Cguide Macau October Edition

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你的澳门导游 Your City guide to Macau

十月 October 2014 - N25 -

阅 免费赠e fre











濠好玩 10/17日 19:00-00:00 10/18-19日 12:00-00:00 龙环葡韵 Taipa Houses-Museum











ad-MGTO | October 2014



编辑的话 from the editor

黄金周十月,又将有一波可预见的游客潮来到澳门,这个充满南 欧风情的小城市,在大屏幕又或是电视公仔箱里都是迷人的。最近热 播的《十二道锋味》,谢霆锋和Angelababy就选择在这个城市里尽 情觅食,当中去过的安德鲁葡挞和婆仔屋餐厅,我们这期关于澳葡菜 和葡国菜的专题都有详尽的介绍,想要沿着明星的路线吃遍澳门?翻 开《新导航杂志》总能找到最优选择。 说到本期主角,当然是音乐。十月的澳门将会被来自世界各地的美妙 乐音萦绕,因为一年一度的国际音乐节就要到来,我们专门炮制了一 系列和澳门音乐相关的主题,包括云集澳门九个来自不同年代的著名 华人歌手共同录制的专辑背后之故事,特邀英国新晋爵士巨星到来的 爵士和蓝调音乐节,和门票几乎售罄的澳门国际音乐节等等,在本期 双封面的另一面开始阅读,您将会看到乐韵飞扬的澳门。 至于家庭乐的游客们,秋天最适合踩着自行车穿梭于澳门大街小巷, 我们给您和您的孩子规划了一条离岛单车游的路线,保证让您们在 锻炼身心的同时,也能收获澳门金秋风情。如果你的孩子已经满18 岁,那么带着他来澳门体验一年一度的啤酒节热闹,也会是您旅途上 难以忘怀的一笔哦。 十月的澳门,有音乐,有美食,有各种让您身心焕然一新的节目等着 你。

October will see another wave of tourists in Macau. The city,

filled with European atmosphere, is charming whether on large or small LED screens. Hong Kong star Nicholas Tse has recently come to taste Lord Stow’s Bakery and Albergue 1601, and we, in this issue, is introducing the two eateries even more thoroughly. Wanna join in the stars? Flip the magazine open. Music is of course another highlight because the annual Macau International Music Festival will infuse notes into every heart. Enjoy the world of music with our stories: a local compilation by nine singers, the British rising Jazz superstar featured in the Jazz and Blues Festival, and the popular (sold-out) shows from Macau International Music Festival. Turn to the back and read from the other side of the double covers. The autumn of Macau is ideal for family members to bike around. Our recommended routes allow you to indulge in the beautiful scenes of the golden season. You should also bring your young adult children to Oktoberbest 2014, where memories are unforgettable. Music, food and all kinds of entertainment... Have fun in Macau! Yvonne Yu 主编 Editor-in-Chief


Publisher Editor-in-chief 总编辑

Editorial team 编辑团队

十月 2014 |

Yvonne Yu

Yan Lam

Anthony Lam

Contributors 撰稿人

Illustrator 插画师 Editorial enquiries 编辑咨询

Jim, Dorothy, William, Nancy, 苏苏 Gil Araujo, Xinderer Chu T (+ 853) 28513513 F (+ 853) 2851 3311

Art director 艺术


José Manuel Cardoso

Melao, Xun, James, Sing


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Advertising enquiries 广告询问

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Marta Vaz Silva

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Tipografia Welfare Limitada T (+ 853) 28337972


30 000




Macau Plus Ltd.



中文 4

十月 October 2014

澳门罗保博士街1号国际银行大廈22 楼2201室 R. Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 Luso International Bld, 22Fl - Macau

《新澳门导航》 两周年庆街头随拍

Street Snapshots on Cguide’s 2nd Anniversary

为庆祝《新澳门导航》两周岁生辰,我们杂志特意在澳门闹市中心地带 的议事亭前地筹划了一场街头随拍秀。这是游客必到之地,很多游客对 手持Cguide大型模拟封面版拍照都十分感兴趣。现场更有身穿Cguide杂 志TEE的美女和杂志工作人员参与拍照游客互动,并免费派发杂志,我 们精选了其中几张逗趣照片,与您一同分享这份庆生的喜悦!

We have staged a street snapping at Senado Square, the heart of Macau, in celebration of Cguide’s 2nd Anniversary. Tourists are interested in snapping with us as much as in visiting the Square, and interaction of our team – in Cguide Tee – with tourists is fun. We have chosen some really nice shots here so next time it may be you! | October 2014



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遍布全城的发行网络 《新澳门导航》杂志发行的网点遍布全城,基于与澳 门航空的合约,杂志会在大中华二十二个地区的机场 发布;在澳门主要酒店的房间及礼宾部都能找到我们 的杂志,并会在超过八百间的旅游热门餐厅中展示, 我们每月亦会亲自把杂志送到超过七百位贵宾的手 上。

Hotels & Resorts


Distribution Cguide is distributed internationally in the lounges of 22 airports throughout Greater China, as per an agreement with Air Macau. Cguide is also present in the Macau Government Tourist Office booths throughout the SAR. In Macau the magazine is available in nearly every major hotel - present in hotel rooms and concierges. Cguide is also distributed to over 800 restaurants and is found in primary tourist spots, as well as being hand-delivered to more than 700 VIPs.


Check out some of the following locations at which you can find Cguide magazine.


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十月 2014 | | October 2014



story 封面故事 cover

十月跟着Cguide在澳门开展一场精彩的音乐之旅吧!我们 带你游历多个澳门国际音乐节的表演场所,再带你欣赏 世界级演出,最后以本地原创的好音乐作终点,让你全 程乐在澳门。 Follow Cguide to mesmerising repertoires! Know the stories of the venues for Macau International Music Festival, and then appreciate the programs. Lastly, some local music as the Finale. COVER SHOOTING by XUN




























十月 october 2014

十月 2014 |

44 FACE 人物

程嘉敏:因为梦想,所以 我敢



与爵士乐名师 Zé Eduardo 有约

Exclusive: Interview with Jazz Maestro Zé Eduardo | October 2014



小城热话 What’s Hot!

银禧安德鲁 The Lord’s Jubilee Anthony Lam Melao

期杂志的美食主题为葡萄牙美食,自然不能不提澳葡式甜点,游客熟悉的安 德鲁饼店迎来25年银禧,所以我们这期热论的主角肯定就是它啦! 转眼间,澳门知名的安德鲁饼店已25岁。1979年,英国人安德鲁来到澳门,成为药 剂师;在1989年,他又创立安德鲁饼店。这两件事听起来有点风马牛不相及,但如 果没有这么“无厘头”的转折,就没有现在的澳门葡挞传说了。 几年前安德鲁骤然离世,妹妹Eileen毅然接手饼店,进行改革更新,澳门又在此时开 始腾飞,转眼间葡挞风靡世界。这25年来,Eileen和其哥哥创立的饼店,与澳门共度 宁静、动荡和飞跃期。最让Eileen和安德鲁预计不到的,是目前游客量的激增。 Eileen接手此生意的过程一点也不容易,如她所说,“首先要让员工有信心坚持下 去”。过程中她加入了现代管理哲学,令饼店生意一日千里。今天,你去大阪和马 尼拉也会看到安德鲁加盟店,而饼店更与香港怡东酒店的大堂咖啡座合作。展望未 来,Eileen会在饼店转角开设小餐馆,为你提供更舒适的环境和更多样的选择,让 我们一起期待这份属于路环的美味神话一直世代传承。


ime flies: this year celebrates the Silver Jubilee of Macau’s famed Lord Stow’s Bakery. Cguide takes you to feel the love, passion and energy in their masterpieces. Andrew, the British founder of the Bakery, was initially a pharmaceutical professional when he arrived in Macau in 1979; but not until 1990 did he premiered his now renowned Egg Tarts. Some years ago, Andrew passed in an acute asthma; and his sister, Eileen, inherited the business. By all the modernised strategies, and Macau’s booming economy, the Tarts became global. In these 25 years, Eileen – along with his brother’s and now her Bakery – witnessed the tranquillity, the unsettlement, and the prosperity of the city. What surprised Eileen most is the “huge growth in customers” that neither Andrew nor she has expected. It was hard when Andrew passed and Eileen picked up the business. In her words, “It was primarily crucial to encourage staff to move forward with the Bakery.” In making it worldwide, Eileen’s business wisdom can’t be in contempt. Lord Stow’s now has franchises in Osaka and Manila, plus collaboration with Hong Kong’s Excelsior Hotel. Eyeing future, Eileen is working on the opening of a new Bistro just around the corner of the Bakery. She wants to offer you a nicer place and more options. 想要了解更多?到访www.cguidemacau.com阅读深度安德鲁饼店访问。 For an extended article on Lord Stow’s Bakery visit



十月 2014 | | October 2014



十月好节目 October

Cguide Recommendation Thursday, 2

Sunday, 5

秋季花卉展 Autumn Flower Show 氹仔龙环葡韵 Taipa Houses-Museum

澳门离岛单车游 Taipa Bicycle Tour PAGE 46

Friday, 10

saturday, 11

金光爵士及蓝调音乐节 2014 Cotai Jazz & Blues Festival 2014 18:00 澳门威尼斯人湖畔区 Venetian’s Outdoor Lagoon PAGE 65

“色惑” TABOO 21:00 新濠天地“娇比” Cubic, City of Dreams PAGE 14

他是一首美丽的诗-黄昏 音乐会 Guitar is a Beautiful Poem 17:30-19:00 氹仔龙环葡韵圆形剧场 Amphitheater of the Taipa Houses Museum

monday, 13

wednesday, 15

Friday, 17

水舞间 The House of Dancing Water 17:00/20:00 澳门新濠天地 City of Dreams Macau

美高梅澳门德国啤酒节2014 MGM Oktoberfest 2014 19:00 PAGE 49

跟着小人儿看世界 See the World through the CHILDREN’S Eyes 12:00-19:00 牛房仓库 Ox Warehouse PAGE 12

WEDNESDAY,,1 第26届澳门国际烟花比 赛汇演 26th Macau International Fireworks Display Context 21:00 & 21:40pm 旅游塔对出海面 Sea front of Macau Tower


sunday, 19

Tuesday, 21

Thursday, 23

《乐施扶贫同乐行》 OXFAM WALKATHON (MACAU) 9:30-12:00 澳门松山公园 Guia Hill, Macau

“相约满堂彩 齐品三城辣” Savour Spicy Dishes 澳门君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau PAGE 27

皇家特工:间谍密令 Kingsman: The Secret Service 澳门旅游塔 Macau Tower PAGE 39

Saturday, 25

Sunday, 26

Thursday, 30

《唔黐线唔正常》 Dayo Wong Stand Up Comedy in Macao 20:00 金光综艺馆 Cotai Arena PAGE 15

“澳门星音”音 乐会﹣小肥 Star Voice Concert-Siu Fay 22:00 澳门星级酒店“品 味吧” Whisky Bar, Star World Hotel

恋爱大爆发 Hairspray-The Musical 20:00 文化中心综合剧院 Macau Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium PAGE 63



十月 2014 |

濠好看 Now


博览会 expos

10月23-26日 OCT 23-26

第十九届澳门国际贸易投资展览会 19th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair (MIF) 澳门国际贸易投资展览会是澳门首个通过国 际展览业协会(UFI)认证的展览会,上一届汇 聚来自50多个国家及地区超过350个经贸代表 团参加展会,并促成2000多场商业配对。今 年的MIF以“促进合作 共创商机”为主题,凭 借澳门独具特色的多元文化及区域性商贸服 务平台角色,进一步促进本地及内地企业拓 展与葡语国家企业的经贸合作,使澳门成为 中国与葡语国家之间的经贸合作交流平台。 MIF is the first exhibition in Macao to be accredited by UFI. Last year’s event attracted 350 delegations from 50 countries and 2,000 matchmaking sessions. This year’s MIF, themed “Cooperation-Key to Business Opportunities”, aims to further bridge local and Chinese businesses with the enterprises in Portuguese-speaking countries, highlighting Macau’s unique position.

10月23日(专业观众) Oct. 23 (For Trade Visitors Only) 12:00-20:00 10月24-25日(对外开放) Oct. 24-25 (Open) 10:00-20:00 10月26日(对外开放) Oct. 26 (Open) 10:00-18:00 澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店 The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel 免费 Free + 853 2882 8711

10月9-11日 OCT 9-11

10月31日-11月2日 OCT 31-NOV 2

第二届国际文化艺术品展览会暨国际宗教艺术博览会 2nd Cosmopolitan Cultures & Fine Art Fair

第三届国际食品及时尚家品 展2014 International Food and Housewares Fair 2014

第二届国际文化艺术品展览会暨国际宗教艺 术博览会将会展示来自澳门本地、香港、中 国、朝鲜、菲律宾、乌克兰等多个地区的展 商展示不同类别的艺术品; 三天的展期举办 多场重量级嘉宾主持的讲座及表演,本次博 览会更将宗教艺术作为一个主题,而新世代 创意区旨在为新晋年轻艺术家提供展示平台 以探索创意、提升曝光率,同时藉此难得机 会拓展网络。

The Fair features works from around the world, plus distinguished speeches and performances. This year’s theme is “Religious Arts”. A new section is for young creativity that offers a platform for young artists, who are invited to present their work in paintings, calligraphy, sculpture, photos, installation arts, etc. 10:00-20:00 澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店 The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel 免费 Free ++ 852 2827 6766

本届展会将会是澳门最大型的国际食品及家 品展,相较于往届,这次加入了许多新元 素,展览内容更加丰富,除了国际食品展区 有各国特色食品、健康食品、有机食品、急 冻食品、素食品、休闲食品、零食、水产食 品等等,更有时尚家品展区,增加了女士亲 子的专门区域。今年国际食品及时尚家品展 已迈进第三届,预计展览入场约80,000100,000人次,展位多达200个。 This will be the largest edition of the Fair. Besides the long-existing International Food Section, there are also housewares and children’s sections, which are new to the Fair. The 200 booths of this Fair are expected to attract about 100,000 visitors. 12:00-21:00 澳门威尼斯人金光会展展览馆A The Venetian Macau Cotai Expo Hall A 免费 Free + 853 6228 7378 | October 2014



濠好看 Now

即日起至11月24日 Till Nov 24


See the World through Children’s Eyes

每年的十月,牛房仓库就会充满童真,定时举办的“儿 童艺术乐园”展览总能让孩子和大人尽兴 。策展人施援 程小姐笑着跟我们介绍:“儿童艺术乐园是个非常有趣 的展览,今年已经来到第三届, 每年主题都可以不一样,2014 年就以孩子们的画作为主题。” OX Warehouse amuses both children and adults every October by Children Artland, a family-friendly event. “It’s an interesting exhibition and this year’s theme is ‘Children’s Drawings’.” Cora Si – the curator – said with a smile.

Yvonne Melao


he world of children is incomprehensible for adults. Cora thus invited a group of artists to create artworks based on drawings she selected from the regular children’s drawing workshops. Such drawings were realised into dolls and installations so impossible was made possible in “See the World Through Children’s Eyes”. “It is a pity that few parents keep their children’s drawings – records of their and the children’s maturation.” Cora said. Drawings from the workshops – pure and true – are colourful and diverse. Four participating families have their own respective rooms, about “naming”, “hearty collaborations”, etc. Other than the art works, “the interactive game zone in the exhibition will keep children entertained.” Cora said. “Last year, Taiwanese artists were invited to perform handstand, implying ‘nothing is impossible’. Parents do feel closer with their children.” Cora added.

12:00-19:00 (周二休息 Closed on Tues) 牛房仓库 Ox warehouse

孩子的世界,有太多大人无法想象的元素,施援程从牛房平时在假日举办的绘画工作坊内挑选孩子们的画, 再邀请不同的艺术家和艺术导师在此基础上进行再创作,一个个“不可能”的生物不再只局限于纸张之上, 反而栩栩如生地化成了用环保布料制作的娃娃,或是大型钢线制作的装置艺术品。所有大人眼里的“不合乎常理” ,在今年这个名为《跟着小人儿看世界》的艺术乐园里都变成理所当然。 “很可惜,其实现在很少家长会把孩子们从幼儿时期到小学作的画保存下来,通过画作去看他们的成长其实也可以 让家长同步成长。”我们翻阅一幅幅从工作坊内精挑细选的画,色彩鲜明,线条多样的世界,正是未被世俗洗礼的 孩子眼里最纯真的投射。四个家庭在本次展览中分别占有一个房间,有以“命名”为主题,有以“乡村生活”为主 调,更有和特殊人士的爱心合作。除了各种有趣的艺术品,展览更设有互动游戏区,“很多孩子都会不舍得离去, 所以游戏区会让他们停留得更久一点”,施援程说,“去年我们就请来台湾艺术家表演倒立,寓意没有任何事情做 不来,每年都可以搞搞新意思,家长都跟我们反映,能从中了解更多自己的孩子。”



十月 2014 |

澳门美副将大马路与提督 马路交界 No Cruzamento da Avenida do Coronel Mesquita com a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau 工作坊 Workshop: MOP50/Class 展览 Exhibition:免费Free + 853 2853 0026



即日起至12月7日TILL DEC 7 台风岁月——澳门档案资料展 The Times of Typhoon

10月23-26日 OCT 23-26 2014澳门服装节 Macao Fashion Festival 2014/9/1 在每年的澳门会展界盛事“澳门国际贸易投资展 览会(MIF)”活动中都会有专场推广澳门本土服 装设计作品,今年也不例外。同场举办的澳门服 装节2014旨在推动澳门时装设计行业的发展,加 强澳门服装行业人士与其他国家或地区的紧密联 系,特别是与亚洲服装行业之间的相互认识及学 习交流,了解现今服装行业的技术发展与最新的 时装潮流资讯,从而增强他们的专业知识及设计 意念。活动内容精彩纷呈,包括时装表演,时尚 展示区以及澳门时装设计师的小天地,让他们与各界商家广泛洽谈,并邀请两岸四 地专家现场举办专题研讨会。 Every year, at MIF, the top event in Macao exhibition industry, a special show is dedicated to local fashion design. This year’s MIF is no exception: 2014 Macao Fashion Festival promotes Macao’s fashion design industry, bridging Macao with the international industry. Also, it intends to bring in new ideas and knowledge to Macao talents. Events include fashion shows, fashion displays and designer meet-and-greets. Professionals from Greater China will also speak at the seminar sessions. 10:00-18:00

