Cguide Jan-Feb edition

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一月 • 二月 January • February 2014 - N28/29 -

你的澳门导游 Your City guide to Macau 阅 免费赠e fre





















编辑的话 from the editor

黄婆卖瓜 For the Sake of Love and Holiday 今年的春节来得有点迟,和西方情人节非常靠近,适合甜腻完再合家 欢。所以我们也特别炮制了甜蜜蜜的雪糕专题,以及新春团年和自助 餐的好去处推荐,这个假期不胖三斤怎么对得起您的胃口?更何况我 们率先带你走进澳门横街窄巷,去觅寻历经岁月变更却仍屹立不倒的 雪糕店、风靡年轻一代的韩国舶来美味,和大人小孩都为之尖叫的 “小黄人”蛋糕等等,这个接地气的专题特别适合那些喜欢“扫街” 吃小吃的游客们,寒天吃冰,是个冷在嘴头暖于心头的新尝试,新春 不妨组个澳门疯狂饮食团,然后分享你的心得到新浪微博并@新澳门 导航Cguide,与我们一同分享你的私人“食经”。 这期杂志我们也访问了叱咤澳门多年的官乐怡大律师,果真是闻名不 如见面。他的办公室肯定比很多中国老板的办公室来得中式,但又不 失艺术感。年过七十的老人家讲起话来声如洪钟。更有趣的是,即使 一身笔挺讲究的西装,擅长时不时幽你一默的他仍然会坚持穿一双球 鞋,显得动感年轻。看完这篇专访,您就会明白这位由法律界跨界到 艺术界的翘楚为什么会萌生在澳门开办一个完全不以盈利为目的的画 廊。 好内容简直是数之不尽,不要嫌我“黄婆卖瓜”,毕竟好瓜也需要一 个懂货的赏瓜人。趁着新春长假,与《新澳门导航》一起用心感受 2015的全新澳门吧。

You are right that this issue is thicker and heavier. The reason is simple. For the sake of love and holiday, we devoted extra sincerity and effort to it. The Spring Festival of 2015 is only a few days after Valentine’s Day. Cool! Let’s get sweet first and feast next. We have the ice cream feature for lovers and buffet options for group dinning. Please, enjoy it and leave the weight scale behind temporarily. Don’t you think it is cooler to eat ice cream in winter? We will visit the oldest ice cream shop in Macau, enjoy an icy South Korea delicacy and cute Minion cakes. Share with us in Sina Weibo and @ Cguide after your crazy food tour in Macau. Dr. Cunha is one of the three featured people in the issue. We were honored to interview him in his beautiful traditional Chinse-style office. In a smart suit and, surprisingly, a pair of sports shoes, he showed his energy and dynamic life style in a unique way. The interview will tell you why he, as a prestigious legal practitioner in Macau, opened a NPO gallery. Enjoy the exciting stories we have gathered for you. Happy Spring Festival and see you soon to celebrate everything that makes Macau a great place to be!

一月 • 二月 January • February 2015


Macau Plus Ltd.


Editor-in-chief 总编辑

Editorial team 编辑团队

Yvonne Yu

Yan Lam

Anthony Lam

Contributors 撰稿人

English proofreading

Dorothy, Cho, Jim, Siusi, Susanna Lei, Samanthe Lei, David Wong Jennifer Jokl


Illustrators 插画师

Editorial enquiries 编辑咨询

Xinderer Chu, Vicky Lee, Paul T (+ 853) 28513513 F (+ 853) 2851 3311

Art director 艺术


José Manuel Cardoso

Melao, Franky


Marketing manager 市场经理

Advertising enquiries 广告询问

Printed By 印刷商

Marta Vaz Silva

Joyce U


Tipografia Welfare Limitada T (+ 853) 28337972

Yvonne Yu 主编 Editor-in-Chief


30 000


Address 地址

中文 2



一月 • 二月 2015 |

澳门罗保博士街1号国际银行大廈22 楼2201室 R. Dr. Pedro José Lobo, 1 Luso International Bld, 22Fl - Macau


街头随拍 Street Snapshots

过去一年《新澳门导航》于闹市议事亭前地举行过多场街拍,与澳门市民以及旅客拍照互动并 免费派发杂志,我们精选了美照若干与您分享。如果想知道更多cguide今年的街拍行踪,马上 通过微信号搜索“cguidemacau”吧! We had several street snapshots in Senado Square over the past year. Tourists are so interested in snapping with us and reading our Cguide magazine. Now we select some good shots to share with you. If you want to join us in 2015, please follow us via wechat account “cguidemacau” ! | January • February 2015



杂志发行页 Distribution

更多酒店大堂及礼宾部 More Lobby & Concierge Altira Macau/Best Western Hotel Taipa/Casa Real/Conrad/Crown Towers/Emperor Hotel/Fortuna/Fu Hua Guangdong Hotel Macau/Golden Crown China Hotel/Golden Dragon/Grand Emperor Hotel/Grand Lisboa/Grandview Hotel/Hard Rock Hotel/ Holiday Inn Cotai Central/Holiday Inn Macau/Hotel Beverly Plaza/Hotel Central/ Hotel Guia/Hotel Lisboa/Hotel Rio/Hotel Riviera/Hotel Royal/Hotel São Tiago/ Imperial Palace/L’Arc Macau/Lan Kwai Fong/Landmark/Metro Park/Metropole/ Pousada de Mong-Ha/IFT/President Hotel/Regency Hotel/Rocks Hotel/Royal Infante Harbour View Hotel/Sands/Sintra/Taipa Square/The Venetian - Paiza Mansions/Victoria Hotel/Waldo Hotel/Wynn Macau

部分公共服务机构 Public Institutes

合作伙伴 Partners

Macau Cultural Center/Macau Science Center/CPTTM- Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center/Cultural Institute of the Macau SAR Government/ IACM- Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau/Cultural Affairs Bureau/Macau Government Tourist Office/MAM-Macao Museum of Art

酒店房间 Rooms

书店及其它 Bookshops & Others

酒店大堂及礼宾部 Lobby & Concierge

Pin-to Bookstote/Plaza Cultural Macau/Lda/Portuguese Bookstore/The Portuguese Corner Shop/Futura Clássica/Macau Fitness/CrossFit Macau/Nirvana Spa/TAIVEX/ Malo/Macao Fashion Gallery/Ambiente/Casa de Portugal/Fundação Oriente/ Instituto Internacional de Macau/Macau Science Centre/Macau Golf Country Club/ Caesars/Golf Club Macau/Fundação Rui Cunha/Alverbe SCM/University of Macau/ Instituto de Formação Turística/Signum Store/OX Warehouse/Macau Artists Association/10 Fantasia–Art complex

多达八百家餐厅 More than 800 restaurantS A Baía/Akasaka Café/Angela’s Café/António/Aurora at Altira Macau/Bebe Café/ Boa Mesa/Cafe & Nata Margaret’s/Café Deco/CAFE Dia-Dia/Café Jardim/Café Ou Mun/Cafe Voyage/Cakez Café/Caravela/Casa de Tapas/Clube Militar de Macau/ Cuppa Coffee/Don Quijote de La Mancha/El Gaúcho/Espressamente Illy/Fernando/ Häagen-Dazs/Hayyo/Henri’s/Hot Rod/Il Café/Indian Spice/Institute For Tourism Studies/Irish Coffee House/Jade Garden/Kafka Sweets & Gourmandises/Kapok Cantonese Rest/La Bonne Heure/La Cucina Italiana/La Gondola/Lakeport Cake/ Lax Café/Le Cesar/Lord’s Stow/Macau Tavern/Meet & Sweet/Mugs/Nana Café Lounge/O Santos/Old Taipa Tavern/Pacific Coffee/Paddington House of Pancakes/ Ramenichiryu/Single Origin Coffee/Sky 21/Tacos/Taru - Japanese Restaurant/Terra Coffee House/The Corner’s/YUZU



一月 • 二月 2015 |

story 封面故事 cover


大冷天时吃雪糕?您没有搞错。澳门街头巷尾近年冒出不少人 气雪糕店,这个情人节不妨带着您的另一半前来感受这份暖在 心头的甜蜜感,我们给您搜索了多家各具特色的雪糕店,一定 有一家适合您。

February is a month of romance for the Valentine’s Day. In the respect of food, what will be the best suggestion for the cold but sweet month? Here is a creative idea: ice cream! cover models: 小玉 / Antonio Choi





Chinese Horoscope 2015

Bath & Body Works






The Love of Wisdom

Faye Leung, Dance My Way







Buffet for Spring Festival

Ice World Macau 2015









一月 • 二月

Jan/FEB 2015

98 EXPLORE 澳门之外



Beer Collection

Explore Chimelong Ocean Kingdom

一月 • 二月 2015 | | January 2015



小城热话 What’s Hot!

台虎澳吼 Tiger Roars from Taiwan Anthony


he beginning of the year is a time for travel. Usually, March is a relatively low-traffic season so air tickets go on promotion quite often. Nonetheless, traveling between Taiwan and Macau is getting even easier – and cheaper – with the landing of Tigerair Taiwan (IT). Flying on the route, you now have a new choice. IT has just launched the Macau-Taiwan (Taipei and Kaohsiung) route in mid-December. When tickets first went on sale on 3 December, both target markets were shocked since the lowest fare touched TWD88 – equalled MOP22 – per flight, with all tax and surcharges included. Currently, prices vary chronically. For example, flying from Taipei to Macau during Chinese New Year can be as inexpensive as HKD353. Meals are not included but alas, it’s just a 1.5hour flight! Save your appetite until you land! For your information, IT is now flying two A320s – one with sharklets – on all routes. Sharklet is the name Airbus gave to the new extended, curved wingtip. If you are lucky enough to board the sharklet plane, pay attention to the extra stability it brings and be thankful how much less fuel they save for Earth. Tigerair is a low-cost carrier from Singapore, and the brand extends to quite a number of places, with Taiwan being the latest addition. Tigerair Taiwan is an investment by China Airlines and Tiger Airways Holdings. All routes served by the airlines and its subsidiaries cover Australia and most of Southeast Asia.



一月 • 二月 2015 |

年伊始,出游佳期接踵而至。普遍来说,二月底到三月都是 航空业旅游业的淡季,机票常会在这段时间减价,出行便多 了理由。现在往来澳台有了一种更为便捷的方式,因为台湾虎航已正 式开航澳门! 台湾虎航刚于十二月中开航澳门-台湾(台 北、高雄)航线,并在同月三日开卖机票。首 卖消息震撼两地民众,因单程票价格低至88新 台币,即约22澳门币,更已包括所有税项及附 加费!价格每天在变,笔者在书写文章当天查 票价,农历新年期间,台北飞澳门单程最低只 需353港币。当然,这么便宜的机票附加服务 就会缩减,行李费和餐饮需要自理,但只是一 程个半小时的飞机,忍忍口,到达了才大快朵 颐吧!这么近,也不用怎么托运,大可以hand carry前往度周末。 台湾虎航现在飞航两架A320客机,当中一架配 备鲨鱼小翼。在翼尖向上曲起的鲨鱼小翼是空 中巴士公司的新设计,能令飞行更稳定之馀, 也为地球留下更多资源,意即更省油,是环保绿色出行的好选择。虎 航本身来自新加坡,也在不同地方有旗下子公司,而台湾就是最新据 点。台湾虎航由中华航空及欣丰虎航合资,飞航包括澳大利亚及东南 亚等目的地,相信开航后,又会让更多内地游客来澳门作短暂停留, 再飞往另一个目的地:台湾,从而带旺两地旅游业共同发展。

小城热话 What’s Hot!

匆匆那年的美味 Valuable brunch at MUST Yvonne Yan

校园里的回忆,又岂止匆匆那 年的爱情和寒窗苦读的辛酸? 在澳门念大学的学生其实很幸 福,因为大学里还有不少好味 又高级的“饭堂”,更有星级 酒店水准,这次我们给您推荐 的就是隐藏在澳门科技大学里 的“季节教学餐厅”。 季节餐厅在2014年初才正式 对外营业,一开始只是为新开 设的餐饮管理学士学位提供学 习培训和实际教学的餐厅,口 口相传下,被众多本地美食爱 好者和游客所知,纷纷前来一 尝传说中好好味的手磨咖啡。 餐厅的咖啡阁就设立在教学楼 正门入口处,很方便来访客人 和学生教师造访,这里专门聘 请欧洲精品咖啡协会认证的导 师,更采用单品咖啡。除了咖 啡,季节餐厅最近在周六推出 的早午餐同样吸引,MOP188 不加一,如果你有一个在科大 工作的朋友,更可以拿到不错 折扣!餐厅装修非常窝心,极 具Loft感,我们用餐的当天刚 好有来自香港的甜品大师古嘉 俊(Jeffery Koo)前来教学交 流,并当场献艺,古师傅在香 港被誉为巧克力魔术师,其制 作之甜品卖相让人垂涎欲滴, 红红的圆形状树莓蛋糕非常开 胃,师傅建议我们在冬日搭配 Mullud Wine热红酒(本期杂志 有介绍)饮用。他出品的甜品 还讲求绿色和健康概念,吃下 去并不是很甜,但又能满足到 甜品控的欲望。

Where to eat 澳门科技大学季节教学餐厅(近图 书馆) The Seasons MUST Training Restaurant (near the library) 开放时间:周一至周五8:30-17:00 (咖啡阁)周一至周五午膳 12:00-14:30/周四及周五晚膳 18:00-22:00 (餐厅) 周六早午餐:10:00-14:00 Opening hours: Coffee Corner: Mon-Fri 8:30-17:00 Dinning Hall: Mon-Fri 12:00-14:30 (Lunch) Thurs-Fri 18:00-22:00 (Dinner) Sat. 10:-14:00 (Brunch)



一月 • 二月 2015 |

Students in Macau universities are fortunate enough to enjoy the great culinary experiences provided by various on-campus dining halls, where food is treated as it would be in one of the surrounding hotels. A good example of this is The SeasonsMUST Training Restaurant. The Seasons, which opened early 2014, is actually a facility for students of Department of Food & Beverage Operations to learn and practice skills. The surrounding community was first attracted by its coffee corner, which is conveniently located next to the entrance of a teaching building. There are many reasons for its fame; it is certified by Specialty Coffee Association of Europe, definitely not something you would find in a chain store. The recently launched Saturday Brunch (MOP 188) is also a highlight among food lovers who come from both on and off campus. A good discount is granted to those with acquaintances working at MUST. The interior is chicly decorated, and the large chalkboard emphasizing its role as a school diner. We were lucky enough during our visit to have Jeffery Koo present to provide a guest cooking demonstration, a young but expert confectioner from HK who is known as the Chocolate Magician. The colorful and mouth-watering desserts he made from scratch were irresistible, particularly the red raspberry cake, a perfect pair with Mulled Wine( more detail in the issue) according to Koo. The young chef is also a promoter of healthy desserts by controlling the sweetness to a proper degree; still a perfect treat to your taste buds! | January • February 2015



小城热话 What’s Hot!


Cat fever

音乐剧史上巅峰标志性作品《猫》三月头移师 澳门威尼斯人!一开售已经全城为之疯狂。

Watch out, CATS is in town! Those most wanted cats will visit Macau at the beginning of March.

说到《猫》一定要说其诞生时不被认可的历史,这部音乐剧是一部完 完全全以诗歌为灵感呈现的音乐剧,正因为如此,传奇音乐大师安德 鲁.洛伊.韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)萌生用真人饰演猫的奇怪念 头。这个念头一开始受到很多人的指责,因为人们认为一部诗歌音乐 剧,没有真实剧情是不可能成功的。但事实刚好相反,它一炮即红, 更诞生多部脍炙人口的音乐剧乐章,如《歌声魅影》、《约瑟夫的神 奇彩衣》、《万世巨星》、《贝隆夫人》以及《星光列车》等等,亦 出自韦伯手笔。时至今日,全球超过七千万观众已欣赏过《猫》。《 猫》于1981年5月在伦敦首演后,好评如潮,多年来长盛不衰。观众 最熟悉的《回忆》唱出时是攒人热泪的一幕,由主角“魅力猫”带出 这一幕,这只年轻时魅力十足而年老后又变得邋遢的猫,孤独衰弱, 流浪于下等人的街区,频频受到排斥,她是多么的渴望升入天堂,但 这却变成卑微的奢望。由她唱出这曲最适合不过,因为猫同伴最后终 被感动,一致推举她升上天堂,全剧进入动人尾声。 在《猫》的世界里,我们看到人类的缩影,但在猫的族群里,又存在 人类已经忘记的美好情感和品质,也正是如此,让我们被它的魅力所 征服。如果你也想要在澳门观赏这部巨作,记得在3月6至15日期间 (3月9日休演),周一到五晚上8点及周六日下午2点和8点,前往威 尼斯人剧场观看。购票详情可参阅。

One of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s most important works, the musical was met with skepticism before its premiere in May of 1981 in London, because it was based on a poem with no clear story line. But it turned out to be a great success and the prelude of more classics such as the Phantom of Opera, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Evita, all by Webber. Memory sung by Glameow is undoubtedly the most famous scene of the show. As an old, dirty, homeless cat, the pitiful oncebeautiful Glameow mourned her wish to go heaven after death which seemed impossible. The family finally accepts her back and her begging for going heaven. It is also the song that marks the end. CATS is classic because it not only used cat at a metaphor for human, but included some beautiful emotions and qualities we have long forgetten. Don’t miss the musical masterpiece at the Venetian Theatre from Mar. 6-15 (closed on the 9th), 8pm on Mon. through Fri., 2pm and 8pm on Saturday and Sunday


Juho Sim 12


一月 • 二月 2015 |

二月 FEBruary

好节目 Cguide Recommendations TUESDAY, 3


正经补史──西周霸国文 物特展 Revealing a Lost Past PAGE 21




澳门第六届 《旷世藏 表》鉴赏会 MASTERS OF TIME PAGE 26

多媒体舞蹈《危险关系》 Multimedia Dance “Dangerous Liaisons” PAGE 19

恋上首尔 情人节音乐会 Seoul in LoveValentine’s Day Concert PAGE 19




川湘好滋味 Double Spicy PAGE 51

永利澳门贺年美馔迎新春 Ring In the Year of the Goat with Gourmet Delicacies at Wynn Macau PAGE 44

新春好节目 Activities DURING Chinese New Year PAGE 84




“盛事”新春贺年自 助餐 Rossio Chinese New Year Buffet PAGE 36

“体验梦工场”冰之历奇 Ice World Macau 2015 PAGE 94

“天造地创”紫檀雕 刻展 MGM Macau
 Red Sandalwood
 Art Exhibition PAGE 22




做个SPA开年 SPA Promotion for New Year PAGE 100

好戏热映 Movie Times PAGE 64

朱艳增华——故宫珍藏 乾隆漆器精品展 Red Masterpieces: Lacquerware from the Reign of Emperor Qianlong – Palace Museum PAGE 23

SUNDAY, 1 韩国冬日艺术展 Korean art exhibition PAGE 23

WEDNESDAY,11 | January • February 2015



濠好看 Now



一月 • 二月 2015 | | January • February 2015



濠好看 Now

2015年生肖运程 Chinese Horoscope 2015 资料由李秋燕师傅提供 李秋燕师傅自幼对宗教及神秘 学着迷,学艺于不同师父;同 时兴趣广泛,钻研数种与“灵 修”有关的学问,是澳门新生 代命理师傅的代表。 Information is provided by Samanthe, who has followed several teachers and drilled into “spiritual training”. As a result, Samanthe is able to employ the best tactics in fortune-telling.

羊 Goat

羊仔羊女在2015年乙未羊年为值太岁,也就是我们所说的本命年, 今年运程起跌甚大,未可言吉,小人当道,能力受到钳制无法自由发 挥,诸事障碍频生,但切勿畏惧,因每到紧急关头,自有贵人暗助, 转危为安,逢凶化吉,凡事谋而后动,三思而后行,自能保留实力, 将损失减至最低,日後东山再起,自可反败为胜。 It is a year of extreme ups and downs without signs of improving. Wicked men are in power, leaving no room to give full play to your competence. Obstacles appear one after another… But there is good news. A silent helper will be there to support you to avoid complete loss. Be patient and think twice before any action, save your strength for wins in smooth water.

猴 Monkey

生肖属猴的人,流年逢“劫煞”、“寡宿”、“指背”、“红艳煞” 这四颗凶星入宫,令流年小人是非不断,尤其是感情方面的是非,同 时与家人聚少离多,且隐藏意外受伤及破财的风险;吉星方面有“ 天乙贵人”和“红鸾”星这两颗吉星照临,稍可化解部分凶星,但 更要依靠自身的力量去克服化解。保持耐心与克制,终能见到美丽 的彩虹。 Other than disputes and conflicts, you will find the wrong people surround you, causing problems with your love life in particular. You will find no time for family members, and there are risks of accidental injury and unexpected financial loss. Good luck, although limited, will appear to save you in certain adversities. Be patient and self-controlled to get over crisis. The dawn is just ahead.



一月 • 二月 2015 |

鸡 Rooster

生肖属鸡的人,进入2015年羊年,有“丧门”、“囚狱”凶星在旁 虎视眈眈,生活事业备受掣肘;所幸流年有“地解”这颗吉星临宫, 地解乃化解灾厄之星,可化解凶星的凶煞。肖鸡人2015年运气先逆 后顺,诸事初时障碍重重,且暂时放下名缰利锁,返璞归真,反而另 创新天,年底诸事转吉,顺利达成,成就反而更佳。属鸡人流年家宅 运不佳,要留意家中长辈的健康。 Don’t be overwhelmed by the continuous misfortunes at the beginning because your year will end up in sunshine. The best way for you to go through the hardship is to let go of craze with fame and wealth. Follow your heart and go with the flow leading to the desired outcome in the end. Pay more attention to the health of seniors in your family.

狗 Dog

在2015羊年里,戌未相刑,即刑犯太岁,且流年有“勾神”、“贯 索”临宫,运程较为反覆,诸事每到成功之际,就会忽然障碍丛生。 这时切勿急乱,应视为人生磨炼;若是弄虚作假,以身试法,不但 於事无补,更会惹来官司诉讼。所幸属狗人流年亦有“太阴”贵人相 照,容易得到女性贵人的相助而克服难关,为解决犯太岁带来的困阻 增添助力。 Everything will seem to go well at the beginning, but will go bad as soon as success is in your reach. Keep calm and integrity because, from another angle, it could be an opportunity to learn lessons. Don’t try illegal shortcuts because you will not get away with it, possibly ending in a lawsuit. There will be help from key women, who can provide solutions.

猪 Pig

生肖属猪的人,来到2015年乙未羊年,流年有“官符”、“天哭” 、“白虎”三大凶星拦路;所幸流年亦有“天德”与“国印”贵人星 拱照,得贵人之力,缓解凶星的煞气,加上自身努力与坚毅不屈,有 望扭转局面。运程先逆后顺,年初小人当道,诸事受阻,暂时退让。 下半年运程拾级而上,贵人明灯指路,顺水行舟,一路畅通,生活事 业等各成绩更上一层楼。 Good and bad luck is interwoven in the year of 2015. Starting with an adverse situation, you will find yourself surrounded by mean eyes and every move forward will be difficult. But the second half of the year will be totally different, now that you have gotten wiser. Good news then comes in one after another, raising you to a higher level both in life and career.

鼠 Rat

来到2015乙未羊年,子未呈相害之势,生肖属鼠的人2015年害太 岁,且有“死符”和“小耗”凶星临身,流年运势阻滞重重,不得舒 展;所幸流年亦有“天乙贵人”和“太极贵人”相照临,得两大贵人 之力,缓解因犯太岁带来的困扰,2015年运程吉凶参半,诸事进展 反覆,每到成功之际,常生阻逆,功败垂成,但每逢逆境,又会绝处 逢生,反败为胜。

You will feel that everything is working against you throughout the year. Everywhere you go, there will be obstacles and limitations. Occasionally, you will be helped by good stars, to give you a breath between troubles. In this unpredictable year, the outcome will be out of your control. Success and failure are too mingled to be identified.

牛 Ox

生肖属牛者,进入2015年乙未羊年,丑未相冲,2015年冲太岁,此 乃犯太岁情况最为严重的一种,且流年遇到“岁破”、“大耗”凶 星,2015年运程起跌甚大,未可言吉,小人当道,才华受到压制,诸 事障碍频生,但切勿畏惧,因每到紧急关头,自有贵人暗助,转危为 机,逢凶化吉,凡事谋而后动,三思后行,自能保留实力,将损失减 至最低,厚积薄发,日后东山再起,自可反败为胜。 You will find 2015 to be a year of sharp ups and downs. Everything you try might have an unpleasant outcome. Mean peoples surrounded you, and strained situations and obstacles are all around. But helping hands will be there when everything is at stake, allowing you to keep your strength and minimize your loss. Be patient for the moment of success when the flow of force is in your favor.

虎 Tiger

流年受到“亡神”、“羊刃”、“暴败”凶星的干扰,情绪较为低 落,做事往往功败垂成,注意身体损伤,且有破财之兆;不过亦有“ 紫薇”和“龙德”这两颗贵人星相照,使得下半年运势有所回升。运 势先大逆后大顺,诸事初时障碍重重,不宜偏执,应舍则舍,有时另 辟蹊径,反而另有一番景像,而且常会因祸得福,收益更是丰盈。 It will be a year of low spirits. You may often get nothing for your efforts. Physical injury and financial ruin may also be a problem this year. After the extreme adversity of the first half, however, the second half will be a complete rebound and end with triumph. Don’t be obsessed with your gains and losses. Sometimes you should learn to let go, which may lead you down a more beneficial path.

兔 Rabbit

运势初始会遇到不小的阻碍,尤其是小人挡道,备受制肘,因受“五 鬼”、“沉浮”影响。然而属兔人今年是三合贵人之年,且有“禄 勋”和“金匮”临宫,使得运势逆转而上,锐意进取,宏图展翅。属 兔人2015年常有不切实际想法,故诸事进进退退,难以顺利完成,不 过虽在逆境之中,但有贵人指引,拨开云雾,脚踏实地一点一滴克服 困难,诸事反而能顺利完成,成果让人欣慰。 Although 2015 starts with frustration, and you find mean people disturbing your advance, it is actually a great year for those born in the year of rabbit. Thanks to natural forces, your trend will go up after a short period of down. In spite of the favorable environment, you may get into trouble with unrealistic ideas. Thanks to wise advice, you will overcome problems one after another and reach your desired outcome with a down-to-earth attitude.

龙 Dragon

生肖属龙的人受“卷舌”、“飞刃”干扰,使得备受制肘,天干乙木 破土而出,缓解了厚重的土气,亦提升了流年的运势。属龙人2015 年运程反覆,诸事初有小阻,但可凭智勇,难题可解,诸事通津,但 切勿自骄,若盛气凌人,恐会种下祸苗,因为到了秋季,运程下逆, 常招败绩,故暂放争名夺利之心,能退则退,以守为攻,反能将损失 减轻,保留实力,日后东山再起。 Most of the things you do in the year will have an unfavorable beginning yet a happy ending. But any arrogance when being favored by nature will be the start of failure, which will be especially serious in the fall. Let go of your obsession with fame and wealth, and play it safe to avoid a major loss. It is the right way to welcome a bigger success.

蛇 Snake

生肖属蛇的人,来到2015年乙未羊年,有“驿马”和“八座”两颗 吉星入宫,今年是变动奔波的一年,在变动中寻得发展,创造机会。 凶星方面有“吊客”和“天狗”降临,故2015年运程大顺小逆,诸 事初有小阻,强闯无益,否则自困胡同,凡事以柔制刚,难题迎刃而 解,终可通顺,全年遇到困难的机会不多,届时只要小心谨慎,自可 逢凶化吉,2015年大利出外发展,如能把握,名利齐全。 Change and traveling will be the theme of your 2015. Improvement and opportunities will be found when on the go. Although mostly you will find the year is in your favor, it is suggested that you solve problems with creative strategies instead of face to face confrontation. Your success will be secured by keeping your eyes peeled. Traveling is something you must try for your own good.

马 Horse

生肖属马的人午未相合,年逢岁合,同时有“太极贵人”及“玉堂” 、“文昌”贵人入宫,运程大吉,工作生活财运皆顺畅。略微遗憾 的是也有“病符”这颗关系到健康的凶星干扰,吉中亦藏小凶,诸事 初时十分顺利,成绩极佳;但切勿以为鸿鹄将至而急进,必须仔细筹 谋,按部就班,否则中途生变,反会受阻,自招损失。日后纵是美运 来临,也无可用之兵,全年收益便会减半。 You are the most fortunate people this year. Everything will go well in both your personal and professional life. But your health should be paid more attention. In spite of the lucky strike, avoid being aggressive and rushing about, and a detailed plan will do no harm. Go one step after another or you will suddenly find yourself in trouble. Even the star of good luck can be dimmed if you exhaust energy too fast. | January • February 2015



濠好看 Now



Now 表演 show 濠好看

来乱打、来打乱 Nanta, Nanta!

即日起至3月22日 Until 22 March

这个新年,他们尽搞怪之能事,让你捧腹大笑,建议笑点低的朋友 更应去看,全人类过一个超级快乐新年!

This New Year, they are here to make you fall out of your chair laughing. Bring along any Scrooges this holiday season, as it will be sure to warm their hearts and give them a humorous 2015! 18


一月 • 二月 2015 |

戏剧的神奇之处,是观众 未必需要听懂台词,但单 从形体动作,又完全明白 演员的意思,根本不会影 响理解。 例如这个“乱打SHOW” ,从制作单位到演员无一不 来自韩国,但不管这个剧目 演到美国、还是欧洲,观 众都享受无穷、满载而归。 忘了说:“乱打SHOW” 曾登上知名的百老汇和爱 丁堡艺穗节舞台! 不要以为“乱打”真的是 乱打!其实“乱打”是剧 名“NANTA”的译音,意 为“疯狂地击打”,表演的 铺排称得上是费尽心思: 韩国传统文化的展现,让 观众身在澳门体验异国风 情;随手捡起的厨房用具 敲出有力的节奏,观众也 忍不住随之律动;更有不少 的观众互动环节,开创“舞 台剧就要用玩的”先河, 观众也能做演员! 音乐剧以三名厨师需要在 很短的时间内准备婚礼宴 席,而厨师经理又偏偏安 排他没有经验的子侄来厨 房为背景。整个音乐剧的 表演包括了杂技、魔术、 喜剧、哑剧和观众互动。 韩国传统四物打击乐贯穿 始终,不同的是传统四物 打击乐器使用的都是厨房 用具。 2013年,《乱打秀》的观 众已经突破900万人,现在 不仅已入选首尔十大观光 资源,同时也是游客绝不 可错过的韩国代表性旅游 行程之一!十二月二十四 日,“亚游乱打SHOW” 将于金沙剧场展开一百场 公演!只需到澳门,也能 享受乱打的快乐。这种快 乐为什么能风靡全球?够 料,就来乱打! The best part of this drama that the comedy is universal; without using verbal lines or words, their gestures convey meaning to everyone in the audience.

NANTA – all the way from Korea – made audiences around the world laugh not only across Asia, but also in America and Europe. It is worth mentioning that the show has lit the stages of Broadway and Edinburgh Fringe! Integrating Korea’s traditional rhythm with modern music has created an extraordinary and unique experience for the international audience. It is presented through music and motions, comedy and drama, bringing joy and laughter to audiences of all ages and nationalities! To double the fun, you can interact with the performers and become a part of the show! A grumpy manager and a crew of humorous cooks with exaggerated body language, peeling this here, chopping that there, and frying it over there, the whole kitchen rocks and rushes. It certainly gives a non-stop and a hilarious performance that brings laughter to all audiences. In 2013, over 9 million people worldwide enjoyed NANTA’s spectacular performance. Starting from December the 24th, the Cookin’ NANTA is coming to Macau at Sands Theatre. Everyone can enjoy and experience Korea’s best performance in town. Wondering how this charm spread around the world? Come and join Cookin’ NANTA and you will know why! 时间 Time 星期二至五Tue-Fri 8pm、星 期六至日 Sat-Sun 5pm & 8pm 地点 Venue 金沙剧场,澳门金沙 Sands Theatre, Sands Macau 票价 Price 由 From MOP/HKD 280


表演 shows

2月14日 Feb 14

恋上首尔 情人节音乐会 Seoul in Love-Valentine’s Day Concert

2月13-14日Feb 13-14

多媒体舞蹈《危险关系》 Multimedia Dance “Dangerous Liaisons”


《危险关系》取材自法国作家拉克洛(Choderlos de Laclos)的《Les Liaisons dangereuses》,以及其后海 纳穆勒(Heiner Muller)的改编文本。原著小说呈现法 国大革命之前,巴黎贵族中的奢华而颓废的社交生活,充 满了道德虚伪、男女权力暗斗,难怪屡次被改编为舞台及 影视作品。新锐导演谢嘉豪及视觉艺术家Yves Sonolet 再次联袂,试炼崭新剧场美学,伙拍本地舞者张月盈, 揉合舞蹈及多媒体,打造大数据时代的《危险关系》。 Impelled by the prosperity of the 18th century, France’s values became eroded as the society walked straight into moral bankruptcy. The Marquise de Merteuil and the Vicomte de Valmont are two bored aristocrats who form an unholy alliance, turning seduction into a dangerous game a game they vow to win at any cost, having no idea that they will eventually become hostages of their own emotions...

