconsideration. Released on HBO in December, Paradise Lost 3 covers the final days of the case

Originally in 3-D Imax, upon Herzog's insistence.

when, led by new DNA evidence, the defense team pushes for their innocence and a second chance in court.

A stunning and vital documentary, and Herzog once again proves himself one of the world's most innovative, courageous and slightly insane filmmakers alive. Add to that, it wasn't the only documen-

And where did this DNA evidence come from? And how could it be used in court? That's the

tary he made that year! He also made Into the Abyss, an engrossing, sobering examination of death

subject of the other documentary on this case from 2011: West of Memphis. It seems that after

row inmate Michael Perry, his crimes and the state's push to have him put to death. See them both,

seeing the original Paradise Lost films, director Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings, The Lovely Bones)

and experience true kamikaze filmmaking.

and producer Fran Walsh became outraged by the story and fascinated by the case. Being one of the

4) Project Nim: From the Oscar-winning team behind the documentary Man On Wire comes the

richest filmmakers in the world, Jackson decided to sink millions of of his own money to have the

story of Nim, a chimpanzee who in the 1970s became part of a simple but bold experiment, centered

finest and most intricate DNA research done imaginable. The plan worked, and the resulting evidence

around a single question: Could an ape raised and nurtured as a human child from birth learn to

became one of the major turning points in the new trial.

communicate with language? Moving into a brownstone on the Upper West Side with a family on the

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day he is born, Nim begins an extraordinary journey into human society that would last for years, and permanently change the humans that were trying to change him. A comedic, unflinching, and occasionally unsettling look at the ambitions of science, the sober realities of mother nature, the importance of families and an amazing animal that we tried to make human. 5) George Harrison: Living in the Material World: When he's not constantly proving himself as one of the world's finest directors of fictional films, Martin Scorsese is making groundbreaking documentaries on movie and music history. Having started in cinema as an editor on the original Woodstock concert film and documentary, Scorsese later made what is roundly considered the finest concert film of all time: The Last Waltz, a dizzying and overwhelming account of the final show of the legendary rock group The Band in 1976, which turned into a once-in-a-lifetime live event when they were joined onstage by Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Neil Young, Ringo Starr, Joni Mitchell, Dr. John, Neil Diamond and about a dozen other legendary musicians. Scorsese also directed the equally impressive music documentaries Bob Dylan: No Direction Home and The Rolling Stones: Shine a Light. In 2011, he swung that spotlight on to musician George Harrison, the "quiet" Beatle who was commonly overshadowed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Harrison, in the last years of his life until his death in 2001, had been gathering and preserving everything he could find about his days in The Beatles, from archival interviews to lost musical performances to rare photographs — an endless series of puzzle pieces depicting an extraordinary musical life. Ten years after his death, Scorsese proves himself once again by masterfully assembling those endless stray pieces of history into a sweeping, all-encompassing mosaic — an in-depth look at a deeply spiritual man, who happened to find himself at the front of an artistic movement and in the most beloved music group of all time. 6) Bully: Released in limited markets last December, but coming to local theaters soon, this already-controversial look at the epidemic of child-on-child bullying and abuse is scathing and terrifying. 7) Limelight: From the director of the drug documentary Cocaine Cowboys comes this look at the towering New York club scene of the 1980s and '90s focuses on charming, but dangerous, eyepatchwearing Canadian club owner Peter Gatien who, after decades as an untouchable and wealthy king of the nightlife, was finally dethroned and deported to Canada by rising New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. Brimming over with enough tales of drug debauchery and runaway hedonism to fill 20 films. 8) The Interruptors: Inside the Interrupters Movement in Chicago, where former gang members and criminals now take to the street to deter the next generation of their own neighborhoods from following in their footsteps. Powerful, heartbreaking stuff. 9) Buck: A look into the life of of "horse whisperer" Buck Brannaman who, after surviving years of childhood abuse, became a well-known expert in the field of raising and controlling horses. Tender and beautiful. 10) Being Elmo: The sweet and inspiring story of puppeteer Kevin Clash, who created one of the last great additions to the Muppet family, who subsequently became one of most beloved and recognizable puppets of all time: the softspoken, gentle Elmo. 11) Pina: From legendary director Wim Wenders (Wings of Desire, Faraway So Close) comes an analysis of the work of German progressive dancer Pina Bausch. Originally shot in 3-D, to accentuate the elaborate, complicated nature of her routines. 12) Resurrect Dead: A confounding look at the absolutely bizarre, seemingly conspiratorial, and endlessing chilling "Toynbee Tiles" — strange, crudely-lettered tiles stuck with tar to sidewalks and pavements in cities all along the Eastern seaboard, out West and as far south as, well, Brazil — that started appearing anonymously more than three decades ago. The tiles, which always have the phrase "In movie 2001, Resurrect Dead on Planet Jupiter" (presumably a reference to Stanley Kubrick's landmark sci-fi film), have never been identified, explained, or even adequately researched — until now. Follow the meager clues with three filmmakers as they try to solve an insanely unexplainable puzzle wrapped in a practical joke — that might be a warning. 13) The Last Mountain: A study into the brute force of runaway capitalism on the environment, this documents the final fight over Coal River Mountain in West Virginia, the site of the last stand between uber-rich mining company Massey Energy and the enraged locals and protestors hellbent on stopping this last moment of environmental meltdown, as the company prepares to strip it down. 14) Prohibition: From highly acclaimed documentary maker Ken Burns (The Civil War, Jazz, Baseball) comes this examination into the idealistic rise, shaky inforcement, and inevitable doom of the anti-alcohol prohibition of the 1920s. 15) Louder Than a Bomb: a compelling overview of the "poetry slam" movement that began in Chicago in 1984 and has become an international phenomenon, turning poetry readings into aggressive, connective tirades with their own audience and turning small venues, college campuses and coffee houses into verbal battlefields. Now, drink deep this reality cinema all year long. And when you're done with all those, go back and

watch the great documentaries from last year that you didn't get to see yet (like Man On Wire). Hey, no one said being a responsible movie addict would be easy — but I believe in you.

