Summer 2014 Magazine

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Endeavour Endeavour Title page

Contents Poem


Hogwarts Here We Come


Let Us Dance


Zeno’s Paradox of Motion


Mrs Suthantirakumar’s Legendry Fruit Cake Recipe


Book Review


Experiencing University Life in Hungary


CTC’s Trip To Rome


Favourite Films of the Year


Global issues of the 21st Century


A Study into Tongue Rolling


The Paintball Experience


Leavers Photos


Contributors: Pokua Addei , Thant Syn Aung (Henry), Hongqiao Chen, Min Zaw Hein, Soehartien Koalitas, Qien Li , Valeriya Pankova, Yulia Promskaya Rebecca Tuttle, Cristian Urigiuc , A special thanks to Max Zay Yar for his design work Front cover by Jiaqi Tang Back cover by Anastasiia Kokoshynska


My world

In a world full of horror, Full of dismay. I often wonder what will happen when I walk each day.

I want to live, in a kind and peaceful world. For that alone would bring harmony to the world. I sit here by myself, on this rocky cliff. I think, ‘What would God do if he was here?’ This height is so uplifting, the feeling of being so far away. ‘please God, I do not want to go to hell’ I hear my mind say. A bright light, shines before me. A light so blinding it looks like the sun.

I hear a faint voice saying ‘Come with me, your dreams have just begun’

I enter a world, which could be Heaven, but it may not be. It is so perfect, how can this be reality.

I think have died, But I am not quite sure. My mind speaks again. Just once more. ‘You are in Heaven my dear, Heaven indeed. Now rest and use this time wisely’. Rebecca Tuttle

3 3

By: Yulia Promskaya and Valeriya Pankova Even though I am not a great fan of Harry Potter, I absolutely loved the trip. There was a feeling of being in a magic world.

Visitors could see a lot of props used in the film such as Harry's broomstick, the golden snitch and Hermione's time-turner. I think you can probably imagine what the gift shop was like. The atmosphere was fantastic and you could buy yourself a magic wand, marauder's map and all sorts of T-shirts and mugs. What captured my attention was Hermione's bag (it would be handy to have one)!

Undoubtedly there were sweets from the wizarding world: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Frogs

"You want to be careful with these. When they say every flavour, they mean every flavour - you know you get all the ordinary ones like chocolate and peppermint and marmalade, but then you can get spinach and liver and tripe. George reckons he had a bogey-flavoured one once." - Ron Weasley to Harry Potter.

The prices can definitely put you off. It was disappointing how everything was overpriced.


During our trip we had an opportunity to look at the terrifying creatures walk through The Great Hall, find the Chamber of Secrets Snake Door (by the way this door is not a computer-generated effect. Snake movements are powered by an electric motor hidden behind the door). The highlight for me was to wander down Diagon Alley. We were provided with a good insight into how the movie was made and helped to realize that not only actors made the film. Great work was done on the visual effects.

“Quite often you will be looking at something and think that we went to different locations and we didn't. We cheat. A green screen on the back so you have got the open air and all sorts of landscapes� - Emma Norton, Visual Effects Producer.

What I find strange is that most of the time actors only had the green screen behind them so they had to imagine the setting themselves and show appropriate emotions. If you watched Harry Potter and especially if you are a fan, I recommend you visit the Harry Potter studio and find out something amazing for yourself.

The coloured screen was used to separate an element from the background then the green or blue was extracted and a new background was revealed.


By:Yulia Promskaya

Hello, fellow CTC students! I have spent a long time dancing. When I started to miss it at College, I decided to run a Street Dance Club. I really like dancing and I hope you will like it as well.

We will start from elementary exercises to improve the coordination of your movements and after that I will teach you more challenging combinations. All people are welcome, especially if you have never tried dancing before. I want people to love the way they move their hands, legs and bodies!


In your movements during dancing, you can show your emotions and feelings, tell a story and play a character, such as a person or animal. You can feel your body and use it to communicate.

You're not sure that you can? Then join us and try!


