Culture Guide April 2013

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ISSN 2306-6776

Nº3 四月 │ APRIL │ 2013

免费 │ FREE

澳门泼水节 Get Wet!

Macau's Water Festival

Tasty Travel


在澳门可以品尝到的二十种特色美食 Around Macau in 20 Dishes


儿童橄榄球 Rough and Tumble

Kid's Rugby

最佳精品画廊 Best Galleries


EDITORIAL LIST 出版社 Publisher Macau Plus, Ltd 多加澳有限公司


主编 Editor-in-chief Kelsey Wilhelm

Filipe Santos CEO

中文编辑 Chinese Editor Cecília Lin 林思思

Oscar Marques

编辑团队 Editorial Team Abbi Mitchell-Morley 李美欣 Kitty Lee 欧阳慧君 Vivian Ao Ieong Wai Kuan

查询方式 Editorial Inquiries T (+853) 2851 3513 F (+853) 2851 3311 顾问Contributors 黃育山 David Wong 美术总监 Director of Art Gil Araújo 摄影总监 Director of Photography Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro 市场部 Marketing Manager Marta Vaz Silva

Corporate Address:

澳門羅保博士街1號國際銀行大廈 22樓2201室 Luso International Building, 22nd floor Rua Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 - Macau T (+853) 2851 3513

F (+853) 2851 3311

销售经理 Sales Manager 高倩雯 Suki Ao 广告咨询 Advertising Inquiries 高倩雯 Suki Ao

四月号 April Edition

印刷商 Printed By 印通天下 Print All The World 澳門馬統領街廠商會大廈10樓B、C單位 Rua do Comandante Mata e Oliveira, No.34-36 Edf. A.I.M.10 andar, B,C, Macau 发行量 Circulation 15,000 地址 Newsroom 澳門羅保博士街1號國際銀行大廈 22樓2201室 Rua Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 - Luso International Building, 22nd floor Macau ISSN 2306-6776


四月 │ April ■ 2013



编辑手记 Editor’s Note

月是一个美丽的月份,春天来了,正所谓一年之计在于春,这个四月,是大地回春的日子, 一切都有了新的开始。常言道:“四月雨带来五月花",在这个时而阳光普照时而下雨的季 节,澳门的花朵依然怒放 。 在这期的杂志中,我们会带你体验缅甸新年的特别活动-泼水节,(第8页),让你体验澳门的凉 爽之旅。接着,我们会带领大家体验澳门文化,我们已精选了某些特色店铺(第12页)。然后, 我们会向大家介绍一下澳门特色美食,本次向大家介绍20种澳门的特色美食(第16页),最后 我们荣幸地邀请到澳门旅游学院的David Wong 教授与大家一起分享红酒之道。 在澳门艺术文化方面,大家可以参观澳门近期所举办的画展(第32页),到澳门著名庙宇之一的 观音堂参观(第40页),参观途中,可以参阅澳门歌手主演的现场音乐队(第56页)。再带大 家了解最新时尚潮流的趋势(第64页),最后更可以在儿童天地尽情轻松游玩。千万不要忘记参 阅放眼小城这个部份,我们会向大家介绍一下近期的音乐,画展,以及更多更精彩的表演和节目。 这是一个忙碌的月份,让我们赶快行动吧!


pril is a wonderful month, a time of spring and new beginnings. As the saying goes: ‘April showers bring May flowers’, yet don’t worry about the weather, Macau still blossoms rain or shine. In this edition we bring you another way to get wet and experience a culture at the Water Festival (page 8)- the Burmese New Year. Once you’ve finished drying off we take you around a lap of Macau in a literary pursuit, stopping by at a select few stores for our Book Tour (page 12). After working up an appetite, we sit down for a meal at not one, but 20 different restaurants around the SAR (page 16), all washed down with some excellent wines selected by Chef David Wong (page 26). For the arts we stop into a number of galleries (page 32), making our way towards Kun Iam Temple (page 40), where we pause before heading out to check up on the Live Music (page 56), and get a listen to what the local artists are doing. We take you through a number of fashion selections (page 64), then change into something more durable as we drop into Kid’s Rugby to have some fun. Don’t forget to get the best of Macau in our City Lights – an overview of music, paintings, theatre and more - to top everything off. A busy month, so let’s get to it! 主编Editor-in-Chief Kelsey Wilhelm


四月 │ April ■ 2013

目录 CONTENTS April Edition 四月号

10 18

聚焦澳门 Macau Highlights


夜生活蒲点 Nightlife

缅华泼水节 Water Festival

现场音乐 Live Music

澳门书卷之旅 Book Tour

猜猜谁会来到城中 Who’s in Town 精彩表演 Who’s Around

特色美食 Food Court


夜生活指引 Nightlife Guide

购物指南 Fashion Point

在澳门可以品尝到的20种特色美食 Around Macau in 20 dishes 地窖 The Cellar

时尚元素 Fashion Trends

美食好去处 Restaurant Guide


设计师访问 Designer Interview 潮流街拍 Street Styles

购物指南 Shopping Mall


儿童天地 Kid’s Corner

最佳精品画廊 Best Galleries

小型橄榄球 Mini Rugby

本地商户Local Business

38 40

活动指南 Activities

酒店住宿 Staying


住宿指南 Hotel Guide

特色 Feature 艺术 Arts

热门旅游景点 Exploring 观音堂Kun Iam Temple 澳门三天攻略 Macau in 1-2-3 Days

52 快拍 Snapshot

City Lights 放眼小城

生活 Live

85 86

博物馆 Museums

My Macau 我的澳门

Old Times 历史回顾

Conference Management

Themed Dinners


Lighting Balloons for rental

聚焦 澳门 Macau Highlights

第十八届 澳门缅华泼 水节 文 李美欣By Kitty Lee


18th Macau Myanmar Overseas Chinese

Water Festival 10 

四月 │ April ■ 2013

第十八届澳门缅华泼水节 WATER FESTIVAL

泼水玩乐 Let’s get wet! 澳门人口不多但聚集了来自不同文化领域的人, 每一年澳门缅华泼水节都是由一群在澳居住的缅 甸人举办的。泼水节是缅甸最重要的节日之一, 是辞旧迎新的传统节庆活动,让我们一起来感受 缅甸新年的气氛吧! This April, Macau welcomes to its shores the Myanmar water festival – celebrating the New Year of the Myanmar calendar. This event is bound to leave revelers soaking wet (a sign of being reborn), as they join in a succession of events including dancing, eating festive food and splashing water on each other together with those of Burmese origin living in Macau!

缅甸的新年 Myanmar’s New Year 泼水节是缅甸最重要的节日,像中国的春节一 样,约在每年四月中举行,一般持续3至7天。 第一天相当于农历的除夕,第二天叫空日,第三 天是新年。这三天都有不一样的活动与习俗. The water festival of Myanmar is reminiscent of the Chinese Lunar New Year, celebrated every mid-April of the year and lasting for three to seven days. The first day is coined ‘New Year’s Eve’, the second day is named “empty day” and is a lead up to the most important day (the third) - the first day of the year. Throughout these three days, different customs and events are carried out.

泼水节的传统 Traditions of the Water festival 在传统的泼水节里,第一天各户要打扫卫生,准 备过年的食物用品,然后一家人吃年饭。第二 天一般不会被计算在新或旧年内,是个多余的日 子,称为空日。这天被视为不干净,要沐浴、洗 头、理发、更衣、洗佛像和佛塔,晚上放烟火, 放孔明灯,把一年中的疾病、灾难和秽气统统送 掉,干干净净进入新的一年。第三天是新年元 旦, 是最美好、最吉祥的日子。泼水节的高潮都 在第三天,要进行堆沙、赕佛(向寺庙供奉一些东西 以祈求平安和幸福)、泼水、歌舞,拜年等活动。

Traditionally on the first day, every household is supposed to clean their house, prepare food for the New Year and have a New Year’s Eve dinner together as a family. The following day, “empty day”, is a day that is believed to be dirty and unclean. People on this day bathe, wash their hair and style it. Afterwards they put on clean clothing and head to the Buddhist temple to bathe the Buddha. Later on, at night, they will light fireworks and release lanterns. These customs act as

a way of sending out the dirt, sickness, and disasters, so as to enter the New Year clean and fresh. The New Year comes on the third day, seen as a wonderful and auspicious day of the year. On the first day of the year, people make a sand pile, give ‘Danfo’ (offer something to a temple as a way to pray for peace and happiness), splash water, dance, sing and pay new year’s visits to relatives and friends. 2013 ■ April │ 四月


聚焦澳门 Macau Highlights

澳门的泼水节 The Water festival in Macau 为了加强澳门和东南亚群族的感情,澳门缅华互 助会特地把最热闹的过年传统活动泼水节带来澳 门,也同时带旺澳门的旅游业。澳门的泼水节除 了传统的泼水习俗外,还加入了美食文化街,尝 试缅甸和东南亚的地道菜与小吃,摊位游戏,缅 甸民族歌舞,用孔雀和凤凰作装饰的花车巡游, 徵文及攝影比賽等節目,是旅客和澳门人都不能 错过的一年一度盛事! In an effort to strengthen the relationship between the SAR and the Southeast Asia region, the Macau Myanmar Overseas Chinese Association brings this festival to our shores, spreading culture and fun to both locals and visitors. Aside from the obvious fun of splashing water on everyone, have a taste of the Burmese and Southeast Asian dishes and delicacies, play in game booths, watch a musical and parade with floats that are decorated with peacocks and phoenixes. If you wish to be even more involved, you can also participate in the essay and photography contests. 今年的泼水接将在四月十九到二十一号这三天举 行,赶快做好准备,穿上缅甸的传统服装,去尽 情地享受吧! This year, the water festival will be held between the 19th to the 21st of April, so hurry and suit-up in your Burmese traditional dress and get ready to get wet!

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四月 │ April ■ 2013

第十八届澳门缅华泼水节 WATER FESTIVAL

潑水節的活动时间表: Schedule of the Water festival 四月十九号,星期五 Friday, April 19th 缅华泼水节图片回顾、世界自然遗产━江西龙虎 山风景区图片展 Jiangxi Lung Fu Shan Scenic and Water Festival Photo Exhibition 时间Time:全日开放 24 hour 世界自然遗产━江西龙虎山风景区(澳门)旅 游推介会Jiangxi Lung Fu Shan Tour Conference 时间 Time:15:00 迎宾晚会Special guest welcoming dinner 地点:澳门新口岸万豪轩 Venue: Grand Plaza, Zape Macau

Macau Ferry Terminal → Macau Fisherman's Wharf → Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre → Hotline Building (parking) 巡游路线 (14:30-16:30): 跟上午一样,三盏灯为 终点 Parade Route (14:30-16:30): Same as in the morning, ends in the Three Lamppost District. 美食文化街 Myanmar & South East Asia Delicacy: 时间/Time: 12:00 - 22:30 民族歌舞表演Myanmar & South East Asia Cultural Festival: 时间/Time: 20:00-22:30 地点:三盏灯 Venue: Three Lamppost District (Rotunda de Carlos da Maia)

四月二十一号,星期日 Sunday, April 21st 缅华泼水节图片回顾、世界自然遗产━江西龙虎 山风景区图片展 Jiangxi Lung Fu Shan Scenic and Water Festival Photo Exhibition 时间Time:全日开放 24 hours 地点:澳门新口岸万豪轩 Venue: Grand Plaza, Zape Macau 四月二十号,星期六 Saturday, April 20th 缅华泼水节图片回顾、世界自然遗产━江西龙虎 山风景区图片展 Jiangxi Lung Fu Shan Scenic and Water Festival Photo Exhibition 时间Time:全日开放 24 hours 地点:澳门新口岸万豪轩 Venue: Grand Plaza, Zape Macau 花车启动仪式,花车巡游(澳门区) Festooned Vehicle Parade (Macau Peninsula) 时间 Time: 09:30-13:00,14:30-16:30 巡游路线 (09:30-13:00): 宋玉生广场(捐血中 心) → 孙逸仙大马路(观音像) → 观光塔前地(旅游 塔) → 西湾湖景大马路 → 妈阁庙 → 新马路 → 金 来大厦→ 水坑尾街 → 荷兰园正街 → 高士德大马 路 → 白朗古将军大马路 → 关闸 → 东方明珠 → 港澳码头 → 渔人码头 → 观音像 → 获多利大厦 前地(泊车位) Parade Route (09:30-13:00): Alameda Dr. Carlos d'Assumpção → Avenida Dr. Sun Yatsen Road → Macau Tower → Sai Van Lake → A-Ma Temple → Sun Malo, central → Rua do Campo → Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida → Avenida de Horta e Costa → Avenida do General Castelo Branco → Border Gate → Pearl of the Orient (Pérola Oriental) →

花车巡游(氹仔和路环) Festooned Vehicle Parade (Taipa and Coloane) 时间Time: 09:00-13:00 路线:宋玉生广场(获多利大厦前地泊车位) → 孙 逸仙大马路(观音像) → 观光塔前地(观光塔) → 海 洋花园大马路(朝澳门大学) → 新世纪酒店 → 格 兰酒店 → 赛马会 → 路氹连贯公路 → 威尼斯人 酒店(正门) → 望德圣母湾大马路→ 石排湾马路 → 竹湾马路 → 黑沙海滩 Directions: Alameda Dr. Carlos d'Assumpção (Hotline Building Parking)→ Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen (Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre) → Macau Tower → Ocean Gardens→

New Century Hotel → Best Western Hotel → Jockey Club→ Cotai Strip → Venetian Hotel (main gate)→ Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança → Seac Pai Van Park → Estrada de Choc Van → Hac Sa Beach 泼水节嘉年华开幕 Opening of the Water Festival Carnival 时间 Time: 14:30 地点:路环黑沙海滩 Venue: Hác Sá Park, Coloane 大型泼水节嘉年华 Water Festival Carnival 时间 Time: 10:00-17:30 地点:路环黑沙海滩 Venue: Hác Sá Park, Coloane 想参加摄影及征文比赛的朋友,今年的主题都 是围绕此次泼水节,如有兴趣就在五月底前把 你的作品交到澳门缅华互助会。 If you are interested in participating in the photography and essay contests, the theme of this year is the Water festival itself. Take your camera, grab a pen and submit your work to the association before the end of May.

主办单位/查询 Organizer/Inquiry 澳门缅华互助会Macau Myanmar Overseas Chinese 电 话/ Contact number:﹙+853﹚2855 3995 /2855 5102 电邮/E-mail: 地 址:澳门俾利喇街90号华乐大厦一楼E座 Address: 90 Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, 1/F, E, Wah Lok Building, Macau *所有活动均免费入场 *Free admission to all activities

2013 ■ April │ 四月


澳门书卷之旅 Book Tour Around Macau 文 李美欣By Kitty Lee 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY GONÇALO LOBO PINHEIRO

中自有黄金屋,对爱书之人来说, 一间能让你找到想看的书并能细心 阅读的书店,恐怕再好不过。马上把你的 阅读眼镜带上,跟着我们来一趟澳门的书 卷之旅吧!


ake a stroll through the alphabet and check out the various bookshops of Macau. Ranging through languages, layouts, styles and contents, they are much like the books they hold. So get your reading glasses on, it’s time for a tour.

带给你家的感觉 A bookstore that feels like home 边度有书 有音乐 Pinto Bookstore 书局座落在澳门最热闹的板樟堂街,但比起其 它书局,它的风格和格局都很不一样。是一个 充满文艺气息的小天地! Pinto Livros is located on one of the most crowded streets in Macau, in the Leal Senado area. Distinct from many other bookstores, when you walk into Pinto, you instantly feel in touch with your literary side. 边度有书 有音乐分为两层,在一座大厦的二楼 里,第一层为书局,第二层主要售卖音乐产品 如唱片等。店内设有数张圆台与座椅,还有免 费咖啡、水供读者随意享用,自由休闲的风格 加上店里放着的音乐,让客人有一种舒适在家 的感觉。 Built on the second floor of a building, the bookstore is divided into two levels: one for the bookstore and the other for music products such as CDs. A rest and relaxation

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四月 │ April ■ 2013

area with a sofa and tables gives visitors a place to read. Employees also provide guests with drinks and coffee, lending towards a real relaxed atmosphere for sitting back and enjoying a good book. 书店书种繁多如文学、历史、艺术、儿童书等, 当中亦有推介本地出版的专架。还有书店推介的 影碟及另类唱片。 The bookstore sells books in various genres that range through: Philosophy, History, Gender, Art, Children's books, including some local publications, and a few recommended DVDs and alternative CDs. 边度有书 有音乐开了不久便吸引了不少阅读爱 好者,也受到一些从香港和台湾来的旅客特别拜 访,你可以花一个下午在这享受阅读的乐趣! Pinto is a popular place for book lovers from not only Macau but also Hong Kong and Taiwan, and with the right atmosphere (and the right book) you could spend hours there. 地址:澳门议事亭前地31号永兴大厦1A Address: Largo Senado no. 31 Edf. Veng Heng, 1A & 2B, Macau, China 电话/Phone: (+853) 2833 0909 营业时间:周日-周四11:30-21:00 周五及周六11:30-22:00 Opening Hours: Sun - Thu: 11:30 - 21:00 Fri, Sat: 11:30-22:00 电邮/Inquiries:

包罗万有的书局 A bookstore with variety 商务印书馆 Commercial Press 在澳门开了五年多的商务印书馆分为上下两层, 中英文书类繁多。在底层有一个提供英文书籍的 专区,店里的英文書更近三千種,还有提供国外 小说的中文繁体版。书局体贴地把新书放在中间 的桌上,方便读者。店内有两个橱窗,一个是放 每月的畅销书,另一个是放每月的特价书。 Commercial Press was opened in 2008, to the joy of both the Chinese and English-speaking populations. The store is constructed on two levels, the lower level of which is dedicated to books in English - holding nearly 3,000 English novels in the store. Chinese readers can also find translated versions of many English novels. A table located in the center of the room is dedicated to new releases, while two bookcases at the entrance display the best selling books as well as the discounted books.

澳门书卷之旅 Book Tour Around Macau

商务印书馆在上海成立,已有111年的历史。在 香港各地都有分店,提供的书类也比较新潮且国 际化。书局兼营中学和大专书销售及订购,开学 前可以在这订购新学期的教科书。 The Commercial Press was established in Shanghai and has been in operation for over 111 years. Their branches are spread across a variety of cities including Hong Kong, augmenting their international selection. The Commercial Press also sells secondary school and university textbooks, so that students can order their materials for the school year. 商务印书馆开在人多热闹的水坑尾街,读者多为 教师和公务员,由于种类齐全所以吸引了很多游 客。 Located near the center of Macau, most of the readers that frequent the store are teachers and civil servants. However, given the large selection of books, many tourists make their way into the store as well. 地址: 澳门水坑尾街 280 号 ( 罗宪新街 2-2B ) Address: Rua Do Campo No.280 (Rua De Tomas Da Rosa No.2-2B), Macau 电话/Phone: (+853) 2835 3391 营业时间:上午 11 时 至 晚上 9 时(公众 假期照常营业) Opening hours: Mon – Sun: 11:00 - 21:00 (Including public holidays)

适合旅客购物的书店 A bookstore for visitors Milestone 在威尼斯人的大运河购物中心里,Milestone是 唯一一家书店,里面除了售卖英文书和中文繁体 书,儿童英文书籍也非常齐全。 As the one, and only, bookstore in The Canal Shopping center of the Venetian Hotel, Milestone bookstore stands out. With a selection of books in both English and Chinese, in a healthy range of genres, it’s also a good place to get kids interested in reading.

由澳门人经营的Milestone,虽然只开了两年但 也吸引了很多游客光顾,也售卖各式各样文具, 英文和日文杂志精品,钢笔,儿童益智玩具以及 纪念品。为满足顾客的需求而引入了各国不同的 牌子。 Although Milestone is located in the Venetian, it has been operated by local residents since it’s opening two years ago. Not limited to just books, the shop also sells stationary, English and Japanese magazines, fountain pens, educational toys and souvenirs. Seeking to fulfill the needs of multi-cultural audiences, many of their products are imported from foreign countries and range through a series of well-known brands.

澳门导航读者可以在买书的时候享受九折优惠而 其它商品也有九五折优惠。 Culture Guide readers can enjoy a 10% discount on purchasing books and 5% discount on non-books products.

地址: 在威尼斯渡假酒店三楼大运河购物中心 2112A店铺 Address: 2112A shop @ Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal of the Venetian Macau 电话/Phone: (+853) 2857 6600 营业时间/Opening hours: 10:30 - 22:30

Milestone 的营业时间较长,很适合早上出外游 览,购物, 晚上也想继续逛街的旅客。 Milestone is one of the more accessible bookstores around as it is open into the evening.

2013 ■ April │ 四月


聚焦澳门 Macau Highlights

充满历史味道的书店 A bookstore for Chinese history 星光书店 Starlight Bookstore 星光书店是澳门历史悠久的一家老店,在澳门有 一定的地位,开了六十多年,依然保持原有风 格,里面的店员更是工作多年,经验丰富。 Starlight bookstore has a long-standing tradition in Macau. With a history over 60 years in length, Starlight bookstore has stayed true to its original style and motif. Many of the current staff have been working there for years, accumulating a wealth of experience. “寄望文明的星光永远照耀澳门”是星光书店的 精神,和其它书店不一样,星光书店一路伴随 着中国的历史成长,身兼传播中国文化历史的使 命,让更多人了解中国历史。书店里可以找到各 种中文书,也有机会找到历史悠久的书。星光书 店是一个历史宝库,如果你是中国文化爱好者, 一定要游览星光书店! “Hoping the starlight of civilization will keep shining over Macau”, states the motto of Starlight bookstore. The dissemination of Chinese culture and history has been a key element of the bookstore to date, promoting awareness and understanding of China. Like searching through an attic, many gems are tucked away in the bookstore - including many old Chinese books. If you are a lover of Chinese culture, Starlight bookstore is the place for you. 主要销售港、台版的中文书,还有香港出版的 16 

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中、小学教科书。星光也有内地版简体字书发 售。星光书店为几所学校提供简体中文教科书, 减少学生对简体中文的阅读障碍。星光书店也是 澳门少数跟内地出版商有密切合作关系的书店。星 光书店也提供订购新邮的服务,比如中国世博 会的邮票等等。 Starlight mainly sells books published in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but also offers a few books published in simplified Chinese. On offer are primary and secondary text books, and in order to help student’s reading simplified Chinese, they provide a small numbers of text books written in the dialect. Stamp collectors are able to order special or limited versions of stamps at the store, such as the China Expo version, available now. 在书店的后面有一个儿童图书中心,大概一百 五十平方米,提供各种有趣兼有教育意义的图 书。小朋友可以坐在那里的椅子上选一本自己 有兴趣的书。 At the back of the shop, a Children’s book

center occupies around 150-square meters. Providing a table, chairs and desks, kids can stay at the store, find books they are interested in, and get a taste of them.

地址: 伯多禄局长街43号地下A-B铺 Address: Rua Pedro Nolasco da Silva 43, Macau 电话Phone: (+853) 2837 5570/2837 8734 营业时间:平日:10:00 -21:00 假日11:00 -20:00 Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 - 21:00 Sat, Sun: 11:00 - 20:00

澳门书卷之旅 Book Tour Around Macau

葡国风格的书店 A bookstore in various languages 葡文书局 Livraria Portuguesa 葡文书局是澳门唯一出售葡文书籍的地方,也 出售英文和中文书籍。葡文书局由东方葡萄牙 学会管理,主要任务是推广和出售葡文出版 物。位于澳门的心脏地带,得到当地居民和游 客的一致好评。 Livraria Portuguesa is the one and only Portuguese-style bookstore in Macau. It’s stock is mostly comprised of books written in Portuguese, yet also includes English and Chinese-language publications. Managed by Praia Grande Edições, the purpose of the bookstore is to promote and sell Portuguese publications. It’s ideal location, in the heart of Macau lends it to being the bookstore of reference for both residents and tourists alike.