澳门每年五月至十月常受台风吹袭,一八七四年的“甲 戌风灾”,酿成了重大水灾和火灾,是澳门历史上破坏 最严重、人员伤亡最多的台风,为澳门社会、经济带来 了沉重冲击。这次展览展出“甲戌风灾”和近百年来吹 袭澳门重大台风的档案文献、照片、实物、地图和新闻 片段。展出展品不乏珍贵的档案文物,包括台风的命名 系统、监测工具、警报信号、飓风侵袭和救灾事迹等, 市民可从中了解昔日台风肆虐澳门的情况,揭示城市生 活与自然灾害的关系。 May to October is the annual typhoon season in Macau. The 1874 typhoon caused the highest casualties and most severe destruction in Macao’s history. This exhibition features documented materials, images, objects, maps and news reports about all major typhoons affecting Macao over the past century. Exhibits are a great amount of precious archives, including the naming system of typhoon, monitoring tools, alarm signal, typhoon invasion and disaster relief, from which citizens can understand situations when typhoons hit Macao and disclose the relationship between city life and natural disaster. 10:00-18:00 逢周一和公众假期闭馆


Closed on Mondays & Public Holidays

The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel


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即日起至10月19日 TILL OCT 19 无为画──客远文的画与诗 Pictures of Nothing at All The Art and Poetry of Kit Kelen “无为画”是关于抽象这一概念的一场跨媒体、跨文化的趣味盎然的冥 想。投身展览中,你会发现自己游走在一个矛盾里──这些画,既然什 么都不是,那么严格来说就不能表现任何事物,然而文字(每种语言 的)都不得不去表现,不管它们显得多简单,抽象或典型。 Pictures of Nothing at All is a playful cross-media and cross-cultural meditation on the idea of abstraction. Falling into this work you find yourself traveling across a contradiction – pictures being of “nothing at all” cannot strictly represent anything, while words (in every language) cannot help but represent, no matter how simple or abstract or archetypal they seem to be. 10:00-19:00 逢周一休馆 Closed on Mondays 澳门艺术博物馆MAM MOP5 + 853 8791 9814 | October 2014



濠好看 Now


“色惑”携杨千嬅 载誉归来 TABOO Returns

with Miriam Yeung



放眼小城 City Lights 演出 Shows

22:00-23:15 21:00进场 / 逢周二至六 Entry started from 21:00/Tues-Sat) 娇比 / 新濠天地 Cubic, City of Dreams +853 8868 6767 +852 800 900 783 (Free)



年在新濠天地娇比上演,并轰动全城的火辣话 题之作“TABOO色惑”今年强势归来,更加 入亚洲元素:由天后杨千嬅坐镇唱出全新主题曲《色 惑》。因创作“水舞间”而被亚洲观众熟知的Franco Dragone执导本年度演出,他在原本的SHOW内加入 全新破格元素,该表演汇聚全球顶尖歌舞奇艺表演 者,看过的朋友都被眩幻的舞台效果以及演员们敬业 的态度和表现线条美又诱惑人心的性感舞蹈所折服, 实在是澳门夜生活的刺激感官首选。 未 看 过 表 演 的 朋 友 可 以 通 过 千 嬅M V 侧 面 窥 视 全 新 TABOO的精彩,由香港著名导演郭子健执导的MV 以“TABOO色惑”舞蹈员带领千嬅走入另一个深层次 的迷幻梦境世界,千嬅幻化成为《色惑》女神,大胆 地情挑多位TABOO舞蹈员。经过“Hand to Hand” 及“Double straps”的诱人舞台,最后走进法国肌肉 型男的表演地带,脚踏6吋斗零踭的型男以独特糅合力 量与性感撩人舞姿,展现出令人媚惑叹为观止的扇子 舞,为色惑与禁忌重新定义。紧接着,千嬅延续MV瞩 目亮点,在闪烁熣灿的大型Mirror Ball内艳丽出场,秒 杀全场镜头焦点!

十月 2014 |


sian diva Miriam Yeung released the latest single Taboo, inspired by the most enthralling namesake hit show produced by Mr. Franco Dragone, the creator of ‘The House of Dancing Water’, in collaboration with City of Dreams Macau. The all-new TABOO challenges your senses through a diverse array of interactive and innovative performances by a cast of beautiful and talented artists from around the world. Directed by Derek Kwok, the red-hot music video portrays Miriam who was lost into a secret fantasy. Led by the TABOO performers, she becomes the TABOO goddess and takes the audience into a psychedelic and seductive journey of hidden desires on stage. In the music video, Miriam seduces TABOO performers in a provocative cabaret. The lens follows her into the “Hand to Hand” stage and the “Double Straps”; then the haughty queen enters the performance stage of French dancers styled in six-inch stilettos, showing off another kind of sensuality that combines strength and fragility in a spectacular fan dance. To add to the sensuous temptation, Miriam made her special appearance at the glittering mirror ball, successfully captivated photographers and guests in the premiere.


表演 shows


Cguide selection 10月6日 6 OCT

约翰•欧康纳钢琴独奏会 John O’Conor Piano Recital 爱尔兰钢琴大师约翰•欧康纳被誉为是演奏 古典与早期浪漫派作品的权威,其独特柔美 的音色与细緻的演绎,亦让他成为贝多芬曲 目的佼佼者。《星期日泰晤士报》对他演出 的评价是:无法想象能有更好的演出。这位 师承音乐巨匠肯普夫的钢琴家,早于1973年 便以压倒性优势赢得维也纳国际贝多芬钢琴 大赛首奖,其后灌录的多张贝多芬专辑亦获 一致好评,《CD Review》杂志赞誉为“最 杰出的贝多芬演奏”。此次澳门独奏会势必 成为喜爱古典音乐,特别是贝多芬粉丝本年 度不可错过的表演。 Irish pianist John O’Conor is a master of classic and early-romantic works, especially those by Beethoven, praised by Sunday Times as “Can’t image anything better” and CD Review “the most excellent performance of Beethoven.” As one of the achieved students of Kempff, he won the first prize of Vienna International Beethoven Piano Competition in 1973 and launched many wellresponded albums. The recital will be a chance cannot be missed for classic and Beethoven lovers. 20:00 澳门文化中心小剧院 Macao Culture Centre-Small Auditorium MOP120/220/320 +853 2840 0555

10月11日 11 OCT

狂人日记 Diary of a Madman 仁义道德,不见血淋淋,但一样吃人不眨 眼:百年前,鲁迅以文字道破,震惊文坛; 今天,中国前卫导演李建军则以摇滚乐结合 戏剧,将这个依然存在的人吃人故事展现舞 台,于北京国际青年戏剧节首演便被观众票 选为“最受欢迎作品”,其后获邀公演于东 京、台北及柏林等地,大受好评。这次《狂 人日记》来到澳门,将会给澳门观众带来一 场沉重的思考:不吃人的,才是疯子?而如 果可以吃人,你会加入成为一分子吗?这除 了是思考,更是千百年来不曾改变的事实。 The so-called morals can be bloody and an invisible ogre too, just like Lu Xun, a Chinese author known by his critical realism, put in his works the Diary of a Madman. Avant-garde director Li Jianjun will represent the story on the stage of Macau, inspiring audiences to ponder on mind-striking issues of moral. The show has won the title of the Most Popular Work in the Beijing Fringe Festival and was invited to stages of Tokyo, Taipei and Berlin.

20:00 澳门文化中心小剧院 Macao Culture Centre-Small Auditorium MOP180 +853 2840 0555

10月25-26日 25-26 OCT

黄子华栋笃笑《唔黐线唔正常》 Dayo Wong Stand-up Comedy in Macao 被誉为“栋笃笑始祖”的香港著名艺人及喜 剧演员黄子华将第四度载誉重临澳门威尼斯 人®金光综艺馆,带来仅此一晚的黄子华栋 笃笑《唔黐线唔正常》- 澳门站。黄子华于 1990年以广东话举办了首场栋笃笑后,该表 演于香港及世界各地的粤语华人社会中大受 欢迎。截至2012年,黄子华共制作了13个不 同主题的栋笃笑系列,这位来自香港的栋笃 笑始祖定必再次展现其才华,为澳门观众呈 献一连串令人捧腹大笑的笑话。 Daoyo Wong, crowned as the founder of Hong Kong comedy show, will visit Macau for the fourth time, bringing a one-night only performance of stand-up comedy. Since his debut in 1990, a series of 13 shows has been done. His last three performances in 2009, 2010 and 2012 in CotaiArena also proved the charm as a comedian. Prepare for a flood of jokes keeping you laughing all the time.

20:00 澳门威尼斯人金光综艺馆 CotaiArena, The Venetian Macao MOP280/380/580/780 +853 2882 8818 | October 2014




a i n o f o s u

葡声 乐

se The 1 e u 7th g u t L r o


第 十七届

hythm i c I

十月 2014 |


N P 新澳门导航


葡 韵

一年一度展示澳门葡语特色文化的“葡韵嘉年华” 再度归来,于10月17-19日在氹仔龙环葡韵举行, 热情洋溢的葡语国家及地区文化将会渗入每一位到 场参与者的身心中,吃喝玩乐不停歇的节目让本澳 市民和游客都能全情投入到嘉年华中去。

重头戏 Do not miss

The annual Lusofonia Festival, showcasing Portuguese-speaking cultures, will be held from 17 to 19 October at the Taipa Houses-Museum. All are invited to come and experience the rhythm of local Portuguese-speaking communities.


年的十月中,龙环葡韵及氹仔旧城区多条街道 就会“盛装示人”,满目尽是葡语国家及地 区传统风格粉饰的布置,仿佛身在异国。本年度由民 政总署与旅游局联合主办的第十七届葡韵嘉年华节目 精彩纷呈,包括:每晚不同葡语国家或地区与本地艺 团歌舞表演、葡国传统游戏、手动足球游戏及比赛、 葡语国家美食餐厅、电脑模拟东望洋跑道的澳门大赛 车游戏、深受小朋友喜爱的儿童天地等等,现场更设 有“嘉模电台”,全天候播放葡语国家音乐,是听觉 与视觉的双重享受。澳门独有的葡式风韵及中西文化 汇聚的特色将深深印刻在每一个参与者的心中,您绝 对不会忘记这个一年一会的“葡式约会”。 除了让本澳市民和游客能参与其中的活动外,同场更 设有“十个居澳葡语社群摊位”,除澳门外,还包 括:安哥拉、巴西、佛得角、几内亚比绍、果阿.达 曼和第乌、莫桑比克、葡萄牙、圣多美和普林西比, 以及东帝汶等摊位。这些国家与地区的居澳葡语社群 多年来与民政总署密切合作,建立了双方长期友好关 系,贯彻体现澳门中西文化的交融。届时,摊位将展 示各个国家或地区的音乐、相片、影像、手工艺、特 色服饰、文学书籍、纪念品、地道小食及饮品,不但 为“葡韵嘉年华”增添活力姿采,亦让参观者可进一 步认识各个葡语国家或地区浓厚的文化底蕴。 一连三天的“葡韵嘉年华”集歌舞、游戏、美食、多 国风情于一身,是游客和本地人十月不容错过的好节 目,不单能亲身体验葡声乐韵风情,更能参与其中, 一举两得,何乐而不为?

very October, Taipa Houses-Museum and Taipa Old Village are well decorated in traditional Portuguese style to welcome the Lusofonia Festival. This year’s Festival, the 17th edition organised by Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau and Macau Government Tourist Office, various stages of Portuguese speaking countries and regions and local performances, lusofonia food and games, tablefootball games and competitions, Guia Race simulator, children’s game fun, among others. “Carmo Radio”, on the other hand, is playing Portuguese speaking countries’ music on site. There are also booths by the 10 Lusofonia communities in Macau, from Angola and Brazil, to Goa and Portugal. In these booths stories are told about their costumes, photography, decorations, gifts and specialties. The booths invigorate the festival and offer a chance for all to experience the culture of local Portuguese speaking community. The three-day fair exemplifies Lusofonia dancing, singing, games, and gastronomy. Why not come and experience Lusofonia Culture in Macau?

关于葡韵嘉年华 “葡韵嘉年华”创始于1998 年,当年举办的目的是庆祝 6月10日的“葡侨日”,以 表扬在澳门居住、就业及 对本澳发展作出贡献的葡 语人士。

About Lusofonia The first Lusofonia Festival was held in 1998 on the Portuguese Expatriate Day (June 10th) to honor Portuguese-speaking individuals who reside in Macau and have contributed to Macau’s development.

时间 Time 10月17日 17 Oct 19:00-00:00 10月18日及10月19日 18 & 19 Oct 12:00-00:00 + 853 8988 4000 | October 2014



濠味道 Taste

澳葡传情 “Portcanese” Romance Anthony Lam Melao, James@Visual Photographic



十月 2014 |

澳门的殖民历史,注定其和葡萄牙文化共融, 从而让小城在美食方面衍生出一系列独特的葡 国及澳葡式美馔。读完这篇文章,您就可以与 不懂分辨两种美食的朋友浅谈它们的相似与迥 异。 Macau’s long cohabitation with Portuguese culture leaves the city a series of unforgettable Portuguese and Macanese delicacies. After this piece you’ll know how to distinguish between the two genres.

星星餐厅再出发 首先介绍的,是现今澳门已寥 寥无几,只有五个手指头都能 数出的餐厅所炮制的地道葡萄 牙精美菜肴。 这所位于葡京酒店的葡国餐厅 (没错,这就是餐厅名字), 是这品牌的唯一分店。葡京酒 店一直以米其林(米芝莲)星 级餐厅驰名,单是葡京综合城已包揽澳门“唯二”的三星餐厅。因 此,能在葡京酒店立足,这所葡国餐厅的质素毋庸置疑。 餐厅的统帅李总厨服务过葡京综合城的不同餐厅,深明酒店对于优质 美膳的过人要求。在李总厨加入葡国餐厅的行列后,餐厅出品维持一 贯水准,吃过的朋友纷纷赞好,同样是质优味美,某些传统菜肴也保 留下来,因为它们在葡萄牙菜式中地位非凡,缺一不可。 例如葡式烧乳猪正是葡萄牙菜的点睛之品,乳猪肉必须柔滑鲜美,调 味也要越少越好,务求吃出原汁原味。猪肉进入烤炉前,只需用上 盐及胡椒轻轻调味。烤好上桌,拿刀轻切一下外皮,如果刀刃进出无 阻,五分已稳拿了。李总厨团队制作的烧乳猪用外皮包着切件的猪 肉,每一口都鲜美。品尝方式有两种:先吃皮後后吃肉或皮肉一起鉴 赏都可,悉随尊便。

怡人海风 葡萄牙海岸线在欧洲国家来说算长,所以葡萄牙菜当中,海鲜是个很 厉害的“角”。李总厨在海鲜烹制的传统做法上加入自己的创意,例 如令海胆不像海胆。他混合不同的海鲜,包括八爪鱼、青口、蚬与鳄 梨(牛油果)酿到海胆壳内,加入香草调味后,盖以海胆肉及海胆泡 泡。你可以想象得到,当茶匙直捣壳底再抽身,就会带回三层新鲜的 味道。这道开胃菜虽是一味冷盘,但鳄梨的嫩滑加上海鲜的嚼劲,就 多了几分焗过的幻想。 另一海鲜美馔是“葡式烩海鲜锅”,你也可理解为海鲜汤。特别订造 的铜锅里装满不同口感与味道都超卓的海鲜,有龙虾、青口、鲜蚬、 蟹和海鲈。很多地方都有卖的这个海鲜锅,来到葡国餐厅就变得不一 样:餐厅预备两套材料,一套供煮汤用,另一套则用以品鉴。爱吃的 你都明白熬煮过的海鲜,口感一般不会太好。餐厅的这个做法,除了 让汤有浓郁的味道外,海鲜吃起来也同样鲜美。 对了,最后必须提醒您,来到葡国餐厅必定要试试薯蓉,因为葡京的 餐饮团队是这方面的专家。


irst you’ll sample some authentic Portuguese fine dining, which is still rare in Macau: just a handful of restaurants are providing. The spectacular restaurant is called “Guincho a Galera”, presented by Hotel Lisboa, You’re thus more encouraged to try Macau’s Guincho, Leading the Macau restaurant is Chef Simon Li, who has long been serving the different restaurants in the Lisboa Complex, so knows and copes with the high standard of the Hotel. Suckling pig, for instance, is a distinguishing gourmet in Portuguese cuisine. Such pork has to be tender and fresh, so seasonings are kept A.S.A.P: as simple as possible. Once ready, touch your knife lightly onto the skin. If it cracks without hesitation, 5 out of 10 points gained. With regards to manner, opt for your mood on site: no right or wrong to enjoy skin and meat separately or together. The textural layer is just mesmerising.

Refreshing as sea breezes Then, given the relatively long shoreline of Portugal, cuisine from the country usually includes seafood. Chef Li, however, makes a twist to ordinary presentations and sea urchins unlike themselves. He inserts mixed seafood - octopus, mussels, and clams - and avocado cubes, seasoned with herbs, into a sea urchin shell, then covered with a layer of sea urchin below a dome of sea urchin bubbles. Another seafood gourmet is “Stewed Seafood in ‘Cataplana’ Portuguese Style”, or in short, Seafood Stew. In this Stew, there are a series of best seafood that carry both texture and savour: lobster, mussel, crab, clam, and sea bass. What makes Guincho’s masterpiece extraordinary is that there’re two sets of ingredients prepared just for this dish, one for the soup and the other for consumption. You who cook knows anything stewed for hours ends up dull like cardboards. This little trick enhances what should be enjoyed than chewed. The lobster, for example, is crispy and meaty, so it doesn’t take any of your concentration away from focusing on discerning it. At Guincho, be very certain you enjoy mash potato too since restaurants at Lisboa Comlplex do know how to make them well.

