Christian Life Issue Five: SEPTEMBER

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SEPTEMBER 2013 • Issue FIVE •



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rnaround God Charlotte Gambil



Issue five | SEPTEMBER 13


From poverty to abuse: Billy

Graham is changing young lives

Publisher Matthew Danswan


Blood in, blood out

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Local news

Advertising Manager Ray Curle:


Faith Reading: Book review


Pentecost, Prayer and Persecution


Gather, go, grow


Finding the right Christian College


Parachute 2014


Shine TV programme guide


Christian Life Classifieds

Tuesday 24 September – Henderson, Auckland 7pm, Bruce Mclaren Intermediate School, 69 Bruce Mclaren Road, Henderson. Thursday 10 October – Palmerston North 7pm, Palmerston North Boys’ High School, 263 Featherston Street.

Correspondence PO Box 47212, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144, New Zealand

Every Wednesday – Greenlane, Auckland 7pm, Greenlane Christian Centre, 17 Marewa Road, Greenlane.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part, without prior written permission. Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. All attempts are made to verify advertising material, and no responsibilty is taken for misleading or erroneous material.

These healing meetings are hosted by our sister organisation, Charisma Christian Ministries. Their team will pray for the sick. For more information and further meeting updates visit:

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our conferences You service your car on a regular basis to keep it running well. It’s wise to give your marriage a regular tune-up too. FamilyLife can help you get back on the road to oneness. We can help when communication is running hot, when tanks are running on empty, or if the spark has gone. Events are filling fast so book for your marriage tune-up today.

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From poverty and abuse:

BILLY GRAHAM is changing young lives By Sarah Tengvall

Wellington’s Billy Graham is a runaway success and hero to many. The humble, amiable 65 year-old boxing coach has the life story everyone loves to read – the classic rags to riches, bad boy made good. And now he is devoted to reaching out to ‘at risk youth’ through his acclaimed boxing academy, and well as encouraging and inspiring many as New Zealand’s top motivational speaker. And underpinning it all is a deep abiding faith in Jesus Christ. “God is behind everything I do, every single decision I make. We have a prayer group with us. My darling Kerri (his wife) she loves Jesus and God got her through the cancer and he has a purpose for her. I can’t do it without her because she has the marbles and I have the energy and boundless enthusiasm for what I am doing. We’ve got a lot of people praying for us including The Heretaunga Christian fellowship (the church the Graham’s attend),” said Mr Graham. The story, and the person, of Billy Graham, warms, inspires and touches you. He has that affect on everyone from the decision makers like Principal Youth Court Judge Andrew Becroft, Social Development Minister Paula Bennett and the local Naenae Community Police Station, to struggling single mums and tearaway boys. You see Mr Graham grew up in poverty in an abusive environment, and with dyslexia. He was often in trouble, regularly in fights and kicked out of school at 14 years old. But he turned it all around through the world of boxing, under the mentorship of Dick Dunn, New Zealand’s top boxing coach, and later his new found faith in Jesus Christ. Today the people that admire him most are the 65 boys he coaches every week in Naenae, Lower Hutt – one of Wellington’s worst crime spots. Here, in his brightly painted, clean and orderly gym, he is in his element. Maybe he sees himself in each one of these boys. Along with fellow coaches, Grant Quinn and Graham Clifford, he is turning these boys around away from crime, drugs, lowambition and low self-worth to confident achieving young men. The local police force love him and say youth crime is down 30 percent. As a kid he was often running from the police and now they come to his gym for fun nights or to talk to the kids laughs Mr Graham. The words that sum up Mr Graham are transformation and turnaround. And a real life example of this is 21 year-old Jarrod, who used to drink, do drugs and smoke. He came to the Naenae Boxing Academy when he was just 14 years old but then fell back into his old ways until he met Mr Graham at the shopping mall, who asked if he was coming back. Jarrod felt he had let him down but decided to go back and found things starting to turn around for him. “I’d reached that point with Billy. He’s done so much for me. It’s mind boggling really. You want to feel accepted. We all work together and people really are accepted. Billy gets us in with the boxing and then they teach us manners. I think

Above: Billy Graham; Below: Billy at his academy training young boys | 3

“I’m not that bright so I just have one God and I’m not that bright so I just have one bible and I’m not that bright so I just have one pastor. I keep it real simple, and the only way to Christ is through forgiveness. The response to that is unbelievable.”

it’s probably the best part of the gym. I became a better boxer and then it also clicked that ‘oh wow, this is really nice, it’s a really good place to be in. It’s the best in the country. It’s taught me a lot of discipline. It’s helped me to say ‘no’ to a lot of things,” as told to Phil Gifford in Mr Graham’s second book ‘Making Champion Men.’ Boxing turned Mr Graham around when at age eight he started training. He went on to win four gold and two silver titles national titles. He was also a finals trialist for three Commonwealth Games. Then in 2011 he was voted ‘New Zealander of The Year Local Hero’, and just one of his many awards and titles. At the same time his career in motivational speaking peaked with an invitation to address the Million Dollar Roundtable delegates in Atlanta, Georgia. Today he talks to schools, sports organisations and health and fitness groups, nationally and internationally on fitness, coaching, bullying, selfesteem, drugs, health and the value of listening. Christian values, all based on the wisdom of Proverbs, are a key teaching concept at the boxing academy. Posters outlining: respect, consideration, kindness, duty, obedience, honesty and truthfulness line the walls. These values are given to the boys in a booklet called “Passport to Success”. And if they can memorise them they get a free lifetime membership to the gym. Mr Graham states, “they still call Solomon the wisest man in the world. The bible is still the only book that tells the truth, the whole truth – it even mentions King David being a naughty boy and getting up to mischief. God forgave him and he changed his ways but he still had to pay the price, ‘there are consequences to your actions’, and we teach that sort of stuff too.” “It’s simple old fashioned stuff because I’m 65 years old and manners still count. We say to the boys look at me when you’re talking to me and remember my name. We shake hands with them when they walk in and we say this a place where you have friends. We shake hands with them when they leave. It’s a good place, there’s no swearing and no drunks,

I’m tough.” “Everything here is clean and fresh and that’s the way you look after the gym. And we kind of encourage them to help out around the house cause all the boys are from solo mums hardly any of them have a mum and dad together.” Billy’s testimony is included in his first book, “Billy Graham, Your Ship Came in the day the doctor smacked your bum”. Here is an excerpt; “God plays a big part in my life, and it’s a great feeling in the old heart department to know I am not alone. He said, “ I will never leave you, or forsake you. Comforting, eh?” “I can’t believe there are many gods. There’s only one Managing Director of any company, so I’ve settled for one God, and that God says there is only one way to Him, through Jesus Christ. “And Christ says there is only one word that is perfect, and cannot be faulted, and that is His word, the Bible. He says we are all sinners, and I sure have no trouble accepting that. Asking my Dad to forgive me for the things I do wrong was never a problem to me. That’s called repentance. He also says it requires the faith of a child to believe in him, which I guess I’ve got.” Mr Graham first heard the gospel, growing up, from one of the boys at the gym Ray Gordon, who today is a Salvation Army Leader and was Pastor at the Naenae Salvation Army (which is today the converted boxing academy!) But it wasn’t till later when one of Mr Graham’s butcher mates challenged him to attend church that he gave his heart to the Lord. “I thought what a deal I’ll take that it and it doesn’t really cost anything.” Then he went off to Bible College at Kiwi Ranch for a year. Nowadays Mr Graham’s Christian faith is central to everything he does and vividly evidenced in the academy’s majestic rock art. Here, 35 granite boulders, each weighting two and half tonnes border the lawn. On each rock is a picture of a world heavy weight boxing champion. But the biggest rock at five tonnes (the weight of two utes) takes centre stage. And this is the Jesus rock. Here Mr Graham has a picture of the Sistene Chapel hand, the Hand of God pointing down, and underneath it are inscribed