ZENO’S PARADOX OF MOTION Achilles and the tortoise


n the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise, Achilles is in a footrace with the tortoise. Achilles allows the tortoise a head start of 100 metres, for example. If we suppose that each racer starts running at some constant speed (one very fast and one very slow), then after some finite time, Achilles will have run 100 metres, bringing him to the tortoise's starting point. During this time, the tortoise has run a much shorter distance, say, 10 metres. It will then take Achilles some further time to run that distance, by which time the tortoise will have advanced farther; and then more time still to reach this third point, while the tortoise moves ahead. Thus, whenever Achilles reaches somewhere the tortoise has been, he still has farther to go. Therefore, because there are an infinite number of points Achilles must reach where the tortoise has already been, he can never overtake the tortoise.


BY: Hongqiao Chen and Qien Li



Aristotle remarked that as the distance decreases, the time needed to cover those distances also decreases, so that the time needed also becomes increasingly small. Aristotle also distinguished "things infinite in respect of divisibility" (such as a unit of space that can be mentally divided into ever smaller units while remaining spatially the same) from things (or distances) that are infinite in extension ("with respect to their The Paradoxes in Modern Times extremities"). Aristotle's objection to the I n f i n i t e p r o c e s s e s r e m a i n e d arrow paradox was that "Time is not t h e o r e t i c a l l y t r o u b l e s o m e i n composed of indivisible nows any more than mathematics until the late 19th any other magnitude is composed of century. The epsilon-delta version of indivisibles." Weierstrass and Cauchy developed a rigorous formulation of the logic and calculus involved. These works Peter Lynds resolved the mathematics involving Peter Lynds has argued that all of Zeno's infinite processes. motion paradoxes are resolved by the While mathematics can be used to conclusion that instants in time and calculate where and when the moving instantaneous magnitudes do not Achilles will overtake the Tortoise of physically exist. Lynds argues that an Zeno's paradox, philosophers such as object in relative motion cannot have an Brown and Moorcroft claim that instantaneous or determined relative mathematics does not address the position (for if it did, it could not be in central point in Zeno's argument, and motion), and so cannot have its motion that solving the mathematical issues fractionally dissected as if it does, as is does not solve every issue the assumed by the paradoxes. paradoxes raise. Today there is still a debate on the question of whether or not Zeno's paradoxes have been resolved.


Eggless Fruit Cake By : Mrs.Tulasi Suthantirakumar

Cake Ingredients (2Kg)              

250g Self- rising Flour 400g sliced seedless succulent dried dates 125g of chopped cashew nuts 30 glazed cherries 250g Coarse Semolina 3/4 Teaspoon Baking Powder 2 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder 500g Caster Sugar 500g Stork margarine 1 Cup of Hot Water 1 tin of Carnation milk 2 Teaspoons of Vanilla Extract 2 Teaspoons Rose essence 2 Teaspoons of Almond essence

Method First soak the following Ingredients in 250cm3 of hot water for two hours in an air tight container, after two hours mash the fruit mixture:  400g sliced seedless succulent dried dates  125g of chopped cashew nuts  30 glazed cherries, sliced (reserve some cherries to top the cake, slice them & mix them with some flour). 

2 Teaspoons of Vanilla Extract

2 Teaspoons of Rose essence 2 Teaspoons of Almond essence 2 Teaspoons of Baking Soda

 

Microwave the 250g of the coarse Semolina: Microwave the coarse semolina for one minute then take it out mix well to avoid lump formation. Repeat it twice, stirring every minute. Then leave it to cool.


Method for CAKE PREPARATION:   

        

Preheat the oven to 325F (1600C) for 15 minutes. Place and grease the grease proof paper onto the 2kg cake tray. Three times sift together the self- rising flour, baking powder and cocoa powder into a large mixing bowl. With an electric mixer, beat stork margarine and caster sugar at medium speed for 2-3 minutes until a smooth mixture is seen. Separately with an electric mixer, beat the carnation milk until it bubbles. Then mix the carnation milk to the margarine and sugar mixture and beat it for another two minutes. Then add the sifted flour to the mixture and beat it for another minute. Now do not use the electric mixer, instead use a wooden spoon. Mix the coarse semolina, vanilla, almond and Rose essence with the above cake mixture. Then mix the soaked and mashed fruits to the cake mixture. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the cake pan and place the remaining sliced glazed cherries on top of the mixture. Bake for one hour in the middle of the oven at 1600C Let the cake cool completely before removing it from the pan. After an hour I touched the bottom of that pan and found that it had cooled completely and so transferre it to a cake tray. Cut into 30-50 square pieces and serve the cake and enjoy eating.