澳门文化中心综合剧院 Macao Cultural Center, Grand Auditorium MOP80/120/200 +853 2855 5555

21:00 澳门文化中心ART

澳门乐团音乐季其中一个节目,邀请首尔著名小提琴家金 黛美女士前来和澳门乐团一同为情人节增添浪漫气氛,演 奏曲目包括莫扎特的《费加罗的婚礼》序曲及耳熟能详 的《梁山伯与祝英台》小提琴协奏曲,演出连中场休息 约一个半小时,是情人节的一个不错的高尚音乐节目。 The Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the concert “Seoul in Love”, part of the Music for All Concert Series, on Valentine’s Day of 2015, at Macao Cultural Center. Under the baton of Assistant Conductor Francis Kan, the orchestra is joined on stage by famous Korean Violinist Dami Kim. Presenting Mozart’s masterpiece “Overture to Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro)” and also Butterfly lovers, etc.

Macao Cultural Centre, ART MOP120 +853 2855 5555

2月13-14日Feb 13-14

多媒体实验剧场《真实异境》 Multimedia Theatre “Perceptual Landscape” 有人说,蛇只能看见移动着的东西,狗的世界是黑白的, 蜻蜓的眼睛里有一千个太阳……能看见什么,不能看见 什么,那是我们的宿命。我们每个人的命运,都是专为 我们每一个独立的个体而开的,独一无二的门。 What is “Reality”? Can we only define as “real” what we can see and touch? Awake your senses with Perceptual Landscape, an unusual and fulfilling physical theatre experience inspired by a group of mentally challenged pupils. Theatre director Jenny Mok realized people with special needs have a different tactility and their perceptions are not the same as everyone else’s which is why they react differently to diverse situations. 19:30 澳门文化中心小剧院 Macao Cultural Center Small Auditorium MOP120 +853 2855 5555 | January • February 2015



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重点介绍 濠好看

恋上智慧:哲学咖啡馆 The Love of Wisdom Anthony Lam Melao



澳开讲 show

喜欢思考为何宗教、道德、士气等事物会出 现?还是你日常生活实在太忙,认为“哲学” 是遥不可及的东西,与你无关?其实你又是否会发 现,在选择购买一只较贵又较高质的鸡蛋,根本就是 哲学的一部份? 无论如何,挟着与智慧的单恋、初恋、热恋之势,你 都会想来官乐怡基金会画廊,参与由画廊联合澳门大 学共同举办的澳门首次“哲学咖啡馆”,让学问渗入 到社区中去。这个概念源自现代哲学的中流砥柱—— 法国,当地人会沉浸在咖啡馆的休闲气氛中大谈哲学 问题。除咖啡外,画廊更会考虑加入葡萄酒的元素, 因为数千年前,希腊哲人苏格拉底和学生谈论哲学 时,也会喝葡萄酒。 首场讨论会于2月11日傍晚在官乐怡基金会画廊举行。 澳门大学哲学课程主任,著名的William Franke教授会 先引入讨论,之后由观众们自由发挥,哲学不再是高 高在上的事,在这个虚拟“咖啡馆”里,各种思想碰 撞的火花都可以在谈笑间迸发,从而达到哲学最初的 目的:寻根问底。 第一个讲座的主题为“哲学上的普世主义及中国在当 世的角色”,而后续的主题将会有不同的教授或在读 哲学系学生执讲。 2月11日 FEB11


ou may be one who often takes to pondering why certain things exist; who is taken with subjects like religion, ethics, and morality. Or maybe you are too busy with daily decisions and consider “philosophy” to be too “heavenly.” But unknowingly buying an egg more expensive and of better quality is indeed a part of philosophy: the philosophy of economics. Anyway, with the love of wisdom, or the openness to fall in love with it, you may want to spend some time at The Rui Cunha Foundation (FRC) Gallery, for Macau’s first “Philosophy Café”. Its inspiration originates from France, a pillar of modern philosophy, where people exchanged ideas amongst the relaxation French cafés provided. More than that, the organiser was convinced to add wines to their drink list, because long ago when Socrates, the originator of documented Greek philosophy, held so-called Socratic seminars with his apprentices, they drank wines. The first session starts on the evening of February 11th at the FRC Gallery. Prof. William Franke, convenor of University of Macau’s philosophy programme, is to briefly open the event before moderating discussion. Members of the audience can discuss freely because that is the goal of philosophy: finding truth. You are discussing “Philosophical Universalism And the Role of China in the World Today” for this session, while topics for later sessions will be confirmed soon. 更多资料,请登陆 Visit for more details.



一月 • 二月 2015 |

重点介绍 濠好看 展览




即日起至3月1日 Till March 1


Revealing a Lost Past

政总署为庆祝澳门回归祖国十五周年,向公众呈 献年度瞩目展览“正经补史──西周霸国文物特 展”,透过一百一十九组珍品,让市民和游客认识这个 史书阙载的古国家──西周霸国。 在2007年5月,山西省临汾市翼城县隆化镇大河口村 发现的西周墓地,为考古界的重大发现,吸引了世人 的注视。经过历时三年的田野考古,最终证实该墓地 是霸国国君及其国人的墓地。尽管现存文献记载了多 个西周时期的国族名称,但仍有不少国族失载。大河 口村西周墓地的发现,再一次彰显田野考古发挥“正 经补史”的重要作用,让一个史书阙载的古国──霸 国为世人所知。“霸国”是一个早就迁入中原被华夏 文化融合的狄人族群,这个国家从西周早期分封,到 春秋早期被晋国兼併,大约持续了三百年。 这次展览主要分为三大展区。第一展区为“揭秘霸国 (发现与揭露)”,第二展区为“霸国辉煌(解读与 认识)”,第三展区为“民俗文风”,引领公众从霸 国的起源、盛衰,逐步深入认识这个曾兴盛一时的国 家的政治、经济和社会发展,重塑昔日的生活面貌。 这次展出的珍品都是西周霸国文物的精华,是宝贵的 历史资料,涉及青铜器、原始陶器和瓷器、玉器及金 器等多个种类,内涵丰富。


he Revelation of the Unknown History: Relics of the State of Ba from the Western Zhou Dynasty is an important annual event hosted by IACM which will introduce you to ancient China by way of over a hundred precious relics. In May 2007, the Dahekou village in China’s Shanxi Province caught the attention of archaeologists worldwide thanks to the discovery of a tomb dating back to the Western Zhou Dynasty (BC 1046-BC771). Three years of archeological effort further proved that it was the burial grounds of the king and his statesmen the Ba people, who had immigrated from the north 300 years earlier. It is thought to be one of many lost states from the Western Zhou Dynasty. The three zones of the exhibition are Unveiling the Ba State, Glorious Time, and Custom and Culture. Within each will be a thorough narration of its origination and vicissitude, providing insight into the powerful state in terms of politics, economy and social development. The flourishing days were recorded by the valuable exhibits of bronze, clay, porcelain, jade and gold. 9:00-21:00

民政总署画廊 IACM Gallery 免费 Free + 853 8988 4100 | January • February 2015



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即日至3月22日 Until 22 March

没有这样的物品,外表美观的同时又能促进人体 健康?也许你会认为这是天方夜谭。但是在中国 艺术却将它真实地展示在世人面前。如今,这神秘的物 品大驾光临澳门,这就是紫檀。 澳门米高梅与中国紫檀博物馆携手,在其展艺空间中推 出了紫檀艺术展。紫檀之所以珍贵,在于其生长缓慢, 民间有“百年寸檀”之说。此外,据博物馆介绍,这种 木材还有裨益身心之功效,历史上只有王公贵族才有资 格拥有紫檀物品。 进入展区后,首先映入眼帘的是紫檀制成的中国宫殿微 缩景观,即中国皇帝管理天下的所在。北京作为一个历 史悠久的古老都城,曾修有十个护城门,永定门就是其 中之一,取其“永远安定”之意,也是所有城门中最壮 观的一个。在本次展览中就有紫檀制成的微缩永定门。 继续浏览到第三个展位,还会欣赏到北京另外一个古老 的代表性建筑:庄严肃穆的天坛。 该展览在澳门史无前例,不仅因为这是首次以紫檀为 题的展览,更重要的是,这是一次对中国传统艺术和 文化的展示。所有微缩景观只使用两种材料:紫檀和 阴沉木,完全没有使用一颗钉子,堪称中国精湛建筑 工艺的集大成之作。 22


天造地创之经典 Classy Classics


magine something that is simultaneously aesthetically pleasing and healthy. You may find this wishful thinking, but it is a true shift in modern Chinese art. This mystic material is here in Macau, and it’s called red sandalwood. In collaboration with China Red Sandalwood Museum, MGM Macau is presenting an exhibition on wood art at their Exhibition Space. Red Sandalwood is precious timber since it, as a Chinese saying goes, “grows one inch in a century.” Moreover, according to the Museum, the wood has a rejuvenating effect on skin. In ancient China, only royalty was entitled to owning red sandalwood. Visitors are welcomed by a scene of the Chinese Palace, resembling the chamber from which Emperors ran their empires. Being the Capital, Beijing has long been safeguarded by dozens of gates, one of them being Yongding Gate. Yongding – meaning eternal stability in Chinese – is the most prominent of all. A replica is showcased in the Exhibition. Further in, one of the icons of Beijing – The Temple of Heaven – sits solemnly in the third chamber. The Exhibition is unprecedented in Macau, not only because it is shown here for the first time, but more importantly because it is an Exhibition of traditional Chinese art and culture. All replicas were made only with red sandalwood and yinchen wood without the use of a single nail. It is simply a representation of ancient Chinese architectural wisdom.

一月 • 二月 2015 |

“天造地创”紫檀雕刻展 MGM Macau Red Sandalwood Art Exhibition 开放时间 Time 12:00-21:00 (周一休馆 Closed on Mondays)

地点 Venue: 美高梅展艺空间 MGM Macau Art Space



即日起至2月15日Till Feb 15

韩国冬日艺术展 Korean Art Exhibition 哈韩不一定要看韩星和韩剧,韩国艺术同样值得注视。 近年韩国当代艺术如万花盛放,在国际舞台上有着举足 轻重的存在地位,在澳门迎来冷冬之时,游衍画廊邀请 到两位出色的韩国籍艺术家Oh Young Sook和Kim Yeon Ok来澳开设艺术展,展出她们引以为豪的作品。 As part of the Korean Art Exhibition, two famous South Korean female artists are coming to Macau to present their best contemporary works. Oh Young Sook and Kim Yeon Ok are known for their unique visual arts and paintings, combining traditional Korean style with modern design and patterns. 11:00-19:00

即日起至3月8日 Till March 8

朱艳增华——故宫珍藏乾隆漆器精品展 Red Masterpieces: Lacquerware from the Reign of Emperor Qianlong – Palace Museum 澳门艺术博物馆呈献年度专题文物大展“朱艳增华”,以工艺技术高超的漆器为主 题,展出故宫珍藏逾一百二十件套清乾隆时制作的漆器文物,包括大型漆器家具, 如宝座、靠背椅、屏风、坐墩、炕几等,精致器物,如花式盒、套盒、圆盘、烛台 等,展览透过多样化的展品,多角度展示清代乾隆朝漆器所取得的历史成就。 The Macao Museum of Art presents Red Masterpieces featuring highly refined lacquerware with supreme craftsmanship, as the annual special theme exhibition on cultural relics. On display are 120 pieces/sets of lacquerware produced during the Reign of Emperor Qianlong in Qing dynasty, from the collection of Palace Museum in Beijing, which include boxes with patterns, tiered-boxes, round plates, candle holders, etc. The exhibition aims to demonstrate, in an historical setting, the artistic achievement of lacquerware from the Reign of Emperor Qianlong through the diverse exhibits. 10:00-19:00 (逢周一休息Closed on Mondays)


澳门艺术博物馆 Macau Art Museum

IAOHIN Gallery,Rua da Tercena No. 39a, Macau



Free on Sundays and Public Holidays +853 8791 9814

+853 2892 1908

即日起至2月8日 Till Feb 8

脑背山下 今日横琴影像创作展 Below Laobeishan: Hengqin Today Photos and Videos Creative Exhibition 这是牛房三年内第二次以横琴为主题的特展。记忆中,那些大小蚝田尚在。红树林 在横琴这边还可以找到消失前的悲壮景色。可这次再攀脑背山,俯视下面的变化, 新村已完全被长隆游乐场取替。在财团式大规模的发展洪潮中,尚存的村落已变得 不知所措了。摄影师们试着去拍下变化中有点无奈的那个横琴,那个外人仍然好奇 的岛国:看看澳门大学如何试着与横琴分开,看看新的尚未通车的国家级大马路和 旁边那些不起眼的村落如何共存,也还可以见见那个叫旧村的村落是如何被铁皮包 裹着,有点超现实的感觉。 This is Ox Warehouse’s second feature exhibition themed on Hengqin in the last 3 years. On the first there were still oyster farms and a mangrove forest with a solemn scene. This time, going up again to the Laobeishan hilltop, we could see so many changes around: Hengqin’s new villages have been replaced with Chime Long Ocean Kingdom, a theme park, while the still existing villages look oddly out of place, overwhelmed by the wave of the large-scale development spurred by fancy named consortiums. The photographers try to record and present the helplessness and frustration in Hengqin, an island that still elicits curiosity among outsiders, amusedly wondering how the University of Macau Hengqin New Campus is going to stand out, how the pristine national roads – not yet open for traffic –will coexist with the humble villages, how the Old Village encircled by iron sheets looks so surreal. 12:00-19:00 (逢周二休息Closed on Tues) 牛房仓库 OxWarehouse 免费FREE +853 2853 0026 | January • February 2015



濠好看 Now


表演 shows

佛山 Foshan


2月14日 14 Feb

黄子华栋笃笑“唔黐线唔正常” 佛山站 Dayo Wong Stand-up Comedy

香港 Hong Kong 2月5/7-8/11-12/14-15日 5/7-8/11-12/14-15 Feb

黄子华入行20年,1990年举行处男栋笃笑 《娱乐圈血肉史》,独自在台上讲笑话打响 名堂,之后连续多年开骚放笑弹,大受观众 欢迎。黄子华4年前首踏红馆举行8场《娱乐 圈血肉史2》,前年再攻红馆连开10场《洗 燥》,去年10月则三度占领红馆举行11场《 唔黐线唔正常》 ,破了自己在红馆的场数纪 录。近年能在红馆开10场以上秀的,只有张 学友、陈奕迅、容祖儿、“左麟右李”等一 线艺人,可见黄子华的男神魅力已与天王天 后并驾齐驱。

The Tiger Who Came to Tea 从伦敦西区重回亚洲,这头会品茶的老虎,这 次又甚麽来着?改编自同名原着故事书,不加 不减、原汁原味,却多了耳熟能详的儿童歌谣、 神奇无比的幻法、此起彼落的欢笑声!从故事 书跳上舞台,你的童真不会让你错过。 Following on from his highly successful run in London’s West End, the tea-guzzling tiger makes his return to Asia in this delightful family show: packed with oodles of magic, sing-a-long songs and clumsy chaos! A stunning stage adaptation of this classic tale of teatime mayhem… Expect to be surprised! 5, 11-12/2 –17:00 7-8, 14-15/2 10:00/12:00 香港演艺学院戏剧院 Drama Theatre, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts HKD195/335/385/435 event.asp?id=7877&NatTag=&SynopsisCode=&P revStep=Calendar+Of+Events

2月13-24日 13-24 Feb

谭咏麟银河岁月40载演唱会2015 Alan Tam Live 2015 年年25岁的“校长”藉入行40年,举行“银 河岁月40载演唱会”,务求将入行以来的知 名金曲,全部送上。在发布会上,鬼马的校 长更要大家猜猜演唱会的名称和方向。此次 演唱会,校长更破天荒预先公布嘉宾名单, 陈奕迅丶李克勤丶刘德华丶张学友丶孙楠丶 杜丽莎丶陈慧娴丶陈慧琳,还有很久没有在 香港演出的谢霆锋等。不论主演还是嘉宾, 阵容都值得你买票入场!当然,一票难求! Alan Tam, named the “Principal of Hong Kong Pop Music School”, is going on stage during Chinese New Year. He has invited a list of stars as famous as him to share the stage. It’s definitely a threshold to Cantopop.

20:15 (18, 20/2: 21:30) 香港体育馆 Hong Kong Coliseum HKD250 / 450 / 680 +852 2111 5999



一月 • 二月 2015 |

Leading Hong Kong Stand-up Comedian Dayo Wong is bringing his sold-out show from last October to Guangdong Province, with a stop at Foshan. His success can be illustrated by the 11 shows in the last edition, a number that only a few can achieve today in Hong Kong.

20:00 南海体育馆 Nanhai Gymnasium RMB280 / 480 / 680



d What’s aroun Anthony 即日至2月6日 Now till 6 Feb 寻常生活 翻!寻!味! My Foodprint Story

2月13-15日 13-15 Feb 香港同读文化节 Hong Kong Oueer Literary and Cultural Festival 首届《香港同读文化节》适逢西方情人节, 将以“读 · 爱”为主题,希望透过供给 性/别议题书籍、举办读书会、讲座、分享 会、设置书摊、艺文摊位、阅读空间等,营 造一个认识、探索、讨论性/别议题的有利 环境,从以推动性/别教育。 It is hoped that through showcasing books relevant to gender and sexuality issues, organizing activities such as book readings, seminars and sharing sessions, providing booths for vendors of relevant books and handicraft and a cosy reading corner for visitors during the Festival, a friendly and open environment for the general public to understand, explore and discuss the various facets of gender and sexuality could be created. 香港 Hong Kong 11:00-20:00

每个人的最好味,都是最家常的。日复日, 年复年,相同的味道,重复地塑造,奠定了 品味的基准。我们都用记忆佐饭,口里嚼, 心里度。一连串将食材拓印到陶瓷的创作计 划,用力地搓、揉、擀,让印象成形;轻巧 地修、补、压,精致的细节一一浮现。寻找 每个人的食物记忆,来一趟寻常生活翻寻 味。才发现,食物真正的养份,不仅滋养发 肤,同时抚慰魂魄。 A series of ceramic creations is done by imprinting food that’s meaningful to the participants. Memory can be formed by twisting, rubbing and rolling; details are made by slightly modifying, amending and pressing. Through “my foodprint story”, we hope you can search for your own memory of food. You will find out that the true value of food not just only nutritious to your body, but also nourishing your soul.

香港石硖尾白田街30号“赛马会创意艺术中心 JCCAC” Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Hong Kong 免费Free Admission

即日至5月30日 Now till 30 May 时代剪影——院藏现代佛山剪纸精 品展 Silhouette of the Era: Selected Modern Foshan Paper-cuts 20世纪50年代以来的现代佛山剪纸,以传 统技法为基础,借鉴版画、宣传画等艺术形 式,在剪纸题材、语言和风格方面均有所创 新,迎来佛山剪纸历史上一个新的辉煌时 期。张拨、潘保琦、林载华、汤集祥、汤永 雄、邓本圻等剪纸艺术家,不仅仅是佛山现 代剪纸的翘楚,还是国内现代剪纸界的领 军人物。 Since the 1950s, modern Foshan paper-cut has experienced a new glorious period in history, creating new themes, languages and styles on the basis of traditional techniques and referencing art forms such as woodcuts and posters. In artistic language and style, modern Foshan paper-cut has a simple but exciting feature. Paper-cut artists such as Zhang Ba, Pan Baoqi, Lin Zaihua, Tang Jixiang, Yang Yongxiong and Deng Benqi, are not only outstanding figures in Foshan, but also frontiers in this field nationwide. 广州 Guangzhou 平日Weekday 09:00-17:00 / 周末 Weekend 09:30-17:30 (周一休館Closed on Mon) 广州艺术博物院 Guangzhou Museum of Art 免费 Free Admission

香港Hong Kong 12:00-20:00 元创坊 PMQ 免费 Free Admission | January • February 2015




澳门第六届 《旷世藏表》鉴赏会 MASTERS OF TIME

1 雅克德罗 Bird Repeater Openwork JAQUET DROZ Bird Repeater Openwork

Bird Repeater Openwork仅限量8枚,每一枚都由508枚零件构成。 在蓝宝石玻璃表盘下,自动机芯展露无遗。色彩的全新深度和对比效 果凸显了工匠们的杰作,衬托出羽毛、眼睛、小鸟的身体曲线、流水 以及雕刻和绘工的精美绝伦。 The Bird Repeater Openwork is available as a limited edition of eight pieces, each one equipped with 508 components. Behind the sapphire crystal dial, the automated movement has been “exposed” so that each of the colored animations is more visible.


2 柯籁天音Margot


奢侈品旅游零售商DFS集团(DFS)即日起至 2015年2月28日于澳门T广场四季名店带来第六 届《旷世藏表》鉴赏会,这个全球最大型名表 及珠宝零售展览除了展出来自40家世界知名品 牌的400多款高端腕表以外, 更在展览上首度 加入名贵珠宝系列 。 DFS Group (DFS), the world’s leading luxury travel retailer, launched its sixth annual DFS Masters of Time collection in T Galleria by DFS Macau at Shoppes at Four Seasons. The collection comprises 400 fine watches and jewelry items from 40 of the world’s most prestigious brands. Masters of Time will remain for public sale and viewing until February 28, 2015. 400名表亮相 DFS集团“大师系列”《旷世藏 表》鉴赏会為参观者带來业內 的最新趋势以及頂尖的腕表杰 作,本年的于澳门T广场四季名店 中亮相的的展品包括400只顶级 腕表,其中的亮点包括宝格丽的 Octo Finissimo Tourbillon、雅克 德罗的Bird Repeater Openwork、 梵克雅宝的Midnight Planétarium Poetic Complication、柯籁天音的 Margot ,以及江诗丹顿Métiers d’Art Florilége系列。 26


400 Fine Watches

The collection comprises 400 fine watches from different watchmaker brands. Highlights among the collection’s watch range include: Bulgari’s Octo Finissimo Tourbillon, Jaquet Droz’s Bird Repeater Openwork, Van Cleef & Arpels’ Midnight Planétarium Poetic Complication, Christophe Claret’s Margot and Vacheron Constantin’s Métiers d’Art Florilége Collection.

一月 • 二月 2015 |

Margot是柯籁天音的首款女式复杂腕表,精巧无比的机械结构可“ 预测”(至少试图预测)全世界最重要的问题之一:“他爱我吗?” 只需按下2点钟位置的按钮,这款腕表即可活跃起来。每按一次,一 枚花瓣将在表盘下悄然消失—有时也可能是2枚花瓣,这一点难以预 测,完美演绎出花瓣的精美飘落。 Margot is Christophe Claret’s first ladies’ watch complication. It features an ingenious mechanism that helps to “predict”—or at least try to—one of nature’s paramount questions: “Does he love me?” A simple press of the pusher at 2 o’clock brings the watch to life. With each press, a petal—sometimes a pair of petals, it is impossible to foresee—subtly disappears under the dial in a smooth action, perfectly depicting the delicate undressing of the flower.

高级珠宝首登场 除了一系列名表以外,今年的展 品中也首次加入高级珠宝,当中 包括光芒四射的宝格丽Diva系列 18K白金和密镶钻石项链、手链 和耳环;萧邦高级珠宝中以电 影为灵感的Red Carpet系列; 明亮夺目的蒂凡尼Marquise Diamond Cluster镶有325颗钻 石的项链以及镶嵌135颗钻石 的手链。


Standout jewelry debute In addition to the fine watches, high jewelry pieces are for the first time shown in the exhibition. The jewelry includes Bulgari’s illuminating Diva collection necklace, bracelet and earrings in 18kt white gold with pavé diamonds, Chopard’s Haute Joaillerie cinemainspired Red Carpet collection and Tiffany’s brilliant Marquise Diamond Cluster necklace set with 325 diamonds, and bracelet set with 135 diamonds in platinum.

2 3


3 宝格丽Diva系列:18K白金与密镶钻石项链、手链与耳环 BULGARI Diva Collection: Necklace, Bracelet & Earrings in 18kt White Gold with Pavé Diamonds

Diva 系列的设计与现代优雅风尚相呼应,其灵感源自古老的美学形 式—来自罗马马赛克的繁复图案, 精致妩媚的弧线造型,代表着宝 格丽的经典风格。 Diva collection’s design takes inspiration from an ancient form of beauty—in the intricate patterns of Roman mosaics. The patterns of the Diva Collection are carved with quintessentially feminine curves, embodying the Bulgari style.

《旷世藏表》 MASTERS OF TIME 展览日期 Date 即日起至2015年2月28日 Till Feb 28,2015 地店 Location 澳门T广场四季名店 T Galleria, DFS Macau ,Shoppes at

4 萧邦Red Carpet系列:白金钻石项链、铂金钻石耳环

Four Seasons,Macau

萧邦独一无二高级珠宝“Red Carpet系列”点缀着电影世界最伟大的 女影星们,由法国女影星Isabelle Adjani精心挑选,曾由她佩戴着走 过戛纳电影节的红毯。 “Red Carpet Collection” adorns the greatest actresses of the movie world. This breath-taking creation, part of the Red Carpet Collection, was chosen by French actress Isabelle Adjani to walk the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival.

Find more hightlights among the

CHOPARD High Jewellery Red Carpet Collection

更多名表亮点资讯请看Cguide网站。 collection’s watch in Cguide’s website. | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste


月是个喜庆的月份,中西方情人节接踵而来。 我们想了很久,究竟什么食物适合推荐给情侣 们呢……不妨搞搞新意思,其实寒天吃冰也可以滋味 无穷的。澳门街最近冒出不少雪糕生力军,有远至意 大利韩国的,也有近如邻埠香港的。就让Cguide团队 亲自前往这些雪糕店,为您揭开它们“最好吃”的秘 密。这个冬日,我们反其道而行,过一个冷在口腔暖 在心头的情人节。


ebruary is a month of romance for the Valentine’s Day. In the respect of food, what will be the best suggestion for the cold but sweet month? Here is a creative idea: ice cream! All kinds of them in Macau, from Italy, South Korea, Hong Kong and more, Cguide will lead you to “the best of the best”. Let’s celebrate Valentine’s Day-cold in mouth, warm at heart.

Cguide Team Melao Xinderer



一月 • 二月 2015 |

Honey Granny 地址 Address 澳门亚利鸦架街17号美新大 厦地下A铺 Shop A, G/F, 17 Rua do Manuel de Arriaga, Macau 电话 Tel. +853 6676 0801 时间 Hours: 13:00-22:00

最甜蜜:Honey Granny 想过一个更甜蜜的情人节,可以试试Honey Granny的 雪糕。这里的雪糕非常有特色,全用上等牛奶制作,奶 味香浓而且口感顺滑,美味非常。唯一要注意的,因 为只用上牛奶制作,融化得也快,所以品尝一定要快。 招牌作品“蜂巢雪糕”(約MOP32)是不可错过的一 杯,何谓“蜂巢雪糕”?此概念源自韩国,意思就是 在原味雪糕上加入蜂蜜与原只蜂巢,此概念雪糕旋即疯 魔香港,蔡澜也专门撰文书写。蜂巢除了更美味外,据 说也有更高营养价值,Honey Granny选用的蜂蜜和蜂 巢,皆出自台湾台中。 蜂蜜性味甘、平,对很多轻微症状非常有效。同时,蜂 蜜本身已是单糖,更轻易被人体吸收;当中也有各种维 生素、矿物质及胺基酸,营养丰富。蜂巢(蜂巢蜜)比 蜂蜜更厉害,营养成份更高。例如蜂巢有丰富的生物 酶、维生素、微量元素等,功效比蜂蜜更明显。 这些话可能显得有点生涩,但蜂巢雪糕是美味和营养的 结合就是不争的事实噢。当然,凡事也要适可而止啦!

Honey Granny If you want to have an extra sweet Valentine’s Day, you may want to taste Honey Granny’s ice cream. It is made from milk, so there is a rich taste and smooth texture. However, be careful! It melts quickly. Also renowned is the “Honeycomb Ice Cream” (approx. MOP32), which adds honey and chunks of real honeycomb to the ice cream. Besides adding taste, it also improves nutritional quality. The idea came from Korea, though the actual honey and honeycomb comes straight from Taiwan. It is said that honey soothes the body and can easily be absorbed. It is full of vitamins and minerals, and honeycomb has even more nutrients like biological enzymes and microelements. This may seem quite incomprehensible, but it’s a blend of taste and health; of course, never over-eat. | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste

最纯味: 冰雪皇后 冰雪皇后(DQ)来自美国,也算是一个老牌雪糕品 牌,翻查资料,发现原来DQ创立于1940年,距今已 有75年历史。 DQ有很多特色的选择,当然包括旗下的招牌“暴风 雪”。不过,有说最简单的才是最难做好的,例如有 些人说煎蛋可是很难做好的菜,所以这期《新澳门导 航》就带你品尝DQ的新地。 新地,亦即在原味雪糕加上不同的酱料调味。DQ的 香草味雪糕做得特别好。香草味浓不在话下,入口更 是非常软滑,且兼具口感,有点像吃棉花糖一样。同 时,也不要少看DQ的酱料:巧克力味道香浓也不过 甜,可可味适中;而草莓味则有草莓粒在里面,能边 品尝雪糕,边咬草莓肉,层次更为丰富。重点是这个 新地还有大小杯选择,只是澳门币20多元,好划算!

Dairy Queen Dairy Queen (DQ) was founded in the United States in 1940, and is already 75 years old. There is a lot to choose from on DQ’s menu, such as the “Blizzard.” But sometimes the simplest choices are the hardest, so Cguide has brought you Sundaes this time. Sundae – sauces and condiments on ice cream – is especially good with DQ’s vanilla ice cream, which is rich in taste and has a marshmallow-like texture. Chocolate Sundae has a sauce appropriately sweet to highlight the richness of cocoa. Strawberry one, on the other hand, has crunchy fruit pieces and is delightful. Most importantly, it’s priced at MOP20-ish only!



一月 • 二月 2015 |

冰雪皇后 Dairy Queen 地址 Address 澳门大三巴街19C号国汇大 厦地面E号铺 (近大三巴牌坊) Shop E, G/F, 19C Rua de São Paulo, Macau (near Ruins of St Paul’s) 电话Tel. +853 2883 9889 时间Hours 10:00-22:00

最怀旧: 礼记 “礼记”是澳门少有的保留了上世纪六、七十年代风 格的冰室,卡座设计,中间的小圆桌、装着十几种雪 糕的大型冰柜,还有那些雪糕的包装,都散发出一种 怀旧的味道。来到这个传统的冰室,当然少不了一尝 驰名的“雪糕三文治”,三色雪糕砖被两块脆薄的威 化饼夹着,一口咬下去,先脆后软,还可以一次过品 尝到三种雪糕滋味。如果嫌“雪糕三文治”太小巧, 不妨来一块半磅或一磅的雪糕砖,用小勺子慢慢攻克 它的过程绝对有趣又令人满足。另外极受欢迎的食品 还有一颗颗红豆做成的雪条,咬下去虽然有点硬,但 咀嚼到香甜的红豆的时候,你会瞬间被其丰富的口感 所征服。“礼记”所有的雪糕都是由自家工场每日新 鲜制作,或许有的朋友会觉得他们店里的雪糕质感偏 厚重,不像其他雪糕一样细滑,但是没有添加任何色 素香料,保留水果原汁原味的做法是让人一访再访的 原因。

LAI KEI Ice cream sandwiches, ice cream bricks, red bean popsicles, banana splits… Lai Kei is the place you can try these delicious frozen treats which have made their impact on Macau cuisine for over 60 years. An ice cream shop which has been in operation for decades, Lai Kei still looks like a 1960’s style ice cream parlor. It is equipped with American diner-style booths, round tables, and large freezers containing dozens of ice cream flavors in their original package designs. Among the dazzling items in the menu, we suggest the ice cream sandwich: a perfect neapolitan mix of three flavors between crispy wafers; or the larger serving of 0.5lb or 1lb ice cream bars and the red bean popsicle for a more frozen and “beany” texture. The freshly made ice cream attracts customers through rich flavors and original ingredients.