the words: “undefeated heavyweight champion of the universe Jesus Christ ‘King of Kings’ promises a comeback Revelations 22.” Mr Graham hired a grinder and cutter and personally honed each boulder into shape before commissioning a Weta artist to draw the portraits. “My faith means to me that I have the other side covered when I die. I know there is one God with one truth. I don’t have to go around being reassured of my salvation because I‘ve done that once, ” he said. Hundreds of boys have had the Billy Graham experience since the academy opened in 2006. And no matter who they are, when they go into the ring they all get the same treatment - Mr Graham prays: “I say let’s talk to the Lord. Dear Lord let us be sportsmen above all things, let neither athlete get hurt and let the best man win in our Lord Jesus, amen.” Separate to the academy is his outreach work that started eight years ago as a sausage sizzle and table tennis at the local community hall. Around 60 people would turn up and then it got bigger and bigger, and then he’d give a very low key testimony without banging them over the head because they’ve been bashed over the head with religion. Mr Graham’s message about Christ was in his typical down to earth self-deprecating manner, “I’m not that bright so I just have one God and I’m not that bright so I just have one bible and I’m not that bright so I just have one pastor. I keep it real simple, and the only way to Christ is through forgiveness. The response to that is unbelievable.” They also do an annual Christmas dinner for 150 local people. But we pulled back from the outreach explained Mr Graham because my ministry is the boxing academy and helping the boys “to get their heads in the right place, and their body in the right place.” Pastor Mark Gordon of Naenae for Christ has carried on with the outreach, which is still held in community hall attracting kids and grandparents. “They need loving and feeding and Mark gives them the spiritual base,” said Mr Graham Finally, Mr Graham’s advice concerning the current fatherless generation is to pick a child, ask the parent’s permission and pray for that child.

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Slice of Heaven cafe will be open & can accommodate women’s groups who might like to come as a group & have yummy espresso coffee & cake together, afterwards.

Cost: $20 to register or for more information Liberty Christian Church 96 Lansford Crescent, Avondale, Auckland, Ph 820-0168 4 | Christian Life Issue Five September 13

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Former Mafia Hit-Man brings a message of hope... By Sarah Tengvall A former Mexican mafia hit man is being flown in to Auckland to help evangelise the streets of south Auckland next month. Art Blajos is the keynote speaker in Operation Hope 2013, a planned outreach campaign being run by the Victory Outreach Church of Auckland. Mr Blajos will share his testimony through a live drama called ‘Blood In, Blood Out’. The exgang member changed his life more than 20 years ago and has been travelling the world since sharing his message of hope deterring people from a life of crime, violence, drug addiction and gangs. He is now a motivational speaker and true example of God’s amazing grace. Operation Hope runs from October 14 – November 10 and is 30 days of hope and encouragement to the local community. Senior Pastor Tony Romero is partnering with the Opawa Baptist and the local Papatoetoe Seventh-day-Adventist church, where Victory Outreach is also based, to run the campaign targeting every suburb in south Auckland. The goal is to reach up to 20,000 people through community

Tony and Veronica Romero

outreaches, school assembles, the prison, a fun day and the drama ‘Blood In, Blood Out.’ Mr Romero was inspired to organize Operation Hope 2013 because he felt as a church they could do more for their community. They already regularly serve the community with visits to the homeless and reaching out to prostitutes, as well as running their Recovery House but it was only once a month so they decided, “ lets do one good season and hopefully we can see even more transformational change.” Many of the people running Operation Hope will be recovered alcohol and drug addicts attending the church including Mr Romero and his wife Veronica. “It’s about being able to give back and offer others hope and recovery. One of our goals as a church is to be active in the community and educate people about gangs and drugs, and save them from a life of misery. And to those stuck in this life we are saying there is hope.” The Victory Outreach Church grew out of an international movement called Teen Challenge started in 1958 by Reverend David Wilkerson, who

is famous for saving teenage gang member Nicky Cruz. Teen Challenge is a 12-month residential programme offering freedom from addictions through discipleship. And Victory Outreach church in Auckland is one of many worldwide specifically set up to cater to the spiritual needs of saved and recovered addicts. The Papatoetoe Pastor has recently noticed an increase in suicide in the area. “Those people are in ‘hopelessness’ but God can offer hope. We want to reach youth and families and encourage them and let them know God has good things for them in life. And if you find yourself in a difficult situation there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel and many practical resources such as youth lines, health agencies, and community resources – there is help there, that is our message.” Operation Hope 2013 also aims to reach many schools in south Auckland and talk to assemblies about the negative effects of crime, drugs and alcohol through church members’ testimonies. Then there will be Community Outreaches with rallies in


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Men from the Recovery home

parks, live music, rap dancing, games, free sausage sizzles and a Christian Motorcycle club. Flyers to invite people to see Art Blajos’ true story drama will also be distributed. There is one main Community Fun day event planned at the church in their outside area with free bouncy castles, music, activities and low-cost food stalls. Mr Romero said the church is really excited about the event “It’s an incentive for the people, they are motivated to do something positive for their community.” The church also has a team of 25 arriving from the United States serving in the same network of recovery-based churches. The four goals of Operation Hope 2013 are: prevent, intervene, inspire and empower. Preventing this generation from getting involved in gangs, violence, gangs and abuse with the dynamic drama, which portrays the loneliness and misery this lifestyle brings. As part of the event this drama will bill taken in to the Mt Eden prison to offer hope to

inmates, as well as church members’ sharing their testimonies. Intervene in someone’s life, who has already gone down this path and is wondering if there is still hope for lasting change. Inspire the South Auckland local community that change and hope is very much possible and available for families and lives. And finally, empower the South Auckland community, youth and social workers; community leaders and families to continue their work and love for their community because there is always hope even to the last breath. Mr Romero said around 70 percent of the churches’ leadership are recovery graduates. He hails from California where he overcame his background in drugs and gangs and then met Veronica, also now recovered, on a mission trip in Australia. The Romeros have now been in Papatoetoe for nearly nine years. They arrived to a history of frequent missionary arrival and withdrawal in the area. “Ini-

tially people were skeptical, and asked how long we would be in the area,” described Mr Romero. “But now we have their confidence. We are people on a mission with a heart for these people and we are committed to this community,” he said. For more information on Operation Hope 2013 and Recovery House go to

annual appeal

The key to the front door opens up not just a home but a whole future for my family.

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Local news

Local news briefs... Witnesses sell NZ headquarters, Elim buys It was the national headquarters for the Jehovah’s Witnesses for 30 years. But the 7.5ha Wattle Downs property has now been sold to Elim Church and could soon house a new Christian college. Jehovah’s Witness minister George Gray says advances in technology mean the property is no longer needed for running the church’s New Zealand and South Pacific activities which will now be administered from Australia. Elim Church bought the property for its growing South Auckland congregation and volunteers helped transform the site in just a matter of days. Pastor Boyd Ratnaraja says the congregation moved in on a Sunday straight after morning services at their much smaller Weymouth Rd premises. “They have done a superb job of setting up,” he says. The church will hold services for its 450-strong congregation at its new home as well as running counselling sessions and operating an op shop and a weekly soup kitchen. “We believe in reaching out to the community. We want this to be a centre of hope. People don’t have to be Christians,” Mr Ratnaraja says. The congregation also hopes to build a Christian college on the site, similar to its school in Botany. Many students from southern suburbs already travel to the Botany junior and senior campuses, Mr Ratnaraja says. “We’d love to have primary, all the way to secondary. That’s our vision.” The church’s Bible college will also shift to the Wattle Downs complex in October.