Acknowledgements: The original eggless cake recipe was given to me by my younger sister Thuwaraka, whom I would like to thank and acknowledge . This was then modified by me. I would also like to thank Mrs.Das Gupta and Miss.J.Lowe for publishing my recipe. I would also like to thank all my colleagues at Cambridge Tutors College, who tasted the cake and inspired me to write this recipe. Finally, my family as always likes my cooking and inspires me to do more, especially my daughters Risheka and Vissaali, who posed for the photos.


Book Review

By Pokua Addei

Revolutionary Road Revolutionary Road, a novel by Richard Yates can be described as a novel portraying the harsh realities of life and the conflict between the dreams of youth and the responsibilities of adulthood. Yates does this through telling the story of April and Frank Wheeler, an average American couple settling into suburban domestic life in 1950s Connecticut. Frank is a salesman working for Knox Machines, a job which he openly hates, whilst April is a housewife who, after participating in a disastrous community theatre performance, is confronted with the painful truth that her dreams of being an actress are never going to be fulfilled. Yet, both April and Frank possess the belief that they are exceptionally gifted and above their neighbours whom they view as leading uninteresting lives. Feeling tired of their ‘boring’ lives, April suggests they flee the suburbs for somewhere fun and exciting – Paris. Initially enthusiastic about the plan, April and Frank set about making arrangements, misguidedly optimistic, that at this stage in their lives with two kids moving to Paris would provide them with the exciting life they want. However, a turn of events leads Frank to have a change of heart that leads to devastating consequences. Apart from April and Frank, Revolutionary Road features a vast array of other characters from the neurotic Mrs Givings,


her disengaged husband Howard and their mentally ill son John to Milly and Shep Campbell, the Wheelers’ only other adult friends, who live on ‘Revolutionary Estates’ and who have conformed to the exact suburban lifestyle the Wheelers are so desperate to In our youth we tend to base our expectations of adulthood upon romanticised notions of finding one’s passion and gaining widespread success. But the reality is not everyone can pursue his or her ‘passion’ as a career. In an age where many young people aspire to be pop stars and movie directors, we must remember that the world more importantly needs accountants, builders and shopkeepers. The latter list of careers is not associated with excitement, glamour or passion but they are entirely necessary and society could not do without them. As a year 13 student myself facing the prospect of university then venturing into the world to forge a career, this book made me question how realistic it is to believe in the idea that it is necessary to have a job that is creatively fulfilling and is packed with total excitement every day. Are such thoughts merely the misguided fancies of youth? Does this mean that in reality, once the responsibilities that come with adult life set in, one’s life becomes a quest to survive and provide, resulting in letting previous dreams of extraordinary success fade until they become the unrecognisable fantasy of an overly optimistic

Although Revolutionary Road has a depressing storyline, it still makes an interesting and fascinating read. After all, any novel that can make you question your own beliefs and outlook on life is worth a read!

Ethics in Medical Research I believe that human action has been influenced by ethics since the start of human civilisation itself, through means of what is known as “religion”. Similarly, in the world of medical science, rules and laws have been made, not only by government bodies, but also by other organisations, such as the British Medical Association (BMA), or the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) concerning research done with animals, so as to “control” the medical world, and to prevent it from spiralling out of control and killing people instead of saving them. However, it has been argued that these laws and rules, instead of “controlling” the medical world, are restricting or confining medical personnel and researchers from finding a breakthrough which could save thousands, or even millions, of lives. In the practice of medicine, it has been widely acknowledged that the intentions and actions of medical personnel are to bring about good and to eliminate harm. However, nearly every procedure or treatment carries risks, which in turn suggests that all “good” effects come in tandem with “harmful” ones. A tried-and-tested method used to determine how much “harm” a particular act or procedure causes, compared to the “good” which it does, is known as the Benefit-to-risk ratio. This is sometimes seen in a situation when a mother, during the later stages of pregnancy, develops preeclampsia (hypertension during pregnancy). Due to the fact that her blood pressure could not be controlled, doctors must decide whether to give the mother a caesarean-section (that is, surgery to deliver the baby) or not, since both the mother and the baby run the risk of stroke, heart failure, and death. In an emergency case like this, doctors must evaluate what they have to do in order to save the lives of both mother and baby, regardless of the result that will follow. Well, from my point of view, at least doing something is better than doing nothing and watching her die. Similarly, in medical research, pre-clinical trials on animals followed by clinical trials on humans have been an essential procedure for a new drug, or New Chemical Entity (NCE), to be approved for use by the public. This procedure is employed by bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). On the other hand, issues