礼记雪糕 LAI KEI 地址 Address 澳门荷兰园大马路12号至 12号A 12-12A, Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida, Macau 营业时间 Opening 12:00-19:00 电话 Tel. +853 2837 5781 价格 Price MOP15+ | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste

HONG HENG COCOS HONG HENG COCOS is a family business of four generations since its foundation in 1869 as a coconut transfer station in South China and then a shop of coconut ice cream in 1960s. The shop is so outstanding in the neighborhood by its original signboard and strings of coconuts hanging by the entrance. The interior is also maintained as what it looked like 60 years ago. As an expert of coconut, the owner is committed to offer coconut ice cream made of pure nature ingredients, no trace of chemicals or additives. The procedure of making ice cream starts every morning around 8, the tedious steps explained why the supply is limited every day. Other than the most popular coconut flavor, there are also chocolate and seasonal specials such as mango in summer and taro in winter.



最地道:洪馨椰子 喜欢吃椰子雪糕的朋友大抵都无法拒绝“洪馨椰子” 那超过半世纪历史的“手造椰味”,这家百年老店始 于1869年,从当年的南洋椰子中转站到上世纪60年代 初椰子雪糕,保留了四代人的情感,也承载了传统手 造椰子雪糕的味道。 百年椰子世家“洪馨椰子”仍旧保留着传统的店面, 简约的“洪馨椰子槟蒟发客”招牌、一串串挂于门口 的椰子,还有店内烫金的大招牌,都让它在同区的店 铺中显得更为注目。“洪馨”的椰子雪糕入口香甜、 每一口都饱含浓郁的椰子香味,原因在于店家对处理 椰子拥有相当丰富的经验。老板除了坚持用天然椰子 作为原材料,不用任何添加剂或是雪糕粉以外,还每 天早上八点多就开始制作雪糕,除掉椰子壳,倒掉里 面的椰子水,撬出椰肉刨成椰丝,然后放到机器中榨 出椰浆,最后才制作成一杯杯的雪糕。当中的每一项 工序缺一不可,且费时费力,所以他们家的雪糕每日 都限量发售。除了最受欢迎的椰子雪糕外,也有巧克 力雪糕,以及因应不同时令推出季节限定雪糕,像是 夏天限定芒果雪糕以及冬天限定的芋头雪糕等等。

一月 • 二月 2015 |

洪馨椰子 HONG HENG COCOS 地址 Address: 澳门果栏街十四地下 R/C, No. 14, Rua da Tercena, Macau 营业时间 Opening: 11:00-18:30 电话 Tel.: +853 2892 0944 价格 Price MOP14+

最新奇:甜着幸福 我们吃的软雪糕一般用杯装载或是以雪糕筒装载,但 澳门最近兴起了以拐杖装载软雪糕的吃法,说的是人 气街头小吃“拐杖玉米棒雪糕”。玉米棒雪糕源自韩 国首尔,很多去过韩国旅游的朋友相信都曾尝试过。 香脆的玉米棒绝非油炸之物,反而是由韩国进口的玉 米粒经高温压制而成,充份保留玉米香味,而拐杖型 的玉米棒分别从两端注满甜蜜的软雪糕,适合情侣一 人拿着一端吃用。一口咬下去,外香脆而内绵滑,健 康又美味。

甜着幸福 Sweet Joy Stick Ice Cream 地址 AddRESS

Stick Ice Cream

新马路大三巴街36号A地下 R/C, A, No.36,

Stick ice cream is a recent pop in Macau originated in South Korea. The hollow stick with a bend tip is made of high-temperature pressed corns instead of being fried, healthy and tasty. It is interesting to witness how the stick is filled by ice creams from both tips, and to taste how the crispy and smooth textures are combined perfectly.


Rua de S. Paulo, Macau 营业时间 Opening: 电话 Tel.: +853 2835 2742 价格 Price MOP30

最够“姜”:清姜雪糕 清新的姜味雪糕在澳门不常见,但最近氹仔有一家越 南餐厅低调引入了来自香港的全人手制意式雪糕品牌 XTC Gelato的雪糕。清姜味雪糕吃起来非常清新,吃 细软雪糕的同时还能吃到姜的小颗粒。这款雪糕的脂 肪含量低、味道浓郁,毫无防腐剂等人工添加材料, 最适合爱健康又爱雪糕的朋友。另外提提你的是,雪 糕尚未列于餐牌之上,要特别向服务生要求才会有 喔。

越南河 Pho Mak Mak


地址 AddRESS:

Ginger ice cream? It might be a strange name to most of us. But now you can try it in a Vietnamese restaurant in Taipa. The newly introduced XTC Gelato by the owner is an Italian brand of hand made ice cream. The ginger ice cream is a special suggestion by its fresh mixture of ice cream and ginger grains, low fat yet rich flavor and no additives. Note: you can order it though it is not listed in the menu yet.

12:30-14:30; 18:00-22:30

氹仔地堡街泉福新村地 下S铺 R/C, Shop S, Chun Fok Village, Rua do Regedor, Taipa 营业时间Opening: 电话 Tel.: +853 2882 5088 价格 Price: 单球Single Scoop-MOP25 | January • February 2015



特约专题 Sponsored Feature

柠檬车露 用心做雪糕 LEMONCELLO, MACAU GELATO Yvonne Melao

2 无

论是面向内地的大众点评网还是港澳人喜欢看的热门觅食网站, 都可以看到这个号称游客必吃的澳门雪糕品牌:柠檬车露。 “Lemon 是柠檬,Cello(车露)是大提琴,两者加起来就是以‘鲜 果奏出美妙音乐’之意。”这是贴于大三巴总店的店铺名称介绍。 老板娘Nakita本身就是个风趣幽默且做事非常认真的人,她既热爱音 乐,也痴迷雪糕。在2004年的冬天,Nakita毅然把房子及汽车卖掉, 决心创造出一种清新、独特而前所未有的雪糕口味,由于曾经师承意 大利雪糕工匠,知道Gelato的真谛就是材料的新鲜度,因此店铺坚持 原料每天新鲜打造,绝不卖过夜雪糕。经历三个多月来日以承继夜测 试,终于研制出适合东方人口味的公式: 鲜果含量提升到八成,空气 含量减至极低。放弃传统意式雪糕里的牛油、蛋黄等一些高脂肪的材 料,务求做到雪糕只含鲜果,低脂雪糕只用该材料加牛奶,吃过店铺 里出品佳作的朋友都知道,无论是何种口味,都清新且不腻,无论是 冬天还是夏天,都是开胃的好选择。 说起意大利Gelato,这个被意大利人誉为骄傲的甜品其实并不算是传 统意思上的“冰淇淋”,意大利人如果卖的是香草味的Gelato,那一 定是用新鲜的香草而不是香精。这个精髓柠檬车露同样有,招牌柠檬 车露口味的雪糕充满了青柠檬的芳香,又不会太甜,是“初恋”的感 觉,而很受小朋友欢迎的彩虹味道也并不过分甜腻,有热带水果的浓 郁芳香,你可以选择杯装的或者是筒装的,杯装可以慢慢享用,筒装 更有意大利风情。 最近柠檬车露也有不少新动作,农历年和情人节前更推出“下午茶” 套餐,份量惊人,且看看我们为您精挑细选的各式特色产品。



一月 • 二月 2015 |


emoncello is a popular name among food guides both in Macau and the Mainland. Known as a Tourist Must-try, it boasts genuine Italian Gelato and offers custom-made products as well. The name of the store, as explained at the original location near Ruin of St. Paul, means to use fruit (Lemon) to perform beautiful music (Cello). It was founded in the winter of 2004 by Nakiata, who was a fan of both music and ice cream. She was so determined to create a brand of fresh, unique and delicious desserts that she even sold her property and cars to open the shop. With her training of real Italian Gelato, she knew that freshness was the key to success; she achieves this by using fresh ingredients and making fresh gelato every day. She has also come up with a formula that caters better to an Asian palate: The proportion of fruit was increased to 80%, air content was minimized, and high-fat ingredients such as butter and egg yolk were removed. The shop guarantees the most refreshing taste for both hot and cold days, which happy customers seem to unanimously agree with. Gelato, the pride of Italy, is not simply an Italian word for ice cream; everything must be made fresh with no trace of additives. The same is true with LEMON CELLO. Dazzling arrays of flavors taste just as good as they look. The signature Lemoncello flavor, for example, is rich with green lemons with appropriate level of sweetness, while the Rainbow is a feast of tropic fruits that children can’t get enough of. To celebrate the upcoming Spring Festival and Valentine’s Day, the brand has launched the After Tea Set for ice-cream lovers. Here are some flavors we strongly suggest:


. 每天新鲜制造的Gelato,可以任选味道。单味杯装 90g,MOP30/双味杯装或筒装125g,MOP35/三味杯装或筒 装160g,MOP40,特级加MOP5。 Freshly made Gelato of any taste. MOP 30 for one flavor cup of 90g, MOP 35 for dual flavors cup or cone of 125g, MOP 40 for triple flavors cup or cone of 160g, MOP5 for Super Grade.


柠檬车露澳门店 LEMONCELLO (Macau) 地址 ADDress

. 新鲜推出的下午茶套餐,推荐这个像真度100分的盆栽 下午茶,份量很足,有浓浓的巧克力味,是巧克力粉丝必 试,MOP35/搭配一杯花茶(下午茶只在氹仔店供应)。 This new set of afternoon tea features chocolate. More than enough for even the craziest chocolate lovers. MOP 35 with a free cup of tea (only at Taipa store).


. 小黄人造型雪糕蛋糕,很多人路过店铺都会被伸出双手比 出V字的小黄人吸引,小朋友生日的时候定制一个一定让 他爱不释手,建议提前一天预定,MOP688。 Minion Ice Cream Cake. This minion, fashioned after the popular children’s characters, will become an instant highlight at any child’s birthday party. It is suggested to give a day’s advance notice. MO688




+853 2858 3396

. 适合情人节的蛋糕,粉红色的心型蛋糕一定能虏获女友 欢心,上面的动物可以换成你喜欢的,MOP368。 How could you miss the pink heart-shaped cake to celebrate the Valentine’s Day? The animal pattern could be customized. MOP368.


哪里可以品尝 Where to Eat

(近卢家大屋) G/F Travessa da Sé (beside Lou Kau Mansion) +853 2833 1570 Tel : +853 2833 1570

LEMONCELLO (Taipa) 地址:氹仔旧城区地堡街115号J铺 (近澳门运动场) Add: Shop J, 115 R. do Regedor, Vila de Taipa (beside Olympic Sports Center Stadium) Tel: +853 2858 3396


4 | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste “盛事”新春贺年自助餐 Rossio Chinese New Year Buffet “盛事”一直以汇聚环球美食以及海鲜见称, 这个农历新年“盛事”除了提供来自韩国、 马来西亚、意大利等地优质的海鲜外,还特 别推出多款地方风味佳肴,包括上海醉鸡、 河北凉拌海蜇皮、黑龙江凉拌土豆丝等,以 传统美味与来自大江南北的食客贺新年。厨 师为迎接新年特别炮制的特色美食有北方风 味饺子、醉虾以及香煎鲍汁鳕鱼。此外,你 还能够品尝到新鲜日式刺身及寿司、现场即 煮美食及精致甜品。 Rossio is famous for its fresh seafood imported from South Korea, Malaysia and Italy. This spring festival you can also find traditional Chinese food from various provinces, such as the “Shanghai” wine pickled chicken, “Hebei” sesame jellyfish with black mushroom salad, “Shan Dong” hand-cut cucumber salad with sesame soya dressing, etc. The restaurant creates two different styles of northern Chinese dumplings; Chinese rose wine-drunk tiger prawns with wolfberries and pan-fried cod fish with baby abalone gravy & Asian cress salad for the Chinese New Year. Sashimi and sushi are also available as well as on-site cooking and exquisite desserts.

新春BUFFET当道 CNY Buffets Yan

这个世界永不过时的餐饮话题绝对是“自助餐”,自助餐不但 满足你一个人可以试N种美食的愿望,还照顾到你家的长者小 孩,冷盘、热食、中菜、西菜、甜品等任君选择,是一家老少 的聚餐上选。本月Cguide为你带来澳门多间特色自助餐,让你 们在各式美食的簇拥中过春节。 Buffets should be crowned a timeless choice for group dining, as everyone always leaves happy. To guarantee the most joyful family gathering during the Spring Festival, Cguide brings you the most marvelous choices of buffet in Macau. 36


一月 • 二月 2015 |

新春贺年自助午餐 Lunch Buffet 18-28/2 12:00-15:00 (2月22日除外 except February 22) 每位 MOP 338 per person

新春贺年自助晚餐 Dinner Buffet 18-22/2 18:00-23:00 每位 MOP 518 per person 第一轮1st seating: 17:30-20:00 第二轮2nd seating: 20:30-23:00 23-28/2 18:00-23:00 每位 MOP 518 per person a价钱需另加10%服务费 Subject to 10% service charge b确认订座需预缴全数款项 Full advance payment is required for guaranteed seating 6岁以下小童免费 Free of charge for children aged 6 and below 地址 Location: 澳门美高梅“盛事” Rossio, MGM Macau 查询 Enquiries: +853 8802 2372

“盛宴”与众欢度羊年 “Feast” on Chinese New Year favorites

Saffron 暹罗之味周六自助餐 Flavors of Siam 想在过年来点辣?以泰式美食为主题的“尚 坊”最合适不过,餐厅采用泰国的香草、香 料和食材制作精致的泰国美食,满足食客的 味觉要求。这个新年开始每逢周六,餐厅更 推出“暹罗之味”自助餐,提供多款传统泰 式美食,包括冬阴香辣虾、泰烤全鲈鱼、红 咖喱鸡等,现场还有即点即烧的海鲜,如波 士顿龙虾、扇贝、猪颈肉。另外值得一提的 是,自助餐可用餐时间长达四个半小时,让 你可以与朋友家人慢慢享受泰滋味。 Wanna be hotter and spicier during the Spring Festival? Come to Saffron in Macau’s Banyan Tree for their Thai-themed a la carte everyday or buffet every Saturday. Staples include tom yam spicy shrimp, roasted pork, and red curry chicken. There is also freshly cooked seafood such as lobster, scallop, crab, and more. Up to four and a half hours of mealtime is enough for everyone to enjoy the Thai taste with no rush. 自助晚餐 Dinner Buffet 每周六 Every Saturday 18:00-22:30 每位成人 MOP568* per adult, MOP698*(包无限畅饮红白酒及啤酒,free flow of wine and beer) *价钱需另加10%服务费 Subject to 10% service charge 地址 Location 澳门悦榕庄酒店地下大堂 G/F,Banyan Tree Macau 查询 Enquiries: +853 8883 6061

“乐吧”金羊贺岁海鲜自助餐 R Bar Chinese New Year Seafood Buffet 充满摇滚格调的澳门新濠天地Hard Rock 酒 店“乐吧”为宾客特别呈献以海鲜作主题的 环球海鲜自助餐,汇聚世界各地佳肴,搜罗 多款优质鲜味海鲜,宾客可畅尝新鲜刺身捞 起、传统意头菜、鸿运乳猪、海鲜刺身、即 开生蚝、天妇罗及各式招牌甜点,每位宾客 可获赠由大厨即席烹调的龙虾半只,更可免 费畅饮多款汽水及冻柠茶等饮品。 Celebrate the Year of the Goat with a fascinating array of fresh seafood and auspicious dishes! This special festive buffet includes roasted suckling pig, fresh oysters, tempura, desserts and more! Aside from receiving half a lobster, guests can also enjoy free flow of soft drinks, Chinese tea and iced lemon tea.

全天候活力四射的美食市场“盛宴”推出新 春限定的贺岁自助晚餐及午餐,餐厅提供以 亚洲、葡萄牙和澳门特色菜肴为主的环球美 馔,行政副总厨穆汉林更于新年期间特设各 种寓意吉祥的新春菜式及中式佳肴,如“罗 汉新岁”— 发财罗汉斋、“如意吉祥”— 碧绿如意炒带子及“花开富贵”— 蟹肉扒西 兰花、云南烤鸭配薄饼、中式烤乳猪等,为 宾客源源不绝地奉上祝福。 For guests who are craving the flavors of home during Chinese New Year, Feast, the all-day dining restaurant at the Sheraton Macao Hotel has it all. Executive Sous Chef Halim Mohamad has created special buffet lunches and dinners throughout the holidays featuring traditional Chinese New Year dishes. The lunch and dinner buffets at Feast will feature Chinese roast stuffed suckling pig, Yunnan roast duck, and a variety of international dishes.

贺岁自助晚餐 Dinner Buffet 16-17/2 成人每位 MOP398*per person 18-21,23-28/2 成人每位 MOP458*per person 22/2 成人每位 MOP498*per person

自助晚餐 Dinner Buffet

贺岁自助午餐 Lunch Buffet

19-20/2 18:30-21:30 成人每位MOP668* per adult, 4-12岁小童每位 MOP334* per child (4- 12 years old) 21-22/2 18:30-21:30 每位MOP638* per person(成人Adult), 4-12岁小童每位 MOP319* per child( 4- 12 years old) *价钱需另加10%服务费及5%政府税 Subject to a 10% service charge and a 5% government tax

16-28/2 成人每位MOP218*per person *价钱需另加10%服务费 Subject to 10% service charge 地址 Location 澳门喜来登酒店大堂 Level 1, Sheraton Macau 查询 Enquiries: +853 8113 1200

地址 Location: 澳门Hard Rock 酒店一楼 Rossio, MGM Macau 查询 Enquiries: +853 8868 6694 | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste

吉良2015农历年北海道自助晚餐 Kira 2015 Chinese New Year HOKKAIDO Japanese Buffet

奥旋自助餐 Grand Orbit Buffet

“吉良”由世界各地直接入口上乘食材,配合精湛的厨艺,将味道发 挥得淋漓尽致,更备有优雅别致的户外用膳区域,为食客打造美食新 体验。农历年期间,“吉良”更推出北海道自助晚餐,包括冬日招牌 菜自制铁板火焰冬季北海道迷你松叶蟹肉炒蔬菜,蟹籽与蛋蓉松叶蟹 盖(每人限定一份)、季节烧鱼、各式刺身等多种日式美食。 Kira restaurant boasts a theatrical preparation of the finest ingredients imported directly from all over the world. It features an outdoor area, a sushi and sashimi bar, and two teppanyaki grill bars. Kira presents Chinese New Year Hokaido Japanese Buffet during the spring festival, which includes homemade Teppanyaki Flambé Hokkaido Winter Snow Crab Meat Sautéed with Vegetables, Crab Roe and Egg ( 1 portion per person ), Seasonal Grilled Fish with Salt and all kinds of signature Japanese food.

“奥旋自助餐”将新年于2月18日至22日期间供应滋味丰足的农历新 年自助餐,包括地中海、西式、中式、日式、葡萄牙、东南亚及印度 等特色菜肴,并提供丰富的冰鲜海产。 Grand Orbit is featuring a sumptuous Chinese New Year buffet from 18th–22nd February, featuring Mediterranean, Western, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Southeast Asian and Indian specialities, as well as chilled fresh seafood on ice.

自助午餐 18-22/2 12:00-15:00 成人每位 MOP298*per adult, 小童每位 MOP149*per child

19-21/2 成人每位 MOP668* per adult 3至12岁小童每位 MOP368* per child (3-12 years old) *价钱需另加10%服务费 Subject to 10% service charge

自助晚餐 18-22/2 20:00-23:00 成人每位MOP468* per adult, 小童每位 MOP234* per child *价钱需另加10%服务费 Subject to 10% service charge

地址 Location: 澳门新濠锋酒店10楼 Level 10, Altira Macau 查询 Enquiries: +853 2886 8868

地址 Location: 金沙城中心地面楼层 Level 1, Cotai Central ,Cotai 查询 Enquiries: +853 8113 8910



一月 • 二月 2015 |

濠味道 Taste


Home, Cookie Home Cho Melao Paul



要数澳门的特色手信(伴手礼),你可能会想起杏仁 饼、肉干、纽结糖……除了这三款必买产品,本地人会 向你推介曲奇饼;在传统老店或大型酒店以外,本地有 不少新开业的曲奇饼店同样出色,凭着创意和独特形象 于短时间内赢取了良好口碑;今次为你搜罗三间近日颇 受欢迎的手工曲奇饼店,不妨把合你心水的口味带回家 中与亲朋好友品尝。 When asking a Macau local for gift ideas, other than the world-famous almond cake, beef jerky and peanut candy, they will suggest Macau-style cookies. Whether you get them from traditional stores, luxury hotels or modern bakeries, you will find something to appeal to anyone’s taste.

一月 • 二月 2015 |

Chez Gourmet Studio手工喜庆曲奇

Chez Gourmet Studio

电话 Tel.

澳门曾经是葡萄牙殖民地,至今仍然保留有不少当地 文化,当中以葡式美食最为人津津乐道;Chez Gourmet Studio主打市面鲜见的土生葡人饼食,由于老板 娘Carmen Labral Lee是土生葡人,制法必定是沿袭葡 国传统,充满地道的家庭风味。店内有多款手工曲奇 可以供客人订购,又可以就各种庆典,如情人节、毕 业典礼、婚礼等,特别订制属于自己的独特款式,增 添欢乐气氛。

Macau cuisine still has traces of Portuguese influence. Owned by Carmen Labral Lee, a native-born Portuguese lady, Gourmet Studio is one of a handful of local original Portuguese bakeries. These homemade cookies are a tasty way to spice up special days and holidays. Customized cookies are available.

地址 Address

+853 2856 2523 澳门塔石街9-A地下朗睛 轩N铺 Rua do Tap Siac N Edf. The Serenity r/c L. Macau

工作室另会售卖各款糕 饼制作工具、装饰和包 装等,老板娘更会开办 蛋糕装饰班,与蛋糕爱 好者互相交流。 Baking supplies, decorations and packages as well as decorating seminars can also be found here.

2 1 虫仔饼(售价未定) Worm-shaped Cookie (Price TBC) 虫仔饼是土生葡人的传统美食,只用上牛油、砂糖及鸡蛋三种简单材料制成,牛油 香味浓郁,而且非常松化。 As a traditional Portuguese desert, the cookie in the shape of worm is made of butter, sugar and eggs. Simple but crispy.


2 3 相片曲奇(每块MOP 15-30) Pix Cookie (MOP 15-30 per piece) 曲奇表面是一层食用糖纸,利用意大利进口的专用打印机,以食用油墨将相片或卡 通公仔打印至糖纸上,像真度极高。 Edible sugar paper is wrapped around the cookies, which are covered in pictures or cartoon patterns printed with edible ink.


4 手绘3D立体曲奇(每块MOP 10-80) Hand painted 3D cookie( MOP 10-80/piece) 立体曲奇栩栩如生,最适合各款宴会或喜庆活动。 This vivid 3D cookie is one of the best decorations for banquets and special celebrations. 5 手绘糖霜曲奇(每块MOP 50) Hand painted frosting cookie(MOP 50/piece) 利用不同颜色的糖霜于曲奇饼上绘出各种花纹图案,很考经验和绘画工夫。 It takes time and skill to hand-draw patterns and designs on the cookie with multicolored frosting.

4 | January • February 2015

5 Cguide


濠味道 Taste 1 曲奇有两款包装礼盒,铁盒闪烁华丽,纸盒简约 精美。 You have the option to either have classy metallic or intricately decorated paperboard packaging. 2 店主特别放置多个形状古典的玻璃瓶,希望让客人 有“寻宝”的感觉。 Several glass bottles in classic shapes are intended to create an atmosphere of “treasure hunting”.

精选创意咸曲奇(MOP 250) Luxury Collection of Salt Cookies(MOP 250) 有马介休、西洋腊肠、黑橄榄、榛子海盐等共14款精 选曲奇,口味相当创新。 14 kinds of cookies made of unique ingredients such as bacalhau, sausage and hazelnut & sea salt. 3

店内环境雅致,所有曲 奇均可供客人试食。 Elegant environment. Samples are available for all kinds of cookies.


电话 Tel.

凭多酱猪扒包于澳门及台湾闯出名堂的本地品牌澳誉 葡,去年创新推出市场鲜见的“咸曲奇”;多款咸味 手工曲奇全由自家焗制,无添加防腐剂及人造香精, 而且用料矜贵,除了以原粒芝士制成的“招牌芝士曲 奇”,更自创白松露、鱼子酱、帕尔马火腿等独特口 味,配以金、银两款闪烁礼盒,逢年过节用来送礼很 体面!

+853 2878 3001 地址 Address 澳门大三巴街29-A号诚德轩 地下B座 Unit B G/F, Edifo Seng Tak Hin 29-A, Rua de S. Paulo


Local restaurant Mactugal is best known for its pork chop bun, but the newly launched savory cookies have quickly become another signature food. With zero preservatives or artificial flavoring, the home-made cookies are made of unique ingredients such as cheese (Signature Cheese Cookie), white truffle, caviar and Parma ham. A fancy choice of gift that comes in very classy packaging.


4 浪漫花果杂锦曲奇(MOP 230) Assorted Cookies of Flowers and Fruits(MOP 230) 内有五款热卖甜曲奇,包括卡布其诺、柠檬绿茶、玫 瑰花、薰衣草及红茶。 Including five best-selling flavors: cappuccino, lemon green tea, rose, lavender and black tea. 5 包罗万有杂锦曲奇(MOP 280) Cookie Mix(MOP 280) 盒中有八款甜曲奇及七款咸曲奇,包括奶油芝麻、乳 酪粒、南乳、蒜盐。 Contains 8 sweet and 7 savory cookies in flavors such as butter sesame, cheese, tofu, garlic salt and more. 6 浓情巧克力杂锦曲奇(MOP 230) Assorted Chocolate Cookies 12款朱古力曲奇,绝对是朱古力迷至爱! 12 kinds of cookies for chocolate lovers.



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一月 • 二月 2015 |


电话Tel. +853 2882 5293 地址Address 澳门氹仔施督宪正街21号 地下 G/F No.21 Rua Direita

iCookie 追求梦想的曲奇 iCookie代表着“属于自己的曲奇”,品牌以“Follow your heart”的精神,鼓励 年青人积极追求梦想,希望客人能随自己心意“想吃就吃,想做就做”;其于去 年八月在香港及澳门开设专门店,主打小圆塔曲奇、手工切片曲奇及挤花曲奇, 每款皆口感松化且充满浓浓的牛油香味;两位主题人物——小女孩Sally与“为食 兔”Goobie活泼可爱,配以糖果色的包装铁盒,虏获不少大人及小朋友欢心。

Carlos Eugénio, Taipa, Macau


Meant for those who follow their hearts, iCookie encourages youth to cook something they enjoy in a way they like. The boutique which opened last August is known for rich and buttery cone cookies, cut-out cookies, and sprinkle cookies. Sally the girl and Goobie the rabbit on the logo are cutely printed on the metal boxes of different colors.



2 4

1 为食兔Goobie最爱吃曲奇! Everyone’s favorite Goobie rabbit 2 iCookie特别设计Sally与Goobie的旅游印章与名信片,上面有澳门的名胜地标。 Seals and posters designed by iCookie of Sally and Goobie as well as landmarks of Macau. 3 小圆塔曲奇及挤花曲奇是店中热卖。 Best-selling cone cookie and danish cookie. 4 小圆塔曲奇(MOP 75) Cone cookie(MOP 75) 迷你圆形小曲奇一口一粒,外层包裹着糖粒,双重口感,味道份外香甜。 Cute mini size. Wrapping it in sugar adds a touch of extra sweetness.


5 手工切片曲奇(MOP 88) Hand-cut Cookie(MOP88) 运用低温冷却与繁复的烘焙程序,使曲奇松化置于带有香脆口感,里面有多种天然 果仁,是健康之选。 The cookie has a crispy and crunchy texture after a complicated baking procedure including subcooling. A healthy choice with a variety of nuts. | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste 二月美食速递 F&B Promotions

“尚坊”冬日泰式火锅 澳门悦榕庄的“尚坊”在悉心准备两款火辣辣的泰式 美食礼遇,为宾客驱走寒风,送上窝心的冬日暖意。 率先登场的泰式火锅汇聚多款招牌泰式前菜如柚子沙 律、鸡肉沙嗲、大虾春卷、香茅烟熏三文鱼等。火锅 汤底设有醒胃冬阴功和滋补清鸡汤以供选择,“尚 坊”严选上乘海鲜配料包括龙虾、生蠔、三文鱼、河 虾、虎虾及帶子等,以及多款蔬菜面点。大快朵颐 后,宾客将品尝芒果糯米饭和椰汁西米糕,为火热美 食之旅划上完美句号。

Thai Feasts at Saffron

推广日期 PROMOTION PERIOD 即日起至2月28日于晚餐 时段供应(星期六除外) Dinner Time, till 28 Feb (Except Sat) 澳门银河度假村悦榕庄酒 店尚坊 Saffron, Banyan Tree Macau 双人套餐收费MOP698*。 (加一服务费) MOP698+for two +853 88836061

There’s no better place for luxurious Thai cuisine in Macau than the Banyan Tree Macau’s Saffron, and this month the restaurant has not one but two new temptations on offer. Do the winter months have you chilled? Then warm up with a hearty Thai Hot Pot! Start with a selection of Saffron’s signature Thai appetizers – pomelo salad, chicken satay, prawn spring rolls and smoked salmon with lemongrass – before diving into a fragrant pot of soup with your choice of tom yum or clear chicken broth. Add delicacies like lobster, oyster, sliced salmon, river prawn, tiger prawn, scallops and more, plus your choice of noodles and vegetables. Finish with a deliciously refreshing mango sticky rice and sago pudding. “京花轩” Golden Flower 新年套餐-“开年大四喜” Lunar New Year 4-course Set Menu - MOP 2,688 (只供两人以上/minimum 2 persons) 新年套餐“吉祥三宝” Lunar New Year 3-course Set Menu - MOP 1,168 (只供两人以上/minimum 2 persons) 春节贺年菜谱 Chinese New Year Specialties Menu- MOP50-4,800 营业时间Opening: 11:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00

“永利轩” Wing Lei 贺年点心菜谱 (只限午餐) Chinese New year Dim Sum Menu(Only available during lunch)-MOP35 -68 如意贺年菜谱 Chinese New Year Specialties Menu- MOP188 元- 1,668 营业时间 Opening: 10:30-15:30, 18:00-23:00 地址Location 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街 永利酒店 咨询 Tel. +853 8986 3663



Ring In the Year of the Goat with Gourmet Delicacies

永利澳门贺年美馔迎新春 永利澳门于农历新年推出一系列美馔,“京花轩” 及“永利轩”预备了多款寓意好兆头的贺岁美馔和糕 点。“京花轩”刘国柱大师倾力呈献尊贵的“吉祥三 宝”及“开年大四喜”新年套餐,另备贺岁菜谱,包 括以上等鲍鱼、鱼肚、海虾、辽参配搭鲜鸡汤烹制 的“全家福”等。而“永利轩”的行政总厨陈德光师 傅也为新春精心打造了多款贺岁名菜,包括羊肚菌米 酒焗珍宝带子以及卤水鹅掌拼金钱鸡,传统巧手粤 菜,很有彩头,定能让您与亲朋欢度一个如意新春。

一月 • 二月 2015 |

Wynn Macau’s Michelin-starred signature Chinese restaurants –Golden Flower and Wing Lei - have prepared auspicious menus for Chinese New Year. At the Michelin two-starred Golden Flower, Master Chef Liu Guo Zhu has created a three-course and a four-course set menu, together with a range of delicate Lunar New Year dishes highlighting “Prosperous family” – Chicken soup with various seafood and Beijing-style rice cakes. Executive Chef Chan Tak Kwong of the Michelin-starred Wing Lei has designed a Chinese New Year specialty menu featuring Pan-fried Jumbo scallops with mushrooms in Chinese wine sauce, Marinated goose, and barbecued pork and goose liver skewers.

