OCLife 20171026

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It’s all been happening in Big Picture over the past couple of months with plenty of action to report

Bridge and Rose hairdressing Ben and Marge playing guitar

BIG PICTURE OUT & ABOUT IN ORANGE JACK—Year 11, our resident metal sculptor anxiously awaits to sit his Year 12 Metal and Engineering HSC exam. He is currently working with his teacher, Mr Marriott and building ‘firepits’ for the staff as Xmas gifts, so will be quite busy in the weeks ahead. Jack has recently completed a 2-day workshop on Blacksmithing with Rob from Kilmarnock Forge. Jack spent the two days learning tips and tricks around forging techniques and heating applications and hopes to start up his own small business one day. BRIDGETTE —Year 11, has been working on her self-confidence and has certainly done herself proud by attending #Fashtech workshops at




Lachie with his Mum & Gran for High Tea

Jack with Rob using forge

the Orange Art Gallery and creating an impressive ‘spine dress’ ready for the community exhibition. She also surprised herself by gaining the position of Vice Captain for 2018 after giving an inspirational speech in front of the whole school assembly. Furthermore, whilst successful in the captain venture, she has also been busy writing resumes and after numerous trials and nervous ‘waiting’ sessions, was offered a Hairdressing apprenticeship for 2018 with ‘Tangled Hair and Beauty’. LACHIE—Year 9, has been busy exploring the Edwardian era and showcased a very impressive ‘high tea’ as part of his exhibition workshop last term. Many delightful

delicious treats were politely devoured amongst Lords and Ladies at a highly impressive table decorated with delicacies inspired by his talented offsider Gran. Every Tuesday, the residents of Ascott Gardens look forward to the Activities Coordinator turning up and entertaining them with his kind, caring nature and tireless compassion. Congratulations go to Lachie, as he is in the process of setting up a schoolbased apprenticeship in Aged Care starting next year—a wonderful achievement for such a naturally gifted young gentleman. Wednesday afternoons have been a delight listening to the strumming sounds of Ben and Marge singing out a tune in their fun-loving guitar sessions. Weekly boxing sessions with both advisories have also been a welcome relief for some students as part of a push to promote a positive well-being and a great pitch to get outside into the fresh spring air of late.

Geraldine and Sally

BP film crew

In celebrating the warmer weather, Big Picture advisories both headed out to Federal Falls last Wednesday for an action packed 4km bush walk. Those who participated were challenged by many parts of the trek however showed great resilience and determination to keep going—especially after they met a Mr Brown snake along the track!

a visit and was so impressed she organised to spend a day with students chatting and talking about their passion projects and helping them prepare for their exhibitions.

We have also had the pleasure of entertaining many guests throughout the term. Geraldine from the Sally Foundation on two occasions has popped in for

Just recently we had the talented and very versatile Jo and Joanne, Big Picture film crew up to interview students, Principals, advisors, community mentors and showcase student passions and projects for the whole community to see. Thanks to the Sally Foundation, we are hoping to share this on our Facebook page when it is finalised so stay tuned and watch this space.

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