书局有3层楼面。书局的建筑设计也富有特色, 外墙以黄色为主,店内以葡式碎石铺设,充满葡 式风格。 The design and architecture of the store give off a distinctly Portuguese feel. Constructed on three levels, the floor is tiled in cobblestones and the outer wall is a bright and attractive yellow. 书局常为东方葡萄牙学会举办展览和推广葡萄牙 文化活动的场地。地下和二楼出售政府出版刊 物、各种葡文书籍、字典、报纸及杂志,另有少 量关于澳门的中文和英文书籍、澳门纪念品和从 葡萄牙进口的音像产品出售。店内有试听的专柜 和沙发,让客人舒适地选购。 The Portuguese bookstore doesn’t limit itself to just that. It’s also used as a venue for exhibitions and activities held by Praia Grande Edições to promote Portuguese culture in Macau. The second and the ground floor are mainly dedicated to government publications, a variety of Portuguese books, dictionaries, newspaper and magazines. Aside from these, they also provide a small amount of Chinese and English books for readers to choose. Also available are small music products imported from Portugal and Macau souvenirs. A sofa is available for those who wish to sit and read, and a CD machine for music lovers.

地库为画廊,里面有很多画作和其它艺术品以供 展览。有不少旅客会特地来到葡文书局买葡国风 的纪念品和音乐。 The basement is a gallery with a group of paintings and artwork on display - which rotate depending on the time of year and the exposition.

地址:澳门板樟堂街18-22号地下 Address: Rua de S. Domingos, 16-18 Cidade De Macau, Ilhas, Macau 电话Phone: (+853) 2851 5915 营业时间/Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00

2013 ■ April │ 四月



在澳门可以品尝 到的20种美食

Around Macau in 20 Dishes 亚洲 ASIA



澳门特色小食 Macau

受经典童话故事“环游世界80天”启发, 这个月澳门导航将会带大家环游世界各 地,品尝四大洲的各种美食。当然,这些 美味佳肴你随时都可以在澳门享受到! This month, Culture Guide takes you on a journey around the world. Drawing inspiration from the classic tale Around the World in 80 Days, we move you through four continents of cuisines all bursting at the seams with delicious dishes - that you can experience in Macau!



猪扒包是澳门著名的特色小食,是葡萄牙面包加 上猪扒的简单组合。虽然在澳门几乎每一间茶餐 厅都可以买到猪扒包,但以大利来记咖啡室的猪 扒包最为出名。大利来记咖啡室的每块猪扒除了 用盐和胡椒来腌制,更用了不同的搭配方法,让 每个猪扒包都能带给你全新的体验。

.猪肉韭菜饺-饺饺镇 饺子是一道非常著名以及有代表性的小食,尤其 在东南亚地区的国家,如日本及中国某些地区, 每一个地方都会有其烹饪饺子的独特方法。而在 澳门,饺饺镇的饺子却能从中脱颖而出。简单的 把韭菜和肉碎包进饺子皮里,按照个人喜好,蒸 或煎熟饺子。相信无论用哪种烹调方式,都会令 你吃完第一口就停不下来!

1. Pork Chop Bun(Ju Pa Bao) - Café Tai Lei Loi Kei This utterly Macanese dish is the simple combination of a Portuguese bun and a pork chop. Ju Pa Bao’s are sold at almost every Macanese cafe here however Café Tai Lei Loi Kei is famous for it’s rendition. The pork chop is marinated in a mixture of salt and pepper, but different takes on the recipe and the preparation of a Ju Pa Bao make every one a new experience.

2. Pork and Chive Dumplings - Dumpling Town These dumplings are prominent throughout Southeast Asia and though many countries such as Japan and certain regions of China have their own variations of them, Dumpling Town’s version certainly stands out. Simply a dumpling filled with chive and minced pork, these can be either steamed or fried but are either way a snack you will crave again and again.

价钱: 澳门币20元 / Price: MOP 20 营业时间: 06:00 – 18:15 Opening Hours: 06:00 – 18:15 地址:氹仔巴波沙前地18号 Address: Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2882 7150

价钱: 澳门币24元 / Price: MOP 24 营业时间: 12:00 – 00:00 Opening Hours: 12:00 – 00:00 地址: 新马路仁安里5A号地下 Address: Beco de Arruda, no. 5, G/f, Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2835 6633

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在澳门可以品尝到的20种美食 Around Macau in 20 Dishes

中国特色小食 China


.老北京炸酱面-北方馆 想吃传统中国东北佳肴,不用到首都北京,只要 来到北方馆就可以品尝到厨师专门为大家烹调 的东北美食。这道菜的特式就是用黄豆制成的黄 酱,再加上红萝卜,白菜,大豆,五香肉和宽条 面搅拌而成的。众所周知,澳门北方馆里絶对是 一个能够提供大家地道中国北方美食的好地方! 3. Old Beijing Noodles - North A traditional delicacy, and North specialty, delivered straight from the capital to your table by chefs specializing in Northeastern Chinese cuisine. This dish features thick noodles with a dried soya bean paste made from cucumber, white cabbage, red turnip, soya bean and pork belly. Well known for their authenticity, North is the perfect place for a real Chinese culinary experience.

4. Shanghai Xiao Long Bao - Seong Hui Restaurant Xiao Long Bao, also known as soup dumplings, are a typical dish served at Dim Sum and are not really considered a meal but more of a snack. These Shanghai natives are usually stuffed with pork, but modern times have made other fillings like seafood and vegetables an option, and as hinted by their name - contain small helpings of soup within them. 价钱: 澳门币45元 / Price: MOP 45 营业时间: 12:00 – 23:00 Opening Hours: 12:00 – 23:00 地址: 澳门新马路苏雅利医士街1A号地下 Address: G/F, 1A Rua do Dr Soares G/f, Avenida de Almeida Riberio 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2832 3757

价钱: 澳门币68元 / Price: MOP 68 营业时间: 星期日-星期四: 11:00-23:00, 星期五 和星期六: 11:00-02:00 Opening Hours: Sun - Thu: 11:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat: 11:00 - 02:00 地址: 澳门威尼斯人渡假村1楼, 1015号 Address: Shop 1015, The Venetian Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 8118 9980


泰国特色小食 Thailand 5. 青木瓜沙律 – 清拉金屋美食 青木瓜色拉是夏季必点的泰国菜式,材料包括 有:切成薄片的青木瓜,碎花生,蕃薯片,豆 芽,柠檬,糖,辣椒,和少许鱼露。这个令人耳 目一新的配搭,非常适合在炎热天气中享用。




.上海小笼包 –上海长城菜馆 小笼包,也被大家称为灌汤包,是一个中国典型 的点心。相比传统中国的菜式,形容它为中国著 名小食更为贴切。通常,上海人都会在小笼包里 塞满了猪肉,但随着时间转变,小笼包的材料也 开始变得多元化了,例如加上海鲜和蔬菜等等。 一般小笼包的用料都会在它们的名字上看到,这 可以帮助大家选择自己喜欢的口味。

.Green Papaya Salad - Chiang Rai Restaurant As flowery as it may sound, green papaya salad is summer on a plate. Made up of thinly sliced green papaya, crushed peanuts, sliced tomatoes, bean sprouts, lime, sugar, chili and a dash of fish sauce; this is a refreshing dish perfect for the warmer weather ahead.


印度特色小食 India


. 咖喱牛肉 – 印度园林 这道印度菜看上来好像没什么特别的,但却能触 动你的味蕾。美味可口的嫩牛肉加上一层淡咖 喱,简直是人间难得的佳肴,令人赞不绝口,所 以要当心因此而吃过量。享用这道菜时,配上一 碗小米饭,或者蘸上烤饼吃更为美味,絶对值得 大家亲身到印度园林品尝一下。 6. Beef Curry - Indian Garden This Indian dish may seem like a no-brainer, but rest assured - it is truly one to arrest your taste buds. The mild curry is creamy without being too thick and the beef is deliciously tender, however caution is required when eating it: because of the rich flavors it is easy to eat way too much. Coupled with a small bowl of rice or simply enjoyed as a sauce with naan this dish is worth a visit to Indian garden. 价钱: 澳门币68元 / Price: MOP 68 营业时间: 平日11:00- 00:00 Opening Hours: 11:00-00:00, Daily 地址:氹仔成都街濠景花园第27座地下, 453-467 号铺 Address: Rua de Seng Tou, Nova Taipa Gardens Block 27, No. 453-467, G/f, Taipa 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2883 7088

价钱: 澳门币45元 / Price: MOP 45 营业时间: 11:00- 23:00 Opening Hours: 11:00 - 23:00 地址: 氹仔旧城区德行街30号地下 Address: G/F, 30 Rua das Virtudes, Vila de Taipa, Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2882 7232

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日本特式小食 Japan


. 烚鲑鱼 –橘子新派日本料理 运用基本的日本料理,却以简单和新鲜做出另一 个境界,使拥有时尚装潢的橘子新派日本料理成 为了本杂志推介的必要品尝的菜式之一。鲑鱼有 多款烹调方法,但橘子的主厨却选择清烚鲑鱼并 将其本身最原始的鲜味带出来。每一道烚鲑鱼都 设有两份鲑鱼排,上面还放了一些鱼子酱,海藻 和鲑鱼籽,把鲑鱼的鲜味都散发出来。 7. Slow Poached Salmon – Yuzu Taking the fundamentals of Japanese cuisine; simplicity and freshness, to a whole new level, the stylish eatery Yuzu earns its spot on our list of must try’s. With the variety of things one can do with salmon, Yuzu chefs strip it down to its bare essentials and deliver nothing short of brilliance. This dish features two delicate salmon steaks poached slowly and served in a pool of fish puree sauce with a helping of raw seaweed and a scattering of salmon roe. 价钱: 澳门币168元 / Price: MOP 168 营业时间: 18:00 – 23:00 Opening Hours: 18:00-23:00 地址:氹仔基马拉大马路116-122号至尊花城地 下J铺 Address: Shop J, G/F, Supreme Flower City R/C, 116-122 Av. de Guimaraes, Taipa 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2883 8517


韩国特色小食 Korea


. 辣年糕 - 韩式小食店 这是一道颇受欢迎的韩国地道小吃,最初这道菜 只有皇室成员才可以享用的。辣年糕是由白年 糕,白菜,扁鱼酥,香料及调味料,再加上一层 厚厚的劲辣的椒酱(一般是用传统韩国的"苦椒 酱”),食用时通常都会搭配一颗熟鸡蛋,有时 更会配上面条。

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8. Tteokbokki/Spicy Rice Cakes - Free Time This popular Korean snack is a variation of a dish once only served to royalty. Made up of boiled rice cakes, cabbage, flat fish cakes, spices and seasonings, and served in a thick spicy chili sauce (made with the traditional Korean chili paste ‘Gochujang’) they’re usually served with a hard-boiled egg and (on occasion) are eaten with glass noodles. 价钱: 澳门币35元 / Price: MOP 35 营业时间: 10:00 – 21:00 Opening Hours: 10:00-21:00 地址: 氹仔孙逸仙大马路389号宝龙花园地下E-3铺 Address: Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen 389, Taipa, Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2883 6462



英国特色小食 England



越南特色小食 Vietnam


.生牛肉河粉 - 亚苏厨房 尽管看上去亚苏厨房像是一间简单普通的面馆, 但全澳门最好吃的生牛肉河粉却可以在这里吃得 到。一条条白色的面条放在一碗热汤中,还有豆 芽,紫苏叶,洋葱丝,一小块的柠檬,再加上辣 椒和一片片薄切的生牛肉片。虽然吃生牛肉的这 个想法可能会令人生畏,但只要想到牛肉浸在热 汤里,然后放入口中,尝到清新嫩滑的口感,就 不会害怕了。 9. Pho/Raw Beef Noodles - Soo’s Kitchen Despite being a regular noodle house, Soo’s Kitchen delivers perhaps one of the best bowls of Pho in Macau. Flat white noodles served in a bowl of hot stock with bean sprouts, basil leaves, sliced onion, a wedge of lime, all come together with chili and thin slices of raw beef. Though the idea of eating raw beef may seem daunting, have no fear, the meat is meant to be submerged into the stock - where it cooks slightly while still maintaining it’s tenderness. 价钱: 澳门币27元 / Price: MOP 27 营业时间: 24小时营业 Opening Hours: 24/7 地址: 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路 Address: Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Taipa 电话 / Tel: (+853) 6247 2833

. 炸鱼薯条-麦时利爱尔兰酒吧 很可能是全英国最有名的菜式,这道菜是用鳕鱼 片蘸上面糊,油炸之后再搭配薯条,塔塔酱和一 小块的柠檬。传统的英国食法是把炸鱼薯条放在 一个锥形的报纸里让人打包带走,麦时利爱尔兰 酒吧因考虑到卫生的问题,贴心地特意打印了相 似报纸的包装纸,让客人不但体验到英国传统的 炸鱼薯条的特色,更可以吃得健康卫生。 10. Fish’n’Chips - McSorley’s Ale House Quite possibly England’s most famous dish (and only contribution to gastronomical development) this dish features cod fillets dipped in batter and deep fried then served with french fries, tartar sauce and a wedge of lemon. British tradition calls for this dish to be eaten out of conical newspaper, but McSorley’s comes close to authenticity serving it in a more hygienic alternative; newsprint fry paper. 价钱: 澳门币146元 / Price: MOP 146 营业时间: 12:00-01:00 星期日至星期六 地址: 澳门威尼斯人渡假材1楼, 1038号铺 电话: (+853) 2882 8198 Opening Hours: 12:00-01:00 Sun - Sat Address: Shop 1038, Venetian Macao Tel: (+853) 2882 8198


在澳门可以品尝到的20种美食 Around Macau in 20 Dishes

葡国特色小食 Portugal


. 葡萄牙炖菜- 澳门蓝湖餐厅 原产于葡萄牙贝拉,是用葡萄牙传统的炖菜,把 蔬菜和肉类(如猪肉,牛肉)煮成的。虽然这道 菜被称为炖菜,却只有少许汤汁,有时更会加上 米饭和大豆令这道菜没那么粘稠。 11. Cozido à Portuguesa – Dillon’s Originating in the Beira, this traditional Portuguese stew is made with a selection of vegetables and meats (such as pork and beef). The dish, although called a stew, is served with less of its soup, if not dry, with rice and beans.

and then baking it in an oven with duck meat and chorizo. The high fat content of the duck and the broth gives this dish a truly rich flavor that is an experience within itself. 价钱: 澳门币158元 / Price: MOP 158 营业时间: 12:00-15:00, 17:30 - 22:30 Opening Hours: 12:00 - 15:00, 17:30 - 22:30 地址: 澳门河边新街261A地下 Address: Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261-A, R/C, Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2896 7878


价钱: 澳门币80元 / Price: MOP 80 营业时间: 12:00-15:00, 17:30 - 22:30 Opening Hours: 12:00 - 15:00, 17:30 - 22:30 地址: 澳门河边新街261A地下 Address: Av. da Praia Grande No. 337, Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2835 5540

西班牙特色小食 Spain



法国特色小食 France


. 烟鹅肝鸡肉卷配红酒汁– 园子咖啡 法国鹅肝在在英文世界里是一道真正的法国美 食。這道菜的特點是鵝肝和雞胸肉切成薄片浸在 紅葡萄酒汁 中。



. 焗鸭饭- 澳门海湾餐厅 焗鸭饭是一个传统而受欢迎的葡国菜。与西班牙 大锅饭或是意式炖饭相似,这道菜也是把米饭放 在锅子里烹调,然后再加上鸭肉和香肠放到烤箱 里烤,那就大功完成了。烤鸭的精华全都被炖饭 给吸收了,每一口饭都可以品尝到烤鸭的美味, 那种口感实在令人一试难忘。 12. Arroz de Pato - Restaurante Litoral Limitada Duck Rice, or Arroz de Pato, is a typical Portuguese dish and favorite. Similar to a Paella or Risotto, this dish is made by cooking the rice in a broth, in this case a duck broth,

13. Foie gras smoke chicken roll with red wine sauce - Cafe Jardim A truly acquired taste, nothing screams the decadence of French cooking quite like foie gras, known in the English-speaking world as goose liver. This dish features goose liver, wrapped in chicken breast served with a red wine sauce and thinly sliced eggplant.

. 海鲜西班牙大锅饭 – 唐吉诃德西班牙料理 著名的西班牙菜,西班牙大锅饭(paella)提供 各种新鲜的海鲜如蛤,蚌和虾等,淋上橄榄油, 再放入个大锅里煮熟。这个海鲜大锅饭完完全全 呈现出西班牙的美食是多么的丰富多彩,更流露 出浓厚的拉丁风格,你一定不能错过的! 14. Seafood Paella - Don Quijote de la Mancha A signature Spanish dish, this paella features an array of fresh seafood (clams, mussels and prawns), all cooked in a broth and drizzled in olive oil. This dish is an excellent example of how colorful Spanish cuisine is and embodies a full Latin flavor you simply cannot miss out on. 价钱: 澳门币100元 (一人份) / Price: MOP 100 (Small/One Person) 营业时间: 11:00-22:00 Opening Hours: 11:00 - 22:00 地址: 氹仔巴波沙总督街30A-50 号锦程阁地下D,E 铺 Address: Loja D, E, 30A-50 Kam Cheng Kok, R. Governador Tamagnini Barbosa, Vila de Taipa 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2882 5028

价钱: 澳门币168元 / Price: MOP 168 营业时间: 11:30-22:30 星期一至五, 12:30-22:30星期六日, 星期二休息 Opening Hours: 11:30 - 22:30 Mon, Weds-Fri 12:30 - 22:30 Sat - Sun 地址: 园子咖啡, 沙梨头土地庙前地 Address: Café Jardim, Largo do Pagode do Patane, Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2833 3355 13 2013 ■ April │ 四月




意大利特色小食 Italy


. Fazoletto di Spinaci e Ricotta con Burro e Saliva – 我的意大利厨房 Fazoletto di Spinaci e Ricotta con Burro e Saliva,又称为手帕面食,我的意大利厨房将这 道意大利菜的传统做法和口味完完全全地保存下 来。再加上牛油和鼠尾草汁的搭配,令到这道菜 虽然款式简单,却风味十足!这个时候,配上一 杯白葡萄酒或是一杯普洛赛克就完美了! 15. Fazoletto di Spinaci e Ricotta con Burro e Saliva - La Cucina Italiana. La Cucina keep it traditional with their spinach and ricotta Fazzoletto, also known as the handkerchief pasta, in a butter and sage sauce. With such prominent flavors, the dish is kept simple and yet embodies the decadence of fine Italian dining. This dish is wonderfully paired with a crisp white wine or Prosecco to cut through the flavors of the rich sauce. 价钱: 澳门币98元 / Price: MOP 98 营业时间: 12:00-22:00 Opening Hours: 12:00 - 22:00 地址:氹仔旧城区排角路12号泉福新村伟兴阁地 下锦程阁地下AD-AF铺 Address: Loja AD-AF, R / C, Wai Heng Kok Chun Fok Village, Rua do Pai Kok Version 12, the Vila de Taipa 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2882 7818



美国 The U.S.A.


. 传说中的10安司汉堡 - The Hard Rock Café 美国最出名的就是汉堡包,没有一个国家比美国 更加熟悉,更喜爱汉堡包!而这个传说中的10 安司汉堡就是世界各地闻名的Hard Rock Café 里必点的首选!用汉堡把重达10安司的厚肉,生 菜,蕃茄,酸菜,两片芝士,炸洋葱圈和烟肉夹 在一起,旁边再配上薯条。这个美味的配搭,絶 绝对对得起这个称号!

17. 墨西哥双层卷饼---墨西哥嘉年华美食 墨西哥嘉年华美食,故名思义就是一间以墨西哥 美食为主的餐厅。墨西哥双层卷饼是它的拿手菜 式。基本上就是一个硬卷饼再放上一层玉米饼, 然后再放上碎鸡肉或牛肉,配上切碎的生菜,奶 酪,青豆,和不可缺少的沙律酱!全澳门有三间 餐厅可以提供这道美味的卷饼,再看看餐厅的装 潢,絶对让你真真正正感受到传统美国餐的风 味。

16. The Legendary 10 oz. Burger - The Hard Rock Café Nothing is more American than a hamburger and this beast of a burger is a signature at Hard Rock Café’s all over the world. A whopping 10oz. patty, lettuce, tomato, pickle, two slices of cheese, a fried onion ring and bacon all on a toasted bun with a side of fries. This burger earns its legendary title and every bite is worth rocking out to.

17. The Double Decker Taco – Mexicana Serving up a Mexican storm we have the adequately named Mexicana. The double decker taco is essentially a hard shell taco wrapped in a soft tortilla. You can choose either minced chicken or beef as your taco filling, and then top it with shredded lettuce, cheese, beans and of course, salsa! One of three known restaurants serving this cuisine in Macau, their decorative sombreros and terracotta tiles provide an authentic Central American atmosphere as you dine.

价钱: 澳门币147元 / Price: MOP 147 营业时间: 每天07:00 – 02:00 Opening Hours: 07:00 – 02:00, Daily 地址: 澳门路氹连贯公路,新濠天地,新濠大道二楼 Address: Level 2, The Shops at The Boulevard, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2882 4662

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墨西哥特色小食 Mexico

价钱: 澳门币110元 / Price: MOP 110 营业时间: 每天12:00 – 15:00 Opening Hours: Lunch 12:00 - 15:00, Dinner 18:30-23:00 地址:墨西哥嘉年华美食,氹仔飞能便度街613号 地下B铺 Address: 613 Rua Fernao Mendes Pinto, Taipa 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2882 5829

在澳门可以品尝到的20种美食 Around Macau in 20 Dishes

阿根廷特色美食 Argentina


. 帕尔马火腿比萨 – 阿根廷菜西餐厅 这道帕尔马火腿比萨絶对是阿根廷菜式中的经典 之作,不但融合了意大利独特的风格,更可切 成一小片来满足大家的喜好。帕尔马火腿,咸橄 榄,再加上甜美的桑格利亚,味道刚好搭配得天 衣无缝,简直是完美的配搭!



加拿大特色小食 Canada

巴西 Brazil


. 起司烧肉汁马铃薯条 –纽约薯条 位于银河亚洲美食坊,靠近银河电影院的方向, 是澳门唯一的地方可以让你尝试到这个特别又难 得一试的滋味!纽约薯条起源于魁北克,是加拿 大方格的菜式再加上法国薯条,上面再涂在烧肉 汁和卡达起司。起司烧肉汁马铃薯条跟平时的法 国薯条不一样,不用加上茄汁就已经美味非常了! 18. Poutine - NYFD The Galaxy food court, situated near the cinemas, is the only place in Macau you can get this oddly incredible dish. Originating from Quebec, this Canadian treat is comprised of a helping of french fries, coated in brown gravy and curd cheese. Poutine is no run-ofthe-mill french fry experience – so put the ketchup away! 价钱: 澳门币35元 / Price: MOP 35 营业时间: 10:00 至 00:00 Opening Hours: 10:00 - 00:00 地址: 澳门金光大道, 澳门银河, 亚洲美食坊 Address: G43, G/f, East Promenade, Galaxy Macau


. 巴西炖菜– 巴西扒房 凭借其丰富美味的外表,实在是很难可以令人相 信这道菜是是一道农家菜。吃这个巴西炖菜,首 先要把一些饭放在炖菜上面,按照传统的搅拌方 法:Farofa木薯粉(细磨面条),Kouve(羽衣 甘蓝绿叶),巴西辣椒和切片橙。这道菜份量较 重,所以配上一杯鸡尾酒就可以完美的中和一 下。巴西炖菜是巴西著名的招牌菜,也把巴西浓 郁的艺术风味突显出来!有机会的话,你一定要 去尝试一下。 19. Feijoada - Fogo Samba With its full flavor, it is hard to believe that this dish was once considered peasant food. To eat Feijoada you begin with a helping of rice, place the feijoada on top, and follow with spoonfuls of the traditional condiments: Farofa (a finely ground toasted flour), Kouve (kale or collard greens), Brazilian peppers and orange slices. This dish is rather heavy, so pair it with a ‘Caipirinha’ to cut through the weight. Brazilian Feijoada is truly an art form and should you ever have the opportunity to try it, you simply must not pass it up. This dish is only available at Fogo Samba’s buffets.

