Inspired Business Issue 4.1 2012 NZ

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Contents 04 Editor’s Letter 06 ‘Branding’ Your critical success factor Byron Marchant unlocks the keys to a successful SME business...


10 Business and Accounting Planning David Lindsay offers some practical advice to effectively manage your cash flow... 13 Breaking the ‘tomorrow’ addiction Procrastination is a common theme in some business owners, Eugene Moreau reports on this widespread addiction...



13 16 Find a Christian Business SPECIAL INSERT Your local guide to various businesses across New Zealand ndach ristian busine


16 Inspired Business Issue 4 October

EDITOR’S LETTER Being able to touch so many people through my businesses and make money while doing it, is a huge blessing. – Magic Johnson Welcome to this special edition of Inspired Business! We are thrilled to partner with local Christian businesses across New Zealand and bring you pages and pages of reputable goods and services. The vision of Inspired Business is to not only connect Christian businesses together, but to also empower Christian owned/managed businesses to learn how to incorporate God in their daily business lives. The word of God holds a number of keys to business success, and thus our editorial is designed to empower, equip, encourage and motivate Christian business people to change the world. INSPIRED BUSINESS Managing Director Matthew Danswan Editor

2012 | 17

In this issue, Byron Marchant unlocks the keys to a successful SME business. Branding is often clumsy and misunderstood by smaller businesses, but used properly, your business will create a strong imprint in your market. Also in this issue, Eugene Moreau breaks the silence on a common addiction... the ‘tomorrow’ addiction. His insight and humour will certainly get you motivated to achieve all those goals you have set our for yourself and your business. We sincerely hope you enjoy this free issue of Inspired Business and invite you to join us online at to receive your free subscription and join with us in helping you build a better Godly business in New Zealand. Kind Regards, Lynn Goldsmith Editor

Advertising and Sales Ray Curle

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t is well known within my industry [Marketing and Advertising] that a perplexing business challenge prevalent in New Zealand’s SME sector is ‘Branding’. Companies are outgrowing their brands and not realizing that a poor brand is hampering their relentless sales and marketing efforts. In a desperate bid to stimulate their unproductive sales and marketing efforts business throw money and effort, followed by more money and effort at their target market. The conclusion is then reached that “Marketing does not work…” There are instances when this type of high cost marketing does pay off. However, the referrals and new business stream-in only as long as your campaign or sales team is on the road. My article will serve to show that there is a better way. That it is possible to increase profitable awareness whilst reducing promotional wastage. It is time that small business NZ realises that our greatest sales agent, the one that works long after you have left the office and in places that you don’t have time and resource to send a sales force, is your ‘Brand’. Consumers view a brand as an important part of the product, and therefore a brand can add value to a product. ‘Brand Equity’ is the term we use to describe the value of a brand for both consumers and companies - and we will explore this later in this article. Let’s define what a brand is. The word

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Companies are outgrowing their brands and not realizing that a poor brand is hampering their relentless sales and marketing efforts


brand is derived from the old Norse word brandr, which means “to burn”. Brands were, and still are, the means by which owners mark their animals to identify them. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines brands as a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of a seller and to differentiate them from those of the competition.” Stephen King (WPP Group, London) follows the same line of reasoning concerning the difference between a brand and a product: “A product is something that is made in a factory; a brand is something that is bought by a customer. A product can be copied by a competitor; a brand is unique. A product can be quickly outdated, a successful brand is timeless.” As well as the visual elements, a brand also covers the set of expectations associated with a product or service, which typically arise in peoples’ minds. A brand cannot only be seen as an identifier. A memorable name and a good image is not enough; a company has to deliver experiences. There should be two approaches to branding; 1. The first is to see the brand as an identifier. The names, logos and slogans give the consumers awareness and a specific image. 2. The other approach is to see the brand as an experience provider, where the names, logo’s, slogans, events and other consumer contacts give the consumers sensory, emotional, creative relations and lifestyles with the brand. The truth is that every business, whether they realise it or not, has a brand that is shaping consumer perceptions about your product, service or the business as a whole. See your brand as a positive value or a problem