MAY 2012 LampLighter 19


Springtime Crime: Steps to curb thefts from yards BY SARAH FRIERSON

When I first moved into the neighborhood, I was cocky. Having lived in Midtown for years and never having been the victim of a burglary or theft, I thought I was very knowledgeable about what would keep my new home, my yard and my belongings safe. I was wrong. My new house had a shed — a very sturdy and solid outbuilding. And though it didn’t have a lock, I figured out a way to jury-rig a long steel rope through a hole in the door and padlock it closed. Only a weasel could have weaseled their way into my shed, or so I thought. Then one day I went out to get my bike and, sure enough, it wasn’t there. The thieves managed to squeeze through the tiny space and clear out my tools and my bicycle. They actually took the time to disassemble the bike to get it out through the tiny opening, which showed a true commitment to innovation. I was not innovative enough. Those ingenious thieves taught me my first lesson, and I’m learning more each year. So here are a few basic things I’ve discovered that everyone can do to increase security in yards, outbuildings and around the perimeter of a home: •

First the obvious — lock up your tools and other outdoor items when not in use. Bikes, lawnmowers and portable grills can walk away in a matter of minutes.

Keep gates, garages and sheds locked and secured at all times.

Light every entrance to your property. Motion-detecting lights are great for the backyard.

Mark your belongings with your driver’s license number or some other distinguishing identification, should something ever be stolen. A UV pen is an inexpensive and invisible way to mark most items.

Put your camera phone to work and make a visual inventory of your tools and other outdoor furniture. Easier yet, make a 15-second video sweep of each side of your property and the interior of any outbuildings.

Love one another. It’s that simple.

True Story:

First Congregational Church

Keep shrubs and trees trimmed to maintain visibility to all doors and windows.

Plant prickly shrubs and plants near fences and windows.

Use gravel on paths and in flowerbeds, as the noise can be a good deterrent.

Bolt down or anchor large pieces — outdoor furniture, grills and garden decorations.

Maintain your fence. A six-foot fence is recommended for security purposes.

If you have an existing alarm system, check to see if your outbuildings can be covered as well.

Consider adding a dog or two to your family. What to do if you have a problem or a theft:

She thinks God cares more about global warming than the fires of hell.

Call the police! Every issue or crime must be reported. Documentation can help to establish patterns, determine where resources are needed and ultimately, put people away. Even if you are unsure about the details — the when, what, where, how, and who — be persistent and Phone 901.278.6786 1000 South Cooper Memphis, TN 38104 Sunday worship 10:30am

request that a written report be filed. •

Report your problem to the CYCA office. Sometimes we can see recurring patterns and advocate accordingly.

Talk to your neighbors. See if anyone has seen or heard anything, or experienced something similar. If multiple households can make reports, the issue is that much more likely to get the attention it deserves.

DO YOUR PART Keep Cooper-Young Beautiful 20 LampLighter

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CY SAFETY The LampLighter is working with the CYCA to bring you meaningful crime information. In addition to the crime map, which details crimes within a one-mile radius of the Cooper-Young intersection, we also included a list of crimes that happened within our neighborhood. This list includes the case number, which you can use to contact the police. These crimes were reported from March 24, 2001 to April 23, 2012.









Auto Theft/Parts/Acc.



Auto Theft/Parts/Acc.







Auto Theft/Parts/Acc.



Theft Other









Theft Other



Theft Other



Auto Theft/Parts/Acc.



Theft Other



Theft Other






Theft Other









Theft Other



Theft Other



Theft Other






Do you want to know what crime is taking place in our neighborhood? The Memphis Police Department offers a tool on its website ( that allows you to locate crime information. Crimemapper allows you to input an address and search in quarter-mile increments for a speciďŹ c type of crime. It then returns with the results of your search for the previous 30 days. The crime map for this issue was compiled by Ben Boleware.

MAY 2012

LampLighter 21


And Now a Word From Your Teeth

William N. Castle, D.D.S. General Denistry 79 N. Cooper • Midtown Memphis, TN 38104 WWW.UWMIDSOUTH.ORG

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1. The Easter Bunny visits Peabody Elementary for an Easter egg hunt March 31.

potato sack race, a ring toss, and three kegs of Yazoo Brewing Company beer. Photo by Andy Ashby.

2. Winners & hosts for the Evelyn Avenue Spring Porch Party From left to right: Winner Chris Sinnock, hosts Doris Porter & Joan Foley, and winners Sarah Goff & Lorraine Lovell.

5. The Velvet Revolution warms up the crowd at the corner of Cooper and Young with '60s rock classics at First Thursday Night Out on April 5. Photo by Tamara Cook.

3. Amanda Ball & Guillermo Umbria at the Evelyn Avenue Spring Porch Party

6. Amanda Ball introduces her documentary, Miss Representation, at a viewing at First Congo. Photo by Kristan Huntley.

4. Ryan Trimm, owner and chef of Sweet Grass, mans the grill before the Yazoo Field Day on April 22. The event included a

7. Steve and Emily Bishop hang out and share a laugh at First Thursday Night Out. Photo by Tamara Cook.

Please send us your photos! Email pictures and info of your weddings, trips, new babies, parties, anniversaries, accomplishments and more to

If it’s good news in CY, we want to hear about it!

MAY 2012

LampLighter 23




1997 UNION AVE. Supporting Memphis Running since 1981. We do it because we love it. 24 LampLighter

MAY 2012

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