Critical Essay Thesis Statement

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1.What are the elements of a thesis?

There are many elements of a thesis. They are as followed: A thesis in generally stated in one sentence. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55) This allows the statement to be the core of the paper and clearly states your point of view. (Connelly &Mark, 2011, pg. 55) This is also a critical in your prewriting process, it helps you move from a list or cluster of ideas to a specific paper. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55) Writingthis sentence can focus your ideas and direct your writing, even if you fail to actually have your thesis appear in your final paper. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55)

A thesis also expresses an opinion, not a topic. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55) I say this because a thesis statement does not announce a subject like a topic but actually expresses your viewpoint. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55) In other words it one sentence that doesn't discuss a topic but an opinion.

They focus the topic. "Part of the job of a thesis statement is to direct the paper, limiting the scope of thewriter's area of concentration". (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 55)

"They indicate the kind of support to follow." (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pg. 56) Since a thesis is more like your opinions, they require proof. (Connelly & Mark, 2011, pgs.56) You need to indicate a clear cause–and– more content... America doesn't follow the second paragraph of the United States Declaration of Independence which states: "We hold these Truths to be self–evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness–....". If we still can't even follow what has been written in our Declaration that has been so call our values, then how will we ever get rid of racism and the effects of

Thesis Elements
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The Critical Race Theory Essay example


We live in a society where race is seen as a vital part of our personalities, the lack of racial identity is very often an important factor which prevent people from not having their own identity (Omi & Winant, 1993). Racism is extemely ingrained in our society and it seems ordinary (Delgado & Stefanic, 2000), however, many people denounce the expression of any racist belief as immoral (Miles & Brown, 2003) highlighting the complicated nature of racism. Critical Race Theory tries to shed light on the issue of racism claiming that racism is ingrained in our society both in legal, cultural, and psychological aspects of social life (Tate, 1997). This essay provides us the opportunity to explore this theory and its more content...

Critical Race Theory (CRT) claims that racism is quite usual in social life and white superiority is extremely ingrained in educational, legal, and political structures which is often unrecognizable (Taylor, 2009). According to Delgado and Stefanic (2000):

''CRT begins with an a number of basic insticts. One is that racism is normal, not abberrant, in American society. Because racism is an ingrained feature of our landscape, it looks ordinary and natural to persons in the culture. Formal equal opportunity – rules and laws that insist on treating blacks and whites (for example) alike – can thus remedy only the more extreme and shocking forms of injustice, the ones that do stand out. It can do little about the business–as–usual forms of racism that people of color confront every day and that account for much misery, alienation, and despair'' (Delgado & Stefanic, 2000: xvi).

Although, this theory began as a part of law sciences, nowadays, there is a great interest of CRT in the field of education, helping people to understand some forms of discrimination which face the non–white people in education (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). Moreover, embraces a lot of academic fields such as history, political science, anthropology etc (Delgado & Stefanic, 2001). CRT main purpose is not only to understand the social structures that promote inequalities but to eliminate them, it is clear that CRT targets on

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Duck, S. & McMahan, D. (2012). The Basics of Communication: A Relational Perspective (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

TITLE OF SPEECH: Global warming is real

Name: Khalil Tabja

Specific Purpose Statement: What is global warming and how does it happen

Thesis Statement: Is global warming real Introduction

1.Attention– Getting Device: Gain the attention of the audience

In the past 1,300 years, the earth has not experienced such a warming trend as we are having now

2. Purpose and Thesis: Inform the audience of the purpose of your speech and state your thesis

My purpose of this speech is to mention how global warming occurs and what is it exactly. For my thesis statement: is global warming real? III. Credibility and Relational Connection: Explain why more content...

