Culture Guide March 2013

Page 82

放眼小城 City Lights

日期/ Date: 22/03

时间/Time: 19:45

The Beach Boys 地点:澳门威尼斯人剧场 Venue: Venetian Theatre, Cotai 门票:澳门币 600/ 400/ 200 Price: MOP 600/ 400/ 200 贵为美国首席乐团及最具传奇色彩 与影响力的美国殿堂级摇滚乐团 The Beach Boys,将首度假临威尼 斯人剧场演出。乐团在1988年列入 美国摇滚名人殿堂,并於2001年获 颁葛莱美终身成就奖。乐团在1963 年发行的专辑《Pet Sounds》名列 滚石杂志2012年版「史上最伟大的 500张专辑名单」中高居亚军。The Beach Boys,绝对堪称为史上最伟 大的美国乐团。 The Beach Boys, a band famous for their sonic embodiment of the California lifestyle, have sold over 100 million records worldwide, and receieved more than 33 RIAA Platinum and Gold record awards. They were honored at the 2001 Grammy Awards, receiving The Lifetime Achievement Award from the Recording Academy. The Beach Boys mark more than a half-century of music creation and continue to ride the crest of a wave unequalled in America’s musical history. They are coming to the Venetian Macau to make your night.

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三 月 │ March ■ 2013

肥妈 + Summer 劲歌贺岁 演唱会 Maria Cordero and Danny Summer, New Year Concert 地点:澳门威尼斯人剧场 Venue: Venetian Theatre, Cotai 门票:澳门币 580/ 380/ 180 Price: MOP 580/ 380/ 180 有「香港摇滚之父」之称的夏韶 声将联同凭着声线嘹亮着称的肥 妈Maria Cordero假威尼斯人剧场 演出,务必与本地居民及旅客一同 欢渡新春佳节。夏韶声於历年推出 了不少街知巷闻的经典歌曲,在这 次的演唱会上亦会带来多首摇滚金 曲及多首耳熟能详作品,如“大 国崛起”丶“交叉点”丶“童年 时” 等,让观众重拾那久别重逢的 音乐浪漫。另外,肥妈亦将会大开 金口献唱多首经典金曲及贺岁歌, 包括“友谊之光”丶“万水千山总 是情”丶“爱情陷阱”和” 南屏 晚钟”等,与观众一起寻回共同回 忆。

日期/ Date: 02/03

时间/Time: 19:45

Danny Summer and Maria Cordero bring their powerful signature voices to Macau for an exclusive concert-style celebration of Chinese New Year! Danny Summer is a rock singer, songwriter, and guitarist from Hong Kong whose popularity stretches back to the 1980s. Maria’s career also began in the mid 80’s and her powerful, versatile and original vocal style quickly brought the attention and admiration of the local music industry. On the 22nd, they will perform their individual hit songs and collaborate as a duo for a memorable evening.

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