to the company. Don’t be mistaken; one of these two realities is true about your brand! Research shows that consumers are not only uninterested in marketing, but have an active hate towards it and would pay money to avoid marketing. With so many options in every industry and in every product line, consumers have reverted to trusting brands, not marketing messages when making purchase decisions. This is why strong brands win over unknown or poorly constructed brands. The sad reality is that nobody has told small business New Zealand this, so their efforts are still in throwing money at marketing and not on building their branding. We live in an age of a sophisticated consumer. Branding strategist, like myself depend highly on the psychology that is available about these sophisticated consumers. Allow me to share insights with you, that if carefully and considerately applied, will pull you out of your industry pile and cause you to get noticed!

when consumers are buying expensive products like cars and other high-ticket items. This applies also to companies in the medical industry like general practices, physiotherapists, podiatrists, etc… (Knowledge > Attitude > Action) 2. Unconscious behavior: When consumers have an unconscious behavior they start with an attitude towards the product and the attitude comes from emotions and feelings. From the attitudes the consumers find information about the product and from that they get knowledge. At last they have the action, their choice. This type of action is common for voting for politics and is also relevant to Churches. (Attitude > Knowledge > Action)

There are 4 types of consumer behavior that must be considered when developing your brand:

3. Learned behavior: The consumers’ impulses settle the choice of product. When the consumers choose a product they do not plan their choice; they do it by habit. This behavior usually occurs when consumers buy newspapers, clothes from clothing stores, food outlets, and other such small ticket purchases. (Action > Knowledge > Attitude)

1. Rational behavior: If consumers have a rational behavior, they start to get some knowledge about the product and what the market may offer. By evaluating the information they get an attitude towards the product and they act, either buying the product or not. This behavior is more common

4. Social behavior: When consumers have a social behavior they choose the products depending on what social environment they live in. Their lifestyle, status and influence from others decide what product they will buy. Brands play a huge part in this consumer groups buying patterns. These consumers

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chose brands to reflect their social status, interests, income, passions, etc… (Action > Attitude > Knowledge) Building Brand Equity. As I have mentioned earlier in this article, ‘Brand Equity’ is the term we use to describe the value of a brand for both consumers and companies. Brand equity is therefore, a set of assets. Thus, the charge to build brand equity is an investment into these assets. The major asset categories are: 1. Brand name awareness 2. Brand loyalty 3. Perceived quality 4. Brand associations You must know by this point of the article that it is no longer enough to have a good-looking corporate or personal image. The question you should ask is; “Are we effectively parading our brand equity?” You may have invested into marketing in the last 12 months, but can you show how you have invested into the very thing that is affecting peoples buying motivation and choice, Brand Equity? Take a distinguishable step outside of the growing industry pile that you are in, and do what few others are prepared to do, build your brand! Byron Marchant

Find Christian Businesses With the Find a Christian Business Directory online and in print!

For over 14 years our directories have brought Christians together. So find the products and services you’re looking for today by visiting our website below.

It is sincerely a pleasure to share around one of my passions and specialisms as a business person. My journey in becoming a brand strategist begun out of a desire to better connect with people for the purpose of sharing the Gospel. I realized early in my walk with Christ that if I were to change some very practical things about me and my approach to people, that they were then happy for me to open a conversation about spiritual things. I am bi-vocational. Which means that whilst I have the joy of building a commercial business, I get to Pastor a Christ centered, bible based Church in the most beautiful corner or Auckland, the North Shore. I am a coffee connoisseur (modern vernacular for ‘coffee addict’) and always ready to share a café experience and a chat. So please feel free to contact me soon for a general chat or to dicsuss this article! Find more resource on this subject on our website www. Contact Details: Byron Marchant email: | twitter: creative_savvy skype ID: byronmarchant


BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING PLANNING The following are some key areas that can be easily overlooked. They can carry a high price if overlooked ranging from being an underperformer to insolvency. David Lindsay Cash flow For a business running out of cash is much worse than a car running out of petrol. Even if more cash is obtained later it may be too late: customers may be lost, key staff may have left, the lease may be terminated and equipment may be repossessed. You need to know the level of working capital required to pay for purchases, stock, wages, taxes, etc until cash is received from customers. The amount required will increase with increases in production and purchases. An expanding business will be cash hungry. Don’t just plan to finance additional equipment or assets, you should ensure that additional working capital is obtained to cope with the extra operating costs until cash is received from customers. Do not “steal” from your working capital to pay for long term assets like vehicles or equipment. This mistake has cost many businesses dearly. Collecting from Customers Training customers to pay on time and follow up of late payers is important. Better still ask for deposits up front and at least one bank allows even smaller

businesses to use direct debits to collect cash. Having “Terms of Trade” contracts in place is like gold. It is difficult enough to collect what you are owed from customers (if selling on credit) so why make it harder by neglecting to put in place a “Terms of Trade” contract specific to your industry. The Privacy Act can restrict credit checking and the sharing of defaulting customers details with debt collectors can be prohibitive unless the Terms of Trade shift these on to the defaulting customer. To retain title (ownership) of goods that are sold (so that they can be reclaimed in the event of non-payment by a customer) generally requires legal documentation to be in place in advance of the delivery of goods. Managing If you don’t measure it you can’t manage it, applies to any business. There will be key success factors that can be monitored regularly. Some can be monitored monthly and others daily or to suit. It’s preferable to prepare financial statements for management reporting on a monthly basis or certainly by more

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frequently than once per annum. Sales compared to budget or year to date (YTD) actual sales versus last YTD giving a good guide as to business trends sales versus last YTD give a good guide as to business trends. Charting a graph to compare these helps to focus attention on fluctuations and provides early warning signs to managers. Calculating key expenses and gross profit as a percentage of sales helps these to be managed, compared and explained from month to month despite sales fluctuating. By dividing YTD or annual sales by the total of accounts receivable at any point in time will show on average how quickly collections are being obtained from customers. This product will show as the number of times per annum. Twelve times per annum means that accounts receivable are on average being collected once a month or within 30 days. A similar calculation for inventory turnover can be made by dividing the YTD or annual cost of goods sold by inventory at any point in time. Because inventory ties up funds until it is sold, this turnover should be as high as possible. Other liquidity ratios such as the working capital and acid test ratios are useful for identifying trends and as an early warning. Calculating return on investment will enable the business’ rate of return to be compared with other alternative investments including bank interest rates. The ratio of debt to total assets shows how high borrowing levels are. You will need to decide what level of debt is acceptable; a worsening trend overtime will require some “hard decisions” to be made, in order to stay in business. Ownership Structure The advantages and disadvantages of the four most common types of ownership structure are set out below. It is best to adopt the required ownership structure from the start of business if possible to save transitional

costs and to avert any appearance of tax avoidance (restructuring to avoid or reduce tax liability, the IRD can investigate these situations) Companies – Legal Requirements All companies must be able to calculate their financial position at any point in time and must not distribute funds to “owners� ahead of creditors. This is a requirement of the Companies Act and associated declarations / documents are required before distributions are

made in order to protect creditors e.g. suppliers and lenders. In addition decisions made by the directors of a company must be recorded by way of a resolution. Failure to do so can for example expose the directors to legal action and even force shareholders to repay salaries to a liquidator (if appointed). Tax Compliance Businesses can face a range of taxes including (most commonly) Income

Tax, GST, Fringe Benefit Tax, PAYE, and Withholding Taxes. It is important to identify the taxes applicable to your business and schedule their due dates. A very common problem is for a business to overlook paying tax in its first year of business. When the catch up comes, it is often in the second tax year, so it is faced with the second year tax liability also. To avoid this tax can be paid voluntarily to IRD, paid on the