have been raised, by groups like the RSPCA, concerning the lives of the animals participating in these trials. The reason for these arguments is due to the fact that, whereas clinical trials on humans usually involve an explanation of the risks in taking the drug before the test subject makes the decision whether or not to take part as a volunteer, pre-clinical trials on animals can be considered inhumane; taking up batches of mice and just injecting them with different doses of that drug into their systems without the researchers even knowing the consequences. Some of the questions usually raised are, “Does the administration of the drugs being tested result in a great improvement? If the new drug results in just a minor improvement, were the suffering and finally death of those animals and the millions of pounds spent worthwhile?” In other words, do the benefits of the new drug for humans outweigh the harm done to these animals test subjects? Similar situations could also be seen in areas like cancer research, where test animals are purposely induced to contract the particular type of cancer which is being researched, as well as in genetic and stem cell research, where the stem cells of test animals are genetically changed to induce new characteristics, producing animals with abnormalities from which they suffer for the rest of their lives. And how would you like it if you were bred "deliberately" to have 3 eyes, just for the researchers to find out what you look like? Despite all this, I would also like us to bear in mind that medical and technological breakthroughs during the 20th century allowed all parts of medicine to be safer, more successful and less invasive, starting from diagnosis to prognosis to treatment. Benefit-to-risk ratio is one of the most important aspects in the world of medical ethics, and yet, this is just a small part of cases in real life. For example, the case that was given about the use of benefit-to-risk ratio in medicine would usually be accompanied by other more complicated issues such as the autonomy of the patient as well as informed consent, which was also discussed in the case of the clinical trials on humans.

By Thant Syn Aung


Studying in Hungary We catch up with former student Mahul Patel who’s now studying medicine at the The University of Debrecen. 1)

What are the main problems you faced while studying in Hungary? The main problem I face, as well as many other students, is conversing with Hungarian citizens. Unfortunately only Hungarian university students can speak English well while others cannot. Luckily every week we have Hungarian lessons taught by the university. After a couple of months living here, it isn't so bad as you learn a lot and it becomes easier to converse. Another problem that many students here face is the weekly exams we have. Starting from the fifth week of university, we are engaged in these weekly exams. So balancing your social life with your academic life can be tricky but it is all about time management. These exams can also be very beneficial to you, because if you pass the exams during the semester then you get exemption from those exams in the final so potentially you could have no exams in finals and come home early. 2) What kinds of college students (who want to study medicine) apply for universities outside the country, in your case Hungary? We have a wide range of international students many from UK, USA, Nigeria, Israel and Korea. As I said earlier, the title of your degree (MD) is very heavily weighted, so getting jobs in the future should not prove difficult, hence we have many students from around the world that come to the university. In my year there are 500 international medical students. 3) Could you please explain more about the application process to medical schools in Hungary? Well the application process is fairly simple. You have to contact the universitiy’s UK representative called 'Sandor Bone'. He guides you through the process. Your predictions must exceed 3Bs in A-levels then you will be able to sit the written exam and the oral interview. Both the written exam and oral interview comprise questions from Biology, Chemistry and Physics taught in A-Levels.