Wrap–Up Signal: Signal the beginning of the conclusion Though this was only a glimpse at the mountains of evidence pointing to the fact of global warming, it is difficult to dismiss. Restatement of Thesis: Restate your thesis

Everyone should know that global warming is real and it is happening to our planet III. Summary of Main Points: Provide the audience with a complete summary of your main points

From frozen bodies of water melting more rapidly, to water levels rising and having more acidity, to global temperatures rising to increasingly

common events of extreme heat, global warming is showing its signs in a variety ways.

1. Audience Motivation: Encourage the audience to incorporate the material you have provided into their lives or to behave/think in a certain manner

Be aware of global warming and what it is so we all can learn ways how to prevent our earth from being destroyed.

1.Relational Reinforcement:

Thesis Statement On Global Warming Is Real

Reinforce the relationship between the audience and the material and between the audience and yourself

We all emit CO2 into our atmosphere and we should take action on how we can stop doing Get more content

When writing this paper I started off by deciding what two things I wanted to compare and contrast, and then wrote my thesis statement. After writing my thesis statement I went into detail and explained everything I included in my thesis statement.

2. It took me 3 days to write this paper from pre–writing to doing the final editing.

3. I did most of my writing at night because I had a hard time concentrating during the day and found that I am able to concentrate more during the night.

4 I did my writing in my room and the editing at school.

5. I am satisfied with the topic I choose because I was able to really think deeply on how humans and monkeys are both similar and different.

6. The greatest challenge I faced in writing this paper

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My Thesis Statement Of My Writing

Critical Analysis

First Draft

In his story "Me Talk Pretty One Day," David Sedaris (1999) tells of returning to school at a late age, enduring harsh criticism from his instructor, and adapting to a new culture. Not willing to give up, he used the way he was treated as a fuel to keep himself going. This is an inspiring story of turning weakness into strength, as the author pursues his dreams despite the hurdles of age, personality conflicts, and learning a new language.

Sedaris (1999) uses humor to describe a time where he set off to learn a new language, and quickly found that he was in over his head. As an older learner, he came to this place in life with not only experience, but also insecurities. He realized after his first class more content... Their seemingly fluent abilities in the French language, and their youth, brought up insecurities and began to eat away at his self confidence. In addition, many had previously attended this school together and had already established relationships. These things were starting to erode his self–esteem, and he was again reminded of his age. At 41 years of age, one would think he had it all together, but for him this was not the case. Although he had spent a month taking a French class the previous year, and had traveled to Northern France, he started to become humbled by how much he did not know (Sedaris, 1999). He started to feel pressure even before he met his instructor for the first time. David's instructor was intimidating, rude, and somewhat abusive, but despite these things he used her behavior as a motivator to succeed. David was not about to give up and he: "refused to stand convicted on the teacher's charge of laziness," and due to that, he studied for 4 or more hours every night because he was determined to stand out (Sedaris, 1999). David clearly had a reaction to his teacher's approach, which created a sense of urgency and a need to excel. His choice to persevere, despite her attitude, caused him to work hard, and he was once again able to use humor to get through by adding jokes to his responses to her quizzes. This whole experience shaped him into a better person and made him Get more content

Critical Thinking Argument Analysis

We've recently been constructing and familiarize with critical thinking. As well as being able to identify a strong argument, both inductive and deductive. We've explored the basis of critical thinking, and studied precisely how to analyze text. Noted as reading against the grain, we define critical thinking as. These previous 2 weeks we have also completed activities that test out critical thinking skills. Including comparing the content of articles, and creating a list to use during any critical thinking piece. Personally prior to these lectures and practices of critical thinking, I've always viewed it as simply annotating and giving your commentary on content. Internalizing critical thinking and applying it to various pieces of content,

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Indeed, there are lots of experiences that I learned throughout the whole process. From the first one which is introduction, until to the final draft. Confusion, depression, and insecure are always there when I submitted each of the assignments. I am so scared not to get my desire score, and it makes me feel really sick. I always tried my best for the past assignments, so that I could satisfy my desire score. Moreover, there are two things that are vitals toward my essay. Clear thesis statements and answer the question correctly are the most two things that I am lack at. For thesis statement, I do consume a lot of time to produce the thesis, and it has been an extremely hard job for me. The second one, I am a type person that is really careless.

