1 minute read

Manaus Hot City


national competition 6


Manaus Hot City de Rafael Ramos. 13min. Ficção. AM. 2020

Manaus Hot City by Rafael Ramos. 13min. Fiction. AM. 2020

Dois amigos se encontram para comer um bodó. A conversa entre eles percorre as cores e os cheiros das casas, cozinha no pavimento, no calor da cidade. Alguém fica e alguém parte.

Two friends meet to eat a bodó fish. The talk between them goes through the colors and smells of the houses, cooks on the pavement, in the heat of the city. Someone stays and someone leaves.

Rafael Ramos

Rafael Ramos é formado em cinema pela Academia Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo (AIC) e trabalha como diretor e roteirista. Dirigiu curtas metragens, entre eles, “A garota com o guarda-chuva” (2014), “Aquela estrada” (2016) e “Maneiras de voltar para casa” (2017)

Rafael Ramos has a degree in Cinema from the International Cinema Academy of São Paulo (AIC) and serves as a director and screenwriter. He has directed short films, among them, “The girl with the umbrella” (2014), “THAT ROAD” (2016) and “Ways to comeback home” (2017).