NZ is ‘a long way from 100 per cent pure’ New Zealand 100% Pure? More like 64.5% Pure, Kiwis say. That’s the score they gave New Zealand on average when asked in the latest Fairfax Media-Ipsos poll to provide their own ranking of its environmental reputation. Considered one of the most successful tourism campaigns ever, the 100% Pure brand has come under unprecedented attack internationally in the wake of a botulism scare affecting our biggest exporter, Fonterra. A British newspaper labelled the 100% Pure claim “100 per cent manure” and a Chinese newspaper said it was a “festering sore”. Many New Zealanders are also sceptical – in our poll of 1011 voters, just 20.5 per cent considered New Zealand to be 81 to 100 per cent pure. By far the largest number of voters thought we were 61 to 80 per cent pure, while 36.8 per cent gave an even lower ranking. It worked out at an average 64.5 per cent pure. The poll was taken at the height of the Fonterra crisis. Prime Minister John Key is expected to face questions about the 100% Pure brand at a tourism conference in Masterton today. The bad press over Fonterra has raised questions about whether 100% Pure has become a stick to beat New Zealand with - but tourism operators spoken to at the conference say it should remain. “[The slogan] has worked very well, but if we let our guard down it could come back to bite us in the bum,” New Zealand Journeys director John Dam said. Most of his Asian customers were not put off by the recent bad press because they knew New Zealand was “a hell of a lot” cleaner and greener than their countries.

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Local news

Website lists NZ Christian ministers ‘happy to marry same-sex couples’

DETAINED KIWI JOURNALIST FREED Kiwi journalist Wayne Hay has been released by Egyptian authorities after being detained without charge for five days. Hay, a former TVNZ journalist, was one of four arrested by officials and the group had been held since Tuesday. They were released by the authorities on Sunday afternoon, Al Jazeera said in a statement. He had been reporting for Al Jazeera since 2006, and in Egypt for less than a year. Hay was arrested with his crew while working in Cairo, after being called in to help cover events in Egypt. His arrest followed the detention of other Al Jazeera journalists in recent weeks, with the network accused by authorities of favouring the Muslim Brotherhood. Some staff have been charged with inciting violence. The group’s arrest comes less than a month after another a fellow Al Jazeera reporter, Abdullah al-Shami, was arrested while reporting on the raid of the proMohamed Morsi sit-in at Rabaa al-Adawiya, Aljazeera reported. Those reporters have been held for more than a month.

Christian ministers who will marry same-sex couples are being profiled on a new website. The website, yes2love.wordpress. com, was launched today by Wellington Presbyterian church-goer Fionnaigh McKenzie. Ms McKenzie says she wanted to celebrate faith that is accepting and welcoming. “I was tired of reading headlines about churches saying ‘no’ to same-sex couples. I know that many ministers and churches are saying ‘yes’, so I decided to gather details about them. I am Presbyterian, and while there are a range of views within the Presbyterian church, there are many ministers who are committed to justice and equality.” The website profiles ministers who have agreed to officiate at same-sex weddings and churches

which welcome same-sex weddings. Ms. McKenzie hopes that the website will be useful for couples looking for a celebrant who will incorporate religious or spiritual elements into a wedding service. “My partner and I had a ceremony in our church to celebrate our love. It was very moving to feel the support of our church community wrap around us that day. I want other couples to know that whatever their sexuality or gender identity might be, they can have a spiritual ceremony if they want to.” Some ministers have decided to become independent marriage celebrants so that if their denomination bans same-sex weddings they will still be able to officiate at them. One Minister profiled on the

site, Rev. Norman Wilkins says that as a registered civil celebrant he is completely free to marry same-sex couples. “I firmly believe that treating everyone equally and lovingly is what Jesus would have done and is fundamentally what is just. I will not have a prejudiced church interfere with anyone’s right to incorporate their faith into their marriage,” Rev. Wilkins said. So far the site lists 23 ministers and 3 churches. Ms. McKenzie looks forward to hearing from more church leaders and leaders from other religious traditions as word spreads about the website.

Faith Reading

BOOK REVIEW “The Re-connected Man” series by Robert Whigham ‘The Re-Connected Man’ series is a powerful two part study series calling men to rise up to be the men God intends them to be, written by well-established author Ian Malins. He has written many books on discipleship and spiritual growth and out of his involved in men’s ministry over recent years, he now writes this challenging series sharing with men how to become more fully connected in seven key areas of life. These two brilliantly written and easy to read books challenge, inspire and reveal to men what really matters in life and to how become a more fully connected man. The studies can literally help to facilitate major change in men’s lives. They are powerful and practical in dealing with core issues in life that men can often overlook. They are also books for women to better understand their men. The first book (8 studies) looks at how to connect more fully with the first of 7 key relationships – with your Heavenly Father and with your heart. It will show you how to reclaim your heart - that inner wellspring of life from which everything else flows. This book starts at the core of your life - the essential starting place for every man who wants to be all that God calls him to be.

Many men are brought up without meaningful relationships with their fathers, and never actually realise the detrimental effect this can have on the rest of their lives. Part 1 helps men examine and understand those parts of their life. It explores what it is to reconnect and enter into true sonship with our heavenly Father and be the man God wants us to be. I particularly found the area on letting Jesus into all of my life extremely challenging and spiritually rewarding. It was followed with sound and practical knowledge and tips on how to guard your heart from real battles that all men face in today’s society. The second book (9 studies) continues the journey by looking at how to be more fully connected and fulfilled in family life with your wife (if married), with your children, with your father, with other men and with the Kingdom of God. Each chapter provides practical guidelines that can build (even save) your marriage and family life, and give you a Kingdom perspective and purpose. These topics are areas men often keep to themselves and as such struggle on their own. This book gives godly wisdom in a straight forward and practical way in which every man, young or old, can ben-

efit. Most importantly it delivers it with the powerful support of scripture and with godly experience and perspective. Both books are laid out in an attractive colour format with meaningful and practical examples and stories of men’s lives. Each chapter concludes with thought provoking ‘Workshop’ questions which help the reader to engage the heart as well as the head. These questions make the series ideal for men’s groups as they help men open up quickly on real issues and apply the lessons specifically to their own lives. I can highly recommend this series of 2 books for men’s groups. I have been leading a group of men through this series and have been amazed and blessed at the impact it has not only had on their lives but on mine as well. This world needs godly, connected and responsible men to serve God, their families, churches and community. These books will be a great tool to help men fulfil that purpose and become the men God wants them to be. These books are available from Omega Discipleship Ministries – Ph: 04 905 2209

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8 | Christian Life Issue Five September 13