澳门喜来登精美礼品贺岁 想向挚爱亲朋送上喜悦及祝福,澳门喜来登酒店推出 的贺年礼盒正是理想之选。农历年前宾客可于酒店特 色餐厅“鲜”及“喜柏”酒廊选购多款精美的贺年礼 盒,如发财年糕礼盒(澳门币288元)、至尊新年礼 盒(澳门币2,988元)及豪华新年礼盒(澳门币1,488 元),新年礼盒包括香甜软糯的新春椰汁及姜汁年 糕、自家制XO酱、上等香菇、特级瑶柱等多款传统海 味及贺年小食,是新春向亲朋好友传达心意的最佳之 选。各款贺年礼盒由即日起接受礼劵预购。

推广日期 PROMOTION PERIOD 即日起至2月18日Till Feb 18 +853 8113 1200 cny_hamper_reservation

“誉珑轩”米芝莲贺新岁 以米其林星级华馔与亲朋共迎新岁!餐厅于最新公布的《米其林指南香港及澳门 2015》中亦连续第二年摘下米其林星级殊荣。名厨谭国锋严选龙虾、海参、海上鲜 及各式优质食材,设计两席别出心裁的贺年意头菜,寓意羊年丰盛,风生水起。此 外,餐厅另备有多道以鲍鱼、龙虾、辽参、顶级官燕或金蚝入馔的新春传统佳肴任 君选择,丰足贺岁。

Jade Dragon Chinese New Year Festive Feast Sheraton Chinese New Year Hampers Chinese New Year Hampers exclusively from the Sheraton Macao Hotel are available for purchase at either Xin or Palms till February 18. The “Supreme Chinese New Year Hampers” at MOP 2,988 and “Deluxe Chinese New Year Hampers” at MOP 1,488 feature traditional Chinese New Year cakes; homemade XO sauce; dried scallops; abalone and more. Chinese New Year cake hampers are also on offer for MOP 288.

Gather around the table with your family and friends for a Michelin-starred feast! The restaurant has also been awarded the Michelin star honour for the second year in a row in the newly published MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong & Macau 2015. For our festive set menus, Chef Tam has selected the finest delicacies from lobster and fish to sea cucumber to craft for you a celebration like no other! You can also choose from a special selection of festive dishes on our a la carte menu. 推广日期 PROMOTION PERIOD 2月14日至28日 Feb 14-28 贺年盛宴:六位用澳门币 7,800元 华玉盛宴:八位用澳门币 13,800元 新春传统佳肴:由澳门币 128元起 MOP 7,800 for 6 persons MOP 13,800 for 8 persons A La Carte Menu from MOP128 *需加收10%服务费。请 订座 Subject to a 10% service charge. Please reserve in advance. 地址:新濠大道二楼 Jade Dragon – Level 2, The Shops at The Boulevard 查询 Reservations +853 8868 2822 | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste

麦卡伦吧, 威士忌粉丝澳门必到之处 Macallan Whisky Bar and Lounge 澳门的酒吧不计其数,提供各类好酒的地方也不少,但是找一个拥有安静 环境又囊括各式威士忌并且价格宜人的酒吧和朋友享受聊天品酒之乐的当 数“麦卡伦威士忌吧”。 In the thick dotted map of bars in Macau, Macallan Whiskey Bar and Lounge stands out with its Old World charm and a superb collection of whiskeys.



一月 • 二月 2015 |


卡伦威士忌吧”位于澳门银河酒店二楼的一 个安静角落,推门走进酒吧,光线柔和的大 厅摆放着苏格兰和英国传统的木制家具、墙上挂着独 特的镜子、多张配以丝绒抱枕的英式真皮沙发和大花 地毯,还有旁边装饰用的壁炉以及极有气派的鹿角吊 灯,让人彷如置身于苏格兰高地的高级俱乐部当中。 除了舒适的环境外,酒吧内更提供超过416种顶级麦 芽威士忌,从苏格兰到日本威士忌,再到罕见的法国 威士忌等都一一列于酒单之上,当然你也不妨动身走 到吧枱的位置,亲眼一睹或亲口一尝架子上的数百款 威士忌。浓烈的威士忌一般都加冰球品尝,因为球体 冰面和酒有更大的接触面,可让威士忌维持低温,而 且冰球融化较慢,这样就不会破坏酒的原味。所以“ 麦卡伦威士忌吧”也有自家纯铜制冰球用具,把一块 块方形的冰块压成冰球,让你享受最传统的品尝方 法。想尝新的朋友,就不要错过酒单上多款以现代手 法演绎经典鸡尾酒的威士忌鸡尾酒,如以麦卡伦12 年威士忌酒、苦艾酒加入糖水、橙皮、柠檬皮调成的 Macallan Old Fashion鸡尾酒,既保留了威士忌的醇 香,又减轻其浓烈之感、还有清新的柳橙柠檬味,十 分受女士们欢迎。此外,酒吧的威士忌每杯售价从澳 门币70到12,500不等,适合不同人群的选择。 想要欣赏更多珍贵的威士忌?不要错过门边的大型 展览酒柜,里面珍藏的非卖珍品包括以水晶Lalique Decanter盛载的The Macallan 57 Years、全球最历史悠 久的The Glenlivet 70年、为纪念两个皇室婚礼的特别版 麦卡伦:查尔斯与黛安娜1981以及威廉与凯特2011。


ocated in a peaceful corner of the second floor of Galaxy Hotel, you will be you will feel that you have just been granted entry to an exclusive club in the Scottish highlands. The lounge is adorned with beautiful oaken paneling, original Chesterfield leather sofas, Jacobean rugs, intricately designed mirrors, wood-burning fireplace, and a chandelier made from antlers. Macallan reserves over 416 single-malt whiskies from Scotland, Japan, the US, and occasionally France. The staff presses square ice cubes into balls to be put in the tumblers, a traditional way of sipping whiskey for the liquor will only maintain its original taste in cold temperature. There are also classic whiskey cocktails with a twist, such as the Macallan Old Fashion made from Macallan 12, bitters, sugar, orange and lemon peel. This drink is especially popular among ladies because of its perfect melting of strong and fresh flavors. To attract wider groups of customers, the whiskies are priced from MOP70 to 12,500 to fit every budget. The grand racks by the entrance are where you can admire collections of rare whiskies, such as Macallan 57 in a Crystal Lalique Decanter, the Glenlivet 70, known as the oldest whiskey in the world, and the Macallan Royal Wedding Special editions Charles & Diana 1981 and William & Kate 2011.

麦卡伦威士忌吧 Macallan Whisky Bar and Lounge 营业时间 Opening 17:00-01:00 (周一至四,Mon-Thur) 17:00-02:00 (周六日及公众假期前夕) Business Hours Mon-Thur: 5pm-1am Sat-Sun & Eve of Public Holidays: 5pm-2pm 地址 Address 路氹望德圣母湾大马路“澳 门银河”银河酒店2楼203 203,2/F, Galaxy Macau, Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI, Macau 电话 Tel. +853 8883 2221 | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste

干杯! Cheers! Anthony

现今很多人都会研究葡萄酒,即使 是不太常喝的人,也可以说出几关 于葡萄酒的词汇。相反,研究啤酒 的人却不多,大多数人觉得那只是 一种用作“劈酒”(豪饮)的酒 类。然而,啤酒的学问也绝不少, 就让我们一起听听澳门啤酒专卖 店“啤酒共和国”负责人Raymond 怎么说?

Melao 啤酒共和国(Beer Collection)是澳门唯一专卖啤酒 的店,它没有超级市场的面积,却有着街边小店的亲 切氛围。话虽如此,你可在这里找到的啤酒一点也 不少,Raymond说:“我们现有超过100种不同的啤 酒。”100种啤酒这个数字在澳门这绝对不算少,当中 更包括许多大型连锁店也没有出售的品牌。 照我们所见,这100款啤酒来自不同品牌,当中有几 款出自相同酒厂,而大部份都是不能在本地别家找到 的。 “我们出售的较广为人知的品牌应算‘Hoegaarden’ ,知名的比利时品牌。”这品牌在很多地方都找得 到,那么啤酒共和国里的有何特别之处?Raymond介 绍说:“例如,我们有售果味Hoegaarden,另外也有 特级(Grand Cru):味道更浓郁、层次更丰富。”

It is not unusual for people to put effort into learning about wines. Even most amateurs can still speak a bit of wine jargon. In contrast, little attention is paid to beer; most think of it as a “bar drink”. Raymond, owner of “Beer Collection”, argues that this should be remedied; beer is just as complex and interesting as wine. Beer Collection is the only shop in Macau that focuses exclusively on beer. It is not a superstore-sized outlet, but rather small and intimate. Even so, the collection you can find here is far from “small”, as Raymond explains; “We are currently selling more than 100 lines of beers.” 100 is no small number in Macau, and even some of the large chain stores do not rival this collection. As we see, some of the 100 lines of beer being sold here are brewed by the same brand, and many of them cannot be found elsewhere in Macau. 48


一月 • 二月 2015 |

追求更好啤酒 关于开店,Raymond承认“全因为喜欢喝啤酒,但 澳门太少选择了。”想一想,他续说:“考虑到澳门 作为国际城市的定位,能找到的啤酒着实不够国际 化。”因此就出现了啤酒共和国。 Raymond不过于着眼产地,却非常着紧品质。“我 们有比利时、德国、英国的啤酒,有时也有越南、泰 国等地。”Raymond表示。就我们所见,店里还有 出售柬埔寨的啤酒!“啤酒跟葡萄酒一样,应该要用 上天然的材料酿制,否则品味会差,更可能对身体有 害。”他补充说。

此,这些坚定不移的英国人开始研究怎样改善且保 存品质,自然就出现了IPA。故事就这样完了,但技 术层面的资讯,正等待你大驾光临啤酒共和国才由 Raymond亲自告诉你。 让我们一起来看看Raymond 的推荐 Raymond has chosen some beers to prepare you for this beer journey (從左到右) 香蕉口味啤酒(英国) MOP42 Hoegaarden玫瑰啤酒


(比利时) MOP36 Young’s浓巧克力啤酒(英国)

绝非无的放矢,但啤酒的酿制过程其实颇复杂,是天 然农作物混合的过程与如魔法般的味道演变。例如, 单是澳门比较流行的啤酒,就已有拉格啤酒、爱尔啤 酒、生啤三种。除了生啤,其他两种在啤酒共和国都 可以找到。 Raymond简单教我们这些外行人这样区分:“基本 上,拉格啤酒要冰冻品尝,而爱尔啤酒则温度可相对 高一点。”当然,不能一本通书读到老,所以有些时 候这套“程式”未必能兼容。不过紧记,拉格啤酒是 低温制作的啤酒,而爱尔啤酒则相对温暖。 同样在这里有售的是“印度白爱尔啤酒(IPA)”,这 里面有一个颇为有趣的故事。很久以前,当英国人“ 移居”到印度时,他们会带上挚爱的啤酒同行。想当 然,经过悠长且颠簸的船程后,啤酒必定会变质。因

“One of the more well-known brands we have is ‘Hoegaarden’, the Belgian brand.” Exactly, Hoegaarden can be found in many other places in the city, but what makes Beer Collection different? Of course, they don’t sell the common type you can find in supermarkets. “Besides the Grand Cru, we have fruit-flavoured Hoegaarden, which is richer and has more layers of tastes.” Raymond said.

The crave of better beers Raymond confessed that he “simply likes drinking beer, and felt that the market has far fewer choices than it should.” Further explaining, he said, “Compared with the position of Macau as an international city, the choices of beer are far from international.” And thus Beer Collection was born. The shop does not have a preference in origin; just quality. “We have beers from Belgium, Germany, the UK. Sometimes we also have those from Vietnam, Thailand, etc.” Raymond said. We even found a Cambodian beer in the shop! “Beers, like wines, should be made with natural ingredients, otherwise they don’t taste as good and can be bad to our health.”

MOP44 (From left) Banana Bread Beer (UK) MOP42 OG IPA (US) MOP38 Hoegaarden Rosée – Apple Flavour (Belgium) MOP36 Young’s Double Chocolate (UK) MOP44

Raymond added.

The philosophy of beers Beer brewing is quite complicated. It is a blend of several natural ingredients – plants, more precisely – and a magical derivation of tastes. For instance, the most popular types of beers are Lager, Ale and Draught, with the latter not being sold in Beer Collection. To differentiate, Raymond put it this way, “Basically, Lager should be enjoyed cold and Ale a little bit warmer.” Well, you can’t do everything by the book, so this tactic doesn’t quite apply to all. Remember, Lager is manufactured under low temperature while Ale warm. Also sold here is India Pale Ale – abbr. IPA – that has a long story to be told. Quite long ago when the British “emigrated” to India, they brought beer with them. Of course, after such a long and uneasy voyage, the beer spoiled. The British thus strived for a way to “improve” their beers so that when they arrived in India, the beers could still be consumed. Thus came IPAs. The story is simple enough, but the techniques... I’ll leave them for Raymond to explain when you visit Beer Collection.

(从左到右From left) Chimay MOP108 Kwak MOP88 皆为750毫升比利时啤酒 Both 750mL and Belgian

电话 TEL. +853 6556 7035 | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste 如何在冬日里既能享受到美酒又不用担心冷冰冰的温 度?那么不妨像外国人一样,为了庆祝佳节而煮上一 杯充满香料香味的Mulled Wine,捧在手心,喝进肚子 的,除了节日好意外,还有一份窝心的温暖感。 想要喝香料酒(Mulled Wine)并不难,不用假手于 人,可以自己来煮上一锅宴请亲友。在法国,每年十 二月就会看到不少小木屋门口放着大木桶,里面盛着 热红酒,十几公尺外都闻到红酒香。这种饮料起源于 北欧,Mulled 原意是“heated” and “spiced”, 意思就是热的香料酒。在中古世纪大约西元1500年左 右,葡萄酒比饮用水还纯淨的时代,Mulled Wine 被 视为健康饮料。不论是感冒、驱寒、保暖,家家户户 不分老少都会来上一杯。 在英国维多利亚女王时代,Mulled Wine是小孩过生日 时不可或缺的饮料。到了现代,已演变 成圣诞节时的餐酒。澳门的一二月算是 一年中比较寒冷的时节,正是喝热饮的 时候。请记得准备如下材料。


Wine for winter A Yvonne


做法 The Making

• 红葡萄酒一瓶(750ml) )A bottle of red wine (750ml)

取一个锅子,倒入150ml红酒,柳橙汁并添加香料包所有 材料和砂糖,以文火煮到砂糖融化,当接近沸腾之时转小 火熬15分钟,将剩余红酒加入,再煮5分钟即可饮用,非常 便捷方便呢。

• 柳橙一个(挑选比较大的,酸度足够的,新奇士就不错, 取止和皮,皮要去掉白色部分) A Sunkist orange, large but not too ripe. Peeled, seeded and removed of white pith. • 柠檬皮(一颗,喜欢比较苦的可以加多半颗) Peel of a lemon, add another half if bitter taste is preferred. • 糖两茶匙 2 Tsp of sugar. • 香料包的材料包括:肉桂1-2根/八角2颗/豆蔻数颗(5颗左 右)/丁香数个(3-4个)/无花果干适量(切丁) 1-2 cinnamon sticks, 2 anise, 5 cardamom, 3-4 cloves, a few diced figs



traditional glass of wine may be a bit too chilly for the winter, but spiced mulled wine will warm up not only your hands and stomach but your heart and soul. A perfect choice for friends and family to share this holiday season. Mulled wine originated in the Middle Ages of Northern Europe, when mulled meant heated and spiced. In the 14th century wine was more hygienic than water, which made this a popular drink for Europeans to keep warm and stay healthy. Even in modern times, the aroma of barrels upon barrels of spiced wine still fills the French countryside every December. Though a staple drink of children’s birthdays in the Victoria era, mulled wine has become a liquor specially brewed for Christmas. Cguide suggests that you do it yourself in Macau during the cold months ahead.

一月 • 二月 2015 |

Squeeze the juice out of your orange. Pour 150ml wine, orange juice, lemon peel, bouquet garnish and sugar in a pot. Melt the sugar in medium heat. When the sugar is foaming, turn the heat to low and cook another 15 mins. Add the rest wine and wait for 5 mins before ready to be served.

川湘好滋味 风味居 Double Spicy Yan

如果你既爱川菜的辛香麻辣,又爱 湘菜的酸辣爽口,还想要一次过品 尝到以上两种滋味,那么澳门星际 酒店内以川湘菜系为主打的“风味 居”餐厅绝对可以满足你的需要。 Sichuan and Hunan are two provinces in China known for spicy foods; the former has a distinctly bold pepper taste, and the latter is more sour. Now you can kill two birds with one stone by eating both varieties of spicy food at the same place: FENG WEI JU at StarWorld Macau. “风味居”由星际酒店行政高级中餐总厨陈植强(强 哥)主理,他带领来自大江南北的湘、川及面点的杰 出厨师团队以优选食材炮制出“鱼米之乡”与“天府 之国”的地道滋味,带来多款特色的川湘晋菜,包括 对刀工和调味极其考究的“蒜泥白肉”、红艳如火 的“红袍辣子鸡”、湖南名菜“江山一遍红”(剁椒鱼 头)以及“面食之乡”山西的弹牙面点等。 川菜出品由掌厨15年的陈师师傅主理,他以精妙刀工 把上乘五花肉切至厚度只有2毫米,纹理分明,加上醇 香黏稠的秘制蘸料炮制出鲜美的“蒜泥白肉”。而另 一必食之选“红袍辣子鸡”则严选土鸡肉质最富弹性 的鸡腿部位,切成小块,经过腌制、脆炸、干炒等多 重工序,使鸡肉拥有外焦内嫩,甘香松脆的口感,当 中的调料二荆条干辣椒、大红袍花椒更由四川空运到 澳门。湘菜由王敏师傅主理,拿手菜是“江山一遍红 (剁椒鱼头)”。他用剁碎的新鲜红椒以独有秘方腌 制一周以上作为佐料,搭配由洞庭湖空运的有机大鱼 头蒸制而成,上桌时更以红油衬底,佐以色泽浓烈的 鲜椒,吃起来肉质细嫩,真正的色香味全。来自山西 的李栓长师傅精通各式手工面与点心,他精选内蒙古 的的新鲜面粉为原料,用纯手工搓面,不论是饺子还 是面条,吃起来既顺滑又筋道弹牙,难怪中港澳台的 名人都是李师傅的座上客。

城中新餐厅 New in town Led by Chan Chak-keong, Senior Executive Chef of StarWorld Hotel, Feng Wei Ju’s chef team includes many who hail from Sichuan and Hunan. They produce genuine spicy dishes with authentic ingredients, giving you an unforgettably hot experience. It is the best choice to warm up this cold holiday season. Here are a few must-tries: the Pork Neck Meat with Hot Garlic Sauce, made by Chef Chen Shi who has 15 years of cooking Sichuan dishes under his belt thinly sliced pork is coated in a deliciously spicy secret sauce; the Deep-fried Chicken Fillets with Red Chili and Peanuts - the drumsticks are cut into small pieces, then deep fried and stir fried with pepper and chili shipped directly from Sichuan; the Steamed Carp with Assorted Red Chili, one of the traditional Hunan dishes cooked by Chef Wang Min - organic carp shipped from the Mainland is steamed with chopped chilies to give it a tender and delicious taste. There are also popular hand-made dumplings and noodles prepared by Chef Li Shuan from Shanxi, which is a province known for flour-made dishes.


风味居 FENG WEI JU 地址AddRESS 澳门友谊大马路星际酒 店5楼 5F,StarWorld Hotel, Macau 营业时间 Opening: 11:00 – 23:00 电话 Tel﹕ +853 8290 8668 | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste

酒窖 the cellar


Bonny Doon, A Weird and Wacky Place David Wong

Randall Grahm

对于全世界的华人而言,春节无疑是一年中最重要的节日。为了庆祝 这全家欢聚的节日,我们精选了四款来自美国葡萄酒庄Bonny Doon 的葡萄酒,喜迎羊年。 Bonny Doon这家成立于1983年的酒庄位于加州 Santa Cruz 山区 内,创始人是独具个人魅力的Randall Grahm。 在葡萄酒酿制方 面,Randall 更着重于风土和生物动力学领域,特别是来自罗纳河谷 的葡萄。尽管他推出的每款葡萄酒都有着奇怪的名字和商标,但他却 是葡萄酒领域中真正的大师。1989年,Randall Grahm登上了Wine Spectator杂志的封面,被冠以“罗纳游侠”的称号,让他成为美国 数一数二的罗纳河谷葡萄酿造者。

The most important holiday for Chinese around the world is undoubtedly Chinese New Year, also known as the Chinese Spring Festival. To welcome the year of the goat, we have picked four wines to celebrate from the legendary US wine estate Bonny Doon, which I’ve been told is a weird and wacky place. Bonny Doon,founded by the charismatic Randall Grahm in 1983, the winery is from the Santa Cruz Mountains in California. Randall focuses on terroir and biodynamic wines especially the wines from the Rhone valley. Famous for his tongue-in-cheek named wines and funky labels, one of the true wine marketing guru’s in the world. In 1989, Randall Grahm appeared on the cover of Wine Spectator as “The Rhone Ranger.” thus confirming his status as one of the leading producer of Rhone grape variety in the US.

Bonny Doon Le Cigare Blanc Reserva 2011 Le Cigare Blanc 是混合品种白葡萄酒Le Cigare Volant 的姐妹篇,后 者是 Randall 以教皇堡产区(Châteauneuf-du-Pape)葡萄酿成的得意之 作。 Le Cigare Blanc由 62% 的白海哥娜和 38% 的胡珊酿制而成。 融汇了金合欢花和蜂蜜的香气,口感平衡,其中的蜂蜜口感宜人而富 有层次。味道浓郁,但不会显得过于厚重或过熟。 Le Cigare Blanc is the sister wine of Le Cigare Volant, which is Randall homage to the blended great white wines of Châteauneufdu-Pape. This blend consist of 62% Grenache Blanc and 38% Roussanne. On the nose, this offers a combination of acacia flowers and honey with a balanced palate and a good depth of honeyed and very rich flavour, without being heavy or over-ripe.



一月 • 二月 2015 |

Bonny Doon Albarino 2013 阿尔巴尼诺(Albariño)葡萄源自葡萄牙的伊比利亚半岛地区,又名 Alvarinho,曾是 世界上最稀有的葡萄品种之一,1989 年才走出这个狭小产区,走向世界,其酿成的 酒最适合在炎热的夏季饮用。这款酒由单一阿尔巴尼诺葡萄酿成,其中 73% 产自 Kristy 葡萄园,27% 产自 Jespersen Ranch 葡萄园。两个葡萄园均位于加州中部海 岸地区。香气以浓郁的柠檬香为主,隐隐透出桃子和香瓜的气味。可在酿造后立刻享 用,也适合窖藏多年后品尝。 Until 1989 Albariño was one of the rarest wine varieties in the world, rarely glimpsed outside the Iberian Peninsula, also known as Alvarinho in Portugal, this is a wine for a nice hot summer day. This is 100% Albariño and come from 73% Kristy Vineyard and 27% Jespersen Ranch Vineyard in Central Coast. This Albariño has flavours of lemon and lime and in the background, nuances of peach and hints of melons. This wine is imminently slurp able upon release but also having the pedigree to last for a few years more.

Bonny Doon “A Proper Claret” 2012 这是Randall Grahm酿造的首 款混酿波尔多,包括 62% 赤霞 珠、22%小味而多、8%希拉和 1&小希拉。不仅配比精准,更 以其“恰当的”波尔多感觉, 充分满足更多波尔多爱好者的需 求。Randall 对这款酒的食物搭 配也非常巧妙:“恰当的”(英 国)羊肉、“恰当的”羊腿肉( 最好再来上一块“恰当的”约克 郡布丁)。 Randall Grahm entries into Bordeaux with this blend of 62% Cabernet Sauvignon, 22% Petit Verdot, 8% Tannat and somehow 7% Syrah and 1% Petite Sirah is not only very exact but is sure to please the likes of Basil Fawlty and Timothy Feather, proprietor of Claret Wines with this “A Proper Claret”. I do like Randall’s food pairings with this wine, he suggest proper (British) mutton, proper leg of lamb, (ideally served with proper Yorkshire pudding).

Bonny Doon Le Cigare Volant Reserve 2009 对于 Randall Grahm 而言,09 年的Cigare Volant Réserve 可谓他迄今为止酿造的最优雅、最完美的 Cigare,是真 正的“梦之酒”。如他所说,它展示出罗纳河谷南部葡 萄和勃艮第葡萄奇妙的合二为一。以30%西拉,28%歌 海娜,22%幕尔伟德和20%的辛索的完美配比,成就新 教皇堡产区葡萄的典范之作。歌海娜和辛索为 酒体带来浓郁而柔和的色泽,幕尔伟德和西 拉则令其具备窖藏潜力,同时呈现出深色的 经典气质。在我的记忆中,只有 Château de Beaucaste 的Pierre Perrin 曾对葡萄进行过如此 完美的混合。 The ’09 Cigare Volant Réserve is to Randall Grahm, the most elegant and complete Cigare he has produced to date; it is literally a dream, and he says, a very strange synthesis of the sensibilities of southern Rhône and Burgundy. A blend of 30% Syrah, 28% Grenache, 22% Mourvèdre and 20% Cinsault, this is a true testament to the great Châteauneuf-duPape. The Grenache and the Cinsault give the wine its colour, intensity and softness while the the Mourvèdre and Syrah will give the wine its ageing potential and dark, classic character as I seem to remember from a masterclass of blending from Pierre Perrin of Château de Beaucastel fame.

黄育山先生是《新澳门导 航》特邀的葡萄酒专家和撰 稿人 。 他是英国葡萄酒及 烈酒教育基金会的认证导师 (WSET),曾担任多个国际 葡萄酒赛事的常任评审,更 为《南华早报》 和《Hong Kong Tatler》杂志撰写葡萄 酒专栏。此外,David也是澳 门厨艺协会的创始人之一。 同时亦为埃科菲国际厨师协 会(澳门区)的秘书长以及“ 法国国际美食家协会 (澳门 区)”的美食顾问。 DAVID WONG is a chef and wine lover and contributor to Cguide Magazine. David is an approved tutor for the Wine and Institution Trust, UK (WSET). David is a regular wine judge on the international wine competition. He writes wine columns for South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Tatler. David Wong is one of the Founders of the Macau Culinary Association, Secretary general for Disciples of Escoffier
in Macau, Conseiller gastronomie for the Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs.

选购本文各款佳酿,敬 请联系 Claret Wine 的 Tim Feather。 The above wines are available at Claret Wines, contact Tim Feather | January • February 2015



濠味道 taste

中餐 Chinese

乐轩华 LE CHINOIS 澳门十六浦索菲特酒店18楼 18/F, Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16 11:30-15:00; 17:30-22:00 8861 1001 $$

观海轩中餐厅 KWUN HOI HEEN CHINESE RESTAURANT 金路环度假酒店 3/F, Grand Coloane Beach Resort Macau, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa, Coloane Mon-Fri, 11:00-15:00,18:30 -23:00 Sat-Sun, 9:30-17:30,18:30-23:00 8899 1320 $$$

8餐厅 THE EIGHT 南湾葡京路葡京酒店二楼 2/F, East Wing, Grand Lisboa, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30; Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

利苑酒家 LEI GARDEN RESTAURANT 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心2130 Shop 2130, Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macau Resort Hotel, Taipa, Macau Lunch: 11:30-15:00 Dinner: 18:00-23:30 $$$

满堂彩 BEIJING KITCHEN 路氹连公路新濠天地澳门君悦酒 店一楼 1/F, Grand Hyatt Macau, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:30-00:00 8868 1930 $$



路氹金光大道金沙城中心底层 Level 1, Sands COTAI Central, Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00 - 23:00 8113 8920 $$$

澳门(皇朝)友谊大马路星际酒 店6楼 Level 6, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00-15:00, 17:00-23:00 8290 8638 $$ 



澳门新口岸填海区星际酒店2楼 Level 2, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau 11:00 - 23:00 8290 8628 $$

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店二楼 2/F Grand Lapa Macau, Av. Amizade, Macau 8793 3821 $$



永利澳门酒店,澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Sat & Sun 11:30-14:30 ; Tue-Sun 18:00-22:30, Closed on Mon 8986 3663 $$

葡京潮州酒楼 LISBOA CHIU CHOW 澳门葡京路葡京酒店旧翼四楼 3/F East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 10:00-23:00 2871 2549 $$

南湖明月 LUA AZUL 澳门旅游塔前地旅游塔会展娱乐中 心三楼 3/F, Macau Tower, Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:30-22:00 Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 10:00- 15:00; 18:30-22:00 8988 8700 $$

金殿堂 IMPERIAL COURT 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon-Fri 11:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 Sat/Sun 10:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00 8802 2361 $$$$

誉珑轩 JADE DRAGON 新濠天地新濠大道二楼 The Boulevard Level 2, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 8868 2822 $$$


一月 • 二月 2015 |

南湾葡京路新葡京酒店二楼 2/F, Grand Lisboa, Avenida de Lisboa Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30; 18:30-22:30 Sun & Public Holiday 10:00-15:00; 18:30-22:30 8803 7788 $$$

自助餐/美食广场 Buffet & Food court

澳门威尼斯人3楼2130号 Shop 2130, 3F,Shoppes at Venetian 11:30-15:30,18:00-23:00(周日至六, Sun to Sat) 2882 8689 $$$ 

葡京日丽 PORTAS DO SOL 澳门南湾葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东 翼 2楼 2/F, East Wing, Lisboa Hotel, 2-4, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau 11:30 - 14:30, 18:30 - 22:30 8803 3100 $$ 

永利轩 WING LEI 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 11:30-15:00; Sun and Public Holiday 10:30-15:30 18:00-23:00 8986 3663 $$$$ 

紫逸轩 ZI YAT HEEN 路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店大堂 1/F, Four Season Hotel Macau, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, COTAI 11:00-23:00 2881 8888 $$$$

喜迎楼 TREASURE PALACE 路氹连贯公路新濠天地新濠大道一楼 Level 1, Crown Tower, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 11:00-23:00 8868 6661 $$$

$ Less than MOP150/person 多于澳门元150/人 $$ MOP150-300/person澳门元150-300/人 $$$ MOP300-500/person 澳门元300-500/人 $$$$ Above MOP500/person 澳门元500以上/人 Romantic 情侣约会 Family Friendly家庭聚餐 Cash Only 只收现金



盛事餐厅 ROSSIO 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, MGM Macau, NAPE, Macau Mon-Sat 07:00-11:00,12:00-23:00 Sun 07:00-10:30,11:30-23:00 8802 2372 $$

苏濠 SOHO 新濠天地二楼 2/F, City of Dreams Macau 11:00-02:00 (+853) 8868 6688 $$

奥旋自助餐 CRAND ORBIT 路氹望德圣母湾大马路金沙城中 心底层 Estrada da Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, Sands Cotai Central, Level 1, COTAI 10:00-23:00 8113 8910 $$

渢竹自助餐 BAMBU 澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1033 Shop 1033 (Next to Starbucks off the gaming floor), Venetian Macao Sun-Thurs 10:00-23:00, Fri-Sat 10:00-00:00 8118 9990 $$


泓日本料理 MIZUMI

路氹望德圣母湾大马路四季酒店1楼 1/F Four Seasons Macau, Cotai Strip, Taipa, Macau Brunch: 12:00-15:00 (Sun Only) Lunch: Mon-Sat 12:00-14:30 Dinner: 18:00-22:00 2881 8888 $$ ,

澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利澳 门酒店 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau
 17:30 - 23:30
 (周二休息) 8986 3663 $$$,)


群芳 FESTIVA 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城1楼G19 G19, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Hotel Macau 07:00-22:00 28880888 $$$

银河亚洲美食坊 TASTE OF ASIA 路氹澳门银河综合度假城购物大道 东地下G43 G43, G/F, East Promenade, Galaxy Macau, Estradada Baia N. Senhora da Esperanca, COTAI 10:00-00:00 8883 2221 $

威尼斯人美食广场 VENETIAN FOOD COURT 路氹澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购 物广场3楼 3/F, Food Court of the Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian Macao 2882 8500 $,

印度菜 Indian 阿露娜印度咖喱咖啡屋 ARUNA’S INDIAN CURRY & CAFE HOUSE 澳门友谊大马路779号中裕大厦第二 座地下O铺 G/F, Store O, Block 2, Building Chong Yu,No.779, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 11:30 - 23:00
 2870 1850 $,

印度园林餐厅 INDIAN GARDEN 氹仔花城区成都街濠景花园第27座 地 下18号铺 G/F,Shop 18, Block 27, Nova Taipa Garden,Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 12:00 -14:30,18:00 - 22:30 2883 7088 $,

皇雀印度餐厅 Golden Peacock 路氹城金光大道望德圣母湾大马路澳 门威尼斯人度假村酒店1楼1037号 Shop1037, Level 1,The Venetian Macau Resort , Cotai Strip 11:00-23:00 8118 9696 $$$

日本菜 Japanese 天政 TENMASA 澳门氹仔广东路澳门新濠锋酒店 11楼 11F, Altira Macau, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 11:30 – 23:30 8803 6611 $$,

山里日本餐厅 YAMAZATO 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城澳门大 仓酒店28楼 28F, Hotel Okura, Galaxy Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30(周一休息) 8883 5127 $$$

