Buy Australian Magazine October Issue

Page 64


ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS WE DO WHEN SPRING ARRIVES IS TO GET INTO THE GARDEN AND START PLANTING, THIS OFTEN MEANS WEED SPRAY, SNAIL PELLETS AND TOXIC PLANTS. Both dogs and cats eat grass, obviously products designed to kills weeds and snails is not going to be good for your pet if eaten. Sprays can be more problematic as pets can run through sprayed areas then transfer chemicals onto their eyes and mouths through their grooming or playing. Always enclose a sprayed area for 24 hours so the pets can’t get in. Also ensure pets cant get to snail pellets- some Pet’s find these tasty treats. Flowers like Daffodils and Lilies are also toxic for pets if eaten. Ivy, man and pet’s worse nightmare, some ivy’s cause a nasty rash or bring on hives, so if you have ivy keep it high and out of range of dogs, or better still somewhere your pets don’t go. If trimming ivy be careful not to lump it on the lawn for removal later, you might be covered up in overalls but your pets is not, and they are naturally curious and we get into it. Snakes, if you have a reasonably large property or go for walks in bushy areas chances are there will be snakes, and like you they are thinking ahh, Spring let’s get out and enjoy the sun. Snakes, if you have a reasonably large property or go for walks in bushy areas chances are there will be snakes, and like you they are thinking ahh, Spring let’s get out and enjoy the sun. PAG E 6 4

There is not much you can do about snakes, especially if you can’t see them, so if you dog is suddenly barking at something in the garden call the dog back and do you best to see if there is anything there before letting then back to that area. If your pets is looking a bit green in the gills (unwell) lethargic, vomiting and you are perplexed as to why, it could be a snake bite. Check all legs and underbelly for tell-tale signs of a bite and get straight to the vet if you find a bite. If you do not see a bite that does not mean there is not a bite, but it does make it harder to know what to do, so if a cause is not clear, see the vet. Antihistamine, these are commonly taken by hay fever sufferers, and as they are available over the counter you may think these are pretty harmless, I can leave these lying around in a convenient place for when I need them later. If a pet eats one of these the will get sick, vomit, tremble or similar, if they eat a few they could die. Keep your medication out of reach of your pet. Spring is also mating season, so younger pets that have not been spade may get some extra attention if left along to socialise. You want to enjoy Spring and Summer outdoors with your pet so it always a good idea to invest some time into training so you can go to parks where other people and dogs congregate without having to spend the entire time restraining the pet- that’s not fun for you or them.

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