Pentecost, Prayer and Persecution By Bryan Johnson, Treasurer, and writer for The Asia Pacific Discipleship Trust The mission of God began from the beginning of time. The sin of Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel made God’s kingdom mission a necessity. The kingdom of light was in radical conflict with the kingdom of darkness. Sin separates man from God and it requires a mediator or reconciler to broker peace. Without a conviction of sin, man’s rebelliousness remains unchecked and undisciplined. This is why discipleship is essential. Finding the way to live a disciplined godly life should be the goal of every person. The Holy Spirit took the initiative to use His power to convict and convince mankind of its sinful and separated state. The first Pentecostal message by the Apostle Peter was delivered in Jerusalem in 33AD. After being filled with the Holy Spirit and transformed from a fearful man to a man full of faith and power Peter proclaimed, “Repent, and let each one of you be baptised in the name of the Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins’ (Acts 2 v 38 NASB) Peter’s words convicted the multi-cultural crowd deeply. ‘Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you and your children and even to the Gentiles (foreigners living in the land), and as many as the Lord your God shall call to Himself (Acts 2 v 39 NASB).‘ Today Peter’s message at Pentecost is still the same; ‘Save yourselves from this lost generation and receive the mighty power of the Holy Spirit to be a bold witness, and to bless your children and your children’s children and the foreigners living in your land.’ Evangelism is the priority of God’s heart because it is motivated by unconditional love and knowledge of the consequences. From the day of Pentecost the 3,000 people who were convicted and saved on that day met house to house with the 12 disciples and 110 believers to worship, pray and remember the Lord’s Supper until Christ returns. Powerful prayer and the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and intense fellowship were the signs of God’s presence among the new

believers. Within a short time the believers swept 20,000 people in Jerusalem into their amazing movement. The religious leaders were threatened and started persecuting the disciples of Jesus using a young zealot named Saul to arrest and stone the new believers in Jesus. Pentecost quickly moved through the phases of power, prayer and persecution. Migrants are moving to Aotearoa from all over the world. 250 nationalities of people live in our land. They are becoming our neighbours. What do we know about their cultures and beliefs? How will their presence and participation in our Society affect the future of our nation? In the Old Testament God many times used the descendants of Ishmael, Esau, Eliphaz, and Teman (Habakkuk 3 verses 1-4; Jeremiah 49 v 7-11) to persecute His disobedient, but chosen people and vice versa. Some of our migrants come from cultures so different from ours that they need our hospitality, friendship and time to adjust to this new life of freedom. New friends, education and an enquiring mind can open a closed-minded person to a whole new world of possibilities found in God’s truth. This provides Christians filled with the power of the Holy Spirit unique opportunities to overcome fear and share Christ’s unconditional love with their new neighbours who are bewildered by the way we live and what we believe. At Pentecost the Holy Spirit equipped 120 fearful followers of Jesus in the upper room into fearless people with the ability to speak many new languages they had never learned as listed in Acts 2 verses 7-12. In 33AD Arabic (Acts 2 v 11) was one of the

at your local


WARKWORTH: Heartbeat Christian Store, 60 Queen St, Ph 09 425 9559 AUCKLAND: Lifestore Albany, Unit L, Courtside, 75 Corinthian Drive, Albany, Ph: 09 443 7928; St Joseph's Centre Gift Shop 1 Fred Thomas Drive, Ph: 09 489 5613 Children's Bible Ministries 9 Walters Rd, Ph:09 630 5271 Christian Resource Centre 323 Queen St, Ph: 09 377 4059; Bamboo Resource Centre, 591 Dominion Rd, Balmoral, Ph: 09 630 5997 Lifestore Elim, 159 Botany Road, Howick, Ph: 09 538 0374; Church of Christ Bookshop, 361 Mt AlbertRoad, Mt Albert, Ph: 09 620 5008; Adventist Book Centre, 743 Great SouthRoad, Manukau, Ph: 09 262 5643 Epic Christian Books & Gifts 63 Edinburgh St, Pukekohe, Ph: 09 238 8134 THAMES: Thames Christian Bookshop 732 Pollen St, Ph: 07 868 9115

languages given by the Holy Spirit to the 120. What was God’s intention for the Arab people? Has that Spirit’s intention been fully realised, or is there still work we are called to do today among the Arab people living in our land and in the Arabic speaking nations of the earth? Today we need the Holy Spirit to give us the same ability to reach the thousands of Arabic speaking people living and studying in Aotearoa. These people come from cultures where beheading, torture and killing by gun, stoning or poisoning are commonplace for those who non-conformists. Is the Holy Spirit convicting you to be filled with his boldness and power to proclaim the ‘good news’ about Jesus Christ the Messiah to our neighbours? To find out more please see the advertisement about the “Neighbours Conference’ in Wellington from 25th to 28th October 2013 or email register@ Neighbours Conferences are designed to mobilize Kiwis to local mission and international mission in the hard to reach places. HAMILTON: Living Word Bookcentre, 52 Collingwood Street, Ph: 07 839 5607 CAMBRIDGE Solomon’s Couch, Capernwray, 3553 Cambridge Rd, Ph 07 823 1800 TAURANGA: Lighthouse Bookcentre, 54 Wharf Street, Ph: 07 578 6944 Sonshine Bookcentre, 84 1st Avenue, Ph: 07 578 8477 Sunrise Books, Shop 16 Cherrywood Court, Ph:07 576 1092 ROTURUA: Sonshine Bookcentre, 1129 Eruera St, Ph:07 349 1661 HASTINGS: Pleroma Christian Supplies, 38 Higginson Street, Otane Ph: 06 856 8378 NEW PLYMOUTH: Good News Centre, 581 Devon Street East, Ph: 06 758 4912 LEVIN: Beacon Christian Bookshop, 198A Oxford Street, Ph: 06 368 7683 BLEHEIM Christian Books and Music Centre, 14 Maxwell Rd, Ph: 03 366 1917

CHRISTCHURCH: Christian Superstore, 370 Colombo Street, Sydenham, Ph: 03 366 1917; New Millennium Books, 22 Grampian Street, Redwood, Ph: 03 359 1310 Catholic Shop, 79 Forfar St St Albans, Ph: 03 366 2853 ASHBURTON: Christian Superstore, 80-82 Tancred Street, Ph: 03 308 9235 TIMARU: Christian Superstore, 102 Stafford Street, Ph: 03 688 3431 OAMARU: North Otago Christian Bookstore, 27 Thames Street, Ph: 03 434 9025 QUEENSTOWN Salvation Army Bookshop 29 camp St, 03 442 51003 DUNEDIN: Catholic Centre Shop Moran Building 8 Octagon, Ph: 03 477 6342 MOSGIEL: Mosgiel Christian Bookshop, 135A Gordon Road, Ph: 03 489 4953

Serving all NZ | 9

Often men have a burning desire to see their church engage more effectively with men. They want the church to be the place where there is real community for men, where they can find meaning, purpose, life and authentic friendships. Women also recognise that often their husband and many of their family members and friends are not fully alive spiritually.

provide opportunities for spiritual growth. Unfortunately in a large number of Men’s Ministries across the nation, gathering activities are the only type of men’s activities that take place, and these do not take

learn by asking questions which is not possible during most regular Sunday services. By asking questions they are able to apply truths and receive biblical wisdom from other men in the group at a pace that they can understand and implement. Men grow in groups - whether they are open or closed groups.

The most effective way to bring men in and disciple them is through a wellorganised Men’s Ministry Come & See that has Men’s Groups at its core. Ministry with Social Activities Community Activities Church Activities Men’s Camps & Courses Promise Keepers Events Men is one of the most challenging ministries for churches to succeed in. It Follow Me and I will takes a lot more than just make you fishers of men raw enthusiasm. It takes a plan! MEN’S GROUPS – the powerhouse of men’s spiritual growth Three words - gather, grow, go - provide the essentials for a powerful Men’s Ministry plan. This gives clear purpose and direction for your Men’s Ministry. Do all three well and you unleash the power to change men and see them influence others.

Spiritual Growth

Character Issues of Life

Building Friendships

Equipped for Mission

Go make disciples

By keeping men’s groups as the central mainstay of the ministry, men become involved on different levels of “gather” and “go”. Strong interconnections are a vital strategy for success.

Gather The focus on “gathering activities”, such as men’s breakfasts, courses, camps and events, is to provide opportunities to bring men from the congregation together, as well as unchurched men. This should be seen as a starting point to building friendships and growing spiritually. Obviously some activities should have a different focus. Some will emphasise making contacts and strengthening friendships, others will

10 | Christian Life Issue Five September 13

Ministry Opportunities


men to the next level of greater spiritual growth and building real friendships. As a result they miss out on the real potential and power of men in the church.