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Clear Thesis Statement

Cyber Security Breach : Thesis Statement

Wu Ka Ho – g4wukaho – L1 BA1200

Topic: scenario #3– Cyber Security Breach

Thesis statement: In an incredibly interconnected world we all shared today, it is not unusual to hear daily reports about aggressive cyber attacks on private and public sectors, which often results in compromisation of personal information affecting lives of many at varying degrees; and in some cases, the stolen information endangered the safety of countless otherwise innocent individuals. On top of privacy infringement, exploitation of intellectual properties occasionally deals a disastrous blow to the financial status and competitiveness of targeted companies, giving the offenders valuable insights to leverage their wrongful intention. Nevertheless, the most detrimental form of attack are the ones directed at corporations responsible for maintaining critical infrastructures of a country such as power grid, nuclear facility, and public transportation. Any one of these infrastructures going under siege would create inconsiderable economical and existential crisis threatening the country's stability, welfare, and future.

In order to deal with ever encroaching threats at private, public and domestic levels, companies must disclose cyber breaches to the public at appropriate time, despite issues like shareholder lawsuit, embarrassment, and further future attacks. By promoting transparency on cyber securities, we educate the public about safety measures on sharing private information, emphasize Get

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Critical Thinking Thesis

Working Thesis: Access to technology improves humanity's critical thinking skills and fosters intelligence globally.

Paul, Richard and Linda Elder. The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools.

Dillon Beach, Foundation for Critical Thinking Press, 2009. Print.

This guide illuminates upon the act of critical thinking. The text aims to develop the reader's reasoning and standards of thought development through questioning and wielding a systematic approach to concepts, topics, and areas of life. It provides a clear definition of the process of understanding that my thesis touches upon in relation to technology's benefits toward logical, strategic analysis, and evaluation (critical thinking).


John. 1996–2016, Edge Foundation, more content...

By curating multifarious products and articles revolving around my topic's standpoint, including an article highlighting technology's role in building critical thinking skills, this source

demonstrates the vast quantity of evidence in support of my thesis statement.

Lock, Jennifer

V. "Designing Learning to Engage Students in the Global Classroom."

Technology, Pedagogy and Education, vol. 24, no. 2, 2015, pp. 137–153. Taylor & Francis Online, Web. Accessed 06 July 2016.

Lock's article places classrooms into the realm of ubiquity. She details structures and strategies to furnish a global classroom with engaging collaboration through the use of modern technology. The ever–evolving present environment of the world would be navigated with the inquiry–based learning methods gained through her cumulative network of ever–changing educational stratagems. Her concept of the global, digital classroom built on inquiry–based education supports my viewpoint of technology as a globalized vessel for the development of critical thinking skills and knowledge as a

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Writing the Research Paper Handbook and Style Guide English teachers from both Cranston High School East and Cranston High School West prepared this booklet for students learning the fundamentals of research paper writing. Much of the material was gleaned from sources listed on the acknowledgements page. The information chosen is considered suitable to fulfill the instructional needs of the teachers and to facilitate practical use by the students. 1. Topic Selection Topic selection will vary with the teacher or the course. If you are given a choice of topic, consider the following questions before choosing: a.Is the subject you are considering significant/relevant to the assignment? b.Does the subject interest you? more content...