20. Pizza Al Gaucho/The Famous Palmito Pizza - El Gaucho This Argentine take on pizza is a fresh approach that delivers an exquisite mesh of flavors. A specialty of El Gaucho, this version of the dish features palmito - otherwise known as heart of palm - alongside mozzarella, smoked ham, olives, marinated peppers, and (to tie it all up nicely) a dash of their secret salsa sauce. With such an intense and exciting flavor it is no wonder this is one of the most famous and expensive types of pizza in Argentina. (El Gaucho将于4月20日停止营业) 价钱: 澳门币188元 (El Gaucho will be closed until April 20th) Price: MOP 188 营业时间: 星期一:17:30-00:00 星期三-星期五: 17:30-00:00 星期六-星期日: 11:30-14:30, 17:30-00:00 Opening Hours: Mon: 17:30 - 00:00 Wed - Fri: 17:30 - 00:00 Sat - Sun: 11:30 - 14:30, 17:30 - 00:00 地址: 氹仔施督宪正街26地下 Address: 26 Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio Taipa, Taipa Ilhas, Macau 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2882 7015

价钱: 早餐成人每位澳门币148元, 小童每位澳门 币74元, 午餐/晚餐星期一至四,每位澳门币328 元,星期五至日每位澳门币348元(不包括10% 服务费)。 Price: Breakfast Adult MOP 148 Children MOP 74, Lunch/Dinner Mon-Thu MOP 328, Fri-Sun MOP 348 营业时间: 早餐07:00-11:00, 午餐/晚餐 18:00-23:00 Opening Hours: 07:00-11:00, 18:00-23:00 地址: 澳门威尼斯人渡假村,大运河购物中心, 2412铺 Address: Grand Canal Shoppes. Shop 2412, The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel 电话 / Tel: (+853) 2882 8499 19

20 2013 ■ April │ 四月



咖喱鸡大包 新益美食 Curry Chicken Big Bread Macanese Treat 文 By 欧阳慧君 Vivian Ao Ieong Wai Kuan 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY GONÇALO LOBO PINHEIRO

咖喱鸡大包是新益美食最受欢迎的 招牌菜色之一,故名思义,每一个 大包里都装满了咖喱鸡。每日老板 都会亲自精心挑选合适的大包,每 个大包大约有25厘米长,相当于 一般面包的8倍。 As deceiving as the name is, ‘curry chicken big bread’ really is a big piece of bread stuffed with curry chicken. The bread used is around 25 cm wide, according to the chef; this is eight times the size of a normal bread piece; and is picked out each day by the chef to ensure it’s the most suitable for the dish.

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四月 │ April ■ 2013


咖喱鸡大包要怎样吃? How to eat this big bread? 要吃这个咖喱鸡大包一点都不容易,一不小心咖 喱鸡就会从大包里流出了,到底怎样才可以成功 的吃到这个咖喱大包呢?以下是主厨提供的三个 步骤。 Given the size of the dish, it’s not easy to get in your mouth; especially due to it’s curry chicken stuffing. So how do you get it in your mouth? Here are three steps from the chef at Xin Yi restaurant in Macau.

材料(大家可以根据自己喜爱的口味,自由添加 材料以及材料的数量。) ◢ 1 个大面包(25厘米大) ◢ 500-650克 鸡肉 ◢ 2-3 马铃薯 ◢ 1 洋葱 ◢ 6小粒 (120克) 咖喱砖 ◢ 调味料 ( 店主独家秘方) 少许

步骤一: 先把面包剪成一片片,蘸上咖喱汁, 细味品尝。 Step 1: Cut the bread cover into pieces, dip in curry and taste. 步骤二:先吃掉面包里的1/4 的咖喱鸡。 Step 2: Eat 1/4 of the curry chicken in the bread bowl. 步骤三:用一早已提供好的剪刀把面包边剪下 来,蘸上咖喱汁。 Step 3: Eat the bread pieces by using the scissors provided to cut the bread edges into pieces

一直重复步骤二和步骤三直至把整个咖喱鸡大包 食完。如果不跟随以下的步骤,小心装在大包里 的咖喱鸡汁会流到饭枱上。 Visitors need to repeat step two and step three until they finish the bread. If they don’t the curry chicken might end up in somebody’s lap.

Ingredients (The quantities of the ingredients depend on your taste buds) ◢ 1 Big Bread (25cm big) ◢ 500 - 650g Chicken ◢ 2-3 Potatoes ◢ 1 Onion ◢ 6 pieces (120g) Curry Bricks ◢ Seasoning (secret recipe)

每一个咖喱鸡大包已足够四人享用。 价钱: 葡币168 开放时间: 下午6点﹣凌晨4点正 地址:望厦黑沙环斜路望厦新村第1座 地下1B 电话: (+853) 2848 1046 Serves up to four people Price: MOP 168 Opening hours: 18:00-04:00 澳门特色甜品 Xin Yi Cuisine Location: Shop 1B, G/f, Block 1, Rampa dos Cavaleiros, Mong-Há, Macau Phone: (+853) 2848 1046

为什么有研制咖喱鸡大包这个想法呢? What inspired the Curry Chicken Big Bread? 老板说新益美食所提供给客人的每一道菜式都与 别不同,给人一种非常特别的感觉!不单单只因 为菜名特别,甚至连烹饪方式,吃法也是与众不 同的!希望可以做到客人只有到新益美食才可以 享用到这些特别的美食佳肴。当传统的咖喱鸡配 上大包,客人要自行想办法如何食用这个大包。 “I want for all of the dishes offered by my restaurant to be special dishes, not only because of their funny and interesting names, but also for the cooking and the eating methods. People cannot enjoy these in other restaurants,” says Mr. Chan, owner of Xin Yi restaurant.

2013 ■ April │ 四月



澳门8 款葡萄酒推介, 澳门币500元以下的享受


Quinta do Soalheiro Reserva 2010 (Vinomac)

Soalheiro Reser va是在橡木桶内发酵的葡 萄酒,与Vinho Verde酿制出的新酒截然不 同,Vinho Verde是我其中一个最喜欢的品牌, 包括不同的类别及优质的品种,Soalheiro是该 地区其中一个大庄园,亦是盛产Alvarinho白葡 萄的专家。


One of my favorite Vinho Verde’s with different ranges; and all excellent in its category. The Soalheiro Reserva is oaked, which defies the normal perception of Vinho Verde to be drank young. Soalheiro, one of the region’s great estates, is an Alvarinho specialist.

文 By 黃育山 David Wong

期澳门导航很荣幸地邀请了黃育山先 生作访问,黃育山先生是一位有名的 葡萄酒鉴赏家、厨师,更是澳门旅游学院餐 饮部的主任。想要清楚了解更多有关酒的知 识吗?不必多说,像往常一样,让我们给大 家介绍这些有趣的知识吧!还等什么?快点 准备打开酒木塞,品尝美酒吧!


ulture Guide caught up with David Wong; wine connoisseur, chef, and Head of the Food and Beverage department at Macau’s Institute for Tourism Studies; to get the low down on what wine to drink on a larger-thannormal budget. Needless to say, we were pleasantly intrigued, as usual. So pop the cork and wet your whistle on these excellent picks.


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Henriot Brut Souverain N/V(Summergate)

看着眼前这杯香槟散发出令人愉快的气泡,它 正是Thomas Henriot先生向我展示的勃艮第 (Burgundy)出产的香槟酒,Henriot是一个历 史悠久的庄园,经过Thomas先生不断的努力, 令庄园重现生机。对Thomas而言,尝试优良品 种的陈年佳酿Champagne Henriot Cuvee des Enchanteleurs比财富和金钱更加重要。 Thomas Henriot showed me these Champagnes in Burgundy and how delightful these bubbly’s are. Henriot, a historic estate, seems to be experiencing a resurgence in quality due to the work of Thomas. If money is no object then try the wonderful vintage Champagne Henriot Cuvee des Enchanteleurs.




Uva Mira Vineyard Selection Chardonnay 2010 (Macau Fine Wine Company)

其中一种最好的霞多丽(Chardonnay) ,Parker给予94分的评分,是先将葡萄一束束的 压榨,然后存放于50%的新橡木桶内酿制11个 月,该农场坐落在著名的Stellenbosch地区,它 位于最高的Helderberg山坡上。令人震惊的霞 多丽展示了南非的葡萄酒来了,小心! One of Cape’s finest Chardonnays, Parker gave it 94 points. The grapes are partly whole bunch pressed and aged for 11 months in 50% new wood. Located in the famous Stellenbosch region, the farm is the highest up the slopes of the Helderberg mountains. A stunning Chardonnay that shows that South African wine is coming, watch out!





Burn Cottage 2011 (Ponti)

由新西兰中部奥塔哥(Otago)一间新的酿酒厂于 2009年酿制出一款新品种的葡萄酒,深受品酒 爱好者的好评,这款美妙深色的黑比诺(Pinot Noir)提供了温暖的黑莓和蓝莓的香味,没有任 何红色水果,其令人惊讶的复杂性,是我今年的 一大发现。 A new winery from Central Otago in New Zealand which produced its maiden vintage in 2009 with great acclaim. This wonderful deep coloured Pinot Noir offers aromas of warm blackberries and blueberries, no hints of red fruits at all, but amazing complexity and a very long finish. My find of the year.


Bouchard Pommard 2010 (Summergate)

董事兼酿酒师Philippe Prost是一位魔术师,他 负责监督及管理Bouchard等一系列葡萄酒的酿 制过程及保持一贯的高水平,每一个级别都有不 同的价格,但很可惜我最喜欢的Grand Crus并不 符合我的消费预算(澳门币500元)。 Director-winemaker Philippe Prost is a magician, he oversees and makes wines from the whole range of Bouchard to a consistent and very good level. There is a price point at every level but most of my favorite Grand Crus don’t meet the MOP 500 budget unfortunately.





Chateau Monbousquet 2009 (Seapower)

由70%梅洛(Merlot),20%品丽珠 (Cabernet Franc)及10%的赤霞珠 (CabernetSauvignon)酿制而成的优质葡萄 酒。柏菲(Pavie)酒庄主人Gerard先生及Chantal Perse先生创造了奇迹,他们所接触的事物均能 够点石成金,这款波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒在 品酒爱好者之间最流行及最多人喜爱的葡萄酒之 一。正因为波尔多葡萄酒的优良质量,我们选 用此款葡萄酒作为英国葡萄酒及烈酒教育信托 (WSET)课程之用。 Made from 70% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc, and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, this is one of the bargains of the vintage. Gerard and Chantal Perse, owners of the great Pavie have worked miracles, everything they touch turns to gold as it is one of the most popular wines among wine drinkers in Bordeaux. So good in fact that we use these wines for our Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) classes.


Quinta do Vale Meao 2009 (Vino Veritas)

一 种 混 合 了 To u r i g a N a c i o n a l , To u r i g a Franca,Tinta Barroca与及Tinta Roriz的葡萄酒 ,该种酒的酿制年份证实为同期葡萄牙其中一款 盛产最好的餐桌酒之一,至少我认为是这样。可 以用优雅,强烈与及结构来形容这种酒,但如果 以一种词语来形容它,我们只可以用一个感叹 词:“哗!” A blend of Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca,

Tinta Barroca and Tinta Roriz, this wine is consistent vintage-after-vintage, proving to be one of Portugal finest table wine in my opinion. Elegance, intensity and structure are some of the words to describe this wine but in one word: “WOW!”


Quinta do Zambujeiro Tinto 2007 (Macau Fine Wine Company)

2007年的Zambujeiro是一种混合了Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet与Aragonez的 葡萄酒,这款酒是其中一款为评酒家Parker 给予96高评分的葡萄牙餐桌酒之一,当你 品尝之后会令你震惊。而品尝此酒必须要有 技巧,它的结构平衡且带有美妙的酸度,有 一种葡萄酒保存时间越长久,它会变得更香 醇。而适当时候去享受它絶不会令你失望 的。 The 2007 Zambujeiro is a blend of Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet and Aragonez. This wine is one of Parker’s highest rated Portuguese table wine with a score of 96 points and after tasting this, it is indeed a stunning wine. It has finesse, structure, balance and wonderful acidity. A wine that will keep for a long time and can only get better. Grab it while you can, you won’t be disappointed.

2013 ■ April │ 四月


特色 美食 FOOD COURT 美食好去处 RESTAURANT LIST 咖啡 CAFÉ 安琪儿 Angela’s Café 澳门商业大马路新八佰伴一楼 New Yaohan Department Store, 1/F, Macau 10:00 – 19:00 2822 6055

水晶廊 Crystal Lounge & Deli 澳门葡京马路2-4号新葡京酒店红金上层 Upper 1/F, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 24小时 hours 8803 7711

大堂酒廊 Patisserie/ Lobby Lounge

美食荟萃 Chef Sun’s Private Kitchen

澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 17:00 - 01:00 8868 1132

澳门提督马路23-25C号4楼C室 Avenida Do Almirante Lacerda, 23-25C, 4/F, Macau 19:00 - 00:00 6686 6837

酒吧 Rendezvous

朝 Dynasty 8

澳门十六浦索菲特Rendezvous 酒吧 Sofitel Ponte 16, 1/F, Hotel Lobby, Rua do Visconde Paco de Arcos, Macau 11:00 - 01:00 8861 7213

路氹城金光大道金沙城中心娱乐场楼层 1楼 Level 1, Sands Cotai Central, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920

佛笑楼 Fat Siu Lou

中菜 CHINESE 日夜咖啡室 Round-The-Clock Coffee 南湾葡京路新葡京酒店2楼上 Grand Lisboa Hotel, Upper 2/F, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 24小时 hours 8803 7766


16号码头德兴海鲜火锅 16 Tak Heng Hot Pot Restaurant

氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦花园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa 07:00 -19:30 2882 5201

澳门新口岸北京街怡珍阁南光百货2楼 Rua de Pequim 2-B, I Chan Kok, 2/F, Macau 12:00 - 03:00 2893 9388

金丽华饼店 Grand Lapa Cake Shop

99麵 99 Noodles

澳门友谊大马路956-1110号2楼 2/F, Grand Lapa, 956-1110 Avenida Amizade, Outer Harbour 12:00 - 20:00 8793 3810

澳门外港填海區仙德麗街永利澳門萬利酒店地 面層 G/F, Encore at Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 01:00 8986 3663

安德鲁饼店 Lord Stow’s Bakery 路环市区市中心挞沙街1 号地下 Rua Do Tassara, 1 - Coloane Town Square 10:00 – 19:00 2888 2534

鹿港小镇 Lugang Café 地址: 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河地下 G05A号舖 G05a, G/F, Galaxy Hotel, Cotai 24小时 hours 8883 2221 地址: 电话:8868 1132 17:00 - 01:00

28 

四月 │ April ■ 2013

诚昌饭店 Casa de Pasto Seng Cheong 氹仔官也街28-30号地下 Taipa Village, 28-30 Rua do Cunha, G/F 12:00 - 23:30 2882 5323

水帘 Cascades 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河地下 G03&G05号舖 G03-05, G/F, Galaxy Macau, Cotai 10:00 - 01:00 8883 2221

澳门孙逸仙大马路帝景苑佛笑楼 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Edf. Vista Magnifica Court, Macau 12:00 - 23:00 2857 3585

京花轩 Golden Flower 澳门外港填海區仙德麗街永利澳門酒店地面層 G/F, Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 18:00 - 22:30 8986 3663

丽涛轩 Lai Tou Hin 澳门友谊大马路澳门渔人码头励骏大道意大利馆 地下. Avenida da Amizade e Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 2878 7838

葡京潮州酒楼 Lisboa Chiu Chow Restaurant 葡京大酒店旧翼四楼 Lisboa Hotel, 3/F, East Wing, 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 10:00 - 23:00 2871 2549

皎月食坊 Moonlight Noodle House 宋玉生广场(皇朝)友谊大马路澳门金沙娱乐场1楼 1/F, Sands Macao Hotel, Largo de Monte Carlo, No. 203, Macau 24 小时hours 8983 8125

北方馆 North 澳门路氹连贯公路 Casino Floor, Sands Cotai Central, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 24小时 hours 8113 8950

美食好去处 Restaurant Guide

老上海沪杭菜馆 Old Shanghai

桃花源 Tims Kitchen

良辰法国餐 La Bonne Heure

澳门路氹莲花海滨大马路,金都娱乐场大楼一层 3/F, L Arc, Avenida 24 de Junho, No. 278, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 00:00 2888 6922

澳门葡京酒店东翼F25号铺 Lisboa Hotel, Lobby Level, East Wing, 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 12:00 - 23:00 8803 3682

板樟堂巷12号AB 12A-B Travessa de São Domingos, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2833 1209

百乐潮州酒楼 Pak Loh

喜迎楼 Treasure Palace

路凼城德圣母湾大马路澳门银河地下G56a号舖 G56a, G/F, Galaxy Hotel, Cotai 11:00 - 23:00 8883 2221

路氹城新濠天地新濠大道1楼 Level 1, City of Dreams, Crown Towers, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 11:00 - 23:00 8868 6661


16号码头德兴(澳门)海鲜火锅 Ponte 16 Tak Heng Seafood Hot Pot

翠华餐厅 Tsui Wah

北京街南光百货2楼 Rua de Pequim, 2-B, 2/F, Macau 11:30 - 03:00 2893 9388

路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河购物大道 东地下G45号舖 G45, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, Cotai 24小时hours 8883 2221

红8 粥麵 Red 8

永利軒 Wing Lei



G/F, Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 24小时hours 8986 3663

G/F, Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau 11:00 – 22:00 8986 3663

常满饭庄 Rice Empire

鲜 Xin

路氹连贯公路金沙城中心1楼 Level 1, Sands Cotai Central, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8930

路凼城喜来登酒店路凼金光大道5号金沙城中心 地面娱乐场楼层 Level 1, Sands Cotai Central, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 11:00 – 23:00 8113 1200

新世界西洋餐 San Sai Kai Sai Ieong Chan 澳门连胜街48号地下 Rua de Coelho do Amaral, nºs. 48, 48-A e Rua da Entena, nº. 1, G/F, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 2833 4292

紫逸轩 Zi Yat Heen 澳门氹仔望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店 1/F, Four Seasons Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, Cotai 11:00 – 23:00 2881 8888

十六浦索菲特大酒店6楼 Sofitel Macau, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau 07:00 - 01:00 8861 7210

御膳房 The Tasting Room 路氹城连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒店3楼 3/F, City of Dreams, Crown Towers, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 12:00 - 23:00 8868 6681

印度菜 INDIAN 印度园林餐厅 Indian Garden 花城区成都街濠景花园第27座地下18号铺 Nova Taipa Garden, Shop 18, G/F, Bloco 27, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 11:00 - 23:00 2883 7088

香草园 Spice Garden 路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河购物大道东地 下G23号舖 G23, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, Cotai 12:00 - 00:00 8883 2221


春秋火鍋 Seasons Hot Pot

经典意大利餐 Antica Trattoria

澳门渔人码头景区葡萄牙馆一楼之中式食府 Avenida da Amizade e Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8299 3668

新口岸伦斯泰特大马路40、42及46号(近MGM) Edf. Vista Magnifica Court, 40,42,46 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, Macau 12:00 – 23:00 2875 5102

澳门银河亚洲美食坊 Tastes of Asia G43, G/F, 购物大道东 G43, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel, Cotai 10:00 - 00:00 8883 2221

法国菜 FRENCH 贝隆 Belon 路氹城莲花海滨大马路澳门悦榕庄31楼 31/F, Banyan Tree Macau, Galaxy Macau, Cotai 18:00 - 23:00 8883 6090

陆舟餐厅 La Gondola 竹湾海滩 竹湾马路 Estrada de Cheoc Van, Coloane (Beside Cheoc Van Pool) 12:00 – 23:00 2888 0156

2013 ■ April │ 四月



我的意大利廚房 La Cucina Italiana

山里 Yamazato

氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村伟兴阁地下 AD-AF舖 Rua do Pai Kok No. 6-12, Chun Fok Village, Wai Heng Kok, G/F, Taipa 12:00 – 23:00 2882 7818

路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河大仓酒店2楼 200号舖 2/F, Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30 8883 5127

 mezza9

海湾咖啡屋 Café Litoral


路氹城新濠天地君悦酒店3楼 Grand Hyatt Macau, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 06:30 - 23:00 8868 1920

氹仔地堡街第四座伟展阁53-57号地下 Rua do Regedor, Bloco 4 Wai Chin Kok, No. 53-57, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 5255

Pizzeria Toscana

宋玉生广场(皇朝)柏嘉街432-438号 Rua Cidade de Braga, G/F, shoppes AR and AS Edif. “Vista Magnífica Court”, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2830 2106

下环妈阁斜巷2号A长城大厦地下及地库 G/F, 2A Calcada da Barra, Sao Lourenco, Macau 11:30 - 23:30 2872 6637

庭园意大利餐厅 Terrazza 澳门银河综合渡假城银河酒店二楼201 201, 2/F, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, Cotai 18:00 - 23:00 8883 2221

日本 JAPANESE Majestic Robatayaki

中区澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒店地下 G/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, 288 Avenida Comercial De Macau 12:00 - 00:00 8986 7609

新故乡 New Furusato

澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 2/F, East Wing, 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 12:00 - 22:30 8803 3677

清酒盃 Sakazuki Sake Bar

路氹望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河澳门大仓酒店2 楼202号舖 202, 2/F, Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau, Cotai 16:00-00:00 8883 5125

鮨味亭 Sushimitei

望厦海边马路93-99号海富花园地下 Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral, No. 64, G/F, Macau 11:00 – 23:00 2833 2992

30 

四月 │ April ■ 2013

加路餐厅 Carlos Restaurant

木偶葡国餐厅 Cozinha Pinocchio 氹仔旧城区消防局前地38号 Rua do Sol, 4, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 7128

小飞象葡国餐厅 Dumbo $ 氹仔地堡街喜来登广场地下A铺 Rua do Regedor, Taipa Village 12:00 - 22:00 2882 7888


新马路大堂街8号 Rua da Sé, 8, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2896 6900

雅憩花园餐厅 Nga Tim Café 路环市区计单奴街8号 Rua Caetano, 1, Coloane Village 11:00 – 23:00 2888 2086

Novo Camões

澳门渔人码头里斯本馆第3座1楼 Avenida da Amizade, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, 1/F, Macau 12:00 – 22:00 2872 7988

澳葡菜 O Cantinho Do Marujo 澳门氹仔华宝花园第一座A铺 Rua de Évora, 11, Taipa 12:00 – 21:00 2882 7989

熊猫葡国餐厅 Panda

氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 Rua Carlos Eugénio, 4-8, Taipa 12:00 – 21:00 2882 7338

九如坊 Platão

澳门板障堂巷3号乐华花园地下B铺 Travessa de S. Domingos, 3, Macau 12:00 – 22:00 2833 1818

内港餐厅 Porto Interior

澳门河边新街259号B地下 Rua do Almirante Sérgio, 259, Macau 12:00 – 22:00 2896 7770

沙利文餐厅 Solmar

澳门南湾大马路512号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 8-10, Macau 10:00 – 21:00 2888 1881

佛笑楼 Fat Siu Lau

佛笑楼 - 澳门福隆新街64号 Rua da Felicidade, 64, Macau 11:00 – 21:00 2857 3585

海岛船葡国餐厅 Junco Das Ilhas

氹仔南京街586号雄昌花园(第二座)地下 Rua de Nam Keng, 586, G/F, Taipa 11:00 – 21:00 2883 7915

船屋葡国餐厅 Lorcha

下环河边新街289号 Rua do Almirante Sérgio, 289, Macau 11:00 – 21:00 2831 3193

亨利美心餐厅 Maxims Henris Galley

澳门西湾民国大马路4号G-H地下 Avenida da República, 4, Sai Van Lake, Macau 12:00 - 22:00 2855 6251

葡国菜 PORTUGUESE 亚丰素三世餐厅 Afonso III 龙嵩街11A Rua Central, 11, Macau 12:00 – 22:00 2858 6272

安东尼奥餐厅 António

氹仔旧城区客商街3号地下 Rua dos Negociantes, 3,Taipa Village 12:00 – 22:00 2899 9998

百姓餐厅 Banza

澳门氹仔广东大马路154A及154B号南新花园第5 座地下G/H室 Avenida de Kwong Tung, 154 12:00 - 23:00 2882 1519

美食好去处 Restaurant Guide

Boa Mesa

澳门南新花园第一座地下Y﹣Z铺 Travessa de S. Domingos 16A, Macau 11:00 – 21:00 28389453


氹仔旧城区官也街20号 Rua de Cunha, 20, Taipa Village 12:00 – 22:00 2882 5594

法兰度餐厅 Fernando’s 路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac-Sa Beach, 9, Coloane 11:00 – 22:00 2888 2264

葡轩 Gosto

路氹城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河购物大道东地下 G21号舖 G21, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel, Cotai 12:00 - 23:00 8883 2221

Guincho a Galera

新口岸葡京路葡京酒店3楼 3/F, Lisboa Hotel, 2-4 Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 12:00- 23:30 8803 7676


澳门大三巴巷2-6号一楼 Travessa de S. Paulo, 2-6, 1/F (Near to St. Paul Ruins) 2836 5977 11:00 - 22:00