Grow Men’s groups should be at the very centre and heart of Ministry with Men in the local church. When men gather together weekly as part of a group, they experience growth as they learn to pray for others effectively, apply the Bible to their lives and harness the power of each other’s experience and wisdom while building friendships. Regular attendance at a men’s group will activate spiritual growth up to 7 times faster than only attending Sunday church services. This is because most men

Developing Team

Men frequently are confronting issues that require time, sustained prayer, encouragement and perseverance to be resolved and overcome. These issues may be associated with character, faith, relationships, work, family or finance. Men receive discipleship and mentoring from the group which gives them the necessary guidance, wisdom and correction to confront and overcome these challenges.

As men get to know each other they see character, leadership qualities and potential in others. These men can form the nucleus of multiple teams to organise “gathering events” to continue drawing men into the church. Every church needs an open men’s group. When a new man arrives at church on a Sunday and asks what is available in Men’s Ministry that week, it is likely that the only opportunity for him to participate in Men’s Ministry will be in an open men’s group that meets weekly. Meeting weekly provides consistent opportunities to invite other men from both inside or outside the church to attend.

Go Over time, men’s groups build friendships and grow men spiritually. They also provide an environment where men are encouraged and equipped for mission and ministry. It follows that they will then want to go and fulfil their ultimate purpose in life with ministry and mission. I have been involved in men’s open groups for over 20 years and have come to realise that they are the engine room and powerhouse to gather men, grow men and ultimately equip them to go! Paul Subritzky

works year-round to resource Men’s Ministry Leaders with a library of resources, books, videos, training courses and webinars. Our team is able to provide Consultancy, ongoing Coaching or just a friendly chat. Promise Keepers is committed to helping you fulfil your God-given vision for Ministry with Men. Our website – is your goto place for resources. You can also call a friend on 0800 PROMISE (77 66 47).

Promise Keepers has 20 years of experience in Ministry with Men in New Zealand which you can leverage to your advantage! Promise Keepers

Promise Keepers launched The Call Events with a roaring start in Christchurch recently. Men again met with God through inspired worship, powerful speakers and processing the Event together. Among the crowd were many men who are active participants in Men’s Groups and Men’s Ministry. Several of them commented about the impact that belonging to a Men’s Group has had on their life… I attend Ashburton New Life Men’s Group on a Tuesday morning. I can quite honestly say I have never bonded with a group of men in such a significant way that cuts through the superficial so well and creates a safe, comfortable atmosphere to share, grow and support each other. You can tell when people genuinely care. This atmosphere has enabled me to grow in my faith to a deeper level and is my welcome break in the week. Ian We started our 4x4 [Men’s Group] in 2007 and it has been going strong ever since. We have extended it to five to encourage and support another brother. Each member is a vital person in the larger church congregation, holding positions of responsibility. We all look forward to our monthly meetings where we find mutual encouragement, training, and if necessary, reproof. Our 4x4 is a key part of our Christian walk. Brad I belong to a Men’s Group... Hearing others find the courage to speak out about their “issues” that are stopping or holding back their lives in Christ has given me new courage. A courage that has allowed me to be honest with myself, face up to sin areas and bring them before other guys and confess them. I now have accountability to Christ and the other guys in my Men’s Group. This has strengthened my resolve to conquer my sins like I would not have believed possible. Terry

Men’s Events 2013



13-14 September

4-5 October

0800 PROMISE ( 77 66 47 ) | 11

Special feature

Finding the right CHRISTIAN COLLEGE in 2014 By Sarah Tengvall Spring is here. Vibrant green growth is starting to peep through the bare winter ground. It’s the season of newness, hope, and growth. And did you know God, the creator, is supremely interested in your growth, personally, professionally and in all ways. He wants you to blossom and become all that you were created to be. One way to achieve this could be considering study at a Christian College, and already the 2014 enrollment period is here. You see your own growth and your growth in God are intertwined. God says in John 15v5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” This is such an incredible promise. Jesus says we will bear much fruit. This symbolizes the best result or sweetest prize in life, according to Christian author Bruce Wilkinson. We should be walking in success and abundance, whether it is relationships, ministry, the marketplace, our families or a business opportunity. God promises we will flourish if we stay in him. There is also a warning in this verse – ‘apart from me you can do nothing.’ The reality of this was recently displayed to me when I pruned a potato vine that was exuberantly trailing up my beloved back garden cherry tree. I couldn’t reach the branches at the very top but I knew if I could snip even half way down it would be cut off from the main vine, its power source. Staying God-connected is something that will strengthen and deepen you as you study him, his word and his plans for your life. You could be a stay-at-home Mum, a professional, a graduate or retired – there is always something to be gained in

Clockwise from top: Bethlehem Tertiary Institute graduates; Capernwray New Zealand Bible College Homestead; Lecturer at South Pacific Bible College; Students hanging out at Laidlaw College;

12 | Christian Life Issue Five September 13

We should be walking in success and abundance, whether it is relationships, ministry, the marketplace, our families or a business opportunity. God promises we will flourish if we stay in him. going after God. If you are currently already working you might like to consider this quote,” what is my purpose in life? Why am I in this job, this organization, the industry? How did I get here in the first place. Am I working to live or living to work? How do I measure my success? Does my work serve any greater purpose?” One of the keys to be gained from a Christian learning environment is a Christian worldview. Christian author Gary Collins says, “ A worldview is a set of presuppositions (or assumptions) which we hold (consciously or unconsciously) about the basic makeup of the world. A person’s worldview helps them make sense of life, choose values, decide what is right or wrong, make decisions, settle on lifestyle, and plan for the future.” Mr Collins goes on to say,” the best worldviews are plausible, coherent, able to answer most questions, and useful in helping us to make decisions. Inadequate worldviews, like faulty eyeglasses, can cloud our vision and hinder our efforts to see things clearly. A good worldview clarifies a lot of things and gives us a clearer basis on which to operate.” Only a Christian College will allow you to study your chosen subjects through the lens or filter of your Christian beliefs. So you can study ministry, the bible, counselling, business, education or leadership while at the same time considering your faith and God’s viewpoint on everything you grapple and examine. Today in New Zealand, the number of Christian learning institutions is expanding. As well as the options for ‘how’ you study. This means there are more options to best suit your individual needs. Many now offer distance learning through online tutorials with block course attendance. Some offer residential facilities and some even include surfing! There are even possibilites for parents with young families. I myself am a former Laidlaw College Counselling graduate. I began my studies as a single mum with a lively five and six year-old in tow. However, by tailoring my studies to a part-time

basis and managing most of my assignments, at home, while they were at school I was able to manage the workload. I was delighted, and relieved, to graduate with a secular qualification grounded in a Christian framework. For me it was joy and honour to discuss God’s word and its relevance to my job and life. It became foundational to everything I have since done. Now its time for you to consider for yourself what some of the Christian Colleges are offering next year. Pray that God will guide the process, then trust and believe he will. Faith Bible college, based in Tauranga, believes devoting one or two years to attending Bible College is a valuable, life-long investment. They offer a certificate in Ministry Development, a Diploma in Christian Ministry and a Bachelor in Theology. They say while there is a necessary focus on academic requirements, the benefits far outweigh any qualification gained. Proverbs 25:2 says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but to search out a matter is the glory of kings.” “By spending time in a training school that has the Bible as the foundation point for its entire curriculum, students become adept at searching out its mysteries and discovering the heartbeat of its Author. To learn what it means to be a child of God and seek after the things of His Kingdom – these are life- changing lessons.” Faith Bible College students learn learn to hear God’s voice and allow Him to train them and equip them for the calling that lies ahead. Bethleham Tertitary Institute, also based in Tauranga, offers social work and counselling degrees, as well as Diplomas in teaching and a Bachelor of Education. They say, “Faith is at the very core of BTI culture; it is lived out in everyday life and is integral to all we do here. “Some of the key hallmarks of our learning community are our integrated Christian worldview, rich lecturer/student relationships, and our com-

