CTT NO. 1 2013

Page 77

75 Production of wheel loaders in the Russian Federation*

Production of motor graders in the Russian Federation*

* The volume of output is given for quarters I-III according to the data submitted by two largest Russian wheel loader producers ZAO Dormash and ZAO ChSDM (occupying more than 80% of Russian wheel loader market).

* The volume of output is given for quarters I-III according to the data submitted by three largest Russian motor grader producers, i.e. ZAO Dormash, ZAO ChDSM and ZAO Bryansky arsenal (occupying more than 95% of Russian motor grader market).

viewed period the volume of output in the plant was the same as for the previous year and amounted to 274 units which is twice less than quantity of units produced in 2008, the year before crisis. Similar to Raskat plant case, we also can judge the domestic market of full-revolving excavators by estimating the success of ZAO Tverskoy Excavator, the biggest Russian manufacturer of such machinery. Unfortunately, the plant which is included into Russian Machines Corporation established on the basis of machine building assets owned by Bazovy Element, quite a wellknown company, has been providing a low level of overall production during the period following the crisis. It is especially sad to observe if we point out the number of items the plant manufactured before the crisis: 2000 and 1917 excavators for the first three

quarters of 2007 and in the year 2008 respectively. For the thirst three quarters of 2012 the plant manufactured 322 excavators only which is 84% of the previous year output. At this point we can reasonably give an example of Kovrovets excavator plant (manufacturer of the crawler excavators of the 4th grade) also owned by RM which ceased its activities in 2009. The plant produced approximately 300 and 400 excavators during the thirst three quarters of 2007 and 2008 respectively. Nowadays the RM excavator production concentrated in Tverskoy Excavator plant solely. The Russian Machines representatives explain that such situation occurred due to strong competition from the foreign manufacturers. I wonder what specifically has been done in the given plant in order to face the competition and to keep standing the last outpost of domestic

excavator production considering that for the last twenty years of collapse we have already lost several manufacturing plants (Voronezhsky, Kostromskoy, Kovrovsky) that once were leaders of the industry? Incidentally, to the moment this article was prepared the home page of Tverskoy Excavator website displayed commercials like «Excavators repair and upgrade», «Execution of external orders» and «Hiring out manufacturing facilities». Does that mean that this is a possible future of Russian industry of construction and road machinery considering that Russia has entered WTO? Why do we need our own production, indeed? At the moment RM presumably hurls all efforts to implementation of new projects jointly with Terex Company. Prospects about domestic wheel loaders manufacturing also remain pessimistic as

СТТ 1’2013

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