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SOLE TRADER  Losses (if any) easily accessed  Blocks tax minimization, cannot easily profit split  Simple & inexpensive to set up  Lack of protection from creditors  Private use of business expenses/assets e.g. car  Before paying wages to spouse/partner you will need to obtain written adjusted on cost (lower than market or Fringe Benefit IRD permission Tax calc). Same applies to partnerships PARTNERSHIP  Losses easily accessed  Allows income splitting  Inexpensive to set up  One partner can be liable for another’s debts  Simple suits husband & wife  Lack of protection from creditors  Useful where creditor protection not required COMPANY  Higher cost of accounting than the above.  Need for statutory registers and Companies Act compliance.  Income splitting with family may be possible – salary,  Co. tax rate at 28% but can route income to individuals if at lower rates or retain in co if on higher rates dividends, interest  Co. shares can be held by Trust for creditor protection  Imputation credits on dividends: Recipients on low tax rates may be denied refunds they will need  Liability limited to company assets. Ideal where “other” income to utilise Imputation credits protection is required  May be able to avoid giving or limit giving your  Income Attribution rules.  Look through Company (LTC) in return for shareholders being able to personal guarantee claim the company’s tax losses they must guarantee any income tax  Your Funds loaned to the business can be protected will be paid. by way of a registered security – see your lawyer  Private use “paid” via FBT on market price, often high cost. TRUST

 Tax savings can be substantial if trust income is expected to be high  Very flexible for income & asset protection e.g. lease assets to co.  Can offer asset protection from govt asset testing and preserves your estate

shareholders salary via PAYE or saved in a separate bank account. It is important to have an approximate idea of how the business profit / loss are progressing during the year and how much should be set aside to pay income tax. Profit / loss and GST can be calculated after business transactions have been processed using in house, cloud software or by your Accountant. Taxes can be one of the larger costs of business and the most difficult to calculate. Deciding on who should

 Losses locked in not accessible to individuals  Trust Deed – to customize to suit specific needs  Possible conflict of interest between settlor & trustees must select trustees carefully  Minor beneficiaries watch high tax on distribution if under 16 years of age.  Watch deemed settlors for tax  Must distribute annual income by 30/9/xx unless Trust Deed permits distribution up to 12 months after balance date

process business transactions and calculate the tax should be made when the business starts. Choosing an Accountant who you can communicate with comfortably is important in this complex area. A proactive Accountant will bring to your attention tax planning and minimise the amount of tax that needs to be paid. Conclusion To manage a business involves balancing a variety of responsibilities. It takes time over and above working on

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the usual production and sales functions that can be all too absorbing. Managing requires planning for the future and identifying the important aspects that should not be left to chance. Fortunately help is at hand. Much can be delegated and professionals are on hand to provide guidance. Seeking advice early will avoid legal, accounting and tax pit falls and maximise benefits for business owners.


’ w o r r o m o ‘T ADDICTION

Breaking The


et me introduce you to Emma Hooked. Maybe you know her yourself. Of course Emma’s not a real person, but what Emma is addicted to is very real. Emma is addicted to tomorrow. Let me give you a typical day in the life of Emma. Emma feels herself coming out of the shallow, restless night’s sleep and for a brief moment she experiences a surge of hope and exhilaration. That inner voice she converses with every day says to her, “Tomorrow is here!” All day yesterday she’d been looking forward to ‘tomorrow’ and now; at last, it was here! For over 15 years Emma has lived in the hope that each tomorrow would be the day that she would feel fulfilled and her dream would be a reality! Emma has held on to this promise of tomorrow for years and every day, one after another she has been let down. Emma is addicted to tomorrow. She goes through every day living and dreaming that tomorrow her life will change. So, as Emma wakes up on this fresh, brand new tomorrow, she opens her eyes with the same hopeful expectation she’s had for a thousand yesterdays. She goes through the morning routine and enters the rat race called ‘making a living’ and after a day of ‘sameness’ - evening turns into night. Once again she begins to prepare for another tomorrow. As she goes to sleep she tells herself, “Maybe tomorrow things will change. Maybe tomorrow my boss will change and maybe tomorrow I’ll start to feel I’m living