mitment to developing the whole person. These values are “caught” as much as “taught”. “At BTI we teach our students that positive relationships are the soil in which transformation grows, that rich relationships are key, and that to know others you first have to know who you are. To quote BTI’s Dean, Dr Andrew Smith, “At the end of the day, it all boils down to our ability to reflect God’s love – loving acceptance that affirms the inherent value of people, loving encouragement that celebrates strengths and diversities, loving persistence and patience that holds hope for others when they cannot hold it for themselves.” If you are after something on a more personal level, in terms of getting to know God better, Capernwray Bible School in Cambridge could be for you. It offers a 20-week bible school, an Adventure Bible School (six weeks) on the shores of Lake Karipiro, and a new Business Ministry Leadership course, teaching bible based Christian principles. Capernwray New Zealand has been operating as part of the global Torchbearers International network of schools and ministry bases for more than 40 years. This means it has a real international flavour and a deep missions heart. A key distinctive of Capernwray is that they run short -term bible training courses that present an intentionally Christcentred curriculum. The focus is primarily on how the person of Christ becomes your very life and the practical implications that come from this. Capernwray is a full-time, ‘live in’ experience which means students can literally ‘do life’ with others who are like-minded. The focus is to teach the Bible in such a way that it is directly relevant to living in today’s world with all its challenges and complexities. All students are assigned to weekly ministry opportunities. Then South Pacific Bible College offers qualifications such as a Diploma of Advanaced Biblical Studies and a Diploma in Christian Ministry. They say their vision for 2014 is “ to see students lives | 13

Special feature

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” transformed through the inspiration of God’s Word in order to increase Christ-Followers in the world. Our vision is drawn from 2 Timothy 2:2, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” The SPBC students are taught 90% of the books of the Bible and other subjects like; personal development, counselling, public speaking, and practical ministry. Students are taught by a range of lecturers including; scholars, experienced preachers and missionaries in a multi-cultural student body. International students have come from eighteen countries since the school opened in 1982. Students are directly impacted with the mind-set, motivation and skills to get involved in their home-town or country. They want every student to succeed spiritually and academically. While for the academics the Univerisity of Otago theology department offers a Theology degree which it says will ‘expand your mind and enrich your world.” And it looks at who is Jesus, what it means to be human. There are also post-graduate research options. The Theology distance programme places a high value on the interactions of students with their lecturers. They say there is no better learning experience than being in the classroom, so many distance papers include a face-to-face teaching day for students living in the main centres. Regular audio-conferences also allow students to engage with their class and with their lecturer. Teaching staff, who are all accomplished scholars in their own field, seek to enhance the student experience by being available and accessible. All this greatly reduces the isolation distance students can encounter in their learning, making their study a more connected and integrated experience.

Above: Faith Bible College main Prayer room


M Au on ck da lan y 2 da 1O nd ctob Ch er ris 7p tch m, ur ch

Integrate faith with professional training in teaching and counselling!


Laidlaw College, formerly Bible College of New Zealand, has campuses in Auckland and Christchurch with schools of: Theology, mission, ministry, education and counselling offering degrees, diplomas and certificates. As the country’s largest interdenominational Christian college it teaches more than 1,100 students. Their mission is to equip them to renew their communities with a faith, as intelligent, as it is courageous. And their vision is a world shaped by love, and compelled and informed by the gospel. Laidlaw College is committed to seeing students flourish academically, socially and through encounter with God and others, embracing and celebrating the cultural diversity of Aotearoa. In conclusion, these are only a few of the range of study options in New Zealand. Surfside Adventure College in Raglan is a unique option. Then there is your local church many of who are offering valuable courses such as; Cleansing Stream, Alpha and Promise Keepers. Our increasingly online world also means kiwis can study through international healing, prophetic and supernatural churches such as Randy Clarke and Bill Johnson. Keep growing in God and be blessed.

Laidlaw College offers professional degrees in teaching and counselling on campus in Auckland and Christchurch*. Biblical study and reflection are woven into the fabric of these unique degrees that develop highly relationally-skilled practitioners for work in counselling practices and primary school classrooms.

ENQUIRE NOW FOR 2014 *The teaching degree is only offered in Auckland.

greatest love story your

| |

14 | Christian Life Issue Five September 13




Parachute has announced the first lineup release for Parachute Festival 2014 this week, and it’s a mixture of fresh faces, national treasures and classic hits. The festival’s organisers have chosen a progressive and broad range of band’s for next year’s festival, including Kiwi icon Dave Dobbyn, charttopping Ohio metalcore crew The Devil Wears Prada and Grammy-nominated worship provocateurs Gungor, who will showcase their stunning multimedia live show to Sunday night. Jazz-infused party band NewWorldSon also return in 2014, boasting a new live lineup including Motown legends and the renowned Chops Horns. Christian punk pioneers MXPX will also headline the festival, along with Tennessee indie-rockers Paper Route, whose captivating live show has seen them tour with Passion Pit, Imagine Dragons and many more. The festival will also showcase the best local and Australian acts, including pop princess and X-Factor luminary Ruby Frost, NZ’s boy band sensation Titanium, R&B hitmaker Vince Harder, X-Factor favourites Moorhouse, Kiwi pop’s favourite son Massad and local metal barnstormers Saving Grace. Rounding out the first lineup release is former Ruff Ryder and Chinese hip-hop maven MC Jin and UK Grime chart-topper Guvna B. The full lineup can be found at The festival will be announcing more key artists in their second artist release on October 14th. As well as a cracker musical lineup, Parachute 2014 will boast an array of leading speakers and pop culture influencers. Author, lecturer, creative and pastor of Mosaic’s flagship Los Angeles community Erwin McManus will be bringing his unique perspective on culture and change at Parachute 2014. Author of nine books, most notably, 2005′s breakout book ‘The Barbarian Way’, which saw him named one of America’s 50 most influential Christians in 2007.

Also joining the speaker’s lineup is activist and Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey, the leader of an organisation which has made a name for itself with some of the most successful viral justice campaigns in history. 2006’s ‘Invisible Children’ film, depicting the human rights abuses by the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda has been seen by millions worldwide and sparked a youth movement around the globe. 2012’s unforgettable film ‘Kony 2012’ was voted ‘the most viral video ever‘ by Time Magazine. The resulting campaign from the film was a key contributor to the United States Senate’s decision to send troops to the African Union. Finally, pro-skater Christian Hosoi, once widely recognised as one of the greatest skaters of all time. A professional by thirteen, he went on to become an industry icon. After serving time in prison for drug trafficking, he devoted his life to Christianity. Since then, he has risen to prominence in the skateboarding world once again and was the subject of a fulllength documentary narrated by Dennis Hopper, ‘Rising Son’. Parachute 2014 also celebrates the return of a dedicated skatepark and an old favourite – the Massive Stage, dedicated to R&B, Hip-Hop and Urban music.