泰国 THAI Café Siam

大运河购物中心2412号铺澳门威尼斯人度假村-酒 店 Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macao-Resort Hotel, Cotai 12:00 - 22:00 2882 8469

泰摩登 Modern Thai

氹仔旧城区地堡街85-87号O,P座地下 Rua do Regedor, 85-87, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 7200

尚坊 Saffron

澳门悦榕庄地下G40 G40, G/F, Banyan Tree Macau, Galaxy Macau, Cotai 07:00 - 23:00 8883 6061

笃笃泰国美食 Tuk Tuk

氹仔汕头街145号鸿业大厦地下 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Edificio Hung Ip, Taipa 12:00 – 22:00 2882 0999



澳门路环黑沙海滩北面 Hac-Sa Beach, Coloane 11:00 – 21:00 2888 2623


阿曼诺葡国餐厅 O Manel

氹仔旧城区飞能便度街613号地下B舖 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 613 Taipa 18:00 – 01:00 2882 5829

葡国美食天地 Petisqueira

澳门渔人码头- 非洲村酒吧 Fisherman’s Wharf, Avenida da Amizade e Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Macau 17:00 - 02:00 8299 3371

澳门飞能便度街90号地下 Rua de Fernão Mendes Pinto, 90, Taipa 11:00 – 21:00 2882 7571 氹仔旧城区生央街15C-D号 Rua de S. João, 15, Taipa 11:00 – 21:00 2882 5354

Pousada de Coloane

路环竹湾海滩旁边竹湾酒店 Near to Cheoc Van Beach, Coloane 10:00 – 22:00 2888 2143

海港餐厅 Porto de Macau

中国澳门成都街濠景花园27座地下 Nova Taipa Gardens, Block 27, Taipa 12:00 – 22:00 2884 3739

氹仔地堡街47号地下 Rua do Regedor, 47, Taipa 10:00 – 22:00 2882 7043

金沙城中心奥旋 Grand Orbit

澳门陆军俱乐部 Clube Militar 澳门南湾街975 号 Avenida da Praia Grande, 975 12:00 - 22:30 2871 4000

扒皇烧 Frangi’s Grill

非洲烧烤乐园餐厅 AfriKana

澳门氹仔望德圣母湾大马路 Level 1, Sands Cotai Central, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 10:00 – 23:00 8113 8910

红树林餐厅 Red Forest

氹仔巴波沙总督街64 Rua Governador Tamagnini Barbosa, 64, Taipa 19:00 - 00:00 2882 7132

美式蟹屋 Savory Crab

花城区成都街297-303号濠景花园21座紫荆苑地 下F铺 Block 21, Nova Taipa, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 10:00 – 23:00 2885 5945

和庭餐廳 Terrace

路氹城路凼城望德圣母湾大马路澳门银河澳门大仓 酒店2楼206号舖 2/F, Hotel Okura Macau, Galaxy Macau, Cotai 07:00 - 00:00 8883 5122

音乐豆咖啡 The Singing Bean 下环澳门旅游塔会展娱乐中心地下大堂 Macau Tower, Macau 10:00 – 23:00 8988 8794


澳门得胜马路2楼F Rua da Vitoria, 2, Macau 19:00 - 00:00 2830 2828

华屋 Windows

氹仔旧城区望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 Level 1, Four Seasons Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, Cotai 10:30 - 22:00 2881 8888

荟景阁咖啡室 Café Bela Vista

澳门文华东方酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel, 956-1110 Avenida Amizade, Outer Harbour, Macau 10:00 – 22:00 8793 3871

高雅扒房 Copa Steakhouse

友谊大马路澳门金沙酒店3楼203 3/F, Sands Macao Hotel, Largo de Monte Carlo, 203 16:30 - 00:00 8983 8222

Don Quijote de la Mancha (西班牙菜 Spanish) 澳门氹仔地堡街23号-31号 Rua do Regedor, 23-31, Taipa 18:00 – 01:00 2882 5028

价格 Prices

没有 / Less than MOP 150 MOP 150 - MOP 300 以上 / More than MOP 300

2013 ■ April │ 四月


购物 特色 指南 美食


最佳精品画廊 Best galleries 赏心悦目 Feast for the Eyes 文 李美欣 By Kitty Lee

门给人的第一印象就是东方拉斯维 加斯,但除了赌场之外,澳门也有 许多富有艺术特色的地方。今期我们就选了 几所画廊,带你走一趟前所未有的澳门艺术 之旅。


全艺社 AFA (Art For All Society) 欣赏艺术An eye on art


verything is warming up and it’s the perfect time to head out and explore. Get out of the hotel or house and check out the beauty around you. Not only limited to the beauty on the street, take a step off and into some of the creative spaces that line it. Let us be your tour guide - showing you the best galleries across Macau.

大师级的作品 A Community of Masterpieces 澳门的非牟利艺术工作组织,成立了七年多,是 面积和规模比较大的艺术中心。全艺社以推动当 代艺术发展为主,包括绘画,摄影,雕塑等。除 了展示空间之外还设有六个艺术家工作室。 A non-profit art organization established in 2007, AFA is a group dedicated to the development of modern art in Macau. With a broad focus, AFA helps artists undergo painting, photography, sculpture, printmaking, video and other art projects. With a total of seven art studios in Macau, we chose to take you to the main showroom and exhibition hall to give you all that is AFA! 全艺社每月都会举办澳门艺术家作品展,更会展 示超过四十位最具代表性及活跃的澳门当代艺术 家的作品。到目前为止他们已经展示过超过一千 件艺术作品。不同于其它国家,澳门的艺术市场 较为狭窄, 全艺社希望能让澳门艺术家专注投入 于他们的创作中,在稳定的艺术工作环境下,配 合相关的个人作品展,进行对外宣传推广于作品 出售。他们会为艺术家出版作品集,让他们有更 大的发展空间。 AFA holds monthly exhibitions for local artists, and have already showcased more than 1,000 pieces of artwork from some of the most representative and dynamic 32 

四月 │ April ■ 2013

contemporary artists around. Unlike in larger countries, the development of art in Macau is more restricted due to the limited size of the market. In order to provide local artists a stable creative environment, allowing them to devote themselves to their artistic productions, AFA publishes the portfolio of the artists’ creations for sale – giving them exposure and introducing them into the market. 为了让本地和海外的艺术家作交流,他们在北京 设立全艺社,同时亦组织本地艺术家作品参加海 内外大型国际展览及艺术博览会,所有大师级的 作品都可以在全艺社观赏到。 Not only dedicated to artistic inspiration, AFA also promotes artistic exchange. With a branch in Beijing, the organization is rallying local and regional artists to join international art fairs. 本月全艺社正举办前浪.后浪 — 全艺社五周年 会员作品展,千万不要错过!喜欢他们的作品更 可以购买他们的作品集!一本中英双语的书价格 约澳门币50元。 In celebration of their 5th Anniversary, AFA is

holding the ‘Waves’ exhibition – displaying 19 works from ten artists born in the 80s. If you admire the artwork and want to take home a copy, you are always welcome to purchase their bilingual publication – for MOP 50.

联络资讯 Contact information 开放时间: 上午12:00-下午19:00(逢星期日及公众假 期休息) Opening hours: 12:00 - 19:00 (closed on Sundays and public Holidays) 地址:澳门黑沙环马路52号广耀工业大厦 十楼全层 Address: Estrada da Areia Preta No. 52, Edificio da Fabrica de Baterias N.E. National, 10th Floor, Macau 查询电话 Hotline: (+853) 2836 6064 查询电邮 Inquiries:

最佳精品画廊 Best galleries

澳门佳作-MC 艺廊 Macau Creations’ Gallery

一直举高双手 Hands up and hands on

创意无限的本土设计 Infinite Creativity on Local Design 澳门大三巴是旅客必去的旅游胜地,从大三巴走 下来,你会发现有很多手信店,在它们的一旁, 有一条充满艺术气息的街道,两旁是一家一家别 具风格的古董店,画廊等,商品融汇了葡萄牙文 化的中国文化的。今期让我们为你介绍在这条街 上充满特色的MC 艺廊! The Ruins of Saint Paul’s, an iconic landmark in the heart of the city, draws the majority of tourists. Encircling the ruins are souvenir shops, galleries and antique shops constituting a street full of artistic elements inspired by both Chinese and Portuguese cultures. Hidden among the multitude we draw your eye to the gallery by the steps leading to Saint Paul’s ruins - Macau Creations. 这个艺廊开在澳门佳作旗舰店的楼下,艺廊是一 个小型的画廊,顾客可以欣赏到充满个人风格的 艺术作品。艺廊会不定时地举办展览,有儿童和 青少年比赛获奖的作品展,让你接触更多当代艺 术作品。艺廊所展出的作品很多元化,包括手绘 瓷碟展,个人摄影等。 Following the descending staircase into the basement of Macau Creation visitors find a small exhibition hall filled with works by local artists and designers. There are showcased creative works from different art contests. These include winning pieces from students and children, giving exposure to many works of upcoming artists in Macau. Aside from

this function they act as a dynamic platform for artists in different fields, including hand painted ceramics, joint exhibitions by collaborating artists, photography displays and more. 澳门佳作透过与本地艺术家及设计师的合作,制 造出澳门本土创意的纪念品,想有名的自家公仔 梳打熊猫。跟他们合作过的设计师有君士坦丁, 黄耀华等超过三十多位。他们更会把展览的作品 转化成限量的艺术产品,明信片,杯盏等。支持 本土文创产业的同时也让旅客可以买到限量版的 纪念品!特别适合时间紧迫的旅客,参观完楼 下的画廊可以直接在楼上买独一无二的澳门纪念 品,一举两得! Macau Creations sells souvenirs with their famous icon - the soda panda, and T-shirts designed by various local designers. They have collaborated with more than 30 designers including the likes of Konstantin Bessmertnyi and Wong Io Wa. To further promote Macao’s cultural and creative industries many works from exhibitions are transformed into creative products (as limited editions) allowing those who appreciate them to take them home. A perfect place for travelers that have a tight schedule and want to appreciate art and buy unique souvenirs, come see Macau Creations today!

联络资讯 Contact information 开放时间:上午10:00-下午19:00 Opening hours: 10:00-19:00 地址:大三巴右街5号A座地下(大三巴牌坊 侧) Address: Rua da Ressurreição, Edf. Tsuinga, No. 5-A, G/f, Macau (To right of Ruins of St.Paul’s) 查询电话 Hotline: (+853) 2835 2954 查询电邮 Inquiries:

2013 ■ April │ 四月



猫空间 Meow Space

爱猫之人必去胜地 A must-go for cat lovers

护生+创意的空间 Caring Art 猫空间是一所义务照顾流浪猫的小店,等待野猫 有好心人士领养。平常他们也会售卖跟猫有关的 艺术作品,也热心支持澳门的创作艺术家,免费 借出场地和协助他们举办展览。因为地方不大他 们举行的都是规模比较小的艺术展览,但是你会 看很多到澳门年青人的作品,猫空间提供了一个 平台,让那些喜欢艺术的人把自己创作的东西给 更多人看到。而且猫空间是唯一能看到用猫当主 角的艺术作品,让你可以更深入了解猫的灵魂。 Meow space is a gallery co-founded by a group of volunteers that also cares for stray cats, providing them a home to be adopted from. The space holds a selection of art pieces and other products of which almost all revolve around a cat theme. As a show of enthusiasm and support for creative artists in Macau, Meow space opens itself as a venue in which to exhibit their work. Due to the size of the space, many of the exhibitions are small in scale. Nevertheless, being the only place that uses cats as the primary art subject, there is a lot of young creativity and an in-depth understanding about the nature of the furry feline. 34 

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在猫空间除了领养流浪猫,还可以购买他们自家 原创的产品支持猫空间继续运行。他们奉行自力 更新的精神,从2007年起,在没有任何的支助 下,已帮助了950只流浪猫。如果你是又喜欢艺 术又喜欢猫的人一定要去这个独一无二的猫空间 探索一下,说不定能为你添加创作灵感! Meow Space and its group of volunteers are a display of self-reliance. Operating since 2007, under no support or subsidies from the government, they have helped 950 cats in Macau. If you are an art lover, a cat lover, or both, Meow space is a must-go spot for you to get inspiration. Aside from adopting stray cats, enthusiasts can show their support to this group of volunteers by purchasing some of their original products. These include: stone paintings, oil paintings, postcards, t-shirts, iPhone cases and more. 他们售卖的艺术产品包括,猫画,猫石头画,猫 绘油画,明信片,t-shirt,电话套 等等。

联络资讯 Contact information 开放时间:上午11:00-下午19:00 Opening hours: 11:00-19:00 地址:澳门和平斜巷14号地下 Address: Edf. Heng Tai no.14, Calçada Da Paz, G/f, Flat G, Macau 查询电话 Hotline : (+853) 2893 2927 查询电邮 Inquiries:

最佳精品画廊 Best galleries

澳门文化画廊 Macau Cultural Gallery 认识传统 Traditional touch

中国文化爱好者的乐园 A place for culture enthusiasts 澳门文化画廊位于文化广场里面,专门经营书画 艺术拍卖和展览,是文化广场的附属机构。有别 于其它画廊,他们的作品都是围绕着中国的字画 和水墨画,大部分都是中国当代的名师画作。 Located in Macau Cultural Plaza, the Culture Gallery specializes in calligraphy and paintings, holding exhibitions and showcasing works from famous artists across China. 文化广场在1988年成立,主要售卖书本和文 具,文化画廊也是他们的一部分。文化画廊展览 和拍卖的作品来自各地的画家,当中包括当代著 名国画家如田雨霖,国家一级美术师朱葵,已故 版画家、山水画家,中国美术协会会员邹雅,中 国国画院名誉院长吴休等等。 The Culture Plaza, of which the Cultural Gallery is a subsidiary, was established in 1988 and sells a variety of books and stationary. Cultural Gallery also acts as a venue for Chinese culture enthusiasts to appreciate pieces from world-famous Chinese artists such as: contemporary traditional Chinese painter Yu Lin Tian, national-level artist Zhu Kui, famous Chinese landscape artist Zou Ya, and also president of the Chinese Artists Association Wu Xiu.

中国艺术的爱好者一定要去欣赏这些名师画作。 这些中国画作都具很高的收藏价值,喜欢的话可 以把它们买下来带回家,错过了也可以在文化画 廊的官方网站把喜欢的作品拍卖下来。 Those who wish to take a piece of Chinese art culture home can buy the items in the shop, or can go to official website and bid on the piece they like. Aside from mere appreciation, these Chinese paintings are collectible items, gaining value over time.

联络资讯Contact information 开放时间:上午10:45-下午9:00 Opening hours: 10:45 - 21:00 地址:澳门荷兰圆大马路32号G Address: Avenida Do Conselheiro Ferreira De Almeida No.32-G, Macau 查询电话 Hotline: (+853) 2830 5613 询电邮 Inquiries:

2013 ■ April │ 四月



旗袍 传统的优雅

论过了多久,旗袍永远都是最能代 表中国女性的服装。它是一件贴身 剪裁的连身中式礼服,兴起于1920年代的 上海,也是当代中国最著名的女性服装。 由于旗袍大多都是贴身剪裁,不但能完美 的呈现出东方女性曼妙的身材,更能把东 方女性的内在美,吸引力和优雅的气质给 衬托出来。直到 今时今日,还有不少澳门 人会在某些特别日子如婚礼和中国新年时 穿上旗袍。


o matter how many years pass ‘Cheongsam’, also named ‘Qipao’, is still the most symbolic clothing for Chinese women. Cheongsam is a onepiece Chinese dress with a tight bodyhugging cut, originally created in the 1920s in Shanghai. It is the most wellknown contemporary Chinese dress, aimed at perfectly presenting the oriental woman’s inner beauty, elegance, attractiveness and their graceful figure. Many people still wear Cheongsam in Macau on special days such as wedding parties and Chinese New Year. 文 By 歐陽慧君 Vivian Ao Ieong Wai Kuan 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY GONÇALO LOBO PINHEIRO

Traditional Elegance

Cheongsam 36 

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如何选择合适自己的旗袍呢? How to choose your Cheongsam? 合身:要有一件合适自己的旗袍,必须要按照自 己身型去度身定造。裁缝师会准确地量度你身型 的尺寸,如胸围,腰围,臀部,领子,袖子的长 度等等,以确保订造出来的旗袍合身。而旗袍样 式造型设计方面都会因旗袍自身的大小而有所不 同,裁缝师需要谨慎细心以求保持旗袍其独特, 优雅的风格。

在澳门,什么时候会穿旗袍呢? When to wear a Cheongsam in Macau? 对于澳门人来说,通常他们都会量身订做旗袍于 婚礼派对时穿着。在一般传统的中国家庭,结婚 时,新娘和新郎需要“斟茶”给父母双方(保证 他们结婚后,他们会听从双方父母)。当时,新 娘一定要身穿象征着幸运和吉利大红色旗袍 。 有时,双方的母亲们也会身穿深红色旗袍,寓意 给一对新人送上快乐和祝福。 For people in Macau, Cheongsams are normally made for wedding parties. In traditional Chinese families, the bride and the groom need to “zhencha” both parents (assure them that after marriage, they will listen to both parents). At the time, the bride needs to wear a red Cheongsam - meaning fortune and luck. Sometimes, the couple’s mothers will also wear red Cheongsams, signifying the sharing of happiness and fortune with the couple.

澳门特式的旗袍 What’s a Macau-style Cheongsam? 已有缝制旗袍经验超过30年,庆记店主麦强先 生说澳门现时的旗袍各式各样都有,颜色以大红 色,粉色和白色是最为受欢迎的。而样式方面, 主要分成三大类:动物(龙,凤),花(牡丹, 菊花)和东方样款(青花瓷,金元宝)。 “Nowadays, most of the people in Macau come to make Cheongsams for weddings and special events or shows. Red, pink and white are the most popular colors for the Cheongsam. For the patterns, there are three types: animals (dragon and phoenix), flowers (peony, chrysanthemum) and oriental patterns (blue and white porcelain, gold bullion),” says Mr Mak Keong, of the Heng Kei shop, tailor for over 30 years.

Fitting: In order to have a properly fitted Cheongsam, you must tailor-make the clothing so as to accurately represent your body. Accurate measures of the size of bust, waist, hip, collar, the length of the sleeves, and more, are all required to make sure it fits right. Different sizes of Cheongsam are different to dress sizes, and strict attention is paid to maintaining the style and exclusivity of the typical Cheongsam. 用料:缝制旗袍的用料非常广泛,一般典型的夏 季旗袍会使用薄织物印花棉布,色彩淡雅的府 绸,或是不同类型的亚麻布和方格布制成。春季 和秋季的旗袍用料就以合成纤维或混纺织物最为 流行,以及各种丝,聚酯和各种薄型花呢面料。 虽然这些织物可以吸收水分,但透气度并不高, 质感比棉织物更为光滑,而且色彩艳丽,赏心悦 目,是非常适合于温暖季节时穿着的。 Fabric: The materials for Cheongsams are extensive. Typical summer-style Cheongsams use thin fabric prints like cotton muslin, yarn-dyed poplin, various types of linen and checkered cloth. Synthetic fibers or mixed textiles in spring and autumn are more popular, as well as kinds of silk, polyester and a variety of thin tweed fabric. Although these fabrics absorb moisture, and don’t breathe very well, their appearance is smoother than cotton fabric, colorful and pleasing, and very

suitable to wear in the warm season.

教你如何整理家中的旗袍! How to care for a Cheongsam? 现时大多数女士所穿着的旗袍都是以锦缎面料所 制成的,不能用水清洗,故需要特别的整理,尤 其要注意避免油脂,苏打水以及唇膏所造成的污 渍。 ◢ 不要连续好几天都穿着旗袍。 ◢注意尖锐物品,以避免旗袍撕裂以及掉线。 ◢不要挽起袖子。 Nowadays, the majority of women wearing the Cheongsam use brocade fabrics, which should not be washed. These require special care in dressing, with particular attention to avoiding contamination from grease, sodas and lipstick. ◢ Do not wear a Cheongsam continuously for several days. ◢ Pay attention to sharp objects to avoid the cheongsam tearing and unraveling. ◢ Do not roll up sleeves.

旗袍的收藏方法 Collection of Cheongsam 要妥善地收藏好旗袍,必须要正确的把旗袍的肩 部支撑部位挂起来。如是丝绸所制的旗袍,穿着 过后必须要清洗干净才可。此外,要避免丝绸旗 袍直接接触到皮肤,提防过多的汗液以至旗袍侵 蚀,变色,变质,损坏。 When storing a Cheongsam, make sure to hang it up properly with good shoulder support. If it’s made of silk, make sure to wash it often, never shelve it after taking it off. Do not wear silk clothes next to the skin to avoid excessive erosion from sweat, discoloration, deterioration, and damage.

价钱: 澳门幤2,000以上( 以材料及花纹难度 定价) 营业时间: 10:30-18:30 地点: 庆记, 澳门高尾街十二号 电话: (+853) 2833 3463 Price: MOP 2,000 up (depending on materials and difficulty of design) Opening hours: 10:30-18:30 Location: Heng Kei, Travessa dos Algibebes No. 12, Macau Phone: (+853) 2833 3463

2013 ■ April │ 四月



酒店清单 Hotel List 五星级豪华 5 Stars

澳門君悅酒店 GRAND HYATT MACAU 地址: 澳門路氹城鄰近路氹連貫公路及澳門 科技大學之地段(新濠天地) Address: City of Dreams, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 8868 1234

澳門金沙城中心康萊德酒店 CONRAD MACAO 地址: 路氹城路氹連貫公路第5及6部分 Address: Sands Cotai Central COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 2882 9000

金都酒店 GRANDE WALDO 地址: 氹仔島南部遊艇碼頭鄰近西堤圓形地 Address: Dique Oeste Roundabout, COTAI 電話Tel: (+853) 2888 6888

澳門美高梅 MGM MACAU 地址: 澳門孫逸仙大馬路1101號 Address: Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen no. 1101, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 8802 8888 38 

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酒店清单 Hotel List

新葡京酒店 GRAND LISBOA HOTEL 地址: 澳門葡京路 Address: Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2828 3838 皇都酒店 ROYAL 地址: 澳門得勝馬路2號-4號 Address: Estrada da Vitória no. 2-4, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2855 2222 星際酒店 STARWORLD HOTEL 地址: 澳門外港新填海區第3地段(A2/I) Address: NAPE, Macau 電話Tel: (+853) 2838 3838

澳門威斯汀度假酒店 THE WESTIN RESORT MACAU 地址: 路環黑沙馬路1918號 Address: Estrada de Hác-Sá no. 1918, Coloane 電話Tel: (+853) 2887 1111

2013 ■ April │ 四月



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Kun Iam Temple

门成为一个亚洲著名的旅游城市,主要 是因为这里有很多有价值的历史名胜古 迹,绝对值得在這個復活節假期裡抽时间去观 光游览,了解一下澳门特有的文化。


et into Macau’s historical side and see why this city’s tourism industry is booming. Just one of the many historical monuments dotting the landscape, Kun Iam temple is a pleasant sightseeing stop on this Easter holiday.


2013 ■ April │ 四月



倾听历史的声音 If These Walls Could Talk 观音堂是澳门三大禅院中规模最大的一间。它的 建筑十分雄伟,建于明朝末年,已有300多年悠 久历史。这里更是中美签署「望夏条约」的地 方,是一个很具历史性的景点。 Kun Iam Temple is one of the three largest Buddhist temples in Macau. An expansive building built in the late Ming Dynasty, it has more than 300 years of accumulated history. It is also the site of the first Sino-American treaty signing in 1844.

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觀音堂 Kun Iam Temple

寺庙 The Temple 禅院是极具中国特色的佛教建筑。禅院首座是大 雄宝殿,正对禅院,供奉三尊三宝佛像。观音殿 旁有一小庭园,围绕着莲花池的其中之一盆栽, 形态十分独特,它的树枝弯曲长成一个「寿」 字,据说善信只要用手触碰那树枝,便可长命百 岁。禅院内还收藏了很多名家大师的书画、书 法、文物的等。 There are different buildings and halls in Kun Iam Temple all with the traditional characteristics of China's famous Buddhist architecture. The three main halls are dedicated to the ‘Precious Buddhas’. In a small garden next to the hall, one uniquely shaped plant surrounds an entire lotus pond. According to worshippers, those who touch the plant will be given longevity. The temple is also home to a group of collections of famous paintings, Chinese calligraphy and historical relics of famous masters.

