CWU Pulse Magazine

Page 58

Food is an essential part of living. If eat-

in whole wheat. According to a Harvard researchers,

ing properly or being healthy is one of your

whole grains cut heart attack risk by 35 percent and

goals for the New Year, here are some tips

were less likely to have weight trouble.

that are easy to pick up. 5.)Well Balanced. Eating well balanced is one of the 1.)Use the Right Oils. When choosing oils to cook

most important things that a person can do for their

with, it may be hard to distinguish one from another,

health. Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a

but it can make a difference in your health. The two oils

meal and nowadays it is easy to get all the essentials in

that are recommended for cooking are canola and extra

juices such as V8.

virgin olive oil. Both of these oils contain the healthy High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterols and

Wondering how you can get the advantage

reduce the bad Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) choles-

when it comes to being healthy? Here are


ways that can help you get that edge.

2.)Watch the Egg Yolks. Egg yolks are high in choles-

1.)Health Magazines. Numerous health magazines

terol, so reducing the number of egg yolks you intake

have plenty of articles on how to stay fit and healthy

can help significantly in weight loss and a healthy life-

and subscribing to a magazine of your choice is a great

style. The egg whites are the important part of the eggs,

way to work out a plan for a healthy life.

containing most of the proteins. 2.)Applications on the phone. Nowadays, phones 3.)Turkey Meat. Turkey meat contains less fat content

have the capacity to count our steps, calories and

than beef or pork as well as lot of protein. Since turkey

amount of fat burned. In fact, many large fitness

products can be found in other forms such as ground

companies like Nike have come out with applications

turkey or turkey bacon, it is easy to get used to turkey as

that contain your running statistics and fat loss, as well

a healthy alternative.

as graphs to see how you are progressing towards your goals.

4.)Wheat over White. People make the common misconception that bread is bread, but an important thing

3.)Recipe Books. Eating healthy is important, and by

to keep in mind is the nutrition content that is stored

looking up recipes you don’t have to sacrifice taste for

Photos courtesy of



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