Cycling World September 2017

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September 2017| 7

September 2017

ED's LETTER September 2017: Revolutions


abylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. Good to get these out the way to make space for some cycling resolutions. I’m sure many will scrawl down what must be a cycling mantra: “ride more often.” This year I am trying to widen my resolution remit beyond cycling: “I resolve to look after myself better.” By this I mean spending more time doing the things that give me pleasure and living a healthier life. The things that give me pleasure… um… like riding my bike, cycling with the family, seeing good friends (who are mainly cyclists), reading more (normally books about cycling). A healthier life… more exercise (cycling) and stretching because of too much time spent either sitting in the saddle or at the computer editing a cycling magazine. There’s no getting away from it: I am immersed in a life of cycling.

Having admitted this I can get down to specifics. “Cycle in a new European destination.” Has to be Sardinia as the Giro d’Italia visits for the first time too. “Try a new UK ride.” I’ll go for the Dulux Trade London Revolution, two days discovering the history and beauty around the city I was born in. “Do more family cycling holidays.” We’re ideally placed to ride to Dover and take the bikes across to the north of France. “See a new event.” Ghent 6 Days, as my club is planning a coach trip over. Looks like 2017 is shaping up nicely. And like good Babylonians we must return all the bikes we have borrowed for review. It will free up some office space.

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