地点:澳门美副将大马路 开放时间:24小时 Address: Avenida do Coronel Mesquita Opening hours: 24 hours

2013 ■ April │ 四月



走进观音堂 4.香炉处 Incense Burner 上香表示敬意,是祭拜仪式中的一个重要项目, 香炉在这时候派上用场。佛教传到中国,很快就 能溶入华人社会,中国的香炉,就进入佛教的殿 堂了。 Burning incense is an important procedure during the worship ceremony. Normally, when followers come to the temple, they burn incense individually as a sign of respect to the god(s).

Walking around Kun Iam Temple

2.四个天王 The Four Kings 走进观音堂,大门里左右有四个天王的金刚石 像。四大天王是分别保护着东南西北之神,他 们手中各持不同的东西,有琵琶,宝剑,娟带 索蛇和混元珠塔一座。 When visitors step into into the temple, statues of the four kings greet them on either side. Each of them protects the north, south, east and west, respectively. They each hold different items in their hands: a Chinese lute, a treasured sword, a snake and a tower.




1. 入口大门 The Main Gate 观音堂原名为普济禅院,所以入口大门的牌匾写 着“普济禅院”。 The plaque on the main gate holds four Chinese characters: “Pou Chai Sim Un” - the original name of the Kun Iam Temple.

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觀音堂 Kun Iam Temple

3.天后娘娘 Tin Hou 在大雄宝殿隔壁是供奉天后娘娘的地方,天后 娘娘是保护大海的女神,也是澳门人信奉的天 神之一。 Next to the hall of Sakyamuni lies a hall dedicated to the goddess of the sea - Tin Hou – who protects fisherman and seafarers.




6.字画石雕Calligraphic Masterpieces and Engraved Rocks 普济禅院还藏有不少珍贵经卷和石刻,以及名家 如屈大均等留下的字画 Throughout the temple are spread various works of calligraphy and engravings done on stone. Walk through to see which are from each famous artist and master. 5.大雄宝殿 The Sakyamuni Hall 一进了庙,走过香炉就是大雄宝殿,供奉三尊 三宝佛像,都是丈八金身,庄严宏伟,其中之 一为佛祖释迦牟尼,殿旁悬有一个铜钟,古色 斑驳,已有三个半世纪的历史。 The Sakyamuni Hall is dedicated to three gilded statues of Buddha. On the right side of the hall is a 300-year old big bronze doorbell.

2013 ■ April │ 四月


时间有限,必看景点的基础指南 Your Basic Guide on whaT to see within your time frame

1. 大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St Paul 昔日圣保禄教堂的前壁,最初建于1580年 澳门大三巴街 Floating façade of St. Paul Church, originally built in 1580. Rua de São Paulo

2. 东望洋山炮台 Guia Fort 堡垒位于澳门半岛最高的地方,1638 年为了保卫中国的 边疆而建松山 Fortress on highest point of the peninsula. Build in 1638 to defend the border with China. Colina da Guia

3. 澳门茶文化馆 Macau Tea Culture House 有荷花池区、竹林区、太极拳练习区和本地茶文化展示区 卢廉若公园 周二至周日 9:00 – 19:00 Area with lotus ponds, bamboo groves, Tai Chi practitioners and dispays of local tea culture. Lou Lim Ioc Garden 9:00 – 19:00 Tue – Sun

4. 妈阁庙 A Ma Temple 澳门最古老的庙宇,供奉与妈祖同名的天后娘娘 澳门妈阁庙前地 10:00 - 18:00 Oldest temple in Macau, dedicated to Macau’s namesake Tin Hau. Rua de São Tiago da Barra 10:00 - 18:00

5. 新葡京娱乐场 Grand Lisboa 是疯狂巴黎歌舞秀的会场和澳 门其中一家历时最悠久的葡 京酒店旁 澳门葡京路 24小时开放 Home of the Crazy Paris Cabaret and big brother to one of the oldest casinos in Macau: Hotel Lisboa. Avenida de Lisboa 24h

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6. 澳门旅游塔 Macau Tower 拥有澳门最高的旋转餐厅。 可以在高223米或以上的塔 外面走走或爬上离地面338 米高的塔尖 9:00 – 21:00 Holds Macau’s highest revolving restaurant. Walk around the outside 223 meters up or climb to the top 338 meters off the ground. 9:00 – 21:00


7. 澳门威尼斯人 Venetian 酒店、购物商场和赌场的大规模合成,内有运河、壁 画和唱歌的船夫路氹连贯公路 24小时开放 Hotel, shopping and casino complex on a massive scale, equipped with canals, frescoes and singing gondoliers. Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 24h

9. 妈祖像和天后古庙A-Ma Statue and Tian Hou Temple

8. 龙环葡韵住宅式博物馆 Taipa House Museums 五个浅绿色的别墅,是富有的土生葡人夏天的住所,建于1921 年,现举办展览和招待会 氹仔海边马路 周二至周日10:00 – 18:00 Five lime-green villas, summer residences for wealthy Macanes, built in 1921, holds exhibitions and receptions Avenida da Praia, Taipa 10:00 – 18:00 Tue – Sun

20米高的妈祖玉雕像,可看到路氹金光大道和黑 沙海滩的风景,寺庙建筑在妈祖雕像的下面 路环民国马路 20m tall jade statue of Goddess A Ma with views over Cotai Strip and Hac Sa Beach, temple complex below. Estrada do Alto de Coloane, Coloane Island

12. 黑沙海滩 Hac Sa Beach

10. 路环小型赛车场 Kartodrome Race Track 1.2公里的专业卡丁车赛道 限时10分钟,每人葡币100块 路环石排湾马路 周一至周五 11:00 – 19:00,周六至周日 11:00 – 20:00 1.2 km professional go-karting circuit MOP 100/person/10 min. Estrada de Seac Pai Van, Coloane. 11:00 – 19:00 Mon – Fri, 11:00 – 20:00 Sat – Sun

11. 安德鲁饼店 Lord Stow’s Bakery

黑沙的海滩,澳门特别行政区最大的海 滩,有食物摊位和有名的餐厅 路环黑沙 Black sand beach, largest beach in the S.A.R., food stalls and renowned restaurants. Hac Sa, Coloane

澳门葡挞的始创地 路环市中心挞沙街1号地下 10:30 – 19:00 Home of the Macau egg-tart. 9 Largo do Matadouro, Coloane Village, Coloane 10:30 – 19:00

2013 ■ April │ 四月



Your Basic Guide on whaT to see within your time frame

1. 澳门博物馆 Macau Museum 整个澳门历史的概要 澳门博物馆前地112号 周二至周日10:00–18:00 Entire overview of Macau history. 112 Praçeta do Museu de Macau 10:00 – 18:00 Tue – Sun

4. 观音莲花苑Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre 二十米高、青铜制的观音像,从 海外面七米高的莲花座上出现- 有儒教、道教和佛教的资料 周四至周六10:00 – 18:00 20m bronze statue of Kun Iam emerging from a 7m lotus clower in outer-harbour- info on Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. 10:00 – 18:00 Sat - Thu

3. 金沙娱乐场 Sands Casino 浮华、魅力和金碧辉煌,有超过十万磅的吊灯装饰 澳门蒙地卡罗前地203号 24小时开放 Glitz, glamour and gold, equipped with a chandelier weighing over 100,000 pounds. 203 Largo de Monte Carlo 24h

2. 渔人码头 Fisherman’s Wharf 坐地111,500平方米,由不同主题构成,购物、 酒店、赌场和娱乐消遣 澳门友谊大马路及孙逸仙大马路 24小时开放 111,500 square-meter themed complex; shopping, hotels, casino and entertainment. Avenida da Amizade and Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Set, Macau 24h

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6. 玛嘉烈蛋挞店 Margaret’s Café 澳门葡挞的其中一个始创者, 一个必需停下来吃几口葡挞或 喝杯咖啡的地方 澳门约翰四世大马路金来大 厦地下 8:30 – 18:00,逢周三休馆 One of the founding mothers of the Macau egg-tart phenomenon, a must-stop for a quick bite or a lingering coffee. Edificio Kam Loi, Macau 8:30 – 18:00, Closed on Wednesday

5. 民政总署画廊和图书馆 IACM Gallery and Senate Library 展览会和广泛的藏书量 议事亭前地 Expositions and extensive book collections. Largo do Senado 9:00 – 21:00 Tue – Sun 周二至周日9:00 – 21:00


7. 东方基金会会址 Casa Garden 殖民的别墅,以前是英国东印度公司的总 部,东方基金会的展览画廊 白鸽巢前地3号 Colonial villa, former headquarters of the British East india Company, exhibition gallery by the Oriental Foundation. 3 Praça de Luís de Camões

10. 主教山 Penha Hill 安宁和很少被参观的地方,可以看到澳门 和氹仔绝妙的景色,而且山上有主教府和 主教山小堂 9:00 – 17:30 (礼拜时间) Peaceful, little-visited area, excellent views of Macau and Taipa, home to the Bishop’s Palace and Chapel of Our Lady of Penha. 9:00 – 17:30 (Chapel Hours)

12. 38酒廊 38 Lounge 在38楼的餐厅和酒吧,提供澳 门、氹仔和路环的360度风景 澳门氹仔广东大马路,新濠锋 酒店 周日至周四 14:00 – 2:00,周五 至周六 14:00 – 3:00 Restaurant and bar on 38th floor, offers 360-degree view of Macau, Taipa and Coloane. Altira Hotel, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 14:00 – 2:00 Sun – Thu, 14:00 – 3:00 Fri – Sat

8. 圣多安尼堂 Church of St. Anthony 建于1608年,在澳门的第一个耶稣会 总部,中文叫做「花堂」 花王堂街和沙栏仔街的街角 7:30 – 17:30 Built in 1608, Jesuits first headquarters in Macau, called “Church of Flowers” in Chinese. Corner of Rua de Santo António and Rua do Tarrafeiro 7:30 – 17:30

9. 逸园赛狗场 Canidrome 亚洲唯一赛狗的场所 澳门白朗古将军大马路,望厦山旁边 比赛时间:周一、周四、周六和周日19:30 Only facility for greyhound racing in Asia, Avenida General Castelo Branco, next to Mong-Há Hill. Race Times: Mon, Thurs, Sat and Sun at 19:30

11. 石排湾郊野公园 Seac Pai Van Park 占地20公顷的公园,为鸟舍、 动物园和熊猫的住所 路环石排湾马路 周二至周日 9:00 – 18:00 20-hectare park, housing an aviary, zoo and pandas. Estrada de Seac Pai Van, Coloane 9:00 – 18:00 Tue – Sun

2013 ■ April │ 四月


时间有限,必看景点的基础指南 Your Basic Guide on whaT to see within your time frame

3. 白鸽巢公园 Luís de Camões Garden 供奉独眼诗人,风景优美和宁静 白鸽巢前地 6:00 – 22:00 Dedicated to the one-eyed poet, scenic, tranquil. Praça de Luís de Camões 6:00 – 22:00

1. 海事博物馆 Maritime Museum 展示澳门过去的船只和手工制品 澳门妈阁庙前地1号 10:00 – 17:30 (逢周二休馆) Boats and artifacts from Macau’s water-logged past. 1 Largo do Pagode da Barra 10:00 – 17:30 (Closed on Tuesday)

2. 圣味基坟场 Cemetery of St. Michael the Archangel 大炮台城堡的东北方,有巴洛克式的教士墓碑及墓穴 澳门望德堂区西坟马路2A 8:00 – 18:00 Northeast of Monte Fort, contains baroque ecclesiastical tombs and sepulchers. 2A Estrada do Cemitério, Macau 8:00 – 18:00

6. 福隆新街 Rua de Felicidade 前路通到红灯区,现拥有古色古香的 茶叶店、餐馆等等 由新马路到营地大街 24小时开放 Former road leading to the red light district, now boasts quaint tea shops, restaurants and more. Take Almeida Ribeiro to Rua dos Mercadores 24h

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4. 塔石广场 Tap Seac Square 有方形的文化局和澳门中央图书馆,是澳门历史资料库的图书馆 澳门荷兰园大马路95号 Rejuvinated square housing Cultural Affairs Bureau, Central Library of Macau, Library for Macau’s Historical Archives. 95 Avenida Conselheira Ferreira de Almeida

5. 陆军俱乐部 Clube Militar 前军官俱乐部改成餐厅和社交俱 乐部,具有历史性的格调和典型 的葡国菜 澳门南湾大马路795号 Former officers club turned restaurant and social club, historic ambience and typical Portuguese dishes. 795 Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau


8. 红街市 Red Market

7. 菩提禅院 Pou Tai Temple 路氹最大的寺庙,有巨大的佛祖释迦牟尼的铜 象、祈祷馆和兰花温室 氹仔卢廉若马路 9:00 – 20:00 Largest temple of Taipa and Coloane, enormous bronze statue of Lord Gautama, prayer pavilions and orchid greenhouses. Estrada Lou Lim Ieok, Taipa 9:00 – 20:00

从卖服装、食物、电子用品到宠物的露天市场 罅些喇提督大马路与高士德大马路的交叉口 Open air market with everything from clothing, food and electronics to pets. Avenida do Almirante Lacerda and Avenida Horta e Costa

9. 赛马会 Jockey Club 赛马 氹仔柯维纳马路 比赛时间:周二至周三17:00,周六至周日14:00 Horse races. Estrada Governador Albano de Oliveira Race Times: Tues-Weds 17:00, Sat – Sun 14:00

10. 大潭山郊野公園 Grand Taipa Country Park 大潭山上的公园,能看到路氹金光大道和 澳门半岛的优美景色,特别是晚上的时候 氹仔鸡颈马路 Garden on Tai Tam Hill, scenic garden with views of Cotai Strip and Macau peninsula, great at night. Estrada da Ponta da Cabrita, Taipa

11. 硬石餐厅 Hard Rock Café 12. 天空21酒吧 Sky 21 在21楼的三层餐饮消闲场所,可看到南湾湖和澳门旅游 塔的景色 澳门商业大马路301号友邦广场21楼 12:00 – 23:30 Three-story restaurant and club on the 21st floor, view over Nam Van Lake and Macau Tower. 301 Avenida Comercial de Macau, 21st fl., AIA tower 12:00 – 23:30

坐在真正的摇滚历史旁边用餐和喝饮料,或走去试玩轮 盘游戏 澳门路氹连贯公路,金光大道新濠天地2楼 6:00 – 2:00 (逢周末3:00) Dine or sip next to true rock and roll history, or walk out and try and game of roulette. Level 2, The Boulevard in City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai 6:00 – 2:00 (3:00 on weekends)

2013 ■ April │ 四月




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三 月 │ March ■ 2013













2013 ■ April │ 四月


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Patrick Bonar

Patrick Bonar

Patrick Bonar

Patrick Bonar


Stephen Ward

Stephen Ward

Stephen Ward

Vincent W. S.

Winson Si

Winson Si

Vincent W. S.

四月 │ April ■ 2013


夜生活 蒲点 NIGHTLIFE 细听城市的心跳声

现场音乐 Live Music 文 By Kelsey Wilhelm


The Heartbeat of the City

“我从一出生就已经感觉到音乐与我同在,音乐 就像是我身体里的一部份,像我的肋骨,我的 肾,我的肝,我的心。有时,又像是我的血液, 给我力量让我支撑到表演台上。对我来说,音乐 就像是水跟食物,我缺一不可。” -雷.查尔斯 “I was born with music inside me. Music was one of my parts. Like my ribs, my kidneys, my liver, my heart. Like my blood. It was a force already within me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me-like food or water.” -Ray Charles

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四月 │ April ■ 2013

家 本地音乐 Musicians l a c o L The 聆听 Listen

促成 The one who’s making it happen

一阵阵的海浪声跟城市的心跳声相互伴随,穿过 我们,再一直到处四散。仔细听听,有警报声, 小宝宝的哭闹声,脚步声,也有吹号角的声音。 这些声音融合起来成了一些毫无意义的杂音,我 们每天都听着这些杂音,竟成了我们生活中的一 部份。每个人都会有不同的触觉,有些人更会把 这些扭曲的音波塑造出一些特别的音乐,放进 那些创意无限的网站里。在那里只有共鸣,编制 的小故事,和做音乐。

Fabio Calangi,艺名“Ari”,是澳门著名的音 乐家,投身这个行业七年了。只有15岁的他就 开始在公共活动,演唱会及电视节目上表演,其 后,更到加拿大到韩国等不同的地方表演。

The heartbeat of the city comes out in waves, rolling across us, filled with the sirens, babies cries, beat of footsteps, braying of horns. It blends into a senseless cacophony that we absorb daily, becoming apart of us. Some of us perceive this differently, some take these sonic distortions and mold them into a creative web, detracting dissonance, weaving stories, and making music.

Fabio Calangi, stage named ‘Ari’, is a local Macau musician, who’s been playing professionally for seven years. At the age of 15 he started doing public events, concerts and TV shows and since then has performed with acts from Canada to Korea. Fabio Calangi说他一开始是从吉他开始学起, 发现自己对音乐很有兴趣,之后再去学钢琴,打 鼓,低音长号音乐。在Fabio Calangi的音乐生 涯这条路上,他母亲的功劳最大。直到现在, 他母亲仍然对他的音乐和事业发展起了很大的影 响。这些年来,Ari 己经有他自己的演出,到目 前为止已有超过200场乐队表演, 50场敲击乐表 演和60个“多才多艺”的音乐表演。 “I started with the guitar. Then I got inspired to learn piano, drums, bass and trombone,” he says. Urged into music by his mother,

现场音乐 live music

who still plays a key role in his music and career development, Ari built up his shows over the years, having reached over 200 band shows, 50 percussion shows and 60 ‘miscellaneous’ music performances. 要成为一个全职的音乐家一点也不容易。以 前,Ari每个月都有3场表演机会,但现在,每年 有3场都已经是很厉害了。其中有一场是在澳门 文化中心小礼堂里举行的本土表演,表演三重奏 音乐。在这场表演里,他会跟他妹妹和乐队队 友- Jools Calangi一齐表演。 Making it as a full-time musician is hard and where formerly Ari had up to three shows monthly in Macau, now it’s hard to get three shows a year. One of these shows was a threesong performance at the Macau Cultural Centre’s small auditorium, a locally organized event that he played with his sister and band mate – Jools Calangi. “虽然我只演奏了一首歌曲,但看着观众为台上 的Ari 着迷,这真是太酷了!” Fabio Calangi的 母亲Jools这样形容表演。坐在观众席的Jools, 看着Ari完美的表演了两首主题曲,如何把神乎 其技弹奏原声吉他的技巧跟环圈技巧融合起来, 就可清楚明白他已拥有一个乐队所需的要素。 “Though I only played one song it was really cool watching Ari capture the audience,” she describes of the show. With her mother in the audience, Jools watched Ari perform two covers, combining incredible acoustic guitar technique with a loop station, allowing him to create all elements of a full band. “我认为目前的支持是不够的,”她一边说一边 看着那个比一间平常的房间还小的房间。在澳 门,要找到一个地方可以让人收集和制作音乐, 爵士乐即兴演奏会等等,都是很困难的。还有像 这类的表演,虽然提供了一些资金,但只够分 给音乐家他们自己。

走在音乐路上 The one who took to the streets

在澳门不同的地方表演,就如澳门新葡京酒 店的隧道那里都可以看到她的足迹。

Suky Hoi,澳门本地的音乐家,出生于普通中 国家庭,6岁开始就已经开始学弹 钢琴,弹吉他已经有超过10年了,并开始自 己写歌,着重于人们平常都不会 留意到的事和问题。

Suky laments the lack of outlets for musical expression, yet has found her own way to perform. Suky is a ‘busker’, a street musician who plays in various locations in Macau, such as the tunnel by the Grand Lisboa.

Suky Hoi, a local Macau musician, had what she describes as a “normal Chinese family”, starting into piano at age six. She picked up a guitar over a decade ago and started writing her own songs, focusing on “issues that people aren’t quite aware about”.

在那里,你可以看到流行音乐家,爵士音乐 家。有一次,Suky更被警察告她骚扰他人, 那是因为她表演得太大声,但Suky并不认 同。

她说音乐可以帮她缓解压力,她就好像是进入 一个世界,一个完全不同的世界。你自己,你 的音乐,还有你的吉他,一切都再也无关重要 了。 “It kind of gives me a relief of stress. I go into a world, a different kind of world. Yourself, and your music, and your guitar, and everything just doesn’t matter,” she says. Suky感叹现时缺乏音乐的表现力,她决定用自 己的方式来改善。 Suky是一个“街头艺人”,

“You get Pop musicians, Jazz musicians. I was harassed by the police one time, they said I was too loud, but I don’t think I’m too loud,” she describes. Suky想透过这件很细微的事来反映本地艺术 家场地空缺问题的严重。她很希望政府对于 那些初露头角的音乐家可以提供更多鼓励和 支持,尤其是那些已经受了音乐训练,但却 只有很少出台表演机会的音乐人,每次难得 有机会表演, 却都会给赞助商强制要自己 包办所有事宜。 Suky uses this as a venue in between the very sporadic events that are organized by groups of local artists. She hopes that the government will be able to provide more support for these budding musicians, who, although trained in music, have had little exposure to the organizational side and must do everything themselves once they manage to coerce sponsors.

“I think the support is not enough,” Jools says as she looks at the not-quite-full room, “for instance, places where you just gather and make music, jam sessions, are not very common here in Macau.” And events such as this, although provided limited funding, were entirely organized by the musicians themselves. 这是现今很普遍的趋势,现在已有超过八个提供 本地音乐家表演和做音乐的场地己经关闭了,音 乐人很难再找到一个可以发挥创意的地方,令音 乐人这条路更难走。 This is a common trend and after the closing of over eight venues where local musicians played, it’s hard to find a place to get creative. So musicians take to the pavement.

Suky 音乐一直在陪伴她左右,每要她拿起 了吉他,她就可以跟着旋律哼唱 着,一边写作自己的歌曲。虽然Suky是从事 文职的工作,但她却原原本本地展 示了一个“街头艺人”应有的精神。 “I guess it’s just built up around me,” she says, “when you pick up a guitar, you

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just sing and try to make your own songs.” Although confined to an administration job, Suky will always embody the spirit of a true ‘busker’.

筑起表演的舞台 The one who creates the platform Anni Ha,一个很有才华的歌手,举办过一个名 为“国际艺术家之夜”的活动。每一年都会召集 一群澳门本土的艺术家,在一个轻松的气氛中表 现他们精湛的舞蹈和音乐。 Anni Ha, a talented vocalist, started up the “International Artists Night”, a yearly event that draws together a group of artists living in Macau to perform dance and music in a relaxed environment. Anni Ha的概念是这样的:她欢迎每个人都出席 到这个音乐活动,对于热爱现场娱乐和视觉艺术 的人来说一定是一个有趣的夜晚。这个活动也是 给那些不在澳门工作的人一个表演发挥自己的机 会,跟大家展示一些跟澳门不同表演,这些都 可以帮助大家激发创意。此外,这个活动也会跟 大家展示一些原始艺术作品和表现。 “Everyone is welcome. It gives an interesting night out for people who love

live entertainment and visual arts, it's an opportunity to perform for those who are not working in Macau, it's a chance to do something different for those who need more creative expression and it's a place to show original artwork and performance,” she describes of the concept. 每位艺术家约有10分钟的表演时间,而此次租 场的费用都是由有份表演和观赏的人一齐支付 的。在这个舒适的空间里,艺术家可以与其他不 同文化的人才交流,网络间互动,甚至创造商 机。同时,艺术家们大家互相认识,更有机会可 以结合他们的才能,从而创造出一个全新风格的 歌曲。 Each artist is given around 10 minutes to perform in a venue rented out for the occasion and paid for by contributions from those who perform and watch. This gathering of people creates a comfortable space in which artists are allowed to interact with other cultures, network and even create commercial opportunity. Simultaneously, artists are exposed to each other and combine their own talents to create a completely new style and song through their collaborations. “我们这组有一个组员弹吉很可笑,但他却可 以打出很特别的重金属音乐[...]我们有一个组员 会弹钢琴和唱百老汇秀的音乐,还有一个法国 的组员可以写出真正乡村民谣的歌曲。“ Josh

Simpson说,他是在Anni月离开澳门之后接管 这次活动的。这三位艺术家,在第一次活动中都 是分别各自表演,但到第三次的时候,他们组成 一队,把他们的才能结合起来,当然也就获得巨 大的成功。 “We had a group, there’s one guy who’s just ridiculous on guitar, he tends to play a lot of metal […] and we had a guy who played piano and sang Broadway show tunes, and a French guy who writes his own really folksy music,” says Josh Simpson, who will be taking over the reigns from Anni when she leaves Macau in September. The three artists, while performing separately at the first event, performed together at the third, combining contrasting talents with great success. 这个概念,虽然只有2次经历,但却是一个音乐 和文化完美的交流平台,也是一个吸引世界各地 的艺术家认识澳门的有效渠道。正所谓音乐不分 国界,它把不同的人都聚集到一起! This concept, while having only undergone it’s second event, is a perfect platform for exchange: musical and cultural, and lends itself as a way to integrate the foreign worker faction of Macau with the local community. Music brings everyone together.

