Cycle Ink Autumn 2010

Page 9

Bournemouth Cycling Centre

By Alan McRae

It will do exactly what is says on the tin! It's a centre for cycling, and in the middle of Bournemouth, or more particularly Slades Farm Open Space, Ensbury Park. It will be more than "just a track" where club cyclists thrash round for training or competition because, being situated in the middle of a conurbation and right next to two schools, it is there to serve the wider community. And by this we mean for the young/ young at heart/ men/ women/ boys/ girls/ I used to ride etc etc. Each week, activities will be specifically targeted at particular groups of participants, and with sessions ranging from "complete novice" through "Improvers" to "Bike Fit" etc, the Centre will provide an ideal opportunity for people to acquire the skill and level of fitness to get into, or back into, cycling. These people will however need encouragement and support to move towards this more active lifestyle that most of us cyclists enjoy, and this is where you could contribute. If you enjoy meeting people and passing your enthusiasm to be active on to others then an opportunity exists for you to run these sessions as the "coach". We would of course provide the necessary training and you would receive expenses. The recruitment campaign will start in the Autumn, the Centre is being built over the winter and will be open for business from around April. So now is the time to register any interest you have. Dave Gilham from the Bournemouth Arrow is putting together the training programme and can be contacted on 01202 871061 or This Centre will be the first of its kind in the country and here is an opportunity to be in at the beginning of this exciting new venture. This is the project that originally we in the CTC Bournemouth offered ÂŁ1000 towards. This money has been held in safe keeping while the project sorted itself out and gained the necessary funding and planning permissions. We will now be passing over that cash. Editor


Cycle Ink #158

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