葡国餐厅 Guincho a Galera 时间 Hours 12:00-14:30 / 18:30-22:30 地址 Address 澳门葡京酒店西座3楼3/F, Lisboa Tower, Hotel Lisboa, Macau 电话 Tel. +853 8803 7676 | October 2014



濠味道 Taste 难为葡菜定分界 花开两朵,各表一枝。故事的另一边,是关于澳葡菜的。不是土生土 长的澳门人,很难理解葡萄牙菜与澳葡菜之间微妙的差别。更令人摸 不着头脑的是,某些澳葡菜的菜名,都被实在地冠以“葡国”二字。 因此,下次拜访传统葡国餐厅却不见葡国鸡位列于菜单上,先不要嚷 嚷着说店家不正宗咯。 常言道“葡萄牙没卖葡国鸡”,而这个故事其实是葡萄牙探险家的航 海历史。四百年前葡萄牙人来到亚洲,发现了丰富的香草和香料,并 加进原先的葡萄牙传统菜式当中,创制出更有特色更有风味的菜式。 为了让您更了解这个菜系,我们专门请来土生葡人飞卓迪先生为您解 构澳葡菜的点滴。人称“飞哥”的飞卓迪,家族居澳已200年,而飞 哥的葡人爸爸,就娶了个华人太太,顺利成章地,他们家就和澳葡菜 有了渊源。

土生的饮食 飞哥在澳门涉猎的范围甚广,但这次我们只谈吃。他告诉我们:“爸 爸生前是律师,服务业界50年。我的葡人祖母最拿手烹饪,常常在家 炮制美食。出于她的背景和当时环境,自然对传统葡菜了如指掌。” 在澳门的生活如常,飞哥妈妈则带了粤菜(或亚洲菜)的新意进入“ 飞家厨房”,“渐渐地,我祖母和妈妈在厨艺上合作无间,而我家就 慢慢出现澳葡菜式,我小时候每天都能吃到美味的澳葡菜。” 这次飞哥带领我们走进婆仔屋餐厅,除美食外这里也有迷人情调,且 位于澳门市中心宁静的区域。这里的美食都在葡萄牙煮法上加入亚洲 思维,即使你不点葡国鸡,这里也肯定是一家澳葡式餐厅。 “白酒炒蚬”是必试之:根据飞哥解释,这是传统葡萄牙菜式。让它 变成澳葡菜,只消一下轻轻的变奏,“这道菜用了亚洲而不是欧洲的 香菜(芫茜)”,飞哥继续解说:“欧洲也有香菜,但是和亚洲的香 气与味道都大不同”。菜式本身很简单,只用上新鲜的蚬,伴上蒜 头、洋葱、白酒。飞哥透露了其中的重要窍门:“上桌前洒一点柠檬 汁,风味更佳。”

界线模糊 婆仔屋也同样有烧乳猪,外皮一样香脆。这道菜用上四份一只猪,过 炉后切成小件品尝。与其他葡式烧乳猪一样,外脆内软,且只轻轻调 味,毕竟要品鉴的是原味而不是调味。 飞哥推介的另一道菜是焗海鲈,也是一道海鲜菜式。葡萄牙人和广东 人一样爱海鲜,澳门海鲜也同样鲜甜美味,所以焗出来就已经很好 吃。这道海鲈跟很多葡萄牙菜式一样,简单就是美,因此也“只用上 灯笼椒、番茄、蒜头等烹调,而且不会预先腌制”飞哥说,“基本上 就是用拌菜盖着鱼就可以入炉了”。 你或许会问:“如何一眼分辨葡萄牙菜和澳葡菜?”要有这个能力, 的确需要时间和心机。基本上,极淡或极浓的菜式,都倾向于葡萄牙 菜。如果在葡萄牙菜的基础上,有亚洲调料或烹调手法,就会较像澳 葡菜。从前这条分界线的确很清楚,当日月推移,当双方交流更频 密,这条界线便越见模糊。反正多来澳门多了解,你就会懂的。 最后一提,来婆仔屋一定要吃甜点,不吃会后悔。



十月 2014 |

Macanese His-story He told us, “My father was a lawyer who had served the industry for 50 years in Macau. My grandmother, a Portuguese, knows the original recipes well.” The story doesn’t just end here, for Filipe’s mother has brought some Cantonese, if not merely Asian, inspiration to the Senna Fernandes kitchen. “Gradually there were more ‘culinary collaborations’ between my grandma and my mother, so dishes presented started to become Macanese.” Filipe added. “When I was young, I ate Macanese food every day.” To tell us about the cuisine, if not Filipe, who else? Filipe brought our Cguide team to Albergue 1601, a romantically moody restaurant located in the tranquil heart of Macau. It is arguably a Macanese restaurant because it serves Portuguese food with an Asian twist, even if you’re not ordering Portuguese Chicken. For example, “Fried Clams in White Wine” is a must-try. “This dish here uses Asian coriander instead of European ones.” Filipe explained. “There is coriander in Europe, and they taste and smell differently from this one in Asia.” This one is pretty simple, only with ingredients like garlic, onion, and white wine. Filipe told us a secret, “To make the best of this, remember to sprinkle a little lemon juice right before serving.” All these refreshing ingredients are the basis of the fresh clams.

Difficult though

The other page of the story is about Macanese cuisine. Not born and raised here in Macau may restrain you from understanding the mere, but crucial, differences between that and Portuguese cuisine. Trickier though, some of the Macanese dishes are named “Portuguese”. So next time you visit a “Portuguese” restaurant with a menu from which Portuguese Chicken is absent, don’t criticise them to be unauthentic. Some of the Asian seasonings and herbs were picked up by the Portuguese explorers some 400 years ago, and then added to their original Portuguese recipes to either enhance or fantasise the flavours. We have invited Mr Filipe Senna Fernandes, a Macanese, whose family has 200 years in Macau to tell us the justified history.

婆仔屋餐厅 Albergue 1601 时间 Hours 12:00-23:00 (周五及周六Fri & Sat 12:00-23:30, 逢周一休息 Closed on Mon) 地址 Address 澳门疯堂斜巷8号 8 Calçada de Igreja de S. Lázaro,

On the other hand, Albergue 1601 also serves Suckling Pig, which also has crusty skins. A quarter of the pig is roasted and cut, and is also crispy on the outside and tender in, while seasoning just takes a supporting role. What is crucial is the real taste rather than the seasonings. Another dish that Filipe recommends is Baked Sea Bass. Once again, seafood takes a very crucial position in Portuguese and Macanese cuisine. Cuisines with Portuguese influence are often kept simple, so “this Sea Bass is only baked with bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, and garlics; but unlike Chinese cuisine, the fish is never preprocessed nor marinated.” Filipe said. “Basically the preparation is covering the fish with the condiments chopped before putting them into the oven.” So you now may have this question: how can I tell upon seeing a dish if that’s Portuguese or Macanese? Hmm… That really takes some time and experience. Basically, if you find a dish extremely simply or heavily seasoned, that’s likely Portuguese; and if a dish is, well, full of Asian seasonings and/or ingredients, that’s probably Macanese. Even though there used to be a clear line between them, as time passes, the line has started to blur. Anyway, visit Macau more frequently and you’ll know more about the line. One more thing: sample all desserts at Albergue 1601.

Macau 电话 Tel. +853 2836 1601 | October 2014



特约专题 Sponsored Feature

品味法式华膳 Gourmet Français in Macau Anthony Lam

澳门有这么一家地道的法国著名奢华酒店,到处洋溢着 地中海风情,锦上添花的独特南欧情调更让宾客迷醉其 中,当然不能遗漏那些喜好美食的老饕们,Cguide这期 就带您一起去发掘澳门十六浦索菲特酒店内的两种“美 味情缘”。 There’s just one French hotel in Macau, where Mediterranean French atmosphere fills. Now you definitely are eager to sample the two gourmet restaurants?

若你中西菜都喜欢,又 或纯粹想来试试粤菜, 走进澳门十六浦索菲特 酒店的电梯,按下最高 层那个键,就会来到精 致的乐轩华粤菜餐厅。 统领乐轩华的是何华师 傅,他有丰富的中菜经 验,服务过不同规模的 中菜馆,深知优质中菜 为何。为求尽善尽美, 他更曾经请教地道上海 人,如何做出最好的狮 子头,这次他专门为 Cguide读者推荐两款时 令菜式。


If you fancy some authentic Cantonese cuisine, or simply, besides Western delicacies, your appetite always include Cantonese gourmet, press the top button in the lift and head towards Le Chinois, the Hotel’s dedicated Cantonese restaurant. The Commander at the Restaurant is Chef Ho Wah. Chef Ho has served quite a lot of Chinese Restaurants in Asia and is experienced in serving the best food to you. He has even, for example, consulted some Shanghainese native about recipe for the best Lion’s Head. However, this time he has something new for you.

Le Chinois 澳门十六浦索菲特酒店 Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 澳门内港巴素打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau 电话TEL. + (853) 8861 0016 电邮 e-mail

健康美食和牛迷你南瓜盅 这可是与季夏孟秋结合无瑕的美食,全因蔬菜能平衡身体接收的余热,而和牛又刚好为整个 菜式增添质感与滋味。

Delicious Healthy Wagyu Beef Stuffed in Mini Pumpkin

Tis but a refreshing choice so right for the autumn with all the vegetables that balance the extended heat and wagyu provides the texture and tastes.



十月 2014 |

酥皮烟熏三文鱼及 金枪鱼 从中间横切就可以一口品尝 三个层次、三种美味。两 种鱼的不同质感会令你兴 奋莫名。

Puff-wrapped Smoked Salmon And Tuna

Be sure you slice it along the two fish so that you taste three layers of freshness in one bite.

Privé法国餐厅 位于澳门十六浦索菲特 酒店6楼的派意舫,由法 籍大厨Vincent主理,是 一所优雅轻松的法国餐 厅。装潢舒适亲切,面 积不大,可以让你与亲 友享受最亲密的美食距 离。餐厅亮点在其硕大 的落地玻璃窗,能饱览 整个澳门旧城区,坐拥 闹市中最佳角度。 我们选了三道必试菜 式,您也一定不可错过。

Located on the 6th floor of Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16, Privé – headed by Chef Vincent – possesses a warmly and cozily reachable area for the best rendezvous. Its floor-toceiling windows lead you to unrivalled panorama of Macau’s Old Town. Now we have chosen three dishes that you must never miss here at Privé.

席前烹调鲜美牛排 选用鲜嫩、芳香、有嚼劲 的里脊肉,在客人面前即 时烹煮,美味从一而终。

Black Peppered Beef Tenderloin


Tenderloin is always a blend of texture and fragrance. Tableside preparation clicks your appetite from start to end.




喷火的草莓其实并不上火:温暖草莓配上清香冰淇淋,并以 法式可丽饼分隔,恍如人间美梦。

Sautéed Beef Tenderloin With Sweetened Beans and Mangoes

A blend of s​ ucculent Wagyu beef, j​uicy mangoes​, and crispy beans​: light​and refreshing.

Strawberry Flambé (TABLESIDE Service)

A most recommended piece for the warmth of the strawberries and chill of the ice cream are blended so well but divided by a silk-thin crêpe: lovely. | October 2014



特约专题 Sponsored Feature

个问题或许您已问了不少次,但偏偏没有人能给 出满意答覆。既然如此,就让《新澳门导航》告 诉您一个满意的答案吧。 你或许不清楚,澳门着实居住了不少祖籍上海的人, 而追本溯源,他们上几代已来到澳门,早至上世纪初。



catalpa, Shanghai Anthony Lam Melao

若您迷恋那份浓浓的上海外滩风情,又喜欢周围找 寻“上海味”,一定知道澳门其实也有不少特色上海 菜馆,而我们这期极力为您推荐的正是位于游客密集 区的皇都酒店内之梓园上海菜馆。 酒店附近的社区是传统的澳门本地人住宅区,宁静怡 人,故酒店整体并没有采用那种澳门常见的璀璨设 计,餐厅也一样走低调风。梓园的装潢倾向精致怡 人,既优雅又实用。在这里用餐,空气中萦绕着的全 是温暖家园的温馨感。 梓树是雀鸟喜爱的栖身之所,因为其叶片较大,是很 好的避风港。而梓园除了为你提供舒适的空间,也有 一系列美味佳肴让人欲罢不能,例如“蜜汁火舫”, 这是一道知名的江南菜式。清香软滑的薄包,夹着沾 满甜醇蜜糖的金华火腿与腐皮,一口咬下去,味觉上 立刻感受到浓烈的甜咸交错感,口感上由松软丶香脆 丶耐嚼过渡的体验十分有趣。 想要轻量一点的美味,可选择“茶叶熏蛋”,这是一 道很好的开胃菜。用上龙井和铁观音来熏制,蛋心吸 收了茶叶的精华香气,最重要是蛋黄依然半熟,满满 地溢出蛋汁,让人未吃就已经心生向往。


喔!交通如此发达,若我们可以三不五时就去一次上 海,那么为什么还要大费周折在澳门找寻地道上海菜? Alright: when you have the ability to visit Shanghai every now and then, why bother to try Shanghainese food here in Macau? 26


十月 2014 |

下一道精美佳肴是“虾子大乌参”。这只海参果然够 大,足有四吋长,以蚝油汁长时间熬煮,海参尽吸汁液 的美味。佐以西兰花拌吃,清爽怡人,是很好的主菜。 点睛收尾之作,可选较为饱肚又清甜的菜式,例如“ 血糯八宝饭”。黑糯米很有嚼劲,而且非常爽脆,加 上富含纤维,对肠胃健康很好。里面包着香滑红豆 蓉,清甜可口,能为此道菜加上一点层次和味道。不 论作为主食或甜点,都是必选之作。


he idea might have lingered in your mind for quite some time, but nobody was able to provide you with a viable answer, that’s why Cguide is telling you the truth. You may not know, but the fact is that quite a number of Shanghainese people do reside in Macau, and their ancestry can be chased back to early last century.

Home, Sweet Home… Amidst this rich Shanghainese atmosphere, there are really some distinguishing Shanghainese restaurants in Macau, and one that we strongly recommend is Catalpa Garden, located in Hotel Royal. The neighbourhood around the Hotel is a tranquil residential area, so the Hotel isn’t quite flamboyant, neither is the Restaurant. Décor at Catalpa Garden is exquisite with a sense of elegance and pragmatism. Dining here brings you a feeling of home and warmth. Catalpa is a good nest for birds because, with it large leaves, it provides birds with shelter. Catalpa Garden not only offers you shelter, but also sumptuous food. For instance, Honey Ham is a traditional sumptuous masterpiece in Eastern China. Literally a Chinese sandwich finished with honey-soaked Chinese ham and beancurd sheet between two pieces of floury bread. This sandwich is chewy, with two layers of distinctive taste. In desire of something lighter, you can opt for TeaSmoked Egg, a very good appetizer. Smoked with Dragon Well and Iron Buddha teas, the chicken egg is filled with fragrance of the teas while the yolk - the most essential part - is half-boiled: lava-like.

Healthily Cruchy Next to come is Braised Beche-de-Mer with Shrimp Roes: more commonly known as sea cucumber, braised in a pot for many hours and served in oyster sauce. This recipe is completely, traditionally Chinese. Sided with broccoli, the taste of this dish won’t get too heavy: so appropriate for a main course. To lower the curtain of a meal, Chinese people usually look for grains, so Catalpa Garden has prepared Steamed Black Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Smashed Red Bean. Whatever you consider it - an ending grain or dessert - it is loveable. The rice is crunchy by itself, and once cooked, it becomes sticky. What makes it subliminal is the red bean paste that adds a layer of smoothness in the heart of the dish.

梓园上海菜馆 Catalpa Garden 时间 OPENING HOURS 每日11:00-15:00, 17:3023:00/Daily 11:00-15:00, 17:30-23:00 地址ADDRESS 澳门得胜马路2-4号皇都酒 店2楼 2/F, Hotel Royal Macau, 2-4 Est. da Vitória, Macau

电话TEL. +853 2855 2222

奖项 Awards

• Chaine Des Rotisseurs award 2008 to 2011 • Macau’s Best Restaurants 2009,2010, Macau Tatler • Hong Kong & Macau‘s Best Restaurants 2011,2012, Asia Tatler Dining | October 2014



濠味道 Taste


New in Town

来自韩国的吐司 Oppa, Toast! Yan

韩风凌厉,吹遍全球,从明星到时尚服饰,再到护肤 品和美食,只要与韩相关必定受到追捧。澳门最近也 悄悄引进了韩国极受欢迎的吐司连锁店Issac Toast & Coffee,Cguide美食小分队当然要带你先尝为快。 澳门首家Issac Toast & Coffee位于龙嵩正街,以红白 色为主调的店面异常醒目,里面的用餐区域不算大, 大概有十几个位置,而墙上的韩文吐司海报、K-POP 音乐都为环境加分不少。到“Issac”必食的当然是 现点现做的吐司,他们家的吐司和一般本地茶餐厅的 大不同,除了吐司面包更大更厚以外,吃起来小脆却 不会硬;夹在吐司中间的材料也更为丰富,你可以根 据个人喜好点火腿芝士、烟肉、猪柳等,加入爽脆的 椰菜、香甜的蜜糖,一口咬下就能吃出多种口感与味 道。由于是外卖概念至上的小食店,无论是你外带或 是堂食,吐司都会用一个特制纸袋装着。至于吐司的 最佳赏味时间?当然是马上!因为新鲜的吐司被纸袋 闷久了会变软,丧失原来脆脆的口感。此外,店里的 盐酥鸡也是非常值得一试的小食,鸡肉外脆内多汁, 加上特制的酸辣酱,辣味慢慢散发,后劲十足。

The Korean trend blows everywhere from celebrities, fashion, cosmetic products, and now to food. Issac Toast & Coffee, a popular toast shop from Korea has now come to Macau. The first Issac Toast & Coffee in Macau, located on Rua Central, is distinguished with its red-and-white décor with a dozen seats surrounded by Korean toast posters and K-POP. Everybody comes for toasts, which vary from ordinary ones, that are larger, thicker and crispier, and can go with ham, cheese, burger sausage, vegetable and honey. All of them come in paper bags so take-away is easy. Enjoy right away for crispiness. If you’re a fan of Korean drama, you probably know deep-fried chicken “a la space”, and Issac does it really impressively. 28


十月 2014 |

Issac Toast & Coffee Macau 澳门龙嵩街8D佑生大厦地 下A1座 A1, Edf. Yau San, No.8D Rua Central, Macau +853 2832 9993 9:00-22:00 (周二至日,Tue-Sun)

相约满堂彩 齐品三城辣 Savour spicy dishes 十月美食速递 F&B PROMOTIONS from three cities at Beijing Kitchen

门君悦酒店满堂彩餐厅推出一系列 全新香辣佳肴,带您寻味中国著名 辣椒版图 – 成都、贵阳、重庆三个城市。 当中的香辣菜式包括成都名菜“四川开水白 菜汤”、贵阳的“老壇酸汤魚片”、“飘香 石斑魚片”等。此外还有大胆创新以三城中 的特色食材研制出“茅台雪糕”及“花椒 雪糕”。


eijing Kitchen at Grand Hyatt Macau presents spicy cuisines of Chengdu, Guiyang, Chongqing from now till Oct 31. The hotel chef team has specially created the delicious menu, including Sichuan Style Chinese Cabbage Soup, Guiyang Style Sliced Fish with Enoki Mushrooms, Baby Cabbage and Chilli, Garoupa Fillet with Numbing Pepper Corn and Hot Chilli Oil , Mao Tai Vanilla, Mao Tai Chocolate and Sichuan Pepper ice cream etc.

推广日期 Promotion Period 即日起至10月31日,11:30-00:00 From now till Oct 31 , 11:30-00:00

地址 ADDress 澳门路氹城新濠天地君悦酒店一楼满堂彩 Beijing Kitchen,1F,Grand Hyatt Macau ,City of Dreams

订座 Reservation +853 8868 1930 | October 2014




葡萄酒的世界没有偏见 访澳门ASC区域经理João Farinha

The World of Wines without Prejudge Yvonne Melao

ASC圣皮尔精品葡萄酒有 限公司是个响当当的葡萄 酒进口商名字,在中国内 地更是葡萄酒质量保证的 大宝号。 这次我们采访的 对象,正是来自澳门ASC的 代表,区域经理 (Regional Manager) João Farinha先 生,来自葡萄牙的João不 单对葡萄酒有热情,更曾 辗转多国从事餐饮生意, 来澳将近十年的他非常入 乡随俗,更是各种美酒派 对的搞手。 30


ASC is a famed wine importer in Macau, and even a market leader in Mainland China. Portugueseborn João Farinha – Regional Manager of the firm – is not only passionate about wines, but also operated food and beverage outlets in a wide range of countries. Having stayed in Macau for a decade, he learned well the culture and has become an organiser of various wine parties.