my dream - instead of simply surviving. Maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up and find that somehow, some miraculous way, all my debts, relationship, and identity problems will be solved. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have a sense of living a life of fulfillment and purpose.” Do you see the pattern… Emma is addicted to tomorrow. How does Emma break this addiction to tomorrow? There are four steps to breaking the tomorrow addiction and in this article I’m going to share them with you. Step One: Clarify Your Dream The first step in unlocking a fresh, exciting dream for your life is to clarify your dream. This means you need to get it out of the domain of your imagination and declared in a succinct, written statement. Without this statement your dream simply remains a fantasy, an abstract in your mind. The ‘Tomorrow Addiction’ is fueled by a lack of commitment to a written, clarified dream. Here’s a profound question you can to consider as you begin to clarify your dream: If I knew it would not fail, what would I set out to accomplish in the next 24 months? Take a moment and reflect on these questions as you consider it. • Is there a latent talent you want to develop and have never really taken that step? • Maybe you’ve wanted to turn your creativity into a business for the last three years but you haven’t felt confident in doing so?

• What would you love to do with your life if you had the time and resources? Travel? Volunteer work? A craft or hobby? • Is your dream to work in a certain profession or live in a particular place? • Does your dream involve simple things like having more time to work in your garden, spend more time with family or friends, or have time for walks or to read books? • Is your dream an event to help you reach your life’s purpose, one that may be completed in a few months, or it can be a lifelong pursuit? Overcoming the Tomorrow Addiction starts with this step: clarifying your dream. And clarifying means writing it down, getting it out of your imagination. When you clarify the dream you have a unleashed a powerful motivator, which enables you to start making changes in your life – today! Step Two: Think Small Steps Rather Than Large So, you’ve clarified your dream and you want to get started pursuing it but don’t know how? The most common mistake is thinking that only large steps and big actions is the only way to break the addiction to tomorrow. Think again! 1. The most effective way to break the addiction to tomorrow is to think small steps. In other words, once you have clarified the dream then you sit and answer four questions: 2. What are the three most important things I ‘must’ start doing that I am not doing now – so I can start

Inspired Business New Zealand 2013 | 13

The ‘Tomorrow Addiction’ is fueled by a lack of commitment to a written, clarified dream.

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pursuing my clarified dream today? 3. What is stopping me (obstacles) from doing these three things? 4. What must I start or stop doing in order for me to overcome these obstacles? 5. Who do I need to connect with, as a support companion, to help me overcome these obstacles and start pursuing my clarified dream? Answering these four questions starts the dream pursuit process and helps you begin the process of narrowing the focus even further. Step Three: Narrow the Focus When you narrow your focus you enable yourself to dwell on what you want rather than on what you don’t want. The more you think about what you want the more of your mental capacity is assigned to ‘get what you want! If you think about something long and often enough it eventually dominates your thinking and affects your behavior. Let me give you a personal example. Recently I’ve come face to face with a particular issue that has been both perplexing and potentially destructive to me for some time. In fact, I will go so far as to say that unless this issue is resolved – rather smartly – then I will be a position of devastating damage in a very short time. The other day – while focusing on this ‘problem’ – I came to this I realization: I am actually getting the right answers to the questions I am asking! The problem was not the answer! The problem was the questions I was asking. I was not asking the right questions and as a result my ‘problem’ was not being solved – no matter how hard I worked at it and how right I was. When I took the time to go back and clarify my dream and start thinking small steps rather than large and then narrowed my focus by asking different questions I was able to see that I was simply going about the achievement of

