Year in Review 2020

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CUHK ENTREPRENEUR DAY 連續六年舉辦,為師生校友提供一站式創新創意的交流平台。 Being held for 6 consecutive years, CUHK Entrepreneur Day is an annual one-stop platform to nurture entrepreneurship and innovation among alumni, students and staff on campus.

逾1,600位師生校友及公眾人士報名參與 線上平台參觀人次接近3,000 與研究及知識轉移服務處、創業研究中心、 創新科技中心、前期創業育成中心、創業 創新副修課程、博群全人發展中心等校內 單位、校友組織以及中大深圳研究院合作 推廣中大創業文化 成功展示中大人創業意念及成果

Registration from over 1,600 alumni and visitors Online platform attracts nearly 3,000 visits

特色元素: 首次移師網上舉行,打破地域及時間的 限制 近70個中大校友及師生創業項目展覽 7場由校友及師生主講的創業及社創講座, 全方位解構本地以至海外的創新創意洪流 第四屆「中大創業大賽」,5隊創業隊伍 於決賽爭奪冠軍殊榮及總值10萬港元獎金 與校友投資者會面 1場創業大師班 3場創業工作坊


Features: Held online, breaking through geographical and time zone barriers for global audience More than 70 entrepreneurship projects showcased by alumni, staff and student teams 7 thematic seminars on entrepreneurship and social innovation 5 start-up finalist teams competing for championship and awards valued HK$100,000 in 4th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition “Meeting with Investors” for start-ups to explore the collaboration opportunities with alumni investors 1 master class by prominent alumni investor 3 workshops co-organized with CUHK Alumni Entrepreneurs Association

Joint effort with internal units, alumni bodies and CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute to promote entrepreneurship and innovation on campus Successfully showcasing the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit borne by CUHK members


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