贵族炉端烧 MAJESTIC ROBATAYAKI 澳门商业大马路288号英皇娱乐酒 店地下 G/F, Grand Emperor Hotel, No.288, Avenida Comercial de Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:30 8986 7609 $$,)

澳门葡京路2-4号葡京酒店东翼2楼 2/F, East Wing, Hotel Lisboa, No.24,Avenida de Lisboa, Macau
 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 8803 3677 $$)

橘子新派日本料理 YUZU CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE CUISINE & BAR 澳门氹仔至尊花城成都街地下J铺 G/F, Shop J, Supreme Flower City, Rua de Seng Tou, Taipa 18:00 – 23:00 2883 8517 $$,

澳葡菜 Macanese 海湾咖啡屋 CAFE LITORAL 氹仔旧城区地堡街第四座伟展阁 53-57 号地下 G/F, Block 4 ,Wai Chin Kok, No.5357,Rua do Regedor, Taipa 12:30 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:00 2882 5255 $$,

佛笑楼 FAT SIU LAU 澳门福隆新街64号 No. 64,Rua da Felicidade, Macau 12:30 - 22:30 
2857 3580 $$,

木偶葡国餐厅 COZINHA PINOCCHIO 氹仔旧城区消防局前地38号 No.38, Largo dos Bombeiros, Vila de Taipa 11:00 - 23:00
 2882 7328 $,)

美心亨利餐厅HENRI’S GALLEY 澳门西湾民国大马路4号G-H地下 4G-H,Av. Da Republica,R/C,Macau 12:00-22:00 (+853)2855 6251 $$

火锅 Hot Pot 鲜 XIN 澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店1楼 Level 1 Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central 11:30-15:00,18:00-23:00 8113 1200 $$$

香港金牌海鲜火锅 HONG KONG GOLD MEDAL SEAFOOD HOT POT “澳门银河”综合度假城M楼M01 M01, M/F, Galaxy Macau 11:00-14:30,17:00-02:30 8883 2266/8883 2267 $$$$

金悦轩海鲜火锅酒家 JINYUEXUAN SEAFOOD & HOTPOT RESTAURANT 澳门宋玉生广场699号至707A富泽 园大厦AR/C R/C,Flat A-D, Edificio Fu Chat Yuen, 699-707 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao, Macau 11:00-15:00,17:00-01:00 2828 2862 $$$$

16号码头德兴海鲜火锅PONTE 16 TAK HENG HOT POT 澳门新口岸北京街怡珍阁南光百 货2楼 Rua de Pequim No. 2-B,I Chan Kok no.2 andar A, Macau 12:00-03:00 2893 9388/2878 6933 $$$

重庆刘一手火锅CHONGQING LIUYISHOU HOTPOT 澳门新口岸北京街227号富泽园大厦 地下E座及F座 R/C E &F, Edificio Fu Chat Yuen, Rua de Pequim No. No.227,Macau 12:00-03:00 2878 5586 $$$

翠园海鲜火锅酒家 CHOI UN RESTAURANT 澳门南湾罗保博士街35-39号 No. 35-39, Rua Dr. Pedro Jose Lobo,Macau 9:00-03:00 2871 8891 $$$ | January • February 2015



濠味道 Taste 大堂街八号葡国餐厅 RESTAURANTE ESCADA


澳门新马路大堂街8号 No.8, Rua da Sé, Macau 12:00 – 15:00 ,18:00 - 22:00
 2896 6900 $$,

新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号澳门 金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Macau, No. 986-1110, Avenida da Amizade, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30(周一 休息) 8793 4818 $$,

坤记餐室 A VENCEDORA 澳门新马路水坑尾264号地下 G/F, No.264, Rua do Campo, Macau 11:45-22:00 
2835 5460 $$

雅憩花园餐厅 NGA TIM CAFé 路环市区计单奴街8号 No.8, Rua Caetano, Coloane Village, Coloane 12:00 – 01:00 2888 2086 $

熊猫葡国餐厅 PANDA PORTUGUESE RESTAURANT 氹仔旧城区施督宪正街4-8号 No.4-8, Rua Carlos Eugenio, Taipa 11:00 - 23:00
 2882 7338 $$

沙利文餐厅 SOLMAR RESTAURANT 澳门南湾大马路512号 No. 512, Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 11:00 - 22:30 2888 1881 ) $$

CAFé SIAM 路氹城澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店大运 河购物中心2412号铺 Shop 2412, The Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau,Estrada da Baía N. Senhora da Esperança, Cotai 12:00 - 22:30 2882 8469 $$


氹仔旧城区地堡街85-87号O, P座地下 G/F, Block O & P, No.85-87, R. do Regedor, Vila de Taipa 12:00 - 15:00
, 18:00 – 23:00 2882 7200 $,



水晶廊 CRYSTAL LOUNGE & DELI 澳门葡京路2-4号新葡京酒店u1红 金上层 U1/F, Grand Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa, Macau Mon to Sun; 00:00 – 00:00 (+853) 8803 7711 $

氹仔旧城区飞能便度街104号泉悦 花园地下 Rua Fernão Mendes Pinto, 104, Taipa Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 19:00 (+853) 2882 5201 $

尚坊 SAFFRON 路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城悦榕庄 地下大堂 G/F Banyan Tree Macau, Galaxy Macau, Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Cotai 07:00 - 23:00
 8883 6061 $$,

笃笃泰国美食 TUK TUK 氹仔马场广东大马路鸿业大厦地下 J-K 铺 Shop J-K, G/F, Edificio Hung Ip, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa 12:00 - 22:00 2882 0999 $

咖啡室 Cafés 赤坂 AKASAKA CAFÉ

泰国菜 Thai

澳门美丽街29号C地下 G/F 29 C Rua Formosa, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6677 9985 $


内港餐厅 O PORTO INTERIOR 澳门下环河边新街259号B地下 G/F, B, No.259, Rua do Almirante Sergio, Macau 11:30 – 22:00 2896 7770 $$


澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)巴黎街117号 大丰广场第2座地下Q铺 Shop Q, Tai Fung Block 2, Rua De Paris 117, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2878 6378 $$

水帘 CASCADES 路氹城澳门银河综合度假城地下G03 及G05号 G/F, G03&G05, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 10:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$

一月 • 二月 2015 |

音乐豆咖啡 SINGING BEAN COFFEE 澳门会展娱乐中心和澳门旅游塔地 面一层 G/F, Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center, Macau Tower, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:00 - 22:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00 – 22:00 (+853) 2838 9118 $

SINGLE ORIGIN POUR OVER AND ESPRESSO BAR 澳门荷兰园二马路19号通发大厦 地下 No.19, Rua de Abreu Nunes, Macau Mon to Sat; 12:00 – 20:00 / Sun; 12:00 – 19:00 (+853) 6698 7475 $

金丽华饼店 THE CAKE SHOP AT GRAND LAPA 澳门新口岸友谊大马路956-1110号 金丽华酒店2楼 2/F, Grand Lapa, Avenida da Amizade, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 20:30 (+853) 8793 3810 $$

THE SEASON COFFEE CORNER 卡夫卡 KAFKA 氹仔布拉格街152号地下 152, Rua de Braga, Taipa Tue to Sun; 13:30 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 0086 $


澳门科技大学图书馆内 G/F Block N, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa Mon to Fri; 08:30 – 17:00 (+853) 8897 1888 $


澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Macau Lobby, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI 10:00 - 01:00 8868 1131 $

澳门新马路巴素打尔古街十六浦索菲 特酒店大堂 1/F, Hotel Lobby, Sofitel Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 01:00 (+853) 8861 7213 $


法国菜 French

路环市区挞沙街1号地下 No.1 Rua Do Tassara, Coloane Village, Coloane Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2888 2534 $

MGM PÂTISSERIE 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 MGM MACAU Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Mon to Sun; 09:00 – 21:00 (+853) 8802 2324 $$

宝雅座法国餐厅 AUX BEAUX ARTS 外港新填海区孙逸仙大马路澳门 美高梅 Grande Praça, MGM Macau, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau Tue to Fri; 14:00-00:00 Sat to Sun; 11:00-00:00 (+853) 8802 2319 $$

良辰法国餐厅 LA BONNE HEURE 澳门新马路板樟堂巷12号A及B铺 12A-B, Travessa de São Domingos, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2833 1209 $$

海风餐厅 MISTRAL 新马路内港巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦 索菲特酒店六楼 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Mon to Sun; 07:00 - 22:30 (+853) 8861 7210 $$

PRIVÉ 巴素打尔古街澳门十六浦索菲特 大酒店 6/F, Sofitel Macau, Ponte 16, Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau Wed to Sun; 18:00 -22:00 (+853) 8861 0016 $$$$

BarCelona Tapas & Rice


澳门慕拉士街16号富大工业大厦地 下B座 No. 16, Rua de Venceslau de Morais,Macau 17:00-02:00(周一及三至 五,Mon,Wen-Fri); 12:00-02:00(周六及日Sat & Sun) (+853) 2872 1084 $$

路氹城澳门银河综合渡假城购物大道 东地下g21号铺 G21, G/F, East Promenande, Galaxy Hotel, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$

葡国菜 Portuguese 葡国美食天地 A PETISQUEIRA 氹仔旧城区生央街15C-D号 Rua de São Joao, vila da Taipa, Taipa Tue to Sun; 12:30-14:30, 18:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5354 $$

安东尼奥餐厅 ANTóNIO 氹仔旧城区木铎街7号 Rua dos Clerigos No. 7, Old Taipa Village,Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 (+853) 2899 9998 $$

百姓餐厅 BANZA

天巢法国餐厅 ROBUCHON AU DOME 澳门新葡京酒店43楼 Avenida de Lisboa, grand Lisboa Hotel, 43/F, Macau 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 -22:30 (+853) 8803 7878 $$$$

御膳房 THE TASTING ROOM 路氹连贯公路新濠天地皇冠度假酒 店三楼 3/F, Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, COTAI Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8868 6681 $$$$

西班牙菜 Spanish 塔巴斯西班牙小馆 CASA DE TAPAS 氹仔木铎街9号 Rua dos Clerigos, 9, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 00:00 $$$

氹仔旧城区广东大马路154号A-B号 南新花园第5座地下g-H座 Avenida de Kwung Tung, 154, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:30 23:00 (+853) 2882 1519 $$

澳门陆军俱乐部 CLUBE MILITAR 新口岸南湾街975号 Avenida da Praia grande, 975, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:30 - 15:00, 19:0022:30 (+853) 2871 4000 $$$

澳门旅游学院教学餐厅 EDUCATIONAL RESTAURANT I.F.T 望厦炮台斜坡 Colina de Mong-Ha, Mong Ha, Macau Mon to Fri; 12:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8598 3077 $$

法兰度餐厅 FERNANDO’S 路环黑沙海滩9号 Hac Sa Beach, 9, Coloane Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 21:30 (+853) 2888 2264

葡国餐厅 GUINCHO A GALERA 葡京路2-4号葡京酒店西座3楼 3/F, Lisboa Hotel, Avenida de Lisboa 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 – 14:30, 18:30 – 22:30 (+853) 8803 7676 $$$

花道葡萄牙餐厅 FADO 澳门得胜马路2-4号澳门皇都酒店 M/F, Hotel Royal, Estrada da vitoria, 2-4, Macau Mon to Sun; 6:30 - 22:30 (+853) 2855 2222 $$$

澳门海景正宗葡国餐厅 MIRAMAR 路环黑沙海滩黑沙马路 Hac Sa Beach (near Westin Resort), Coloane Mon to Sun; 11:00 - 21:00 (+853) 2888 2623 $$

阿曼诺葡国餐厅 O-MANEL 氹仔旧城区飞能便度街90号地下 Rua de Fernão Mendes Pinto, 90, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:00 (+853) 2882 7571 $$

意大利菜 Italian 经典意大利餐厅 ANTICA TRATTORIA 澳门宋玉生广场(皇朝)伦斯泰特大 马 路40,42及46号帝景苑 Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, 40, Edf. vista Magnifica Court, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 23:30 (+853) 2875 5102 $$

帝雅廷意大利餐厅 RISTORANTE IL TEATRO 永利澳门酒店, 澳门外港填海区仙 德丽街 Wynn Macau, Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau Tue to Sun; 17:30 – 23:30 (+853) 8986 3648 $$$

我的意大利厨房 LA CUCINA ITALIANA 氹仔旧城区排角路6-12号泉福新村伟 兴阁地下AD-AF铺 G/F, Wai Heng Kok, Rua do Pai Kok, 6-12, Chun Fok village, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 7818 $$

当奥丰素 1890 DON ALFONSO 1890 澳门新葡京铂金层(3楼) 3/F, Grand Lisboa, Macau 12:00-14:30,18:30-22:30 8803 7722 $$$$

山度士葡式餐厅 O SANTOS 氹仔旧城区官也街二十号 Rua de Cunha, 20, vila da Taipa, Taipa Mon to Sun; 12:00 - 22:00 (+853) 2882 5594 $$

海湾餐厅 RESTAURANTE LITORAL 下环河边新街261A地下 Rua do Almirante Sergio, 261, São Lourenço, A, g/F, Macau Mon to Sun; 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 (+853) 2896 7878 $$

庭园意大利餐厅 TERRAZZA ITALIAN DINING 路氹城澳门银河]综合渡假城银河酒 店 2楼201号铺 2/F, Galaxy Hotel, Galaxy Macau, COTAI Mon to Sun; 18:00 - 23:00 (+853) 8883 2221 $$$

澳金玛葡国餐厅 Ao Grama 氹仔旧城区英布拉街138号太子花城 第二座M铺 Shop M,Prince Flower City Block 2,Rua de Coimbra n°138,Taipa, Macau +853 2883 9838 | January • February 2015



濠好玩 ENJOY FOR men

初春有好货 Buy for a Good Start

男士们在商务场合和私下休闲场合可以完全是两种风 格,一月很多公司派对会举办,身穿一套既保暖又艺 术感十足的抢眼外套,再加上一个具有波希米亚风情 的名家绘画大包,就能成为派对主角。而私下最主要 是保暖,选择一件具有青春活力又能抗风的羽绒衣尤 其重要,看看我们给您精挑的以下货品是否有中意 的? To be the highlight in the company parities, a warm and stylish coat with a hand-painted Bohemian tote will be the secret weapons. Choosing a stylish down jacket can also provide maximum warmth to your leisure hours.


1 3

年头很多人都拿到了去年辛勤劳动 所得的双粮或是奖金,是时候买些 自己喜欢的物品犒赏自己啦!正所 谓Work Hard之余也要Buy Hard, 作为一本向导类型的杂志,我们当 然会担当好这个购物向导的角色, 快来看看初春的澳门有什么高品位 又实用的好货推荐给您。 Many of us will have full wallets in January after receiving a timely holiday bonus. To help you embrace the Work Hard, Buy Hard lifestyle, Cguide will serve as a shopping guide for the best products across Macau.



Adidas Originals by Jeremy Scott 音乐符号外套 Adidas Originals by Jeremy Scott, coat of music note pattern, HKD2,000

2 Adidas 男裝防静电羽绒外套

Adidas anti-static down coat, HKD 1,599

3 Adidas Originals by Pharrell Williams Stan Smith 版鞋

Adidas Originals by Pharrell Williams Stan Smith Sneaker, HKD999


G-Star RAW 蓝色洗水牛仔裤 G-Star RAW blue washes jeans, HKD 3,695

5 Burberry Prorsum 紫红色树图案长大衣

Burberry Prorsum, long overcoat with aubergine tree pattern, HKD 22,500



一月 • 二月 2015 |


FOR women 女性购物向来选择多,在寒冬中,同样地要兼顾风度和温度。出了保暖的羽绒外 套,一件红色的节日大衣也是必不可少的单品。当然,买包包同样是女人的终身 爱好,节日的选择就该五彩缤纷,再加上Bling Bling的高跟鞋,派对女王还不就是 您?! For the woman who loves down coats, a red overcoat is the perfect choice to keep both warm and stylish in the cold holiday season. Together with your favorite trendy bag and a pair of show-stopping heels, who else would be the party queen?







Marks and Spencer红色绒毛大衣 Marks and Spencer red overcoat, TBC

2 Marks and Spencer蓝色缀银扣皮手袋

Marks and Spencer, blue leather handbag with silver buckle HKD 499

3 Salad Hug Collection 手袋

Salad Hug Collection handbag, HKD1,690


Anteprima 闪灰黑色缀水晶 Kiss 字 wirebag Anteprima glimmering dark grey wirebag with crystal KISS HKD4,995

5 Adidas Climaproof 羽绒外套

Adidas Climaproof down coat, HKD1,399

购物清单 Shop List Adidas Originals/Adidas/ Anterprima/Body Shop /G-Star/Salad- 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The Grand Canal Shoppes at the Venetian Marks and Spencer 澳门路氹金沙城中心购物 广场 Shoppes at Cotai Central Burberry/ 澳门壹号广场 One Central Macau | January • February 2015



濠好玩 ENJOY FOR women

冻龄男女 Spring of Youth



ALBLANC Medicated Whitening Essence Ex Activate Mousse

长生不老,古时候秦始皇想,现在 我们也想。幸运是即使没有仙丹, 现代科技也可以协助我们延长青 春,一系列美白、润肌、紧致护肤 产品,打造出大批冻龄男女。你, 也想成为其中一份子吗? Who never secretly wished for everlasting youth? There is, of course, no secret weapon to freeze time. Thanks to the modern technology, our youthfulness could be extended with help from the following products.

FOR men

GoodSkin Labs全新 FIRM-365 赋活紧致精华 Firm-365 Facial Firming Serum HKD395/30ml V颜是俊男美女的必杀技,紧致精华蕴含维他命C、E 的複合物,感光赋活酵素、六胜肽蛋白,能促进骨 胶原再生,去皱同时紧致肌肤,轮廓更明显,重塑V 面如此简单。

The complex of Vitamins C and E, refined enzymes and areginine essence will increase the regeneration of collagen to erase wrinkles, brighten skin color, and lift the shape of your face.


MOP880/90g 泡沫状的美白精华能使血管 扩张,改善血液循环,同时 将罗马洋甘菊精华及洋甘菊 成分深入毛孔中,加快肌肤 细胞吸收水分及氧气,深层 美白兼均匀整体肤色。

This foamy whitening essence will boost blood circulation to deliver chamomile to deep layers of skin, adding oxygen and moisture to your cells for a lighter look.

LANEIGE凝止时空重点 去皱精华 Time Freeze Wrinkle Filler MOP450/20ml 表情多多容易令肌肤出现细 纹,精华含11%高稳定性 维他命C重点针对眼部、鼻 翼、嘴角及法令等等脆弱部 位,使肌肤胶原蛋白自我活 化增生,抚平皱纹超给力。

Vitamin C will even skin texture, instantly fill wrinkles, and prevent future wrinkles using the powerful antioxidant effect. 哪里可以买到 WHERE to buy? SOFINA/LANEIGE 澳门新八佰伴NEW YAOHAN +853 2872 6760/+853 2875 7929

GoodSkin Labs Shiseido 莎莎SASA +853 2835 8321



一月 • 二月 2015 |

内置Wi-Fi 轻巧灵活 Camera with Built-in Wi-Fi Nikon D750 HKD16,800(淨机身Camera Only)



数码新知 Gadgets Jim

侦测心跳 蓝牙耳机 Heartbeat in Bluetooth Earbuds Jabra Sport Pulse Wireless HKD1,799

具备心跳侦测功能的Jabra Sport Pulse Wireless 蓝牙无线立体声耳机,只要配合品牌专用的手机 应用程式“Jabra Sport Life”,就可以连接耳 机,透过App协助用家察看运动时的心跳率,还 有评估体能及纪录运动进度等功能,用家可参照 数据来自订合适的运动,也可避免运动过量而伤 害身体。此外耳机亦支援Dolby音效技术,运动 时听歌听音乐可按个人喜好来调较音效,提升音 质,一边运动,一边享受无线音乐。 Jabra Sport Pulse Wireless earbuds have the ability to monitor heartbeats. Combined with the Jabra Sport Life phone app, you can monitor your heartbeat in real time, evaluate physical stamina, and record your exercise progress, helping you get the most out of your workout. The Dolby sound will guarantee an excellent music experience by adjusting its settings for your own taste.

高速连拍 65点对焦 Fast Bust Shooting & 65 points AF Canon EOS 7D Mark II HKD13,480(淨机身Camera Only)

自上一代推出后,足足迟了五 年Canon EOS7D Mark II才正式 登场,比起前作EOS7D Mark II 亮点在于每秒十张高速连拍及 65点自动对焦系统,更支援静 音拍摄和每秒4张连续静音拍 摄,而2,020万像素APS-C尺吋 的CMOS影像感应器亦提升至 20.2MP,并在双DIGIC 6数码 影像处理器之下,标准ISO范 围100至16,000,也可提高到 25,600和51,200等规格,拍摄 高速移动主体的相片,例如赛 车或运动比赛等情况更有高水 准表现。 Canon EOS7D Mark II finally reaches the market since its debut five years ago. The highlights of the new version are 10 fps continuous shooting with autofocus, 65 all crosstype autofocus sensor, 20MP Dual Pixel AF CMOS image sensor, double image processor of DIGIC 6, ISO 100-16,000 up to 25,600 and 51,200. It is excellent for shooting fast moving objects such race cars and sporting events.

通常单镜反光相机规格愈高、 体积愈大,但Nikon新出的D750 既有坚固轻巧的机身,又有FX 格式的2,432万像素CMOS影像 感应器及EXPEED 4影像处理引 擎,同时内置Wi-Fi功能、多角 度LCD萤幕、91,000像素RGB 场景辨识感应器,以及高达每秒 6.5张高速连拍,配备了高阶型 号相同的功能与效能,机身灵 活耐用之馀,拍摄时更能捕捉 高质影像。 Bucking the trend towards higher specifications and heavier bodies, the new D750 by Nikon combines light weight with top caliber equipments: FX-format with 24.3MP CMOS sensor, 6.5 FPS, EXPEED 4 image processor, built-in Wi-Fi, multi-angle LCD screen, and a 91,000 pixel RGB scene sensor. A convenient secret weapon for professional-quality pictures.


哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 1 2


丽斯摄影器材行 Foto Nice 咨询 Inquiry: ( 853)2831 5678 | January • February 2015




蒂芬妮花艺 你的情人节礼物之选 Tiffany Fleur Your Valentine’s Choice Melao | Tiffany Fleur

时光飞逝,转眼间又来到一年一度的情人节。对于要送 什么礼物给另一半,你必然花尽心思。但别忘了,一束 鲜花可是必需的。因此,《新澳门导航》带你参观蒂芬 妮花艺,它是澳门口碑一流的国际级花店。 Time flies, and it’s Valentine’s again. You must be busy thinking of a great gift for your loved one. Apart from the gift, a bouquet seems a must. Cguide thus brings you Tiffany Fleur, an international florist in Macau.



一月 • 二月 2015 |

于澳门兰桂坊酒 店的地面层,蒂 芬妮花艺可说是澳门首 家国际级的花店,不单 因为这里提供来自世界 各地(主要为荷兰)的 清香鲜花,更因为这里 用上国际级标准来包装 鲜花及花束。 上面提到的国际级标 准,意思是蒂芬妮花艺 在包装花束时,以创意 及美感为先决条件,故 成品特别注重细节及以 客为尊的理念。这些条 件不单在情人节的花束 上体现出来,也可以在 其他不同节日的特制鲜 花中看到。 为了配合日新月异的花

艺潮流,蒂芬妮花艺 特别加入Interflora组 织,成为58,000个会 员之一。正正因为这个 原因,蒂芬妮花艺能提 供海外送花服务,远及 亚洲丶欧洲及澳大利亚 等。 那么,就让我们来看看 这个情人节,蒂芬妮花 艺为你准备好的花束。 当中几束用上了日本新 鲜水果配衬,包括苹果 丶李子和草莓。黄色的 一束球菊,用作农历新 年家中装饰也非常不 错。最重要的是,即使 是一枝玫瑰,在蒂芬妮 花艺的创意下,都变得 可爱动人。


ocated in Hotel Lan Kwai Fong, Tiffany Fleur can be said as Macau’s first international florist. Not only does it offer flowers from around the world, mainly the Netherlands, but it also presents bouquets in internationalised styles. By internationalised styles, it is meant that bouquets offered by Tiffany Fleur are prepared with creativity and a sense to aesthetics, as well as finished with the attention to details and the professionalism to fulfil all your floral needs – not only for Valentine’s but all other occasions. In order to cope with the ever-changing trend, Tiffany

Fleur has become one of the 58,000 members of Interflora, the international flower delivery network. Therefore, the boutique is capable of delivery to Asia, Europe, Australia, etc. Here are some of the creations by Tiffany Fleur for this coming Valentine’s. Some of the bouquets are prepared with fruits, namely apples, plums, and strawberries, while the bouquet done with ball chrysanthemums, is good as well for Chinese New Year. More importantly, even one single rose here at Tiffany Fleur can become presentable to your loved ones.

关于花艺师 蒂芬妮花艺的首席花 艺师是Judit HuguetSola,她生於巴塞隆 拿。从上世纪九十年代 开始从事花艺设计,经 验丰富。她热爱形形色 色的花艺,非常注重色 彩丶结构丶纹理;亦擅 长利用自然素材,塑造 不同充满创意的设计。 透过度身订造的设计服 务,将花艺设计无限的 可能性化成充满个性的 设计,带到你的眼前。

About the florist Tiffany Fleur is a leading flower shop led by European chief florist Ms. Judit Huguet-Sola. Judit has an established portfolio that reflects her artistic strength when combining structure and vegetation (both floral and non floral). This technique makes her works creative and spectacular. She has been involved in the floral industry since 1990’s and continues to evolve by constantly being on the cuttingedge in her presentation style and service delivery. | January • February 2015



濠好玩 ENJOY 重点介绍


濠好玩 Enjoy 电影 movies

澳门影院资讯 Macau Cinemas 旅游塔影院 The Theater of Macau Tower 澳门观光塔前地旅游塔四楼 4th Floor, Macau Tower

格雷的五十道色戒 Fifty Shades of Grey 导演 Director 森泰来庄逊 Sam Taylor-Johnson 主演 Cast 占美杜伦、狄高达庄逊 Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Jennifer Ehle 片种 Genre 剧情 Drama

女大学生安娜 (狄高达庄逊 饰) 是名校报记者,一次访问俊 朗有型丶年轻有才的企业巨子格雷 (占美杜伦 饰),瞬即被 其迷倒,堕进情网。不过安娜渐渐发现格雷对性爱的特殊 癖好,而格雷迷恋暴力性爱丶充满控制欲的背后原来有着 不可告人的因素,令两人陷于热爱与矛盾之间……安娜为 了爱人甘愿踏足自己从未预料的性爱疆界,然而此举是否 真的能够感化格雷,让他抛开过去,与安娜谱出真正的浪 漫恋曲? Literature student Anastasia “Ana” Steele fell in love with the wealthy and handsome Christian Grey, in an interview with him. Not able to resist Ana’s beauty and independent spirit, Grey admits he wants her too, but in his own terms. Ana hesitates as she discovers Grey is consumed by the need to control everything. As they get close, Steele starts to discover Grey’s secrets and explores her own desires.

澳门大会堂 Cineteatro Macau - 澳门家辣堂街19号 Rua de Santa Clara, Nº19, 1º andar, Macau 永乐戏院 Cinema Alegria- 镜湖马路85号E地下 Estrada do Repouso: 85D-F, Macau UA银河影院 UA Galaxy Cinemas 澳门路氹澳门银河综合度 假城内 Galaxy Macau, Avenida de Cotai, Cotai City, Macau

赌城风云2 From Vegas to Macau II 导演 Director 王晶 Wong Jing 主演 Cast 周润发、张家辉、刘 嘉玲 Chow Yun-fat,

Nick Cheung, Karena Lau 片种 Genre 剧情|喜剧

Drama | Comedy 随着澳门赌侠石一坚(周润发饰演)协助国际刑警大破洗钱集团DOA后便退隐 江湖,可是DOA首席会计师小马(张家辉饰演)从网上盗取DOA一百五十亿美 元,与女儿初一(王诗龄饰演)潜逃泰国。坚之大弟子阿乐(余文乐饰演)加入 国际刑警,并邀请坚协助捉拿DOA真正幕後主脑苍井女士,两人前赴泰国寻找 小马成为控方证人,追查过程中坚重遇了一生最爱的莫愁(刘嘉玲饰演)



一月 • 二月 2015 |

Macau gambler-tycoon Kin (Chow Yun-fat) is requested by the Interpol to help with a case in which the international money laundering group DOA is involved. Aiming to chase the DOA head down, Kin flies to Thailand and tries to convince Ma (Nick Cheung) to become the witness, but Kin meets his love of life Mok-soo (Karena Lau)…

让你笑中有泪的“叮当” 多啦A梦3D Stand by Me Doraemon


原作 Original Concept 藤子.F.不二雄 Fujiko F. Fujio 导演 Director 八目龙一、山崎贵Ryuichi Yagi, Takashi Yamazaki 片种 Genre 动画 Animation

管是50后还是2000后,相信对于多啦A梦(小时候称为“叮当”)都很熟悉,许 许多多的我们都是由多啦A梦陪着长大,也总有那么几个时刻闯祸时,就幻 想如果多啦A梦在身边,可以用他的神奇法宝来补救该有多好。 若你对上面的情况深有共鸣,那么你也一定能够说出几件多啦A梦的法宝:“随意 门”可以让懒懒的学生睡到最后一分钟才去上学、“竹蜻蜓”让大伙可以随时随地 去游山玩水、“缩小电筒”可以让人感受巨型世界……这些幻想到今天都没有成 真,但我们每一个人大概都曾靠着这样的幻想破涕为笑,重拾正能量。导演八目龙 一和山崎贵除了用崭新的手法和故事展现多啦A梦与大雄的感情,也凭此寄意向原 作者藤子先生致敬。不过,更重要的是,故事开宗明义就说:“谨献给曾是小孩的 大人们。” 日本动画大师的作品,其实很多都不是给小孩看的。当中很多大道理,没有经历的 人是领会不到的。《Stand by Me:多啦A梦3D》正是其一。故事描述一位住在日 本东京郊外,无论读书丶体育丶艺术,各方面都比别人差的少年野比大雄,其子孙 世修和多啦A梦从二十二世纪一同搭乘时光机到来。原来大雄在长大后经商失败, 欠下大笔债务,从而导致子孙们受到牵连,所以世修便派来了未来世界的蓝色猫型 机器人,希望能改变大雄的悲惨命运,从此大雄就和多啦A梦一起生活,共同面对 日常发生的大小事。 你我都曾有过“很傻很天真”的童年,因此我相信你定能看懂这部多啦A梦。

veryone’s favorite robotic blue cat is back to the big screen! Doraemon is an immensely popular cartoon figure who appeals to a wide range of ages. All Doraemon lovers know that any trouble can be fixed with his secret gadgets from the future. To name a few, the Anywhere Door can open up to anywhere you’d wish, the Bamboo-copter will allow you to fly, the Small Light acts as a shrink ray… Of course decades later, none of the futuristic tools have been actualized yet. But who cares? By focusing on the relationship between Doraemon and Nobita, the movie is a salute by producers Takashi Yamazaki and Ryuichi Yagi to the author Fujiko Fujio. Most important are those to whom the opening lines dedicate the movie: To all who were children once. Many Japanese comics and cartoon works are too complicated to be fully understood by kids, especially those created by great masters. Stand by Me Doraemon 3D tells a story everyone can understand: In a suburb of Tokyo, a boy named Nobita feels inferior to other kids in almost every aspect of his life. One day he has two visitors from the future: his descendant and Doraemon. They came to the past because adult Nobita will be in heavy debt due to a bad investment, which will ruin life for his descendents. Doraemon is ordered to stay with Nobita in order to change his destiny. Your childhood is the door to understanding Doraemon. | January • February 2015




全天然的沐浴享受 Bath & Body Works,

all natural experiences Yvonne

以后想买Bath & Body Works的沐浴 产品,再也无须找美国代购或求救 海淘网啦!澳门威尼斯人大运河购 物中心里就刚刚新开了该品牌的大 中华区首家旗舰店。

Good news for fans of Bath & Body Works! The American brand has landed in Macau with its first flagship store in China.