十月 2014 |

您最喜欢的一瓶酒是? 我选酒的标准跟几个因素有关,包括与谁喝、配啥美食、当天心情 等。我喜欢多罗河混酿葡萄酒,也爱黑品乐(旧世界和新世界的都喜 欢),也会选择优质的阿根廷马贝克。当然不能缺少波尔多的高级葡 萄酒,对于一瓶上好陈酿的澳洲设拉子我更是毫无抵抗力。说到葡萄 酒,我没有偏见,总有适合的时间去享受适合的好酒。 作为葡萄酒专家,您认为澳门哪家餐厅有好酒好菜值得推荐给游客 呢? 如果从葡萄酒入手,我必须推荐澳门皇冠假日酒店的The Tasting Room,当然不能漏掉新葡京的法国餐厅啦!他们的酒单是数一数二 的丰富,而美高梅的宝雅座同样有很丰富的酒单。作为游客,我认为 尝试葡萄牙葡萄酒是必须的,因为这和澳门的历史和文化相关,澳门 旅游学院教学餐厅跟氹仔安东尼奥餐厅正是我要推荐有很多好品质葡 萄牙葡萄酒的地方。 有什么澳门葡萄酒吧推荐给读者吗? 一定是澳感廊,就在恋爱巷附近! 你的葡萄酒格言是? 你所知源于你所品。

What’s your favourite wine? I love wines from all over the world, and choose to drink them according to the people I’m with, the food I’m eating, and my spiritual state on that day, etc. I love the Douro blends, I drink quite often Pinots (from new and old worlds), I crave for a good Argentinean Malbec, I like well-made and mature Bordeaux’s, I never say no to a well-aged Aussie Shiraz and I’m developing a curiosity on Mencia/Jaen grape, and so on. I don’t prejudice wine, as long as it’s well-made and served properly, there will be an occasion for it. What restaurants with good wines and food in Macau would you recommend to tourists? Why? Based on wine choices, food taste and service I would have to recommend The Tasting Room at Crown Hotel ex aequo with Robuchon au Dôme in Grand Lisboa. You can’t go wrong with these 2 such is the variety of choices they present regarding wine. Aux Beaux Arts in MGM has a serious wine list too. For a tourist that is coming to Macau to experience Macanese/ Portuguese culture, therefore Portuguese wines, I would have to recommend IFT Educational Restaurant and António in Taipa. What Wine bar in Macau would you recommend to the tourists? Definitely Macau Soul, it’s the only proper wine bar in Macau, next to St. Paul’s ruins. What’s your wine motto? Everything we know is everything you taste.


Kim Crawford Pinot Noir 2013

Leeuwin Estate Art Series Shiraz 2010



柔和的紫红色酒体。散发着黑樱桃 和红醋栗的芳香,并与橡木和熏肉 的气息交织融合。醇厚的黑樱桃 和红色果实的口味完美结合。酒 体以强调橡木的气息和稳固的单 宁为特性,回味颇为隽永。 Bright red with purple and crimson notes. An enticingly aromatic wine showing notes of dark cherries and strawberries with the alluring complexity of well integrated oak. Vibrant, fresh fruit flavours underpinned by nuances of sweet, smoky oak. Good firm tannins give the wine length and weight. You can savour the wine long after it has left your palate.

有明显的黑色车厘 子味,并透出黑加 仑和红色李子的气 息,层次丰富,橡 木味紧跟而来,更 有幽幽的薰衣草和 紫罗兰气息。机构 紧致,樱桃味突 出,酸度平衡,收 结漂亮。 A dark cherry with crimson hue. A lifted bouquet of bright red cherries, currants and blood plums complemented with complex star anise and clove. Beneath, the nose is well supported with dusty oak and hints of aromatic violets and lavender. The palate is vibrant and expressive with subtle texture featuring red cherries and boysenberry. A fine, yet balanced acidity line draws together all components leading to a finish that is both structural and complementary.

OCT WINEGUIDE Champagne LaurentPerrier Brut NV MOP 478 这瓶知名的无年份香槟最可以代表 该品牌的个性,是当家酒。它的 风格具有很明显的霞多丽特质: 纯净,新鲜和高贵。对于LaurentPerrier来说,这种香槟的必备特质 贯穿始终,是品牌的精髓所在。 Brut non-vintage is always the expression of the House style and, as such, it is the signature champagne. Laurent-Perrier Brut’s style is defined by its very high proportion of Chardonnay, which provides a natural purity, freshness and elegance. These essential characteristics, expressed in all our champagnes, are a good introduction to the spirit of Laurent-Perrier.

E. Guigal Chateau neuf-du-Pape 2006 MOP 456 这瓶葡萄酒由80%歌海娜,10%的Syrah和5%的慕合怀特以及5%其他 葡萄品种混酿而成 。酒色深红,有明显红果气息,圆润口感,口感复 杂,可以闻到明显的李子味,酸度平衡,可以存放15年左右。 80% old Grenache, 10% Syrah, 5% Mourvèdre, 5% others blended, deep dark red color, with nose of spices and mature red fruits. Round tannins with powerful complexity. A rich unctuous wine with notes of mature plums, hazelnuts and red fruits. Very rich wine full of harmony and balance. 哪里可以买到 WHERE TO BUY ASC Fine Wines (Macau) +853 2872 2968 | October 2014



濠味道 taste

中餐 Chinese

乐轩华 LE CHINOIS 澳门十六浦索菲特酒店18楼 18/F, Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16 11:30-15:00; 17:30-22:00 8861 1001 $$

观海轩中餐厅 KWUN HOI HEEN CHINESE RESTAURANT 金路环度假酒店 3/F, Grand Coloane Beach Resort Macau, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane Mon-Fri, 11:00-15:00,18:30 -23:00 Sat-Sun, 9:30-17:30,18:30-23:00 8899 1320 $$$

8餐厅 THE EIGHT 南湾葡京路葡京酒店二楼 2/F, East Wing, Grand Lisboa, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30; Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

利苑酒家 LEI GARDEN RESTAURANT 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心2130 Shop 2130, Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Taipa, Macau Lunch: 11:30-15:00 Dinner: 18:00-23:30 $$$

满堂彩 BEIJING KITCHEN 路氹连公路新濠天地澳门君悦酒 店一楼 1/F, Grand Hyatt Macau, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:30-00:00 8868 1930 $$



路氹金光大道金沙城中心底层 Level 1, Sands COTAI Central, Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920 $$$

澳门(皇朝)友谊大马路星际酒 店6楼 Level 6, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00-15:00, 17:00-23:00 8290 8638 $$ 



澳门新口岸填海区星际酒店2楼 Level 2, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8290 8628 $$

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店二楼 2/F Grand Lapa Macau, Av. Amizade, Macau 8793 3821 $$



永利澳门酒店,澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Sat & Sun 11:30-14:30 ; Tue-Sun 18:00-22:30, Closed on Mon 8986 3663 $$

澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店1楼 Level 1 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central 11:30-15:00,18:00-23:00 8113 1200 $$$ 

葡京潮州酒楼 LISBOA CHIU CHOW 澳门葡京路葡京酒店旧翼四楼 3/F East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 10:00-23:00 2871 2549 $$

南湖明月 LUA AZUL 澳门旅游塔前地旅游塔会展娱乐中 心三楼 3/F, Macau Tower, Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:30-22:00 Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 10:00- 15:00; 18:30-22:00 8988 8700 $$

金殿堂 IMPERIAL COURT 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 Sat/Sun 10:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 8802 2361 $$$$

誉珑轩 JADE DRAGON 新濠天地新濠大道二楼 The Boulevard Level 2, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 8868 2822 $$$

葡京日丽 PORTAS DO SOL 澳门南湾葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东 翼 2楼 2/F, East Wing, Lisboa Hotel, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 11:30 - 14:30, 18:30 - 22:30 8803 3100 $$ 

永利轩 WING LEI 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-15:00; Sun and Public Holiday 10:30-15:30 18:00-23:00 8986 3663 $$$$ 

紫逸轩 ZI YAT HEEN 路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店大堂 1/F, Four Season Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00-23:00 2881 8888 $$$$

喜迎楼 TREASURE PALACE 路氹连贯公路新濠天地新濠大道一楼 Level 1, Crown Tower, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-23:00 8868 6661 $$$

$ Less than MOP150/person 多于澳门元150/人 $$ MOP150-300/person澳门元150-300/人 $$$ MOP300-500/person 澳门元300-500/人 $$$$ Above MOP500/person 澳门元500以上/人 Romantic 情侣约会 Family Friendly家庭聚餐 Cash Only 只收现金



十月 2014 |

桃花源小厨 TIM’S KITCHEN 南湾葡京路新葡京酒店二楼 2/F, Grand Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30 Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

自助餐/美食广场 Buffet & Food court

盛事餐厅 ROSSIO 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 07:00-11:00,12:00-23:00 Sun 07:00-10:30,11:30-23:00 8802 2372 $$

888美食天地SANDS 888 GOURMET PLACE 澳门蒙地卡罗前地203号澳门金沙 酒店2楼 Largo de Monte Carlo, No.203, Macau Lunch: Mon-Fri 11:30-14:30; Sat-Sun 11:00-14:00 Dinner: Mon-Fri17:30-23:00; Sat-Sun 17:30-22:30 8983 8222 $$

奥旋自助餐 CRAND ORBIT 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中 心底层 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, Sands Cotai Central, Level 1, COTAI 10:00-23:00 8113 8910 $$

渢竹自助餐 BAMBU 澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1033 Shop 1033 (Next to Starbucks off the gaming floor), Venetian Macao Sun-Thurs 10:00-23:00, Fri-Sat 10:00-00:00 8118 9990 $$


泓日本料理 MIZUMI

路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Macau, Cotai Strip, Taipa, Macau Brunch: 12:00-15:00 (Sun Only) Lunch: Mon-Sat 12:00-14:30 Dinner: 18:00-22:00 2881 8888 $$ ,

澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利澳 门酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau
 17:30 - 23:30
 (周二休息) 8986 3663 $$$,)


群芳 FESTIVA 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城1楼G19 G19, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel Macau 07:00-22:00 28880888 $$$

银河亚洲美食坊 TASTE OF ASIA 路氹澳门银河综合度假城购物大道 东地下G43 G43, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Macau, Estradada Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 10:00-00:00 8883 2221 $

威尼斯人美食广场 VENETIAN FOOD COURT 路氹澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购 物广场3楼 3/F, Food Court of the Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macao 2882 8500 $,

印度菜 Indian 阿露娜印度咖喱咖啡屋 ARUNA’S INDIAN CURRY & CAFE HOUSE 澳门友谊大马路779号中裕大厦第二 座地下O铺 G/F, Store O, Block 2, Building Chong Yu,No.779, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 11:30 - 23:00
 2870 1850 $,

印度园林餐厅 INDIAN GARDEN 氹仔花城区成都街濠景花园第27座 地 下18号铺 G/F,Shop 18, Block 27, Nova Taipa Garden,Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 12:00 -14:30,18:00 - 22:30 2883 7088 $,

皇雀印度餐厅 Golden Peacock 路氹城金光大道望德圣母湾大马路澳 门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1037号 Shop1037, Level 1,The Venetian Macau Resort , Cotai Strip 11:00-23:00 8118 9696 $$$

日本菜 Japanese 天政 TENMASA 澳门氹仔广东路澳门新濠锋酒店 11楼 11F, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 11:30 – 23:30 8803 6611 $$,

山里日本餐厅 YAMAZATO 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大 仓酒店28楼 28F, Hotel Okura, Galaxy Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30(周一休息) 8883 5127 $$$

贵族炉端烧 MAJESTIC ROBATAYAKI 澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒 店地下 G/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, No.288, Avenida Comercial de Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:30 8986 7609 $$,)

澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 2/F, East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, No.24,Avenida de Lisboa, Macau
 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 8803 3677 $$)

橘子新派日本料理 YUZU CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE CUISINE & BAR 澳门氹仔至尊花城成都街地下J铺 G/F, Shop J, Supreme Flower City, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 18:00 – 23:00 2883 8517 $$,

澳葡菜 Macanese 海湾咖啡屋 CAFE LITORAL 氹仔旧城区地堡街第四座伟展阁 53-57 号地下 G/F, Block 4 ,Wai Chin Kok, No.5357,Rua do Regedor, Taipa 12:30 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:00 2882 5255 $$,

佛笑楼 FAT SIU LAU 澳门福隆新街64号 No. 64,Rua da Felicidade, Macau 12:30 - 22:30 
2857 3580 $$,

木偶葡国餐厅 COZINHA PINOCCHIO 氹仔旧城区消防局前地38号 No.38, Largo dos Bombeiros, Vila de Taipa 11:00 - 23:00
 2882 7328 $,)

小飞象葡国餐厅 RESTAURANTE DUMBO 氹仔旧城区地堡街喜来登广场地下A 铺连壹楼全层 A, Hei Loi Tang Kong Cheong, Rua do Regedor , Vila da Taipa 12:00 - 23:00 2882 7888 $, | October 2014



濠味道 Taste 大堂街八号葡国餐厅 RESTAURANTE ESCADA


澳门新马路大堂街8号 No.8, Rua da Sé, Macau 12:00 – 15:00 ,18:00 - 22:00
 2896 6900 $$,

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Macau, No. 986-1110, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30(周一 休息) 8793 4818 $$,

坤记餐室 A VENCEDORA 澳门新马路水坑尾264号地下 G/F, No.264, Rua do Campo, Macau 11:45-22:00 
2835 5460 $$

雅憩花园餐厅 NGA TIM CAFé 路环市区计单奴街8号 No.8, Rua Caetano, Coloane Village, Coloane 12:00 – 01:00 2888 2086 $

熊猫葡国餐厅 PANDA PORTUGUESE RESTAURANT 氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 No.4-8, Rua Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 11:00 - 23:00
 2882 7338 $$

沙利文餐厅 SOLMAR RESTAURANT 澳门南湾大马路512号 No. 512, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 11:00 - 22:30 2888 1881 ) $$

CAFé SIAM 路氹城澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店大运 河购物中心2412号铺 Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30 2882 8469 $$


氹仔旧城区地堡街85-87号O, P座地下 G/F, Block O & P, No.85-87, R. do Regedor, Vila de Taipa 12:00 - 15:00
, 18:00 – 23:00 2882 7200 $,



水晶廊 CRYSTAL LOUNGE & DELI 澳门葡京路2-4号新葡京酒店u1红 金上层 U1/F, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon to Sun; 00:00 – 00:00 (+853) 8803 7711 $

氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦 花园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 19:00 (+853) 2882 5201 $

尚坊 SAFFRON 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城悦榕庄 地下大堂 G/F Banyan Tree Macau, Galaxy Macau, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Cotai 07:00 - 23:00
 8883 6061 $$,

笃笃泰国美食 TUK TUK 氹仔马场广东大马路鸿业大厦地下 J-K 铺 Shop J-K, G/F, Edificio Hung Ip, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 0999 $

咖啡室 Cafés 赤坂 AKASAKA CAFÉ

泰国菜 Thai

澳门美丽街29号C地下 G/F 29 C Rua Formosa, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6677 9985 $


内港餐厅 O PORTO INTERIOR 澳门下环河边新街259号B地下 G/F, B, No.259, Rua do Almirante Sergio, Macau 11:30 – 22:00 2896 7770 $$


澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)巴黎街117号 大丰广场第2座地下Q铺 Shop Q, Tai Fung Block 2, Rua De Paris 117, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2878 6378 $$

水帘 CASCADES 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城地下G03 及G05号 G/F, G03&G05, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 10:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$

十月 2014 |

音乐豆咖啡 SINGING BEAN COFFEE 澳门会展娱乐中心和澳门旅游塔地 面一层 G/F, Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center, Macau Tower, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:00 - 22:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00 – 22:00 (+853) 2838 9118 $

SINGLE ORIGIN POUR OVER AND ESPRESSO BAR 澳门荷兰园二马路19号通发大厦 地下 No.19, Rua de Abreu Nunes, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 20:00 / Sun; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6698 7475 $

金丽华饼店 THE CAKE SHOP AT GRAND LAPA 澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号 金丽华酒店2楼 2/F, Grand Lapa, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 20:30 (+853) 8793 3810 $$

THE SEASON COFFEE CORNER 卡夫卡 KAFKA 氹仔布拉格街152号地下 152, Rua de Braga, Taipa Tue to Sun; 13:30 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 0086 $


澳门科技大学图书馆内 G/F Block N, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa Mon to Fri; 08:30 – 17:00 (+853) 8897 1888 $


澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau Lobby, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 10:00 - 01:00 8868 1131 $

澳门新马路巴素打尔古街十六浦索菲 特酒店大堂 1/F, Hotel Lobby, Sofitel Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8861 7213 $


法国菜 French

路环市区挞沙街1号地下 No.1 Rua Do Tassara, Coloane Village, Coloane Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2888 2534 $

MGM PÂTISSERIE 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM MACAU Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 09:00 – 21:00 (+853) 8802 2324 $$

宝雅座法国餐厅 AUX BEAUX ARTS 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Grande Praça, MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tue to Fri; 14:00-00:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00-00:00 (+853) 8802 2319 $$

良辰法国餐厅 LA BONNE HEURE 澳门新马路板樟堂巷12号A及B铺 12A-B, Travessa de São Domingos, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2833 1209 $$

海风餐厅 MISTRAL 新马路内港巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦 索菲特酒店六楼 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:30 (+853) 8861 7210 $$

PRIVÉ 巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦索菲特 大酒店 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Wed to Sun; 18:00 -22:00 (+853) 8861 0016 $$$$



澳门西湾民国大马路圣地牙哥古堡 酒店二楼 2/F, Pousada de São Tiago, Fortaleza de São Tiago da Barra, Avenida da República, Sai Van, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 (+853) 2896 8686 $$$

路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下g21号铺 G21, G/F, East Promenande, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$

葡国菜 Portuguese 葡国美食天地 A PETISQUEIRA 氹仔旧城区生央街15C-D号 Rua de São Joao, vila da Taipa, Taipa Tue to Sun; 12:30-14:30, 18:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5354 $$

安东尼奥餐厅 ANTóNIO 氹仔旧城区木铎街7号 Rua dos Clerigos No. 7, Old Taipa Village,Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 (+853) 2899 9998 $$

百姓餐厅 BANZA

天巢法国餐厅 ROBUCHON AU DOME 澳门新葡京酒店43楼 Avenida de Lisboa, grand Lisboa Hotel, 43/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 -22:30 (+853) 8803 7878 $$$$