Erwin McManus

Dave Dobbyn



TICKETS: Student, family and layby options available. Sold in price tiers – currently in Tier Two: Child: $70 • Student: $107 • Adult: $128 • Family: $318 You can find the full lineup and information at

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3/05/13 |9:48 15AM

Programme Guide Sunday Sept 8 - Saturday Oct 12 SUNDAY 6:00



Living Truth: Charles Price


Days of Wonder


Unlocking the Bible


Precious Word of Truth


Creation’s Creatures


Auto B Good



Adventures from the Book



Buzz and Poppy


Connection Point



Life Questions


Bedbug Bible Gang


Bedbug Bible Gang

Esther & the King (11 Sep); The First Christmas (18 Sep); C Kingsley’s Meadow / C C Sugar Creek Gang Jovis Bon Hovis (17 Sep)• (25 Sep; 2 & 9 Oct)


Veggie Tales


Adventures from the Book


Creation’s Creatures


Auto B Good



Impact for Life


Word For You


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Running With Fire


Roots and Reflections


Precious Word of Truth


Give Me An Answer


Your Best Life



Living Truth: Charles Price


Turning Point: P Dr David Jeremiah Catalyst / Building D a Difference (11 Sep)•


Little Film Big Heart


Roots and Reflections



Word For You


Life Questions


Days of Wonder



Songs of Praise


Conversations in the Holy Land



Quick Study

D Hearts Wide Open D

Impact for Life


Little Film Big Heart


Precious Memories M

Conversations in the Holy Land


Hour of Power

In Touch: Charles Stanley



Living Truth: Charles Price


Running with Fire





Songs of Praise



Precious Memories M Turning Point: P Dr David Jeremiah


Christian World News


Word For You


Roots and Reflections


Precious Memories


Nzone Now

Give Me An Answer



Ultimate Choice


Life Questions


Adventures from the Book

Life fm Presents



Catalyst / Building D a Difference (10 Sep)• Conversations in the Holy Land


Creation’s Creatures


Ultimate Choice


More than Magic D

Auto B Good

Connection Point


Easter Experience / D Precious Memories M Gods at War (7 Oct)• Christian World News


See adjacent for detail.

Nzone Now



Word For You

Conversations in the Holy Land

Life fm Presents

Y 10:00 10:30

Conversations in the Holy Land

D 11:30

Connection Point


Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV


Nzone Focus

P Hearts Wide Open D Noon P

Kiwis Can Fly / Joni D 12:30 & Friends (28 Sep)•


Easter Experience / D 1:00 Gods at War (5 Oct)•


Jump Shipp / The D 1:30 Relate Show (5 Oct)•

N All Over the World D 2:00

D All Over the World D

Catalyst / Building D 2:30 a Difference (14 Sep)•

Esther & the King (11 Sep); The First Christmas (18 Sep); C C Sugar Creek Gang

Nzone Now

N 3:00

Little Film Big Heart

D 3:30

Kingsley’s Meadow / C Jovis Bon Hovis (20 Sep) •

Roots and Reflections

D 4:00


(25 Sep; 2 & 9 Oct)


Life fm Presents



Life Church: Paul Scanlon


Your Best Life: Phil Pringle


Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV

Kiwis Can Fly / Joni D 4:30 & Friends (28 Sep)• Love, Marriage & Stinking Thinking / D 5:00 Relate Show (21 Sep)• Give Me An Answer

D 5:30

P All Over the World D 6:00 P

Jump Shipp / Building D 6:30 a Difference (5 Oct)•


Easter Experience / D 7:00 Gods at War (5 Oct)•

Love, Marriage & N Stinking Thinking / D Nzone Now E Relate Show (12 Sep)• Give Me an Jump Shipp / The D D Answer Bible Series (4 Oct)•

N Nzone Focus Lakewood Church: P Joel Osteen Kiwis Can Fly / Joni N D & Friends (26 Sep)•

LIFE TV with Paul de Jong


Conversations in the Holy Land


P Preaching C Children M Music

D Doco/Drama

N News

16 | Christian Life Issue Five September 13




See adjacent for detail.





Answers with Bayless Conley



Running With Fire with Tak Bhana


American Bible Challenge






See adjacent for detail.


Love, Marriage & Stinking Thinking / D Relate Show (13 Sep)•

Catalyst / Building D a Difference (13 Sep) •

Easter Experience Jump Shipp / Little D D / Gods at War (3 Oct)• Film, Big Heart (4 Oct)•

E Entertainment

Y Youth

Hearts Wide Open D 9:00 Nzone Focus

N 9:30

Kiwis Can Fly / Joni D 10:00 & Friends (28 Sep)•

Love, Marriage & Stinking Thinking / D All Over the World D Roots and Reflections (12 Sep)• Give Me An Answer


Catalyst / Building D a Difference (13 Sep)•

Nzone Focus


Give Me An Answer


D 11:00


Little Film Big Heart


Ultimate Choice


Roots and Reflections


All Over the World D Hearts Wide Open D

C 7:30

Easter Experience / D Gods at War (4 Oct)•


Days of Wonder: Jarrod Cooper


Veggie Tales

Kiwis Can Fly / Joni D & Friends (27 Sep)•


All Over the World D Christian World News N P

C 7:00

(25 Sep; 2 & 9 Oct)


Little Film Big Heart

American Bible Challenge

Adventures from the Book

Esther & the King 8:00 (11 Sep); The First Christmas (18 Sep); C P Sugar Creek Gang 8:30

Hour of Power

The 700 Club (Mon - Fri) Little Film Big Heart

C 6:00

Kingsley’s Meadow / C Jovis Bon Hovis (20 Sep)•

Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon - Fri)

Kiwis Can Fly / D Joni & Friends (22 Sep)•

Auto B Good

Kingsley’s Meadow / P C 6:30 Jovis Bon Hovis (21 Sep)•

Life fm Presents

The 700 Club (Mon - Fri)


Hour of Power

Running With Fire

More than Magic

See adjacent for detail.


P LIFE: Paul de Jong P


(25 Sep; 2 & 9 Oct)






The Easter Experience D / Gods at War (1 Oct)•


Esther & the King (11 Sep); The First Christmas (18 Sep); C C Sugar Creek Gang

American Bible Challenge

Veggie Tales

Impact for Life




Bedbug Bible Gang


Kiwis Can Fly / Joni D & Friends (22 Sep)• Nzone Focus



Hearts Wide Open D



Little Film Big Heart

Conversations in the Holy Land Lakewood Church: P Joel Osteen Kiwis Can Fly / Joni D Hearts Wide Open D & Friends (26 Sep)• C Buzz and Poppy C Esther & the King Bedbug Bible Gang (11 Sep); The First Christmas (18 Sep); C Kingsley’s Meadow / C C Sugar Creek Gang Buzz and Poppy Jovis Bon Hovis (17 Sep)• (25 Sep; 2 & 9 Oct)

Auto B Good



Kiwis Can Fly / Joni D & Friends (24 Sep)•

Quick Study

The 700 Club (Mon - Fri)

Give Me An Answer



See adjacent for detail.

Kiwis Can Fly / Joni D & Friends (22 Sep)•


Life Church: Paul Scanlon

Buzz and Poppy

Hillsong TV

Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon - Fri)







Bayless Conley


Life Questions


D Unlocking the Bible P P




Derek Prince

Buzz and Poppy


Quick Study


In Touch: Charles Stanley




D 10:30

Give Me An Answer

D 11:00

Roots and Reflections

D 11:30

Nzone Focus

Details correct at time of printing

• Programme change from date shown




Sunday Sept 8 - Saturday Oct 12 Walk of Redemption (running time: 60 min) Former gang leader Mark Beckford works with youth to stem the tide of gang violence in his home of the Bahamas. Sun 8 Sept @ 12pm & 9.30pm

Love’s Christmas Journey (running time: 90 min) From the ‘Loves Comes Slowly Series’: Recently widowed Ellie visits her brother Aaron and his children for Christmas. When Aaron travels out of town to purchase land, the season’s festivities are threatened when he goes missing. Mon 23 Sept @ 8.30pm (Part 1) Mon 30 Sept @ 8.30pm (Part 2)