乐队之间 The one with the band 鄭志達在过去26年里一直创作音乐。17岁的他 就已经目标明确定下要往当主唱的路上前进。这 也使他现在成为了澳门最知名的乐队之一LAVY 的主唱。 Vincent Cheang has been making music for the past 26 years. At the tender age of 17 he set himself on the path that would guide him to become the lead singer of L.A.V.Y., one of the best-known bands in Macau. “记得还是个小孩的时候,我很喜欢看黑白电 视,但有一天,电视机坏了[...]自此,他就开始 收听收音机,发现原来有那么多动听的歌曲他从 未听过,那是在1981年,我11岁。” “I remember when I was a child, I used to see the black and white TV, but one day the TV broke […] So I started to listen to the radio. Then I realized that there are so many good songs that I never heard. The time was 1981 and I was 11 years old,” describes Vincent.

Anni Ha

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鄭志達身兼2个角色:在L AVY时就担任音乐 创作,他也会在澳门某些地方举办现场音乐演 奏:LMA(现场音乐协会)。位于澳门的心脏

现场音乐 live music

地带,有基本的大型音乐室,细长的大厅,他们 来这个玩音乐的好地方已经五年了。 Vincent has a dual role: playing with L.A.V.Y. is the creative side, yet he also organizes events at one of the few places in Macau that has live music: LMA. The aptly named Live Music Association, located in the heart of Macau, is basically an enlarged band room, an elongated hall thats underground vibe has been around for five years. “LMA是一个给本地以及外来乐队的交流平 台,而且介绍给本地观众更多不同类型的音 乐。”那里不只有鄭志達的乐队表演,现在已经 有一系列的从纽约到日本的表演者专诚到澳门来 表演,数量更比澳门本土的乐队多。 “LMA is [an] exchange platform for local and outside bands and also a place for the local audience to see more bands and listen to different kind of music,”says Vincent. Not only does Vincent’s own band perform there but it has seen an array of acts from New York to Japan, with more than a few local acts in between.

鄭志達感慨道虽然有了这个平台,但在澳门这个 小城里,要成为一个全职的音乐家是不可能的。 不过,做音乐这条路是“不会停止的”,“很多 乐队面临同样的困难,如果连我们都不坚持下去 的话,那就没有人可以坚持下去了。” Although providing a platform, Vincent laments that making it as a full-time musician is not possible due to the size of Macau. However, he claims he will“make music without stopping,”stating:“many bands start to know that if we don’t make the scene happen, no one can.”

未来的音乐路 What Now 澳门乐队能一直成长全靠大家都有一种共同工作 的精神。目前澳门赌场每晚都有他们固定乐队演 出,可见到的本地乐队却越来越少,而最重要的 是,每一个艺术家都极力希望政府能支持本地音 乐,得到基层市民的支持,并希望可以有个表演平台 来展示他们所拥有天赋和才能,吸纳大家的意见,从 而提升自己。实现一个永远不能实现的梦想。

This spirit of working together is the only true way for the scene in Macau to grow. While casinos have their own nightly shows from cover bands, the local bands have fewer and fewer ways to be seen, and (most importantly) heard. All of the artists are urging for government support, urging for grass roots support, and urging for a platform to showcase what they have, get feedback, and keep improving. A dream is never achieved in a day.

现场音乐协会 LMA 地址:美副将大马路48-48号D 万基工业大 厦10楼B 电话: (+853) 2875 7511 E-mail: Address: Av. do Coronel Mesquita, Nos 48-48D,Edif. Ind. Men Kei, 10B Tel: (+853) 2875 7511 E-mail:

2013 ■ April │ 四月




Akon’s new album ‘Stadium’ is in the pipeline after being delayed from its original 2010 release, so Akon is bound to set loose a train of well-known favorites and club-hits and hopefully drop a few testers on the audience there to celebrate the successful termination of Cubic 2nd year in operation. It should be a night to remember.

澳門名人到訪 Who’s in Town 4月6日(星期六) - Club Cubic两周年 纪念 Akon Saturday, April 6th, Club Cubic 2nd Anniversary - Akon

4月6日(星期六) - Songs for Children 呈献Ringo Deathstarr Saturday, April 6th – Songs for Children present Ringo Deathstarr

地点:路氹新濠天地, Club Cubic Venue: Club Cubic, City of Dreams, COTAI 时间:晚上10:00﹣凌晨6:00 Time: 22:00 – 6:00 价格:港币 680(预购), 港币 880(现场购票) Price: HKD 680 (Advance), HKD 880 (Door)

Club Cubic准备以闪光、音乐及香槟庆祝4月6日 的两周年纪念。成功地经营,加上邀请了全球顶尖的 艺人参加, Cubic为它的第三年隆重地展开新的一页。 Cubic’s going to up in a flash of lights, music and champagne as it celebrates its 2nd anniversary this April 6th. Having gone through a successful run and hosting dozens of top artists from around the world, Cubic starts off into its third year with a bang. Akon,自称Konvict是两间唱片公司的创立 人:Konvict Muzik和Kon Live Distribution, 将 于4月份来到Cubic,演出世界流行及点播率最 高的歌曲。这位塞内加尔的美国歌手, 在摇滚和嘻 哈流行乐方面取得了很高的成就,出过三张唱片 并与数十位全球知名艺人合作。 Akon, the self-proclaimed ‘Konvict’ of two incredibly successful record labels Konvict Muzik and Kon Live Distribution, comes to Cubic this April to deliver some of his worldrecognized hits. This Senegalese-American has triumphed the R&B and Hip Hop scenes with his three CD releases and dozens of collaborations with famous artists from around the world. Akon 的新唱片 “Stadium”原计划于2010 年发 售,但却延迟了两年。现在为了庆祝Cubic开业 两周年,Akon将献上他的名曲于新歌。这一个 晚上值得大家关注。

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Three international artists hit Bassment this April 6th in a showdown Hong Kong has yet to see the likes of. Dave DK, resident of the legendary Tresor Club in Berlin, is a DJ and producer who’s been on the scene for years. Fascinated by techno, Dave at age 17 started into it, producing and organizing parties. Glitterbug, a DJ, producer and curator comes together with long-time collaborator Ronni Shendar (VJ, visual artist and curator) for a musical and visual journey you’re unlikely to see more than once in a lifetime. As a live set, this is no ordinary DJ mixing, but a cinematic, melodic experience, utilizing a range of analogue equipment and a visual accompaniment that flows perfectly together.


Who’s Around 4月6日(星期六)-Dave DK, Glitterbug 和 VJ Ronni Shendar Saturday, April 6th - Dave DK, Glitterbug and VJ Ronni Shendar 地点:香港中环摆花街13号Bassment Venue: Bassment, 13 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong 时间:晚上10:00﹣ Time: 22:00 – Late 价格:港币 180 (现场购买) Price: HKD 180 (Door)

三位国际艺人将于4月6日在Bassment决战,这 是你在香港从没看过的。其中的Dave DK, 一位 拥有传奇宝具俱乐部的柏林居民,也是一位有 经验的唱片骑师和制作人。沉醉于电子,Dave 十七岁时已投身行业,负责制作和组织派对。 Glitterbug,一名唱片骑师,制作人及负责人和 他的长期合作伙伴Ronni Shendar则是一位VJ, 视觉艺术家及负责人。他们工作于一个音乐和 视觉旅程,而你一生也不可能看超过一遍。作 为一个现场设置,这不是平常的打碟混合,而 是有电影旋律的经验。运用模拟设备和视觉伴 奏完美地结合在一起。

地点:香港中环威灵顿街52号1楼F座,后台现场 Venue: Backstage Live, 1/f, 52 Wellington St, Central, Hong Kong 时间:晚上10:00﹣ / Time; 22:00 – Late 价格:港币 200(预购), 港币 250(现场购买) Price: HKD 200 (Advance), HKD 250 (Door)

Ringo Deathstarr是一个有魅力及拥有混合元 素的朋克、摇滚等音乐人。首张唱片「Colour Trip」在2011年2月全球发行。2012年,发行 了第二张唱片「Mauve」,令人印象深刻及得 到高度评价还成立了他们的平台作为独立的图 标。这一次的表演将会见到很多支持他们的特 别嘉宾,如日本组合「The Yours」和「Broken Little Sister」。 Ringo Deathstarr is an intriguingly confusing mixture of elements that brings together Punk, Rock and something else, all with a nice New-Age twist. Their debut ‘Colour Trip’ was released in February 2011, launching them on a trip across the globe. 2012 brought with it the launch of their second album ‘Mauve’, which received impressive reviews and established their platform as Indie icons. This performance will see them supported by special guests ‘The Yours’ and ‘Broken Little Sister’ from Japan.

猜猜谁会来到城中Who’s in Town / 精彩表演 Who’s Around

4月11日(星期四)﹣2013 Keren Ann 中国广州站 Thursday, April 11th - Keren Ann 2013 China Tour (Guangzhou) 地点:广州广东省星海音乐厅的交响乐大厅 Venue: Symphony Hall of Guangdong Xinghai Concert Hall, Guangzhou 时间:晚上10:00 / Time: 20:00 價格:人民币100,180,280,380 Price: RMB100, 180, 280, 380

Keren Ann Zeidel 是一位歌手,创作人,作曲 家,制作人。她是荷兰工程师和以色列音乐设计 师的后代。主要在巴黎,特拉维夫和纽约流行。 她的六个独唱收录是关于她的背景。由2000 年,「La Biographie De Luka Philipsen」到最 近2011年发行的「101」。她的歌曲被许多国际 艺人表演和她的音乐也出现在电影银幕和系列包 括Grey's Anatomy, Six Feet Under和其他。队 伍「Lady and Bird」和「Bardi Hohannsson」 ,他们近期的作品为哥特式歌剧初次在 「Theatre Nationald'Orleans」登场。一个独 特而又完整的音感,这是一场必看的表演。 Keren Ann Zeidel is a singer, songwriter, composer, producer, engineer and sound designer of Dutch and Israeli descent. Based primarily in Paris, Tel-Aviv and New York, her six solo records mimic her background, going from “La Biographie De Luka Philipsen” in 2000 to “101”, her most recent release in 2011. Her songs have been covered by many international artists and her music has been featured in films and series including Grey’s Anatomy, Six Feet Under and more. A member of the “Lady and Bird” band with Bardi Hohannsson, their current work is a Gothic Opera to be debuted in the “Theatre National d’Orleans”. A unique and complete sound, this is a performance to see.

4月20日(星期六)﹣Roul and Doors Saturday, April 20th – Roul and Doors 地点:香港中环云咸街60号中央广场Dragon-1 Venue: Dragon-I, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong 时间:晚上11:00 / Time: 23:00 价格:有待公布 / Price: TBA

Roul and Doors,在近期作品「Melody in Harmony」踏尽大浪,终在4月20日出现在香港 最出名的夜店Dragon-I。充满现代音乐然和良 好气氛的支持,全晚都会很热闹。从荷兰乌特勒

支的二人组会带来他们非常经典的电子音乐以及 加入一些舞蹈元素,是一个很适合香港人的俱乐 部。 Roul and Doors, riding the wave of their recent release ‘Melody in Harmony’, come to one of Hong Kong’s most famous nightclubs Dragon-I this April 20th. With a modern sound yet nice atmospheric backing, and twitching background fill-ins, this sound will have the crowds pumped all night. The Dutch duo from Utrecht have some very nice build-ups that pull out into some very Techno-sounding drops, while including some Dance elements that should make it very club friendly for the HK crowd.

4月25日(星期四)﹣Your Mum呈献: 肯因与甘布尔乐团 Thursday, April 25th –presents: Coheed and Cambria地点:香港九 龙湾国际展贸中心(KITEC)

voyage of good vs. evil, Sci-Fi and just plain Rock. Bound to bring an inspired show these rockers have performed alongside the likes of Slipknot, Linkin Park, Trivium and other legends. Native New-Yorkers, this will be their debut in Hong Kong, giving listeners a dose of progressive rock, post hardcore, pop punk and metal.

4月26日(星期五)﹣新星介绍: 骑士团 团长闪光 Friday, April 26th – NOVA presents: Grand Master Flash 地点:香港中环摆花街摆花塔1号2楼F新星 Venue: NOVA, 2/F, Lyndhurst Tower 1, Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong 时间:晚上11:00 / Time: 23:00 – Late 价格:港币 240(预购), 港币 320(现场购买) Price: HKD 240 (Advance) HKD 320 (Door)

有史以来第一位唱片骑师获选进入摇滚名人殿堂 和嘻哈先锋将在香港继续燃烧。没有丝毫的迹象 要慢下来,这位老手每次都为观众提供创新的, 从旧校模拟黑胶变为比较现代数码格式。最近把 舞蹈音乐也加进他的氛围,这项表演将会是混合 的种类、拭目以待和了不起的。 The first ever DJ to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the pioneer of Hip Hop is here to set HK afire. Still going and with no signs of slowing down, this veteran of the scene is always hitting audiences with something new, transitioning from the oldschool analog vinyl to the more modern digital format. Recently hooking his teeth into Dance music, this show should be a mélange of genres, decades and awesome.

Venue: KITEC (Hong Kong International Trade and Exhibition Centre) MusicZone, Hong Kong 时间:晚上08:00 / Time: 20:00 价格:港币 410 / Price: HKD 410

一组有说故事的才华的摇滚乐队,Claudio Sanchez's团的「肯因与甘布尔乐团」想出了 六个LPS概念。这一张唱片会把听众带到一个 正邪,科幻和摇滚的旅程。想有一个启发性的 表演,摇滚乐手们都沿着像Slipknot,Linkin Park, Trivium和其他传奇。土生土长的纽约人 初次登场,为听众带来前卫摇滚、后硬核、流行 朋克和金属乐。 A rock group with a talent for storytelling, Claudio Sanchez’s Group ‘Coheed and Cambria’ have come out with over six concept LPs. These albums take the listener through a 2013 ■ April │ 四月


夜生活 蒲点 NIGHTLIFE 夜生活去处 Night Guide 地区酒吧 • Bars Casablanca Café 新口岸孙逸仙大马路帝景苑地下R-S铺 Avenida do Dr. Sun Yat Sen, (Waterfront), Macau Tel: (+853) 2875 1281

Aba Bar 澳门美高梅金殿 MGM GRAND MACAU, Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tel: (+853) 8802 3888

Lion’s Bar 澳门美高梅 金狮吧 MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tel: (+853) 88023888

Macau Soul 澳感廊 大三巴街31A 31A Rua de São Paulo, Macau Tel: (+853) 2836 5182

MagiCafe 澳门俾利喇街115号B铺地下 魔幻咖啡屋 Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira (next door to E.S.kimo Café), Macau Tel: (+853) 2852 8751

Moonwalker 澳门新口岸新海湾大马路帝景苑地下 夜光杯酒吧 Vista Magnifica Court (Waterfront), Macau Tel: (+853) 2875 1329/ (+853) 2875 1326

MP3 Bar Lounge 澳门孙逸仙大马路 1333- Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Macau Tel: (+853) 2875 1306

Cathedral Café & Wine Bar 大堂街12號A Rua da Sé, behind Macau Post office HQ by Historical Governor’s steps Tel: (+853) 6685 7621

The Roadhouse Bar 澳门新口岸马德里街45号环宇豪庭 Wan Yu Villas, 45 Rua de Madrid, Macau Tel: (+853) 2875 2945

The Rooftop Bar 大三巴巷3、5及7号 三巴艺门天台酒吧 3-5-7 Travessa de São Paulo, Macau Tel: (+853) 2848 2848

Vasco 文华东方酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel, 956 Avenida da Amizade, Macau Tel: (853) 8793 3831

Veuve Clicquot Lounge 澳门美高梅金殿 MGM Grand Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tel: (+853) 8802 3888

Whiskey Bar 澳门友谊大马路星际酒店16楼 品味吧 Level 16, Star World Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, Macau Tel: (+853) 8290 8698

Xanadu Bar 地址: 澳门友谊大马路“金沙”娱乐场 Sands Casino, 1st Floor, Casino Area Tel: (+853) 2888 3388

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38 Lounge 澳门氹仔广东大马路澳门新濠锋 Level 38, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa Tel: (+853) 2886 8868

Portal Wine Bar 氹仔施督宪正街86 大门酒吧 86, Rua Direita Carlos Eugenio, Taipa Tel: (+853) 66821078; (+853) 2836 8401

Irish Bar (Taipa) 爱尔兰酒吧, 氹仔广东大马路116C和116D地下 Av Kwong Tung, 116D, Nam San Bulding, Block 6, G/f, Taipa Tel: (+853) 28820708

Old Taipa Tavern 澳门氹仔客商街21号 好客乡村餐厅 No.21 Rua dos Negociantes, Taipa Village, Taipa Tel: (+853) 2882 5221

Innside Bar 孙逸仙博士大马路 149K Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen 149, Taipa Tel: (+853) 2883 1233

Mugs Talk Bar 地址:羅飛勒前地12A, G/F Address: G/F, 12 A Lobo D’ Avila Square, Praia Grande Avenue Tel: (+853) 2897 2691

夜生活去处 Night Guide

Private Party 氹仔濠景花园25座F室 Rua de Seng Tou, Block 25 Nova Taipa, Taipa Tel: (+853) 6657 1727

Hive Bar 澳门氹仔孙逸仙大马路135号百利宝花园地下H座 Shop H, Treasure Garden, 135 Avenida de Sun Yat Sen, Taipa Tel: (+853) 2883 1711

Bar Florian 洛欣吧 Shop No.1043, The Crand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian, Macau Tel: (+853) 8118 9960

Bellini Lounge 百利酒廊 Shop No.1041, The Crand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian, Cotai Tel: (+853) 8118 9940

Boca - tapas and wine 澳门威尼斯人─度假村─酒店2620号铺 Shop 2620, The Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, Macau Tel: (+853) 2882 8477

McSorleys Ale House

Club Cubic

澳门氹仔澳门威尼斯人酒店大运河购物中心 1038铺 1038 Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau, Taipa Tel: (+853) 28828198

路氹连贯公路新濠天地HardRock酒店2楼 2/F Hard Rock at City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai Tel: (+853) 28286696

The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge

China Rouge

澳门路氹路望德圣母湾大马路银河酒店2楼203 铺 Shop 203, 2/F Galaxy Hotel, Cotai Tel: (+853) 8883 2221

地址: 路氹填海区,莲花海滨大马路东面及望德 圣母湾大马路南面 Address: Cotai, Galaxy Macau Resort, Cotai, Diamond Lobby Tel: (+853) 2888-0888

俱乐部 • Clubs D2 澳门商业大马路301号,友邦广场2楼 AIA Tower, 2nd fl, 301 Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau Tel: (+853) 2872 3777

Fashion Club 澳门渔人码头千里达馆第一座 Block I, Trinidad, Fisherman’s Wharf, MACAU Tel: (+853) 2872 5579

SKY21 Restaurant & Bar 澳门商业大马路 251A - 301 号友邦广场 21 楼 21 / A to C, AIA Tower, 251A-301 Avenida Comercial de Macau, Macau Tel: (+853) 2822 2122

2013 ■ April │ 四月




Summer Breeze 文 李美欣 By Kitty Lee

接春夏第一步就是跟又厚又色彩 单调的冬装说再见,穿上鲜艳 亮丽的衣服,打造出朝气且活力四射 的形象。今年先暂别黑色,大胆地穿 上各种缤纷颜色,配带我们为你搜罗 的饰品,踩着新季流行的高根凉鞋, 让你自己在夏天大放异彩。四月是春 夏交替的月份,可以多选粉红或白色 的流行物!


warm hint of a breeze and you know that we’ve finally left winter behind. Time to say goodbye to those thick, heavy clothes. This summer, spice it up by cutting out black and pale items from your closet. Fill it instead with candy-colored apparel, accessories and shoes. There’s nothing better than opening up a wardrobe full of life and dressing yourself to reflect it. April is a month of seasonal changes, and pink and white are the right choices for you!

树脂手机壳 Kate Spade La pavillion resin iPhone case 人民币/RMB 450

心型戒指 Bershka heart ring 澳门币/MOP 79

印花洋装 Bershka floral print dress 澳门弊/MOP 339

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球衣夹克 Bershka coloured jersey blazer 澳门弊/MOP 299

成语手镯 Kate Spade idiom bangles tune in 人民币/RMB 600

Marc by Marc Jacob drew blossom iPhone case 手机壳/HKD300

下摆宽松衬衫 Pull and Bear shirt with elastic hem 澳门币/MOP 169

成语手镯 Kate Spade rise above - solid idiom bangles 人民币/RMB 450

三角戒指 Stradivarius pyramid-shaped ring 澳门币/MOP 89

透花衬衫 Bershka perforation detail shirt 澳门币/MOP 299

BSK 字样上衣 BSK chain detail jumper 澳门币/MOP 299

时尚元素 Fashion Trends

叠层连衣裙 Zara Frilly Dress 澳门币/MOP 599 连皮带洋装 BSK belt detail dress 澳门币/MOP 299

长袖衬衫 BSK shirt with shoulder gems 澳门币/MOP 299

费利克斯裙子 Kate Spade all wrapped up felix dress 人民弊/RMB 3,750

带缝长裤 Stradivarius cropped trousers with slits 澳门弊/ MOP 329

骨感紧身裤 Stradivarius twill skinny fit trousers 澳门币/ MOP 199 皱褶裙子 Bershka skirt with ruffled waist 澳门币/MOP 169

黃麻坡跟鞋 Zara wedge espadrille 澳门币/MOP 699

软木凉鞋 Bershka combined cork sandals 澳门币/MOP 559

露趾坡跟鞋 Bershka strapped peep toe wedges 澳门币/MOP 399

坡跟鞋 TRF wedge 澳门币/MOP 449

2013 ■ April │ 四月




MOD Design Store是一家展示及销售澳门 原创创意产品的商店,推广及销售本地的 设计成果,积极培育年青设计师,提升本 土设计水平,同时引进国际优秀特色设计 品牌产品及举办展览活动,借以促进本地 设计业界与国际创意交流。 MOD Design Store is a local shop housing creative products-for-sale and promoting the development of the local design industry. Actively training young designers to enhance their knowledge and scope, introducing international designs and products and holding exhibitions and activities to promote the interactive exchange between the industries, MOD Design is more than just a store.


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今期設計師 Designer of the Month

澳门:节MO:FEST MO:FEST是一套以澳门节日为设计题材的磁石 贴,其灵感来自澳门独特的历史、文化和风土人 情。设计师利用新颖的概念融合澳门的传统特 色,以创意图案制作成的磁石贴。主色调为红、 蓝、黑三种颜色,红色代表MOD Design Store 引人注目的基调,而黑色则增强了图案的平面视 觉效果,亦利用了澳门传统砖瓦牌常用的蓝色来 配合整体设计。 MO: FEST is a set of magnetic stickers themed around Macau’s festivals. Its draws from Macau's unique history, culture and customs, utilizing a combination of traditional Macau themes, with creative patterns, all stuck to magnets. The main colors are red, blue, and black: red represents the keynote of MOD Design Store, black enhances visual effects, and blue is the traditional color for the road signs in Macau.

澳门:印MO:STAMP 系列印章是以澳门节庆及特色文化风俗为设计主 题,有二百二十款图案,分为人物、建筑物、 风物和图形四大类别,多角度地展现澳门独特文 化风光,还有特色设计的数字、字母、符号等。 A series of 220 stamps, depicting Macau’s festivals, culture and customs add to the display. Divided into four main categories: people, architectures, scenery and graphics, the vivid stamps also branch out, encompassing numbers, letters, symbols, special designs and more.

MO-Design公司简介Profile 是由澳门知名设计师周小良和洪骏业于2010 年创立,是本地优秀设计团队之一,以新颖设 计、严谨专业、高端品质而受海内外客户欣赏, 业务遍及中国、美国、英国、日本等国家。现 时,MOD-DESIGN的工作团队由十多名专业人 员组成,并不断吸纳澳门年青设计师加盟。 Set up in 2010 by Chao Sio Leong and Hong Chong Ip, two famous local designers, MOD-Design is known for its innovation, professionalism and high quality. Now home to more than ten professionals, and accumulating more local designers, the shop has made a name for itself in China, the US, the UK and Japan.