御膳房 THE TASTING ROOM 路氹连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒 店三楼 3/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8868 6681 $$$$

西班牙菜 Spanish 塔巴斯西班牙小馆 CASA DE TAPAS 氹仔木铎街9号 Rua dos Clerigos, 9, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 $$$

氹仔旧城区广东大马路154号A-B号 南新花园第5座地下g-H座 Avenida de Kwung Tung, 154, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:30 23:00 (+853) 2882 1519 $$

澳门陆军俱乐部 CLUBE MILITAR 新口岸南湾街975号 Avenida da Praia grande, 975, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:30 - 15:00, 19:0022:30 (+853) 2871 4000 $$$

澳门旅游学院教学餐厅 EDUCATIONAL RESTAURANT I.F.T 望厦炮台斜坡 Colina de Mong-Ha, Mong Ha, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8598 3077 $$

法兰度餐厅 FERNANDO’S 路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac Sa Beach, 9, Coloane Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 21:30 (+853) 2888 2264

葡国餐厅 GUINCHO A GALERA 葡京路2-4号葡京酒店西座3楼 3/F, Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8803 7676 $$$

花道葡萄牙餐厅 FADO 澳门得胜马路2-4号澳门皇都酒店 M/F, Hotel Royal, Estrada da vitoria, 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 6:30 - 22:30 (+853) 2855 2222 $$$

澳门海景正宗葡国餐厅 MIRAMAR 路环黑沙海滩黑沙马路 Hac Sa Beach (near Westin Resort), Coloane Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 21:00 (+853) 2888 2623 $$

阿曼诺葡国餐厅 O-MANEL 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街90号地下 Rua de Fernão Mendes Pinto, 90, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2882 7571 $$

意大利菜 Italian 经典意大利餐厅 ANTICA TRATTORIA 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)伦斯泰特大 马 路40,42及46号帝景苑 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, 40, Edf. vista Magnifica Court, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:30 (+853) 2875 5102 $$

帝雅廷意大利餐厅 RISTORANTE IL TEATRO 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Tue to Sun; 17:30 – 23:30 (+853) 8986 3648 $$$

我的意大利厨房 LA CUCINA ITALIANA 氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村伟 兴阁地下AD-AF铺 G/F, Wai Heng Kok, Rua do Pai Kok, 6-12, Chun Fok village, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 7818 $$

比萨薄饼店 PIZZERIA TOSCANA 澳门下环妈阁斜巷2号A长城大厦地 下及地库 Calçada da Barra, São Lourenço, 2A, g/F, Macau Mon to Sun; 11:30-15:30, 18:30-23:30 (+853) 2872 6637 $$

山度士葡式餐厅 O SANTOS 氹仔旧城区官也街二十号 Rua de Cunha, 20, vila da Taipa, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5594 $$

海湾餐厅 RESTAURANTE LITORAL 下环河边新街261A地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261, São Lourenço, A, g/F, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 (+853) 2896 7878 $$

澳金玛葡国餐厅 Ao Grama

庭园意大利餐厅 TERRAZZA ITALIAN DINING 路氹城澳门银河]综合渡假城银河酒 店 2楼201号铺 2/F, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 18:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$

氹仔旧城区英布拉街138号太子花城 第二座M铺 Shop M,Prince Flower City Block 2,Rua de Coimbra n°138,Taipa, Macau +853 2883 9838 | October 2014




勇敢追梦 访澳门时装品牌 DARE TO DREAM Dream Chaser Yvonne Melao & Dare to Dream 2


澳门的时装设计师,都有一股追梦 的力量,年仅25岁的Steffi就是其中 一位成功的追梦者,更是连品牌名 称也叫作“DARE TO DREAM”(勇 敢做梦),把这种大无畏的精神贯彻 始终。

特别鸣谢 Special thanks: 澳门时尚廊 Macao Fashion Gallery



十月 2014 |

Macau fashion designers are among the most energetic dream-chasers including 25-year-old Steffi, who secured her victory by her own brand of DARE TO DREAM.




Steffi(左Left) 和Amanda(右Right)

很多人以为DARE TO DREAM这个色彩斑斓又充满童真的 品牌源于香港,其实背后的主脑Steffi是地道澳门人。14 岁就留学到英国,用九年时间学成归来,凭借家人从事 服装事业的便利,Steffi用短短两年多时间便为DARE TO DREAM 打响名堂。不单在香港的D-MOP可以找到,就 连内地潮流杂志《YOHO》也把其男装品牌引入到网店 中销售。说到留洋经历,Steffi说:“很多人以为我学的 是时装设计,其实我是学中国当代文学的!因为家人从 事服装业,我从小就对时装很感兴趣,再加上每年放假 都在英国的大型连锁时装店铺如Urban Outfitter打工, 接触多了自然驾轻就熟。回来后决定创立自己的品牌, 又有家人支持,事半功倍。”她一边说一边翻阅最新在 香港走秀亮相的2015年春夏系列,设计上和过去有一点 不一样,显得更为成熟,“这一季的作品我们加入很多 淑女元素,更加高贵和成熟,但是属于品牌的童真和大 胆创意仍会在细节体现。 Steffi不愿意别人把自己想成是女强人,相反她觉得自己 创业只是忠于所爱,因为是喜欢做的事,所以希望更多 和她志同道合的朋友能加入其中。从美国回来的插画师 Amanda 就是她的一个最佳拍档。在每一季的宣传画册 上,都可以看到Amanda的插画作为背景出现。她的画也 出现在 DARE TO DREAM的衣服上,有童稚的小鸟素 描,有梦幻的回旋木马等等,完全是小女孩的私密心思。 十月,DARE TO DREAM的澳门旗舰店就要开幕,Steffi 选址在游客比较多的妈祖庙附近,希望能通过店铺让更 多人了解澳门本土原创服装品牌,虽然梦想很大,但看 到她追梦的猛劲,要实现梦想?绝对不难。

秋冬推荐 A/W 2015

DARE TO DREAM is a Macau brand owned by Steffi, although it has frequently been perceived as a Hong Kong house. Raised in a fashionista family, Steffi built up her brand in just two years after returning from the U.K where she spent 9 years in school since age 14. Now her designs are not only available at D-MOP but also in the e-shop of YOHO, a popular fashion magazine in Mainland China. “I actually studied Contemporary Chinese Literature instead of Fashion Design, as many might presume.” She said. “I had a special interest in fashion due to my family background. The working experience during holidays in large fashion stores such as Urban Outfitter was also a push of my career. With the support of the family, it went more smoothly.” Her design grows up with her brand too, justified by her rather mature 2015 collection launched in Hong Kong. “I pursue more lady elements – elegant and mature – for the season, yet still have a touch of my signature of childish, bold and creative details.” Steffi did not image herself as a career woman but a girl who is doing her favourite and gathering more friends with the common dream, such as Amanda, an illustrator back from the U.S, who devoted her girlish and dreamy drawings on the brochures and clothes of the brand. The brand will open the Macau flagship in October near the A-Ma Temple, aiming to introduce the local brand to visitors. You will believe that she will top the mission if you witnessed her unexhausted pursuit of dream.

1 Brushed lace skirt MOP558

2 Indigo knit quilted top MOP558

3 Knicks pocket jumper MOP558

4 Indigo dark scarf


5 Varsity puffy dress


WHERE TO BUY 地址 ADDRESS 澳门妈阁斜巷万里长城8号 祥星大厦地下B 电话 TEL. + 853 2830 2013 | October 2014



濠好玩 ENJOY 升级美颜自拍神器 Further Beautified Selfies Casio EX-ZR1500 HKD2,980


数码新知 Gadgets Jim

高质镜头 弧形机身 Quality Lens And Bending Body HTC One E8


MOP 4,130

提起自拍,HTC One E8亦拥有相似功能,具备1300 万像素主镜头,以及500万像素前置镜头,最好玩的是 拍摄前可选择十级美颜模式,又或在拍摄后利用美化 工具修饰容貌,再配合倒数拍摄及广角镜,可与一众 亲朋好友拍出人多热闹的自拍照。此外,双弧形的机 背设计,除保持机身纤细,加上人体工学设计,手感 更佳,单手操作和拍摄亦容易掌握。 HTC One E8 also has similar function for selfie-taking. It is equipped with a 13 MP rear camera and a 5 MP front camera. By adjusting the 10-level beautification mode before shooting or utilizing tools to beautify faces after shooting, combined with countdown mode and wide-angle lens, you can shoot selfies with anyone. Besides, its curvy back is just ergonomic.




十月 2014 |

会听英文 电子狗狗 English Understanding E-puppy Omnibot Hello! Zoomer MOP 2,680

在今年第53届东京玩具展中取得“共游玩具”大奖的 新款智能电子狗Omnibot Hello! Zoomer,比起以往的 同款玩具动作更加灵活之外,亦懂得听取英语指令 。 由于狗狗采用了滚轮四肢的设计,所以在高速移动时 需要不少电量,不过内置了锂电池,只需充电1小时, 就可连续再玩20分钟,而用上 miniUSB连接介面,只 要带备相关接头的外置电池就可随时充电,便携性与 耐玩度均比旧式的电子狗优胜。 Omnibot Hello! Zoomer, award-winner at 53th Tokyo Toy Show, is a new digital E-dog. Compared with former puppies, it is more flexible and able to understand English instructions. The built-in quickcharging lithium ion battery allows you 20 minutes’ playing time after just 1 hour’s charging. Portability and entertainment are both enhanced with the mini USB charging playform.

又称“自拍神 器”的Casio自 拍相机系列,成 功掀起了Selfie热 潮。新推出的进 阶版ZR1500备有 第3代High Speed Exilim双 核心处理器,支援无线SD 记忆卡 及5轴4.5级防震, 当然深受女生欢迎的12级 美颜模式亦升级了!新加 入的美颜肤色及平滑肌肤 轴功能,可以即时观察肌 肤在不同设定下的变化, 并作最合适的调较。备有 粉红、黄、白颜色机身可 选择。 As an unrivalled weapon for selfies, Casio’s selfie camera series successfully lead a wave of selfie-taking. The new ZR1500, equipped with third-generation dual-core processor High Speed Exilim, supports 5-axis 4.5-level stabliser and wireless SD memory card. Its popular 12-level face beautification mode is also upgraded. New functions that beautify and smooth your skin provide immediate change monitoring. The camera is available in pink, yellow and white.

哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 1

丽斯摄影器材行 FOTO NICE + 853)2831 5678 2

CTM 1000 3

JC Shop Premium,+ + 853 2882 8987


反“孔”特工 Farewell to Oily Face Dorothy

肌肤油脂分泌不稳定,使女士们容易脱妆,男 士则满脸油光。要保持皮肤清爽整洁,不想成 为“反光板”,便要出动一众反“孔”特工, 好好护理和清空毛孔。 Oil can turn our beautiful face to a mirror. Just a few tricks, however, can avoid that happening. Read through and see how you should tidy up your pores. 2

FOR LADY 1 CLINIQUE Sonic System 声波淨透洁肤仪

2 Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Eraser 毛孔隐形底霜


MOP 89

将声波淨透洁肤仪沾湿放上洗 面膏, 再加水于按摩双颊,可 重点于T字位及下巴位置微微打 圈。能深层清洁毛孔,彻底清除 内藏污垢,更能调节肌肤油脂分 泌,收细毛孔,全日清爽洁淨。 Dip its head into water and then cleanser before turning it on. It massages your face and focusing on T-zone and chin in circular motion is recommended. It deeply cleanses your pores and even adjusts oil level of your skin.

化妆后仍然满脸“洞洞”?可以 先用毛孔隐形底霜打底。创新 毛孔柔滑技术及独特透明啫喱 配方,毛孔瞬间消失,打造出 零瑕BB肌。蕴合抗氧化樱桃萃 取精华,能加强保湿。 The PORE ERASER foundation is the solution to visible pores with its innovative pore smoothing technology and unique gel texture. The cherry extract is not only an anti-oxidant but also a moisturiser.

FOR MAN 3 KIEHL’S Oil Eliminator 24-Hour Anti-Shine Moisturizer 抗油光保湿乳霜 MOP 220/75ml 特别为男士泛油肌肤而设,蕴含 罗汉松精华,能去除汗水和过量 油脂分泌,同时收紧毛孔肌肤, 24小时对抗油光,皮肤时刻清 爽舒适回复。 Tailor-made for men to avoid excessive oil with unique podocarpus extract, a recipe for controlling sweat and oil and smoothing skin.

4 Beyond Skinny Pore Daily Toner 毛孔纤形淨透爽肤水 MOP 140/500ml “星星男”金秀贤做代言。能温 和洁淨肌肤表面的角质及污垢, 紧致毛孔。同时保持肌肤水油平 衡,减少毛孔阻塞,最赞是用后 带来清新感觉。想做型格韩男就 是这么简单。 It gently cleanses dead cells and tightens skin and pores. It also helps water-oil balance. Becoming a cool man has never been this easy.

4 3

哪里可以买到 WHERE TO BUY? CLINIQUE 澳门南湾商业大马路新八佰伴 New Yaohan, Macau +853 2872 6145

Maybelline 澳门高地乌街 金鸾阁27号A 地下 Shop A, No. 27, Ed. Queens Court, Rua de Pedro Coutinho +853 2855 1428

KIEHL’S 澳门南湾商业大马路新八佰伴 New Yaohan, Macau +853 2875 0390

Beyond 澳门高士德大马路23-33号地下 No. 23-33, Avenida de Horta e Costa +853 2855 2836 | October 2014






Macau Receives Its First Marks & Spencer

澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中 心广场2楼2116B室 Shop 2116B, Level 2, Shoppes at Cotai Central, Sands Cotai Central, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四, Sun to Thur) 10:00-00:00 (周五及六, Fri & Sat) +853 2885 3592

人期待已久的著名英国零售 百货Marks & Spencer(M&S) 终于进驻澳门金沙城中心,佔 地1,400平方米的新店除了展示 出一系列自家品牌的时尚服装 及配饰外,还设有零食美酒的 食品区域,一次满足你所有购 物欲望。

时尚服饰区 M&S澳门店贴心分女装、男装、女士内衣及童装区 域,全方位照顾不同年龄顾客的需要,包括着重低调 优雅的Autograph品牌服饰、由国际著名模特儿Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 与M&S携手设计的“Rosie for Autograph”内衣系列 ,还有Indigo Collection 的时尚 牛仔休闲服等。

人气食品区 M&S另一亮点定必是出售各种零食的食品区域,从香 酥饼、果酱、果皮酱及伯爵茶等传统英式下午茶食品 到各种饼干礼盒,到美味的零食,再到一系列公平贸 易茶叶、咖啡、花茶、精选洋酒等都罗列其中,不论 送礼还是自用都能找到合适的选择。 40




十月 2014 |

he iconic British retailer Marks & Spencer (M&S) opened its first store in Macau at the Cotai Strip Resorts Macau this summer. M&S’s new 1,400-sqm store provides exceptional quality fashions and extensive range of delicious M&S food.

M&S Fashion

The Macau store is divided into women’s wear, men’s wear, kid’s wear and lingerie sections. Collections include the elegant Autograph, Rosie for Autograph – M&S’s lingerie collaboration with international model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley – and the casual Indigo Collection.

Food Hall

Food Hall is always a must-go in M&S. Here in Macau you’ll find all British favourites including shortbread, jam, marmalade, and Earl Grey. Also available are boxed biscuits, fairtrade teas, coffees and spirits. Where else can you find your best gifts?

购物指南 shop


澳门壹号广场 ONE CENTRAL MACAU 澳门外港新填海区沙格斯大马路 Avenida de Sagres,Nape Macau 10:30-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2822 9838

永利名店购物区 WYNN ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966

万利名店购物区 ENCORE ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街

金沙广场 Shoppes at Cotai Central 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心 Cotai Sands Central, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8113 9630

澳门T广场四季名店 T GALLERIA MACAU, SHOPPES at FOUR SEASONS 澳门路氹金光大道四季酒店望德 圣母湾大马路 The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2828 2833

DFS BEAUTY WORLD 澳门四季名店1楼1101/18-30店 1101/18-30,Level 1,The Shoppes at Four Seasons,Cotai 10:00-23:00 +853 2828 2833

3F,The Venetian Macao, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Taipa 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8117 7841

澳门T广场新濠天地店 T GALLERIA MACAU, CITY OF DREAMS 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路连接路环 及路氹填海区 Estrada do Istmo,Cotai, Macau 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8590 3000

Avenida Do Infante D,Henrique 31A-31B, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 82916350

化妆品与个人护理 COSMETICS & SKNICARE 莎莎 SA SA 澳门板樟堂街1E-1F地下 Rua de S. Domingos, No. 1E-1F,R/C, Macau 10:00-23:00 +853 2832 2155

卓悦 BONJOUR 澳门板樟堂街12-14号物业全幢 G/F, 12-14 Rua De S. Domingos, Macau 10:00-22:30 +853 2832 2146

思维美 SWEETMAY 澳门板樟堂街1D号铺 Shop 1D,Rua de S. Domingos,Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2838 9156

Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966

威尼斯人购物中心 SHOPPES at VENETIAN 澳门望德圣母湾大马路 澳门威尼 斯人度假村酒店3楼

永盟百货 WINMAN 澳门殷皇子大马路友谊广场地库


电子及家庭电器 AUDIO VISUAL AND ELECTRONIC ACCESSORIES 玛莎百货 MARKS & SPENCER 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心广 场2楼2116B室 Shop 2116B,Level 2,Shoppes at Cotai Central,Sands Cotai Central, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2885 3592

澳门新八佰伴 NEW YAO HAN 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mario Soares no. 90, Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2872 5338

丰泽 FORTRESS 议事亭前地11号信德堡地库 Basement,Shun Tak House,11 Largo Do Senado,Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2832 9958


钜记手信 KOI KEI BAKERY 氹仔官也街11-13号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 11-13, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +853 2882 7458

Shop P, V&W,G/F, Macau Square 10:00-20:30 +853 3871 7428


来来电器广场 ROYAL ELECTRONICS SQUARE 澳门慕拉士大马路181-183号来来 集团大厦2楼


Avenida de Venceslau de Morais, Edf. Loi Loi Grupo, No. 181-183, 2/F, Macau 11:00-22:00 +853 8791 9432

氹仔官也街31号地下 Rua do Cunha, No. 31, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +2882 7811

澳门大三巴街28E号地下 Rua de S. Paulo, No. 28E, R/C, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2836 2122 | October 2014




红伶 China Rouge 时间 Hours: 19:00-03:00 (周五丶六Fri & Sat 19:00-04:00,逢周一丶二休息 Closed on Mon & Tue) 地址 Address: 澳门银河大堂Lobby, Galaxy


Macau 电话 Tel.