Thesis: Solving our environmental problems is more difficult than many environmentalists believe. A thesis statement is the main idea, not the title. It must be a complete sentence that explains in some detail about what you expect to write. Title: Social Security and Old Age Thesis: Continuing changes in the Social Security System make it almost impossible to plan intelligently for one 's retirement. A thesis statement is narrow, rather than broad, so that it can be fully supported. Broad: The American steel industry has many problems. Narrow: The primary problem of the American steel industry is the lack of funds to renovate outdated plants and equipment. A thesis statement is specific rather than vague or general. Vague: Hemingway 's war stories are very good. Specific: Hemingway 's stories helped create a new prose style by employing extensive dialogue, shorter sentences, and strong language. A thesis statement has one main point rather than several main points. More than one point may be too difficult for the reader to understand and the writer to support. More than one main point: Stephen Hawking 's physical disability has not prevented him from becoming a world–renowned physicist, and his book is the subject of a movie. One main point: Stephen Hawking 's physical disability has not prevented him from becoming a world–renowned

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How to Write a Research Paper

I have been an international student at California State University Easy Bay (CSUEB) for almost four years, and during the stay I have learned far more than I expected. I came to CSUEB already deciding to be a financial analyst in the future. However, I realized that I have to meet the University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) before graduation. With only four years of studying in English, I have many problems in English writing. After failing the Writing Skills Test, I took an English writing class, which has taught me how to write logically and proficiently. Thus, I should pass this class and satisfy the UWSR because my collection of essays in the portfolio shows that I made a great improvement in thesis statements composition, development of ideas, and organization.

To begin with, I have improved tremendously on writing a thesis statement. The thesis statement can be the most significant sentence in an essay. In my past, I always composed an unclear and unsupported thesis failing to present my augment to the readers. With the help of a tutor, I learned that an effective thesis should have a clear position supported by reasons. I revised the thesis of out of class essay 2 many times to ensure it can present my position clearly and specifically on the issue more content...

It is an inseparable part of an English essay. I was confused about how to find evidence to support my claim. After taking this class, I understood that an idea can be developed through providing sufficient and convincing credible sources, personal examples, and reasons. Take out of class essay 1 as an example. When developing my idea of the positive sides of a college degree, I provided data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, personal work experience, and a credible article for the New Yorker Magazine to explain and support my claim. Hence, I believe that I made an incredible progress on the development of

Thesis Statement
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Let's review how this response could be improved and see if your edits match.

In the first paragraph, there are two small errors: The thesis statement is good, but attention to detail is key in an extended response. The first sentence is incomplete: "President Lyndon Johnson makes a clear argument that while giving money to the poor is not an effective solution to the enduring problem of poverty." It should be joined to the second sentence: "President Lyndon Johnson makes a clear argument that while giving money to the poor is not an effective solution to the enduring problem of poverty, the poor can be trapped in a cycle of poverty and the government should do what it can to break that cycle and give the poor better opportunities


Thesis Statement Analysis

I picked the technology in education as my topic for final essay. I wrote about this topic for my first essay, and I was really interested in this topic. Since I am major in electrical engineering, I have a lot of opinions on this points. The writing process for the finial essay didn't go as well as I expected. I had a hard time to build up the thesis statement for my paper at the beginning of my writing. I was trying to make my thesis statement as clear as possible. During the editing of my statement, I discovered all the sources that I found could not really support it. However, I learned a lot about thesis statement from this problem. I discover that finding the correct sources is really important and thesis statement can be changed because of these sources. After figuring out the more content...

The critical thinking was the best part throughout my writing process. By reading all the new sources that I found, I actually had a lot thoughts and opinions. Luckily, the information from these sources can completely support my viewpoints on this topic. For my future wring, I think I will spend more time on rewording my sentences. The structures of the sentences in my finial paper was quite simple. I always afraid of using new structure because I do not want to make any grammar mistakes or confuse the readers with this. The other part I think I should improve for my future writing is my vocabulary. Actually, I learned a lot of new words from reading the materials. I believe that reading can help me a lot. After wring the finial paper, I learned more about technological education. I realized the importance of integrating technology in education because it could benefit both students and teachers. Since it is connected with my major, I want to invent some technology that can help education after graduating from university. By working on the final paper, I also realized a lot of improvements in my writing Get more content

