July Funding Gazette from Cumbria Youth Alliance

Page 14

The Paul Hamlyn Foundation (PHF) supports organisations to explore opportunities and address challenges in the area of migration and integration. Funding is offered to organisations that contribute to one of the following aims:  Staying safe– ensuring that young people who have migrated can address the significant barriers that affect their ability to thrive.  Living well together– supporting work which helps communities experiencing migration become stronger and more connected.  Each year, up to 20 ‘More and Better’ grants are offered to Charities, community organisations, social enterprises and not-for-profit companies. These are longer-term, larger grants to help develop and embed established activities for organisations with a strong track record of achievement. PHF will invest in the organisational development and capacity of organisations, enabling them to, for example:  Sustain and develop excellent work with communities that has the potential for wider application or impact  Develop and sustain specialist support to young people who have migrated in greatest need and which can influence the work of others (other support providers or policy makers)  Explore, capture and communicate the distinct experiences of (particularly young) people who migrate or communities, and share this with others (for example, policy makers, commissioners, service providers)  Contribute to policies and processes that support (particularly young) people who migrate or communities effectively, address their needs, and build on their assets  Contribute new thinking and strategies to the debate about migration and integration It is expected that most grants will be in the range of £100,000 – £300,000 for up to four years work. Larger grants will be considered on an exceptional basis and usually by invitation. Grants can cover any or all of the costs of the proposed activity (up to the maximum grant level for the fund). It is expected that a proportion of the funding will support organisational development priorities to strengthen and grow the impact of the organisation this will include improved evaluation and learning. Up to 20 per cent of the grant may be allocated as a contribution to organisational running costs. There are no application deadline and applications can be submitted at any time. https://www.phf.org.uk/funds/shared-ground-fund/#more-a


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