Pathway Expansion Project

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Pathway Expansion Project

Transforming Lives and Communities

Contents • The Vision • Our Mission • Learn, Earn, Give Back: The Pathway Cycle • Our Impact / Our Capacity • Pathway Expansion Project • Sully’s Story: A Testimonial • Your Support Matters

The Vision

New Recovery Housing and Connection Center

Pathway plans to create 21 new

Long-term housing programs give

units of affordable, substance-free,

residents the additional time and support

long-term housing. Applicants from

necessary to continue their recovery,

across the state who are completing

sustain employment, rebuild their

transitional living programs or residential

credit, and pave the way for the final

recovery programs are eligible for

step of home ownership. The average

consideration. This will be Pathway’s

length of stay in Pathway’s long-term

fourth long-term housing program and

housing programs is three years.

seventh program overall.

Our Mission Pathway helps homeless Hoosiers overcome addiction and mental health disorders to become substance-free, stable, self-sufficient individuals, housed within a multi-tiered, incomebased program. Pathway and its residents thrive in a peerdriven model creating a complete continuum of care under one agency umbrella. Who: We serve homeless Hoosiers impacted by substance use and mental health disorders. Why: To give individuals the opportunity to get on the pathway to recovery and enable them to become substance-free, financially independent and permanently housed. How: We accomplish this by providing a multi-tiered housing program beginning with supportive transitional housing, progressing to semiindependent/shared housing and culminating in long-term, independent housing.

Learn, Earn, Give Back: The Pathway Cycle Pathway’s three-phase approach ensures residents are constantly supported while also promoting a peer-driven “give back” mentality. Becoming substance-free, stable and self-sufficient are the pillars

Phase 1 Getting on Your Feet

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that run through each phase, regardless of where a resident is in his Pathway journey.

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Homeless, come to Pathway off the street

Receive immersion and wraparound services

Focus on entry level employment

Phase 2 Strengthening Your Foundation •

Increase responsibility and independence in and out of the Pathway community

Reside in multi-tiered housing

Phase 3 Giving Back •

Provide peer-driven support to new residents

Reside in long-term housing (~ 3 years)

Become financially independent

Our Impact






Nearly 2000 clients served since 1991

Gainfully employed residents & graduates

Average earnings of $27,000 per year

Maintain Sobriety

Permanently housed graduates

Our Capacity In addition to Pathway’s carefully planned and well-managed growth, the current leadership of 27 years has administered over $8.8 million in housing and service grants, both public and private, and has maintained perfect compliance with current programs. Nearly 100 Hoosiers are off the streets each night thanks to Pathway’s six existing housing facilities, and even more will be helped with the addition of the seventh facility, the Pathway Expansion Project. Participants progress from short-term transitional housing to intermediate semi-independent living to long-term housing with an average stay of three years before becoming fully independent homeowners. Pathway is the only program in Indianapolis that provides multitiered, income-based, substance-free long-term housing, creating a complete continuum of care under one agency umbrella.

Existing ExistingBuilding Pathway East 32nd Street


Central Avenue

Pathway Expansion Project Optimizing existing resources

The Pathway Expansion Project will be located on the

will be energy efficient, created with sustainable

vacant lot already owned by Pathway and adjacent to

materials, and virtually maintenance-free, creating

an existing program. This will expand our community

cost savings for all. It will include 17 one-bedroom

and reduce project costs by using existing resources

apartments (577 sq-ft each) and four two-bedroom

to create 21 new affordable, substance-free, long-

apartments (902 sq-ft each), increasing Pathway’s

term housing units for individuals exiting short-

capacity from 94 to 115, collectively made up of 41

term transitional living programs. This new facility

transitional units and 74 long-term housing units.

Project costs Soft Costs (Architecture, Engineering, Legal, Developer, Mgt.) Hard Costs (Construction, Site work, General Requirements) Construction Contingency TOTAL

$312,000 $2,643,000 $200,000 $3,155,000

Pathway Expansion Project Rebuilding the neighborhood and surrounding community The Pathway Expansion Project project will not

new building will provide a brick-clad, 3-story urban

only help to rebuild the lives of its residents, but

infill structure to help re-establish the fabric of the

the project’s architecture and construction will also

neighborhood. The new building and landscaped

help to rebuild the neighborhood and surrounding

grounds will improve the neighborhood, and will

community. Located in an economically struggling

contribute to additional neighborhood development

neighborhood at 32nd Street & Central Avenue, the

and property value improvement.

Positive community impact: •

Community tax burdens become taxpayers

Increases affordable housing for formerly homeless and/or special needs populations

Contributes to local revitalization efforts of the Mapleton-Fall Creek neighborhood

Reduces costs to public safety and public healthcare systems by addressing crime, justice involvement, and health care emergencies associated with at-risk behaviors

Creates a community free from drugs, alcohol and crime, and fully supported by its residents

Colts Connection Center Prioritizing community at Pathway

The opposite of addiction is connection, therefore the Connection Center will provide a purpose-built gathering space for meetings, groups, fellowship, and recovery. Frequently relegated to church basements, this new 2,000 square foot space will accommodate residents of all Pathway programs, community partners and visitors, providing the resources and support necessary for long-term recovery. The opportunity to cover the overall cost for the Connection Center and receive naming rights is available for $500,000.

Purpose & Uses: •

Employment preparation and placement activities to promote self-sufficiency

Financial literacy, budgeting, credit and home-ownership counseling

Board, staff, resident, and community partner meetings

Recovery group 12-step meetings, including recovery yoga and meditation

Peer support and recovery coach training

Sully’s Story: A Testimonial Today I build the same jails and prisons that were once my home. I grew up in a military family with an alcoholic father. My parents divorced when I was 6 years old and when I turned 11, I never saw my mother again. My childhood was full of torment and abuse. I remember getting kicked out of the house off and on until I was 16, when I was kicked out for good. My first arrest was at 14, followed by 20 years of the same. I ended up in the system due to my addiction and landed in prison for four years. Thankfully, a counselor showed me “In my darkest times, Pathway was there for me. They are more than a program. Pathway is my family.”

compassion and encouraged me to do better. She reached out to Pathway so I wouldn’t end up on the streets. On July 18, 2018, I was dropped off at what was to be “my new home”. I walked in Pathway with no family, no friends, no money, no skills, and no idea how to support myself. They took me in, and the staff and residents became my family. Today my life is amazing. I completed parole, got my license back, became a full-time union iron worker and have my own Pathway apartment. I build the same jails and prisons that were once my home. I am fortunate enough to witness the same miracle that happened in my life in the lives of the new residents just like I was, only three short years ago.

Sully welding at the new multi-million dollar Vigo County Jail in Terre Haute.

Your Support Matters Housing and support play a critical role in the recovery process. A growing body of evidence points to the role housing plays as an essential platform for long-term impact. As noted by the US Interagency Council on Homelessness: “Stable housing is the foundation upon which people build their lives - absent a safe, decent, affordable place to live, it is next to impossible to achieve good health, positive education outcomes, or reach one’s economic potential.” (USICH, 2010) Recovery residences provide a safe, stable, community-based alternative for facilitating recovery at all stages of the recovery process. Research has documented positive recovery outcomes, along with significant cost savings. On behalf of the hundreds of Hoosiers Pathway helps each year, thank you for your support and for investing in their futures - and the future of our community.

Give online today at

For additional information, contact Sandy Jeffers, Executive Director

Sandy Jeffers, Executive Director

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