4) What are the requirements to get into a Hungarian University and are there any exams like UKCAT or BMAT in Hungary? No, there are no UKCAT or BMAT type exams for entrance, only the written and oral exams. 5) Could you please explain the medical college system of Hungary and what are the differences between the medical college system of Hungary compared to the British system? The UK medical schools provide you with a degree title of M.B.B.S ( Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) whereas the Hungarian Medical school gives you the title M.D. The main difference is that the UK schools teach you how the NHS system works and clinical practice is centred on NHS practice whereas the Hungarian school teaches you the private system and the clinical practice is based on private practice. The Hungarian university is also designed to follow the structure of an American university so you are prepared to take the USMLE ( examinations to work as a doctor in America). The first 2 years in my university are theory based so you cover full body anatomy, cell biology, histology, physiology etc and the 3rd year onwards are clinical years where you are able to apply everything you have learnt. The university also promotes research projects, as the top 2% of students in the year are able to join research departments. For example my topic is 'the neurobiological effects of drugs on mice' where we dissect mice and focus on the effects of drugs on the functioning of the brain in mice. 6) What do you find the most intriguing about life in Hungary? Life here in Debrecen is very calm. The city is based around university students and is a fairly small city while Hungarians are also very friendly and helpful.

7 ) How does the school life in Hungary differ from the school life in the UK? From an academic point of view, the main difference between school life in Hungary and school life in UK is primarily the course structure. One course taught in the first year that is unique to our university is 'Biophysics' where you are taught how physics contributes to medicine, how NMR,CAT, MRI, PET scanners work from a physics point of view for medical diagnostics and how radioactive isotopes are used in medicine. Only a few universities across the world teach this. Interview conducted by Thant Syn Aung


I began writing this article with an empty feeling in my heart. I missed Rome. We started this trip on a Wednesday afternoon and boarded the flight to Rome at night. This short trip has become an indelible memory. I feel, when travelling to another country, it is vital to open up your heart and just fully absorb the culture and surroundings. If I can adequately summarise what Rome has shown me in one word, it is “Dedication�. Whether it is building the Colosseum or paying respect to the Italians who died in war, there is tremendous dedication in the past and present. As I listened to the history of Rome, the Vatican City and how religion plays a huge part in the life of the Romans, I am glad I participated in this trip. My favourite part of this trip was witnessing the amazing grandeur of the Colosseum or the Flavian Amphitheatre as Romans call it.The Colosseum in the past was what the Internet is for us today, a source of entertainment.


It is built lavishly, showing the breathtaking architecture that went into this amazing ancient structure. This trip to Rome was enriching, in terms of culture and the people. When talking about culture, I guess we cannot forget about the food. Every single night we were in Rome, we tried all sorts of different Italian food such as risotto, fritti and gelato. What surprised me the most when in Rome was that not a single Starbucks was in sight. Italians must really love their food!

Besides the fact of being in Rome, I was also excited about making new friends on this trip. It has enabled me to make friends with the AS group, whom I normally barely interact with, due to the different year group schedules. We spent a lot of time talking, getting to know each other’s cultures more.

During the trip, we also came to know another side of the teachers, besides their demeanour in school. I am very grateful to all the teachers who made this trip possible as well as the support and care that we were given throughout the trip. I will definitely recommend this trip to any CTC students. It has been a life-enriching experience!


‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’ -directed by John Madden This film transports you to the exotic location of India, just as it takes seven British pensioners to this unusual destination. Here is a bunch of British eccentrics, including Muriel (Maggie Smith) who declares ‘I won’t eat anything I can’t pronounce!’ This cast of well -known actors – Judi Dench, Tom Wilkinson, Bill Nighy and the inimitable Maggie Smith – are entirely credible in their roles. Shot on location in Goa, the ravishing scenery is complemented by the brilliant musical score, played appropriately on the sitar. All the characters have their own mountains to climb which makes for an emotional journey for the audience too. Sometimes poignant, sometimes humorous, this film has the ‘feel good’ factor.

Article Written by: REBECCA TUTTLE

‘Men in Black’ -directed by Barry Sonnenfeld This film is amazing: comedy, science fiction, adventure, it has it all! It is set in New York and stars Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and Linda Fiorentino. The background of skyscrapers and crowded Manhattan streets forms the perfect backdrop to thrilling chases involving aliens who can jump and dodge among the city’s crowds. The cameras zoom in for a poignant close up as stern mentor, Agent Kay (Tommy Lee Jones), hands his resignation to arrogant Agent J (Will Smith). This is an exciting, memorable action film, not to be missed.


