Liberal Party Manifesto

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Liberal Party Manifesto 1975 “Strength Through Stability” Economic policies that recognize the cause of our inflation and work to treat it without harming families.

“Fairness Through Equality” Social policies that put everyone on equal ground regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or disability.

“Peace and Prosperity” A solid foreign policy that focuses upon finding common ground across many nations to attain peace.

“A Leader, for a Change” A dedicated leader with a dedicated team, willing to not only make the tough choices, but make the right ones for Britain. The Liberal Party has shown what we’re capable of in Government – now is our chance.

Let Britain Be Britain Again!

Let Britain Be Britain Again!

Liberal Party Manifesto 1975 table of contents Introduction by Adam Brown Four Steps to a Better Britain Your Money Your Job Your World Your Values Your Community Your Life Your Say Conclusion by Christian Marcum Index


“We’ve had decades of Labour and the Conservatives: the same parties taking turns and making the same mistakes, letting you down. It is time for something different. It is time for something better. It is time for the Liberal Party.�

Our First Priorities:

4 steps to a better Britain [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]

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Introduction: our values This election can and must be a turning point for Britain. This must be a moment of great change, so that we emerge from these troubles as a fairer, greater, stronger, and more united, society. To do that, we need to be honest about the failures that caused the problems we face and set a clear, hopeful, course to a better future. Britain is struggling to emerge from a period of slow economic growth and high inflation. Families are finding it hard to make ends meet, workers are taking pay cuts and losing their jobs, and our money is buying fewer goods. And, there are deeper, more introspective, problems too. Britain, for all its strengths, is too unequal, too unfair; a country where the circumstances of your birth and the income of your parents impact the chances you have in life. Meanwhile, the world continues its brinkmanship and power-hoarding, leaving us all less safe in the process. And, finally, our electoral system is in crisis, as demonstrated at the last election. Our children deserve better. Britain needs a fresh start. We need hope for a better, different future. That is what this manifesto is all about. We believe the future must be built on a different foundation: the foundation of fairness. We believe there are systemic failures that underlie every one of the major problems that we face. And that gives us a chance to reshape our nation fundamentally for the better. Fairness is an essential British value – it is at the centre of most of our lives. It has, however, been forgotten by those at the top, instead replaced by greed and selfinterest. These two factors have infected the Government, parts of Unions, and parts of the economy. They have forgotten that growth must be shared and sustainable if it is to last. Our core aim is to put fairness back into national life. That way we can build a stronger society with growth that lasts, based upon the core values of fairness and opportunity for all.


Our Values

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