CultureHUB Magazine - Issue 8

Page 34

MARION JORDAN 'd never interviewed a vocalist before and knowing that Marion Jordan sings folk, jazz, classical and sacred, I wondered if her responses would be full-scaled and melodic. Her opening lines conveyed to the waiter that she desired porridge. Porridge? I would never consider ordering porridge in public; not that I'm against breakfast outside of the home, but, for me, it should be a fry, a stack of pancakes or at least a bagel. I searched for an explanation and assume that because Marion is the youngest of eight children, she probably was left scraping the pot for oaten scraps, so having a cereal cooked and served constituted a luxury. I ordered a mini-fry and the conversation commenced. Marion is exuberant and replies to questions joyfully, conveying her love of her craft or I should say crafts as she typifies an eclectic approach to art and life. Her music career was launched at age 17 in Larry's Piano Bar when she realised two important things. First, she could sing better than the vocalists who had been performing there, and second, she would be paid more for singing than waiting Larry's tables, and they would even buy her a new dress to do so. Marion became one of the star guests at Larry's for years until she went off to Dundee to study architecture, and even then, she would return for Christmas holidays and other non-term time performances.


Kyron Bourke was playing the piano back then and Marion still sings to his fine accompaniment. Marion sings and sings; indeed, it seems that she has sung with most of the population. At present, she is the lead vocalist with the Mardi Gras Band (who 'vintage up' tunes from the 70's and 80's) and with Deeply Armed, an intriguing mad mix of rock and techno. She sings with the Swing Gals and with Swingabella. Marion has sung with Ronnie Greer, Nicky Scott, Brian Connors, Foggy Little, Scott Flanagan and even Boy George and Culture Club in Abbey Road Studios, after her over-the-telephone audition had them sold on her silky voice.

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