The Cross and the Towers (running time: 60 min) Sept 11, 2001: A day that will never be forgotten. Follow seven individuals who experienced the horror of the day, but found a symbol of hope beneath the rubble of Ground Zero. Fri 6 @ 9.30pm Sun 8 Sept @ 1pm & 10.30pm

One Night with the King (running time: 120 min) In capturing the attention of the King of Persia, a young Jewish girl must face an arch-enemy to save her people from annihilation. The Bible story of Esther brought to life. Fri 27 Sept @ 8.30pm Sun 29 Sept @ 12pm & 9.30pm

Return to the Secret Garden (running time: 60 min) Young Katherine travels to England to stay with her sickly cousin Margaret where she discovers an old diary that leads her on an adventure riddled with clues to a secret garden. Sat 7 Sept @ 7.30pm

Just in Time (running time: 90 min) Widower Michael Bedford takes refuge in his job while his daughter drives away a string of nannies. But everything changes with the introduction of Italian homegirl, Faith. Sat 28 Sept @ 7.30pm

Love’s Unending Legacy (running time: 90 min) From the ‘Loves Comes Slowly Series’: After family tragedy, Missie returns to her work. She adopts an orphan, Belinda, who implores her to rescue her brother who is suffering at the hands of his adoptive parents. Mon 9 Sept @ 8.30pm

The Bible Series (running time: 90 min) Dramatisation of Bible stories: Fri 4 Oct @ 8pm: Genesis Fri 11 Oct @ 8pm: Abraham

Deep in the Heart (running time: 120 min) An alcoholic man refocuses himself and starts a campaign to put kids through college via 4H and FFA scholarship donations. Guiding him spiritually is ‘The Bearded Man’. Fri 13 Sept @ 8.30pm Sun 15 Sept @ 12pm & 9.30pm

When Love is not Enough (running time: 90 min) Based on the true story of the enduring but troubled love between Lois & Bill Wilson, co-founders of Al-Anon and Alcoholics Anonymous. Starring Winona Ryder. Fri 4 Oct @ 9.30pm

In the Blink of An Eye (running time: 90 min) The perfect getaway suddenly becomes a nightmare for Detective David Ramsey. While aboard a private yacht on the shimmering Sea of Cortez, David’s wife and friends suddenly disappear. Sat 14 Sept @ 7.30pm

Hansie (running time: 120 min) The news of cricketer Hansie Cronje’s involvement with Indian bookmakers rocked the international sporting community. How do you start over once you’ve betrayed a nation’s trust? Sat 5 Oct @ 7.30pm Sun 6 Oct @ 12pm & 9.30pm

Love’s Unfolding Dream (running time: 90 min) From the ‘Loves Comes Slowly Series’: Belinda Tyler gets her chance in her career in medicine when she’s offered the position of physical therapist to a bitter and faithless elderly woman in desperate need of inspiration. Mon 16 Sept @ 8.30pm

More Than Meets the Eye (running time: 90 min) A teacher for the blind who loses her own sight must rebuild her life after a personal tragedy. Based on the true story of Joan Brock. Mon 7 Oct @ 8.30pm Fri 11 Oct @ 9.30pm

Facing the Giants (running time: 90 min) Football coach Grant Taylor has never had a winning season. Discovering a plot to get him fired, Coach Taylor is pushed into accepting an unexpected challenge. Fri 20 Sept @ 8.30pm Sun 22 Sept @ 12pm & 9.30pm

October Baby (running time: 120 min) A college freshman’s world is rocked when she learns that she is adopted and the survivor of an attempted abortion. Sat 12 Oct @ 7.30pm

The Theory of Everything (running time: 90 min) A man embarks on a journey to find his birth father, who himself is on a mission to complete his life’s work before a degenerative brain disease claims his ability to reason. Sat 21 Sept @ 7.30pm

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Classifieds... brought to you by My Christian Daily Jobs

POSITIONS VACANT Chef/cook full time position Adventure Camps (Carey Park) Henderson Valley. Auckland experience in banquet catering an advantage but all applicants considered


Contact Colin Yearsley operations manager 09 8370494 0274425409

The Chinese Alliance Christian Church ( is seeking to fill the role of Senior Pastor. The pre-requisites we are looking for include: 1.


2. 3.

Manna Healing Centre Trust situated just 10 minutes from New Plymouth at Oakura is seeking a married couple to participate in this growing ministry.

4. 5. 6.

These positions involve caring and ministering as part of a team providing a high staff to client ratio. An allowance plus accommodation and food is provided. This position would not suit a family with young children.

A minimum of 10 years of ordained pastoral experience Demonstration of a godly servant style leadership Visionary and able to work with leadership to create and execute a plan for the future Lead a multicultural Pastoral Staff Pastoral experience for immigrant church Inclusiveness and empathy for the unique needs of a multicultural congregation of 200+

Please email your CV along with 3 references to or post it to Penelope Yeung, Chinese Alliance Christian Church, 60 Ben Lomond Crescent, Pakuranga Heights, Auckland, 2010.

Is GOD calling YOU?

Please contact the managers Reg and Di on 06 7527620 or email

The Asia Pacific Discipleship Trust People International NZ and Interserve, Aotearoa, NZ present

All enquiries to: Pastor Phil Coates Ch: (04) 388 6535 Mob: 021 236 8139 1. Children & Families Pastor (20 hrs/week) This role would suit someone who is passionate about helping children grow to know Jesus and grow in spiritual gifts; excited about helping parents grow as spiritual caregivers; loves running children’s programs and family-oriented worship services; has some experience and/or qualifications in children’s ministry; and is filled with the Spirit & faith. This role would suit someone who is passionate about reaching out to the spiritually lost; enjoys leading Alpha and community outreach projects: naturally builds networks with people and links between the church and the community; and is filled with the Spirit and faith.

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18 | Christian Life Issue Five September 13


2. Community Pastor (15 hrs/week)

Neighbours’ Conference

Helping Our New Neighbours October 25-28th, 2013 Avalon Assembly of God Cnr of High and Daysh St, Lower Hutt, Wellington 5045 Email: for entry details or txt 027 276 6900 Please register by 20th October, 2013

EVENTS Because it is Time, You are Invited

Igniting Godzone!

Bible Story Telling

Discipling New Zealand for God’s Kingdom

Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples...” (Matthew 28:18-19).

A 3 day workshop to transform your ministry

Pastor Craig Munro from Auckland NZ

Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th October 2013

Jesus commanded us to Disciple people!

Hope Presbyterian 27 Amyes Road, Hornby Christchurch

“A Disciple is a learner, one who follows both the teaching and the teacher”, according to Dr. Jack Hayford. Vines describes Disciples as “imitators of their Teacher”. * Proven methods and materials with immediate, effective and confident commencement; * Refresh your discipling skills; * Be introduced to methods and materials that saw one church grow from 30 people to 25,000 in 5 years; * Another church grew from 400 to 4,700 in a few months...

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Where & When: Dunedin: Saturday 5th October Venue: Caversham Baptist Church Cnr Surrey & South Road, Dunedin Marton: Saturday 19th October Venue: Marton Elim Church Cnr High St. & Broadway, Marton Christchurch: Saturday 2nd Nov. Venue: Avonhead Baptist Church 102 Avonhead Road, Christchurch Wellington: Saturday 16th Nov. Venue: Maungaraki Baptist Church 164 Dowse Drive, Lower Hutt

Also 2014: Hamilton: 15th Feb., Hastings: 1st March, Auckland: 15th March, & Whangarei: 29th March PO Box 36-044, Wellington Mail Centre 5045 Phone: 04-939-1910 Fax: 04-939-1911 Email: Further details on “Events” page of:

For cost and details contact Leanne at: Hope Presbyterian Church, Ph 03-349 9446 Email:

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