际时装及美容品牌零售商华丽隆集团正式宣布 旗下知名香氛品牌Bath & Body Works 的首间 大中华区旗舰店于澳门威尼斯人隆重开幕。佔地1400 平方尺的澳门威尼斯人旗舰店是大中华地区第一间旗舰 店,店铺透过富有品牌特色的温和油木地板和灯光布置 再搭配上坚固的白色配饰,展示出Bath & Body Works 经典和独有的身体及家居香氛完整系列。 Bath & Body Works 是美国地区最受女性朋友欢迎、最 爱使用的品牌,在美国走平价路线贩售。目前是美国地 区沐浴类产品的最大品牌,以skin及body的天然护肤保 养为主要诉求,不仅产品成分都来自天然植物及自然原 料,不添加任何人工香精,连外包装PVC塑料瓶整体都 是不会伤害肌肤的成分,由此可见Bath & Body Works 追求品质及天然理念的坚持。据说它不仅是好莱坞明星 随手包中的必备商品,更是经常出trip的空姐必备的护 肤行头。 Cguide特别推荐其皇牌产品“日本樱花Japanese Cherry Blossom”护肤系列(每款MOP118),有浓郁的樱花和 京都玫瑰气息,更隐隐透出喜马拉雅香柏木的味道,充 满日式庭院气息,润肤系列适合天气干燥或者干性皮肤 使用,特别滋润。而独特的BBM身体香水乳液也是必 定采购名单中的,如果你冬天皮肤痕痒,这一瓶乳液就 非常适合。其中的巴黎恋情(Paris Amour)和粉红雪纺 (Pink Chiffon)更是情人节送给女友的好选择。



ashion and beauty retailer Valiram Group announced the opening of its first Bath & Body Works store in China at the iconic Shoppes at the Venetian. Warm teak floors, gentle lighting and white fixtures… the flagship store is decorated to highlight its exquisite signature collections of personal care and home fragrance. As one of the most popular brands of skincare and bathing products in the U.S., Bath & Body Works is committed to taking care of your body with top quality and natural ingredients that have no added artificial ingredients; even the packages are made of skinfriendly recyclables. Must-try: Japanese Cherry Blossom Collection (MOP 118/each); highly moisturizing ingredients are perfect for dry skin or harsh climates, and will surround your body with fragrant smells of cherry blossom, Kyoto roses, Himalaya cedar and Japanese gardens. BBM body cream is another good choice to save your dry skin, while Paris Amour and Pink Chiffon as wellmeaning Valentine’s Day gifts will surely win her heart.

一月 • 二月 2015 |

哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 地址 Address 澳门威尼斯人度假村三楼 829铺 Shoppes at Venetian 829, Level 3 营业时间 Opening Hours 10:00-23:00


协会 澳门戒毒康复 慈善晚宴



in held charity d ARTM

门戒毒康复协会(ARTM)于去年12月12日晚上 举行慈善晚宴,除为未来一年的工作筹得不 少善款外,晚宴同时也为了感谢捐款者一直以来的支 持。《新澳门导航》也受邀出席是次晚宴。 ARTM已在澳门开展工作超过二十年,日常运作依赖 大众捐款。凭着多年经验,会方一直希望能在澳门落 实更多计划。 其中一个就是在路环九澳设立一所足以容纳70人的 ARTM治疗中心,这个中心的运作大为增加了大会的 财政负担,因为除了要服务更多人外,也要提升服务 质素。为了在年底前获得成果,是次晚宴的角色变得 非常重要。 与此同时,ARTM会引入更多治疗计划,例如“六个 月治疗”及“两周去毒”计划等,适用于大部份成 瘾,包括冰毒成瘾及酒精成瘾等等。所有疗程都会结 合会方现有的“重投社会”及“防止再次吸食”计 划,效果更明显。


he Association of Rehabilitation successfully organized a charity dinner on December 12th, as a means to express gratitude to persistent donors as well as to educate and invite potential ones. Cguide was also invited to this meaningful event. ARTM has long been working on the prevention of drug use in Macau. Being a charity organization, they rely mainly on donations, whilst they have plans to be implemented for better results. One of them is a new ARTM Treatment Centre at Ká Hó that can accommodate 70 people. With this, the expenses of services will increase abruptly, both because they will be able to help more people and because better services will be provided. In order to achieve this by the end of this year, this charity dinner plays a very crucial role. ARTM aims to implement more kinds of treatment methods this year, such as 6-month treatment and 2-week detoxification, that combat most kinds of addictions, e.g. Crystal Meth Addiction, Alcohol Addiction, etc. All of the treatment methods will be link with their reintegration and relapse prevention projects. So act now and donate to ARTM. | January • February 2015




让潮流变”琪”流 So Chic: Inky Store Anthony


之前有一位香港朋友來澳時,告 诉我在杂志上看到一家叫“Inky Store”的澳门时装买手店,想不 到澳门时装影响力并不小,除了原 创服装,其实澳门本土也隐藏有不 少“高品位”时装达人,Inky Store 的年轻店主Inky就是其一。

这家装饰让人感觉毫无压迫感的时装小店位处澳门的传统住宅区,很少游客会来到 这里,因此这边并没有什么热门旅游景点,除了专门“摸门路”而来的,这是大部 分澳门时装店都具备的特点:默默在横街窄巷里——绽放。 店主Inky(梁衍琪)以其名字为店铺命名,简单明了,且没有中文名,明显只是 瞄准“识货”之人。认识Inky有几年时间,他不是那种你想像中的平面或时装设计 师,却有点造型师的调调。容我这么解释:如果你不懂怎样穿才最适合你,Inky就 是你的伯乐。我和Inky的一位共同朋友,在接受电视台访问前的一天,特地到Inky 店裡配衬“上电视”的衣着,曾获得不少好评。

A Hong Kong friend told me he had come across an “Inky Store” in a magazine, and asked me to tell him the way. Mate, let me show you how to get there now.

Inky Store的衣饰都从韩国进口,每一季Inky都要特地飞到韩国找寻心水货品。最有 趣的是这里的服装风格出奇的一致,或者换句话说,这里每件衣饰都带有Inky的风 格,是那种一眼就能分辨出来的低调韩风美感。 Inky是那种不受性别形象束缚的人,也常常穿上“无性别”的装束。同样地,Inky Store的衣饰如出一辙,尽量不带性别色彩。心头好的意思是,只要你穿得到,你都 能找得到。因此,在Inky Store你会找到较为与别不同、也较有趣味的衣饰,且很多 场合都能穿到。 农历新年快到了,又是添置新衣的好时机,如果你自认为是个有品味的游客,又 不抗拒“无性别”衣服的前卫感,一定可以在店里找到适合自己的衣着。农历年 前,Inky和本地设计师Eugene更联合推出一套甚有特色的利是封,让你带回家,给 你亲爱的一份充满特色的心意。




一月 • 二月 2015 |


he cosy little shop is located in an old residential area of the city, which is seldom frequented by tourists. The elements of modern Macau that attract tourists simply cannot be found here. Nonetheless, the shop sits here humbly. Inky named the shop after himself. I have known Inky for quite a few years. He is not what you would typically think of as a graphic or fashion designer; rather, he is more of a stylist type of person. Let me put it this way: if you don’t have any idea what suits you best, Inky is the solution. A mutual friend of ours, a day before going to a media interview, went to Inky Store and asked Inky for inspirations.

Korean fashion, Inky’s way It must be admitted that Inky sources his stocks from Korea. Every season he flies to the nation to look for the most extraordinary goods he can find. What differentiates his store from others is that the goods Inky finds possess a unique style that carries Inky’s very own characteristics. It is simply beyond description. Inky is a person who transgresses gender borders, and usually dresses himself in unisex attires. The wardrobe of Inky Store, similarly, takes this approach by offering clothes that aren’t obvious in terms of gender colours, if not stereotypes. As a result, you will find something different from the market – something more interesting – in here.

For Chinese New Year… Even if you consider the transgression too edgy, there’s still something you can – and should – bring home. This year, Inky has prepared lucky money envelopes, jointly designed with local designer Eugene Kong, for you to pack your special wishes to your special ones. It is here – and only here – at Inky Store.

Inky Store 地址 Address 澳门美的路主教街28C号A 店(近叶挺故居) 28C-A, Rua do Bispo Madeiros, Macau (Near The Old Residence of General Ye Ting) 营业时间 Hours 13:00-21:00 网址 Website | January • February 2015




健康有道:隆泰正药 H&B, Your Health Guardian 生活节奏快,工作压力大以及外界环境污染等因素都影 响着人们的健康,所以养生保健已成为现代人最关注的 课题之一。而健康食品则在此课题上担当着重要的角 色,它能够修复身体上的细胞,使身体重新焕发活力。 Threatened by overwhelming life pace, stressed workload and environmental pollution, human beings have to give health care a priority to maintain physical and mental energy. 隆泰药行H&B MEDICINE SHOP




一月 • 二月 2015 |

隆泰健康坊 OASIS BY H&B

隆泰正药 口碑之选

H&B Pharmacy, Quality Choice

谈到健康产品及中西药品,不得不提扎根澳门多年丶 在中港澳三地颇有口碑的药房品牌“隆泰正药”。“ 隆泰正药”创立於2008年,也是首家进驻澳门威尼斯 人大运河购物中心的药房, 一直秉持“诚信为本,品 质为魂”的宗旨,为顾客带来一系列来自世界各地的 中西成药丶健康食品丶参茸海味丶药妆美容丶医疗器 材等。现在你除了可以在澳门威尼斯人找到“隆泰药 房”以外,在澳门四季·名店和澳门壹号广场内皆可 以找到“隆泰正药”的分店,分别是“隆泰药行”以 及“隆泰健康坊”。

H&B Pharmacy founded in 2008 is a local business enjoying reputation in Macau, Hong Kong and the Mainland. As the first pharmacy opened in the Grand Canal Street, H&B has been committed the concept of Integrity and Quality when selling Chinese and Western medicines, health food, precious ingredients, cosmeceuticals and medical devices, to name a few. The brand has extended its reach to more locations in Macau including the H&B medicine Shop and Oasis By H&B in the Shoppes of Four Seasons and One Central Macao respectively.


Trust the Professionals

如果你想要知道更多关於健康食品或是中西药的知 识,不妨向“隆泰正药”的专业团队咨询。“隆泰正 药”的前线团队由具有丰富药学知识的人员组成,包 括专业注册药剂师丶注册中医生丶注册营养师,他们 分别获得港澳地区丶中国及外国政府的药用专业人员 资格认可,对药学及销售药物方面均有丰富的经验。 此外,药房也会定期检测每个团队成员的医药知识及 药用经验的交流,作出最新的知识培训,务求为顾客 提供最准确及最专业的资讯。

H&B is a good resource to get information of health product or Chinese and Western medicines by its expert team comprising pharmacists, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine and dietitians certified in Macau, Hong Kong, the Mainland and western countries. To make sure customers are provided the most accurate and professional information, the group reviews the knowledge level of each member regularly and their capacity of communication with customers for any necessary training. 免费全国送货•会员专车接送

隆泰药房 H&B Pharmacy 9:00-23:00 +853 2836 6469 +86 15338168715 澳门威尼斯人商场大运河街 865号(2120a) Shop 865, Grand Canal Street, ( 2120a)

隆泰药行 H & B Medicine Shop 10:00-22:00 +853 2899 8947 +86 153 4488 0260 澳门四季名店商场002铺 Shop 002, The Shoppes at Four Seasons

隆泰健康坊 Oasis By H&B 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur) 10:00-00:00 (周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2850 1077 +86 181 6322 5532 澳门壹号广场2层222号铺 Shop No. 222, 2nd Floor, One Central Macao | January • February 2015





“隆泰正药”独家保健产品推介 Exclusive Health Products from H&B


帝参EG50+野山参干细胞含片 ”经过世界 专利认可顶级分离技术,从50年以上野山 人参里无损害地分离出植物干细胞,长期服用可增进 人体健康,改善人体亚健康;功能包括强化肝脏,促 进排毒;排清血毒,净化血液;抵抗病毒,启动免疫 细胞。

EG50+ Cultured Wild Ginseng Stem Cell Troche

Through global patented technology, plant stem cells, without any damages, are isolated from a wild ginseng, which is over 50 years old. Long-term use of this product helps support your health for a long lifespan and improve sub-health condition. Functions: Strengthen the liver and promote detoxification; detoxify and purify the blood; protect the body against virus and boost immune cells.


君·颐 稀有人参皂苷群

野生人参五千年前已被广泛用于汉方中药内, 如今在世界著名的英国爱丁堡大学科学院与韩国 UNHWA科学技术研究院共同研究下,成功利用尖端 专利技术将野山人参中含有无穷能量与活力的人参皂 苷群原样分离出来。“君·颐稀有人参皂苷群”有助 改善心血管问题、帮助舒缓中枢神经、改善肝功能及 血液循环、抑制细胞病变以及帮助血糖平衡。

Sovereign Recuperate Rare Ginsenosides

Wild ginseng has been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 5,000 years. It is wellknown for its amazing curing and repairing effects. The well-known Academy of Molecular Plant Sciences of the University of Edinburgh and Unhwa Institute of Science and Technology (UHIST) worked together and finally succeeded in isolating the rare ginsenosides from wild ginseng with the leading-edge technology. Functions: Improve cardiovascular conditions and protect the heart; help calm the central nervous system; improve memory; improve liver function and blood circulation; inhibit cytopathies and enhance immune function; help balance blood glucose levels; promote longevity.



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颠覆以往传统冬虫 夏草的服用方法,以口 内含服,粘膜吸收新方 式,其活性成份比原草 高达5至7倍,更易被人 体吸收,“臻·尊虫草 含片”有清肺平喘,扶 正益气等效用。

Monarch Cordyceps Extract Troche

Being different from conventional dosage forms, the dosage form of Monarch Cordyceps Extract Troche is mouth-dissolving tablet, which is absorbed through buccal mucosa. The product’s active ingredients, which are more absorbable, are 5 to 7 times more than that contained in original cordyceps sinensis. Functions: Strengthen the lungs and restore normal breathing; increase vital energy (qi) and eliminate pathogens; tonify the kidneys, strengthen waist function and increase physical strength.

一月 • 二月 2015 |



肾是男士的生命之根,女士的美丽之源。肾之源经中外权威专家精心研制, 结合两大性质温和的强肾元素,不热不燥,能有效提高肾功能,使人充满精力及 活力 。


Formosa The Driving Force Of Root Of Life

To men, the kidneys are the root of life; to women, the kidneys are the source of beauty. Formosa the Driving Force of Root of Life is developed by the authoritative experts from China and some foreign countries. Two ingredients with mild properties are combined together to boost kidney functions, without excessive dryness and heat (which cause illness in traditional Chinese medicine), hence helping men and women to replenish energy and increasing sexual satisfaction. Functions: Strengthen the kidneys and fortify the fundamental well-being; boost vitality; protect the prostate; tonify and warm the kidneys and uterus, help with fertility.




女性魅力-补血 康

由纳米高科技制成的小分子玻尿酸结合深海鱼中 纯化出来的胶原蛋白,透过两大美肌元素的结合,以 达致“润丶滑丶紧丶弹丶白”,由内到外解决女性肌 肤问题,有助美白肌肤,抑制黑色素;淡斑抗皱,锁 水保湿;收缩毛孔,增加肌肤弹性。


Venus Compound Beautifying

Small molecules of both hyaluronic acid and purified collagen extracted from deep-sea fish are produced through nanotechnology. These two skin-beautifying elements are combined to achieve “moisturizing, smoothing, firming, elasticizing and whitening”, solving women’s skin problems from the inside out. Functions: Whiten the skin, lighten skin pigmentation and inhibit melanin production; keep the skin hydrated, prevent and smooth out wrinkles; minimize pores and increase skin elasticity.

Etin Pharm Ferriferous Formula




红花苜蓿 含丰富的纯天然植物配方,能完整补充 女性的营养需求,活血理气,健体养颜,抗氧化,促 进新陈代谢 。

S2 Rad Clover


现代人长期的生活不规 律,会使身体机能没办 法休息及复原,造成没 有充足的时间造血,也 会导致气血虚。补血康 成份天然,能有效补充 人体所需营养,调补气 血,滋养颜容 。

S2 Red Clover, which is rich in natural ingredients extracted from plants, helps women to meet optimal nutritional needs. Functions: Protect cells against oxidation and promote metabolism in the body; invigorate blood circulation and regulate vital energy (qi); improve overall physical health and nourish the skin.

An unhealthy irregular lifestyle causes that the body cannot get plenty of rest and restore itself, so there is not enough time for hematopoiesis to occur. Modern people who are not following a healthy lifestyle are prone to the deficiencies of blood and vital energy (qi). The natural ingredients of Etin Pharm Ferriferous Formula can effectively supply the body with necessary nutrients needed for hematopoiesis. Functions: Promote red blood cell production, keep skin healthy and glowing, and preserve youthfulness. | January • February 2015




英式“校服” Jack Wills进城 Back to School with Jack Wills Yvonne

充份体现英国历史、风格和文化的英国品牌 Jack Wills近日进军澳门威尼斯人大运河购物 中心,这家在中国内地暂时未有分店的英式时 装店,在淘宝上早已经被一众代购炒红,其 典型的粉色和蓝色配色,以及经典小鸟LOGO 是最容易被识别的象征。这个风格鲜明,打 着“Fabulously British”注册商标理念旗号的 校园风品牌出品,定必是年轻顾客最新的澳门 采购目标。

Jack Wills, a quintessential British brand, will open its new Macau location at the Venetian. Thanks to ecommerce, the signature pink and blue and little bird logo have been quite popular in the mainland, despite a lack of physical outlets. The young up-and-coming brand will for sure be a new hit for the young generation in Macau with its classic old-school style rooted in the idea of being “Fabulously British.” 74


一月 • 二月 2015 |

Cguide 初春推荐 Early Spring Style

For Girls





For Boys

Jack Wills 于1999 年创办于英国的 Salcombe,说起来还算是个年轻且冒升神速的 英国牌子,其善于揉合自由玩味同时又低调地将英国传统文化融入其中的特色深受 一众明星名人追捧,威廉王子、哈里王子 、Cheryl Cole和爱玛屈臣(Emma Watson)都曾穿着Jack Wills的服饰。而英国的牛津大学、美国常春藤校园的哈佛和耶 鲁等名校,也经常可以发现Jack Wills的身影。 说到品牌的起源,它是由Rob Shaw及Peter Williams两位好友创立,以Peter祖父 Jack Williams的昵称称Jack Wills命名。藉以表达Peter对祖父思念之情之余,亦同 时打着Fabulously British 旗帜,把英国文化宣扬到海外。澳门新店透过不同的主题 分区确保顾客能够愉快及轻松地在店内购物。只要踏入新店,顾客会率先看到新季 服装区,重点展示当季最火热的服装,以及优质皮包和鞋子。第二个分区展示品牌 的主打系列及运动服装,而最后一个区域则以家居用品和家常便服为主。透过精心 设计的纪念品,以及墙上的照片和体育用具挂饰,轻易便能联想到品牌的英国根源 和传统。地板上手绘的Union Jack 旗织标志,配上巨型吊灯装饰,还有传统的英国 Chesterfield梳化、皮革扶手椅以及绘有不同图案的地毯等,令店铺型格十足。 Jack Wills, founded 1999 in Salcombe, is a young and popular British brand which injects traditional British culture with the spirit of liberty using its unique low-profile style. It has been endorsed by a number of celebrities such as Princes William and Harry, Cheryl Cole, and Emma Watson, as well as students of prestigious schools in the U.K and the U.S. The brand was named after Jack Williams, grandfather of Peter Williams who cofounded it with his friend Rob Shaw. The new Macau location will provide an easy and pleasant shopping experience. The newest collections of clothes, bags and shoes are conveniently located front and center, followed by the main collections and sportswear, with household products and home wear near the rear. The store is full of small details to play up its British origins, such as the carefully designed souvenirs, pictures of London, football paraphernalia, huge chandelier, traditional Chesterfield sofa, leather chairs and rugs of distinguished patterns. Though, of all this, nothing shows off how “Fabulously British” the store is like the enormous hand painted Union Jack.


哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 地址 Address: 澳门威尼斯人购物中心 977店


Shop 977, Grand Canal Street, The Venetian,




Macau 营业时间 Opening Hours: 11am-11pm | January • February 2015



澳门买好酒 wineshop

Prime Shop 优质食品店 Prime Shop 黑沙环中街592号寰宇天下地下2座 地下D铺 Central Areia Preta 592, La Cite Block 2, r/c D Macau 2848 1659

年度酒窖 Les Millesimes 宾利酒世界 Banny Wine Cellar 菜园涌北街83-89号地下S Norte Canal Hortas 83-89 r/c S 2822 7530

酒宝巴库斯 Bacchus wine 寰发洋酒有限公司 Remfly Wine and Spirits Ltd 澳门宋玉生广场235-243号中土大厦地下Q,R铺, Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção 235 - 243, China Civil Plaza R/C Q,R 2857 5243

肯尼思酒窖 Kenneth Wine Cellar 澳门新口岸宋玉生广场235-287号中 土大厦15楼f座, Alameda Dr Carlos D’Assumpção China Civil Plaza 15° 2875 1628

太平洋酒窖有限公司 Pacific Ocean Wine Mart Company Ltd 马德里街31号地下D Madrid 31 r/c D 2875 0622

福隆新街49号地下 Felicidade 49 r/c 2878 5415

金泉酒庄 Golden Winery 菜园路164号地下IA Hortelãos 164 r/c IA 2842 3399

荣仕廊美酒澳门有限公司 Vins Gallery Limited 澳门商业大马路友邦广场地下02室 Av Comercial Macau Ed AIA Tower r/c apt 02 2888 9881

皇家酒窖 The Royal Wine Cellar 好时行洋酒专门店有限公司 Greattime Wine Pouring House Ltd

马统领街26号地下 Com Mata-Olivª 26 r/c 2871 8989

河边新街94-120号地下B Alm Sérgio 94-120 r/c B 2893 8495

氹仔望德圣母湾大马路澳门威尼斯 人度假村酒店大运河购物中心3楼 Venetian Macao Nuance-Watson 2882 8105

嘉兴酒业 Sociedade de Vinhos Finest Limitada 华大新村第三街海南花园第1座地 下J R.3 Va Tai Hoi Nam Gdn bl 1 r/c J 2848 1710

华大新村第三街13号海南花园1座 地下o铺 Rua 3 Va Tai Hoi Nam Gdn Bl 1 R/C 2843 0917

宋玉生广场112号地下M Alª Dr Carlos d’Assumpção 112 r/c M 2822 0899

巴波沙大马路华大新邨华康楼地下H Av A Tamag Barbª Va Tai San Chun Va Hong Lau r/c H 2843 9809

屈臣氏酒窖 Watson’s Wine Venetian


法国马伯乐集团酒业有限公司 MBL Wine Group Lirnited

润德酒业 Runde Wine & Spirits

氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路139号百利宝 花园百丽阁地下1座 Av Dr. Sun Yat Sen, No.165 Edif, Treasure Garden Pretty Court. Block 1, Ground Floor 2822 1155

888酒庄 Adega 888

骏德酒业(澳门)有限公司 Jointek Fine Wines 罗马街30-38号地下AA Roma 30-38 r/c AA 2875 5746

葡萄酒博物馆 WINE MUSEUM 澳门新口岸高美士街431号 Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes 431, basemant 8798 4188

圣美基街1号C-D地下 S Miguel 1C-D r/c 2835 4585

俊轩酒业 JOIN HIN WINES 关闸马路64号地下C Ist Ferrª Amaral 64 r/c C 2848 7371

慕拉士来来酒窖 ROYAL SUPERMARKET CELLAR 澳门慕拉士大马路181-183号来来 大厦一楼 Av, de Venceslau de Morais No 181-183, Royal Group Building R/C 8791 9488

澳门DFS醇酒及雪茄概念店 DFS VINTAGE CELLAR 澳门四季酒店DFS内 Four Season Resort, Macao DFS 2870 0175



一月 • 二月 2015 |


澳门壹号广场 ONE CENTRAL MACAU 澳门外港新填海区沙格斯大马路 Avenida de Sagres,Nape Macau 10:30-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2822 9838

永利名店购物区 WYNN ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街 Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966

万利名店购物区 ENCORE ESPLANADE 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街

金沙广场 Shoppes at Cotai Central 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心 Cotai Sands Central, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8113 9630

澳门T广场四季名店 T GALLERIA MACAU, SHOPPES at FOUR SEASONS 澳门路氹金光大道四季酒店望德 圣母湾大马路 The Shoppes at Four Seasons, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2828 2833

DFS BEAUTY WORLD 澳门四季名店1楼1101/18-30店 1101/18-30,Level 1,The Shoppes at Four Seasons,Cotai 10:00-23:00 +853 2828 2833

Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau 10:00-00:00 +853 2888 9966

威尼斯人购物中心 SHOPPES at VENETIAN 澳门望德圣母湾大马路 澳门威 尼斯人度假村酒店3楼 3F,The Venetian Macao, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Taipa 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8117 7841

澳门T广场新濠天地店 T GALLERIA MACAU, CITY OF DREAMS 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路连接路 环及路氹填海区 Estrada do Istmo,Cotai, Macau 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 8590 3000

永盟百货 WINMAN 澳门殷皇子大马路友谊广场地库 Avenida Do Infante D,Henrique 31A-31B, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 82916350

化妆品与个人护理 COSMETICS & SKNICARE 莎莎 SA SA 澳门板樟堂街1E-1F地下 Rua de S. Domingos, No. 1E-1F,R/C, Macau 10:00-23:00 +853 2832 2155

卓悦 BONJOUR 澳门板樟堂街12-14号物业全幢 G/F, 12-14 Rua De S. Domingos, Macau 10:00-22:30 +853 2832 2146

思维美 SWEETMAY 澳门板樟堂街1D号铺 Shop 1D,Rua de S. Domingos,Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2838 9156

JC SHOP PREMIUM @ Macau 澳门威尼斯人大运河购物中心大 运河街877号铺 Shop 877, Grand Canal Street, Shoppes Grand Canal, The Venetian Macau 10:00-21:30 +853 2882 8987

歌谣KOIO CYBERLAND 澳门伯多禄局长街 (白马行) 银 座广场地下 O~S铺 Shop O-S, Macau Ginza Plaza, Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva, Macau 11:00-23:00 +853 2835 5227

丽斯摄影器材行FOTO NICE 澳门南湾大马路616号万胜大厦 地下A Av. dA Praia Grande No.616, Edf. Man Seng,R/C “A”, Macau. 10:00-20:00 +853 2871 5618


电子及家庭电器 AUDIO VISUAL AND ELECTRONIC ACCESSORIES 玛莎百货 MARKS & SPENCER 澳门路氹金光大道金沙城中心广 场2楼2116B室 Shop 2116B,Level 2,Shoppes at Cotai Central,Sands Cotai Central, Cotai Strip 10:00-23:00 (周日至四,Sun to Thur); 10:00-00:00(周五及六,Fri & Sat) +853 2885 3592

澳门新八佰伴 NEW YAO HAN 澳门苏亚利斯博士大马路90号 Av. Doutor Mario Soares no. 90, Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2872 5338

丰泽 FORTRESS 议事亭前地11号信德堡地库


Basement,Shun Tak House,11 Largo Do Senado,Macau 10:30-22:00 +853 2832 9958

氹仔官也街11-13号地下 Rua do Cunha, No 11-13, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +853 2882 7458



Shop P, V&W,G/F, Macau Square 10:00-20:30 +853 3871 7428

氹仔官也街31号地下 Rua do Cunha, No. 31, R/C, Taipa 10:00-22:00 +2882 7811

来来电器广场 ROYAL ELECTRONICS SQUARE 澳门慕拉士大马路181-183号来 来集团大厦2楼


Avenida de Venceslau de Morais, Edf. Loi Loi Grupo, No. 181-183, 2/F, Macau 11:00-22:00 +853 8791 9432

澳门大三巴街28E号地下 Rua de S. Paulo, No. 28E, R/C, Macau 10:00-22:00 +853 2836 2122 | January • February 2015



濠探索 explore

Paul Lee 澳门英皇酒店礼宾司

chief concierge at Grand Emperor Hotel 农历新年和情人节转眼又到,在澳门究竟有什么精彩活动? 这次就让英皇娱乐酒店的礼宾司Paul Lee为你推介节日精选 好节目。

Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day are around the corner, and if you’re still considering what to do in Macau, allow Paul Lee, chief concierge at Grand Emperor Hotel, to offer you some inspirations.

在澳门,你喜爱的一道菜是什么? 葡式烧原只乳猪,皆因与传统中式乳猪做法很不同, 加入很多不同香料,同时也保留乳猪的鲜美。 你建议旅客农历新年期间在澳门做什么? 到观音堂或妈阁庙参拜,感受传统中国新年的气氛。 或者到街上观看林林总总的舞龙、舞狮表演。当然, 到英皇娱乐酒店的皇廷阁中餐厅品尝传统贺年美食, 与亲朋好友聚首一堂,也是必然之选。 对于情人节晚餐,哪一家餐厅你会推荐情侣去呢? 天巢法国餐厅除了有获米其林三星认同的美食外,座 落澳门最高酒店(新葡京酒店)顶楼,更会给你醉人 的美景,浪漫非常。 你会给来澳门的游客什么建议? 当然要计划好自己的行程,并作好交通安排。澳门很 方便,很多景点都近在咫尺,只需步行就可到达。如 果需要更多资讯,可向酒店礼宾司查询,他们定会给 你很好的建议。 请用四个字形容澳门。 非常惊喜。 What is your favourite dish in Macau? Portuguese Style Roast Suckling Pig. It is made differently from traditional Chinese ones with more herbs and seasonings, while keeping the original tastes of the pig. What do you recommend tourists do in Macau for Chinese New Year? They should visit Kun Iam Temple or A-Ma Temple to experience traditional Chinese New Year in full. Or, they can watch dragon and lion dances on the streets throughout the city. Finally, enjoy some quality time with loved ones at Grand Emperor Court at Grand Emperor Hotel, along with authentic Chinese celebratory delights. Which restaurant do you recommend for a romantic Valentine’s dinner? Robuchon au Dôme. It provides delicacies with Michelin 3-star recognition as well as unrivaled panoramic views of the city, which is utterly romantic. What is the one piece of advice you would give tourists visiting Macau? Plan the itinerary well. Being a small city, Macau has a concentrated collection of tourist’s spots, each of which is within walking distances. If more information is needed, do contact the concierge at the hotel, and they are going to give you spectacular suggestions. Please describe Macau with two words. Completely surprising.



一月 • 二月 2015 | | January 2015



濠探索 explore

塔石年宵市场 逛年宵市场以及采购年货以迎接 农历新年的到来是中国人过年必 不可少的环节,在澳门同样保留 着这个传统。澳门的年宵市场是 位于塔石广场,在充满南欧风情 的广场内你可以找到各式各样的 贺年礼品,包括创意挥春、年 历、风车以及各种精品摆设等。 此外,你也能在场内找到各种不 同的迎春年花以及特色小食。年 宵市场最热闹的时间一定是大 除夕夜(年三十),因为家家户户 都在团年饭后外出逛年宵,选购 催吉开运的贺年礼品以迎接新一 年的来临。

Lunar New Year Fair at Tap Seac Square Macau holds a traditional Lunar New Year Fair which is an important aspect of the festival. The largest one is at the Tap Seac Square where you can find dazzling arrays of holiday goods, gifts, flowers, and food. The fair will be most exciting on the eve of the Festival when residents, after the big family dinner, will flock here to buy items with fortunate meanings for a better year ahead.


Enjoy Spring Festival in Macau

地址 Address 澳门塔石广场 Tap Seac Square 日期时间 Date & Time

农历新年是澳门重要的传统节庆之一,春节期间你可以在澳门品尝传 统贺年食品,也可以在充满西式建筑的氛围中参与多项特色的新年庆 祝活动,包括年宵花市、花车巡游、烟花汇演以及十二生肖街头团拜 等,近距离感受澳门中西融合的魅力。 Spring Festival is in the air! How can you make a unique plan for the most important holiday in China? Macau has a uniquely blended ChineseWestern solution thanks to plenty of traditional activities, some of which include the flower fair, parade, fireworks and traditional performances all set against the backdrop of western architecture. 80


一月 • 二月 2015 |

2月11日至17日, 每日9:00至翌日凌晨00:00 2月18日9:00至2月19日02:00: Feb 11 to 17, 9:00am-00:00am Feb 18 9:00am to Feb 19 02:00am 前往方式 Bus 2, 2A, 4, 7, 7A, 8, 8A, 9, 9A, 12, 18, 18A, 19, 22, 25, 25X 附近景点 What’s Nearby 澳门历史档案馆、塔石艺文馆、卢 廉若公园 Historical Archives of Macau,、Tap Seac Gallery,、 Lou Lim Ieoc Garden

上头炷香 除了年宵市场以外,不少居民会选择前往澳门世界遗产景点之一的妈 阁庙上头炷香。大年三十晚上,妈阁庙前人山人海,好不热闹。信众 们在妈阁庙前排起长龙等候进庙内上香,诚心跪拜,以祈求新的一年 顺风顺水,称心如意。值得一提的是,妈阁庙前地设有开运风车、祈 福物品的摊档,为传统节日添上无限色彩。此外,澳门三大古剎之一 的普济禅院(即观音堂)也是新年人潮畅旺的地点,古朴庄严的庙宇 静立于民宅之间,附近居民纷纷进内上香,是一个感受澳门小城特色 的好去处。

妈阁庙 A-Ma Temple 地址 Address 妈阁庙前地 Barra Square 前往方式 Bus: 1, 2, 5, 6B, 7, 10, 10A,11,18, 21A, 26, 28B

观音堂 Kun Iam Tong 地址 Address 美副将大马路2号

Temple Praying

No. 2 Avenida do Coronel Mesquita 前往方式 Bus

Temples will be another venue that attracts locals during the holiday, particularly world heritage site A-ma Temple and the solemn Kun Iam Tong. It is traditionally believed that sincere prayers and incense burning here will bring luck for the next year. Check out the booths opposite A-ma Temple, which are full of incense and traditional goods.

