Bicycle account Copenhagen 2014

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Copenhagen’s Bicycle Account 2014 According to the Municipality of Copenhagen’s most recent bicycle account for 20132014, almost 50% of those who work or study in Copenhagen arrive by bike.

By Christian Tang Jensen, Danish Cyclists’ Federation Cycling is still on the rise Copenhagen is world famous for being a cycling city, and new numbers once again confirm that this is with good reason. According to the municipality’s Bicycle Acount 2014, overall, satisfaction is increasing on Copenhagen’s bike paths, and an increasing number of people choose the bike to and from work or education. 36 % took their bike to work or education in 2012. In 2014, that number had increased to 45 %. The last two mild winters may have had an effect, but there is no denying that Copenhagen is on the way. Other interesting figures include: – An impressive 1,340,000 km is cycled during a weekday. In the previous bicycle account from 2012, the number was only 70.000 km. – Travel time for cyclists has been reduced by 7 % since 2012. Efforts are paying off The development spreads joy at City Hall: “With the bicycle account in my hand, I can conclude that our efforts work, and that the Copenhageners love to bike in our capital. That being said, we have to keep investing in and expanding the cycling infrastructure in order to create space for the many new cyclists,” says Mayor of the Technical and Environmental Administration in Copenhagen, Morten Kabell. Still work to be done Even though the municipality is now close to obtaining its climate goals: that 50 % take their bike to work or education in Copenhagen in 2025, Morten Kabell expects that it will be

According to the Bicycle Account 2014, 3 out of 4 keep cycling in winter as well. Photo: Cycling Embassy of Denmark.

a greater challenge to get the next 5 % on their bike: “During the last couple of years, we have picked the low-hanging fruits. This means that the tough work with reaching those commuters who are not easily affected is now ahead,” he says.

In order to reach the goal of 50 %, it is expected that investments will have to be around €260 M during a 10-year period. In that way, the capacity on the cycling paths will be secured for present citizens and the

around 100,000 new Copenhageners expected during the next 10 years.

In order to ensure future progress, the municipality has to focus on areas which are controversial, but it requires ambitious restructuring to obtain ambitious goals. The future focus areas are: – More and better parking facilities at the expense of car parking lots. The bicycle account shows that the citizens find bike parking to be the most lacking part of cycling infrastructure. – Reduced car speed in certain areas around schools and crowded spaces. – Road pricing for cars which will result in only the most urgent car trips going through Copenhagen.

Compared to many other countries, Danish and especially Copenhagen cyclists have very good conditions. But the municipality is determined to do even better. Photo: Super Cycle Highwas Secreatriat, Capital Region of Denmark.

2014年哥本哈根的自行車報導 根據2013到2014年,哥本哈根市政府當局的最新統計結果顯示,將近50% 的哥本哈根市民使 用自行車去工作與學校。

根據2014的自行車報導,四分之三的人在冬天依然選擇自行車。 照片: 丹麥自行車組織。

根據Christian Tang Jensen 丹麥自行車聯盟

騎自行車意識日益攀升 哥本哈根的自行車環境是全世 界很著名的,而新的數據更再次 證明,它是有一定的原因的,根 據2014年市政當局的自行車報導指 出,民眾對於在哥本哈根自行車專 用道路的滿意度持續上升中,且越 來越多的人選擇使用自行車作為 通學與通勤的交通工具。2012時只 有36%的人使用自行車,然而到了 2014年使用比例卻增加到45%。在 過去的兩年溫和的冬天季節或許是 有些影響,但依然無法否認哥本哈 根逐漸成為自行車騎乘最友善的生 活都市。 另外有趣的統計數字指出: - 2014年時平日工作期間騎自行車 的總公里數達到了1,340,000公里, 這數據令人刮目相看的。而2012 年的騎自行車總公里數只有70,000 公里 - 從2012年起,騎自行車所需的旅 行時間減少了7%。

挑戰。 Morten Kabell表示:「過去的兩三 年以來,我們已經實現了基本目 標。也就是說,讓平時最不易受自 行車影響的通勤者,接受自行車文 化,這也是眼前最艱難的工作」。

內將投資26億歐元,如此一來,將 會為目前的市民以及下一個十年期 間,預估將有十萬的新市民確保有 自行車專用車道的容量。

努力逐漸取得成效 自行車發展的成果在丹麥市政 廳散播著喜悅,哥本哈根技術與 環境管理局市長Morten Kabell並發 表言論 : 「看著手上的自行車報導,我可 以得出一個結論,那就是我們的努 力得到了成果,而我們的哥本哈根 市民熱愛在我們的城市中騎著自行 車。這也告訴著我們得必須投資與 擴張整個自行車的基礎設施,給許 多新的自行車人士創造出更好的 空間」。

比起其他的國家,丹麥人有良好的自行車環境,特別是哥本哈根市市民,但是 市政當局是可以做得更好的。 照片: 丹麥首都中心的Secretariat自行車高速公路( Cycle Super-Highway)。

- 更多、更好、更簡單的自行車停 車格並增加汽車停車的困難度。在 自行車報導中指出,許多騎士認 為,他們最大的挫折就是找自行車 停車位。 - 在靠近學區或人潮鬧區,汽車必 須減緩速度。

進步的空間 雖然哥本哈根市現在已經接近了 氣候環境保護的目標,即在2025年 50%的市民皆使用自行車作為通學 通勤的交通工具,但是市長Morten Kabell預期讓使用自行車人數比例 再多增加5%,這將是一個很大的

為了確保未來的進展,市政府必 須將重心放在一些具有爭議性的領 域內,然而這需要充滿挑戰性的重 建工程以達成目標。以下為未來發 展領域的重心:

- 針對汽車的道路收費制度,其將 導致只有因緊急情況的車輛會穿梭 在哥本哈根市內。 為了達成目標的50%,預計十年

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