地址:澳门大三巴耶稣会纪念广场澳门旅游文 化活动中心地库一层 Address: 1F, Macau Tourism & Cultural Activities Center, Jesus Memorial Square, the Ruins of St. Paul’s, Macau 开放时间:星期一至五9:00 - 19:00,星期六、 日9:00 - 20:00 Opening hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 – 19:00, Sat, Sun 9:00 – 20:00 电话/ Tel: (+853) 2835 7812 电邮/ or

设计师/Designers: Chao Sio Leong; Hong Chong Ip; Au Chon Hin (Hint); Chu Wai Hang (Raymond); Fong Chio Ieng (Shadow); Ho Ion Fat (Ken) Ho Ion Kin (Kenneth); Hong Ka Lok (Lok); Kong Chong Man (CM Kong); Lao Chon Hong (Tinky); Leong Chan Kuan (Jevons); Leong Chi Hang (Nono); Sam Tong Teng (Sean)

2013 ■ April │ 四月



Ryu Hosun 28岁/years old 导游/Tour Guide 高度/height 187cm 衣服购自韩国品牌 Clothes from Korean brand

Daisy Zhang 21岁/years old 学生/Student 高度/height 160cm 包包购自蔻驰 Handbag from Coach 裙子购自淘宝 Dress from Taobao

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购物指南 Fashion Point

Ann Chan 30岁/years old 自顾/Self-employed 高度/height 152cm 衣服购自班尼路 Clothes from Baleno 鞋子购自时装店 Shoes from boutique

MoMo 23岁/years old 学生/Student 高度/height 170cm 衣服购自巴适卡 Clothes from Bershka 包包购自时装店 Bag from boutique

在那里买? Where to buy? Soyoung Ahn 22岁/years old 学生/Student 高度/height 165cm 衣服购自Forever 21 Clothes from Forever 21 包包购自珑骧 Bag from Longchamp 太阳眼睛购自古驰 Glasses from Gucci 鞋子购自Spris Shoes from Spris

巴适卡 @ 澳门威尼斯人三楼大运河购物中 心 Bershka @ Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal of the Venetian Macau 古驰 @ 澳門DFS环球免税店四季酒店一楼 Gucci @ DFS Galleria Level 1 Four Seasons Hotel, The Cotai Strip 珑骧 @澳门威尼斯人三楼大运河购物中心 Longchamp @ Atrium Level 3 Shoppes Grand Canal of the Venetian Macau 蔻驰 @ 澳門DFS环球免税店四季酒店一楼 Coach @ DFS Galleria Level 1 Four Seasons Hotel, The Cotai Strip

2013 ■ April │ 四月



儿童 天地


小型橄榄球 Mini Rugby 小型橄榄球,一次人生课堂 Life lessons taught with a ball 文 By Abbi Mitchell-Morley 摄影 PHOTOGRAPHY BY GONÇALO LOBO PINHEIRO

型橄榄球在1996年传入澳门,是由一 群葡萄牙橄榄球爱好者所建立的,他 们创办橄榄球会的目的是要让橄榄球变成当下 老老少少最喜爱的运动。小型橄榄球这项运动 不仅是要4到12岁的儿童学习打橄榄球,还针 对他们的身心发展,告诉他们一些成长上的知 识。


ntroduced to Macau in 1996, the Macau Rugby Union was set up by a group of Portuguese rugby enthusiasts and works today to expose children and adults alike to the sport. Mini rugby caters not only to the teaching of the sport to children between the ages of four and 12, but aids in their development: offering them first hand knowledge on some aspects of growing up.

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小型橄榄球 Mini Rugby

一位澳门蝙蝠橄榄球队的自愿者Cara Small告诉 我们:“打橄榄球是一种让孩子们学习生活所需 的技能极好的方法,例如让小孩明白到有得必有 失的意义,团队精神不是靠一个人就能成功。教 导孩子们如何正确地宣泄自身的精神和情感, 同时让他们健康成长和保持身形匀称。” “Playing rugby is a fabulous way for the children to learn about life skills; such as win some, lose some, that there is no I in team; allowing the children to let off steam in a safe (environment) promoting a sense of self worth and self being. At the same time keeping them fit,” says Cara Small: a volunteer with the mini rugby team, the ‘Macau Bats’. 自2011年Cara便移居澳门,透过橄榄球,孩子 适应新的地方和生活,“除了和同校同学做朋友 之外,还能跟其他学校的学生建立友谊。” “They were able to integrate with not only friends from their school, but also children from other schools, therefore gaining new friendships in the community.” Cara moved to Macau in 2011 with her family and expresses that rugby helped her children deal with the move and transition.

身心健康 Mental and Physical 资深与发展小组培训员,小型橄榄球队助理 Carmen Loi 说,“小孩子玩橄榄球可以学习到 合作的重要性,是橄榄球运动最重要的精神。打 橄榄球时要面对受伤,也有一个人拿着球进攻的 机会,小孩慢慢地会变得越来越勇敢和大胆。” “I believe it is a very good sport for the kids to learn about teamwork - which is very demanding in this game,” says Carmen Loi: trainer for the senior and development teams, as well as assistant for the mini rugby teams. “The kids gradually learn to be brave and courageous, to run with the ball on their own, and be tough when facing injuries.”

小型橄榄球队每个星期六上午十点到十一点半都 会在氹仔运动场旁边的场地练习。虽然训练要消 耗大量体力,但也会使他们成为一个坚强独立的 人。这个充满乐趣的活动还能保持身体健康。 The mini rugby team meets to practice on Saturday mornings from 10:00-11:30 at the field next to the Taipa Stadium. During trainings the mini rugby youngsters wear off a ton of excess energy, yet simultaneously are molded into strong independent people, with a fun, engaging activity that keeps them healthy.

橄榄球运动员史提芬说,“橄榄球这项运动能够 让运动员学到当机立断,是一生受用的技能。” 他的儿子是香港沙湾队的队员。 Stephen Anderson, a rugby player himself, whose son plays with the Hong Kong team ‘Sandy Bay’ mentions the mental aspect of the game in addition to the physical, stating: “it teaches the ability to make a fast decision,” an essential skill in life.

2013 ■ April │ 四月



橄榄球的历史 The History of Rugby 橄榄球起源于英国,早在1800年已是一个 非常受欢迎的运动。据说它是由足球演变而 成的,当时在英国的一所男子学校,Rugby School(中文译音:拉格比)发起了这项运动, 而它的名字是根据它的发源地而命名。许多人 相信如果当时一个叫威廉的学生没有在一场足 球比赛里用手拿起脚下的足球跑,那就不会有 橄榄球这项运动。英国据说是橄榄球的发源 地,但也没有历史证明在那之前,其它国家并 没有玩这项运动。 Originating in England in the 1800’s, Rugby is a variation of the popular British past time – football, and receives its name from it’s birthplace in the town of Rugby, Warwickshire. Born at the Rugby School (back when it was an all boys school) it is a popular belief that the game was influenced, if not invented, by student William Webb Ellis who - during a game of football - picked up the ball and ran with it: thus introducing a prominent feature of rugby. Although its primary birthplace is believed to be England, this is not to say that countries around the world have not been playing similar versions of the sport throughout history. 橄榄球协会于1872年成立,由于它跟足 球有相似之处,迅速成为一个受欢迎的运 动。1895年是橄榄球历史上的一个关键时 刻,那一年橄榄球运动分裂为橄榄球联赛和橄 榄球的足球联盟,两者有很不一样的玩法。 In 1872 the Rugby Football Union was formed and joined the likes of football, by becoming a widely recognized professional sport. The year 1895 brought with it a pivotal moment in Rugby History, the break that lead to the eventual division of the sport into Rugby League football and Rugby Union football (with vastly different gameplay).

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小型橄榄球 Mini Rugby

游戏玩法 Gameplay 两者之间的差异大多是技术性的,还有玩游戏的 规矩。最显着差异是两者之间的团队人数,抢球 和规则。例如:英式橄榄球联赛需要一个 13 人 的团队,限制和规则较少,而英式橄榄球联盟需 要一个15人的团队,没有任何抢球的限制,但 有更多的规则。 The differences between the games are mostly technical and depend solely on the laws being employed during the game. The most distinctive differences between the two are team sizes, tackling and rules. For example: rugby league requires a team of 13, limits tackles and has fewer rules whereas rugby union requires a team of 15, places no limits on tackles but has more rules. 澳门主要在实行的是英式橄榄球联盟,比赛时靠 拿着球跑,踢,传球,比赛时传了给后面会被视 为犯规。 Rugby Union football is predominantly practiced in Macau, but when it all comes down to it ,the aim of the game is to score tries by either running, passing (either left, right or backwards; passing forwards results in a foul) or kicking.

橄榄球规条 Rugby Terms 位置 Positions: 前锋:这些球员负责控球,他们往往会比其他队 员健壮。 -Forwards: These players are responsible for the possession of the ball, they tend to be bigger and stronger than the rest. 后卫:这些球员通常体型较小,具有更多的灵活 性和速度,更容易得分。

-Backs: These players are generally the smaller few, with more agility and speed, making it easier for point-scoring. 动作Actions:

尝试:橄榄球运动的目标是把球触到地面的“尝 试区”得分。 -Try: This is a goal or a number of points in the game of rugby and is attained by touching the ball to the ground in the ‘try zone’.

并列争球:为了控球多个队的队员排成争球队 形,参与争球。 -Scrum: Multiple players from each team bind together and push against one another. This is done for the possession of the ball. 攻击:使对方拿着球的队员,倒在地上,防止他 们得分。 -Tackle: The act of bringing an opposing player, only the one with the ball, to the ground and holding them there. This tactic is used to attempt to stop the opposing team from scoring a try.

联络资讯 Contact information

2013 ■ April │ 四月



活动指南 龙腾天幕 Dragon’s Treasure 澳门不仅有丰富的历史与多元文化,还有震慑 世界的新科技。龙腾天幕---震撼人心的多媒体 表演。表演讲述了龙 珠和它赐给四大龙王神秘 力量的故事,四大龙王分別引领 观众一起体验 15分钟的奇幻的感官历程。 Immerse yourself in The Bubble, an iconic multi-media attraction at the City of Dreams. With explosive visuals and sounds, as well as exciting sensory effects, the Dragon’s Treasure tells the story of the Dragon Pearl and its mysterious powers as experienced by each of the four Dragon Kings, who lead you on an amazing sensory adventure across their magical kingdoms. Show times: 15 minute shows every 30-minutes, 12:00 – 18:00 Hourly shows, 19:00 – 22:00 Free admission

得带上孩子出游很麻烦?孩子们根本不明白什么是「历史文化的意义」? 其 实 在澳门还有很多既有趣又富有教育意义的活动可以进行。本期「儿童天地」 栏 目为大家推介健康有趣的活动, 让烦恼 的家长们偷得浮生半日闲。跟随我们的 步 伐,让有孩子同行的旅途变得轻松惬意、舒适自在。


till worried about how to entertain the kids while on a family vacation? Are they too young to enjoy some of the historical spots? Not to worry! A variety of entertaining, meaningful and educational activities are here for you, assuring you (and the little ones) a carefree holiday in Macau. 缀了澳门半岛。通常从九月到十二月,一些罕见 的艺术、非主流和经典电影会在文化中心的小礼 堂放映。

射,数不尽的水花在激光的照射下,幻化出七彩 的星光,配合间中喷出的火焰,营造出一个个大 型的音乐喷泉表演,游客绝对不容错过。音乐喷 泉 是由两百个湖水喷咀和发射器,及一千个独 立灯泡组成。 Located in front of Wynn Macau, the Performance Lake sports lofty plumes of water and fire that shimmer and dance through the air to classical music, Pop and Broadway show tunes. To achieve this mixture of water, light, color and fire, the Lake houses over 200 water nozzles and shooters, and holds 800,000 gallons of water. This vibrant performance, expressing a complexity of moods, rhythms and emotions, provides a fascinating spectacle. Show times: Daily at 15 minutes intervals, 11:00 - 00:00 Free entrance

美高梅金殿---浪漫的天幕广场 Lights & Sounds Shows 广场的设计参照了葡萄牙首都里斯本的里斯本车 站作為建筑特色,融合清新淡雅的设计风格,配 合浪漫音乐让人如痴如醉。 The “Lights & Sounds” is an explosion of images, visuals and music that runs daily after sunset at MGM Macau’s Grand Praça. Show times: 19:00-00:00-every 30minutes 免费入场 / Free entrance

电影院 Cinemas and Theatres 永利音乐喷泉 Performance Lake 永利的巨大的音乐喷泉给这个“东方拉斯维加 斯”的不夜城带来了沙漠绿洲的感觉。巨大的 湖泊式喷泉随著音乐的旋律、节奏而变化、喷

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四月 │ April ■ 2013

澳门具有各式各样的电影院,有近期兴建在银河 酒店的UA银河影院、著名的澳门大会堂,还有 澳门旅游塔会展娱乐中心内的设施,这些设施提 供了一个国际性中英语言功能的电影选择。此 外,其他小型剧院大多数播放中文的制作,也点

A variety of movie theatres exist in Macau, ranging from the recent installment of UA Galaxy Cinemas at Galaxy, to the famous Cineteatro Macau, as well as facilities at the Macau Tower. These offer an international selection of Chinese-language and Englishlanguage feature-films. Other, less-accessible theatres dot the Macau peninsula and play mostly Chinese-language productions. The Small Auditorium of the Cultural Centre is also home to infrequent displays of artistic, Indie and classic movies, normally from September to December. Tickets from MOP 50

澳门大熊猫馆 Macao Giant Panda Pavilion 位于路环石排湾郊野公园内的澳门大熊猫馆,占 地面积高达930平方米,设计彷照熊猫在四川的 居所,务求为大熊猫製造一个贴近自然生活的环 境。而为了大熊猫的生活需要,馆内还设有大熊 猫后勤中心,包括屋舍、竹子清洗区、竹子储存 库、饲料准备室、饲料储存库、监控区和医疗室 等。 Nestled against a hill side in Seac Pai Van Park in Coloane in a fan-shaped layout of about 3,000 square meters lies the Macao Giant Panda Pavilion. The pavilion comprises two indoor-activity quarters and an outdoor yard for the giant pandas. Two viewing paths of different elevations line the front edge of the indoor activity area. Internal facilities include: a logistics center with panda dens, bamboo washing and storage quarters, a food-preparation room, warehouse, control center and veterinarian clinic. Opening Hours : 10:00-13:00 Price MOP 10

活动指南 Things Do and See

就脚动物园 二龙喉公园 Mini-zoo 位于东望洋山山腰的二龙喉公园动物园,每天都 吸引很多小孩子。动物园内有30多种鸟类,15 种哺乳动物和爬行动物。园内鸟语花香,有小 溪,瀑布,水族馆。 Flora Garden’s small zoo, housing 30 species of birds, 15 types of Mammals and several reptiles, attracts many school children and families. Home to a brook, a waterfall, an aquarium and a foot massage path, it’s a great place for a meandering stroll. 营业时间/ Opening hours:06:00 - 20:30 免费入场 / Free admission

十六浦迈克杰克逊珍品廊 MJ Gallery 珍品廊内有40多件迈克杰克逊的物品。珍品廊 的主角是迈克杰克逊一隻首次向全球表演招牌 太空舞步( Moon walk )时佩戴的水晶手套, 是十六浦用了数百万元从拍卖中得来的物品。 另外,水晶袜、演唱《 Thriller 》时所穿的丧尸 衬衫、亲笔签名的《 Bad 》RIAA 白金唱片奖等 等,全都是 M J 迷的至爱。 The white rhinestone glove worn by Michael Jackson for his moonwalk debut acts as a magnet for the MJ Gallery in Ponte16. Worn on the left hand of the pop legend as he performed one of recent history’s greatest songs - ‘Billie Jean’ - the white glove is among the King of Pop’s 40-plus treasures exhibited together for the very first time. 开放时间/ Opening Hours: 11:00 - 21:00 免费入场/ Free entrance

free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridge, over and under barriers, zig-zag net climbers and more. Teenagers can use computers to access the internet, play video games or shoot some pool. For those celebrating a birthday, the holidays or any other special occasion, kids of all ages can throw their own parties in one of the two themed party rooms at Qube. 营业时间 / Opening Hours:10:00 - 22:00 Price from MOP 50

童梦天地 Kid’s City 占地一千平方米的童梦天地位于新濠天地Hard Rock酒店2楼。内裡有攀爬设施、电视游戏、泡 泡机、工艺及美术天地、舞台表演及华丽服饰装 扮等,目不暇接。玩乐设施包括「勇闯天地」、「 科幻世界」、「创意坊」、「梦剧院」四个区域。 Occupying over 10,000 square feet, the dynamic and interactive Kids’ City at City of Dreams is well-equipped with climbers & slides, video games, a bouncy tent, a painter’s glass easel and lots more. It comprises four play zones - Explore, Excite, Create and Dream, specially designed to stimulate children’s imagination through interactive learning and social interaction. 时间/ Opening Hours:10:30 – 21:30 Price: Two hour admission Mon-Thu MOP 90 Fri-Sun MOP 100

旅游团笨猪跳 Tower Climb & Skyjump 吊在233米高空命悬一线,并且以200公里的时 速下坠,如此刺激的运动你敢尝试吗?这就是 澳门旅游塔的笨猪跳!澳门旅游塔笨猪跳高233 米,最适合喜爱冒险、挑战勇气极限的游客。 Conquer Macau’s highest summit at the Macau Tower at 338 meters, and stand at the top of the tower by climbing 100 meters up the mast’s vertical ladders. Try the Sky Jump, a 20-second flight over the breathtaking cityscape of Macau or take off from the outer rim of Macau Tower 233 meters above ground on the Sky Walk. Sky Walk: 11:00 - 21:00 - MOP 688 Mast Climb: 11:00 - 21:00 - MOP 3,388

澳门海上游 Macau Harbour Cruise 从极具历史气息的澳门内港码头出发,途经妈阁 庙、旅游塔,澳门八景之一的镜海长虹西湾大 桥,海事博物馆、观音莲花苑等,让您在微微海 风中,舒适写意畅游澳门,而夜间在点点的星光 映照下,欣赏澳门闻名的璀璨夜景,感受澳门不 夜天的繁华,让您留下深刻的旅游记忆。

威尼斯人Qube儿童游戏场 Qube 这个名为历险Q立方的游乐场,设有规模庞大的 攀爬设施及令儿童爱不释手的电脑游戏,不但好 玩而且充满创意,儿童与家长都可在这里尽情欢 乐。场内有高达六米的复合攀爬设施,附设一座 垂直滑梯、两座小型滑梯、一座V字形绳桥、跨 越及攀爬障碍物、之字形攀爬绳网等等.专为庆 祝生日及特别节日而设的两个主题派对游戏间也 近在咫尺,儿童可与家长在这里举办欢乐派对。 Situated inside the Venetian Hotel, this 9,000 square foot children’s playground features a six-meter-tall multi-climbing facility with a

The Harbour Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions such as the A-MaTemple, Macau Tower, Sai Van Bridge, Maritime Museum, and Kun Iam Ecumenical Centre, presenting passengers with a perfect perspective of the city’s rich heritage in an intimate environment. 航班时间:早上11开始,每30分钟一班 Runs every 30 minutes daily starting at 11:00 登船地址:澳门内港12号码头(内港客运码头侧) Starting point: Ponte No. 12 (Port-Interior) Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos 价钱:澳门币80元起 From MOP 80 2013 ■ April │ 四月



缆车 Cable Car

保龄球 Bowling

位于松山脚下二龙喉公园的登山观光缆车,由公 园的入口直到松山顶,游人可在缆车内饱览东望 洋山一带的景色。登上坡顶就可看到从十七世纪 留下来的古炮台堡垒和建于1865 年的灯搭 ,此 处为澳地势的最高点,繁华的街景可一览无遗。 The Guia Hill dominates the Macau peninsula, its peak offering the best views in town, namely of the Pearl River and the surrounding islands. If you go in through the Flora Garden Gate (Avenida Sidónio Pais), you will find a cable car, which gives you an easy ride up and a panoramic view over the hill. 澳门币3元/成人; 澳门币2元/儿童 Adults MOP 3; Children MOP 2 开放时间:每天8:00-18:00(周一除外) Opening hours: Daily 8:00 – 18:00 (closed on Mondays)

观光巴士 Tour Machine 若你想用一种特别的风格和舒适的方式去庆祝特 别的日子,乘坐1920年代的九座英伦巴士会是 一个不错的选择。两小时的观光旅程收费每位 MOP200(最少三人),根据固定路线由11:00开 始至15:30。巴士从酒店出发,每小时的导游费 为MOP400。 If you want to celebrate a special occasion in style and comfort, take a trip in a nine-seat chauffeur-driven 1920s English bus replica. Two-hour city tours cost Mop 200/ person(minimum three people) and operate under a fixed itinerary starting at 11:00 and 15:30. Tour starts from your hotel. Hourly touring costs MOP 400/hour.

想一试身手吗?来澳门东亚运动会体育馆打一场 保龄球吧。体育馆位于路氹城东亚运广场,为现 时澳门最大的综合体育设施。 An extensive multi-lane bowling alley located next to the Macau Dome is a great way to spend a rainy afternoon. Grab a ball and knock ‘em down! 开放时间:每天早上9点至晚上10点门票:按不 同时间段收费 Macau East Asian Games Dome, Av. de COTAI Opening hours: 9:00 – 22:00 daily Admission: based on time period From MOP 30

人力车观光 Rickshaws 人力三轮车是澳门富有特色的交通工具。尽管比 不上现代交通工具的速度,(骑车上山坡的时 候,你也许还要推车呢),坐人力三轮车游览这 个历史小城却有另一番味道。车夫通常会在港澳 码头或葡京酒店前载客,每小时收费约澳门币 150元。 The pedicab, or tricycle rickshaw, is a romantic form of transport around the waterfronts of Macau (it is not designed for hill climbing), and offers visitors a chance to see and photograph the sights. The main locations for hiring a pedicab are outside the Macau Ferry Terminal and opposite the main door of the Lisboa Hotel. They usually charge MOP 150/ hour. It’s best to agree on the price before starting your trip.

滑冰和保龄球 Skating 尽管旁边是旧西洋坟场,但没有什么能挡得住佳 景娱乐中心里面的活力。场内有溜冰场,保龄球 馆,娱乐场等设施一应俱全。 Bowling and skating facilities in the “Future Bright” Entertainment Centre on Rua de Coelho do Amaral, next to the Protestant Cemetery are a nice way to test your skill and have fun as a family. 地址:连胜街 Address: Rua de Coelho do Amaral 营业时间:每天10:00 - 01:00(保龄球馆);每 天10:00 - 22:30(熘冰场) Opening hours: Bowling: 10:00 - 01:00 daily Skating: 10:00 – 22:30 daily

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四月 │ April ■ 2013

活动指南 Things Do and See

a swimming pool, a Portuguese Inn and a Nautical Club with equipment for canoeing and windsurfing. Hác-Sá beach is longer and is popular for windsurfing and jetskiing. Near the beach is a park that contains tennis courts, a swimming pool, picnic area, children’s playground and several Portuguese and Chinese restaurants. The Nautical Entertainment Centre located at Hác-Sá reservoir park houses different boats and water scooters which are available for rent. It also provides a barbecue area, children’s playground, nature trails, a jogging track, and a coffee shop and snack bar.

澳门科学馆 Macao Science Center 天文馆为半圆球型,而展览中心则呈圆锥型,使 用的是呈现原材质色泽的铝钢板及玻璃帷幕。大 人小孩都可以在科学馆内玩得不亦乐乎,最吸引 人的是互动游戏的设计。

赛车 Karting 想感受一下迎风的快感吗?澳门路环石排湾马路 石排湾公园对面的小型赛车场绝对可以满足你所 有的愿望!不用驾照、不用经验,你就可以在这 裡体验一下赛车的乐趣! At the end of the causeway linking Taipa and Coloane is a karting track and grandstand, visited by locals and visitors throughout the week either to practice or to watch the races. Start your engines! 查询电话/For enquiries call (853) 2888 1862.