5, 12, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 25X, 28C | January • February 2015



濠探索 explore



古语云:爆竹一声除旧岁,在新春期间燃烧爆竹烟花是澳门传统的过 年习俗之一,也是吸引邻近地区旅客来澳门过年的重要原因。新春节 日期间,澳门半岛以及氹仔分别设有爆竹、烟花及火箭燃放区,让大 家能在安全的环境下燃放烟花爆竹,增添节日气氛。澳门的爆竹燃放 区位于旅游塔附近,内设8个售卖爆竹、烟花物品摊档以及2个小食摊 档;氹仔的燃放区则位于史伯泰海军将军马路近海傍一带,内设五个 售卖爆竹、烟花物品摊档。

Fireworks and firecrackers drive holiday spirit, and are one of Macau’s strongest appeals to locals and tourists. For the sake of safety, special firecracker zones are marked off by the local authorities, including one at Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macau (nearby the Macau Tower) with ten stalls from which to by the flammable goods, and one at Estrada Almirante Marques do Esparteiro, Taipa, nearby the waterfront with five stalls.

地址 Address 澳门孙逸仙大马路近旅游塔附近 氹仔史伯泰海军将军马路近海傍一带 Macau- Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macao (nearby the Macau Tower) Taipa-Estrada Almirante Marques da Esparteiro, Taipa, nearby the waterfront 时间 Date & Time 2月18日12:00至2月19日02:00 2月19至20日, 每日10:00至翌日02:00 2月21日至23日, 每日10:00至翌日00:00 2月23日10:00至24日00:00 Feb 18 12:00pm to Feb 19 02:00am Feb 19-20, 10:00am-02:00am Feb 21-23, 10:00am-00:00am Feb 23 10:00am–Feb 24 00:00am 前往方式:的士 By Taxi



一月 • 二月 2015 |

活动时间 Date & Time 花车巡游 Parade: 2月21日, 8:00pm-11:00pm 2月28日, 8:00pm-09:30pm Feb 21, 8:00pm-11:00pm


Feb 28, 8:00pm-09:30pm 文艺表演 Cultural Performance

为庆祝农历新年的到来,澳门特别行政区政府旅游局将于年初三(2月21日)及年初十(2月28日)举行热闹 的“羊洋喜气花车巡游汇演”。 年初三的花车巡游开幕式于晚上八时假澳门科学馆举行, 香港紅星杨千 嬅担任表演嘉宾,花车将途经孙逸仙大马路,至西湾湖广场为终点,其后于广场内举行压轴文艺表演,香 港红星许志安及一众澳门歌手担任表演嘉宾使内容更丰富及多元化。年初三晚上十一时更有大型烟花表 演,与市民及旅客一同喜庆过年。年初八的花车巡游路线则从沙梨头北街出发,途经青洲大马路、黑沙环 大马路等,于佑汉街市公园为终点,香港紅星邓丽欣担任表演嘉宾。此外,巡游后的美轮美奂的花车将作 展示,供游人参观拍照。

2月21日, 08:15pm 及 2月28 日,08:00pm Feb 21, 08:15pm & Feb 28, 08:00pm 烟花表演 Fireworks 2月21日, 11:00pm Feb 21, 11:00pm花车展览 Parade Float Exhibition

Parade for the Celebration of the Year of Ram

西湾湖广场,2月2日11:00pm至2月 28日05:00pm

Join us at the Parade for the Celebration of the Year of Ram on Feb.21 and 28! After the opening ceremony at Macau Science Center at 8pm on the 21st, with the performance of Hong Kong Artist Miriam Yeung, the parade will head down Avenida Dr.Sun Yat-Sen to the destination of Praça do Lago Sai Van where an art performance, featuring Hong Kong Artist Andy Hui and Macau Local Artists, will mark the height of the parade. There will also be a large firework show that night at 11pm. The route on the 28th will lead from Rua Norte do Patane to the Mercado Municipal do Bairro Iao Hon, with the performance of Hong Kong Artist Stephy Tang. Don’t miss the opportunity to photograph the marvelous floats which will be exhibited after the parade.

塔石广场,2月28日10:00pm至3月8 日06:00pm Praça do Lago Sai Van, Feb 21 11:00pm to Feb 28 05:00pm Tap Seac Square, Feb 28 10:00pm to Mar 8 06:00pm


New Year Golden Dragon Parade

农历新年期间,于大三巴牌坊广场及议事亭前地举行新春庆祝活动, 与全澳市民及旅客欢度春节。大年初一早上,大三巴牌坊,锣鼓响 起,金光闪烁的大金龙从大三牌坊直奔议事亭前地,伴随大巡游的还 有舞狮队、十二生肖,財神等在游人的拥挤下,经过大三巴街、卢家 大屋、主教座堂、到达议事亭前地,然后前往岗顶,经过政府总部、 亚婆井前地、妈阁庙等地,把新年的欢乐带给所有访客。

Celebration activities are around the city during the spring festival holiday. A parade featuring a golden dragon and lion dance team, with the 12 animals of Chinese zodiac and the gods of Fortune will start from the Ruins of St. Paul, Casa de Lou Kau, Cathedral, Senado Square, then pass by Macau SAR Government Headquarters, Lilau Square, A-Ma Temple, sharing the happiness with every visitor.

出发地点:澳门大三巴牌坊 日期时间: 2月19日10:00-12:00

Start from Ruins of St. Paul DATE & TIME Feb 19, 10:00-12:00 | January • February 2015



探索澳门 explore

活动 Activity

日期 Date

时间 Time

地点 Venue

农历新年亮灯仪式 Light-Up Ceremony of the Chinese Lunar New Year

2月6日Feb 6


议事亭前地 Senado Square

“2015年度农历春节年宵市场”综艺表演 2015 Flower Fair of Spring Festival - Variety Show

2月11至18日 Feb 11- 18

11-18/02 08:30pm-10:00pm 14/02、15/02 6:30pm-8:00pm 8:30pm-10:00pm

塔石广场 Tap Seac Square

春风笑语乐津渝─天津市、重庆市春节习俗展 Spring Season Happiness of Jin and Yu - Exhibition of Lunar New Year Traditions of Tianjin and Chongqing

2月14至3月15日 Feb 14-Mar 15


卢廉若公园春草堂 Lou Lim Ieoc Garden Pavilion

“万家喜庆贺羊年”新春系列活动开幕式 Inaugural Ceremony of Let’s Celebrate the Lunar New Year of the Sheep

2月18日Feb 18


塔石广场 Tap Seac Square

十二生肖及福禄寿拜年 New Year Salutation from the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and the Three Stars of Happiness, Honour and Longevity

2月18日Feb 18


塔石广场 Tap Seac Square

中乐演出 Chinese Music Performance

2月18日Feb 18


塔石广场 Tap Seac Square

龙狮表演 Dragon and Lion Dance

2月18日Feb 18


塔石广场Tap Seac Square

大金龙巡游、十二生肖及福禄寿拜年、龙狮 表演 Arrival of Giant Golden Dragon, New Year Salutation from the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and the Three Stars of Happiness, Honour and Longevity

2月19日Feb 19


议事亭前地 Senado Square

“重庆民族艺术团”表演 Folk and Dance Performance of Chongqing

2月18日Feb 18


塔石广场 Tap Seac Square

2月19日Feb 19

(A)10:00am-11:00am (B) 4:00pm-5:00pm (C) 7:30pm-8:30pm

(A)议事亭前 Senado Square (B)塔石广 Tap Seac Square (C)氹仔消防前地 Bombeiros Square, Taipa

2月20日Feb 20

(A) 4:00pm-5:00pm (B) 7:30pm-8:30pm

(A)塔石广场Tap Seac Square (B)佑汉街市公园 Jardim do Mercado de Iao Hon

2月21日Feb 21


议事亭前地 Senado Square

2月22日Feb 22


塔石广场 Tap Seac Square

步步高升旅游塔长跑赛 Stepping High Macao Tower Run

2月22日 Feb 22


澳门旅游塔 Macau Tower

元宵赏灯晚会 Variety Show

3月5日Mar 5


卢廉若公园 Lou Lim Ieoc Garden

醒狮贺岁竞艺汇演 Lion Dance Performance



一月 • 二月 2015 | | January • February 2015



探索澳门 explore 官乐怡,于澳门法律界而言,是无人不识的 大律师;于澳门市民而言,他是一个热心公 益文化活动的慈善家。这一期的Cguide带你走 近官乐怡,认识这位为澳门法律以及推动青 少年艺术不遗余力的澳门公民。

To the citizens of Macau, Rui Cunha is not only a famous lawyer but a philanthropist who contributes to the development of local law and juvenile art.

公民官乐怡 Citizen Cunha Yan




一月 • 二月 2015 |

乐怡先生最容易被辨识的便是他的“海拔”, 远远就能望到威武高大的他。说到经历,更是 非同凡响:出生于法律世家,曾在莫桑比克当过检察 官以及葡萄牙当过法官,是葡萄牙法律界赫赫有名的 法律专业人员,直到1981年在澳门赌王何鸿燊的大力 邀请下来到澳门担任律师,每一个篇章都写满故事。 官乐怡一留澳门便是30多年,见证了这个曾经的葡萄 牙殖民小城不同时期的发展。如今,官乐怡早已视澳 门为家,并以“为澳门,无私奉献,精益求精”的宗 旨于2012年与其子女成立了官乐怡基金会,为澳门的 法律体系以及艺术文化作出贡献。 基金会的创立原因之一是因为官乐怡认为需要为澳门 法律系统提供支持,为澳门现有的法律以及新的法律 提案进行分析以及系统整理。官乐怡表示1999年之前 的澳门应用的法律很大部份都是来自葡萄牙的法律, 而回归后也存在着被其他法律系统影响的风险,所以 有必要建立一个可靠的澳门法律反思研究及传播中 心,让市民大众也可以参与到澳门法律的建立与管理 之中。 除了法律系统的发展支持外,官乐怡基金会也很关注 澳门本地文化以及创意产业的发展。位于澳门南湾的 官乐怡基金会画廊就是一个专为澳门年轻艺术家推广 作品的平台,画廊主办不同的社会文化活动,以关于 文学、造型艺术以及音乐活动为主。在这里你不会找 到任何商业演出,也不会有艺术作品出售,是一 个纯粹的欣赏艺术以及交流的空间。“能够 到国外进行深造的青少年艺术家毕竟是少 数,更多的青年是可能因为家庭财政的 问题而无法继续自己的艺术发展,这 使我份外关注,所以基金会为他们提 供平台,让他们在画廊作展览或是表 演,向观众展示他们的艺术价值。我 们也在计划未来进驻内地开设展览, 向内地的朋友展示澳门艺术家的创意 实力。”官乐怡笑着说。


orn to a family of lawyers who have held titles such as procurator in Mozambique and judge in Portugal, Rui Cunha was a distinguished legal professional based in Portugal. That is, until 1981 when he was invited by Stanley Ho to work in Macau. After more than three decades of witnessing local development, he founded the Fundação Rui Cunha in 2012 with his children. This foundation is devoted to the development of law, art, and culture within Macau, guided by the spirit of Por Macau, Mais e Melhor ( for a better Macau). The foundation has two missions. The first is to provide analysis and systematic management of proposals related to the current and new laws. Laws established in Macau before 1999 are rooted in the Portuguese legal system, and according to Mr. Rui Cunha may be trouble when adapting them after the handover. Macau needs a reliable center for legal research and publicity that will involve the public in the formation and management of local laws and regulations. The second mission is to support local culture and creativity. The Rui Cunha art gallery in Nam Van serves as a platform for local young artists by hosting art activities. They specialize in literature, visual art, and musical performances. The gallery is known for its pure art exchange with no trace of commercial element. “Not every young person is lucky enough to pursue advanced learning abroad; most of them have to give up that dream due to financial limitations. They are who I focus on. The foundation provides a venue for them to prove their value to a wider audience. We plan to host exhibits in the Mainland to demonstrate the creative strength of Macau’s artists” said Mr. Cunha.


Art Gallery 地址 Address 澳门南湾大马路749号地下 :AV. Da Praia Grande, N. 749, Macau 开放时间 Opening 10:00-19:00(周一至周 五)15:00-19:00(周六) 10:00-19:00(Mon to Fri)15:00-19:00(Sat) 电话 Tel: +853 2892 3288



濠探索 explore


梁菲: 我自求我道 Faye Leung: Dance My Way 苏苏 Melao

看过《水舞间》的朋友一定记得那 个在舞台上灵活地穿梭于水陆空之 间、以优雅动人的舞姿紧紧抓住全 场观众目光的公主,而看过不止一 次《水舞间》的朋友还会发现公主 时而活泼、时而成熟、时而纯真, 让你每次看都会有新的惊喜,这位 公主的名字叫梁菲。(尚未看过表 演的朋友,为了公主,你值得买票 进场!) Faye Leung, the glorious princess of the House of Dancing Water at the City of Dreams, has impressed audiences through her elegant, skillful, and expressive performances on the multi-media stage of the show. Her ever changing language of dance is one of the highlights that will make you grateful for your ticket.

鸣谢采访场地 Special Thanks to: 澳门皇冠酒店 Crown Towers-City of Dreams



一月 • 二月 2015 |

在笔者尚未正式与梁菲见面时,就听说过她是一位很 有礼貌、很亲切的女孩子,后来才发现原来梁菲还是 行内一位响负盛名的专业舞蹈艺术家。如今终于有机 会与“公主”真人面对面,眼前的她大方得体,眉宇 间透出一股超尘脱俗的气质。 梁菲出身于上海,从小就醉心于芭蕾舞,毕业于上海 芭蕾舞学校。拥有古典气质以及精湛舞技的她曾担任 著名的香港芭蕾舞蹈团的首席芭蕾舞演员,于2008年 更曾凭借《罗密欧与茱丽》中的茱丽叶一角获得香港 舞蹈联盟颁发的香港舞蹈年奖。 你是否会好奇为什么她会从舞蹈团的首席芭蕾舞演员 摇身一变成为上天下水的女主角呢? 原是首席芭蕾舞 演员的Faye,在原因不明的情况下突然被解僱了, 那时的她顿失方寸。她坚持争取合理解释的诚意感动 了剧团,最后虽然剧团希望再重新聘请她,但她觉得 关系至此,回到剧团已经没意思,所以毅然拒绝了剧 团的邀约,并相信一定可以找到更适合自己发展的道 路。 她的想法一点也没错,人生就是如此,当一扇门被关 上之后,上帝便会为我们打开另一扇窗。不久后,她 就收到来自澳门新濠天地的邀请,希望她能担任筹备 了5年,耗资超过20亿港元打造的世界级制作《水舞 间》的女主角。 在舞台上跳舞表演对于Faye而言自是驾轻就熟,可《 水舞间》以水上汇演为主,水中跳舞比传统舞台的表 演难度更高,对于本是旱鸭子的她而言是一个巨大的 挑战。为了完美演出,她前往比利时接受了为期七个 星期的潜水和空中飞人等特训,每天苦练,以确保在 水中也能做出精准的肢体动作。皇天不负有心人,最 后旱鸭子终于学懂了游泳,还考了潜水牌照并且爱上 潜水,更克服了惧高症,成为了那位在水上舞台中最 亮眼的公主。她说: “现在的演出让我从过去只有芭 蕾舞的世界走了出来,不但开阔了我的眼界,还增加 了我的人生阅历。”如果你也想去一睹这位水上公主 的风采,就不要错过这么精彩的《水舞间》了。

The young girl from Shanghai is not simply a pretty young face, an impression that many may have. She is also a professional dancer with a sterling reputation within the art community. My impression of her during the interview was that she seemed as graceful, pure and refined as a real princess. Before joining the show, she was the lead ballerina in the prestigious Hong Kong Ballet thanks to her outstanding skill, winning the Hong Kong Dance Alliance Dance Awards in 2008 with her portrayal of Juliet. How did a rising star of ballet become princess of the water world? Her life was totally changed when she was unexpectedly and unfairly dismissed from the Hong Kong Ballet. Though she was welcomed back after the miscommunication was cleared up, she was too hurt to pretend nothing had happened. There must be a road to fit her better, she decided. Another door opened when she received an offer from the City of Dreams, inviting her to be the chief actress of the House of Dancing Water, which had been prepared for five years with a heavy investment of HKD 2 billion. Dancing is of course her life. But dancing on a water-featured stage was a challenge, especially for a landlubber. After seven weeks of harsh training in Belgium to ensure perfect movement in water, she became certified in diving, overcame a fear of heights, and had grown into a brilliant princess onstage. “This show has broadened my ballet-only life, and has added new experiences to my world.”

水舞间 The House of Dancing Water 门票 Tickets: MOP580起 电话 Tel.:: +853 8868 6767 贴士 Tips: 计划你的行程前记得提早订 票,前排座位小心湿身。 Book your tickets earlier, if your seats are at the front row, be careful that you might get wet. | January • February 2015



濠探索 explore

跟着文学作品游澳门 Literature tour of Macau Yvonne Melao

澳门这个小城,是四百多年来西方窥探东方神 秘色彩的一扇小窗,被这种独特中西文化碰 撞所迸发的火花所吸引的古今中外文人墨客, 用自己的感悟和笔墨,为小城赋予了一层又一 层的“文学色彩”。澳门,在不同风格的文字 里透现出不同的姿态,正如文化局刚推出的新 书,由澳门著名学者彭海铃教授撰写的《文学 风景-澳门历史城区文学游踪》里说的一样: 澳门这块中国领土上的异地,在西方人眼中, 也是不可思议的:是欧洲的,也是中国的;是 庄严的,也是堕落的。 Macau, thanks to a culture uniquely interwoven with east and west, has been the subject of literature from both home and abroad for more than four centuries, though its image changes in the words of different writers. As Peng Hailing said in her Literature Landscape – Touring in Macau Heritage (paraphrase): to westerners, Macau was an offbeat and incredible spot on the map of China. It was European, also Chinese; it was holy, also fallen. 90


一月 • 二月 2015 |

左:插画师 Winderbell,右:彭海铃教授 Left: Winderbell, Right:Professor Peng

我们这类以旅游资讯为主的杂志不同,《文学 风景》一书走着截然不同的文学旅游路线。翻 开书本,除了被彭教授丰富海量的历史常识所震撼外, 也会被80后插画家梁倩瑜(笔名Winderbell )笔下色彩 斑斓却静谧动人的澳门风景所吸引。全书以“澳门历史 城区”的参观路线为经,中外作者的文学作品为纬,徐 徐展开一幅幅动人的澳门美景图;从生动的插画中我们 又能看到景点本身于人的意义,景点内人物的活动正好 反映了每个地方的不同观赏机能,当然,作者和绘画师 生于斯长于斯的那份本能感动功不可没,贯穿全书,成 为最吸引读者的清晰脉络。 爱猫的彭海铃教授是个细腻的人,澳门出生的她目前在 澳门大学从事教学工作,经常可以在各大报章看到她的 专栏。由于常年流连巷弄间追溯岁月故事,加上对关于 描绘澳门的文学作品瞭如指掌,当文化局决定要出一本 为庆祝澳门申遗成功十周年的书本时,第一个想到的作 者人选就是她。“澳门是早期中西方文化交流的一个窗 口,其实明清两代有很多关于澳门的文学作品,只是很 少人知道,而这本书就为读者揭示了当年的文人是怎麽 看待澳门的。”教授在解释书本创作原意的时候说。说 到能从地名反映地方历史文化的例子,教授说不得不提 高楼街,从众多文学作品中可以发现高楼街当年其实只 是2-3层的洋房,因为是澳门最早聚居有华人和葡萄牙 人的地方,所以在整个小城市里便显得“鹤立鸡群”。 很多游客来澳门旅游都是短短数天,彭教授给我们介绍 了一条两天的文学游世遗路线:“从大家熟知的妈阁庙 出发,一路走到灯塔,你可以从书本中提供的每个景点 的二维码看到每一个景点的立体图片,然后站在文学家 当年曾到过的同一个地方,静静感受不一样的感觉。举 个例子,在妈阁庙的石碑上就刻有很多诗,可能平时不 被留意,但那些正是当年的文人对澳门的印象记录。” 插画家Winderbell说自己也曾和朋友尝试走这一条路 线,的确需至少两天的时间,而对比书中所提及的文学 作品和实景,有种穿梭时空的感觉。


iterature Landscape – Touring in Macau Heritage is presented by two Macau locals: Professor Peng Hailing who contributed vast amounts of historical information, and Liang Qianyu (Winderbell), whose addition was the colorful and charming illustrations. Focusing on the historic urban area of Macau, it unfolds beautiful scenes one after another through vivid description and quotations from Macau-related literature, supplemented by drawings to perfectly match each location. It is filled with artistic appeal that shows genuine love of hometown. Peng Hailing is a professor at University of Macau, a cat-lover and a column writer for major newspapers known for her intimate knowledge of Macau and Macau-related literature. She was the first candidate when ICM considered publications to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Macau’s World Heritage status. “Actually, Macau was a bridge between eastern and western literature long before; its name appeared in books dating back to the Ming Dynasty. This book is meant to explore what Macau was in the eyes of early writers,” Professor Peng said when explaining her inspiration. She also gave a very interesting example of seeing history in old street names: Rua do Padre António, meaning “a street of tall buildings” in Chinese. As the first habitat of both Chinese and Portuguese, this street was the first to witness the multiple-storied buildings, though they were only 2-3 floors tall. To tourists staying for only a few days, Peng suggested a two-day literary tour of World Heritage starting from A-Ma Temple and ending at the lighthouse. Scan the QR code of each site for a 3D picture, feel what the write felt long before at the exact spots they once were. For example, the poems on the stone tablet of A-Ma Temple were the historic record of the literary precursors. Winderbell guaranteed through personal experience that it is indeed a two-day tour, but also a unique journey through time when comparing descriptions from yesterday to the scenes of today.

《文学风景:澳门历史 城区文学游踪》 Literature Landscape Touring in Macau Heritage 作者 Author 彭海铃 Peng Hailing 插图 Illustration 梁倩瑜 Liang Qianyu (Winderbell) 出版商 Publisher 澳门特别行政区政府文化局 Culture Affair Bureau of Macau 价格 Price MOP150 (明信片MOP2/张) MOP 150 (postcard MOP2/piece) 查询 Inquiry 吴小姐 +853 83996484, Ms Wu | January • February 2015



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到澳门旅游的朋友少不免会为亲朋 好友带上特色的手信特产,当中以 杏仁饼、肉干、花生糖等食品最受 欢迎。如果在品尝美食的同时又想 知道更多关于澳门手信发展的故 事,那你不妨抽出半天时间前往澳 门手信博物馆参观,借助珍贵的手 信业展品了解澳门手信业的变迁。

澳门手信博物馆 Macau Museum of Souvenirs 小时 Melao

Almond cake, dried pork, peanut candy… how could you not bring back delicious food for family members and friends as a souvenir from Macau? Your knowledge of the souvenirs Macau has to offer will be enhanced by a visit to the unique Macau Museum of Souvenirs, where you can explore the history of Macau’s souvenir industry thanks to the interesting and mouthwatering exhibitions.



一月 • 二月 2015 |

于妈阁庙附近的 手信博物馆是全 球首间以手信为题材的 博物馆,于2011年成 立,里面集合了近150件 与澳门不同年代手信业 相关的展览品,当中更 包括澳门多家老饼家昔 日的月历铁牌、百多年 前的月饼包装纸、手信 盛载器皿等珍贵展品。 手信博物馆分为三大区 域,包括展品区、AR 多媒体互动体验区,以 及模拟场景区。在展品 区中,陈列出众多昔日 的手信商品,如各式礼 品的罐盒杯盅等器皿; 手信的各式宣传品, 如包装纸、价目表、月 份牌、广告、宣传单张 等,还有各种制饼及糕 点的工具等。模拟场景 区则展有怀旧饼店场 景,如展出一罐罐装有 彩虹饼、水泡饼、光酥 饼等饼饵的旧式玻璃 罐,让70、80后的朋友 甚有共鸣。 为了增加参观者的趣味 性,在AR多媒体互动 体验区采用了扩增实景 技术,只要适当放置“ 骰子”,屏幕就能显示 出相应的澳门特色手信 小食,包括图片、文字 说明及制作动画,互动 性十足。而体验区则设 有十多种手信小食,包 括常见的肉松蛋卷、肉 干、合桃酥、杏仁饼、 月饼、葡挞等。此外, 你还可以透过电子互动 小游戏即场了解到各种 特色手信特产的制作过 程。


he Macau Museum of Souvenirs, established in 2011, is the first museum of its kind in the world. The space near the A-Ma Temple exhibits almost 150 articles related to the local souvenir industry of different periods including some precious items such as iron calendars of old cake brands, wrapping papers of more than a century ago and vantage containers. The museum has three zones - the exhibition hall, AR multi-media interaction sections, and the reconstruction stores. You will see traditional souvenirs such as cups, boxes, and cans, as well as business materials like wrapping paper, price tags, calendars, leaflets and cooking utensils. Visitors will be especially attached to the reconstructed corners of old cake shops where colorful traditional cakes are displayed in vintage glass jars. To make the experience more interesting, the museum has adopted Augmented Reality technology in its AR multi-media interactive zone. You can see traditional images of souvenir food on the screen, and moving the “dice” will prompt cartoons to explain the cooking procedures. After all this, you can treat your appetite in the tasting corner where there are dozens of free samples such as meat floss, egg rolls, dried meat, cookie crisps, almond cakes, moon cakes and egg tarts. There are also video games to play, which demonstrate cooking various kinds of Macau snacks.

哪里可以看到 Where to See 门票 Admission 免费参观 Free 地址 Address 澳门妈阁斜巷二十三号友成 大厦地铺 Calada da Barra, No23, Iau Seng Bloco, R/C, Macau 开放时间 Opening 10:00-16:30 (逢星期四休馆) 10:00-16:30 (Closed on Thursdays) 电话 Tel.: (+853) 2896 9062 | January • February 2015



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“体验梦工场” 冰之历奇 Ice World Macau 2015

亚洲最大型的年度室内冰雕展再次重临澳门,让你在冬 日里近距离欣赏到由中国哈尔滨冰雪艺术雕塑家精心打 造的一系列人见人爱的DreamWorks动画人物冰雕。



一月 • 二月 2015 |

“体验梦工场”冰之历奇于面积超过1,600平方米的澳门 威尼斯人金光会展展览厅F馆展出,展区共分为六个不 同主题区,满足爱玩的大孩子和小孩子的需要。《荒 失失奇兵》的企鹅小队队长及其他成员将带领您从充 满意大利威尼斯水乡风貌的广场开始探索之旅。沿途 可看见在贡多拉船上高歌的船夫丶精致的桥及运河, 皆以冰雕形式展现,十分吸引人。接着就是和一众可 爱DreamWorks动画人物冰雕会面的时刻,深入史力

It’s time for ice fun! Asia’s largest annual indoor frozen wonderland “Ice World” returns to Macau this winter. You can play with your favorite DreamWorks Animation characters carving in ice by talented craftsmen from Harbin at Cotai Strip Resorts. With an exhibition area covering more than 1,600 square meters, the fun-filled ice sculpture exhibition is divided into six themed zones. Penguins Undercover Ice World with the DreamWorks Gang will be your tour guide in the ice journey. You will see ice renderings of Italian piazzas, bridges over canals and singing gondoliers before meeting up with all-ice versions of the much-loved characters from “Shrek,” who will be celebrating the holidays with their tight-knit fairy tale family at the swamp house. King Julien, Alex the lion, and all the Zoosters from “Madagascar” are at the centre of their holiday cheer. The celebration continues with Hiccup, Toothless and all of their Viking friends on the Isle of Berk from the “How to Train Your Dragon” franchise, where they celebrate the holidays as a uniquely bonded community. Visitors finally enter the frozen ancient Chinese Jade Palace, where they can slide down one of four amazing slides while Po the Kung Fu Panda and the Furious Five watch on, celebrating the holidays with a focus on tradition. With their mission complete, the penguins will guide you back to The Venetian Macao where everyone will get to take a photograph with the Penguins of Madagascar and celebrate a successful undercover holiday operation.

日期 Date 即日起至2015年3月8日 Till March 8, 2015 地点 Venue 澳门威尼斯人 金光会展展 览厅F馆 Cotai Expo Hall F, The Venetian Macao 开放时间 Opening Hours 上午 11时至晚上8时 (最後 入场时间为晚上7时30分) 11 a.m.-8 p.m. (last admission at 7:30 p.m.) 门票 Ticket 成人丶小童(3至12岁)— MOP120 家族套票(成人2位及小童 2位)—MOP312 Adults and Children (ages 3-12): MOP120 Family Package: MOP312 (2 adults and 2 children) 查询 Tel.: +853 2882 8818 注意事项: 展览场地F馆温 度维持于摄氏零下8度。大 会将向入场人士免费供应不 同尺码的连帽外衣御寒,但 同时建议入场观众应为低温 环境作好准备,穿着密头鞋 及长裤和带备帽子及手袜。 现场亦会出售帽子丶手袜及 袜子,亦有靴子租借服务( 数量及尺码有限)

加的冰制沼泽,与他们的温馨大家庭一同欢度假日。 此外,你还可以与《荒失失奇兵》的朱利安国王丶亚 力狮及该动画中的其他明星,在节日中一起高呼友谊 万岁;前往《驯龙记》博克岛上维京村,与思噎仔丶 无牙仔及他们的维京朋友一起庆祝欢乐节日或是到达 《功夫熊猫》的冰封玉皇宫,在阿宝及盖世五侠的俯 视下,玩一趟独有的四道冰雪滑梯。最后,企鹅小队 会在旅程结束之前引领您回到澳门威尼斯人的冰雕广 场进行大合照,为大家成功完成的探索之旅留念!

Note: The temperature in Hall F is set at a chilly minus 8 degrees Celsius. Visitors are strongly recommended to wear closed-toe shoes, hats, gloves and long pants. Hooded coats will be provided for free in a variety of sizes for children and adults. Hats, gloves and socks may be purchased on site. Shoe rentals are available, in limited quantities and sizes. | January • February 2015



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打败冬日“花面猫” Babyface Protection Nancy

想宝宝成为冬天的“花 面猫”,家长就要好好 挑选适合的护肤产品,为宝宝 穿上滋润又保湿的“防护衣” ,呵护过冬天。此外,由于每 位宝宝的体质不同,在使用前 可先在宝宝的手臂内侧或耳后 涂抹一点点,如果24小时内没 有出现异常现像即可使用;若 然宝宝使用护肤品后皮肤出现 过敏反应,如皮肤发红、出现 疹子等,就应立即停止使用。


he dry and chilly winter air is rough on the tender skin of your small child. You need to be able to rely on a seriously good skincare product. Remember, before using any new product, be sure to test a small amount on your baby’s inner arm or behind his or her ear. Wait 24 hours to ensure that there is no red skin or rash indicative of a potential allergy.


Eczema Care Skin Protectant Cream 湿疹及乾燥皮肤乳霜 MOP159 蕴含安全天然的植 物成分,可有效改 善湿疹、乾燥及敏 感等皮肤症状,经 儿科及皮肤专科测 试,不含皮质醇 (Cortisone)及类 固醇(Steroid), 其特效防敏感配方适合所有婴 幼使用。 Contains natural plant ingredients to soothe damaged, dry, or irritated skin. Guaranteed to be cortisone and steroid-free, as confirmed by authorized labs. Safe for all babies.