Article Written by: TIMOTHY DICKENS

Extracts from Film Reviews by the GCSE English Group

‘The Dark Night

Article Written by:

-directed by Christopher Nolan

Once again the hidden evil, personified by Bane (Tom Hardy), is rising in Gotham City. Who but super hero, Batman (Christian Bale), can destroy the devilish power? There are moments of rising tension as when ‘baddie’ Bane clings to the wing of a plane or when a great fight takes place on Wall Street, made all the more spectacular by the addition of 4000 extras! This is exciting escapism for anyone between seven and seventy!


‘Fast Five’

-directed by Justin Lin

This film is hard to define because it encompasses many genres: action, thriller, social commentary. A wealthy drug lord is robbed in Rio and this sets up a series of thrilling scenes culminating in a car chase with a safe being dragged through the city streets! Dwayne Johnson is brilliant as the chief cop and the chase scenes are enhanced by the cameras being attached to a vehicle ahead of the pursuing cars. The musical track is outstanding and adds to the thrills and spills of the movie. Not to be missed!

Article Written by: PASHA NOVITSKIY

‘Baggage Claim’


-directed by David E. Talbert

Montana Moore ( Paula Patton ), a flight attendant, has thirty days to find a future husband! In this delightful romantic comedy, Montana clocks up over 30,000 miles in search of the perfect man, only to find him in the proverbial ‘boy next door’. This is a memorable moment of epiphany, accompanied by a tear-jerking, romantic musical score. Can you imagine travelling hundreds of miles, only to find your ‘prince’ next door? Here is a film which is innocent and unpretentious but nevertheless, delightful.


Global Issues in the 21st Century By Amirah Dayana

Professor Christopher Coker, the head of the International Relations Department in London School of Economics (LSE) spent some time with the students of Cambridge Tutors College (CTC) to talk about Globalization. A lot of important and interesting issues were brought up in Professor Coker’s talk. He especially emphasized the influences of geopolitics as well as the future our world is heading towards. With China’s increasing power and the decline of United States, there exists a vacuum of power; a power which Professor Coker mentions is important in keeping all the countries in the world in order. The question now is whether China would step up to the plate, and help the United States to recover and deal with international issues or would China just like to keep to itself as Japan did when it emerged as a strong power. Other than that, he also shed some light onto the reason why the United States and the European Union (EU) made consistent efforts in opposing Russia’s involvement in Ukraine’s crisis regarding Crimea. Russia is simply flexing its power and influence over the regions neighbouring Russia. Russia’s actions will affect nearby countries such as Kazakhstan. When asked about the possibility of another world war breaking out, Professor Coker said that every possibility should be considered as he reminded everyone that no one had expected World War II to break out. He also said that if a war does break out it will cause a greater destruction than any war that has ever taken place. War strategies will also be very different. Countries will be more likely to be involved with cyber warfare and to be taking out each other’s satellites as these are the important weapons of this century. He also warned that this could lead to great danger, not only to the countries involved, but also to everyone else because the aftereffects are uncontrollable. In a nutshell, our world is changing its course in the way politics is being carried out in this century. We, the future generation will have to be able to understand the changes that are about to happen so that we could be prepared to deal with whatever might come in the future. It might not be a future anyone is looking forward to but it is one we have to be prepared for.


Essential Phrases in Five Languages Practise your language skills with these useful phrases in English, Russian, Chinese , Vietnamese and Thai compiled by Yulia promskaya


你好 - nǐ hǎo Chào

Привет - Privet

สวัสดีครับ - sa wat dee khrap [politely by a

male] สวัสดีค่ะ - sa wat dee kha [politely by a female]

Good Bye Пока – Poka 再见 - zài jiàn


Пожалуйста – Pozhaluysta

Tạm biệt

ไว้เจอกัน - wai jer gun (see you later)

请 - qǐng vui lòng

ได้โปรด/กรุ ณา - dai phod/ga roo


Спасибо – Spasibo 谢谢 - xiè xiè Cảm ơn ขอบคุณครับ - khop koon khrap (male)

Thank you

ขอบคุณค่ะ - khop koon kha


How are you? Как дела? – Kak dela? không?