Exotically Red Anthony Lam

来这里:放轻松丶看佳作丶饮良酿丶 品美馔。 This is but a good place for good drinks with good shows: your mood aspires. 42


十月 2014 |

+853 2888 0888

美,从来不止是形容词,也是一 个华丽的代名词。“品味”是那 么抽象,不太好解释,像“爱” 一样,人人感受不同。然而,美 学,竟然能以数字代表。1:1.618 ,美的黄金比例,如此好看又那 般难寻。世界或许由数字构成? 也难怪毕达哥拉斯想要进入“红 伶”可不是这麽容易。 就如让你 宾至如归的侍者,也要经历几重 考验,才能踏进红伶的大门。一 言道,由进门开始,就要给你最 美的记忆。 这是一所私密的会所,让宾客拥有 各自的自我空间。例如酒吧区,桌 与桌分隔很远,相邻的桌也有细 心设计的分隔,让每桌的交流都 绝对保密。而谈到设计,红伶更 邀得多位设计师与艺术家合作, 交出很多意想不到的概念。对艺 术有要求的话,绝对不容错过。 而一所这样的会所,餐饮当然一丝 不苟。除了自家创制鸡尾酒外,也 有自家研发的美食,质素比很多 餐厅还更好。所以说,游客想要 来个小聚选红伶绝不令你失望。

Beauty: it isn’t only an adjective, but also a concept. “Taste” is just too abstract a word like “love”, which projects feelings differently. In contrast, aesthetics, unexpectedly can be interpreted as numbers - 1:1.618 - what a golden rule: heavenly unapproachable. The world as digits? Ask Pythagoras. Taking footsteps into “China Rouge” is far too harsh. Staff who waits you has taken ruthless tests before becoming able. In short: reminiscences of pulchritude once entered. This is a private club offering the most individualist space to individuals. The bar, for instance, has tables so far that no one beside hears a whisper. And in design, a number of designers and artists took the project and offered their best imaginations to China Rouge: a masterpiece done unto you. Gourmet is gourmet here. You will sample club-invented cocktails and delicacies, somehow better than those of many restaurants. Now, anticipate a gathering at China Rouge.



玩在澳门 Play 电影 Movies

皇家特工:间谍密令 Kingsman: The Secret Service 导演 Director:马菲域肯 Matthew Vaughn 主演 Cast:哥连费夫丶米高坚丶森姆积逊 Colin Firth, Michael Caine, Samuel L. Jackson 片种 Genre:剧情 Drama 蜚声江湖的“皇家特工”神秘特务组织,向来挑人 严谨,只会筛选精英中的精英参与特训,直至头目 Harry(哥连费夫)最新的特别决定──毅然找来一个 坏透反叛但潜质十足的无业游民Eggsy加入团队!此 举当然极具争议,Harry怎样把他重新改造,成为传说 中的金牌特务?高科技的恶霸天才即将威胁全球,“ 皇家特工”是时候驶出最强独门绝技,替天行道! Based upon the acclaimed comic book and directed by Matthew Vaughn, SECRET SERVICE tells the story of Kingsman: a super-secret spy organisation that recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into his agency’s ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius.


Macau Cinemas

麦兜.我和我妈妈 McDull. Me and My Mum 导演 Director:谢立文 Brian Tse 片种 Genre:动画 Animation 神探波比小时候叫麦兜,自小愚笨,欠缺运气和 自信,全凭精明能干的麦太,她能够把一个不足 三百呎的家设计成两房两厅,有桑拿丶有健身室 丶有图书馆的家。其后麦兜成长了,同时感觉到 生命的沉重与虚浮。离家后,他与拼搏的麦太关 系更是愈见疏离,直至他失去麦太时,才回想起 妈妈的好…… Detective Bobby – McDull as a kid – is a naïvely silly man lacking self-confidence. His mother, Mrs Mc, is smart and changes McDull’s 300 sq. ft. home into a mansion. But their relationship detaches in the course of time and, not until Mrs Mc passes does McDull remember all the good memories…

旅游塔影院 The Theater of Macau Tower 澳门四楼 4th Floor, Macau Tower

澳门大会堂 Cineteatro Macau

澳门家辣堂街19号Rua de Santa Clara, Nº19, 1º andar, Macau, China

永乐戏院 Cinema Alegria 镜湖马路85号E地下 Estrada do Repouso: 85D-F, Macau, China

UA银河影院 UA Galaxy Cinemas 澳门路氹澳门银河综合度 假城内 Galaxy Macau, Avenida de Cotai, Cotai City, Macau | October 2014



濠探索 explore 礼宾堂

concierge tips

Thitsar Ma

澳门新濠锋酒店礼宾部主管 Chief Concierge of Altira Macau

黄金十月,游客可趁着黄金周来澳门好好休闲游,新濠锋酒 店礼宾部主管Thitsar给出的好建议定能帮您好好规划这一趟 旅程。

October is golden. Leisurely travellers may want to follow Thitsar’s – Altira Macau’s Chief Concierge – recommendations. 您个人最喜欢的澳门美食是什么? 新濠锋的帝影楼是高级中菜的典范,更是融合传统与现代粤菜精髓。帝影楼的“吃 到饱”海鲜火锅有各种上等食材,包括波士顿龙虾和日本顶级和牛等等。附近的六 棉酒楼也是一个吃点心的好去处,而且价廉物美。

您觉得澳门哪个酒吧最适合放假放松? 新濠锋38酒廊是一个很有格调的酒吧,您可以在这里饱览澳门两个岛屿的城市风 光,更有户内和户外怡人环境任君选择。 有什么澳门景点是适合秋游的呢? 路环是一个被自然环抱的优美休闲之地。这里完全是逃离烦嚣之地,沿着海岸线更 可以收集五颜六色的贝壳,坐在海边看看书,呼吸一下大自然的清新空气,或者喝 一杯特浓咖啡,再吃一个葡挞或者一个猪扒包,这就是澳门的浪漫。

What’s your favourite Macau food? Ying at Altira is a history book of Cantonese cuisine, so be sure you try. Ying also serves Boston lobster, wagyu beef, etc at the premium all-you-can-eat hotpot dinner. Kapok Restaurant is also a must go local restaurant for those who loves great dim sum with reasonable price and authenticity. Which is the most relaxing bar? 38 at Altira is the ultra-stylish bar which has both indoor and outdoor seating and live music, offering stunning views across the water and downtown Macau skyline. Is there any sightseeing suggestion for the autumn? Coloane is the rural part of Macau, and still captures natural scenes. You can explore many ways to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life by collecting shells along the seashore, reading good book, relaxing at an al-fresco restaurant with a “bica”, or savouring Portuguese egg tarts and tasty pork-chop sandwiches.

九月来澳门旅游,您认为有哪个展览或者活动不容错过? 澳门一年一度的国际音乐节就是十月里不容错过的节目,在很多世遗景点都有表 演,如岗顶剧院和玫瑰堂等。

Which exhibition or event in October is a mustsee? The Macau International Music Festival is a perfect blend of East and West. It is performed at World Heritage sites such as Dom Pedro V Theatre, Mount Fortress and St. Dominic’s Church.

请用两个形容词形容你心目中的澳门。 浮华和迷人

Please describe Macau with two words. Glitz and glamorous.



十月 2014 |

Stephen Chan

濠探索 explore

人物 faces


Suzuki Cheng I Dream, Therefore I Dare 苏苏 Melao

有人喜爱安定,但也有人酷爱挑战,如果为了梦想,你 会选择前者还是后者?你敢为追梦豁出去吗?本期的主 角就是拼劲十足的澳门女孩程嘉敏,从父母反对她走 上戏剧之路,几经辛苦得到认同后又毅然放下澳门的一 切,为义气、为梦想远走马来西亚,为自己走出一条不 平凡的人生路。 Some people enjoy simplicity while some enjoy challenges, so which one is your choice for the sake of your dream? Suzuki Cheng is a defiant girl from Macau, who determinedly went to Malaysia for her dream.



十月 2014 |

爱上舞台剧 程嘉敏Suzuki,澳门土生土长的女孩子,曾是澳门 全职剧团“戏剧农庄”的节目策划,演出制作和行 政管理是她的专长,现在的她已是马来西亚著名的 全职剧团 E-HOUSE 的创办人之一以及行政总监, 究竟这位来自澳门的马来西亚剧团行政总监是如何 练成的呢? 读书时期的一次机会让Suzuki接触了舞台剧,且渐 渐爱上这门艺术,在课余时间一直参加剧团活动及 演出,那时在父母眼中舞台剧仅仅是她的兴趣而 已。一般父母很难想像自己的孩子从事专门的艺术 工作仍可以有稳定的生活,Suzuki的父母期望她毕 业后找一份稳定收入的工作就好。大学毕业后她如 父母所愿,找到一份高薪厚职的工作,但热爱舞台 的心一直也没改变,在工余时间继续活跃于澳门舞 台剧界。

马来西亚创业路 “在一次机缘巧合之下,我认识了一位来自马来西 亚的制作人,我们有共同理想,最后决定在马来西 亚一起办一个剧团。”Suzuki说。创办剧团这个决 定开始时让父母非常震惊,但在她的坚持下,终于得到父母谅解,而父母唯一个的 要求是:“无论遇上任何事,家里的大门是永远为你而开。” 辞掉澳门工作,Suzuki只身飞向马来西亚为自己的梦想打拼。开始时因为两地文化 差异,让Suzuki吃了不少苦头。“创团过程一点也不容易,两地的人处理事情的态 度完全不同,幸好有我的合作伙伴提醒,让我可以找到两地的共融点,并且尝试适 应它。”就是凭着这股干劲,她渐渐地掌握了马来西亚人工作的节奏。 Suzuki在马来西亚创团第一年就获得了不少认同,首个公演便得到了当地的舞台剧 奖项,第三年的公演更入围八项提名勇夺四个大奖,无疑为她的剧团和前路注下了 强心针。

In love with drama Macau-born Suzuki Cheng used to be a program planner at Macau’s full-time drama company “Theatre Farmers”. She is professional in production and administration, also founder and administrative director of Malaysian drama company E-HOUSE. Suzuki first knew about drama and gradually fell in love with it during youth. She played that only – as her parents perceived – for interest. It is common in China parents expect a simple, stable life. She lived up to her parents’ expectation while her passion in stage play never abated. She was active in stage play circles in her spare times.

Malaysian career “I met a producer from Malaysia coincidently. We share a same dream so decided to set up a drama company in Malaysia.” Suzuki said. This wasn’t good news for her parents but, “No matter what, home is here.” Her parents encouraged. Suzuki quitted her job in Macau and flied to Malaysia for her dream. She lived a hard life at the very beginning because of cultural differences. “It wasn’t easy at all to set up an opera troupe and our way to deal with things are different. Fortunately I was adapted to it with the help of my partner.” She gradually got to know the work pattern of the people in Malaysia with her enthusiasm. The company’s first production was award-winning, not to mention upcoming, even more successful ones. This further energises her, so she is planning even more types of activities while she hopes one day she will return to Macau in spotlights. | October 2014



濠探索 explore

离岛单车游 细味原始风土人情

Macau Bicycle Tour Experiencing Originality Nancy

踏入风高气爽的季节,最适合进行 户外活动,和你的孩子租一辆单车 游走氹仔的横街小巷,走入隐世秘 景及地道食肆。Cguide本期向你推 荐离岛单车路线,让你一边骑车, 一边细味澳门最原始的风土人情。 Autumn is best for outdoor activities. Cycling through alleys in Taipa with your children opens your horizon to hidden secret sceneries and traditional restaurants. Cguide reveals to you the bicycle routes on the island and Macau’s original uniqueness. 租单车热点 “时代士多”位于氹仔 地堡街嘉模前地的北帝 庙旁,不管你是游客或 居民,只需登记证件号 码,就能以澳门币20元 租一小时单车,大小同 价。此外,位于氹仔东 亚运大马路的氹仔海滨 休憩区也同样设有单车 租用服务,共提供35部 成人车及15部小童车供 市民租用,只需登记证 件即可以每小时20元租 用成人车,而儿童车则 每小时10元。单车径全 长只有约1,250米,可一 边享受海风吹拂,一边 欣赏日落美景。

The hot spot of renting bicycles “Si Toi Store” is next to Pak Tai Temple on Largo do Carmo. Whether tourists or residents can rent a bicycle at MOP20/hour with a valid ID document. Furthermore, you can also enjoy cycling at the Leisure Area of Taipa Waterfront on Av. dos Jogos da Asia Oriental where bicycle rental service is available. There are 35 and 15 bicycles for adults and children respectively. Prices are MOP20/hour per adult and MOP15/hour per child with valid IDs. The total length of the track is only about 1,250m, but it offers you natural sea breezes and unbeatable sunset panorama. 开放租车时间 renting hours 星期一至五 14:00-19:00; 星期六、日及公众假期 09:00-19:00 Monday to Friday 14:00-19:00 Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday 9:00-19:00



十月 2014 |


Cyclist’s Must-have MET Veleno Helmet | MOP820

第一站:氹仔市集 Flee Market on Sundays 每周日限定开墟的氹仔市集, 位于氹仔消防局前地,设有手 工艺品、饰物、纪念品、衣服 等各式摊位,定期有音乐表 演、街头魔术等活动,每星期 都吸引一众澳门市民及游客来 寻宝。 Located on Largo dos Bombeiros, Taipa Fair opens regularly on Sundays. Here you’ll find handicrafts, accessories, souvenirs, and clothing, among others. You can also meet regular music performances and magic shows. It has long become a local attraction.

第三站:嘉模圣母堂 Our Lady of Carmo Church 沿着官也街尽头的斜路往上骑 去,就到达有逾百年历史的嘉 模圣母堂。虽然教堂不是很 大,但风景优美,而且访客不 多,十分宁静,你可以在它旁 边的公园的石亭、石凳小休一 会再前行。 Along the ramp at the end of Rua da Cunha, you will reach the century-old Our Lady of Carmo Church. The church is not large but quite beautiful, and not crowded so quite tranquil. You can rest on the bench next to it.

高度透气的 M E T 山地 车Veleno 头盔,设有 独家Safe-T Smart™安全功能,确保头盔能 紧密包裹头部。 Veleno helmet of MET mountain bicycle boasts good air circulation. With its unique Safe-T Smart, it fits well on your head.

Giro Reverb Helmet | MOP480 复古感十足的 Giro Reverb头 盔,外壳材料 为坚固的聚碳 酸酯与EPS衬 垫,超舒适设计,适合于任何运 动使用。 The retro Giro Reverb helmet, with the shell made of firm polycarbonate and EPS gasket, is ultra-comfortable and suitable for use in any kind of sports.

Shade summer gloves | MOP330 专为单车好手 设计的Shade 品牌手套,高 度减震抗压, 透气舒适,手 掌部位采用加厚绒毛衬垫,防滑 度星级加强。 Designed for master cyclists, Shade Gloves provide high shock absorption and compression resistance, as well as good air permeability. There are gasket at the palm area so slipping is not an option.

Bont CTT-1 Cervelo | MOP3,080 100%手工 制作,设计 一体成型, 设有防撞护 条及7个通风 孔,其SPD专用鞋底及可热塑鞋 身,提供最贴合的穿著感受。 100% hand-made, unibody design, anti-collision bumper and seven vents: Bont CTT-1 Cervelo sticks to your feet, along with its SPD dedicated sole and thermoplastic shoe body.

Julbo Sunglasses | MOP1,850

第二站:官也街 Liberate your taste buds in Rua da Cunha 官也街虽然全长只有短短50 米,却汇聚了全澳门美食精 华,有30多间知名店铺,无论 是地道葡国餐厅、手信店或是 传统特色小食,这里都可找到。 With only 50 meters length, Rua da Cunha brings together all the culinary essences of Macau. There are more than thirty famous stores, selling traditional Portuguese cuisine, souvenirs and traditional snacks.

第四站:炮竹厂遗址 Fábrica de Panchões Iec Long 于三婆庙对面的益隆炮竹厂, 曾是见证着澳门炮竹业兴旺的 重要生产基地,而益隆爆竹厂 更是现时澳门唯一仍然保留的 炮竹厂遗址,虽然暂没有对外 开放,但隔着围墙亦可看到保 存下来的炮竹制作用具,一探 过去炮竹业的光辉回忆。 Fábrica de Panchões IEC LONG is located opposite to Sam Po Temple, and was once the heart of Macau’s firework industry. It is the only surviving site of the kind. You still can peek through the windows and resemble past glories.

法国制造的 J UL B O 太阳 眼镜,完整包 覆性,有效杜 绝阳光直射,除了带来绝佳的视 力保护外亦提供最大视野角度。 French-made JULBO Sunglasses can effectively prevent glaring sunlight. Not only can it bring perfect eyesight protection, but also provide the maximum viewing angle.

Castelli leggero vest | MOP620 德国Castelli单 车轻便背心, 具有防风、防 水、透气的优 点,背面更设 有排气功能,炎热天气下亦能保 持清凉干爽。 German Castelli cyclist vest is wind breaking, waterproof and breathable. It also has exhaust function on the back, which can keep you cool and dry in hot weather.

哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 伟图单车 VictoSports 查询 Tel. + 853 2842 5289 地址 Address

澳门马交石斜坡33号 No.33, Rampa dos Cavaleiros, Macau | October 2014



濠探索 explore

狮子座 Leo 关系当中会出现危机。大家的思想不一致,可能会大家愈 走愈远。不过有旅行的机会,可以出去透透气。 Different mindset will pose danger in relationship, drifting everyone apart. A chance of travelling will release your stress.

十月星座运程 october Horoscope William Leung

处女座 Virgo 原本打算努力存钱,不过因为突然的支出,令帐户的存款 打回原形。工作上的是非会增多,要紧记小说话多做事的 原则。 Your planned savings will be spent for sudden needs. In office quarrels, silence is golden.

天平座 Libra 整个人会充满朝气,只是家人的财务会有问题,需要解 决,令我们很难轻松的过日子。不过困难只是暂时性的, 没有太大的影响。 A dynamic month, yet family finance may require your wisdom and withdraw your bliss. But alas, it is only temporary.

天蝎座 Scorpio 正财会很好,不过是多劳多得,所以会有很多的事令自己 身心俱疲。同时也开始要准备学新的东西,令自己更有竞 争力。 Work more, earn more – but the pressure is exhaustive. Be prepared to learn new knowledge so as to better equip yourself.

白羊座 Aries 横材运不错,可以多去买彩票。在月底自身的运气更好, 在工作上有很多表现,只是体力会跟不上,要注意休息。 The might-be winner of lottery. Lucky star also shines in the office at the end of the month for you to show capability. Rest well to keep it up.

金牛座 Taurus 得到家人的帮助,可以帮助我们处理很多生活上的问题。 在关系当中会有新的机会,可以注意一下工作上有来往的 人。 Family members will help you out of many troubles. New opportunities arise in romantic relationship: pay attention to work partners.

双子座 Gemini 这个月要注意一下,不要乐极生悲,也不要因为聚会令到 自己负债缠身。太多的消耗只会令自己入不敷出。 Stay alert for potential dangers and/or debts. Keep eyes on your spending to avoid getting broke.