球场,游泳池,游乐场和野餐区,一应俱全。在 海滩另一头的水上娱乐中心,提供各式摩托艇租 赁服务。此外还有烧烤区,儿童游乐场,咖啡馆 和小吃店等设施。 Coloane island is home to two beaches: Cheoc Van and Hac Sa. At Cheoc Van Beach there are several restaurants with esplanades,

A perfect every day alternative for family fun. The Center is very interactive with loads of hands-on adventure. Be sure to olpcheck out the planetarium. 澳門孫逸仙大馬路澳門科學館 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macau 营业时间: 10:00-18:00,逢周四闭馆 Open 10:00 – 18:00, Closed on Thursdays. • (+853) 2888 0822

健行 Trekking 在路环和氹仔的群山之间纵横交错的小径徒步旅 行,绝对别有一番滋味。在这里城市美景一览无 遗,是爬山爱好者和摄影师们的最爱。 On Guia Hill and the hills of Taipa and Coloane there are trails equipped for trekking, jogging and exercising. These are safe routes, which offer panoramic views over the city, the islands and the Pearl River, providing wonderful opportunities for nature and photography lovers.

水上运动 Nautical Sports 想去路环玩水吗?那一定要来这两个著名海滩。 其中竹湾海滩旁有各式餐厅,游泳池,一间葡式 酒店和一个水上俱乐部,配有独木舟和帆板等设 备。短暂车程后可到达黑沙海滩,有更多的葡萄 牙和中国餐馆餐厅任君选择。公园,篮球场,网

2013 ■ April │ 四月



Glory 《

炫》整个构思是由希腊编舞家安多尼斯‧弗 尼亚达斯与日内瓦芭蕾舞团携手合作的。《 炫》吸引之处在于结合了多种少而复杂的舞蹈, 并着重于肢体动作的爆炸力以及感性的力量来抒 发澎湃的情绪。亦结合了不同风格的舞蹈,如古 典芭蕾,新古典芭蕾,当代芭蕾以及现代巴洛克 式舞蹈,令到《炫》整个表演十分精彩!


onceived by Greek choreographer and dancer Andonis Foniadakis, Glory is an eye-catching collection of smaller, intricate dance pieces focusing on large movements and physical expressivity. The show combines different styles of dance such as classical, neoclassical and contemporary ballet as well as modern dance with the intensity of baroque music giving this show its deeply powerful energy.

随着有著名希腊编舞家安多尼斯‧弗尼亚达斯为 《炫》作编舞外,《炫》的服装也是值得观众关 注。《炫》的服装是由Tassos Sofroniou设计, 以轻巧,透明的布料所制,穿上这种特制的服 装,尽管舞蹈的难度较高,舞者都可尽情大胆表 演。主题背景以巴洛克式为主,是一个相当大胆 但却又带点保守感觉的主题,整个舞台都以简朴 颜色为主。 Along with its choreography, another aspect of Glory that demands attention is the costumes. Designed by Tassos Sofroniou and made with lightweight and sheer fabrics, the costumes accentuate the complexity of the dances and still manage to allow their users to move unhindered. All around they fit into the baroque theme, being quite bold but also carrying a sense of minimalism, keeping away from copious amounts of color and eliminating any unnecessary additions.

《炫》是弗尼亚达斯与日内瓦芭蕾舞团的第三次 合作,以大师向大师致敬。今次,日内瓦芭蕾舞 团亦高手云集,以其服装设计师以及二十位舞艺 非凡的舞者将《炫》这次表演推到最高峰! This show marks Foniadakis’s third collaboration with Geneva Ballet who, along with the dedication of the composers, costume designer and 20 dancers, has been able to turn this show into the ballet company’s most internationally acclaimed and astounding work.

表演日期 Performance Date: 27/04/2013 场地 Venue: 澳门文化中心 Macau Cultural Center 时间 Time: 20:00 入场费: 澳门币 250 & 澳门币 200 (学生票: 澳 门币 150 & 澳门币100) Admission: MOP 250 & MOP 200 (student tickets: MOP 150 & MOP 100)

78 

四月 │ April ■ 2013

艺术 Arts


马戏团 Circus 中国艺术家彭晓的个人作品展,透过马戏团如何 残酷的训练着动物们而作反思。彭晓绘画了一 个系列动物们的头部,目的是想表达为了取悦观 众,动物们所受的痛苦和辛劳,借此反思以及暗 喻人类世界也是一样。 Featuring works by Chinese artist Peng Xiao, Circus presents an insight into the cruel treatment of performing animals in circuses. Using a series of paintings of animal heads, the artist aims to reflect their pain and hardships while also sparking a metaphoric likeness or linkage to the audiences own lives.

地点:牛房仓库二楼展厅(澳门美副将大马路提 督马路交界) Venue: 2nd Floor Gallery, Ox Warehouse, No Cruzamento entre a Avenida doCoronel Mesquita e a Avenida do Almirante Lacerda – Macau 时间:每日12:00-19:00,逢星期二休馆 Time: Daily 12:00 -19:00, Closed on Tuesdays 门票:免费 Admission: Free


精选50绘画展(全艺社) Best 50 Painting Exhibition (AFA)

结束日期 Ending Date 23/06

"Macau-Macau"澳门艺术美景旅 程(全艺社) “Macau-Macau” An Artistic Journey of Beautiful Macau (AFA) 展示了由7个不同风格的艺术家作品;唐重,蔡国 杰,陈显耀,李德胜,蔡树荣,朱焯信。今次, 全艺会和澳门美高梅金殿合作,一共展出33件 作品。作品包括绘画,摄影,雕塑和中国传统水 墨画。由本地艺术家朱焯信策划。让大家从新的 角度看到澳门新的一面,由过去到现时的发展改 变。 Showcasing the works of seven different artists; Cai Guo Jie, Tong Chong, Lio Man Cheong, Choi Su Weng, Chan Hin Io, James Chu and Li Tak Seng, the Art for All Society and MGM Macau come together to exhibit 33 pieces of art. Works include paintings, photos, sculptures and Chinese traditional ink. Curated by local artist James Chi Cheok Son, these works offer the audience Macau seen from a new perspective and depict the city’s development from past to present.

展出由15位本地艺术家所制成的50件作品,让 大家了解澳门艺坛多元化的一面。全艺社成立于 2007年,是一个非牟利的组织,拥有500平方 米的空间用作举办展览及设立了6个艺术家工作 室。 Featuring 50 pieces of art from 15 local artists, this exhibition exposes visitors and locals alike to the diversity of the Macau art scene. AFA continues in it’s role as a nonprofit organization, established in 2007, using its 500 square meter space for exhibitions and also for six art studios.

地点:全艺社(澳门黑沙环马路52号广耀工业 大厦十楼全层) Venue: AFA (Estrada da Areia Preta No. 52, Edificio da Fabrica de Baterias N.E. National, 10th Floor, Macau) 开放时间:12:00 - 19:00 Opening Hours: 12:00 – 19:00 门票:免费 Admission: Free

结束日期 Ending Date 19/05

地点:澳门美高梅二楼画廊(澳门外港新塡海区 孙逸仙大马路) Venue: L2 Gallery, MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau 开放时间:全日,逢星期六休息。 Opening Hours: All Day, Closed on Saturdays 门票:免费 Admission: Free

2013 ■ April │ 四月


放眼小城 City Lights

毛笔的奇迹 -Qin Esheng书法展及印 章雕刻展(澳门民政总署) Miracles at the Brush – Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Carving of Qin Esheng (IACM) 民政总署为大家带来的是秦朝书法以及印章雕刻 的艺术。此次展览共展出90件作品。 IACM bring the wonders of the late Qin Esheng’s dedication to the art form of calligraphy and seal carving to audiences in Macau. The exhibition features 90 pieces of work donated to Huizhou, Qin’s hometown.

地点:民政总署画廊 Venue: Temporary Exhibitions Gallery of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau 营业时间:9:00 - 21:00 Opening Hours: 9:00 - 21:00 门票:免费 Admission: Free



空间的寻找(澳门艺术博物馆) Space (MAM)



秘密-陶瓷展览 Secrets Ceramic Exhibition 秘密-陶瓷展览Secrets Ceramic Exhibition 这是Paulo Valentim第一次的个人展览,是 School of Arts and Crafts of the House of Portugal in Macau的住校导师。今次Paulo Valentim将会展示29个陶瓷面具。用面具作主 题的目的是想揭露那些隐藏在不同的空间和时间 的看法来作反思。 In his first individual exhibit, resident teacher at the School of Arts and Crafts of the House of Portugal in Macau, Paulo Valentim showcases 29 ceramic masks. The masks are said to be a reflection of what is revealed and hidden throughout different times and spaces.

地点:官乐怡基金会,澳门南湾大马路759号 地下 Venue: Fundação Rui Cunha/Foundation Rui Cunha, Avenida da Praia Grande, 759, G/f, Macau 时间:开放时间 Time: Opening hours 门票:免费 Admission: Free

80 

四月 │ April ■ 2013

中国摄影师李锐奋透过他画中的想象力和创造 力,带观众去到一个崭新的层面,探索空间的想 法。 Chinese photographer Frank Lei brings to his audience a new facet of his imagination and creativity with his drawings that explore the idea of space. 地点:澳门新口岸冼星海大马路 Venue: Avenida Xian Xing Hai, NAPE, Macau 营业时间:10:00 - 19:00 Opening Hours: 10:00 – 19:00 门票:澳门币5元(星期日及公众假期) Admission: MOP 5 (Free on Sundays and public holidays)



聚焦澳门 Live

氹仔嘉年华会--文艺演出(民政总署) Art Performance at the Taipa Fair (IACM) 民政总署大楼小型音乐节目 Mini Concert in Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau Building 今年4月,民政总署将与澳门弦乐协会和澳门爵 士乐俱乐部携手合办小型音乐展,为观众带来了 整整一个月的动人旋律。澳门弦乐协会将于4月 的4,6,7,20,21日表演,而澳门爵士乐俱乐 部将于4月的13,14,27和28日表演。 This April, IACM joins forces with both the Associação de Cordas de Macau and the Macau Jazz Club to bring audiences an entire month worth of music. Associação de Cordas de Macau will be playing on the 4th, 6th, 7th, 20th, 21st and the Macau Jazz Club performs on the 13th,14th, 27th and 28th.

本月的氹仔嘉年华会将有一批的表演者于氹仔 旧城区消防局前地举行一系列的演出。表演 节目包括有:澳门视障人士协会的歌唱表演 (2013年7月4日),中国澳门悠悠球总会的 悠悠球表演(14/4/2013)由Ass. De Mútuo Auxílio dos Moradores da Avenida Almeida Ribeiro作演唱嘉宾(21/4/2013),以及由清 新教育研究学会所提供的表演(28/4/2013)。 This month welcome the Taipa Fair and a series of performances set to take place at the Fireman’s square in the Old Taipa Village. The line up will include: Singing by the Associação de Deficientes Visuais de Macau (7/4/2013), Yoyo by the China Macau Yoyo General Association (14/4/2013), Singing by

聚焦澳门 LIVE the Ass. De Mútuo Auxílio dos Moradores da Avenida Almeida Ribeiro (21/4/2013), as well as a variety of performances by the Refresh Education Research Association (28/4/2013).

时间:4月的每个星期日(7/4,14/4,21/4和 28/4) Dates: Every Sunday in April (7/4, 14/4, 21/4 & 28/4) 时间:16:00 - 17:30 Time: 16:00 - 17:30 地点:氹仔旧城区消防局前地 Venue: Largo do Bombeiros, Old Taipa Village, Taipa 门票:免费 Admission: Free

日期:4/4, 6-7/4,13-14/4,20,21/4和27-28/4 Dates: 4/4, 6-7/4, 13-14/4, 20, 21/4 & 27-28/4 时间:15:00-17:00 Time: 15:00-17:00 地点:民政总署大楼 Venue: IACM Building 门票:免费 Admission: Free

2013 ■ April │ 四月


放眼小城 City Lights

布鲁克林骑士音乐会 Brooklyn Rider Concert 一改你以往看到过的弦乐四重奏曲目印象,布鲁 林骑士合奏团将重新诠释现有的弦乐四重奏曲目 并开创新作品,以高超演奏技巧与大无畏的冒险 精神,挑战百年经典及现代乐章。 Unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, join classically trained string quartet Brooklyn Rider for a night of musical experimentation as they play through their diverse repertoire and cross all the boundaries of genre.

日期:25/04/2013 Date: 25/04/2013 时间:20:00 Time: 20:00 地点:澳门文化中心 Venue: Macau Cultural Auditorium 票价:澳门币140 Admission: MOP 140

日期/Date 13 20/04/20 郑伊健光与影演唱会 Light and Show Ekin in Concert 香港演员及粤语流行歌手郑伊健,本次演唱会中 除大唱经典情歌外,还会在新颖雷射效果配合下 带来震撼歌舞。整场演唱会让每一位在热情和冷 酷之间游走的观众,既叹为观止,也带着温暖回 味的记忆离开! Hong Kong Actor and Cantopop singer Ekin, for one night only, serenades Macau at the Cotai Arena in his Light and Show concert. The singer will be performing alongside an elaborate lighting set up bound to wow his audience.

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日期:20/04/2013 Date: 20/04/2013 时间:20:00 Time: 20:00 地点:澳门威尼斯人 - 金光综艺馆 Venue: Venetian Macao - CotaiArena 票价:澳门币680元,澳门币480,澳门币280 Admission: MOP 680, MOP 480, MOP 280


日期/Date 13 25/04/20




澳门博物馆 Macau Museum 澳门博物馆 是一间展示澳门历史和多元文化的 博物馆,馆内的展品以其丰富和深刻的历史和文 化内涵,展示数百年来澳门的历史变迁,讲述来 自不同国家、具有不同文化背景的居民在澳门和 平共处的生活。 The Macau Museum is a historical and cultural museum with a vast number of objects of great historical value. It demonstrates the lifestyles and cultures of various communities that have inhabited the city across the ages. 地址: 澳门博物馆前地112号(大炮台) 10:00-18:00 逢周一闭馆 112 Praceta do Museu de Macau (Mount Fortress) 10:00-18:00 Closed on Mondays

海事博物馆 Maritime Museum 海事博物馆是澳门历史最悠久的一间博物馆,对 面是妈阁庙。据说这里是当年葡国人首次登陆澳 门的地方。博物馆主要介绍这地区的主要海事活 动,包括:中国南部的捕鱼方法和传统渔船、科 学技术和交通工具、葡国和中国的海事历史。 The Maritime Museum, located in the Square of the Barra Pagoda, is dedicated to the Taoist goddess “A-MA”, the protector of fishermen, and is also believed to be the place where the Portuguese first landed in Macau. 澳门妈阁庙前地1号 10:00-18:00 逢周二闭馆 Largo do Pagode da Barra, 1. From 10:00-18:00 Closed on Tuesdays


大赛车博物馆 Grand Prix Museum 大赛车博物馆建于1993年11月18日,是为庆祝 澳门格兰披治大赛40周年而设,展览每年11月 格兰披治大赛的名车。 Opened in 1993 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix, this museum features a selection of retired racecars and motorbikes used in the November competitions over the years. 高美士街(旅游服务中心地下) 431号 10:00-21:00 逢周二闭馆 Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes, 431 10:00-21:00 Closed on Tuesdays

澳门回归贺礼陈列馆 Handover Gifts Museum of Macau 该馆所在地原为一九九九年十二月二十日中葡政 府进行澳门政权交接仪式的场馆,主要展示当年 回归贺礼。 The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau is built on the site of the Macau Handover Ceremony. Now, it houses an exhibition of the handover gifts. 冼星海大马路澳门文化中心 10:00 – 19:00 周一闭馆 Av. Xian Xing Hai, Macau 10:00 – 19:00 Closed on Mondays

葡萄酒博物馆 Wine Museum 这个面积1400平方米的葡萄酒博物馆除了介绍 酿酒、葡萄种植历史、浏览葡萄种植、酿制工具 器皿和各种陈年葡萄酒酒之外,还可让游客品尝 美酒。 This 1,400 square-meter space is divided into a number of areas including: a Historical Information section, a Wine Cellar, a Museum, and various other Exhibitions. Through the use of maps, texts, photos, tiles and videos (among others) it relates the history and traditions circling wine. 高美士街(旅游服务中心地下) 431号 10:00-21:00 逢周二闭馆 Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes 431 10:00-21:00 Closed on Tuesdays

澳门艺术博物馆 Macau Museum of Art 澳门艺术博物馆致力向参观者展示澳门东西方文 化融合的独特氛围。 The Macau Museum of Art is the only art museum in Macau and provides the largest space around dedicated purely to the visual arts. 冼星海大马路澳门文化中心 10:00 - 19:00 周一闭馆 Macau Cultural Centre, Av. Xian Xing Hai, Nape, Macau 10:00 – 19:00 Closed on Mondays 2013 ■ April │ 四月


放眼小城 City Lights

澳门科学馆 Macau Science Center 由美籍华人建筑师贝聿铭设计。主体由一个倾 斜的圆锥体、一个半球体和一个菱形的基座组 成。外形科学味甚浓,延续了贝氏喜爱几何图 案的建筑风格。 The Macau Science Center - designed by world-renowned Chinese-American architect I.M. Pei - is an instantly recognizable structure. Its silvery, cone-shaped exterior hides the fourteen galleries within: all arranged in a spiral, and accentuated by an arch shape. 澳门新口岸填海区孙逸仙大马路 10:00 – 18:00 周四闭馆 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macau Science Center 10:00 – 18:00 Closed on Thursdays

St. Dominic Square (next to Senado Square) 10:00 - 18:00 Open Everyday

天主教艺术博物馆与墓室 Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt 位于大三巴牌坊的地下层,展出天主教澳门教区 的文物,包括油画、耶稣受难像、圣像、教堂圣 物、礼拜器物等。墓室则安放了由路环圣方济各 圣堂迁来的日本和越南殉道者骸骨。

圣物宝库 Treasure of Sacred Art 圣物宝库又称玫瑰堂圣物宝库,位于玫瑰堂 侧,于1997年启用,展出澳门天主教会的文 物。1834年,禁教命令强制执行,旁边的玫瑰 堂一度被政府用作军营、马棚和办公室。 The Museum of the Church of St. Dominic (Treasure of Sacred Art), located in the buildings adjacent to the church, has been open to visitors since 1997. When, in 1834, the Religious Order was abolished in Portugal, the church became the home of a great number of religious artifacts that are presently on display in the museum. 澳门圣母玫瑰堂前地(议事亭前地旁) 10:00 – 18:00

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Built at the bottom section of the inner area of St. Paul’s Ruins - in the spot where the church and the College of the Mother of God were previously located - the Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt evoke the rich history of the missions in the region, the main source of which was the College of St. Paul. 大三巴牌坊 每日9:00 – 18:00 St. Paul’s Ruins 9:00 – 18:00 Open Everyday

澳门国父纪念馆 Dr. Sun Iat Sen Memorial House 国父纪念馆保留原貌,大部分房间保持原有布 置。展览品有孙中山在澳门行医时所用的物品、 在广州起义时用过的家具、孙中山的真迹和生前 照片。 This original building in Macau houses a number of documents, paying homage to the

stay of Dr. Sun Iat Sen in Macau. 澳门文第士街1号(对面是治安警察局) 10:00 – 17:00 逢周二闭馆 Av. Sidonio Pais (opposite the police station) 10:00 – 17:00 Closed on Tuesdays

我的 澳门


iam Alexander是一个17岁的南非人,八年 前移居澳门。最近,他在比赛Dance@live 的自选环节中胜出,稍后他将继续代表澳门到上 海参加今年的舞蹈比赛。他是澳门圣公会中学的 学生,亦是Creative Production Group(CPG)的 一名专业舞蹈演员和编舞家,CPG是一间以香港 为基地的公司。



iam Alexander is a 17-year-old South African who moved to Macau eight years ago. He recently won the freestyle section of the Dance@live competition and will go on to represent Macau in scheduled dance battles in Shanghai later this year. Liam is a student at the Macau Anglican College but also works as a professional dancer and amateur choreographer for Hong Kong-based company Creative Production Group (CPG).

你对澳门最好的回忆是什么? Whats your best memory of Macau? 我对澳门最美好的记忆是有一次我和我的朋友在 澳门旅游塔一起玩月球漫步!这真是疯了,因为 当时的想法是突如其来及任意即兴的。 My best memory of Macau would have to be when my friends and I did the ‘Sky Jump off the Macau tower! It was crazy because the idea was out of the blue and spontaneous.

澳门哪里的风景最美? Where do you find the most beautiful scenery in Macau? 嗯,澳门有很多好的地方,如新葡京等,但我真 的很喜欢走在多点文化气息的地方,如氹仔旧城 区和新马路一带的旧区等,那些地方可以显示出 中国传统建筑和现化建筑之间的巨大差异。 Well, Macau has a lot of great places, like the Grand Lisboa etc., but I really like walking around in the more cultural places like Old Taipa, the older areas by San Malo and places that show the vast differences between the old Chinese buildings and the newer more modern buildings.

哪里的美食最好吃? What's your favorite restaurant? My favorite restaurant would have to be Nga Tim’s in Coloane village. Their food is great! It has that perfect balance of Chinese and Portuguese cuisine. 我最喜欢的餐厅是不得不吃的路环雅憩花园餐 厅,那里的食物真是太捧了!它的美食具有完美 平衡的中国和葡萄牙风味。

文 By Abbi Mitchell-Morley

哪里是约会最好的地方? Where is the best place for a date? 好了,我一生中还没有许多次约会。我选择去野 餐,我会带她到一个景观很美的地方,摆一张桌 子,找一位我的朋友去扮演服务员。也许在黑沙 海滩或在路环或者甚至在渔人码头。我没有到过 许多浪漫的地方,但我敢肯定,澳门有很多浪漫 的地方。 Well, I haven’t gone on many dates in my lifetime. I’d rather go on picnics and things so I’d take her to a place with a nice view, have a table set up and get one of my friends to play a personal waiter. So maybe on the beach at Hac Sa or in the Coloane village or even at Fishermen’s Wharf. I haven’t been to many romantic places but I’m sure I will and I know Macau has many.

最喜欢到哪里拍照? Where do you like to take pictures? 这是個棘手的問題。澳门有很多拍照的好地方, 如大三巴牌坊,或沿着路氹金光大道,但可能因 为我的年龄或个人喜好,我喜欢的照片是让城市 看似几乎“急躁摇晃”之类的样子,像在建筑物 的顶部眺望着路氹金光大道令人吃惊的风景或在 凼仔旧城区的小巷上。 That’s tricky. Macau has many great photo locations like the Ruins of Saint Paul or along the Cotai Strip but, because of either my age or personal preference, I like photos that give off that urban almost “edgy swag” sort of look, like on top of a building looking out onto an amazing view of the Cotai strip or in one of the alleys of Old Taipa.

澳门哪个地方是必去的? What is the best activity/place to really experience Macau? Why? 你一定要去新马路,我和我的朋友称它为“肉 街",这是一条小街到大三巴,整条街挤满了人 和店铺,售卖澳门的葡式蛋挞、肉干、杏仁饼味道令人惊叹!这是值得一试。在新马路人們同 时向不同方向走去,真是疯狂,但又是一个惊人 的景象。有时候我会在一旁傻傻地看著,我知道 这听起很奇怪,但這樣你能看到世界各地的人都 来参观这个地方。 You’d have to go to San Malo. My friends and I call it ‘The Meat Street’, it’s this small little street that leads up to the Ruins. It’s packed with people and stores selling Macau’s famous Egg tarts, dried meats and almond cookies - that taste amazing! It’s worth checking out. The amount of people in San Malo walking in different directions at the same time, it’s wild but at the same time an amazing sight. Sometimes, I just sit back and ‘people watch’; I know that sounds creepy but you get to see people from all around the world coming to see this place. 2013 ■ April │ 四月


历史 回顾

音堂建於明朝末年,距今约三百多年,比澳門的歷史還要長。禪院也是澳门三大禅院中规模 最大的,內有三個大殿,一個小花园,还藏有不少珍贵经卷,以及名家留下的字画。禪院因 为《中美望厦条约》的签订而載入史冊。


观音堂, 1950年代 Kun Iam Temple, 1950s


he Kun Iam Temple, established over 300 years ago, has been around for longer than Macau has been called Macau. This temple is one of the three largest Buddhist temples in the SAR, originally built in the Ming Dynasty. Divided into a series of sections, the temple has three main halls, a small garden and is also home to a collection of paintings, calligraphy and relics. The temple goes down in history as the site of the signing of the first Sino-American treaty in 1844.

照片由Photo by澳门历史档案馆 Macau Historical Archives

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