Curacao Business Magazine | 2017, Edition 4

Page 32

The Power of Knowing

We’ve all heard the adage ‘Knowledge is Power’, and researchers and strategists are often brought in to help companies know and understand their customers better. Traditional research tools, such as customer satisfaction surveys and focus groups, are surefire ways to get a better grasp of who your customers are and their perception of your company. But with economies all over the world relying and thriving more and more on “Solopreneurs” and small businesses, that might not have the luxury of hiring consultants or research companies to give them insight into the minds of their consumers, how can we still ensure that we cater to the right customers in the best possible way? TEXT BY MARUJA BOGAARD

The truth is that there are some simple steps that are readily available regardless of the size of business, or budget; stronger yet, these simple steps are of the utmost importance for businesses of all sizes and budgets! The power of knowledge doesn’t only come from knowing the customer, but first and foremost it comes from knowing what you as an entrepreneur, a



small business, or business of any size have to offer the customer.

• The Job-to-be-done

Very often companies think about their products or services first, and then think about the customers who will be using them. But in a connected world where there is no shortage of

| NUMBER 4 | 2017

offerings, and it’s almost impossible to stand out from the crowd, we need to think about what is the job, the customer wants to hire us (our products/our service), for which we have been hired. What we offer, in one way or another, should ease their pain, save them time, or solve their problem. In essence, we want to be able to turn a frown into a smile –

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