你最近怎么样? -nǐ zuì jìn zěn me yang

Bạn khoẻ

สบายดีไหม - sa bai dee mai

I’m fine У меня все хорошо – U menya vsyo horosho我很好 - wǒ hěn hǎo Tôi khoẻ ฉันสบายดี - chan sa baai dee You’re welcome

Не за что – Ne za shto 不客气 - bù kè qì

Không có chi ด้วยความยินดี -

duay kwam yin dee

My name is

Меня зовут - Menya zovut … 我的名字叫⋯⋯ - wǒ de míng zì jiào

Tôi tên

là. ผมชื่อ phom cheu (if you are male) ดิฉนั ชื่อ... - di-chun cheu …(if you are female)


Tongue Rolling: The Myths and Reality By Valeriya Pankova

It was commonly thought that the ability to roll your tongue was due to the presence of a dominant gene. However, whether tongue rolling is genetically inherited at all, is now debated, as studies in 1975 in identical twins showed about 1/3 of them don't share the trait. Another study, in Spain, showed 67% women and 64% men can roll their tongues, whilst another more recent internet survey suggested up to 81% people might be able to roll their tongues. So does the environment influence this ability? Can playing a wind instrument, learning another language or speech therapy help? But why do we roll our tongues? Is there an evolutionary advantage to tongue-rolling? Apparently, this ability allowed our ancestors to mimic bird calls and other animal sounds and improved accuracy when shooting poison blow darts. Obviously this helped them become the best hunters and warriors around. A dominant trait that was passed on to successive generations, it played a crucial role in their survival in a harsh environment. I have undertaken research among the students in the college to find the percentage of students who can roll their tongues and those who cannot. I used the Hardy-Weinberg equation to process the data: (The equation was formulated independently by a mathematician, J. Hardy, in England and a physician, Wilhelm Weinberg, in Germany)

The research amongst the students in our college gave the following results: No. of people



Rollers (p2 + 2pq)

Non-rollers (q2)


28 87

In medical genetics, the Hardy - Weinberg rule is used to evaluate the risk of genetic diseases because each population has its own different frequencies of unfavourable alleles (which cause disorder). For instance, knowing the frequency of unfavourable alleles, we can predict the risk of having an affected child. The importance of using this method is due to the fact that the pre-disposition to hereditary diseases is not the same in different regions of the world. For example, the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities ranges from 5 to 8 per 1000 live births. The most widespread is Down’s syndrome - in different populations this varies from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 1100 live births. A similar situation is observed with the frequency of phenylketonuria. In Russia frequency is 1:7900 live births, in Austria – 1:12 000, in Finland - 1:43 000 and 1:100 000 in Japan. The aim of this research was to collect the data and compare it with the average results. The proportion of people who can roll their tongues in the global population ranges from 65 to 85 percent. The results I obtained fall in this range. (The author has supplied mathematical evidence to illustrate the Hardy-Weinberg equation )

“The Copse” by Lingyun Qian


When two tribes go to war By Cristian Urigiuc On the 20th of March, CTC went to war. It was a bloody day. 16 brave soldiers, headed by Generalissimo Merone on the Blue side, with Colonel Ed there to rally the troops, and the “500bullet sporting� Andy on the Red side, fought to the last pellet.

Either way, war is not pretty. The forces on each side had to take cover behind trees, makeshift plaster or wooden slabs and tires littering the massive forest where this historic battle was. For years, bards ( because we still live in the 16th century ) and writers will use their own words to tell the tale of a great battle.


“Capture the Flag,” “Stronghold”, “Team Death Match” were the highlights of the day, as “8v8” kept dodging, running, taking cover and giving their lives for Redosia and Bluegaria ( the countries at war ). No expense was spared on either side, as the two divisions facing each other burned through over 8000 pellets. Do you understand what 8000 means? If countries used that many bullets in wars during 8 and a half hours, we’d all be sold as slaves to Martians by now and the planet mortgaged twice over.

The question you’ve got to ask yourself is, where were you when history was made? P.S. Last man standing was Ed. Let everyone at CTC know so they can decide where to build him the 24-carat gold statue holding the paint gun in one hand and a hostage in the other.


Goodbye to our leavers

26 26



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.