my dream in the wrong way. This leads us to the final step in overcoming the Tomorrow Addiction. Step Four: Work on Your Dream A dream is like a garden. It needs to be nurtured for growth. Very few gardens produce their true potential and worth without this nurturing. There are two essential nurturing tips I will leave with you here. 1. Ban The Word ‘should’ From Your Vocabulary. For many of us, the word should is one of the most commonly used words in our vocabulary. “I should do this, or I should do that” “I should have gone to the gym” - or “I should really take this trip.” For those addicted to tomorrow the word ‘should’ plays a controlling role in everyday life. In fact, it becomes so normal that it become invisible. ‘Should’ exists in the background of the mind, directing choices and decisions. Saying the word ‘should’ can make a person feel miserable and guilty. It stops a person from focusing on the clarified dream by imposing an outside set of priorities. So, use this simple two-step model to help you ban the word ‘should’ from your vocabulary very time you catch yourself saying the word ‘should’. Step One: Every time you catch yourself saying the word ‘should’ – STOP! Step Two: REPLACE with either I WILL or I WILL NOT. By following this process, you will notice that you will stop saying should and will or will not do what you need to do to break the Tomorrow Addiction. 2. Eliminate Defeating Beliefs What you think either propels you forward or keeps you stuck. Limiting and negative thoughts, about you, your abilities and the possibilities open to you - are best described as defeating beliefs. They are often very simple,

even simplistic, yet they can have a profound effect on your life. To liberate yourself from defeating beliefs you must first identify them and this means to pay attention to the rods you speak. Often a defeating belief lurks behind an excuse or a fear-particularly concerning the things you are most passionate about. “I’m too old to start this now.” “I won’t be able to make any money doing that.” “I have to be in much better shape.” “I don’t have time.” “It will never work.” When you explore your excuses and fears, you will discover your defeating beliefs and be able to create a plan to eliminate them. In closing... Don’t let tomorrow lure you into its addictive habit. Start today and clarify the dream, then think small steps not large ones and follow that up by narrowing the focus and finally work everyday on your dream.

Eugene Moreau has over 22 years experience of helping people unlock vision, inspire passion and achieve significant corporate and personal transition. He is a Certified Master Coach (CMC) from the Behavioral Coaching Institute of Australia and an author of three books, as well as being respected and sought after conference and motivational speaker. You can subscribe to the Dare To Dream Again Blog, and read more from Eugene when you visit his website:

Inspired Business New Zealand 2013 | 15



16 | Inspired Business New Zealand 2013


Supporting Christians in Business Welcome to the 2012 edition of Find a Christian Business (formerly known as the New Zealand Christian Directory.) Inside you will find a range of Christian-owned and managed businesses and organisations, across a large range of categories, just waiting to help you. This is a unique opportunity for you to be able to support Christian-based businesses in your area of need. While we do not suggest that only Christian businesses have the ability to serve you with quality, honesty and integrity, we do believe that, where possible, Christians should unite together. Most of the businesses within these pages a) share the same beliefs as you, and b) are involved in using their businesses to finance the kingdom of God. This Directory is promoted via Christian bookshops and churches, hence keeping the Directory as exclusive to Christian-managed businesses. This means that participation in the Directory (primarily) comes from people within local churches. So when needing trades, services or general products, please consider the businesses advertised within the Find a Christian Business Directory. We encourage you to keep this Directory by the phone so that you have a quick and easy way of locating a relevant business for your household or business needs. Warmly, Matt Danswan CEO – Find a Christian Business PS. You can also view this Directory online at


This directory is not designed to be used as a mailing, sponsorship or fundraising list. The businesses enclosed have advertised to gain business – not solicitation. Thank you in advance for respecting the aims of the Find a Christian Business Directory.

Inspired Business New Zealand 2013 | 17



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20 | Inspired Business New Zealand 2013

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BIBLES.BOOKS.MUSIC.DVDS.GIFTS at your local WARKWORTH: Heartbeat Christian Store 60 Queen Street, Ph: 09 425 9559 AUCKLAND: Albany Christian Store Unit L, Courtside, 75 Corinthian Drive, Albany, Ph: 09 443 7928; St Joseph’s Centre Gift Shop 1 Fred Thomas Drive, Ph: 09 489 5613 Children’s Bible Ministries 9 Walters Rd, Ph: 09 630 5271 Christian Resource Centre 323 Queen St, Ph: 09 377 4059; Bamboo Resource Centre 591 Dominion Rd, Balmoral, Ph: 09 630 5997 Elim Christian Bookstore 159 Botany Road, Howick, Ph: 09 538 0374; Church of Christ Bookshop 361 Mt Albert Road, Mt Albert, Ph: 09 620 5008; Adventist Book Centre 743 Great South Road, Manukau, Ph: 09 262 5643