Thesis Statement Analysis

This semester has gone by quickly and within this short time, I have already learned much more than I did before. It is now time to write a Portfolio Essay, an essay detailing what I learned and how I have improved my writing skills in English 102. This semester I wrote four essays: Informative Report, Academic Argument, Academic Analysis, and Proposal. With eachessay, I displayed my strengths and weaknesses and improved them through teaching, drafting, and revising. This Portfolio Essay will reflect on the growth my writing and I have undergone through this semester, as well as areas I could still use improvement on, by reviewing my own work. The first essay I wrote this semester was the Informative Report, which is also the one I scored lowest on. When revising this essay, the first thing I notice is how small the introduction was–it was three sentences. It could be more in–depth and informative of what the essay was going to be about. Throughout the essay, there are many instances where an agenda was pushed, rather than actually informing the audience. One instance of this is when I was discussing a few music genres and said, "These are arguably the most influential genres as well" (Skipper 1–2). This is the complete opposite of the point of the essay. There should have been a larger focus on informing the reader of the research. I used orphan quotes, quotes that are just dropped in the essay without leading into it. The quotes went well with what was being said, but

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You can begin to formulate a good thesis statement only after you have got a solid grasp of the purpose of the assignment. If you're asked to write a paper in response to a specific assignment question, then your first task is make sure that you clearly understand the academic writing task. Determine which of the following critical thinking skills you are primarily being asked to apply to your object(s) of study: analysis comparison evaluation argumentation interpretation reflection

Your thesis statement, then, should take a form that reflects the goal of the writing task.


Remember that a tentative thesis statement is not something set in stone; rather, it is something meant to help you focus your analysis and research so that the writing task becomes manageable. You should not attempt to start collecting and analyzing evidence until you have an idea of the main argument you would like make in your paper. Generating the thesis statement, then, can be thought of as a recursive process. In the early stages of planning and writing, the tentative thesis helps you focus on the evidence in a certain way, but as you get further along in the writing process the analysis of evidence should also help you clarify the thesis statement (Rosenwasser et al. 132). The writers of Writing Analytically recommend that you ask yourself the following questions as you go through the process of generating a main claim for your essay:

What kinds of patterns or implications emerge when I look closely at my evidence?

Thesis Statement

What kind of evidence and support do I need to support my tentative thesis? What kind of evidence cannot be adequately accounted for by my tentative thesis? How can I explain the mismatches between my thesis statement and my selected evidence?

How can I rewrite my thesis statement in order to accommodate the evidence that doesn't fit?

This practice of constantly readjusting the thesis statement to match the evidence and analysis will ultimately lead you to write a polished and defensible thesis statement in your final

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Hey Sonia, I do agree with your point of view of being self–disclosed with your husband. He is someone with whom you should be transparent, but I do believe that it always depend on who the other person is. For instance, if the other person is someone you just met and he or she starts being self–disclosed, you should evaluate the situation before being reciprocal. As I stated, it is important to analyze to whom you will

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Analyze This Statement Analysis

Thesis Statement For Criminal Murder

Running Head/Penny Andrews1

Penny J. Andrews (Andrews–Mintz), pse Leslie Slone, professor of Criminology IVY TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE

Penny Andrews


March 01, 2017

IntroductionCriminal Murder, and Their Crimes

VIRTUAL SOCIAL TENDENCIES: (Thesis Statement) Obscured in mythological teachings; the virtue of independencies, dependent upon a lethargy of reality. With certain social awareness attitudes as stated in strategy depicted by Gales Theory. The anti–social has become socially aware and assured, astride, in only the anti–social becoming's of thought, word, and deed more content... These are usually associated with the criminal mind of a challenged person. There is equal justice within a killer's mind's eye; they have become elated with the idea of being in control. When partial frequency of obtainable thought enters in here, or a pattern of equal justice, this gives way to equal lattice of the debilitative rehabilitation as it did for Albert Fish,William Bonin, and Vernon Butts. Moniker known with Albert Fish; known for hurting himself while killing others and alcoholism. William Bonin known for being an alcoholic and child molester, as well Bonin, who was on parole; when many of the youths were slain, was called 'the most arch–evil person who ever existed' and more dangerous than mass–murderer Charles Manson, by Deputy District Attorney Aaron Stovitz. Vernon Butts, is ... or his moniker is for strangulation and torture sex–slayings. Killing young men with a t–shirt a mastermind of and their thoughts known as to what a psychotic killer would have done otherwise known as the Freeway Killer. Justice allows that there is solidity with challenges to move forward, as Frederick Wertham became the advocate for the mentally ill his account became very valuable. Wertham believed there was nothing mysterious or irrational driving criminals; social and environmental factors were chiefly

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Thesis Statement For The Great Gatsby

Thesis Statement: Throughout the narrative, Scott Fitzgerald uses symbols such as the Valley of Ashes, the green light and the eyes of TJ Eckleburg to indicate how greed, materialism and the loss of moral values in society contributed to the unattainability and corruption of the American Dream. Paragraph 1: The Valley of Ashes. Topic Sentence: The Valley of Ashes symbolises the consequences and corruption of materialism in America. Supporting sentences: Its occupants represents those confined in their pursuit of the American Dream meanwhile the rich enjoy their wealth and success in East and West Egg. In reality, the valley of ashes is described as a grey, desolate and filthy motor road, lodged between West Egg and the rest of New York. more content...

The green colour represents Gatsby's obsession over Daisy, who embodies his TAD as well as his devotion to love. He makes it his life goal to become prosperous and wealthy so he can impress Daisy's expensive needs and in turn win or buy back her affection. All throughout the story, he gets involved with bootlegging, crime and extravagant parties hoping Daisy will take notice. Gatsby dream eventually comes to a halt when Daisy runs over and kills Myrtle with his car and Gatsby is left to take responsibility. The green colour of the light is replaced with corruption, as Fitzgerald compares it to "a fresh, green breast of the new world" ( pg

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Thesis Statements For Research Paper

Today the opening words of the Gospel are: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites!" Once again Jesus does not mince any words with these supposed religious leaders. And even though the Pharisees "tithed" and "kept the law" as they were required to do, Jesus soundly criticizes these pious men for neglecting the essential and important aspects of the law: judgment, mercy and fidelity. He scathingly calls the scribes and Pharisees "blind guides" who "strain out the gnat and swallow the camel". These words were a powerful and public denouncement of the scribes and Pharisees.

However, we may be able to identify with the scribes and Pharisees. It often is easier to live out the letter of the law" of God rather than to delve deeper into the call we receive from Jesus. Jesus desires that we be wholehearted and loving in all our actions. Yes, we may automatically judge others; however, will we choose to be merciful and understanding with them? Are we faithful to what we profess? Or do we choose which "the part" of the law we will observe? And does our understanding of the law include compassion and love? more content... Do I simply live the letter of the law? Or do I strive to live the law from a compassionate and loving stance? The letter of the law is cleaner and simpler; however, we are "messy" human beings and at times much more is needed than the letter of the law. The most important law is the "law" of love. This is the law Jesus exemplified throughout his life. Today will we choose to follow in his

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You have a clear thesis statement and I like how your essay is a very fluent paragraph by paragraph. You have a lot of good ideas, but you need to expand them more in order to show the readers what you want them to know. It a very informative essay, you did give a lot information about student worries about having their major undecided before they came to college and some ways that can help those students out. But I still has some suggestion wants to share with you. For the introduction paragraph one, you talked about undeclared students become worried and anxious, then you then you use Schmidt's article to prove your idea, but after that you again said about that is the example of students become worried and anxious. I think it is creating

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A Good Thesis Statement For Thesis

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