巨蟹座 Cancer 在工作中没有太多的心情,情绪方面波动比较大,要多找 时间好好独处。感情方面也因为脾气问题而引起小风波。 No mood to work at all. Solitude is your remedy for an unsettled mind. Your bad temper also leads to light conflicts with your partner.



十月 2014 |

射手座 Sagittarius 只要有恆心,在职场上一定可以受到大家的支持。同时也 可以考取一些专业资格去增加自己的竞争力。 A persistent heart will help win more support in your career. Professional certifications will enhance your competitiveness.

山羊座 Capricorn 没有太多的突破,所以不要胡乱去尝试新的东西,尤其是 不要因为一时意气而为朋友强出头。 Not a month for breakthrough and new attempts, so think twice before helping anybody.

水瓶座 Aquarius 与公司的敌人发生正面冲突,我们究竟做好准备没有?在 工作上很难摸到老板的心意,很多时候都不能令他满意。 Are you really ready for a head-on collision with office rivals? You boss seems too unpredictable.

双鱼座 Pisces 因为伴侣的要求太多,令自己在这个月的财务亮起红灯。 不过在工作当中会有新的尝试,可以勇敢的去把握。 A demanding partner will jeopardise your bank account, but seize the chance for new opportunities at work.


MGM Oktoberfest 2014 年

度盛事之一“美高梅澳门德国啤酒节”于本月 15至25日于美高梅维天阁 II盛大举行,在充满 日耳曼风情的环境下感受最传统正宗的慕尼黑啤酒盛 宴成为这个十月你来绝不能错过的节目。 一连11天的德国啤酒节著将可品尝特色地道的德国 美食、畅饮德国Spaten啤酒、欣赏由慕尼黑远道而来 的著名乐队 The Högl Fun Band 现场表演。美高梅维 天阁II的露天草坪上将架起25米长的巨型帐篷,配备 传统的长木桌椅,场内布置充满传统德国啤酒节风貌 特色,加上嘉年华游戏摊位、民族舞蹈、现场歌唱表 演、身穿传统服饰来自德国的啤酒女郎,以及首次加 入律动十足的巴伐利亚甩鞭舞,增添节日气氛。



GM MACAU is bringing its sixth Oktoberfest to town. From October 15 to 25, experience Munich’s famed festival in the truest sense at MGM MACAU. This eleven-day beerfest captures the essence of Bavarian festivities through authentic German beer, live entertainment and a party atmosphere. Furnished with classic long wooden tables and benches under a 25-meter-long tent, the venue comes alive every day from 6pm till midnight, with the clinking of beer mugs and the sounds of traditional accordion and oompah music. Ceiling wreaths and buntings, taps flowing with Spaten beer, carnival game booths, folk dancing and sing-alongs are all part of the fun. Enjoy the rhythmic Bavarian whip-cracking and kick up your heels with the Högl Fun Band, flown in all the way from Germany.

日期:2014年9月15日至10月25日 营业时间: 下午1时至晚上8时 地点:澳门美高梅天幕广场啤酒节专柜 电话:+853 8802 2666 电邮

For ticket sale, enquiries and reservations Date: September 15 – October 25, 2014 Time: 1pm – 8pm Daily Venue: Oktoberfest Reservation Counter, Grande Praça Phone: (853) 8802 2666 Email: | October 2014



享受指南 relax 水疗 SPAs 新濠锋“澄”水疗 ALTIRA SPA

儿童世界 Children’s World

氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8886

菩提水疗 BODHI SPA 澳门康莱德酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Conrad Macau, Level 3, COTAI (+853) 8113 6188

澳门望德圣母湾大马路澳门四季酒 店水疗中心 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI (+853) 8112 8080

永利理疗康体中心 THE SPA AT WYNN


澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利酒店 大楼一楼 1/F,Wynn Tower,Wynn Macau , Rua Cidade de Sintr, NAPE,Macau (+853)8986 3228

SO SPA 澳门内港巴索大尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 8861 0016

SIX SENSES SPA AT MGM 澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Av.Dr. Sun Yat-Sen,1101,Macau (+853)8820 3333


澳门科学馆 MACAO SCIENCE CENTER 澳门科学馆设有大量不同种类的互动 游戏,适合各个年龄层。透过这些游 戏将环境、社会、生态等连接到我们 所处的城市里的信息带给大家。 The Macao Science Center is a huge interactive facility comprised of various sections for learning and fun. Suitable for a variety of ages, it manages to incorporate information about the environment, society, ecology and more, and link many of them to city we live in. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (周四休馆,Closed on Thursday) 门票 Admission: 展览中心Exhibition Center-MOP25 咨询 Tel: (+853)2888 0822




十月 2014 |

澳门大熊猫馆位于路环石排湾郊野公 园内,馆内设有两个室内活动区和一 个室外活动场,透过玻璃可以看到大 熊猫的可爱模样。 Located in the Seac Pai Van Park, Giant Panda Pavilion comprises two indoor-activity areas and an outdoor yard of the giant pandas. 开放时间 Opening Hours:: 10:00-23:00, 14:00-17:00 门票Admission::MOP10 咨询Tel:(+853)2888 0087

澳门海上游 HARBOR CRUISE 澳门的海岸线极具吸引力,而内港一 仍可见到旧的楼房和码头,洋溢着日 渔港风情。 The Harbor Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions. 门票Admission: Mop120-398 (+853)2893 0012

耗资20亿港元的大型水上汇演《水 舞间》以特技、舞蹈等表现方法配合 以水为主题,把东方智慧意象发挥得 淋漓尽致。 The HK$2 billion performance “The House of Dancing Water” is a breathtaking water-based show that draws its creative inspiration from the roots of Chinese culture and is destined to be the most extravagant live production ever staged in Asia. 门票Admission:: HKD580起 Price From Mop 580 (+853) 8868 6767

历险Q立方QUBE 内有高达6米的复合攀爬设施,附设 一座垂宜滑梯、两座小型滑梯,一座 V字形绳桥、跨越及攀爬障碍物、之 字形攀爬绳等。 Qube features a six-meter-tall multi-climbing facility with a free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridges, over and underbarriers,zigzag net climbers and more. 开放时间 Opening: Hours:10:00-22:00 门票 Admission: MOP50起 Price From Mop 50 咨询Tel:(+853)2882 8857

观光缆车CABLE CAR 在二龙喉公园入口处有观光缆车直达 东望洋山山顶,你可以一边乘坐缆 车,一边饱览美丽的景色。 The Guia Hill offers spectacular views of the city, harbor and the sunset, with a sing trip taking two to three minutes. 开放时间 Opening Hours:: 8:00-18:00 门票Admission:MOP2-5 (+853)2833 7676

澳门必备 essentials

气候 CLIMATE 澳门全年气候温和,平均气温约为20°C,夏天温度普遍为30°C以 上。 The climate is a fairly warm tropical climate. Annual average temperature is about 20°C (68°F), with temperature rising higher (over 30°C/86°F) in summer.

出入境口岸 BORDER CHECKPOINTS 澳门现时有6个旅客常用出入境口岸,包括关闸、港澳码头、粤通 码头、氹仔码头、莲花口岸、澳门国际机场,开放时间如下: Macau has 6 border checkpoints, namely Border Gate, Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal (Exterior Harbour), Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal, Taipa Ferry Terminal, Cotai Checkpoint, Macau International Airport. The office hours are: 关闸 Border Gate: 7:00-00:00 港澳码头: Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 粤通码头: Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal: 8:00-16:30 氹仔码头: Taipa Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 莲花口岸: Cotai Checkpoint: 9:00-20:00 澳门国际机场: 24 Macau International Airport: 小时 24 Hours

逗留及过境 STAY AND TRANSIT 大多数旅客(欧洲、澳大利亚/新西兰、美国、加拿大、南非)无 需签证逗留30天至90天,其他人一般可逗留30天。持中国往来港 澳通行证并获得签注旅客到澳门旅游最长可逗留7天;持中国护照 过境澳门前往第三国的旅客可逗留5天。 Most travellers (EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa passports holders) can enter and stay in Macau visa-free for 30-90 days with their valid passports. Others can get a 30-day visa on arrival. Mainland residents in possession of a valid EEP bearing a valid exit endorsement can stay for a maximum of 7 days in Macau. The “authorisation to stay” for the first entry of PRC passport holders who transit Macau to other countries will be 5 days.

WiFi任我行 WiFi GO “WiFi任我行” 为澳门市民及旅客提供免费无线宽频互联网接入 服务,贴有该标志的区域都覆盖无线网络。你可以在每天8:00至次 日凌晨1:00连接使用,每次连接限时45分钟,断开后可再次连接。 网络名称为“wifigo”(非加密)和“wifigo-s”(加密),加密网络的 登录名称和密码同为“wifigo”。 Macau SAR Government provides free wireless Internet access – “WiFi GO”. Available daily from 8:00 to 1:00 the following day, users can use a non-encrypted connection (network name “wifigo”) or encrypted connection mode (network name “wifigo-s”, user name and password are wifigo). Each session has 45 minutes’ connection.


澳门半岛Macau Peninsula: MOP 3.20 澳门至氹仔Macau-Taipa: MOP 4.20 澳门至路环Macau-Coloane: MOP 5.00 澳门至黑沙 Macau-Hac Sa: MOP 6.00 澳门至机场 Macau-Airport: MOP 4.20 澳门至氹仔可乘坐Macau-Taipa Bus: 11, 22, 25X, 28A, 30, 33, 34, MT4 到机场可乘坐 To Airport: AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26,36 往返澳门、氹仔和路环Macau-Taipa-Coloane:21A,,25,,26,,26A, ,50,,MT3,和N3

仁伯爵综合医院 S. Januário Hospital 仁伯爵山山顶Estrada do Visconde de Sao Januario, Macau +853 2831 3731 镜湖医院 Kiang Wu Hospital 澳门莲胜街Estrada Coelho do Amaral,Macau +853 2837 1333 科大医院 University Hospital 澳门氹仔伟龙马路澳门科技大学 H 座 Block H, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau +853 2882 1838 24小时药房 24Hour Pharmacy 新口岸药房Farmácia San Hau On 澳门上海街84号广发商业中心地下B铺 Rua de Xangai, No. 84, Centro Comercial Kuong Fat +853 2870 1697


有用电话 Useful Phone Numbers


AVIS 澳门金丽华酒店,停车场 Grand Lapa Hotel Car park, 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau +853 2833 6789

紧急求助电话 Emergency Number: 999 旅游热线 Tourism Assistance Hotline: 2833 3000 电话查询 Directory Enquiries: 181 | October 2014










MACAU centre 澳门市中心 酒店 HOtel

邮局 Post OffiCE

购物 Shopping


餐厅 restaurant

巴士站 bus station

酒吧、俱乐部 Bar, Clubs, Pubs 找换店 Money exchange 博物馆 Museum



十月 2014 |

出租车站 taxi pick-up 世遗之旅 Heritage route 观光 sightseeing









G H I J K L MACAU strip 澳门新填海区







Cotai Strip 路氹金光大道









十月 2014 |







TAIPA village 氹仔旧城区








38 | October 2014





濠探索 explore

澳门历史城区漫步地图 Guide for the Historic Center of Macau

1 妈阁庙 A-Ma Temple 2 港务局大楼 Moorish Barracks 3 亚婆井前地 Lilau Square 4 郑家大屋 Mandarin’s House 5 圣老楞佐堂 St. Lawrence’s Church 6 圣若瑟修院及圣堂 St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church 7 岗顶前地 St. Augustine’s Square 58


十月 2014 |

8 何东图书馆大楼 Sir Robert Ho Tung Library 9 岗顶剧院 Dom Pedro V Theatre 10 圣奥斯定教堂 St. Augustine’s Church 11 民政总署大楼 “Leal Senado” Building 12 议事亭前地 Senado Square 13 三街会馆(关帝庙) Sam Kai Vui Kun Temple 14 仁慈堂大楼 Holy House of Mercy

15 大堂(主教座堂)Cathedral 16 卢家大屋 Lou Kau Mansion 17 玫瑰堂 St. Dominic’s Church 18 大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St. Paul’s 19 哪吒庙 Na Tcha Temple 20 旧城牆遗址 Section of the Old City Walls 21 大炮台 Mount Fortress

22 圣安多尼教堂(花王堂) St. Anthony’s Church 23 东方基金会会址 Casa Garden 24 基督教坟场 Protestant Cemetery 25 东望洋炮台 Guia Fortress (包括圣母雪地殿教堂及灯塔)

Endorsed by Macau Government Tourist Office 由澳门特别行政区政府旅游局支持 | October 2014



濠探索 explore

跟着音乐游澳门 Follow the Notes 随着澳门国际音乐节的到来,整个小城都被悠扬的音乐 所包围,多场精彩的音乐表演将于世遗景点轮翻上演, 让人们既可游览历史城区,又可以欣赏美妙的演出。本 期跟着我们的脚步,游览多个音乐节的演出场地吧! Macau International Music Festival will fill the air of the tiny town by melodies. As most of the events will be performed at World Heritage sites, the upcoming experience will be a combination of music and history. Let us show you some venues. 1


位于澳门龙头左巷的郑家大屋是中国近代著名思想家郑观应的故居, 于1869年前建成,这座占地近四千平方米的岭南风格院落式大宅由 多座不同风格建筑及开放空间组成,大小房间共有60多间,是澳门少 见的家族式建筑群。上世纪五、六十年代,郑家后人分居各地,故郑 家大屋多处空间被分租出去,更一度出现 “七十二家房客”的景象。2001年由澳门政府接管后便开始了逾8年 的原貌修复工程,于2010年向公众开放。 郑家大屋在中式建筑风格上配合西式装饰,体现了中西结合的特色。 大屋内有门楼、外花园、轿道、水巷、等充满传统特色的设计以划分 不同房区。从大屋的屋顶、梁架结构、建筑材料、檐口、墙体之彩绘 及泥塑浅浮雕、趟拢门等展现出传统建筑风格;而室内的天花、门楣 窗楣的式样、檐口线,以及外墙之抹则是利用了西方的装饰手法。

The Mandarin’s House

The Mandarin’s House, located at the Travessa de António da Silva, was the residence of the Zheng Guanying, a famous thinker in Qing Dynasty. The 1869-built Cantonese mansion measures 4000 sqm with over 60 rooms. As a rare residential complex in Macau, the site had been sub-rented during 1950’s and 60’s before being handed over to the government in 2001. After an 8-year restoration, it was opened to the public in 2010. The complex is a blend of Chinese and Western architectural styles, as seen in the entrance gatehouse, external garden, sedan way, and water lane, as well as on the roof, in the timber structure, cornice, and fresco and clay carving on the walls, which are Chinese; while the floor, lintels, cornice lines, and external wall painting are quite Western. 地址:龙头左巷10号 开放时间:10:00-18:00,17:30后停止入场 (逢周三休息,公众假期除外); Address: No. 10, Travessa de António da Silva Openine: 10:00-18:00 (no admittance after 17:30)Mon-Sun (Closed on Wednesdays)



十月 2014 |



岗顶剧院始建于1860年,原名伯多禄五世剧院,是中国第一座西式 剧院,剧院内更设有舞厅、阅书楼和桌球室,是昔日葡萄牙人社群聚 合的重要场所。剧院也曾播放电影,因此又有马蛟戏院、岗顶戏院之 称。而如今的剧院不再放映电影,而是澳门各类型音乐表演的重要场 地。 岗顶剧院是澳门唯一的欧式剧院建筑物,以新古典希腊复兴风格设计 为主,剧院正立面是一面罗马圆拱式门廊,其下则是由四组爱奥尼柱 式倚柱组成的三个券洞,看起来非常雄伟。而绿色的建筑外墙间以白 色的饰条,配上墨绿色门窗及红色屋顶则散发出悠闲浪漫的气息。剧 院内圆形的观众席前后布置了前厅及舞台,演出厅内的大型观众席 呈蚬壳形排列,设置有舒适宽敞的276个座位,两侧是可供休息的长 廊,长廊上设有楼梯直达二楼月牙形的观众席。

Dom Pedro V Theatre

Dom Pedro V Theatre, built in 1860, was the first western-style theatre in China that has a dance ballroom, a reading room, and a billiards room. It used to be a parlour for Portuguese gatherings and sometimes a cinema. Now it is only for theatre and music. The neo-classical building has a grant arch portico at the front, while the light grey-green façade, white decorative stripes, dark green doors and windows and red roof create a leisure and romantic atmosphere. The round theatre has 276 comfortable seats with parlours at both sides, where the second floor of seating is accessible.

地址: 岗顶前地 开放时间:10:00-18:00 (逢周二休息) Address: Largo de Santo Agostinho Openine: 10:00-18:00 (closed on Tuesdays) | October 2014



濠探索 explore 3



玫瑰堂座落于板樟堂前地,是西班牙圣多明我会在中国设立的第一所 教堂,教堂内供奉的是玫瑰圣母,故又称为玫瑰圣母堂。玫瑰堂建立 至今已有400多年历史,初建时是以木板搭建而成,所以华人把它称 为“板樟堂”。 教堂是采用华丽的巴洛克式风格设计,明亮的鹅黄色外墙饰以白色图 腾,搭配大型绿色百叶窗,呈现出浪漫的南欧风情,成为板樟堂区醒 目的地标之一。教堂主体为砖木结构,夹层为木楼板,所以现在走上 去还会听到木板咯咯的声响。堂内的主祭坛深8.5米,宽6米,拱顶正 中描绘修会标志;层叠的壁柱间隔扭曲的麻花柱,弯曲的线脚烘托断 山花,形成华美的巴洛克风格,是澳门最美丽的祭坛之一。教堂旁还 设有一座“圣物宝库”,收藏了300多件澳门天主教的珍贵文物,包 括油画、木雕圣像与弥撒用品。

St. Dominic’s Church

It is the first church by the Spanish Dominicans in China, worshiping Our Lady of Rosery. It was thoroughly made of wood when erected more than 400 years ago. Being the landmark at Largo do S. Domingos, the church is an exemplary of southern Europe style of architecture with its splendid Baroque design, bright yellow wall painting, white patterns and large yellow blinds. It is a brick-wood structure with timber wood that still creaks when being stepped. The altar of 8.5m depth and 6m width is boasted as one of the most beautiful in Macau with twisted pillars and curved molding centered by a flowers. You will also find a treasure museum next to the main building with a collection of more than 300 valuable religious relics of Macau Catholicism including paintings, wood status and mass items.

Being perceived as a major site of military defense in the old days, Mount Fortress, built in 1626 on the top of St Paul Hill, is the oldest western cannon structure in China, comprising a solid defense line together with Barra and Guia Fortress against pirates. It was also the residences of Commander of Defense and Macau Governor from 1623 to 1740. The irregular quadrilateral Fortress with four projecting corners was built on a 3.7-meter-wide solid base made of granite and clad. It is where you can enjoy an amazing full view of the Old Town and the scene of Pearl River afar. The retired bronze cannons are still placed on the rack surrounded by lines of old trees providing shelters to visitors.