Hydra BeBe Body Lotion 水分润肤乳 MOP155 蕴含杏仁油、祖祖 巴油、乳木果、维 化命E及F,可有效 滋润初生婴儿及婴 孩身体,增强婴儿 皮肤的防卫能力, 更能柔软皮肤及重建水脂膜, 适合正常皮肤每天使用。 Ingredients such as almond oil, jojoba oil, and shea butter will hydrate and nourish the skin of your new-born, building a defensive layer of protection. Suitable for daily use on normal skin.


Emollient Cream 润肤膏 MOP165 适 合 湿 疹 倾 向、非常乾燥 或敏感皮肤日 常滋润之用, 含 专 利 向 日 葵油,促进细 胞自行生产皮 脂,解决湿疹皮肤先天缺乏皮脂 问题,可涂搽于面部和身体,增 强防卫能力及舒缓不适。 The sunflower oil in this cream will restore the skin’s natural barrier functions and soothe irritation. For damaged, dry, or sensitive skin.

California Baby Calendula Cream 湿疹膏

MOP165 富含天然金盏 草有效成份, 低过敏性,对 婴儿或成人脸 部及身体部位 极度干燥的情况,或是敏感的 肌肤都有着深度滋润的效果, 可作为日常保养每天使用。 Hypo-allergenic calendula essence will hydrate and nourish dry or sensitive skin of all ages. A suitable choice for daily skincare.


2 In 1 Hair & Body Wash 二合一发肤淋浴露 MOP85 含有椰油及甘油的 滋润成份,不含皂 性、不刺激眼睛, 可清洗婴孩及幼儿 全身皮肤及头发, 温和低敏配方不会令皮肤干燥 及刺激头皮。 Contains mild and hypo-allergenic ingredients such as coconut oil, and is gentle enough that it won’t irritate eyes. Works for both skin and hair of infants and young children. 96


一月 • 二月 2015 |

哪里可以买到 Where to Buy 亲子坊 Bmart 俾利喇街113-113A号 113-113A,Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Macau +853 2852 5393 母婴用品 Hello Baby 素鸦利神父巷9号 No. 9, Travessa do Padre Soares

儿童世界 children’s world Pais Tel: (+853)2833 7676


澳门科学馆 MACAO SCIENCE CENTER 澳门科学馆设有大量不同种类的互动 游戏,适合各个年龄层。透过这些游 戏将环境、社会、生态等连接到我们 所处的城市里的信息带给大家。 The Macao Science Center is a huge interactive facility comprised of various sections for learning and fun. Suitable for a variety of ages, it manages to incorporate information about the environment, society, ecology and more, and link many of them to city we live in. 开放时间 Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 (周四休馆 Closed on Thursday) 门票Admission:: 展览中心Exhibition Center-MOP25 地址 Add:RESS: 澳门孙逸仙大马路澳门科学馆 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macao Science Center Tel: (+853)2888 0822

历险Q立方 QUBE 内有高达6米的复合攀爬设施,附设 一座垂宜滑梯、两座小型滑梯,一座 V字形绳桥、跨越及攀爬障碍物、之 字形攀爬绳等。 Qube features a six-meter-tall multi-climbing facility with a free fall slide, rainbow slides, a V-Net bridges, over and underbarriers,zigzag net climbers and more. 开放时间 OpeningHours 10:00-22:00 门票Admission: MOP50起 Price From Mop 50 地址 Add:RESS: 金沙广场2楼2201店铺Shop 2201, Level 2, Shoppes Cotai Central Tel: (+853)8113 8598

耗资20亿港元的大型水上汇演《水 舞间》以特技、舞蹈等表现方法配合 以水为主题,把东方智慧意象发挥得 淋漓尽致。 The HK$2 billion performance “The House of Dancing Water” is a breathtaking water-based show that draws its creative inspiration from the roots of Chinese culture and is destined to be the most extravagant live production ever staged in Asia. 门票 Admission:: HKD580起, Price From Mop 580 地址 Address: :澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau Tel: (+853) 8868 6767

龙腾 DRAGON’S TREASURE 于新濠天地的圆顶形综合剧院“天 幕”欣赏“龙腾”,在四大龙王的带 领下,深深体会多媒体高清特技丶千 变万化的舞台灯光丶独特乐章带来的 超感官奇幻效果。 The Bubble is an iconic multi-media attraction at the City of Dreams with explosive visual and sounds. The Dragon’s Treasure theme tells the story of the Dragon Pearl and the four kings. 放映时间 Show times: 12:00-20:00 (每30分钟一场/ every 30-minutes) 门票 Admission: MOP 50 地址 AddRESS: 澳门路氹连贯公路新濠天地 City of Dreams, Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau Tel: (+853) 8868 6688

石排湾郊野公园 SEAC PAI VAN PARK 位于路环岛西部的山麓,离路氹公路 不远。这里绿树成荫,是郊游的好 去处。 The Seac Pai Van Park comprises a blend of zoological and botanical attractions, with scenic areas of conserved ecology in which visitors can expand their knowledge of nature. 开放时间Opening Hours: 8:00-18:00 门票 Admission: 免费 Free 地址 AddRESS: 澳门路环石排湾马路 Avenida de Seac Pai Van, Coloane, Macau Tel: (+853) 2833 7676


澳门大熊猫馆 GIANT PANDA PAVILION 澳门大熊猫馆位于路环石排湾郊野公 园内,馆内设有两个室内活动区和一 个室外活动场,透过玻璃可以看到大 熊猫的可爱模样。 Located in the Seac Pai Van Park, Giant Panda Pavilion comprises two indoor-activity areas and an outdoor yard of the giant pandas. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00, 14:00-17:00 门票 Admission:MOP10 Tel: (+853)2888 0087

澳门海上游 HARBOR CRUISE 澳门的海岸线极具吸引力,而内港一 仍可见到旧的楼房和码头,洋溢着日 渔港风情。 The Harbor Cruise pushes off from the historical Inner Harbor and continues past famous local attractions. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 11:30-21:30 门票 Admission:Mop80-398 地址 Address: 澳门内港岐关十二号码头 Ponte No. 12 (Inner Harbour), Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos Tel: (+853)2893 0012

观光缆车 CABLE CAR 在二龙喉公园入口处有观光缆车直达 东望洋山山顶,你可以一边乘坐缆 车,一边饱览美丽的景色。 The Guia Hill offers spectacular views of the city, harbor and the sunset, with a sing trip taking two to three minutes. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 8:00-18:00 门票 Admission:MOP2-5 地址 AddRESS: 澳门士多鸟拜斯大马路二龙喉公园 Flora Garden,Avenida de Sidónio

在大潭山郊野公园有个滑草场,带小 朋友去玩个够吧! Parque Natural da Taipa Grandea is a great place to come for BBQs and for views out over Cotai and Macau. Not only that, but try out the Grass-ski slope, enjoy the thrill of the ride. 开放时间 Opening Hours: 14:30 - 17:30 门票Admission:免费Free 地址 AddRESS: 氹仔天文台斜路大潭山郊野公园 Parque Natural da Taipa Grande,Taipa

百步登天及高飞跳 TOWER CLIMB & SKYJUMP 参加百步登天来征服338米高的旅游 塔。高飞跳和空中漫步能看到澳门震 撼的景色。 Conquer the 338-meter tall Macau Tower with the Tower Climb. Try out the hair-raising SkyJump and SkyWalk to get dynamic views of Macau. 时间 Time: 11:00-21:00 空中漫步Sky Walk: MOP 788 百步登天Tower Climb: MOP 1,888 高飞跳Sky Jump: MOP 1,888 地址Address: 澳门旅游塔T2层冒险地带 Level T2,Adventure Zone,Macau Tower,Macau Tel: (+853) 8988 8656

儿童世界 KID’S CAVERN 儿童世界占地约三万五千平方呎,为 澳门最大型的高端儿童综合王国,里 面的商品应有尽有,大型糖果屋、公 主主题饰品区、机动战士高达主题店 中店等,令人目不暇给。 Kid’s Cavern is a 35,000 square foot children’s store in Sands Coati Central in Macau. The candy shop inside has a swirling vortex of shiny translucent lollipops, enormous egg displays feature merchandise in the baby zone, and oversized models circle the ceiling within the toy department. 开放时间Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 地址 Address: 澳门金沙城中心3001-3001号铺 Shop3001-3007,Sands Cotai Central,Taipa Tel: (+853) 2885 3300 | January • February 2015



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乐玩“长隆海洋王国” Water Fun at Chimelong International Ocean Tourist Resort Yvonne Melao

很多人都去过广州番禺的长隆动物王国,多年来一直不断推陈出新 的这个国产品牌主题乐园是中国度假娱乐的金漆招牌。而去年与澳 门近在咫尺,位于横琴的“长隆海洋王国”落成并投入使用,让近 水楼台的珠三角及港澳游客又多了一个消遣好去处! 我们试验过从澳门横琴关口过关到达海洋王国乐园门口的一段路程,全程使用公共 交通工具,在非节假日前往,只需要30分钟!澳门人前往度周末绝对不用花费太多 时间,而游客也可以把澳门珠海连起来游玩多一天。

Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou’s Panyu District has been developed into a full-fledged Chinese theme park after years of development. Now the Park has a sister project; Chimelong International Ocean Tourist Resort has opened at Hengqin just adjacent to Macau. This is exciting for everybody, especially for us in Macau considering its ideal location. It takes only thirty minutes by bus to reach the Ocean Tourist Resort from Hengqin Port during non-peak seasons; perfect for a weekend holiday or a more extensive tour covering Macau and Zhuhai.



一月 • 二月 2015 |

长隆横琴湾酒店大堂 Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel Zhuhai 横琴湾酒店是海洋王国第一期的 酒店配套,门口看起来就气派十 足,更有足足1888个房间!走进大 堂,被十层楼高的多条海豚震慑,中间 更有艺术感十足的红色琉璃大型装置,原来 酒店和杜拜的阿特兰大酒店是同一个设计团队,所以 整体感觉非常相似,走着奢华磅礴的路线。酒店客房 加乐园门票的套票经常有优惠套餐,具体可以关注酒 店微信:长隆横琴湾酒店。 Hengqin Bay Hotel acts as the accommodations for the first phase of the Resort with an astounding 1888 rooms. Through the magnificent main entrance, you will be greeted by several dolphin sculptures over ten stories high, dotted with artistic red glaze installations. The luxury style is reminiscent of Atlantis, The Palm Hotel in Dubai; likely because they are created by the same design team.

长隆横琴湾酒店水日本料理 Japanese cuisine

鲸鲨馆 Aquarium

酒店内有多达九个餐厅,全部都有海洋元素,我们 最喜欢的是很能代表珠海的“渔港食街(Fisherman Village)”和容易被遗漏的日本餐厅“水(Mizu)” 。尤其是由获奖料理师傅坐镇的水,位置闹中 带静,桌子之间用旗袍所做的屏风相隔,非常 适合情侣。季节刺身拼盘可以根据你的喜好 来点,我们当天就尝试乐北海道甜虾、寒鰤 鱼、三文鱼鱼腩、鳕蟹希鯪,平目鱼薄切等 等,非常新鲜。 Among the nine ocean-themed restaurants in the hotel, my special favorites are Fisherman Village and Mizu where you can taste authentic Japanese food prepared by an award-winning chef. Because this fresh seafood cuisine is served in a peaceful and intimate environment, Mizu is a good recommendation for lovers on a romantic night out.

这个破了五项吉 尼斯纪录的海洋 馆,首先吸引你的是 巨大 的海洋王国标志性雕塑:镇 馆之宝鲸 鲨像。走进内里,简直就是人与自然最大程度的和谐 啊!巨型水族馆把站在它面前的游客都映衬得格外渺 小,而厚达65cm的亚克力玻璃水族馆,看起来就觉得 那些千奇百怪的深海鱼儿触手可及,如果你的时间不 赶,一定要去旁边的海底餐厅对着水族馆吃一顿饭, 一定终身难忘。 The first attraction of the aquarium, which holds five Guinness World records, is the huge whale shark which is also the star of the water kingdom. Although separated by a glass wall of 65cm, the two worlds seem to melt together. Try the neighboring restaurant with the aquarium view for an unforgettable dining experience.

企鹅馆 Penguins Zone 相信我,走进企鹅馆你一定已经忘记了这里只有六度的冰冷感!那些 肥肥的,全世界最大的帝企鹅整齐地排列在模拟雪地上,簇拥到一块 时的傻气,已经萌翻啦!馆内有四种企鹅,馆外也有一群不怕热的来 自南美的麦哲伦企鹅在欢快地游泳,千万不要以为那是“水鸭”啊。 There are four species of polar penguins inside the hall with controlled temperature of only 6℃. But any chill in the air will be warmed up by the cutie petites. There is also a group of Magellanic penguin from South Africa swimming joyfully in the water outside the hall.

长隆海洋王国三大过山车 Three rolling coasters 带小孩子的亲子家庭游,怎么可以缺少心跳度100分的 狂叫项目:过山车。海洋王国里就有三个尖叫度层层 递增的过山车项目:海象山激流帆船、极地探索和雨 林飞翔。关键是在坐的过程中你还可以先观赏一边的 动物,简直是一举两得。 Roller coasters should be a key item in your entertainment list for the whole family. The park has not one but three coasters of different thrill levels. The starting track gives the rider a great view of the animal habitats, allowing for a more distinctive experience.

海豚剧场 Dolphin theatre 海豚堪称是海洋 里最聪明的动 物,而海洋王国 里就饲养了不少 肥肥白白的海豚, 它们的表情看起来正 在笑呢。海豚最聪明的 莫过 于是可以分开左右脑活动,左 脑休息,右 脑思考,非常高智商。无论是小朋友还是大人,都会 被逗趣的海豚感染。 Dolphins are the most intelligent marine mammal; the left and right hemispheres of their brains are actually capable of functioning separately. They are the darlings of every water park and delight both children and adults.

交通贴士 Travelling tips 如果你自驾车,可以在 横琴口岸的澳门关口( 澳门旅客)或者是珠海 关口(内地旅客)停 车,过关后在关口右手 边尽头乘搭巴士(单程 人民币2-3元不等),几 乎每一部车都到达长隆 海洋世界门口。 记得不要被关口门口的 出租车司机哄骗,他们 往往会把价钱提高到 RMB60每程,实际上你 的车程只有约十分钟。 离开的时候,同样在乐 园门口巴士总站候车, 大部分巴士都到达横琴 口岸。 If you intend to drive, the best place to park is at Hengqin Port. You can then take the bus at the end of the right side of the port. Most routes should only set you back RMB2-3 to get to the front entrance of the Park. There will likely be taxi drivers at the port entrance trying to overcharge up to RMB60 one way. Ignore them. Most buses at the front entrance will take you back to the Port when your day has reached an end.

乐园门票价格 Tickets RMB350/成人Adult RMB245/长者或小孩 Senior citizen or Kids | January • February 2015



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Sofitel So SPA一周年庆典水疗套餐 “1st Anniversary Package” at So SPA


SPA Promotion For New Year

为庆祝So SPA with L’OCCITANE水疗在澳门十六浦索菲 特酒店成立一周年,特别推出一周年庆典水疗套餐,包 括90分钟薰衣草舒缓按摩和免费赠送250毫升薰衣草润 肤露,L’OCCITANE会员更可免费登记成为So SPA with L’OCCITANE会员,享受单点理疗的八折优惠。 In celebration of the 1st anniversary of So SPA with L’OCCITANE at Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16, Hotel has launched the “1st Anniversary Package” at So SPA, featuring 90-minute lavender soothing massage and a free 250ml lavender body lotion. Besides, all L’OCCITANE members can join So SPA with L’OCCITANE membership for FREE, to enjoy an exclusive 20% off on any a la carte treatment. +853 8861 7801

永利酒店 冬日焕活疗程 Wynn Macau “Winter Solstice Touch” 即日起至3月31日 Till 31st March 此体验有经验丰富的理疗师揉合各种东方技法,帮助身体排毒,从头部按摩开始, 结合伸展、平衡身体气场和中式经络按摩疗法,让积聚的压力得到释放,促进体 内能量循环和调和气血,特别适合女性冬日保健。 As the holiday season creeps in, Wynn Macau is delighted to unveil ‘Winter Solstice Touch’, an irresistible seasonal spa treatment to keep you warm through the coldest days of winter. 万利理疗康体中心-MOP1,500 90分钟疗程(宾客可在私人理疗套间内额外享用30分钟热疗设施)

永利理疗康体中心-MOP1,300 90分钟疗程(享用水疗及热疗设施) *价格另加10%服务费和5%政府税

The Spa at Encore – MOP 1,500* an additional 30 minutes for relaxation in the comfort of one’s own Private Spa Suite with steam shower, sauna and hydrotherapy bath 90-minute Winter Solstice Touch treatment

The Spa at Wynn – MOP 1,300* Relax in our hydrotherapy and heat facilities including steam shower, sauna and whirlpool 90-minute Winter Solstice Touch treatment *Price is subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax +853 8986 3228



一月 • 二月 2015 |

悦榕SPA纯净焕活护理 Pure Revitaliser treatment at Banyan Tree Spa 澳门悦榕Spa最新推出”纯淨焕活护理”90分钟的护理 疗程及30分钟的茶点静心时间,让宾客的肌肤重现动 人光泽。护理疗程先以含果酸的磨砂温和地去除老化角 质,随后采用脸部按摩三部曲,最后以双重面膜提亮肤 色。星期一至四仅需MOP2,200元(原价MOP2,400元)。 Another great way to rejuvenate your body and senses is the Pure Revitaliser treatment at Banyan Tree Spa Macau. This 90-minute treatment plus 30-minute refreshment and relaxation session helps revitalise and smoothen fine lines. Enjoy this luxurious treatment Mon-Thu for just MOP 2,200 (regular price MOP 2,400) +853 8883 6633。

水疗 spas 英皇水疗中心 ROYAL THAI SPA

名媛坊 Ladies Beauty

澳门商业大马路288号英皇酒店20楼 20/F,Grand Emperor Hotel,No. 288,Avenida Comercial De Macau (+853)8986 7525

荷兰园大马路81-83A昌成大厦地下 R/C, Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida,81-83A, Edf. Cheung Seng,Macau (+853) 2852 2834


松蓉庄 Pine Beauty Macau 澳门美丽街24B地下 R/C, 24B,Rua Formosa,Macau (+853) 2838 9526

美之天使护肤中心 Angel Beauty 澳门惠爱街87号B地下 R/C,Shop B, No. 37,Rua da Alegria,Macau (+853) 6399 2038

诗迪美容护肤中心 Si Tek Salao De Beleza 澳门高士德大马路柯高园3号A地下 R/C,A, No.3,Avenida de Horta e Costa,Macau (+853) 2855 3054

心悦馨减压美疗中心 Rose Beauty 布鲁塞尔街85号 No. 8,Rua de Bruxelas, NAPE, Macau (+853) 2872 2722

E&W能量站(卓姬美学中心) 澳门南湾大马路665号志豪大厦2楼 2/F, Edf. Great Will,No.665, Avenida da Praia Grande (+853) 2838 9880

茶树水疗 TEA TREE SPA 澳门新口岸北京街82-86号澳门假日 酒店9楼 9/F, Holiday Inn Macau,Rua de Pequim, No. 82-86 (+853) 8790 1930

新濠锋“澄”水疗 ALTIRA SPA 氹仔广东大马路 Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa (+853) 2886 8886

菩提水疗 BODHI SPA 澳门康莱德酒店3楼 Estrada do Istmo, Sands Cotai Central, Conrad Macau, Level 3,Cotai (+853) 8113 6188

澳门新口岸高美士街230号澳门兰桂 坊酒店2楼 2/F, Hotel Lan Kwai Fong Macau, Rua de Luis Gonzaga Gomes 230,Macau (+853) 2870 2268

心彦坊专业美容 SAM IN FONG PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY 澳门爹利仙拿姑娘街12-C号东方晋 皇台地下C R/C, C,Tong Fong Chon Wong Toi, 12-C,Rua da Madre Terezina (+853) 2855 3313


氹仔成都街371号濠景花园23座紫 荆苑地下 Nova Taipa Garden (Edif. Hou Keng Garden), Blk. 23, RC‐A, Taipa (+853) 2883 3356

Tranquil SPA 氹仔孙逸仙博士大马路45号雍景湾 地下A铺 Avenida Dr.Sun Yat Sen, No.45, KINGS VILLE RC,Shop A,Taipa (+853) 2883 1288

澳门文华东方酒店3楼 Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Mandarin Oriental,Level 3,Nape,Macau (+853)8805 8588

澳门悦榕 SPA BANYAN TREE SPA 路氹填海区莲花海滨大马路东面记望 德圣母湾大马路南面 Avenida Marginal Flor de Lotus, Galaxy Macau,Cotai (+853)8883 6633

怡·水疗中心 ISALA SPA 澳门氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地君 悦酒店 Estrada do Istmo, city of Dreams, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Cotai 
(+853) 8868 1193

澳门四季酒店水疗中心 FOUR SEASONS SPA 澳门望德圣母湾大马路澳门四季酒 店水疗中心 Estrada da Baía de Nossa Senhora da Esperança, COTAI (+853) 8112 8080

永利理疗康体中心 THE SPA AT WYNN 澳门外港填海区仙德丽街永利酒店 大楼一楼 1/F,Wynn Tower,Wynn Macau Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE,Macau (+853)8986 3228

SO SPA 阿凡达水疗及按摩中心 AVATAR SPA

澳门美副将大马路14号 No. 14,Avenida do Coronel Mesquita (+853)2851 9922


澳门内港巴索打尔古街 Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau (+853) 8861 0016

SIX SENSES SPA AT MGM 澳门孙逸仙大马路1101号 Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen ,1101,Macau (+853)8820 3333

万利理疗康体中心 THE SPA AT ENCORE 万利酒店大楼一楼,澳门外港填海 区仙德丽街 1/F,Encore at Wynn Macau,Rua Cidade de Sintra,NAPE,Macau (+853)8986 3228

“漾日”水疗中心 Crown Spa 金丽华酒店水疗中心 GRAND LAPA 澳门友谊大马路956-1110号金丽 华酒店 Avenida da Amizade, 956-1110, Grand Lapa Hotel, Macau (+853) 8793 4824

澳门新葡京水疗中心 LISBOA SPA By CLARINS 澳门葡京路新葡京5楼 5/F Grand Lisboa,Avenida de Lisboa,Macau
 (+853) 8803 7703

LA BELLE 马德里街105号环宇豪庭地下AM Rua de Madrid No. 105, Wan Yu Villa Shop AM, Macau (+853) 2875 2842

悠然自足 Foot Hub 澳门银河东翼广场 LG02 (近UA影院) Galaxy Macau, LG02 of East Square (+853))8883 2488

氹仔路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams,Crown, Cotai (+853) 8868 6883

泰福马泷水疗 TAIVEXMALO SPA 澳门威尼斯人度假村大运河购物中 心5楼 Estrada da Ba.a de Nossa Senhora da Esperan.a, Venetian Complex, Grand Canal Shoppes, Level 5,Cotai (+853) 8862 2688

NIRVANA SPA 氹仔海洋广场第一期3楼328铺 Shop 328,3/F, 522-526,Av. Dos Jardins do Oceano,Taipa (+853) 2833 1521

腾水疗中心 ROCK SPA 澳门路氹区路氹连贯公路新濠天地 Estrada do Istmo, City of Dreams,Cotai (+853 ) 8868 3318

喜来登炫逸水疗中心 SHINE SPA for SHERATON 澳门氹仔岛路氹金光大道 Estrada do Istmo, Sands CotaiCentral, Sheraton, Cotai (+853) 2880 2000 | January • February 2015



濠探索 explore

2015星座总运程 2015 HOROSCOPE William Leung

白羊座 Aries 工作上不过不失,只要不要老是要挑战自己,安份守己,问 题不会太大。在感情中,不要为了对方而委屈自己。多去一 些没去过的地方冒险,可以令自己有更深的体会。 An OK year career-wise. Don’t challenge too much, moderation is key. It is important to keep a balance of give and take in your love life. Adventures to new destinations will benefit your spirit.

金牛座 Taurus 不要因为之前的失误,对工作没有信心,只要有准备,事情 一定会变好的。在人际关系方面,可能有很多的人脉,但就 是没有办法建立更深入的关系。可以去之前未到过的地方旅游,说不 定有艳遇呢。 Be confident in yourself, don’t worry about old mistakes. Success belongs to those who prepare. It will be a year to expand your network, but you will mostly add acquaintances. A romance is waiting for you in new travel destinations.

双子座 Gemini 工作上有很多小人在背后耍心计,要注意他们的攻击,要注 意步步为营。和自己的另一半相处,其实很简单,只要把对 方当成自己就好。多去原始一点的地方旅游,可以磨练自己的心志。 Be careful of backstabbers in your workplace; don’t let your guard down. But when it comes to love, be sure to treat your partner as you would like to be treated. Traveling to original destinations will be good for your spirit.

巨蟹座 Cancer 有很多出差的机会,因此要有很多见识异国风情的机会,同 时也体验一下商务旅行和一般旅游的分别。在和另一半相处 时,有一种关系难以再进的问题,要多用心想办法去解决。 It will be a year of running across the globe, especially to exotic places. Now you know the difference between business and casual travels. Your love life may become stagnant; try to improve your relationship.

狮子座 Leo 有很多转工作的机会,我们要细心去挑选有前途的工作去 做。在关系当中,要好好学会照顾身边的另一半,关系才可 以长久。在旅游方面要学会自己打算,令自己可以去更多的地方。 There are new work opportunities, including promising ones which deserve your attention. Take care of your partner for a long-lasting relationship. A travel plan which includes more destinations is a good idea. 102


一月 • 二月 2015 |

处女座 Virgo 这年要用更多的力气才可以争取到想要的东西。在关系当中 比较多争执,要注意留心倾听对方的需要。可以多去一些休 闲的地方旅游,纯粹享受生活也挺好的。 Your wish list requires more input. There may be more arguments with your partner, be patient and be a good listener. Casual traveling will be nice, just for fun.

天平座 Libra 工作中要多脚踏实地,不要走歪门,才可以免于受罪。有新 的姻缘来临,要好好捉住机会。多重游旧地,可以看到当年 错过的精彩。 Be down to earth. Cutting corners will come back to bite you. Your special someone is on the horizon, don’t miss it. Revisit an old haunt for the wonders you once missed.

天蝎座 Scorpio 工作中绝对是宜守不守攻,更要小心不要陷入公司的权力争 斗。在关系当中如鱼得水,不过要小心太多的狂蜂浪蝶。可 以实现多年来的长途旅行,所以要好好规划一下。 Defense is better than offense in the workplace; avoid office politics. Social events are your time to shine, but keep away from lewd eyes. Now is the time to prepare a safari you’ve been dreaming of for years.

射手座 Sagittarius 今年在工作上有时不与我的感觉,还是多等一年再奋斗吧。 感情上也有很大的波动,如果大家真的不能有发展机会的 话,结束也未必是一件坏事。多注意身体保养,本地的休闲活动是一 个好选择。 Another year of waiting for sound work opportunities. Emotional ups and downs are the signs of deciding to stay or to leave. Care about your physical health, join local casual activities to keep in shape.

山羊座 Capricorn 要注意在工作中保护自己,不要成为斗争的牺牲者。和伴侣 的家人有不快的相处,要学会配合。可以去一些历险性的地 方,多去看看新东西也是一个难得的经历。 Protect yourself to avoid being a workplace victim. Be more cooperative when interacting with your partner’s family. Adventures and new experiences will be a precious memory.

水瓶座 Aquarius 事业和感情都有从新开始的倾向。在感情中更有把握,可以 找到一个好的机会。多带家人去旅行,可以在当中再次感受 家庭的温暖。 There are new developments both in career and romance. Opportunities will emerge to find your special someone. Family traveling will be a heart warming experience.

双鱼座 Pisces 在工作中可以表现出超水平的表现,而且可以令大家都心服 口服的程度。在感情方面,反而没有找对人,找人的时候不 要因为其他人觉得好而在一起,要问自己的内心。旅游方向,多参加 短线游,一来想去就可以去,两来更容易放松自己。 You will have amazing work performance which is admired by everyone, but will not be so lucky in love. Choose the one you truly love instead of being pushed into something. Short traveling is a flexible and more relaxed choice.

澳门必备 essentials

气候 CLIMATE 澳门全年气候温和,平均气温约为20°C,夏天温度普遍为30°C以 上。 The climate is a fairly warm tropical climate. Annual average temperature is about 20°C (68°F), with temperature rising higher (over 30°C/86°F) in summer.

出入境口岸 BORDER CHECKPOINTS 澳门现时有6个旅客常用出入境口岸,包括关闸、港澳码头、粤通 码头、氹仔码头、莲花口岸、澳门国际机场,开放时间如下: Macau has 6 border checkpoints, namely Border Gate, Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal (Exterior Harbour), Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal, Taipa Ferry Terminal, Cotai Checkpoint, Macau International Airport. The office hours are: 关闸 Border Gate: 7:00-00:00 港澳码头: Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 粤通码头: Interior Harbour Ferry Terminal: 8:00-16:30 氹仔码头: Taipa Ferry Terminal: 24 小时 Hours 莲花口岸: Cotai Checkpoint: 9:00-20:00 澳门国际机场: 24 Macau International Airport: 小时 24 Hours

逗留及过境 STAY AND TRANSIT 大多数旅客(欧洲、澳大利亚/新西兰、美国、加拿大、南非)无 需签证逗留30天至90天,其他人一般可逗留30天。持中国往来港 澳通行证并获得签注旅客到澳门旅游最长可逗留7天;持中国护照 过境澳门前往第三国的旅客可逗留5天。 Most travellers (EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, South Africa passports holders) can enter and stay in Macau visa-free for 30-90 days with their valid passports. Others can get a 30-day visa on arrival. Mainland residents in possession of a valid EEP bearing a valid exit endorsement can stay for a maximum of 7 days in Macau. The “authorisation to stay” for the first entry of PRC passport holders who transit Macau to other countries will be 5 days.

WiFi任我行 WiFi GO “WiFi任我行” 为澳门市民及旅客提供免费无线宽频互联网接入 服务,贴有该标志的区域都覆盖无线网络。你可以在每天8:00至次 日凌晨1:00连接使用,每次连接限时45分钟,断开后可再次连接。 网络名称为“wifigo”(非加密)和“wifigo-s”(加密),加密网络的 登录名称和密码同为“wifigo”。 Macau SAR Government provides free wireless Internet access – “WiFi GO”. Available daily from 8:00 to 1:00 the following day, users can use a non-encrypted connection (network name “wifigo”) or encrypted connection mode (network name “wifigo-s”, user name and password are wifigo). Each session has 45 minutes’ connection.


澳门半岛Macau Peninsula: MOP 3.20 澳门至氹仔Macau-Taipa: MOP 4.20 澳门至路环Macau-Coloane: MOP 5.00 澳门至黑沙 Macau-Hac Sa: MOP 6.00 澳门至机场 Macau-Airport: MOP 4.20 澳门至氹仔可乘坐Macau-Taipa Bus: 11, 22, 25X, 28A, 30, 33, 34, MT4 到机场可乘坐 To Airport: AP1, MT1, MT2, N2, 26,36 往返澳门、氹仔和路环Macau-Taipa-Coloane:21A,,25,,26,,26A, ,50,,MT3,和N3

仁伯爵综合医院 S. Januário Hospital 仁伯爵山山顶Estrada do Visconde de Sao Januario, Macau +853 2831 3731 镜湖医院 Kiang Wu Hospital 澳门莲胜街Estrada Coelho do Amaral,Macau +853 2837 1333 科大医院 University Hospital 澳门氹仔伟龙马路澳门科技大学 H 座 Block H, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau +853 2882 1838 24小时药房 24Hour Pharmacy 新口岸药房Farmácia San Hau On 澳门上海街84号广发商业中心地下B铺 Rua de Xangai, No. 84, Centro Comercial Kuong Fat +853 2870 1697


有用电话 Useful Phone Numbers


AVIS 澳门金丽华酒店,停车场 Grand Lapa Hotel Car park, 956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau +853 2833 6789

紧急求助电话 Emergency Number: 999 旅游热线 Tourism Assistance Hotline: 2833 3000 电话查询 Directory Enquiries: 181 | January • February 2015










MACAU centre 澳门市中心 酒店 HOtel

邮局 Post OffiCE

购物 Shopping


餐厅 restaurant

巴士站 bus station

酒吧、俱乐部 Bar, Clubs, Pubs 找换店 Money exchange 博物馆 Museum



一月 • 二月 2015 |

出租车站 taxi pick-up 世遗之旅 Heritage route 观光 sightseeing















G H I J K L MACAU strip 澳门新填海区 | January • February 2015



Cotai Strip 路氹金光大道









一月 • 二月 2015 |







TAIPA village 氹仔旧城区








38 | January • February 2015







一月 • 二月 2015 |

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