Sonshine Bookcentre 63 Edinburgh St, Pukekohe, Ph: 09 238 8134 THAMES: Thames Christian Bookshop 732 Pollen St, Ph: 07 868 9115 HAMILTON: Living Word Bookcentre 52 Collingwood Street, Ph: 07 839 5607 CAMBRIDGE: Solomon’s Couch Capernwray 3883 Cambridge Rd, Ph: 07 823 1800 TAURANGA: Lighthouse Bookcentre 54 Wharf Street, Ph: 07 578 6944 Sonshine Bookcentre 84 1st Avenue, Ph: 07 578 8477 Sunrise Books, Shop 16 Cherrywood Court, Ph:07 576 1092 GISBORNE: Empower Christian Books and Resources, 103 Lowe Street, Ph: 06 867 6092

ROTURUA: Sonshine Bookcentre 1129 Eruera St, Ph:07 349 1661 NEW PLYMOUTH: Good News Centre 581 Devon Street East, Ph: 06 758 4912 WANGANUI: Apples of Gold 85 Guyton Street, Ph: 06 345 8220 LEVIN: Beacon Christian Bookshop 198A Oxford Street, Ph: 06 368 7683 BLENHEIM: Christian Books and Music Centre 14 Maxwell Road, Ph: 03 578 5382 CHRISTCHURCH: Christian Superstore 370 Colombo Street, Sydenham, Ph: 03 366 1917; New Millennium Books 22 Grampian Street, Redwood, Ph: 03 359 1310


Catholic Shop, 79 Forfar St St Albans, Ph: 03 366 2853 ASHBURTON: Christian Superstore 80-82 Tancred Street, Ph: 03 308 9235 TIMARU: Christian Superstore 102 Stafford Street, Ph: 03 688 3431 OAMARU: North Otago Christian Bookstore 27 Thames Street, Ph: 03 434 9025 QUEENSTOWN: Salvation Army Bookshop 29 Camp St, Ph: 03 442 51003 DUNEDIN: Catholic Centre Shop Moran Building 8 Octagon, Ph: 03 477 6342 MOSGIEL: Mosgiel Christian Bookshop 135A Gordon Road, Ph: 03 489 4953

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6/09/12 1:01 PM

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22 | Inspired Business New Zealand 2013


MANNA Providing spiritual food for God’s people since 1972. Manna was the means by which God fed and sustained his people, without this, they would not have survived. Exodus 16, Numbers 11:6-9

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Available in sizes 10 - 26

96 Maunganui Rd, Mt Maunganui 07 575 3218 879 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden 09 630 5354 4 Byron Ave, Takapuna 09 488 0406 17 The Square, Palmerston North 06 359 1390 17C Main Road, Tirau 07 883 9191 Inspired Business New Zealand 2013 | 29


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Sewing Machines For India Setting Women Free

‘She makes linen garments and sells them’ … Proverbs 31 In India because it is low cost, many people buy fabric then have a seamstress sew clothes for them. Therefore Sewing Businesses are common but to be successful one must have expert training and be able to operate unencumbered by crippling debt. PeopleAid’s - Sewing Machines For India program enables women to attend a comprehensive training course where everything that is required is provided. Assistance is also given to enable these women to support themselves and their families during the course.

Set A Woman Free From Poverty Today At ABN 76 064 270 793

These thankful women are given the same top quality Sewing Machine that they learn on which enables them to set up business from home, making garments, doing repairs and alterations. Owning a debt free Sewing Business allows these women to earn a good income that permanently blesses and supports them. Sponsors are sent photos of the joyful woman and her children with their new Sewing Machine along with their details. If requested we also sign write your name or message on the front of the Sewing Machine. Sponsoring a Sewing Machine is a gift that keeps on giving day after day, year after year. 32 | Inspired Business New Zealand 2013 Sewing Machine sponsorship sets women free from poverty – forever!

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