开放时间:10:00-18:00 Address: Largo de S. Domingos Openine: 10:00-18:00


Mount Fortress


地址: 板樟堂前地



1626年建成的大炮台位于大三巴旁的柿山之上,原名为圣保禄炮 台,澳门居民大多称之为“大炮台”,是中国现存最古老的西式炮台 建筑群之一。大炮台也是昔日军事防御设施的重心,它与妈阁炮台 和东望洋炮台组成一道坚固的外围军事防线,以防范海盗之用。而 1623年至1740年间,这里更一直是城防司令和澳门总督的住所。 大炮台呈不规则四边形,四个墙角外突成为棱堡,炮台东北、西南及 东南面墙身建基于3.7米宽的花岗石基础上,墙身以夯土砌建,并以 蚝壳粉末作灰泥批荡,非常坚固。站在大炮台上,你就可将澳门老城 全景尽收眼底,或是远眺中国大陆的珠江口一带的风光。如今的炮台 当然不再使用,退役的铜炮静静地架于平台上,而平台旁林立着高壮 的树木则为前来炮台参观的人们提供乘凉休憩的好去处。

十月 2014 |

Address: No. 112, Praceta do Museu de Macau Openine:07:00-19:00



澳门演艺学院大楼建于1930年,是一座位于高士德大马路的粉红色 西式建筑。 澳门演艺学院是澳门唯一一所正规的表演艺术人才培训机构,学院于 1989年成立,属于澳门特别行政区政府文化局,设有舞蹈学校、音 乐学校和戏剧学校。 澳门演艺学院大楼底层走廊以直方柱支撑,一楼扇形拱则以花柱头圆 柱支撑,每幢的正面中间部分均有突出的阳台,反映了十九世纪末本 地流行的古典主义风格的元素,加上地下层走廊、一楼栏杆及花园围 墙的几何化装饰,展现出折衷主义风格设计。

Macao Conservatory

The pink coloured building of western style built in 1930 has been the only official cradle for performers since 1989. It is now managed by Cultural Affairs Bureau, and comprises schools of dance, music and drama. The ground hallway features square pillars and the first floor fanshaped arch ceiling supported by columns with carved capes. Balconies protruding from the front façade were a signature style at the end of 1800s, while eclecticism is fully presented by the geometric pattern along the ground aisle, the first-floor fences, and the garden walls.

地址:高士德大马路14-16号 Address: No. 14-16, Av. de Horta e Costa



澳门文化中心是澳门唯一的国际级文化艺术表演场地,占地面积达四 万五千平方米,由剧院大楼、艺术博物馆大楼及回归贺礼陈列馆组 成。 剧院大楼内设有两个表演场地,分别是有1076个座位的综合剧院以 及389个座位的小剧院。综合剧院以古典剧场风格设计为主,配备专 业舞台设备及灯光系统,是举办歌剧、舞蹈、戏剧、粤剧、交响乐或 室内乐演奏会、研讨会及综合性演出等大型节目的首选场地;而小剧 院则着重表演者与观众的互动性,所以舞台与观众席之距离较近,适 合欣赏互动性强的戏剧、舞蹈、小型音乐会等。配合内置的电影大屏 幕、环回立体声系统,更可将小剧院变身电影院。而艺术博物馆大楼 及回归贺礼陈列馆则以视觉艺术展览为主。

Macao Cultural Centre

Macau Cultural Centre is the city’s only world-class venue for art and cultural activities, covering an area of 45,000 sqm, including the auditorium building, the Macau Museum of Art and Handover Gift Museum. The Grand and Small Auditoria house 1,076 and 389 people respectively. The former is basically all-purpose, from opera and dances, to seminars and mixed performances; while the latter provides a more intimate environment for more interactive activities. It is also a cinema with built-in screen and surround-sound system. The Museums are generally saved for visual arts exhibitions.

地址: 澳门新口岸填海区冼星海大马路 Address: Av. Xian Xing Hai s/n, NAPE, Macao | October 2014



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第二十八届澳门国际音乐节 Must-See Shows

The 28th Macao International Music Festival 重头戏YOU CAN’T MISS…

第二十八届澳门国际音乐节于10月3 日至11月1日期间举行,由美国、英 国、葡萄牙、意大利、阿根廷、波 兰、内地、港澳台等地优秀演奏家 及乐团联手为公众带来25项精彩音 乐表演。本期Cguide特意为您精挑细 选了其中四个不容错过的好节目。 The 28th Macao International Music Festival (MIMF) begin from 3 October to 1 November, bringing outstanding artists and ensembles from the U.S.A., United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Poland, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. etc, in a total of 25 shows, offering the public high level concerts this autumn.



十月 2014 |

10月3, 5日 OCT 3, 5

贝利尼两幕歌剧《诺尔玛》 Norma - Opera in 2 Acts by Vincenzo Bellini 澳门国际音乐节每年阵容强劲及重量级制作的歌剧节目 是令人期待的节目之一,今年音乐节则由意大利都灵 皇家剧院制作的贝利尼两幕歌剧《诺尔玛》打头炮,为 观众带来精彩的歌剧体验。歌剧故事是讲述女主角诺尔 玛为了爱情牺牲一切,最后与爱人共赴黄泉。优美的旋 律、编配精致的管弦乐及富戏剧性的情节,使这部意大 利歌剧成为经典巨著。本次的歌剧表演除了云集一流的 歌唱家和歌剧演员主演以外,更由澳门乐团音乐总监吕 嘉执棒指挥,而拥有数个世纪舞台经验的意大利都灵皇 家剧院带来的创新舞台、装置以及华美服装则为此剧锦 上添花。 Annually, the MIMF presents outstanding opera productions highly anticipated by the public. This year, the Festival takes off with “Norma - Opera in 2 Acts by Vicenzo Bellini” , by the Teatro Regio de Torino, from Italy, gathering extraordinary opera singers and actors under the baton of Macao Orchestra’s Conductor and Music Director, Lü Jia. Beautiful melodies, refined orchestral music and a dramatic plot make up Bellini’s master piece, marking the Festival’s grand opening.

19:30 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium 门票 Tickets MOP 600, 500, 400, 300, 200

10月11,12日 OCT 11 ﹠12

10月15日 OCT 15

林子祥与澳门中乐团 The Macao Chinese Orchestra Invites George Lam

葡韵颂 Sacred Music from High Baroque to French Romanticism

香港乐坛家喻户晓的唱作歌手林子祥、澳 门中乐团以及国家一级指挥彭家鹏联手,以 中乐结合流行音乐演绎多首林子祥的经典金曲 。此外,同场邀请澳门著名歌手彭永琛作特别表 演嘉宾,为乐迷们带来一场古典与流行音乐交相 辉映的水准之作。

葡萄牙高秉根合唱团阔别澳门多年后重游故地,在玫 瑰堂带来一场跨时空的音乐对话《葡韵颂》。在指挥 若热.马塔的带领下,合唱团演绎出17至20世纪时期 的历史曲目,呈现葡萄牙音乐之美,绽放十足的音乐 魅力!

Well-known Hong-Kong cantopop singer George Lam joins the Macao Chinese Orchestra to interpret pop hits, appealing to a diversified audience. In the exciting concert, renowned Macao singer Sean Pang also joins George Lam. Sean Pang has won many awards, and has often represented Macao in cultural exchange events.

Coro Gulbenkian, a legendary Portuguese vocal ensemble renowned for its technical brilliance, vast repertory, and sensitive interpretations! Sacred Music from High Baroque to French Romanticism–a programme that juxtaposes luminous motets by J. S. Bach with devotional works by his Portuguese contemporary Francisco António de Almeida and the stirring musical venerations of Gabriel Fauré.

20:00 20:00 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium MOP 500,、400,、300,、200元

玫瑰堂St. Dominic’s Church 凭票免费入场 Admission with free ticket

10月29日至11月1日 OCT 29-NOV 1

恋爱大爆发 Hairspray - The Musical 闭幕节目为励志音乐剧《恋爱大爆发》,由音乐及剧 场界具领先地位的Bronowski公司制作。故事讲述15 岁胖女孩翠丝奋力追梦的故事,以轻快亢奋的旋律及 动感活力的舞蹈向观众传递追求梦想的正能量。原百 老汇版本曾于2003年勇夺八项东尼奖、十项戏剧桌奖 殊荣 。 The inspiring “Hairspray–The Musical” by Bronowski Productions Ltd., brings the MIMF to a close with a message of courage to pursue their dreams. Full of bubbly songs with beat and personality - not to mention romantic complications - Hairspray has taken the world by storm. Hairspray’s original Broadway version conquered, in 2003, 8 Tony Awards and 10 Drama Desk Awards.

20:00/15:00((11月1日NOV 1)) 澳门文化中心综合剧院 Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium MOP 500, 400, 300, 200 | October 2014



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当爵士遇上蓝调 Rendezvous of Jazz and Blues Yvonne 爵士,蓝调,如此这般讲究情调的音乐,很适合在澳门这个带有慵懒气息的小城上 空“盘旋”。所以威尼斯人每年在十月举办的金光爵士及蓝调音乐节都会聚集很多 人气,今年来到第三届的音乐节将会在10月9至12日回归,音乐粉丝们是不是对这 个充满乐音的十月十分期待? 今年的活动有“新玩意”主题加入——现场将会化身为美国新奥尔良狂欢节,提 供一连串醉人的国际级现场音乐表演和美酒佳肴等。英国新晋爵士乐巨星Anthony Strong、去年音乐节的冠军组合Bleu Rascals以及决赛选手Andy Frasco and U.N也 将在音乐节上轮番献声。值得一提的是,今年大会将在湖畔区增设一个别出心裁的 浮水舞台,并配以宽阔的休憩区为宾客提供多款美食及饮品选择。现场另设有大型 儿童玩乐区及浪漫的户外贡多拉之旅,务求让一家大小都能尽享音乐之美。

10月9日 23:00 9 Oct

Anthony Strong SHOW 重金礼聘的Anthony Strong(安东尼·斯特朗)是您 在本次音乐节中不能错过的一颗明星。在发布了具有 传奇色彩,并荣登英国爵士乐分类下载榜首的BB King 和EP两张大碟后,被誉为“英格兰新一代爵士乐超级 巨星”的Anthony Strong受到全球各大顶级唱片公司 的垂涎。他最终与法国最具代表性的唱片公司Naive签 约,该唱片公司是成就创下千百万唱片销售量记录的 传奇歌手阿黛尔的摇篮。随后安东尼于2013年4月发 布其在此公司的首张大碟《Stepping Out》,此碟荣 登美国iTunes爵士乐分类下载的排名榜首。 Anthony Strong has been crowned as the England’s new jazz superstar since he ran after the legendary BB King in various rankings. His first full album was launched in April 2013 after signing with Parisian label Naive, the name behind Adele, and has topped the Jazz download chart of iTunes in the U.S.

The sentimental tones of Jazz and Blues is the best match to the casual atmosphere of Macau. Welcome to Cotai Jazz & Blues Festival 2014 at The Venetian Macao on 9-12 October, 2014 for the third feast of ear and beyond. The festival will be turned into a Macau-version Mardi Gras, a world famous New Orleans carnival with delicacies and wines and great live concerts presented by international stars such as the English rising jazz superstar Anthony Strong as well as the champion Bleu Rascals and two of the finalists Andy Frasco and the U.N. of last year’s festival. Other highlights include the second stage floating in the lagoon and the marvellous dining experience. There are also large child playground and romantic gondola tours for every family member.


10月9-10日 Oct. 9-10 18:00-Midnight 10月11-12日 Oct. 11-12 13:00-Midnight 澳门威尼斯人湖畔区 The Venetian Macao’s outdoor lagoon 免费 Free



十月 2014 |

独家 Exclusive

与爵士乐名师Zé Eduardo有约 Interview with Jazz Maestro Zé Eduardo Yan Sing

澳门国际音乐节的节目固然精彩,而其带来的音乐大 师班同样出色。今年的《乐得起》爵士乐工作坊再次 邀请到葡萄牙爵士乐大师Zé Eduardo及其教学团队为 澳门的学员们进行一系列训练课程及音乐会。错过了 课程以及音乐会的朋友也不用失望,因为我们独家邀 请到大师Zé Eduardo与我们分享关于爵士的知识。 表演爵士乐通常会使用哪些乐器? 与爵士乐关系最为密切的乐器分别有萨克斯、喇叭、 低音贝司、鼓、钢琴和电吉他。目前爵士乐的足迹已 经遍布世界各个角落,成为一种世界性的全新艺术表 现方式 。 学习爵士是否有年龄限制?如何在爵士表演方面起 步? 爵士表演完全没有年龄限制,我在葡萄牙的一些学生 甚至已经超过50岁 ,音乐对他们而言就是一种娱乐。 此外,爵士表演也没有技术方面的局限。如果你会一 种乐器,对开始爵士乐演奏会有很大的帮助。 除工作坊外,还可以从那方面提高澳门爵士新人的演 出水准? 在我看来,澳门迫切需要一个可以进行Jam Session 的地点。学生可以定期在爵士乐爱好者面前进行表 演,而不是进行商业化或博彩中心中演出。因为Jam Sessions是爵士新人在事业早期接触现场演出的最佳 机会,他们可以在这些表演或他人的表演中学习。 更详尽采访请看

Other than exciting live concerts, the Macao International Music Festival also has a schedule of rich programs, for example the Master Classes. The Jazzit-up! Workshops has invited portuguese Jazz master Zé Eduardo and his group, again, to provide a training session lasting more than one month and finished with a concert. Cguide had an exclusive interview with the Jazz master on nothing but jazz. What kind of instruments will be played in jazz music? The most important instruments associated with Jazz are the saxophone, the trumpet, the bass, the drums, the piano and the electric guitar. Jazz is played nowadays all over the world. Is there any age limit learning jazz? How can we get started on playing jazz? There is no age limits on playing Jazz. I have some students in Portugal that are older than 50 years old. There is also no technical limit. If you know how to play an instrument, that will help a lot at the beginning. What can we do for the new Jazz performer improving the performing skill? In my opinion Macau needs urgently a place for Jam Sessions where the students can go regularly and play in front of an audience of Jazz listeners, not a commercial audience. Jam Sessions are the live exposure in the early years for any new Jazz performer. We all learn in Jam Sessions playing and listening to other players. Find more in | October 2014



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Macau Original Melodies Vol.1 Yan Xun


9位澳门歌手,10首澳门原创歌曲,经历180天的精心筹备,无数人 的仗义相助,成就出一张2014年夏末最充满正能量且表达澳门人心 声的专辑,说的正是由澳门艺人罗嘉豪出品,澳门基金会及澳门特 别行政区文化局赞助,超级娱乐发行的群星慈善专辑 《澳门主旋律Vol.1》。 The Macau Original Melodies Vol.1, released at the end of summer of 2014, was produced by Hyper Lo and sponsored by Macao Foundation and Cultural Affairs Bureau. An album by 9 local singers, 10 Macau productions, 180 days of preparation and generous helps by many others, it is filled with positive energy and Macau spirit.



十月 2014 |

澳门的乐坛发展起步较慢,能 成为全职歌手仍是少数,大部 份歌手仍是独立身份,他们都 有一份赖以生活的工作,然 后再投入到自己喜爱的歌唱 之中。罗嘉豪说:“澳门很特 殊,歌手都比较分散,各有各 的工作,我觉得应该做点什么 事把大家团结在一起,所以早 在半年前就和AJ、祖丝、大头 他们尝试着出一张澳门歌手的 合辑。” 参与《澳门主旋律Vol.1》的歌手 包括多位澳门人耳熟能详的歌手: 陈伟成、杨淑芬、张丽欣、罗嘉 豪、何嘉茵、大头、AJ、祖丝及 戴显扬。而专辑中收录的十首歌曲 以及七个MV,从作曲填词到MV

拍摄,唱片封套、造型设计、发行等 都是由澳门本地制作。创作班底主要 为罗嘉豪、AJ、李峻一等,他们为众 歌手度身创作出不同风格的歌曲。罗嘉 豪表示在创作过程中难度最大的当数为 前辈陈伟成写的曲子,其中有很多不同的 歌唱技巧。而为充满爆发力的杨淑芬,他 则准备了《哑忍》,以她的声音向大家宣 扬听障人士与普通人同样可以为社会作出贡 献的概念。 《澳门主旋律Vol.1》预期在澳门发行1000张,于发布的9月20日当天 更举办了盛大的发布会,9位歌手更即场演绎他们的歌曲,与歌迷们分 享本地创作。此外,这也是一张慈善专辑,售卖所得收益将不扣除成 本全数拨捐澳门聋人协会作经费。 《澳门主旋律Vol.1》预期在澳门发行1000张,于发布的9月20日当天 更举办了盛大的发布会,9位歌手更即场演绎他们的歌曲,与歌迷们分享 本地创作。此外,这也是一张慈善专辑,售卖所得收益将不扣除成本 全数拨捐澳门聋人协会作经费。


s a late starter in global music, Macau saw less professional but more indie part-time singers, able on to devote their spare time to their music aspiration. “Macau singers can only do it part-time, so six months ago, I started to plan a local compilation with AJ, Josie and ‘Big Head’, in an attempt to build a closer bond.” Hyper said. Locally-famed singers including David Chan, Hyper Lo, “Big Head”, AJ, Josie, etc, are the voices behind the purely local compilation. Hyper Lo, Joe Lei, and AJ tailor-made the songs. In the album, there is a dedicated song to support those with hearing impairment. The nine singers performed their respective songs at the launching ceremony on 20 September. The 1,000 copies work as a support to Macau Deaf Association.

关于《澳门主旋律Vol.1》 Macau Original Melodies Vol.1 收录歌曲 Songs 1.《足迹Footprints》 (国Mandarin) 澳门歌手 2.《前度Previous One》 罗嘉豪 3.《哑忍Silent Tolerance》 杨淑芬 4.《难得你You Rarely…》 何嘉茵 5.《原谅我Forgive Me》 AJ 6.《找到他Got Him》 祖丝 7.《小愚村Innocent Village》 戴显扬 8.《再见陛下Farewell, Sire.》 张丽欣 9.《曼陀罗Datura》 (国Mandarin) 大头 10.《Please Tell Me Why》 (国) 陈伟成

发行日期 Release 9月20日 20 Sep 发行量 Copies: 1000 售价 Price::MOP120 购买点澳门天域影音、远盛影视等 Points of Purchase include Centro Audio Visual “Tin Vek”, Yun Seng Ieng Si (从左到右 From Left to Right) 何嘉茵、杨淑芬、祖丝、AJ、 大头、陈伟成、张丽欣 罗嘉豪、José

想要看更多拍摄花絮和艺人美照,敬请 关注 For full version of our photo shooting behind the scenes and interviews, please log in to: | October 2014





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