An incident and other stories

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shoulders and she stood there for a moment longer before she turned to leave the room. In the kitchen she looked at the box the headphones had come in. A noise cancelling break through it said on the box. Noise cancelling she thought, that was what she had become to him, a noise, that had to be cancelled out in order to be tolerated. And what was he to her? A nuisance most of the time, a nuisance she had run out of patience with. She would be gone in a moment if she had somewhere to go to, someone to take her there, rely on etc. She wanted a pair of those headphones so they could sit in silence with no need to talk. She realized that he was as weak as her, he did not want her anymore, but he would not leave or let her go. If there was a way to talk without the need to argue, they might resolve something. But they hadn’t been able to talk for a long time. Instead he would say and then they would do, there were rarely discussions. Discussions had turned one of her front teeth black, it was another nail in her coffin. She wasn’t being listened to, so mostly she decided to stay quiet. Quiet unless spoken to. Mostly she was just being ignored. Unless he wanted her to spread her legs that was the only time she was of remote interest, but only for as long as it lasted. The moment he was done he would roll over and light a cigarette, get up to get a drink or watch the TV and fall asleep. The moment he was done was the moment her pussy started craving a man. One that would love her, adore her and want her, she wanted to feel wanted. One who wanted to talk to her even after he’d fucked her. With Kyle she just felt used and more and more she felt used up. She was wiping the surface of the kitchen top, she’d been wiping it for a while, she’d felt tears inside her but she didn’t cry. She was 28, she had a long way to go yet. She heard his steps behind her felt his large hand grab her arse, but didn’t turn. 4

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